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WED 02.19.14



Whiteout — p. 2 Andrews sees worst winter in memory.

STUDENT MISSIONS “It is often seen as a big sacrifice to give a year for student missions...”

P. 3

GENERALS “It was rather anti-climactic. Quite possibly one of the dumbest ways to get tagged.”

P. 5



Meet the MHC Weight Lifting Contenders.

An important holiday occurred and some people felt a certain way about it.

P. 7

P. 8–9

CHARLES REID INTERVIEW “If you are an acting-singer, then you are that... It’s a part of who you are, and it’s a part of the gifts God gave you.” P. 10

A SINGLE PROBLEM “I’m so virginal they should name a non-alcoholic drink after me.”

P. 12




Timothy Hucks News Editor


Andrews Breaks All-Time Snowfall Record Fonda Mwangi | The Transporta-

tion and Grounds departments have been in charge of the vigorous work of clearing the roads, parking lots, sidewalks, and building entrances during one of the worst winters this campus has ever experienced. Since 1979, when Grounds first began recording snowfall, the highest record is 125 inches, which

we are not too far from at 124 inches of snow to date. Work usually begins around 3 a.m. for the Transportation Department, which is in charge of clearing roads and parking lots. Seven plows are sent out to clear the roads in the campus’s vicinity, and then the parking lots. Martin Bradfield, Manager of Transporta-

tion, says the employees including him work up to 16-hour days. There is a designated person who wakes up periodically throughout the night to check the weather and keep updated on the snowfall. Grounds takes care of over thirteen miles of sidewalk and patio areas along with 100 building entries. There are about twenty stu-

dent workers on call who come in at 5 a.m. to help with clearing the snow. Full time Grounds staff work about 50 to 60 hour weeks. Michael Villwock, Manager of Arboretum/Grounds Department, reports they have been on snow call 49 times this season, which is easily the record. This winter has been very costly for both departments.

Bradfield mentions that they have fa exceeded their budget. He says, “This is the harshest winter since I have been here, 14 years. As the winter season pushes on and the snow continues to pile up, remember to give credit where credit is due.”

WED 02.19.14





Eu Não Falo Inglês: Connecting with Our ESL Students Aliz Jimenez | Andrews University

is a multicultural campus. Home to more than 3,000 students that come from more than 90 countries, Andrews University tied for 9th in most international students and 2nd in Campus Ethnic Diversity among national universities, according to U.S. News and World Report in 2013. The TESL program (Teaching English as a Second Language) strives to help ESL students achieve their personal, academic, and professional objectives in a largely English-speaking environment. There are a variety of programs and classes that students can take, depending on their level of English that help to broaden their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills during the regular school year. The classes offered can be for students with basic, intermedi-

ate, or advanced levels of English. Classes try to emphasize all spectrums of English, with a primary focus on grammar and pronunciation. Class sizes tend to be smaller, 10-15 students, to be able to meet the needs of each individual student and to provide a comfortable environment for interaction. Not only are ESL students provided the opportunity to be taught by professionals who emphasize fluency and accuracy, but their time here helps them to enjoy friendships and relationships regularly, with native English speakers. Instructor of English, Asta LaBianca holds a Conversation Partner program, to help encourage interaction with English speakers. Students are able to ask questions about what it is like in the states or how things work specifically in America. ESL students also have

the opportunity to visit widely touristic spots, such as New York or Chicago, and see popular areas of America. Architecture student Jessica Felicio went through this transition and says that the experience of first coming to America was quite overwhelming. She says, “People tended to ask a lot of questions to try and get to know stuff about me… teachers show extra help too.” There were also times when she felt homesick or lonely, “I felt kind left out my first year….It was hard making friends with people who didn’t speak the same language.” With time however, many students learn to make friends and adjust to a whole new environment. At the end of the ESL program, students are awarded with a certificate of completion and are able to choose a major and continue with their studies.

that this semester’s weather has been quite unusual. These unusual temperatures of “-35 with windchill” and the snow storms we have been having have been difficult for not only the students, but also the faculty, staff, and Plant Services. Andrews University Provost, Andrea Luxton, said there was not much that could be done about the four days of school lost from this winter, but she adds, “Hey, it’s historic.” Deciding what is considered a snow day or not takes into account multiple factors. Two factors that are taken into account is the capacity to be able to have school and the safety of all the students and faculty. Dr. Luxton says that the faculty considers the blizzard procedures available, as well as what transportation has to say about the weather. County conditions are consistently monitored as well as other neighboring schools. Several comparative universities that Andrews looks at include Western Michigan, Hope College, and Notre Dame. These comparative universities are similar to Andrews in that they are also residential and will usually follow the same guidelines as Andrews University does. Once all of these factors have been considered a recommendation is brought to the President of An-

drews and a final decision is made between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. Having four days of school cancelled within the last month and a half of school is unheard of. Many have questioned whether we will have to make up for them with a shorter spring break, having class on President’s Day or to extend when school ends to a later date. However, Dr. Luxton has made it clear that for most students additional classes won’t be added. Certain teachers may require students

Student Missions? Alpaca My Bags! Tawanna Persaud | Student Mis-

It’s Snow Problem Aliz Jimenez | It is quite evident


to meet an extra class on President’s day or some other time. It all depends on the class and faculty. For those classes that may be once a week, they may truly be suffering from these snow days, as well as many science classes. “Science folks, social work, graduate programs—they may be taking advantage of President’s Day to make up for lost lectures and or labs” says Dr. Luxton, but as for an official make up day, it really is up to the teachers that may want to do that.

sions give students the opportunity to serve others, expand their worldview, and provide personal and spiritual growth. Many students from Andrews University have chosen to take that route and have reported the year absence from school volunteering abroad was well worth it. Moreover, the student missions coordinator, Mindy Kissinger, adds, “It is often seen as a big sacrifice to give a year for student missions, but I would argue that our previous SMs would tell you that they gained much.” Ashok Willmott, a senior accounting major, describes his experience as a student dean in Denmark at a boarding school was fun. He went to Denmark partially because he was tired of the “daily grind of school” and wanted to “revamp” his relationship with God, as well as his desire to be challenged with an opportunity to grow. It was an overall positive experience for him and gave him more confidence. Another past Student Missionary during the 2011-2012 school

year, Shervon St.Brice, a junior international development major, who was a teacher in the Federated States of Micronesia, described his experience as eventful. He was inspired by one of Pastor Nelson’s series focused on student missions. He reasoned going out to help and possibly becoming closer to God was a sufficient enough reason for taking a year off from school. Kissinger has also been involved in various mission projects. “I believe I gained experience with people that I may have never otherwise experienced. It is important to step outside your comfort zone, because often that is what causes us to grow and recognize our strength,” she says. Yet, it does seem like AU has the fewest number of student missionaries sent abroad. Kissinger responds to this by communicating, “I do not believe AU has the fewest student missionaries; there are other Adventist universities that do not send as many long term missionaries as us.” Both St.Brice and Willmott were asked why it may seem that

AU does not have a huge number of students abroad. Their response point to the evidence that AU students are very academically driven. St.Brice recommends, student missions “should be encouraged more in every department.” Willmott admits that “it is surprising” that AU may not have a solid number of student missionaries abroad. However, it is a personal decision and students come to college with the primary focus to study. SM week will be in the last week of February. If someone is interested in becoming a student missionary they can email Mindy Kissinger at studentmission@ me.com; or, stop by the campus ministries office. Also, to learn more about available opportunities, another option would be to go to hesaidgo.org.

Speaker Coming to Halenz Hall Dana Rodman | Dr. Roddy of Loma

Linda University School of Medicine will be on campus Monday, February 24th through Wednesday, February 26th to talk with students PHOTO BY TIMOTHY DOLAN

concerning a career in medicine. Please come by the Chemistry office (Halenz Hall 225) to schedule a half-hour consultation with Dr. Roddy to discuss your medical

school options. Alternate sign-up sheets are available at the MLS office and at the Biology office.




Generally Speaking Zack Babb | Generals. As some-

Jaime Vargas Ideas Editor

body who likes to get things done, it would be nice if I didn’t have to take them in college. Just moving on and concentrating on my major would be a step in the right direction. Now granted, there are some classes that are useful, and some that I like, and maybe some that I need. Even classes that I don’t like do serve a purpose. In this day and age, generals are necessary. But what if they didn’t have to be? What if, by the time we all got to university, we were done with our generals? Some of you came here with a fair amount of

credits under your belt. This puts you a step ahead. I came in with four, due to having taken a dualcredit class in high school. I’m glad that I have those four credits. They save me from having to take a life science lab, for one. But what if we all came in with 25 credits finished? What if the education we got in high school actually counted for something academic other than helping us prepare for the ACT/SAT? According to the statis-

tics from PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) in fall 2012, when the US is compared with the 34 countries that are members of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) we ranked 17th in reading, 21st in science, and 26th in math, and we fell from 14th in reading since 2009. We don’t have

to be the best at everything, but it would be nice for those among us who won’t live here forever to be brought up in a system that helps us out a little more in regards to academics when we go to other countries. Some of us (or our children, perhaps) will go abroad and have to interact and compete in those places. A better education gives people a better chance for success. If our high school education was more sound, perhaps once we got to

“What if, by the time we all got to university, we were

college we would be able to just get to doing what we need to be doing, and get on with our lives. Generals would no longer be necessary because all of us would already have had them, or their equivalents, in high school. This could potentially make room for even higher learning once we got to institutions such as this one. Our education would advance. In truth, though, the situation could be worse. American education isn’t horrible, and there are opportunities for advancement. But imagine what it would look like if we aimed just a little bit higher.

done with our generals?”

Paris Rollins | I recently picked up

“Who would be better to properly Robbie Polski | General educa-

tion requirements sometimes feel like an unwanted, mutated foot in our education system. Thinking of hundreds of dollars per credit hour draining into the university’s hands for subjects I didn’t necessarily choose to take doesn’t, at first thought, strike a melodious tune in my heart. But I have to admit a few perks I’ve seen in the broad curriculum we have at Andrews. Who would be better to properly introduce us to a particular subject than experts in that field? The professors at a university have committed their entire lives to their subject matter through research and practical training. Our least favorite subjects could be introduced with a sense of excitement and rigor that we haven’t seen before, and those areas we find some interest in could be opened up to entirely new levels through the hands of a master. The university establishes a firm base that is grounded in the Gen Eds that all of us must pass through in order to be considered honored graduates. Realistically, every job will require a diverse range of knowledge, and it’s our responsibility to learn about more than our direct interests. Little do many people realize that, for instance, scientists should be fluent writers, and everyone needs to know basic math for money management and other

introduce us to a particular subject than experts in that field?”

simple tasks. If I wasn’t required to take a diverse set of classes, I wouldn’t use as many opportunities as I should to learn about health or writing, for example. Despite these benefits, there still are some issues. The skills learned in Info Tech, which I have quite fortunately avoided, should be integrated into other classes because of their widespread use, for instance. But I believe we can make the best out of our situations by taking advantage of the choices we have. I, for one, am currently taking a religion class on reconciling science and theology, which I find awesome! If we make our Gen Ed classes interesting to us, perhaps our time spent here wouldn’t be so laborious.

a copy of Divergent, the first book in a dystopian trilogy by Veronica Roth. The series is set in a postapocalyptic, ramshackle version of Chicago. The members of this broken society come to different conclusions about what caused their downfall. Some believe it was due to cowardice. Others believe dishonesty was the problem. Yet others cite selfishness, hatred, or stupidity. Chicago’s residents are arranged into groups (called factions) based on their belief about whether bravery, honesty, selflessness, kindness, or intelligence is the most important hallmark of a successful society. Citizens choose a faction during adolescence and remain with that group for the rest of their lives. Faction members have jobs that correspond with their collective worldview—for example, members of Erudite, the intelligence faction, may become doctors, teachers, or researchers. They only marry within their own faction. There is a nearly unanimous dismissal of any real merit in the other factions. Different factions rarely interact and tolerate each other simply because it is necessary for everyone’s survival. On the rare occasions when they do come into

“Generals help us to

develop an

appreciation for other fields of


contact with others, they are unable to relate to others’ ways of life. This would be the world without general education requirements. Okay, so perhaps it’s improbable that the United States would become a Divergent Chicago if Gen Eds were nixed. Nevertheless, generals help us to develop an appreciation for other fields of study and an understanding of how our chosen path connects us to the rest of the world. I’m a behavioral neuroscience student with plans to be a surgeon. In my future career, my medical expertise will be a vital part of my success. However, I have to be more than just knowledgeable in my field to be a good physician— or a well-rounded person for that matter. I need to know how to interact with and relate to people from all walks of life. I need to write well for other professionals to take me seriously. I need to be able to speak confidently in public settings. To be an informed citizen, I need to understand how government works and know enough history to analyze current events. I need to be physically fit. I need to know why I bother believing in the Bible and Jesus and Adventism. These are all things my general education classes have sought to teach me. I do think some classes should be replaced with more relevant ones. I did my fair share of complaining about a required class that taught skills I had mastered by 6th grade. But if not for Gen Eds, I probably wouldn’t have adopted photography as a hobby or learned how much I enjoy writing. Furthermore, I would have missed out on meeting some pretty cool people from other departments. For me, the benefits outweigh the frustration of one or two irrelevant classes.

WED 02.19.14





What are your thoughts on the general education requirements?

Roshan Abbadasari

Jordan Stewart

William Becton

Yeongmin Han

Zack Sloan

Year: Junior Major: MLS / Pre-Med “I think it’s important to do your gen ed courses. I feel that when you’re getting an education, you’re supposed to be getting a holistic education…maybe the first couple of years would be nice, but having gen eds that are excessive and that dig in to your actual course load or that hinder you from completing classes that you’re supposed to be completing for your major, I think that is not a good idea…”

Year: Senior Major: History “The gen ed program is nice depending on where you are in your academic career. Coming out of high school, it refreshes your knowledge, but later on when you have certain classes to take before graduating, it’s more of an annoyance so…it’s a blessing early on but after a while it prevents you from dealing with the main things in… your major.”

Year: Freshman Major: Biology “I think it’s good because it helps me to meet other students that I probably wouldn’t have met outside of my own major or any other class that I would have taken. It’s also good because it can help people to figure out what major they may actually want to go into. If your major doesn’t work out, then you can find out through the gen ed program what major you might want to do.”

Year: Sophomore Major: Pre-Physical Therapy “Gen ed classes are very different in a variety of ways…it’s important for the students because it gives them a broader view of the things that they can do…they might want to go into biology pre-med and then they take a fine arts class just for a gen ed, and then they realize they want to [change]. It just gives them a little more option to explore different classes other than just focusing on one subject all the way through undergrad.”

Year: Freshman Major: Computing “I think gen ed classes are important because they allow you to learn more information about general knowledge that a student should have or just be well-learned in many areas of study.”

willing to admit it when they do make mistakes and move on past them. I realize these are things we’ve been hearing since we were little kids, but when was the last time you heard an adult asking another for forgiveness or admitting a mistake he or she made? It seems that the older we get, we tend to be less and less inclined to make amends or admit our faults and errors. Sometimes the awkwardness of confrontation holds us back, or maybe our pride insists on convincing us that Sally Jane or Billy Bob did more wrong to us than we did to them. Thus begins a cycle of resentment and blame that only breeds more of the same feelings

until someone decides to break it by letting go or asking for forgiveness if need be. I think of this past week’s campus-wide game of themed tag that many students decided to partake in. As it goes with most trial runs of anything, mistakes were made. And as it goes with most games, rules are sometimes unknowingly broken. Whether it was because of unforeseen advantages, unexpected rule changes, or unorganized gameplay, there were times when tensions rose as students felt they had been cheated or the game had been made unfair. I can’t say I wasn’t tempted to give my own unmerited hyper-critical

analysis of the game whenever I felt the game was becoming something I didn’t approve of. Perhaps it could have been better. Perhaps I need to pull up my pants and learn to play the game. Probably the latter. Regardless, I was refreshed to see AU students reconciling with one another, whether it be online or in person, and having genuine fun and fellowship as both sides got together to do missions or just hang out at the Student Center. I was reminded that mistakes are mistakes, and the bitterness and resentment that follow them can only follow you if you choose to let them do so. So yes, I will strive to accept my

A Good Game Jaime Vargas | It was rather anti-

climactic. Quite possibly one of the dumbest ways to get tagged. Thinking he was still neutral, I stood close to him as he gave a fellow spectator a hug. And then it happened. He reached over said spectator’s shoulder and gave me the decisive and fatal tap. The deed was done. My admiration for his stealthy maneuver was overshadowed by the passive yet pervasive wave of disappointment that passed over me as I realized that my winning streak had ended rather abruptly. All it took was letting my guard down. One simple, tiny mistake, and it was over. Errors. Blunders. Fumbles.

The Super Bowl. Whatever you call them, we’ve all done them at some time or another. For example, I’m actually writing this editorial primarily because I thought this week’s topic was actually next week’s topic. Guess who just lost one and a half hours? Point is, mistakes are a part of our lives, and if you or I ever have the audacity to say that we’ve never made one or have never been wrong… well, that’d be a bold-faced lie, or I’d suggest we change our measuring sticks. Mistakes haunt us, and perhaps a characteristic of the wise and the mature isn’t that they live mistakefree lives, but rather that they’re

unfortunate tag with a good attitude, and I hope that AU can accept that in a tainted world, even things as small as recreation can fall short. Games are still games and mistakes are simply mistakes. Just remember to learn from them, improve on them, to grant forgiveness, and to ask for forgiveness. Break the cycle of bitterness and resentment, and don’t forget to come together at the end of the day to have a few laughs over a game well played.




For a full schedule, visit www.aucardinals.com


Men’s Basketball:

Women’s Basketball:

Feb. 4 Cardinals vs. Indiana Dabney University Cancelled Feb. 11 Cardinals vs. Great Lakes Christian College W 90-65 Feb. 13 Cardinals vs. Moody Bible Institute W 70-41

Jan. 30 Cardinals vs. Grace Bible College L 29-68 Feb. 2 Cardinals vs. Saint Mary Of-The-Woods College L 24-83 Feb. 13 Cardinals vs. Moody Bible Institute L 34-68

Men’s Basketball:

Women’s Basketball:

Feb. 18 Cardinals vs. Indiana University Northwest 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20 Cardinals vs. Olivet College 7:30 p.m. Feb. 22 Cardinals vs. Moody Bible Institute 9:00 p.m. (Senior Night)

Feb. 18 Cardinals vs. Indiana University Northwest 5:30 p.m. Feb. 20 Cardinals vs. Grace Bible College 5:30 p.m. Feb. 22 Cardinals vs. Moody Bible Institute 7:00 p.m.


Faster than a Speeding Bullet

Tim McGuire Sports Editor

Robert Rivers | Tim McLean, a

junior English major and History minor, has many identifying traits—one of which is his ability to walk faster than most. McLean says “I speed-walk because it’s like second nature to me. When I was younger, my mom would speedwalk all the time and I just naturally learned too.” During these days of severely cold weather, arguably the most difficult task of the day is walking

Volleyballin’ with Class Name: Ashley Breetzke

Class: Sophomore Major: Elementary Education and Visual Arts

What are some things that you’ve learned from the class so far?

Proper technique, fun facts about the history of volleyball, rules of the game, practicing skills.

Interviewed by: Tim McLean What gym class are you currently taking?

Volleyball. Approximately how many people are in the class?

Maybe like twenty. Mostly girls. There is one guy.

Are there a lot of weird rules to volleyball that you never knew about?

I’ve learned a lot of rules at open gym. Setting, receiving the ball below your chest is carrying, you can be called on for spinning the ball wrong. Is the class fun?

If the class time was divided into a pie chart, what would be the percentage of how class time is spent?

Ten percent set up and take down, thirty percent is warm up and quiz, sixty percent actual volleyball skills and games and such.

Yes, it’s super-duper. You can quote me on that. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Coach Paddock is always willing to take the time to explain the techniques, and is patient with the students. PHOTO BY JOELLE ARNER

to and from our classes. McLean says “Speed walking helps when the cold is unbearable. I like to get to and from class in as quick of a time as possible.” McLean has timed himself to see how long it takes to get to class. He says, “It usually takes me less than five minutes to get from the dorm to any of the buildings on campus, granted I have no classes in Chan Shun or the Science Complex.” Speed walking gets a great rec-

ommendation from McLean, “I would highly recommend other people to speed walk as it works out your leg muscles and gets you to class faster.” If you have a very tight schedule, speed walking could be beneficial to help get you to class on time and get a quick cardio workout in before and after your classes, while also getting you out of the cold as quickly as possible.

WED 02.19.14



Name: Adam Buchholz

What kind of gains have you made since last year?



The Weight of Glory: MHC Lifting Preview


Name: Jonathan Rodman

Class: Sophomore Major: Pre-Physical Therapy Hometown: Warrenton, VA Height: 5’8 Weight: 230lbs What motivated you to begin lifting?

I was out of shape as a young teenager. I was chunky and often made fun of. Then I started soccer and sort of leaned out, but I wasn’t very big and muscular. Eventually, I ran into a friend of mine whose dad was a professional weight-lifting coach, so from there I began training with them. What has been your preparation like within the last year?

Since last year I have been working on powerlifting, doing bench, squatting, and deadlifts, overall just power movements. I didn’t train specifically for this event, but in the future I’m working to compete in powerlifting settings, maybe competing in a full meet down the road. Specifically for this meet, I have just lifted heavy and gone hard. Consistency is the key.

What kind of gains have you made since last year?

Since last year, I have gained 29 pounds and am around the same body fat percentage. I’ve gone soaring through the roof with my weights, and I’ve put a good deal on my bench [with] considerable power difference and better form. What are your goals for this competition; what are you aiming to hit?

My goals are to lift more than I did last year, and I am pretty much repping the weight I did last year. I’m looking to bench around fifty pounds more. That would be fairly reasonable. Just going a whole bunch of vanilla gorilla and all kinds of crazy in there, and just doing my best. Win or lose, where will you go after the event?

Right back to the gym, right back to the gym, and just fight it out every single day. Every day is a new day. Wake up and decide whether or not you’re going to go to bed satisfied that night that you worked hard enough that day. That goes for any part of my life: am I going to put 100 percent in? Win or lose, I’m going to go right back at it and train hard.

Name: Sten D. Andersen CPT

Class: Senior Major: Exercise Science Hometown: Hamar, Norway Height: 6’3 Weight: 220lbs What motivated you to begin lifting?

I was never the biggest when I was young, so that was one of the first motivators. Another motivator was watching the Rocky movies, and I was like ‘Wow, this is awesome! I want to get swole.’ All I cared about from then was whatever it took to get bigger. What has been your preparation within the last year?

My preparation has not been as good as I wanted it to be. I’ve been keeping at it steady, following the plan that I had laid out, but the problem is I got an injury at one point which set me out of training for about two months. Since healing from the injury, I have had about six weeks of training. [I’m] still feeling it a little bit, but it doesn’t really matter because I’m getting the best I can be.

What kind of gains have you made since last year?

I’ve gotten stronger at everything except for benching. My rep strength has gotten a lot better than it was before. What are your goals for this competition; what are you aiming to hit?

The most important goal is to get better than I was last year; anything lower is a huge disappointment. I am going to start with an easy lift just to get myself on paper with something like three plates (315lbs), and then after that, I will hit more than I did last year (330 pounds)...After that you can take a guess.

Class: Senior Major: Computer Science Hometown: Cambria, WI Height: 6’0 Weight: 210lbs What motivated you to begin lifting?

I just wanted to get in better shape, more muscular. Being on Gymnics since sophomore year has made me want to get stronger to be a better base. What has been your preparation like within the last year?

Mostly just lifting for strength and size, just trying to get bigger and put on more muscle mass. I’ve done a lot more powerlifting as well.

Last spring I was cutting down, so I weighed a lot less—about 185 pounds. Since then, I’ve put on about 25 pounds. I’ve made about 100 pound gains on deadlifts and about 30 pounds of bench. I’ve just put on a lot of mass in the last year. What are your goals for this competition; what are you aiming to hit?

In this competition, I plan on putting up at least 300, I would love to be able to put up 315 just to have three plates on each side, I would be the happiest with that goal. Win or lose, where will you go after the event?

After that, I plan on cutting back the mass and bulking and start getting more cut for summer, hopefully get a six pack here in a month or two. Hopefully not lose too much mass, but still lose all of the extra fat that I have accumulated.

Win or lose, where will you go after the event?

I’m going to do my workout; there’s no time off. It’s traps and hamstrings on Sundays, so that’s what I’m going to do. Never stop, always progressing, got to do whatever it takes to be a champion.

The MHC Annual Bench Press Competition takes place on Sunday, February 23 at 3:00pm, in the Beaty Gymnasium. It is open to all MHC Members. Rewards include free shirts, free food, prizes, bragging rights. Spectators Welcome.




The Game of Love Jordan Price | For Justin and Dan-

iela (DD), the competitive spirit in their relationship is real. “[Two years ago] we met in the Student Center,” Justin explained, “playing cards with some people. She has a love for cards, so it drew her eye to come over and play with us… What got my attention, though, was that she started beating me in

couple shared the things they like to do for fun together like watch movies, chill out in in the rec center, and just hang out together in a general sense. DD mentioned that they love to play ping pong and Uno, amongst a variety of other games together, and just how competitive it really gets. Justin stated, “A normal game of Uno

Dakota Hall Humans Editor


the game! [Laughs.]” Together for a little over two years, DD stated that, once again, Valentine’s Day would be a surprise. “He won’t tell me, ever, no matter how hard I try. I try to slip it into the conversation but it never works!” she expressed. So as for plans for Valentine’s Day, DD was just going to have to wait. In the meantime, however, the

gets so heated [laughs].” The couple, later on, went to share a funny incident for the both of them. “… She couldn’t remember my name the first time we met.” Justin stated. “Oh yeah, I didn’t,” DD confirmed jokingly. “Because we met that day playing cards and there were two guys with dreads playing cards and Justin had short-

er dreads two years ago…I could only remember the other guy’s name and for, like, two hours no one would tell me!” DD stated. Two years later, Justin still did not know how she found out. DD revealed that she solved the mystery by texting a mutual friend during the game. When the couple was individually asked to tell one thing they liked about each other from the beginning, Justin said first, “She’s competitive. I can actually try. She doesn’t let me win and I liked and still like that.” DD stated thereafter, “He’s really down-to-earth. He’s always relaxed and really open.” The two lovebirds wrapped it all up by offering a couple pieces of advice for other couples out there or even singles, who will more than likely invest in a relationship at one point in their lifetime. “Just be yourself. You don’t have to try to impress the person because, if you’re yourself and they still like you, then it’ll all be fine,” DD offered. “Just be open with each other, talk with each other, and don’t keep things bottled up inside. If you keep secrets and let them boil over, that’s no good. Yeah, and just chill. People get upset at foolish reasons, so just relax,” Justin advised. “Yeah, he [Justin] always makes me talk about stuff even if I’m mad and that’s good.” DD added on. The Pre-PT [DD] and Journalism [Justin] majoring couple planned to make the most out of their Valentine’s Day as well as every other day ahead; which is a reminder to all, that every day is a good day to show someone how much you care.

Romance ≠ Love Isabel Stafford | Ah, Valentine’s

Day: one of the few days of the year when publicly expressing your love for someone is not only acceptable, but expected. With roses, chocolate, and romance, what’s not to like about Valentine’s Day? Plenty, according to physics major Belinda Cheeseboro. Although she doesn’t have anything against couples acting romantic, she dislikes both Valentine’s Day’s focus on romantic love and its rampant commercialism. Anyone who’s ever stepped into a store during the month of February has first-hand experience with the excessively commercialized holiday, but most people just grimace at the piles of pink decorations, take advantage of the chocolate sales, and move on. Belinda’s objection

to Valentine’s commercialization runs deeper than that, however. In every pile of ribbon-wrapped chocolate, running through every gushy romantic ad for jewelry, she sees an underlying message: this is what women want, this is what couples do, and this is how love is expressed. Belinda disagrees with that message. In her opinion, Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be so focused on gifts of jewelry and roses, and it shouldn’t focus on romantic love to the exclusion of all else. What about friendship? Family? Romantic love isn’t tthe only type worth celebrating, but Belinda feels that people who aren’t part of a romantic pairing often feel isolated and alienated on Valentine’s Day, even when they’re surrounded by car-

ing friends. In the last couple years, Belinda has taken to creatively and dramatically expressing her dislike of Valentine’s Day. Last year, she abandoned the stereotypical pinkand-red Valentine’s outfit in favor of a punk-gothic look, featuring black clothes and a spiky six-inch Mohawk. In the future, she plans to keep celebrating Valentine’s Day like this, almost like a second Halloween. Dressing up in outrageous outfits is a fun way to bring attention to what Valentine’s should mean as a holiday that celebrates love, rather than one that glorifies romantic love. She hopes to spread a bit of love by being equally kind to everyone on Valentine’s, as well making people smile with her overthe-top Valentine’s Day outfits.


An Engagement in Creativity Abigail Arkusinski

Age: 21 Major: Visual Art with emphasis in Fine Art Class: Senior Jeanmark Kessler

Age: 22 Majors: Speech-language Pathology and Theology Class: Senior How did you meet?

Jeanmark: We had taken Western Heritage together our freshman year, but we never talked. Abigail: I knew of him, but we weren’t really friends yet. Jeanmark: At the start of sophomore year, Abigail was out on the grass behind Lamson Hall on a Sabbath afternoon. I was walking back from PMC, and I stopped by, just to say “hi.” Abigail: And eight hours later, we were STILL talking. How long have you been going out?

Abigail: One week later, we talked for hours again. At the end, he said “I have come to like you, and my family is going to be in town this weekend, and I want you to meet them.” Jeanmark: Yeah, I moved fast. Abigail: He moved faaast. On the third conversation we ever had, he finally asked me out. Jeanmark: It’s been almost two and half years now. How did you propose?

Jeanmark: Dead Friday last school year, spring semester. I proposed to her in the biology greenhouse

on top of the Science Complex. Abigail: He was not nervous at all. I was freaking out the whole time. We got to the Science Complex, and as I walked to the stairs, he said “Let’s take the elevator.” So I walked to the elevator, and my friends pulled me inside, and Jeanmark walked up the stairs, without me. Jeanmark: Abigail has friends from her school in New Mexico who wrote this song, called “Boys and Bugs,” about what they would like in a guy. She had teased me because I fit almost every single one of the things on the list. Abigail: He had never bought me flowers until that point, EVER. Jeanmark: For my proposal, I knew I MUST have flowers. So, I planted flowers throughout the greenhouse so I could pick them while we were in there. I had the song playing in my pocket. When she met me at the top of the stairs, we walked around the greenhouse and picked the flowers with the music playing. I asked her there, and then we were engaged. What will your wedding be like?

Jeanmark: We’re having it on December 19, which is a Friday night. Abigail: We recently started to bless each other every Friday night, as a way to welcome Sabbath. It’s important to me that we incorporate things into our wedding that represent us, rather than having traditions that don’t mean anything. Jeanmark: Also, it’s going to be in New Mexico, where Abigail grew up. Because it will be at night, we’re going to have a lot of lights around us.

WED 02.19.14



lines cheering me on, and he knew I wasn’t going to get there until Sabbath morning. So his big thing was, “you can’t show up without having shaved and cleaned up to meet the woman you’re going to marry some day.” So I stopped at a WalMart and picked up some towels and whatever so I could at least stop somewhere and freshen up. The theory was I’d stop at a rest area, but when I got into Alberta all the rest areas were closed for the winter. So the final part of my journey was stopping at each rest area to see if it was open—and none of them were. Finally, about 6:30 on a snowy morning I pulled into the town where the campus is, and found an open bathroom at a service station, where I attempted to shave. But I did not do it well.




A Winter’s Tale Stephen Payne

Vice-President for Integrated Marketing and Communication Dalry Payne

Executive Assistant to the President How long have you been married?

S: Seven and a half years. D: The numbers are so low we’re going with fractions. S: We got married on July 16, 2006. How long ago did you first lay eyes on each other?

S: Our paths crossed in the late 90s, but we never really had a conversation until matchmakers intervened years later. Matchmakers intervened? How did that work?

S: One was the young lady, Carol Jean-Baptiste, who eventually replaced me at Canadian University College when I came to Andrews. D: She was a good friend of mine, and had been a student worker of mine early on. S: And she had been my student worker as well. So when she began matchmaking, she knew that both of us had been on our own for awhile...The other one was Randal Wisbey [currently president of La Sierra University]. Dalry had worked as his interim administrative assistant when he came in as president [at Canadian University College], and he’s been my friend since my freshman year of college at Walla Walla. So both of these friends, unbeknownst to each other, began to talk to both of us, by email and phone calls, about each other, saying “you guys need to meet each other.” D: Here’s the backstory: I had been on my own for a couple of years, and I was having my evening devotions, and I was of the mindset that I was finished with being married—I got a cat. And I was reading through Isaiah when—and of course you always pray first and I was open to God’s leading and whatever happens there—I was in chapter 54, verse 2, and it refers to “making your tent larger, move the stakes and make it bigger.” My instant thought was God was saying “make room in your life, someone’s coming.” And I thought “no no no no, Dalry, come on.” And so I prayed again and I started to read, and I said earnestly “God, I want to get past that. I want to know what you have for me.” And it all but

leaped of the pages. I really struggled with that for quite some time. And this was before the name of Stephen Payne had been planted in your head by this friend?

D: Yes. This was before Christmas, 2005. So after a couple of days of wrestling with this, I said “Ok God. If this is what you want, but I’m not interested in playing the field, going on the internet, or anything like that. Just send me one. If you want me to have someone, you’re going to have to pick him. Just send me one.” And I thought I should start praying for him, whoever he was, so I did, every morning, every night. And then my friend Carol called after Christmas, and she said “do you think you’re ready to date?” And I thought, “well, I guess I should be open.” I hadn’t said anything [about my Isaiah experience] to anybody. She started talking to me about Stephen. She told me about how he was interested in the arts, classical concerts, that sort of thing—and I had eight years of ballet training—and I thought, well, this could be interesting. So she immediately called Stephen and said “you need to contact Dalry.” But he didn’t, for over a month. So I was dismissing it out of my mind, and I would pray “God, take this out of my mind; this is ridiculous.” But God has such a sense of humor. I worked in the Advancement office, and my boss brought in a huge box of photos, and said “Archives wants these identified, so can you please write the names on the backs.” So I asked who the pictures were of, and he said, “it’s photos from the mid 90s, a bunch of photos of Stephen Payne.” So I said something like “ok, I remember him.” Then the next day I was doing some work and I couldn’t remember a student’s last name, but I knew when he graduated, so I pulled the yearbook off the shelf and cracked it open, and that was the year they dedicated the book to Stephen Payne, and that was the page I had opened to. Then, the next day, we were in the middle of our phonathon campaign, and my assistant had been working through stacks of stuff, and there was a big stack of papers, and I thought what in the world is that? And so I thought I’d just cut the stack and see who was in there. It as a stack of papers about a foot thick, and I cut the deck, and there was his caller form, his name. And this was before your first conversation?

D: Yes. So finally I just laughed and I said “ok, ok, he’s the one.”

Scott Moncrieff Faculty Advisor

S: Our only actual near conversation when I had worked there was when she had tried to get some gum from me and I turned the other way. D: He was passing out gum and he looked away, and I thought “ok, only for students, I get it.” So I just kept walking. D: That March was when President Andreasen temporarily resigned, and it was all the buzz up at CUC, so Carol and Stephen had been in communication about that. We had a faculty meeting and Carol told me that Stephen was so stressed with all this going on, and I said “well that explains it. I’ve really been impressed to pray for him a lot lately.” So then she called Stephen and said “you should know that Dalry’s been praying for you.” Then he sent me his first email, which said, in essence, “thank you for your prayers.” He’s a writer; it was very sweet. And he didn’t disguise the fact that people had been urging him to contact me. He knew that I knew, and I knew that he knew. So let’s hear from your side, Stephen, about how things got rolling.

S: A day or two after the board meeting related to the Andreasen situation, I had gone to pick up something at Apple Valley and Carol called me, and she says “I just want you to know Dalry’s praying for you.” So I thought maybe I had better write her, but I was thinking how do you start a conversation at this point? D: And you’re not 14 anymore. S: I was over at University Relations [as it was then called] late into the night, maybe Wednesday or Thursday, and I thought I should probably write to thank her for praying for me, and make a little small talk, however you can, in email. So then we started writing— a lot in the first day—and then Sabbath we talked on the phone for the first time. For how long? Six hours? D: Nine hours, with bathroom breaks. S: So from there, how do you carry on a courtship when one person is in western Canada and me here? It was clear that there was a connection, so the next question was how do we see each other? We thought sooner was better than later. I looked into air tickets, and they were expensive, so two weeks later I had the clever thought that I could drive to Alberta [1740 miles


and 27 hours—in good weather— according to Google Maps]. D: It was the end of March, and there was a blinding snowstorm. S: So I figured “I can do it.” I used to go on big family trips across the country, and so I left on a Thursday evening, about 6 or 7, and the snowstorm is hitting western Canada, and I was going through Montana, pre GPS, and all I had was a MapQuest map. You were driving all night?

S: I’d just stop and take naps. So I got into Montana and it was clear I was going to be late, so I tried to call Dalry, and at that point I had Nextel and there was no phone service in Montana, and furthermore there were no payphones. I remember driving for an hour to two, through the wilds of eastern Montana, and I’d drive into a little town and there’d be no payphone; I’d drive into a rest stop and the payphone had been taken out. Finally somewhere we connected. The other part of the story is that Randal Wisbey was on the side-

D: He missed a perfect triangle on his chin. S: I did kind of a camping shower with a small metal sink. An hour or so later we met each other, and went to church, and then I lost consciousness.

S: I like scheming about how to celebrate different events, and since we hadn’t known each other at Christmas and hadn’t know each other at Valentines, then we had “delayed Christmas” on one day and Valentines on another. D: He brought a gift bag for each evening, four evenings. So the Christmas bag had a Christmas candle, a Charlie Brown DVD, and a Christmas music CD. The guy is a romantic. The next day was “Valentines,” so he had a mixed CD—that was the first time I heard Norah Jones, so it was all that kind of music. And the last night he gave me his academy letterman’s jacket. You asked about “how do you keep a relationship strong?” He still does stuff like that. He’s still the same guy that came and saw me for the first time in Alberta. S: That summer we got married in Don and Rebecca May’s backyard. D: Randal Wisbey performed the ceremony.



Arts & Entertainment

Matthew Chacko Arts & Entertainment Editor


Charles Reid on Opera and Calling Interview by Shanelle Kim What made you want to pursue a career in music?

Honestly, I was always interested in musical things, but I wanted to have a career in electronic engineering, like audio recording and techie-type work for theatrical productions or rock bands. That was my plan, and so I always say that God had other plans for me, because He opened doors, and I started to become involved in music. I was already active in music when it dawned on me that maybe this was something I would do, and it happened in college for me. I’d been in several opera productions before I’d ever seen one, and it was around my sophomore year in college when I started to think maybe the singing thing would be a realistic avenue for me, and I started to explore the world of classical music for the first time, really. In what ways can opera be made more accessible to this generation, and how can more young people be encouraged to give it another chance?

That is the image that a lot of people give, that it’s an old art form for old people. I think it’s kind of not true. I was just at the Lyric Opera in Chicago a couple weeks ago and probably a third of the people there were young people wearing jeans. Most of the people that say things about opera being inaccessible and stuffy have never been to an opera, have never heard music from an opera outside of movie scores where they don’t know that they’re hearing opera music.

Or they’re basing it on some PBS special or American Idol with a “twelve-year-old soprano” who is not an opera singer. I get the question, but at the same time, I would turn it around and say, if you think the opera is boring, but you’ve never been, maybe you should try it. Because, from a purely statistical standpoint, opera is a growing industry among young people. Tell us about your experience with the Metropolitan Opera, most recently your role as Demetrius in The Enchanted Island.

I’ve sung with a lot of opera companies. At the Met, for example, the role of Demetrius was a cover. I was the guy who was ready to go on if the guy who was doing it got sick, so that presents its own unique set of issues. My preference, of course, is to be performing. In America, the Met is, arguably, our most preeminent company, but as a performer, some of my most valuable performance experiences happened in lesser known companies. What’s your favorite role to perform, and why?

It changes, and it’s hard to say that there’s one role that I will always call my favorite. The most recent one I did is my current favorite, and that was the role of Don José in Carmen by Bizet. I think the reason it was my favorite is because he [Don José] travels such a crazy, emotional journey, and it’s written in such a way that the emotions need to be authentic. I found it to be something that required me to open up on a deep level inside and experi-

ment with emotions that I don’t experiment with in my daily life. In this way, being in theater can make you learn things about yourself. Who are some of your musical influences and inspirations?

I have a pretty eclectic musical taste, and I tend to think of music more by whether it’s good music in my opinion, rather than saying whether it’s sacred or secular. I tend to avoid such lines. I have some Christian contemporary artists that I really like, but I also have a lot of other popular mainstream artists that I like. What I look for is how do they achieve certain things with musical climaxes or with being effective at communicating emotion and ideas, and how can I translate that into what I do as an opera or oratorio singer, because I think there’s a lot to be shared. Where is your favorite place to sing?

I don’t have a favorite place. I’ve sung in a lot of amazing concert halls, a lot of amazing churches, and a lot of amazing opera houses. I think every time I sing, whether it’s in a church or at the Met, it’s another chance to use the talents that God has given me and it’s an opportunity to be open to creativity. God is the Master Creator, and He has given these talents, and it’s a chance to be creative with Him, and hopefully be joined by Him in the process. As a singer, you have to do a lot of your own work to cultivate the talents God’s given you, but in a performance, it all comes together and you hope for something magical. And sometimes it

happens, and when it happens, it’s amazing, and you can’t take credit for it, because it’s even bigger than you. It’s less about the place, and more about the opportunity to make music. What makes opera special for you?

First off, half of my professional career as a singer has taken place on the concert stage. But for opera specifically, when you’re part of an opera production where you get to express your artistic viewpoint, then it is an incredibly gratifying experience. Sometimes you don’t get that chance. Sometimes the director has very specific ideas that completely work against your personal ideas. That’s less satisfying. Then you feel like a puppet as opposed to an artist. That’s partly the nature of art in general. For me, I don’t generally find myself saying I love opera more than I love oratorio or singing in church. What makes opera really unique is when you stop being a singer, because you’re focused on the character, the text, the emotions, and the music that the composer has added to it, which carries its own message of emotion. For a moment, you have to be that character as opposed to being a singer. You have to dig into something and leave yourself behind. What advice would you give to young people wanting to pursue a career in opera or classical music?

I would say if you want to pursue a career in classical music, first of all, you’re insane, and you need to

be. The average of those who succeed at making a living is pretty rough, but those who do succeed find an amazing adventure. If you are an acting-singer, then you are that. It’s not defined by you getting a lot of opportunities to do it. It’s a part of who you are, and it’s a part of the gifts God gave you. And that’s a very profound thing to say, and it’s hard for some people to understand if they don’t have those talents. If you are that, you’ve been given a gift and you have to decide what to do with it. The point is, it’s a gift from God, and do you really want to ignore your gift from God? Young Adventist singers face additional pressures. Unfortunately, I’ve witnessed the tragedy too often where singers leave the Seventh-day Adventist Church, in an effort to follow God’s leading concerning their talents, because they don’t believe they can do both, or conversely, they shelve the full potential of their talents because they see no viable place to use them while remaining committed to their faith. It’s a horrible Catch-22 that overlooks the simple truth that God gives talents to be used and cultivated. Working with our students, even though I will not try to tell them what God wants them to do, I have advice to offer, and am an open-book about my personal experiences, but the most important advice is to start wrestling with God and discovering how He wants to use the talents and passions that He has instilled.

WED 02.19.14



mitment in love, that romance is more than mere sentiment and feeling but also is a daily choice to one’s lover to remain unified in the monotony of the everyday. Ruiz reminded the audience that “love is monotonous and beautiful.” Musical performances included vocalist Simone Weithers, guitarist Jonathan Jacobs performing a piece written for a wedding, and freshman Shaly Torres who played her ukulele. The evening exhibited much of Andrews’ talent, both established and emerging. Held in the basement of the student center, The Nest’s underground vibe resembles venues in large cities like New York, where many aspiring artists shoot from obscurity into fame. Jesse Tyler Ferguson, of Modern Family acclaim, began his career through venues similar to The Nest. Weithers, inspired by an event she witnessed in New York called Antfest, hopes The Nest will garner further attention and poten-

tially serve as a launching point for Andrews students interested in artistic careers. Weithers wanted a space where students could showcase their talents besides in a worship setting, where most students at Andrews usually perform. Weithers’ first event, The Pilot, was held in November and was well received by the student body. With other thriving performance events on campus, such as Glint and the Words Vespers, The Nest’s emphasis on secular performance offers a great outlet for self-expression and performance art. Weithers’ commitment to elevating art on campus doesn’t end with The Nest. She is a directing an upcoming production of Oscar Wilde’s comedy The Importance of Being Earnest in March. The next Nest will be held on March 8 in the Student Center Amphitheater. For more information on The Nest, please contact Simone Weithers at m.simoneweithers@ gmail.com.


Arts & Entertainment

Not So Innocent Bystanders Demetri Kirchberg | On February

15, the HPAC hosted a showcase of black history and culture called Not So Innocent Bystanders. The evening was filled with poetry, music, drama, and dance all performed by Andrews students. In honor of black history month, the music and speeches covered times of slavery, newly found freedom, the fight for equality, and modern experiences. The night was not one of mourning or sadness for a people’s struggle but rather a celebration of the journey into a better and brighter future. The artistry was front and center. The women’s ensemble, Girls of Mercy, performed two traditional African songs in the Hausa

language, accompanied only by a drum. Additionally, spoken word pieces told of events like the Birmingham Bombing and the March on Washington, but from the point of view of those directly involved. Communications major Jenna Neil performed an emotional and raw monologue as a former plantation owner’s wife, who after seeing the atrocities of slavery firsthand, became an operator on the Underground Railroad, shuttling hundreds to freedom. An ensemble comprised of the University Singers and University Choral members performed the beloved arrangement of Moses Hogan’s “My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord”. Led by graduate con-

ducting student Ashley Dollar, this song echoed the hope inherent in all the performances that night that even through pain and struggle, the Lord is the firm foundation to build the future upon. One of the organizers of the evening was Sharnel Henry, a music education major. When asked why she believed Andrews University needed an event like this, she stated, “I think this event was very important because it highlighted the history of a specific culture of a specific people: African-Americans, black people in America. It was imperative for the knowledge of our students.”



The Nest


Piano Masterpieces at the Howard Demetri Kirchberg | On Sunday,

February 9, the HPAC’s Second Sunday Concert Series showcased internationally recognized pianist Dr. Reid Alexander, Professor and Chair of Piano Pedagogy at the University of Illinois. Alexander is the author of widely regarded piano books such as Piano Repertoire Guide: Intermediate and Advanced Literature and the 9th edition of Keyboard Musicianship. The songs for the afternoon included Messiaen, Liszt, and Debussy. Alexander’s soft- spoken and unimposing presence made one wonder how he could play the dramatic, complex, and aggressive Vingt regards sur l’Efant-Jésus by Messiaen. The piece’s haunting motifs were aptly presented, and the dark chord progressions were

played with such vitality that the illusion of chaos came across clearly. Alexander quickly changed gears with the Liszt pieces “La Lugubre Gondola” and “Funérailles”, two beautiful, flowing songs contrasting with Messiaen’s piece. The first song was deeply emotive; Alexander completely captured Liszt’s way of making music float with the slightest hesitations, or the whispering of repeated phrases. “Funérailles” opens with a low repeating beat resembling a bell tolling, appropriate to the song’s context of being written to mourn the deaths of three of his close friends. The dark, marchlike pattern of the piece, broken by snippets of lovely melody, was masterfully executed. To complete the recital, Alexan-

Matthew Chacko | Though An-

der played Debussy’s Préludes Book II. This collection of twelve short pieces covers a variety of themes. Alexander’s performance of “General Lavine-eccentric,” “The Fairies are Exquisite Dancers,” and “Fireworks” greatly showcased the pianist’s range, both technically and emotionally. His thoughtful interpretation, paired with Debussy’s signature impressionistic, composition style, allowed for a wonderfully satisfying feeling. Junior music major Afia Asamoah stated, “The highlight of the recital was definitely the preludes. I mean, come on, it’s Debussy!” Professor Alexander gave a performance worthy of a packed house far larger than the Howard. Those who attended were very fortunate to hear classical music at its best.

drews suffers no dearth of artistic talent, The Nest provides an alternative venue for aspiring performers to showcase their ability in poetry, music, drama, and spoken word. Organized by Simone Weithers as a means to elevate artistic awareness and promote the arts on campus, the last Nest was held on Saturday, 15 February at 7:00 p.m. in the Student Center Amphitheater. As befitting Valentine’s Day, this program’s performances explored the many aspects of love. Performances dealt with love, from sentimental Valentine’s Day romance to the heartache of a breakup and to the deep commitment to one’s life partner. Performances ranged from the serious to the satirical, as different artists articulated what love meant to them. Sophomore Reginald Desrosier’s poem voiced a young man’s anxiety when considering whether to ask a certain girl out. Senior Ivan Ruiz’s poem dealt with the com-


The Last Word

A Single Problem Melodie Roschman | I have been

Melodie Roschman Editor-in-Chief

single my entire life. I often joke with my friends that I’m so virginal they should name a non-alcoholic drink after me. “It would be mostly ginger ale and tears,” I laugh, “with a bitter aftertaste.” Jokes aside, my perpetual lack of a romantic relationship has been one of the biggest struggles I’ve dealt with in the last several years. After yet another crush leads to nothing, after yet another rejection, you start to question very seriously what’s wrong with you. Are you really so ugly, so repulsive, so boring or strange or insufferable, that no one has ever considered you worth going on even one date with? That being said, one of the most important things I have learned in college is that being in a romantic relationship has nothing to do with your individual worth or happiness. If you are not happy with yourself already, a boyfriend or girlfriend is not going to make everything magically better. If you consider yourself ugly or stupid or boring, no number of compliments and affirmations is going to change your mind. Your value and esteem as an individual has nothing to do with whether someone is buying you flowers or holding your hand, and everything to do with your acceptance of the dignity, worth, and

beauty that you inherently possess as a child of God. At the beginning of this school year, I prayed a prayer I never thought I would. “Thank you, God, for not giving me the relationship I’ve been pleading for for years.” If I began a romantic relationship my freshman year, I probably wouldn’t have made the dozens of incredible friends of both genders that I’ve met throughout my years here. I wouldn’t have gotten as involved in extracurriculars and student government and the newspaper; I probably wouldn’t have so many different experiences and adventures. That’s not to say that you can’t be in a relationship and do those things—just that I probably wouldn’t have. Because I’ve been single, my college experience has been so varied and rich, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Around Valentine’s Day though, it’s easy to forget all of that. With everyone posting cute pictures on Facebook, serenading each other in the cafeteria, and giggling over huge bouquets of flowers, it’s easy to buy into an insidious message that I think both secular and Christian culture continually convey: if you are single, you are incomplete. We as a society seem to view relationships as a ladder or a road up a mountain, with a romantic relationship at the very top. This

is damaging in two ways. First of all, it undervalues relationships that aren’t romantic. This perspective means that your relationships with your mom, roommate, or best friend are not as important, or as complete, or really “true love” as the one with your romantic partner. The inverse of this is that if you are not in a relationship you are not loving or being loved as completely or deeply. This is insulting not only to the people you love but don’t date, but also to individuals who choose not to be in romantic relationships, such as some asexuals, widows or divorcees who don’t remarry, and people who choose to remain celibate for personal or religious reasons. Secondly, by expecting relationships to progress from friendship— a “shallower” connection—to romance—a “deeper” one—we put unfair expectations on ourselves and others. A prime example of this is the concept of the “friend zone.” An individual (stereotypically a guy) is nice to someone because they want to date them—and they expect that their friendship should lead to a romantic relationship. When their romantic advances are rejected, they complain that the person in question “led them on” with their friendship, that they “owed them” a relationship. The concept of the friend zone stems

directly from this idea that friendship is merely a step towards romance—not a completely separate and self-sufficient thing. There is no such thing as being “just friends,” author John Green explains, because there’s no “just” about friendship. “When did we hardwire into our language,” he protests, “that the step past friendship is mutual face-licking?” Speaking of a longtime female friend, he says, “We’re not just friends. We’re not just anything.” One of my best friends in the world is a man; a man who is married to someone else. He’s been there when I was sobbing on the phone over my aunt’s death, when I was upset over a failed relationship, when I was angry or disappointed or celebrating. I love him very much, and that does not mean that either of us see the relationship in any sort of romantic or potentially romantic context. It’s something else entirely, and that makes it no less valuable. This week, I’d encourage you to reflect on the many different people in your life and appreciate them all. Remember—you are loved and you are lovable, regardless of whether or not you had a “Valentine.”


Melodie Roschman Editor-in-Chief Timothy Hucks News Editor Jaime Vargas Ideas Editor Tim McGuire Sports Editor Dakota Hall Humans Editor Matthew Chacko Arts & Entertainment Editor Joelle Arner Photo Editor Jason Shockey Copy Editor Jacina Shultz Copy Editor & Distribution Iván Ruiz Layout Editor Steven Mann Multimedia Manager Scott Moncrieff Faculty Advisor

Letters to the editor can be submitted to smeditor@andrews.edu All letters subject to publication. The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventhday Adventist church.


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Letter to the Editor Cesar Rojas | I was chatting with

my classmate Edith, when the topic of spiritual programs on campus arose. I said, as a good Christian person ought to say, “you can never have too many spiritual events.” To my surprise, she replied with an opposing view: “yes, you can have too much spiritual programming. You can get spiritually fat.” She proceeded with the need to exercise your faith. We feed, almost bombard, students with chapels, forums, worships, vespers, church services - all passive activities. Many students become spiritually fat, and after being handed

their diploma, many never step into a church again excluding funerals and weddings. We complain about a lethargic, “get-your-co-curricular-credit” spirituality on campus. Yet, the solution to this problem is not to enhance vespers with colorful lights and concert-like song services, but to provide a sweaty workout. Some remember Sabbath afternoons travelling in a bus packed with students going to serve Benton Harbor’s impoverished community; today, buses go there no more. MyTown Ministries, “an opportunity for students at Andrews University

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to make a social and spiritual impact in our neighboring city of Chicago”, has had a diminished role in its past year. Saturday afternoons have become siesta and movie time for many. And yet, we keep motivating students, like drones with ID Cards in hand, to attend events where most of the time they are static spectators and not participants who think and question and participate with what they are presented with. So this is my proposal: Let’s add more active and personal enterprise to the great collection of spiritual foods. A person grows

when they help others grow, and since Campus Ministries can’t do the workout for you, you’ll have to chart down the routine. So grab your friends and kick-start a small group every week to study Christ in your lives. Attend many of the hidden churches around the area and dare to become a deaconess. Start a prayer group in your department. Take the risk of playing the tuba with the praise team in Chapel. Do other things while there are none other offered. I challenge you to stay fit.

Email smeditor@andrews.edu

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