I Listened to Every
Björ k
Album in One Sitting
Matth e w Bar n e y - Dr awin g Re st rain t 9 [20 0 5 ]
B y Lia m Ha n s e n ( he /him )
Bj ö rk G u ðm u n ds dót t ir is somehow legendary without being a star. There isn’t a specific song you can point to as a big hit, nor a specific point in time where an album took off. Hell, I feel like I can’t remember when I wasn’t aware of her existence. Unfortunately, my actual introduction to her music came through BL anime, scouring through the songs referenced in the episode titles of Given and becoming enamoured by her ‘Like Someone In Love’ cover. Tracks from her first three albums were solidified into my playlists from Year 11 onwards, but what about the rest of them? Are they better? Weirder? Worse? I have no clue, and I’ve always hated that fact up until now. Without any skips, I listened to them all.* Eight hours of pure, Icelandic, experimental art-pop. *Editor’s note: Only her studio discography was included, as much as we love the live albums too, Björk!