WED 04.16.14
Arabian Nights — p. 7 Gymnics Homeshow 2014
THE POOR NEXT DOOR “One can now predict the life expectancy of a child by their zip code.”
P. 2
NOTES ON SUICIDE “Where can you run to escape from yourself?”
P. 5
FEATURED ATHLETE “I longboard because... it’s euphoric.”
P. 7
A PEOPLE’S STORY “If you can better understand a people’s story and where they came from, you can better understand how they are now.” P. 8
EMPTY NEST “The night took an unexpected but highly enjoyable, excitable turn...”
P. 11
LETTERS “Not so long ago, those things were whispered in secret and ignored.”
P. 3, 12
Honors Thesis Symposium Jenna Neil | On Friday, April 11, the
Timothy Hucks News Editor
Honors Department held a symposium as the final step for the honors students who have completed their research projects. The Symposium was held in multiple rooms in Buller Hall from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. This marks the end or, according Dr. Pittman’s statement in the program, “The capstone of their SAGES experience.” SAGES stands for Scholars Alternative General Education Studies. According to the Andrews website, “SAGES provides a series of interdisciplinary courses that replace General Education requirements for the bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degrees.” I asked Ross Trecartin, whose topic dealt with Toxoplasma and Sarcocystis in pork, beef, and mutton, about what happened at this stage of the project. He said that it is a “full oral presentation with slides and questions.’’ It serves as a culmination of their project and it’s a “big deal.” I asked Erik Thordarson, whose research topic was “Factors Affecting Phonotactic
Responses in Male Acheta domesticus,” about how he prepared for his presentation. “I practiced with friends from different disciplines,” he stated, “as well as some from the same discipline to make sure I had my science right.” After Paola Caceres finished her presentation on “The Role of Sabbath Keeping Internalization,” I asked how it went. “It was nerve wracking,” she said. In regards to grading, she said that “It’s graded but it’s not the biggest part [of the project].” I had a chance to sit in on Ilana Cady’s presentation on her project where she had composed her own, original 12-tone fugue. A fugue is a selection of music that has several “voices” or strands of music within a larger work. The 12-tone technique or system, developed by Arnold Schoenberg, is a “method of composition” that gives all twelve tones in the scale equality. In other words, each note is played as much as any other note and this includes half steps. Ilana’s goal was to use “techniques of the 12-tone system”
and then “apply these techniques to fugal writing.” The presentation began with the problem and was followed by the definition of several key terms used throughout the presentation such as fugue, tonality, and 12-tone. Ilana then discussed the process she used for composing her piece including the three drafts and the matrix or graph she used during composition. She concluded her presentation with a performance of her piece that was titled “A Three Voice Fugue.” When asked how it felt to be done with her project, Nathalie Borges said, “It’s a relief. It’s been four years and it’s been rigorous.” She went on to say that the symposium was the “time to show all that I’ve learned as a researcher.” Dr. Pittman stated, “It’s been an exciting capstone.” She said that she was glad to see the students coming into the intellectual and applying what they have learned over the years. “It would not happen without help from the departments,” she concluded.
Summit on Social Consciousness Tawanna Persaud | From Wednes-
The Poor Next Door: Poverty in America Vespers Abel Yadata | The third annual
Summit on Social Consciousness continued on Friday with its theme “The Poor Next Door: Poverty in America” with a special University Vespers, located at Pioneer Memorial Church, featuring special guest speakers Bonnie Bazata and Taurus Montgomery. Bonnie Bazata, Executive Director of the St. Joseph County Bridges Out of Poverty Initiative, opened with a viewing of the short video American Winter, which portrayed the struggle of families that live in poverty. Bazata’s mission is to inform the community of the chronic problems of poverty and to create social action. Bazata stated, “Poverty is expensive; it drains community resources and limits our capacity to have full and meaningful relationships.” She continued, “Most of
us are on the outside looking in,” emphasizing how people with resources cannot see the extent of the problem because they have a “default lens” that limits their ability to come up with solutions. “One can now predict the life expectancy of a child by their zip code,” stated Bazata, emphasizing how poverty was an “epidemic” in America. However, she continued, “We don’t treat it like an epidemic. We just ignore it and accept it.” Bazata’s goal is to create social action without “false generosity”--doing companionate things for the impoverished but maintaining its status quo. Taurus Montgomery, pastor of Harbor of Hope Seventh-day Adventist Church, took the stage after Ms. Bazata with a sermon about “The Poor Next Door.” He started his sermon with a slide-
show of his childhood home and experiences, which gave the audience a glimpse of his personal understanding of poverty. Montgomery gave snippets of the difficulties of growing up; having to travel miles for a hot shower, living in a crime-filled neighborhood, and having a broken family system. Montgomery later stated, “Poverty is a chain that is holding you back, crushing your dreams.” He emphasized that it did not matter where a person went because “poverty is deeper than location.” Montgomery concluded with the question, “What has been your interaction with the ‘Poor Next Door’ in comparison to Jesus?” He urged that everyone’s ministry, the spiritual work or service of any Christian, should strive to be like Jesus.
day April 9th – April 12th, the AU Summit on Social Consciousness hosted their annual symposium titled “The Poor Next Door: Poverty in America.” Their purpose aimed at highlighting the poverty in the local community so others will become aware or more aware of poverty in their own back yards. The committee also invited local speakers to inform those in attendance of what is happening in the area and how it is that they could get involved. According to Stephen Erich, “We wanted to reveal how, though we may think we are worlds away from poverty, there are hidden, and not-so-hidden, dimensions of poverty all around us.” It has been researched that many Americans have fallen out of the middle class and into the bracket of poverty. The symposium was made up of a forum, documentary screening, feature with University vespers, Sabbath church worship, and informational breakout sessions. Rachel Wade of United Way Southwest Michigan began on Wednesday at PMC discussing relevant facts regarding poverty in the area. The documentary screening, “Inequality for All,” explores widening income equality in America. Guest speakers Bonnie Bazata and Taurus Montgomery spoke on Friday. The church worship centered our minds on how Christ taught us to treat the poor. Dr. Timothy Nixon expounded on Proverbs 14:31, encouraging his
audience to reaffirm God’s calling of love, justice, and mercy. These three pillars show up with being the Samaritan to those who are in need within one’s community. The breakout sessions on Sabbath afternoon, three at 3:30 p.m. and the other three at 4:30 p.m. in the Seminary building, revealed the different factors involved in increased poverty levels and covered topics addressing the social implications of poverty and economic inequality. Presenters for the breakout sessions were Joel Raveloharimisy, Director of the Community & International Development Master’s Program at Andrews University; Peter Lombardo from the Center for the Homeless in South Bend, Ind.; Twyla Smith, Assistant Professor of Social Work & Director of Field Education at Andrews University; Lucy Randall from Neighbor to Neighbor; Nicholas Miller, Assistant Professor of Church History at the Seminary and Director of the International Religious Liberty Institute; and Sarah Kimakwa, Reference & Marketing Librarian at the James White Library at Andrews University. The AU Summit committee’s immediate plan is to do a building project in Benton Harbor on Friday and they will be looking for other ways they can work with the community. Interested students can contact Stephen Erich at erichs@ for more information on the building project and getting involved with the SSC.
WED 04.16.14
Letters to the Editor
Continued from page 12
Let me say from the outset that I share the concern of the Student Movement editors that this discussion be characterized by Christian grace, love, and a desire on the part of all to listen and learn. What troubles me very much, however, is that no article explaining the Biblical reasons for the church’s position on this issue was included. The report on the Cape Town summit did make mention of the church’s stand, but did not explain it. It is dangerous to assume that simply because people know what the church’s position is, that they also know the reasons for it. I suspect many of your readers, students and otherwise, will find this to be a serious omission. As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, the cornerstone of our faith is the supreme authority of Scripture. The love of God, grace, Jesus, forgiveness, salvation— none of these make sense without the definitions and narrative the Bible provides. There is no valid Jesus other than the One described in Scripture, and while Jesus offers His love to everyone, He is equally clear as to the divinely-empowered obedience and self-sacrifice required for salvation (Matt. 7:21; 10:18; 16:24; 19:16-26; Luke 10:2528; John 14:15). I was most concerned about the heavy emphasis on feelings and emotions as the guide for determining how Christians and the church should relate to same-gender sexual intimacy. We all know, in our hearts, how unreliable feelings and emotions can be, and how they can lead to disastrous choices. An objective standard is needed, which is what the Bible is all about. And what the Bible teaches regarding same-gender sexual intimacy is unequivocal, in both Old and New Testaments (e.g. Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:26-27; I Cor. 6:9-10; I Tim. 1:10). Yes, the church and its institutions should ever be a safe place for those who struggle with sin. What shame we carry that this has not always been so! But the church cannot rightfully be a place where those who cherish sin will feel at ease in its fellowship. My favorite part of the recent Student Movement was Roy Gane’s reference to one of my favorite Bible verses, which offers hope to all in the struggle with evil: “Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy” (Jude 24). Whether socially respectable or socially marginal, any one sin— unconfessed and unforsaken—will bar us from heaven’s bliss (James 2:10). But praise God, His grace is sufficient to make us totally victorious (II Cor. 7:1; 12:9). God bless! Pastor Kevin Paulson
I happened to stumble across a reference to the most recent issue of the SM today while on Facebook and had to go read it for myself. After spending several years attending AU myself (most majors don’t actually take 4 years.) I couldn’t believe that the SM was actually making such strides forward. I don’t think I can express how happy that makes me. Thank you for having the courage and forward thinking to address the issues facing the LGBTQ+ communities, especially within Adventism. Not so long ago, those things were whispered in secret and ignored. Please keep doing what you are doing. The only way to really fight ignorance and bigotry is through education. So, with absolute sincerity, Thank You. Calvin Maloney
As sponsor as the student newspaper at Union College, I wanted to pass on some thanks to some specific people for the recent LGBTQ issue: · Thank you to Melodie Roschman and her contributors for their professional writing and selection of topics. · Thank you to Scott Moncrieff for supporting a talented and thoughtful newspaper staff. · Thank you to administrators for allowing this issue to be printed, regardless of hesitations or objections. In the unfortunate case that you are dealing with other emails, letters or phone calls that aren’t as supportive—or even tactful—be encouraged by this quote I read yesterday in Barbara Brown Taylor’s “An Altar in the World”: “If you always do what you have always done, then you will always get what you have always got.” I have big hopes for the Adventist church, and I thank you for your courage to give us a model of something more, something better. Michael D. Steingas Assistant Director of Admissions Enrollment Services Union College
I wrote for the SM every year I was a student at AU and enjoyed it! I want to affirm, praise, and thank you and the rest of the SM staff/writers for your well-articulated, brave, and loving messages supporting and encouraging all LGBTQ students/people published in this week’s LGBTQ SM issue. Keep up the good work! Heather May Class of 2005
I was proud of Andrews when I saw the Student Movement focused on letting LGBT people have a voice, especially in light of the recent movements encouraging churches to not allow LGBT membership. As a staff member here (a very straight one engaged to a wonderful man!), I think it is so important for our community to be aware of these issues and to love each other as equal people and children of God regardless of sexual orientation. I’m guessing you might receive some negative backlash from this article (though hopefully not), but know there are also those of us who are supportive and would like to affirm your work. Cheers, Laura Johnston Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator School of Business Administration Andrews University
I have just downloaded the latest issue of The Student Movement, the LGBT issue, and want to congratulate you on being bold enough to do this and to treat it with such sensitivity. This would have not been possible during the years I was at Andrews (57-61), but I’m sure there were students then who were bullied and otherwise mistreated whose lives would have been made much easier had there been this kind of understanding. Though my own generation is still not very accepting of the LGBT community, I am speaking out as often as I can to try to change the environment. What has enlightened the discussion for many of us is the overwhelming evidence that sexual orientation is not a matter of choice. I believe God loves us all and treats us equally, so we should do the same with each other. I hope for the day when the church will be a place of refuge for all people, not just those who are like the majority. Steven Willsey BA 61, MA 64, D.Min 91 AUSA President 1959-60
Notes on Suicide Cera Gardner | I was weeping. I’m
Jaime Vargas Ideas Editor
not sure why, since I saw it coming. I knew she was going to die. It says so right at the beginning. She committed suicide. But even so, after reading her story, I had formed an attachment, and I wept. I’m talking about Th1rteen R3asons Why, a book where a teenage boy receives cassette tapes from a girl at his school who just committed suicide. The tapes explain the why behind her decision. And let me tell you, it is a powerful book. But what this book left me thinking about was how I interact with other people. Maybe I’m the only one, but I have always had this tendency to think that if I don’t know a person well, my actions will not have much of an effect on their lives.
I’m wrong. How you go through your day determines how others go through theirs, whether they are your friends or not. Your friends can tell when you’re having an off day. Others cannot. They will not be able to tell that this is not your typical self, or they will think it has something to do with them as an individual. Every little action can affect someone’s life. Even just one smile can brighten someone’s day, and that may be exactly what they need to remember that life is worth living. In this book, the reasons Hannah Baker commits suicide are numerous. There are thirteen people. One is a bully, one spread rumors, one is a thief, one is a peeping tom, and one is a rapist. And one…one
is someone she went to for help, and he brushed her off. A teacher. Someone who should have been there. Yet another is a friend, or exfriend, someone else who should have been there for her. Each person is unaware of the way others are interacting with her. Each person is living their life, and when she enters their peripheral, they act as they want to, not realizing the impact that it could have on her life. Each action is one little thing that, alone, is probably manageable; after all, people go through bad spots all the time. But every action put together becomes
too much for this teenager who decides, in the end, to not allow anyone else to hurt her. These thirteen individuals do not take Hannah Baker seriously, nor do they truly realize the value of a human being. Instead, they act as though theirs are the only outside actions affecting someone’s life, and even then they do not think things through. Self-worth can easily be tied up in how a person is treated, and if they are not treated as if they have value, that’s what they start to believe. And that is the first step toward contemplating suicide. Life is not cut and paste. Hu-
“If they are not treated as if
mans are social creatures. Only fools think their actions only affect themselves. Our first purpose on this planet is to serve God. Our second is to serve each other. If we see someone struggling, we need to do what we can. And, next time you are mad about having to wait in line for something, don’t take it out on those nearby. You don’t know what they are dealing with. Everyone you meet is so much more than you realize, and everyone you meet is dealing with a life you cannot see. So what can we do? Love everyone. Treat them as you want to be treated. Live a life that does not hurt anyone. And be a friend to everyone. Because if you do, you may just be what makes someone decide life is indeed worth living.
they have value, that’s what they start to believe.”
“It was hard to imagine that silly teenage boy could just Paris Rollins | I moved from Texas
in 2008, so I hadn’t seen or talked to Michael* in years. Even so, his death really affected me. I cried for days as I thought about him, his family, and his friends. I couldn’t imagine what those who were close to him must have been going through. Though he and I had never been close, we were members of the same church, youth group, and Pathfinder club. I’d always liked him for his goofy sense of humor and his ability to make boring situations fun. Even at fourteen years old he was intelligent, good-looking, and charismatic, and I never doubted that he would live a successful life. It was
be gone.” hard to imagine that silly teenage boy could just be gone. Through some cruel irony, the lecture in my human development class that week turned towards suicide. The statistics are troubling: suicide is the 10th leading cause of death for Americans overall but is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15-24 year-olds. If you hadn’t noticed, that’s our age group. These rates are especially high for males, with an average male:female ratio of 5:1. Even more people try to
commit suicide but don’t succeed: about eleven attempts for every fatality.1 Suicide risk factors include depression and other mental disorders, history of family violence, and substance abuse.2 There is no easy fix for suicide, either on the preventative or the reparative side. It is a complex issue involving an untold number of factors, emotions, and beliefs. It can spur feelings of grief, guilt, and helplessness in those who are left behind. As Christians, we
have nothing to fear from death, but we still have a responsibility to preserve life. Losing someone to suicide is tough, but it should remind us of the importance of sticking together. If you suspect that someone you know may be wrestling with suicidal thoughts, don’t downplay your intuition. Seek them out. Take the time to listen. Pray for them and with them. Be a little pushy. Though it may be uncomfortable to do, it’s better than the potential alternative. To find out more about suicide risk factors and warning signs, as well as options for help, you can visit the website for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
*name changed 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS): ncipc/wisqars 2. Moscicki EK. Epidemiology of completed and attempted suicide: toward a framework for prevention. Clinical Neuroscience Research, 2001; 1: 310-23.
WED 04.16.14
perseverance and wisdom during these last few weeks and then through the rest of your life? He’s already promised to help you if you come to Him and ask. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7 Even if it’s physical, mental, or spiritual exhaustion, He’s encouraging you to trade in your weakness and find a daily oasis in Him. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28 Have you become disillusioned with the world’s empty promises
of happiness and satisfaction? He invites you to drink freely of Him and finally find yourself truly and permanently satisfied. “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat!” – Isaiah 55:1 Perhaps there’s an invitation here that you need to take God up on. Or perhaps your personal abyss is so racked with fear, anxiety, and depression that you’re uncertain whether you will ever escape. But even when you’re life seems like it’s not worth keeping anymore… remember that Someone thinks otherwise. Remember that Some-
one has always been, is, and will always be knocking on the door of your life. Your scars can’t scare Him. Your anxieties can’t overwhelm Him. Your despair can’t shake Him who’s already suffered God-forsakenness. You are loved, infinitely and intimately loved, and He who’s seeking you out today wants you to know that the answer never was for you to run and escape from yourself, but that hope was standing right next to you the whole time, saying “Take heart; I have overcome the world.”
“Where You Gonna Go?” Jaime Vargas | At first glance, it
seems redundant and even silly. You can’t stop being around yourself, and even if you could, why would you? Why would you ditch being yourself in exchange for something, anything, else? Change the context and the circumstance. What happens when the fear and anxiety that was sourced in your habits, your addictions, and your baggage follows you long after you leave those things behind? What happens when depression isn’t just found at the bottom of a bottle, the end of a cigarette, the morning after, or
in the words and actions that are no longer spoken and committed? When depression takes up residence inside of you, turning you into a captive and your mind into a prison…it’s then the question really starts to mean something: where can you run to escape from yourself? And in the midst of such a hopeless situation, hope can be found in the form of God’s invitations to us. Despair, perplexity, exhaustion, lack, hunger, loneliness…for each and every situation you and I could ever find ourselves in, God already has an invitation wait-
ing for us. He invites you to move your eyes away from your personal abyss and to seek and find a better, firmer ground. Are you confused, skeptical, and wrestling with serious doubts? He wants you to bring your questions and your uncertainties to Him. “Come now, let us reason together…” – Isaiah 1:18 Maybe you’re feeling like God is all talk and no show. He invites you to try Him out for yourself. “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” – Psalm 34:2 Are you wondering if He’ll come through when you ask Him for
Weekly Question: What does hope mean to you?
Jonathan Doram Year: Sophomore Major: Music Education “Hope is knowing that there will be something better in the future. For me, it’s looking to see how I can help other people in ways I can make a difference…actively focusing on that and the ways that my life can matter and can contribute…When I focus on the positive things I can do and help, it makes me realize that I do have hope.”
We apologize for mixing up Martha Duah and Vimbai Mazani’s photos in the April 2 issue.
Omar Gomez Year: Senior Major: Religion / Psychology
Karacan Thomas Year: Junior Major: Social Work “Hope is a spirit of looking past what you see and keeping in mind that there is something greater. It is when you look forward to a brighter and better day in the midst of darkness. Hope is encouraging yourself and others to focus on the best things in life that are to come.”
Zack Trecartin Year: Junior Major: Physical Therapy “Hope is when all else fails, I have something that I can still hope for, [something] I can still go back to... something that keeps me going even when everything else seems to be gone.”
“Hope is something great. Hope is what helps us press on even in the midst of adversity. Hope is the belief in something that we’re not able to see…and hope is the belief that you will get to where you want to get. Hope is what continues to drive us as human beings to reach goals that were once thought impossible.”
Austin Grube Year: Senior Major: English Education “I read once that hope is what stayed in the box when Pandora opened it. So, when she released all those terrible things, hope was what stayed behind and stayed alone in the box to help humanity…move on, to give them faith and hope that there was something better than all the evil that was just released. So…hope helps me, hope rides alone, hope is the only thing I need to get everything else.”
Chris Wheeler Year: Freshman Major: English “Hope is a certain kind of faith. Usually it’s when you expect something good to eventually happen in the face of evil. If things are going wrong, you can still have hope that things could turn out right or at least something good comes out of it. I think usually it does require a good reason to believe that there is hope. It isn’t just blind faith and blind optimism.”
Tim McGuire Sports Editor
WED 04.16.14
ly landed back on it. Whilst in the air, either a body contortion or flip was executed. The role of the people holding the bar was equally as important to executing the action because if the gymnics member landed on the bar somewhat off balance, the people holding the bar shifted it so that the jumper could regain her balance. Then came the pair silks, followed by “acrobatic yoga.” Through very precise movements and timing, the three women danced in a very dramatic fashion, through various stretches and body contortions. There was also a moment when all three of them used each other’s body weight to counterbalance and formed a triangle, with only one person standing on the ground. The miniature trampoline routine allowed the team to individually jump in the air higher than normal, allowing them to perform a body contortion or flip, similar to the aforementioned women being thrown in the air. One of the more impressive stunts that was accomplished was three gymnics members jumping back to back to back in rapid successions, landing in
three different areas of the stage, all in close proximity. The climactic stunt involved all but one of the gymnics members standing in a line, with the last member jumping over all of his other teammates (approximately ten members), which made for a very lengthy jump. Following pairs doing “poi,” the gymnic men did the teeter-totter, followed by chair stacking, a test of pure nerves, skill, and balance. The act started out with three members each using five chairs, stacked one on top of the other, and balancing on the chairs. After all fifteen chairs were stacked, creating a stacked tower that was around twenty five feet in height, two gymnics did handstands on the top, captivating everyone with the suspense. At the end of the night, the gymnics thanked God for the ability to do everything they had accomplished earlier. They retold some of the more famous stories from the Old Testament, using standard gymnics formations, flips, jumps, tosses, handstands, and a plethora of other gymnics techniques. The stories told were: creation of the world, the fall of man, the parting
of the Red Sea, the walls of Jericho falling down, Samson destroying the Philistine temple, the fiery furnace, and Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Retelling all of these Bible stories required a lot of imagination, talent, and passion, and the Andrews University Gymnics team pulled it off with great finesse. When asked about the night’s performance, two members of the gymnics had very positive things to say. Ryan Atkins, former student of Andrews University but current gymnics participant, said, “I’m real happy with it. We’ve gotten a lot of new people this year and a lot of them are new to gymnastics, so I’m very happy to see the skills that everyone has developed.” Ashley Colomb, a junior pre-physical therapy major, also gave a very favorable review of the night’s program: “I think that the program tonight went extremely well. This past week has been a struggle trying to get ready for home show. A lot of late nights and Monsters, but by God’s grace we were able to pull it out in the end and put on a performance that I think was even better than any of us could have expected.”
Gymnic Homeshow 2014 Tim McLean | Last Saturday night
and Sunday afternoon, the Andrews University Gymnics team put on their home show. Events like this require lots of preparation, coupled with equal amounts of practice, effort, good team chemistry, and, above all, trust. The show consisted of fifteen separate routines, performed by the thirty six members of the gymnics team, with an “Arabian Nights” theme and story circulating in the background. The show opened up with the team performing individual acts. The women started off with a series of back-to-back-to-back front flips, going from one side of the stage to the other. The men did a variety of handstands and proceeded to walk forwards and backwards, while maintaining the handstand. Next was “wall walking,” on a special stage which had four strategically placed holes, each big enough for a human being to crawl through, and they were all elevated from ground. In order for someone to “wall walk,” it is a simple matter of using bodily momentum and having good traction on your shoes. Someone would jump from the hole, land on the
trampoline on the ground, and then bounce up with their feet touching the wall. Multiple jumps and increased moment allows the person to continue this, allowing them to essentially defy gravity for a few seconds and give the appearance of walking on the wall. Next was pairs stunting, including everything from the girl standing on the guy’s shoulders to the girl standing on the guy’s hand while it is raised in the air. There was also a section where the girl was contorting her body around the guy in a circular motion. The catch: the guy was to hold her off of the ground using solely his arms. Next someone performed “poi,” the art of having a tethered weight and swinging at different speeds in rhythmic and mathematical patterns. The lights were dimmed down while both of the tethered weights in this act were lit on fire, providing an incredibly epic visual experience. Since there was liquid involved in this act, there was a special tarp placed under the performer so that the fuel did not get on the stage, causing one of the performers to slip and injure themselves.
After the pyrotechnic poi, the next act was a drastic contrast, both in terms of visceral experience, style, and in danger level. There were four silk curtains hanging from the ceiling, with one female gymnic member at each curtain. While wearing no harness, each gymnic member gradually climbed up the silk curtain. Once a certain height was reached (approximately 25-35 feet in the air), the acrobats contorted the sheet around their body and danced by gradually lowering and raising themselves in the air. Next was group stunting. Since there were more people in each pod, there was a higher emphasis on throwing people in the air and allowing them to perform body tricks and contortions whilst airborne. In addition to this, the gymnasts also stood on each other’s shoulders three people high, not two. Next, the Russian Bar involved a bar approximately six inches wide, six inches tall, and twenty feet in length. This was held in the air by two of the stronger gymnics members. One at a time, two of the female gymnics members jumped in the air and successful-
Summer Health Tips Anna Bugbee | The season of shorts
and tank tops is here, and we all want to look our best. When the weather gets too hot, it’s hard to want to do anything but sit by the water, especially if you can’t get to an air-conditioned gym. It is difficult in the summer to wake up early, but if you want to stay fit, waking up early is extremely helpful. Getting up early helps to avoid the heat and will not interfere with any of your summer plans lat-
er on in the day. If you run during the early morning or in the evening, there is no excuse for the heat. Staying hydrated is obviously another essential element of staying healthy, but many people are not as aware of it as they should be. Drinking iced coffee is a great part of summer, but you are also drinking a lot of calories. Instead of going straight to ice cream to cool down, frozen fruit such as mangos, grapes, or strawberries can serve
Featured Athlete as a sweet cold treat. If you are in walking distance of a place, you can get exercise while running errands by walking or biking. One of the main things that helps me be motivated to exercising is planning a goal for the end of the summer. Plan to enter a race, be able to run a certain distance, or lift a certain weight by the end of the summer. You have the time to—just stay motivated.
Intramural Basketball Schedule Court 2
Court 1
Wednesday 4/16/14
Overy Bounders vs. Double Jeopardy
Yao Know What I Ming vs. Run DPT
6 p.m.
Adams Family vs. Exquisite
Pain & Torture vs. Young Gunz
7 p.m.
Humble and Hungry vs. Hoops I Did It Again
PCB vs. Purple Hayes
8 p.m.
Box It Out vs. Beantown Mean town
Lamara Hall vs. KLM Squad
9 p.m.
Court 2
Court 1
Thursday 4/17/14
FAM JAM vs. Team Basketball
Purple hayes vs. Put me in Coach
6 p.m.
Hoops There It Is vs. Shorties
100% vs. The Ambassadors
7 p.m.
Geeks in Sneaks vs. Koinonia
Humble and Hungry vs. Young Gunz
8 p.m.
Los Pheonix vs. CAP J4
Immortals vs. Young Bloods
9 p.m.
ing and pushing, while on a longboard, just a few pushes from Lamson and I’m at Chan Shun. Do you have any favorite board brands?
My personal favorite is Arbor. It was my first board, and I could never let go of it. But Sector 9, Loaded, and Earth Wing are great also. What are the benefits of longboarding on campus?
Name: Whitney Wright
Class: Junior Major: Business Administration/ Pre Med Hometown: New York, New York Interviewed by: Robert Rivers
When did you start longboarding? What got you into it?
I started longboarding about 3 summers ago. I live in NYC and the skate community there is massive, so I decided to give it a try and I loved it after I fell a few times.
Why do you long board?
I longboard because—apart from being fun getting me from point A to B—it’s euphoric. It keeps my mind engaged and free at the same time. When I skate, I feel free and all the stress I feel disappears with each kick-push.
Why longboarding and not skateboarding?
Because it feels like I’m surfing on concrete. I found longboarding more exhilarating because can move faster, and I wasn’t big on doing tricks—just going exploring around the city more efficiently. Also, longboarding is way better with getting around on campus. Skateboarders are always push-
Longboarding on campus definitely gets me to class faster, especially when I’m late. There are also health reasons to it. It gives me balance which engages your visual, somatosensory, and vestibular systems. It’s a great aerobic and cardio exercise and a little secret I learned [is that] you can also get a great ab workout by pumping your board. It allows you to twist and turn your board forward without touching the ground. I strongly recommend longboarding to every college student. Lots of people can’t longboard, but it’s not because they can’t—it’s because they’re too afraid to try. If you are looking for something new to master, try longboarding. It’s affordable, and there’s a board suited for everybody.
Cliff Allen: A Civil Historian
Dakota Hall Humans Editor
Recommended listening: “Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir” by Edward Sanders, Helena Bonham Carter, and Johnny Depp, “Rise to the Sun” by Alabama Shakes
A Natural Hit Interviewed by Isabel Stafford
Crystal Holness is a junior psychology major who runs a YouTube channel, Minimisshair Crystal, focused on hair care. Why did you start your YouTube channel?
Year: Senior History Major Interviewed by Ryan Logan What is the topic of your research?
African American soldiers who fought in the Civil War. What I researched specifically was their pension cases after the war. So how they applied for pensions in assistance for themselves or their families, or how mothers and wives applied for pensions after their sons and husbands died during the war. What have you found?
Basically, I was trying to see if the pension system was prejudiced against African Americans after war—given the time period and whatnot. A lot of people will assume that racism is only in the South, when it’s actually in the North as well. So I was specifically trying to find instances where African American soldiers had a more
difficult time acquiring pensions for themselves despite the rules in place, or whether the system itself made it more difficult for them as a people to get pensions. How long have you been working on this?
It’s been about two years. The first year I did a lot of research on African Americans in the Civil War because I was interested in that too. Over last summer, I looked at over a thousand pension documents trying to figure this out. Why did you choose this for your research?
I needed a project for my Senior Honors Thesis, and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. When I took Research Methods with Dr. Silva, I did research on African American soldiers during the Civil War. She saw that I was interested in the topic, so she gave me the 967 pension files that I used for my thesis.
Is your work finished, or do you plan to continue?
I’m going to University of Chicago, and one of the requirements is that you have to do is a Master’s thesis, so I might continue my research into that—unless I discover something new I want to pursue. Why is this a viable research topic?
I think it’s important because, looking back at history, it’s necessary to have an accurate idea of how things actually were. [The pension files] highlight another aspect of how times were for African Americans during the Reconstruction period. I feel that if you can better understand a people’s story and where they came from, you can better understand how they are now. History is important. If you look at the way people have been through things and how they’ve come out of situations—or how they didn’t succeed—then you can move forward.
I’m really passionate about hair, and so I wanted to understand why I couldn’t grow my hair out past a certain length. Then I tried to figure out how my hair’s made up, what chemicals I was putting in my hair to straighten it, and why it was causing my hair to break off. Then I talked about it and my mom was like, you should just make a YouTube channel about it. Then I made my YouTube channel, and I actually went from having relaxed hair, which is chemically processed, to cutting my hair off and starting all over again. What sort of hair advice do you give on your channel?
I do a lot of different DIY products. I’m really into making your own products. In the African-American community, a lot of women chemically process their hair, because they don’t think wearing it naturally is appropriate. So I’m really big on embracing your natural hair, which is a new big trend now. A lot of women are just cutting off the chemicals and going back to their real hair. Is having natural hair better for your hair? Is it less effort?
It’s more work than if my hair was straight and if I could just take it down, iron it, and go, but has my hair ever been this long and healthy? No. So this is the most, the best length my hair has been in a really long time. Was going natural a hard decision?
I was against natural hair because I was like, it’s not going to fit me, but then you think about it and you’re like, “why wouldn’t your God-given hair fit you?” So I decided to transition for a year. I stopped chemically processing my hair, so I wasn’t just cutting it all off. I waited a year, until I had a little natural hair, and then I decided to cut my hair off. I got tired of the chemicals and all the work, and I think it was the best decision I ever made. I’m happy that I did it. Can you give any general haircare advice?
I think reading ingredients can work for anyone. [For example,] avoiding sulfates that are in shampoos, that strip your hair and make it really dry. I’m really big on promoting all-natural, organic products that can work for any hair types, or looking for conditioners with silicones and other ingredients that make your hair appear to be shinier and more manageable and softer, but there’s more organic products that actually penetrate your hair strands and make them healthier from the inside out.
WED 04.16.14
Finish School, Build a School
Research Matters
By Jordan Price | “You’re never too
Duane Covrig, Professor of Leadership and Ethics
young to dream big,” is a quote that’s often heard or repeated but rarely seen followed through. Andrews University student, Vimbo Zvandasara-Zhou, however, is starting to make her dreams a reality. “Tinevimbo” [tee-nay veem-bo], meaning “We have hope,” is the name of the non-profit organization that Vimbo founded. The phrase is in the language Shona, which is from Vimbo’s home country of Zimbabwe. “Basically, we’re just a nonprofit that is trying to help Zimbabwean children have a better education,” Vimbo stated. The dream formulated in Vimbo’s mind the summer of 2013 when she had the idea that she wanted to help children and build a school somewhere in Africa as her graduation project; she will be graduating in May 2014 with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. Zvandasara-Zhou says, “I was born in Zimbabwe; I’m from there, so I’ve always felt a need to give back.” Vimbo hasn’t been working alone, however. Co-founder Cora Clark has been working alongside her for this project. Clark, also Zimbabwean, is currently working on getting her Master’s degree in Education. The women’s original plan was to raise the money this year and then start building schools next year, but after coming in contact with various roadblocks, they realized that their one-year plan had to shift into more of a five or
ten year plan. They decided that during the five to ten year period, they would do lots of little missions. Their first mission project will be to raise $1,000 to donate to an Adventist school in Zimbabwe. The idea will be presented and promoted at Vimbo’s upcoming graduation party. Vimbo and Cora also have a few researchers who work behind the scenes with everything regarding international development (grant-writing, fundraising, how to build a nonprofit, etc.) “If you would have asked me a month ago, I would have said a thousand schools,” ZvandasaraZhou explained in regards to what her main goal and dream was for this organization. “Now, I would be so happy, if in ten years or less, there is one K-8 Adventist school standing in Zimbabwe that is helping children in poverty get an education. That is the big end goal. From there, we’ll see where God takes us. If we can make a thousand schools, that would be awesome, but I would honestly be satisfied if we could have one primary school built.” Throughout the journey of Tinevimbo, Vimbo stated that God had to repeatedly humble her. “At first, I wanted to build all these schools, but then God said, ‘Hold on, I think you kind of want to do this because you’re prideful,’” she stated. “I wanted to be that 22-year old girl who builds schools and changes the world. As I was getting more stressed about it and realizing that the summer was
coming sooner, I had to ask myself if I was really ready to just pick up my life and move to Zimbabwe without even that much of a plan,” she continued. “I was the one putting pressure on myself because I wanted something to show to everybody, like, ‘I graduated and within a year, I built a school!’… I’ve realized, I’ve got a lot of learning to do.” This has been, Vimbo explained, a far more humbling experience than she anticipated. This coming school year, Vimbo will go to Florida as a teacher. She plans to make her way to Zimbabwe, officially, in the next five years. In the summers in between her teaching and moving to Zimbabwe, Vimbo plans to go on shortterm mission trips. When she does go to Zimbabwe, Zvandasara-Zhou explained that the move will hopefully be for good. In addition to the fact that her parents will be moving down there this summer permanently, she plans to actually teach at the school Tinevimbo will build. Their vision is simply put: “We believe that through education, we can help instill hope.” For more information about Tinevimbo, please visit these websites: &
“Colors, Balloons, Gyroscopes, and Teaching Students to Handle Moral Conflict” What’s behind the title [above] of the presentation you gave with your colleague Janet Ledesma at the April 8th TLC [Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum] Conference?
Partly it was a ploy to get people interested, because the combination of those words just sounds fun. But it’s also about something I’ve been wrestling with over the years: how to help kids understand morality. How do you show them the beauty of morality? To them it’s always black and white. Do this! Don’t do that! That can be abusive to kid’s minds. The teacher that really got me thinking was my sixth grade
Scott Moncrieff Faculty Advisor
teacher, Mr. Yoshikawa. When we came in from recess, he would read a case study for us, and ask us what we thought. And I started to blossom, because I realized “he’s not telling me the answer; I’m not looking in the back of the book for the answer; I’ve got to figure out the answer myself.” One of the cases was “you’re at a stoplight in the middle of the night, and the stoplight is stuck on red. Should you go?” In sixth grade you’re “concrete,” and I was a Seventh-day Adventist in a public school. I was big on obedience. You’ve got to be obedient [smacks palm with fist]. And my classmates were like “no, you can go.” And I’m like “no, you have to stay, this is the law.” And that’s when my mind started saying “well, it’s ok to go. What? Are you going to sit there forever?” And I was thinking, well, maybe my classmates are repro-
bates, but they have a point. And I started thinking more about the answers to questions for myself. That really got me started on studying ethics. Asking myself “what is the right thing to do?” So the class would have to vote and come to a consensus, and then Mr. Yoshikawa would throw something in at the last minute, like “ok, there’s a police car behind you.” And we’d say “oh, Mr. Yoshikawa!” But then some guys would say “even the police officer would recognize after awhile you have to go against the red light.” That’s how it became important to me to get kids thinking about morality at an early age.
ent cuts. “It gets busy on Fridays, with lots of people getting their hair cut for vespers.” Dedication has paid off for these three hairdressers. Refining their skill over the years by offering convenient haircuts has benefited
them, as well as all of their customers. They are a living example of how one’s passions and gifts can help others.
How does the “colors” thing fit into your presentation?
Look at Micah 6:8: He has shown you O man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To love mercy [holds up blue bottle], the wonderful vastness of God’s grace. Do justice [holds up red bottle], the blood. This is a sinful world and we’ve got to do justice. And then walk humbly with God [holds up yellow bottle]. God invites us to have that humble spirit. I don’t know everything; especially if I try to figure out “should I do justice or mercy?” And you learn to walk humbly. Out of these three colors you can create all kinds of colors, and morality is really about figuring out how to create new colors from basic principles to handle new situations. There’s a lot more to it, but that’s a start.
Fresh Cuts By Chris Wheeler | Everybody’s
hair grows. And everybody who doesn’t want their hair to grow too long needs to have it cut. And everybody who wants to get their hair cut needs somebody to do it. For many at Andrews University, Meier Hall is where they go. If you frequent Meier, you’ve probably seen the hairdressers who work on the second floor landing. Many of these men have been cutting hair for seven or more years, even before they started giving haircuts at Andrews. Carlos Perrone told how he got into giving haircuts. He began cutting his own hair several years ago, and when asked by friends who cut his hair, he informed them that he did. He then he began to cut his friends’ hair. He says, “I’ve been recommended by word of mouth since.” Word of mouth seems to be the most common marketing method
of these hairdressers. David Semeleer said, “I began with the community and high school kids, and they helped in spreading my name.” Semeleer has built from that client base. David Charles, who has been cutting hair since eighth grade, has used networking too, but also stated that he put up fliers and posters to get his name around. All three now receive steady demand for their services. Semeleer estimates he gives between 10 and 16 haircuts each day he works, adding up to 25-30 for the week. Perrone said, “it varies, anywhere from 5-15 people.” He added that the work depended on what kinds of events were happening at Andrews over the weekend. When asked what they enjoyed about giving haircuts, the unanimous response was the satisfaction of doing their best. Charles explained, “When clients are happy, I know I did a good job.” “The
smile when people get done, like ‘I’m ready for the weekend,’ makes it enjoyable,” said Semeleer. Additionally, the social aspect was agreed to be another great part of cutting hair. Semeleer stated, “I’ve used a stereo box to play
music and entertain.” He also has connected with customers on a spiritual basis, often accompanied with major hairstyle changes such as removing dreads. Perrone expressed how he gets to minister while also practicing differ-
Arts & Entertainment
A Streetcar Named Desire: A Night of Classic Theater Tirza Rideout | The Twin City Play-
ers, Southwest Michigan’s own resident theater troupe, are rounding out their terrific 2013-2014 mainstage season run with their rendition of A Streetcar Named Desire. This famous American play by Tennessee Williams is sparked with passionate, deluded, and at times violent characters. Seeing it performed live is a visceral experience, one that you won’t soon forget. “Streetcar” is currently being performed at the Twin City Players Playhouse in St Joseph. Though its exterior is modest, the playhouse admirably transports theatergoers into the New Orleans of the 1950’s. The set designers have cleverly transformed the small stage into the French Quarter apartment Williams envisioned as having “raffish charm.” Bare light bulbs, thin portières, slatted walls, and an abused old icebox set the tone for the play. In this beautifully arranged set, a wonderful cast brings the timeless characters of “Streetcar” to life. As the play opens, Stanley and Stella Kowalski (played by Timothy Aranyos, Jr. and Rebecca Maxey) trade words and Stanley’s oft-repeated “Stella!” reverberates
Matthew Chacko Arts & Entertainment Editor
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Nelson Starkey | Fans of the Mar-
vel series have eagerly been awaiting the next installment of this multimillion-dollar Marvel franchise as it finally premiered April 4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier in its first weekend outsold its predecessor Captain America: The First Avenger by almost thirty million dollars. Steve Rodgers aka Captain America (Chris Evans) returns once again as the poster-child for life, liberty, and the American dream. He is joined by the beautiful and deadly Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson). Both of these characters have been seen in many previous marvel films along with Nick Fury (Samuel Jackson) and are joined this time by
Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford) who acts as a member of the World Security Council. The film begins with Captain America executing his new job as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., a global espionage group founded in the first Captain America movie. Captain America is sent with a team, including Romanoff, to rescue the hostages from a captured S.H.I.E.L.D vessel. Little does he know, Romanoff has another set of orders to steal some encrypted files from the ship. This act starts off a chain of events that lead to Captain America being a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D., as the leader of the organization wants him captured. Furthermore, Captain Ameri-
ca meets a man from his past he thought he would never see again. You don’t just have to be a fan of the Marvel movies to go out and watch this film. Evans and Johansson are absolutely brilliant in their roles as Rodgers and Romanoff; Marvel has a serious knack for casting actors that almost embody the fictional characters they portray. There are also many absolutely stunning action scenes, high speed chases, and dogfights over Washington D.C. Overall this movie is probably one of the best this spring and will be able to sate fans until the next installment of the Marvel universe franchise, Guardians of the Galaxy, releases this summer.
through the theater. Their domestic bliss, punctuated by argument, is upset by the visit of Blanche Dubois, Stella’s older sister. Blanche (Joann McMahon) is a fading southern belle with a tenuous grip on reality. She maintains a superior air and desperately clings to the illusion of southern gentility and refinement. Through the course of the play, Stanley rudely tears at this façade until the situation reaches its boiling point. The whole cast does a wonderful job, but the standout performance is undoubtedly given by Timothy Aranyos as Stanley. He gives the character a certain malice and insolence that binds the performance into a cohesive whole. The director, Larry Nielsen, handles “Streetcar” with aplomb; he has clearly treated the play as great literature. “A Streetcar Named Desire” will continue running at the Twin City Players Playhouse April 18-19 and 25-27. Saturday performances start at 8 p.m., Sunday performances start at 4 p.m. For ticket information and directions, visit the Twin City Players website at
WED 04.16.14
Arts & Entertainment
From the Catwalk to the Sidewalk: Wearable Art for Spring Shanelle Kim
From left to right: Kenzo, Helmut Lang, Paule Ka Springtime is here, and so are spring fashions—fun prints, refreshing silhouettes, and breezy colors. One interesting trend appearing on the runway this year is wearing pieces that look like works of art. There’s a difference between pieces featuring bold patterns and ones following this “art pop” trend—whereas bold patterns tend to be clean and crisp, wearable art pieces have blurry edges and colors that bleed and overlap. They may look like watercolors or Impressionistic paintings. And while bold patterns usually repeat themselves, art pieces don’t have to. Two quick suggestions on wearing pieces featuring “wearable art”: Keep it simple. Go for pieces that have clean lines—think of the cut and neckline—and minimal details. Extras like ruffles and insets only take the focus away from the bold print. The same goes for accessories—flashy colors and elaborate details will clash with the art.
H&M Sleeveless Blouse $9.95. Watercolor Scarf $8.80
4) A fun twist on a classic staple. This would be great under blazers and on its own.
1) For those that just want to add a touch of whimsy to their spring outfits
Mossimo Printed Scuba Skirt in Gray, $22.99
H&M Draped Dress $29.95.
2) Perfect for interviews and internships—it’s fun, and the A-Line cut keeps it from being too casual
5) A beautiful dress that can be dressed up or down. This fashionable piece is very versatile and works in a number of events.
Be confident. Wear the art—don’t let it wear you. You chose to wear it, so be proud of your great taste!
The Whisk Review: So-so SoHo Located in Granger, IN (along the back road to Mishawaka), near the University Park Mall, SoHo boasts a wideranging Japanese menu including both sushi and noodle/rice dishes. Lesson from this restaurant: do not let ambiance deceive you. Tanner Compton |
Taste: The taste of SoHo is, well, so-so. While the noodle and rice dishes have good flavor, the portions are a bit small and the meat was not the best. The fried rice was a tad too oily as was the noodles. Depending on what you order from the sushi bar, the flavors may not meld very well. Since the main point of sushi is to have the freshest fish possible, it would be ill-advised to plunge into their raw tuna or other fish without first asking how fresh it is.
Linen-Blend Paisley Skirt $17.80 3) A more casual skirt for the weekends, this cute and colorful skirt is perfect for stroll about town or an informal function
Setting: Dimly lit and filled with ambiance, SoHo tries to give itself an image of high-quality dining and service. The ambiance may be exciting—they have line chefs who will cook in front of you at the teppanyaki tables—but it does not live
up to the level of food and service they offer. Service: While our waitress was very nice and took care of our table well—filling water consistently, having patience when we added extra food—the length of time we waited for our food to be served was lengthy. The restaurant was maybe a little over 2/3 full, yet we waited for over 40 minutes. While SoHo has a pleasant ambiance and decent service from waiters, the food and pricing don’t exactly live up to the hype.
The Nest Bids Farewell Kathleen Wilson | The student cen-
Unfortunately, we don’t all have piles of money to spend on beautiful designer wearable art clothing. But if you want to try out the art pop trend for yourself, here are a few more affordable options to get you started:
Student Friendliness: The prices for SoHo were a bit higher than the average restaurant in the area. Frankly, it felt as if the restaurant was attempting to affix Chicago dining prices to food that did not have the same typical, high-quality standard found in Chicago. A medium-sized bowl of Yakisoba noodles cost $12, and back in my home state of Washington, I get higher quality noodles and more of them for $7. Sushi rolls averaged $5-8 per roll, a price that again did not match the quality.
ter auditorium was jam-packed Saturday night as students and performers gathered for the final gathering of The Nest. A project kicked off and organized by Simone Weithers, this open mic night has proven an invaluable haven to artists and art enthusiasts alike. From poetry to songs, paintings to video projects, students have had The Nest and its faithful team to thank for the monthly opportunities of sharing their (too often unknown) talent. On this particular night, artists were given the opportunity to touch on the theme of “Farewell.” With Tyler Yasa as its ever-amusing MC, the evening started off with laughs and friendly banter before diving right into the acts. Vimbo
Zvandasara-Zhou took the audience on a trip down memory lane as she recalled through poetry her experiences in Berrien Springs and reminded everyone about what it means to finally grow up. Jonathan Carbonell and Emily Ferguson serenaded listeners with their song “Done Is Done,” a beautiful reflection on reconciling with change. Marcus Larivaux and Band turned things up a notch with their instrumental “Hey Dog” and before the audience knew it, Tyler Yasa was back on stage, this time to debut his guitar and vocal talent through a hilarious and well-received cover of Flight of the Conchords’s “Most Beautiful Girl (In The Room).” The night took an unexpected but highly enjoyable, excitable turn when Anonymous took their
places on stage. Through an entertaining routine they gave their interpretation of a scientist developing his minions, complete with back flips and an appearance from a well-known theology major, Kevin Wilson. Ivan Ruiz brought the atmosphere back to a more comedic tone as he told of his past and recent basketball mishaps and before anyone knew it, it seemed the evening was over. After spoken word stars Tiffany Evering and Riana Mitchell made listeners soar with expertly crafted layers of song, poetry, and music, their final appeal for everyone to “fly” ever upward towards what God has in store was, undeniably, all too fitting as the evening found its close and as the end of the school year approaches.
The Last Word Just a quick note to let you know how deeply I appreciate this week’s edition of your campus newspaper. I am a professor of psychology at Pacific Union College, having served for more than 25 years here. This is the kind of thing that Adventist colleges and universities should be doing--raising important issues, exposing students to new ideas and perspectives, and letting them make up their own mind. All of us who serve the church in one way or another know that there are good days and bad days, days you are proud of the community you belong to and days you cringe a little. Yesterday was a good day, and I was proud to be a part of the community of Adventist higher education.
Melodie Roschman Editor-in-Chief
Letters to the Editor WED 04.09.14
Aubyn Fulton, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology Pacific Union College
The LGBTQ Issue
I just want you to know how much I appreciated the wonderful article you wrote for the Student Movement this week that focused on LGBTQ issues. It was well articulated and showed both compassion and intellectual responsibility for dealing with this important topic. I’m sure it took work to get this through all the hoops you had to jump through. I’m also sure you will get some negative feedback from those who still think this is a choice and therefore the church must never provide any support. But, the articles in this issue were very helpful in dispelling those myths.
ASSAULT AND LOCKDOWN “I would encourage each of us to keep our eyes and ears open to support each other...”
P. 3
HOW TO BE AN ALLY “Let the Holy Spirit take the lead..”
P. 4
FEATURED ATHLETE “Working out has made me more confident. It has also helped me notice the difference between being fit and being small.” P. 6
MY STORY “I don’t feel completely safe at Andrews.”
P. 9
EARNESTLY SPEAKING “The room was filled with murmurs of excitement as everyone took their seats and made themselves comfortable.” P. 10
LOVE ACTUALLY “ I am allowed to have a life, not a “lifestyle.””
P. 12
Over the last week, the Student Movement has received far more feedback about our LGBTQ issue than we ever expected. The issue has been read thousands of times online, and has reached people around the globe. We received a record number of letters to the editor, and have printed what is hopefully a representative selection of them below.
Thank you! Dave Ferguson Director of Church Relations Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International
I was excited to learn of the edition of the student newspaper tha contained stories of LGBT students and a news story about the recent Cape Town Summit on LGBT people. I read it online and was impressed by the maturity and thoughfullness of the student journalists. I want to commend you all for your support of this important historical edition. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Carolyn Parsons Alumni Walla Walla University and Washington State University
As a 77-year-old mother of a gay man, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your courage in publishing your wonderful newspaper sharing the stories of LGBTI students and your outstanding editorial. Coming, as it did, on the day the GC voted its guidelines that include disfellowshiping “practicing” gay members, it was especially heartening! Blessings, Carrol Grady
My name is Ryan Struyk and I’m a student at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. A staff member at my school forwarded along the LGBT edition of your paper and I appreciated it a lot. Because of your paper, closeted students on your campus are feeling less alone and uninformed students are starting to think twice. You are making a difference. We did something really similar last semester when I was editor of our student newspaper in November, so I’m sure that you’re getting a lot of emails like this (I hope so!). So pass my congrats and thanks along to your staff too. All the best to you, Ryan
Continued on page 3
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Melodie Roschman Editor-in-Chief Timothy Hucks News Editor Jaime Vargas Ideas Editor Tim McGuire Sports Editor & Distribution Dakota Hall Humans Editor Matthew Chacko Arts & Entertainment Editor Joelle Arner Photo Editor Jason Shockey Copy Editor Jacina Shultz Copy Editor Iván Ruiz Layout Editor Scott Moncrieff Faculty Advisor
Letters to the editor can be submitted to All letters subject to publication. The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventhday Adventist church.