Send Nudes By Lucy Wormald (She/Her) It's early. You are in bed having an important pre-dinner nap when the request dings through your inbox. It is phrased politely, has the casualness of the well-versed, and is straight to the point. Send a pic? The request is instantly thrilling, sexy and sensual, albeit slightly at odds with the slovenly picture you are curating right now. The half-eaten bowl of noodles infusing the air with subtle notes of chicken and the overflowing laundry basket at the foot of your bed are not super conducive to the creation of sexyvibes. However, the texter is of significant sauciness in your life. You trust them and you think you may even love them. A pic is a warranted wish and one you are keen to grant. Outside your window a dog is barking. Cars are tooting and your flatmate is taking out the bins. The world is oblivious to the fact that inside your tiny wooden walls some serious art is about to be made. You jump out of bed and strip. The air is brisk. For a second as you stand cold and exposed in your room you consider: what the fuck am I doing? And then you realise the chill is making your nipples look fantastic.