Debate | Issue 9 | Trending | 2021

Page 18

Trending Recipes From TikTok You Should and Shouldn’t Try By Nam Woon Kim (he/him)

Mayo ramen

I use 'trending' generously here as some of these you’ve no doubt seen as early as last year. But, if people are still producing content about it then it’s fair game! Time flows differently on the internet where there’s something new trending every day while also beating the same dead horse for months. For your enjoyment, I set aside a Sunday afternoon and whipped some egg whites to put these viral recipes to the test. (You won’t find any recipes here because there’s a gazillion available online but I did include some tips.) Ranking scales from F (that’s bad) to S (that’s *chef kiss*).


Although I no longer regularly snack on this childhood staple of mine, I’m pleased to announce this dish is worth it, kind of. On paper, adding mayonnaise to a packet of instant noodles sounds like the most struggle of struggle meals. Hats off, though, to this marriage of two humble student-kitchen staples: kewpie mayo and your choice of ramen. The mayo is there mostly for texture and as far as ramen twists go, this one is worth having up your sleeve. Hot tip: Don’t use the full packet of ramen seasoning, go for like ⅔ or half. EASE






Frozen honey

Cloud bread

With my sweet tooth renewed this year, I couldn’t not try this food hack. It tastes like what it says on the tin so for my money, honey is better used elsewhere. A salad dressing. Toast. Ginger honey lemon tea. Not particularly life changing this one.

Much like whatever Netflix show is trending at the moment, no amount of token colour can save this snack. At least, according to the recipes you’ll find on Tiktok – there’s a version out there somewhere that probably salvages this dish. It’s literally just baked eggs.

Hot tip: As tempting as it may be, please don’t binge this.

Hot tip: Don’t make it.













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