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WED 11.19.14



An Earnest Performance Oscar Wilde encore brings down the house -p. 11




“Andrews University offers many “Much of Adventist worship is options for its students to celstructured so that emotions are ebrate their individuality, identity, the be-all and end-all of everydiversity, and unity through thing.” Christ. P. 3 P. 4

NFL JUNKIE The experience is definitely worth the money!

P. 6

BRENT GERATY “Sometimes in our lives we need the consequences of the law… But all of us also need grace…”

P. 9



“I realized that I would start sing- “We are a generation defined by ing and not even know; it was just being tech-savvy, narcissistic, soalways coming out” cially liberal, and economically in trouble.” P. 11 P. 12




AU Theatre Wing Boone Menhardt | The Andrews

Givan Hinds News Editor

University Theatre Wing is in its first year and is preparing for a musical performance of Pygmalion. Executive Producer Stephen Batchelor claims that this will not be the first time that Andrews has hosted a musical performance. Last year, the music department was featured “St. Matthew’s Passion” which is a staged oratorical. To Batchelor’s knowledge, Andrews has hosted at least two other musicals, including “The Sound of Music.” The musical is scheduled to be performed on three occasions, March 27, 28, and tentatively 30, 2015. The performance on the 30th will be a chance for the understudies of the characters to perform and be featured. This performance will also be a free production open to the community. The reason for the musical and even for the new theatre club is related to Batchelor’s senior Honors thesis. Batchelor happens to be studying both Music and English, so he thought that a musical would be a perfect and creative thesis project. Batchelor chose “My Fair Lady” because it is one of his personal favorites and he can also relate to the character that he is playing, Professor Higgins. The production of the musical has been very difficult for Batchelor. He says that there have been many hardships, including the musical’s “magnitude and unrealistic quality.” There also has been difficulty obtaining the rights for “My Fair Lady,” which is copyrighted. Batchelor says that the AU Theatre Wing may have to name the play “Pygmalion,” which is

what “My Fair Lady” is based on and is in the public domain. Batchelor also explains that the club has an abundant number of female members, but not enough male members. The club needs at least 20 more males to fill in certain positions including the character of Freddy, who is an important actor. Lastly, and probably the most difficult, is funding. Batchelor hopes to raise at least $15,000 for the production of the musical. The reason for such a high cost has a lot to do with the renting of The Howard Performing Art Center, which will cost altogether about $4000, and also the set that will be designed and built by the Architecture Student Association Club. The set should cost about $8,000, putting the total closer to $12,000, but Batchelor says, “I’d rather shoot high.” Despite these difficulties, Batchelor and his team have been able to raise $5,000 from an anonymous donor. The theatre club was also able to raise more funds from an encore production of “The Importance of Being Earnest”, which was first put on last year by the English Department.

bers are the government and central bank governors from twenty major economies around the world. They are from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the U.K. and the U.S., as well as the European Union. The purpose of the group is the international coordination of economic policy. The annual G20 summit just concluded this year’s meeting in Brisbane, Australia. Tony Abbott, the Prime Minister of Australia, sought to focus on economic issues. However, climate change and the conflict in Ukraine garnered the most attention. US, Canadian, and European leaders severely criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin for violating the Minsk agreement, international law, and providing heavy arms to separatists in Ukraine. Although Putin

Livvy Knott | The North American

Division (NAD) of Seventh-day Adventists voted at this year’s Yearend Meeting to permanently give “voice and vote” to the student representatives from the division’s colleges and universities. The student government presidents from Canadian University College, La Sierra University, Oakwood University, Pacific Union College, Southern Adventist University, Southwestern Adventist University, Union College, Walla Walla University, Washington Adventist University, and Andrews University—including the president of the Adventist Intercollegiate Association (AIA)—were invited as official delegates to the 2014 NAD Year-end Meeting, held October 31 through November 4 in Silver Spring, Maryland. Last school year was the first year that student representatives were invited to attend the NAD Year-end Meeting, said former AUSA President Jonathan Jacobs. “We all received the news with excitement and were honored to have the opportunity. Even though my dad used to work in the very building these meetings were held, this was my first opportunity to truly

be engaged with church business,” reflected Jacobs. At that time, the student presidents were granted voice—the opportunity to speak in the meetings— but not vote. The decision to make student representatives fully-fledged delegates was due in part to Larry Blackmer, NAD Vice President for Education. Blackmer said that because last year’s experience was “so refreshing and deemed valuable, I made a request last January to allow the group to have voice and vote.” Blackmer continued, “When we revised the official delegate list, we included each [president] as voting delegates, permanently. We also voted to pay the airfare for each [president] each year.” It was Blackmer who moved on the opening night of the session to make this permanent, and the motion was passed by the entire group. One report at the NAD Year-end meeting was given by Debbie Pinto, United Student Body President at Union College. Pinto presented a report from the 2014 Summit for Young Adult Retention and Involvement. Representatives from Adventist universities and colleges across North America—including

AUSA Executive Secretary Jason Shockey of Andrews University— had gathered at Union College for the Summit the previous week, on October 23-25. The Summit sought to answer four questions: 1) Why are young adults staying in the church?, 2) Why are young adults leaving the church?, 3) What do young adults need from the church?, and 4) What are young adults willing to give the church? For the full report, visit www. weareausa.com/summit. The NAD is one of 13 divisions of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, a church with 18 million members worldwide. Each division is made up of unions, which are made up of conferences, which are made up of local churches. Delegates and invitees to this annual meeting of the NAD include union and conference presidents, secretaries, and treasurers; Adventist college and university presidents; lay delegates; and now the student government presidents from each Adventist college or university in the division (provided that the student president is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church).

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor,

Koala Diplomacy* Jonathan Doram | The G20 mem-

North American Division Year-end Meeting

In reference to your article titled “Scholarships Explained” (SM November 11), this is my response: As a donor of two named endowed scholarships (one honors my parents and the other honors my wife’s parents…all deceased),

I am appalled and offended by the quote of a student: “Why would I even care about receiving an extra named scholarship (which I have to write a thank you letter for…?) when it doesn’t actually give me anything?” It all smacks of ungratefulness and disrespect for donors who “put

their money where their mouth is” in an attempt to benefit students. I personally look forward to those letters of gratitude where our parents’ names are mentioned and therefore remembered and honored. Greg Constantine

called for an end to the sanctions against Russia, President Obama warned the economic isolation of Russia would continue until Putin changed course. All the members agreed to The Brisbane Action Plan, which includes boosting their collective GDP growth by at least 2%. The reforms hope to create millions of jobs, with emphasis on increasing the participation of women in the workforce. They also released a statement reinforcing their desire to extinguish the West African outbreak of Ebola.

*Each leader was given a koala, an animal native to Australia, to hold at the beginning of the summit. Australia has used them as diplomatic tools since 1980.


WED 11.19.14





Across the Atlantic Andrei Wayne Kyrk Defino | At

Andrews University, November marks the observance of European Heritage and, to celebrate, Student Life hosted an event to showcase the diversity and vibrancy of European culture. Last Tuesday, the Howard Performing Arts Center housed the event as a crowd of students were entertained by the humorous Master of Ceremonies, Stephen Batchelor, Senior English, Spanish, and Piano Performance major. Segueing into the main event, Batchelor opened with a trivia game based on European history, geography, and culture, enticing the audience’s participation with the prize of free tickets to The Theatre Wing’s encore performance of The Importance of Being Earnest. Audience participation and anticipation continued to grow as the event proceeded through the acts. One student who attended the program, Senior Pre-PT ma-

jor Timothy Dolan, commented on Batchelor’s hosting as “engaging and interesting” and complimented the audience’s participation and interest throughout the program. As the program progressed, students, professors, and clubs exhibited the vibrancy of European culture. The first act of the morning was an engaging traditional Irish dance performed by Aimée-Joy Cork, a senior French studies PreVet major, followed by a mesmerizing rendition of a French song by Masters in Voice Performance student Georgina Zambrano, accompanied on piano by Junior Music Education major Jonathan Doram. Transporting the audience across the Atlantic, the French Club gave a look into Parisian nightlife, from baguettes, romantic dinners, and designer brands. Gregory Constantine, Professor of Art and Design, then brought the past to life as Leonardo da Vinci,

complete with costume and accent, to give a comedic lesson on art history. As the program neared its close, the audience enjoyed a live bagpipe performance of Amazing Grace, followed by a recitation of Shakespeare by Stephen Batchelor. As one of the top ranked most culturally diverse universities in the United States, Andrews University offers many options for its students to celebrate their individuality, identity, diversity, and unity through Christ. Programs such as the European History Month event are just one way that Andrews tries to do that. Alex Angellakis, a senior Theology major with Grecian roots, remarks, “Andrews recognizes that many different cultures attend this university and chooses to celebrate that notion. It makes me glad that we are able to bring awareness of the many overseas cultures...“

SBA Career Fair Jenna Neil | On Tuesday, Novem-

ber 11, the School of Business Administration held their 24th annual career fair. The fair, held in the lobby of Chan Shun Hall, was an event to provide students with an opportunity of finding either an internship or full-time position. Co-curricular credit was offered to students who dressed professionally and all majors and class standings were welcome. Business students had the opportunity to submit a 1-2 page resume to be included in the career

fair resume booklet. Each company that attended the career fair was given a resume booklet along with several companies that didn’t attend but requested booklets. The resume booklet was mainly for sophomores, juniors, and seniors, as well as on campus and online MBA students. Business students also had the opportunity to sign up for interviews either at Kettering Health Network or Adventist Health System (AHS). Over fifty students and community members came to the event,

including President Niels-Erik Andreasen, Provost Andrea Luxton and Vice President for Financial Administration Larry Schalk. The companies that attended were pleased with the event as well. “Excellent quality of students attending,” stated one, while another said, “Students asked very specific questions.” They were also pleased with the hospitality at Andrews and said, “Thanks for your hospitality and a very well run Andrews Business Career Fair.”





Sentimental Worship Isabel Stafford | You’re sitting in

Erik Vyhmeister Ideas Editor

church, vespers, or chapel, and tinkly piano music begins playing. The lights dim, and someone sings softly. The speaker stands up and asks all those who would consecrate their lives to the Lord to come to the front. If you have spent any amount of time in the Adventist church, you recognize this scenario because you have encountered a variation of it at least once, and possibly dozens of times. Maybe it was guitar music instead of piano; maybe the altar call was about service or something else entirely. Perhaps you were asked to stand up in the pews; perhaps you were enticed to share a testimony of God working in your life. And, chances are, at some point you responded to

that altar call. You were so moved by the emotions of the moment that you walked to the front of the church, accompanied by gentle music, and vowed to consecrate your life to your God. There is nothing wrong with responding to an altar call. There is, however, a problem with how we structure altar calls, and worship services in general. Much of Adventist worship is structured so that emotions are the be-all and end-all of everything. I have never experienced an altar call that wasn’t accompanied by a purposefully sentimental atmosphere, and that carries over to much of our worship services. When we step into church, we begin our services with hymns and praise songs filled with imagery of

God as our protector, our refuge, and our one true love. Just as there is nothing wrong with responding to an altar call, there is nothing wrong with singing songs to the Lord. But should it be the first thing we do, before substance? We sing praises to put ourselves in a properly worshipful state of mind, but is that something we should desire? We stand up and sing to God, and then we view the subsequent sermon or conversation, the substance of the service, through an emotional, worshipful haze. No relationship can be successful without love, and a relationship with God requires both love and trust. But the love required by a relationship with God is sincere love, love that has been solidified through prayer, reflection

and thought. The church should guide people as they try to form and maintain that bond, and it is certainly possible to sit down with a pastor and discuss the difficulties you have loving and trusting God. But here’s the thing: vespers and church services should focus on forming that genuine bond, and they don’t. Instead, both the structure and the execution of most of our worship services are about providing the congregation with an emotional rush, a burst of love and trust in God that fades away after the last hymn. The sentimentality of all of church’s trappings provide this shallow and fleeting emotion in congregations, until even the most deep and thoughtful sermons and discussions are overshadowed and

forgotten in the wake of our dose of emotion-filled praise. We are so focused on the emotionality of the experience that we forget that our sentimental songs and altar calls and tearful testimonies can’t sustain us. They are structured to fill us with emotion for a few hours, but what about the rest of our lives? When your relationship with God is failing, singing a song to the Lord isn’t going to fix it. Deep prayer and thoughtful discussion and long hours of reflection are far more important than the easy and sentimental structures that we often focus so much of our energy on.


Philospher Profile: Diogenes Emily Cancel | Diogenes of Sin-

ope: one of the fathers of cynical philosophy, famous for his frequent, piquant clashes with Plato, and his idea that poverty was a merit. His core aphorism is still repeated today as, “Actions speak louder than words.” Every child grows up hearing it, but few know from whence it came. He spent his life endeavoring to prove that actions spoke louder than words in any situation by berating individuals and behaviors he felt were hypocritical, and attempting to live as an example to the masses. Diogenes’ beliefs have been, unfortunately for him, overshadowed by the methods that he employed to illustrate his beliefs. Pestiferous from the beginning, Diogenes was exiled from his hometown of Sinope for defacing the currency that his father produced for the town. He soon

found his way to Athens, where the slave he had brought with him promptly left. Always one to take an educational opportunity, he declared that a man who couldn’t live without help was pathetic, and proceeded to set up his infamous residence in the market place. In keeping with his belief that only the poor could find true meaning in life, this residence in question was a large ceramic wine jar. From this position in the marketplace, Diogenes began his customary mockery of unnecessary practices, when he began asserting that “things done in private cannot be made shameful by being performed in public.” At the time, it was against Athenian rules to eat in the market place, where his jar happened to be situated. Upon being chided for eating in the market, he inquired as to why he could not eat when he felt hungry because it

was not popular to do so where he was standing. His sarcastic wit soon gained fame in greater circles than the market place when he took himself to new heights and began clashing with Plato. The famous founder of Western Philosophy taught at a school in Athens, and Diogenes made it his frequent practice to interrupt Plato’s lectures in order to input his own corrections to Plato’s teaching. In one well-known instance, Plato was teaching on the question, “What is man?” Plato, an avid follower of Socrates, was discussing Socrates’ description of man as, “featherless bipeds,” when Diogenes strolled in with a plucked chicken and declared, “Plato, I have brought you a man!” Plato quickly added, “having broad nails,” to Socrates’ definition of man. Although he lived in a pot and

forwent what he considered to be, “superfluous baggage,” Diogenes met his share of celebrities. He was captured by pirates off the coast of Greece, and was sold to a Corinthian whose sons Diogenes tutored. The story goes that while Alexander was strolling along the beach one day, he came across Diogenes, of whom he was a fervent admirer. Overly excited, Alexander stated that he would give Diogenes anything his heart desired. Diogenes, who happened to be sunbathing, replied that if he could request anything, it would be for Alexander to remove himself from Diogenes’ sunlight. Impressed, Alexander shook his head and said, “If I were not Alexander, I would wish to be Diogenes.” Diogenes missed not a beat and retorted, “If I were not myself, I would also wish to be Diogenes.” As the end of Diogenes’ life drew

near, he was asked how he wanted his body to be disposed of. Antagonistic to the last, he replied that he would be satisfied to be thrown outside, over the walls of the city. The shocked inquirer wondered whether Diogenes would mind being eaten by wild animals. “Not so long as you leave me a stick to fend the creatures off with,” Diogenes responded. Diogenes’ inquisitor wondered how he could do that if he was dead, and thus incapable of conscious thought. He retorted that if he were unconscious, it wouldn’t matter to him how he was buried. In the end, he died in Corinth, and a monument was erected in his honor. His zany mode of philosophy may have caused him to be termed, “Socrates gone mad,” but his followers ensured that his beliefs remained unforgotten in the years since.

WED 11.19.14



ferent churches for different ethnic groups simply did not exist in the early church. So what are we saying with our

they cater to a specific culture? Or is it possible that when we create separate, ethnic churches, what we are actually saying is that our

fore we split the body of Christ into separate fingers and eyelashes and toes, no longer useful because we are no longer one? Obviously, birds of a feather will flock together. It’s often easier worshipping with people who share a similar background, language, or worship style. Connections are more easily formed, topics more easily discussed. I lived overseas for two years, and went to churches that were either translated from English or skipped the translation part entirely. I understand wanting to worship as part of a service where you understand everything, where the music is the way you like it, and the potluck has your kind of food. Yet just because it’s easier to have cultural churches, does that mean we should?



Cultural Churches Alexi Decker | Undoubtedly, the

Andrews University campus is one of the most diverse places I have ever had the privilege of living in. I love the way the different cultures on campus foster different approaches to music, speaking, learning, interaction, worship. But I have to admit to being surprised at the sheer number of “cultural churches” on or around the Andrews campus. Cultural churches are exactly what the name implies: churches based around a single ethnicity. They are your Hispanic churches, your Korean churches, your Filipino churches, etc. Whether or not the church service is in English or another language, it’s usually clear that while cultural churches are open to all worshippers, they

are mostly focused on worshippers of their own ethnicity. Over and over again, Jesus prays that the church may “all be one;

is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28). Acts 4:32 speaks of the congregation of believers be-

“Our concept of different churches for different ethnic groups simply did not exist in the early church.” even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You…” (John 17:21). Paul says that everyone baptized into the church “is neither Jew nor Greek… is neither slave nor free man, there

ing “of one heart and soul”— after the day of Pentecost, where there were thousands of Jews of completely different ethnicities and backgrounds. Our concept of dif-

different ethnic churches? Is it innocuous—simply the idea that worship services reach people better when said services are in that person’s mother tongue or when

God is not big enough to bridge our language gap/cultural gap/worship style gap? How far do we cater to each specific person’s worship style or cultural background be-


Another Way Erik Vyhmeister | Are drums al-

lowable in church? Should we sing only hymns? The controversy over appropriate music in church is far from over. Part of the problem: the Bible doesn’t give us clear answers. There aren’t verses where Jesus outlines what instruments should be played in church, what styles of music are “right” to play on different occasions. So what are we, as the church, supposed to do? In many cases, what has been done is the creation of two separate church services, each with a different style of music. Another option that has been used is to have the groups with differing tastes worship separately, though this isn’t an option for everyone. However, there are growing concerns about what this means for church unity – churches that cater to young people are pressured

into more adopting more modern styles of music, since that is what the young appreciate. That being said, it means there’s less and less interaction between the young and the old (on average). This means there’s less connection between many church members and those

worship styles are creating serious rifts in the church. When two people (or groups) disagree, there’s more one way to settle the issue. If there’s a higher authority, such as the Bible in this case, it can be used to settle the discussion. However, as stat-

accepting a difference on worship styles and systemizing the split, is it possible that both groups can agree on a third option? The formulaic {song service, offering/children’s story, sermon, end} is used not because it’s prescribed in the Bible, but because it’s part of the

“When two people (or groups) disagree, there’s more one way to settle the issue.” in charge – whether we like it or not, older people are more likely to be in administrative positions. In more than one way, differing

ed earlier, the Bible is silent on the topic of appropriate music worship genre – clearly, it’s not an issue pertaining to salvation. Instead of

Christian tradition we as an Adventist church inherited. There’s nothing wrong with that tradition, but it’s not a requirement.

Let the Sabbath worship service be about worshiping God, not about the music. If they are a point of contention, remove song services entirely. The Bible says “if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out!” This might seem extreme, but Jesus doesn’t ask for half-committment. If there’s a part of the worship service that is causing people to drift away from God – whether the thing itself or the controversy caused by it – get rid of it. We already have a cultural divide between the generations. Given we are called to be a united church, it is our duty as church members, young and old, to be united. Since we cannot unite over music, maybe we should stop fighting about it and focus on something else. If our entire identity as Adventists fits somewhere on the liberal-conservative spectrum, we

have a problem. If we cannot overcome those differences, how can we hope to accomplish anything of note? Our identity as a church needs to be based on more than what kind of church we attend. We could say that our focus is Jesus, but do we show that in how we live? How we act in church? We could say that our focus is mission, but are we representing Christ to those around us? In light of all the differences there are in worship styles, we need to remember that we are more than a placeholder somewhere between flaming liberal and ultraconservative, and that we have both a Savior and a mission in common with all Adventists, and many Christians. Let’s work together towards goals that matter rather than against each other for things that in the long term really don’t.




Tim McGuire Pulse Editor

Acrofest 2014

Alexander the Weight(lifter)

Alex Thomas | This year the Gym-

Name: Alexander McCord Class: Senior Major: Marketing Interviewed by: Nolan Roy

nics decided to take it to the next level at Acrofest. For those who do not know what Acrofest is, it’s a yearly event where every Adventist college and a few academies bring together their gymnastics teams for a three day clinic, then a grand show. With well over 35 gymnastic teams this year at Southern Adventist University, and well over 20 routines, somehow Southern was still able to host every single gymnast comfortably. “The experience is different every year; it’s always new,” says Andrew Osano, the Assistant Coach. Andrew has been with the team for 14 years and still looks forward to Acrofest every year. He thinks the Andrews University Gymnics bond is strong because of “the way everyone became friends.” Before Acrofest even started, the Gymnics had some struggles and injuries but during all of this Coach Paddock was able to stay calm. “We’re going to bond together as a team,” Paddock said of of his expectations for Acrofest, “and learn a lot of gymnastics and put on a good performance at the end.” Before the grand Saturday night show happened, however, the Gymnics saw two team members-Christian Miranda and Richard Clark, in the hospital, then Daniel

Hall developed kidney stones, two others knee problems, and day before the show Chad Rieger ended up on crutches with an ankle injury. But one thing that got everyone worried was when the news hit about the South Western Acronics Team from Texas. While driving to Acrofest they got into an accident and a few of them were sent to the hospital and one of them had lung damage. Saturday night they performed and they seemed unfazed. But the thing to end the night was Coach Lighthall, the past Gymnic coach, saying “what got you here, won’t get you there”. The night ended with a spectacular tribute to God put on by the Southern Gym-Masters, and the crowd was moved by the depictions of certain Bible characters and Bible stories that they had reenacted. Especially striking was a silks routine that employed dramatic lighting effects to bring the story to life. Southern kept the whole program Christ-themed, and Gym-Masters Coach Rick Schwarz concluded with a challenge for everyone to take their spiritual journey “to the next level.”

Where are you from?

I grew up Florida to begin with, then moved out to California, now I live in Chicago. I plan on graduating here and then hopefully moving out to New York and spreading my wings and see where that takes me. Why do you like to work out?

I got into working out at the end of freshman year in college. I think it was just more of a wanting to do better for myself. I always kind of felt like that scrawny kid, like always tall and lanky, but just scrawny. So I started working out with a guy over the summer and put on about fifteen to twenty pounds and ever since then it’s just kind of become my passion. I’m in the gym five to six days a week if I can be and I’m just trying to get my physique to where I want it to be.

cess we have been going through and we had a pretty decent turn out. About 45 people signed up and about 30-35 people showed up to watch, so it wasn’t too bad. It was a good experience, you know having people come out here trying to set personal goals for themselves and lift as much as they personally could while being around others having that camaraderie, that cheer them on to lift as much as they can and set goals for themselves for this time as well as for the next competition. How do you prepare yourself for competitions?

Whenever I do any sort of a competition, I mean I haven’t done many but at least as far as lifting is concerned, I just try to get in my zone. I’ll put my music up real loud and just kind of hold my head down and do my best to kind of center myself and set myself up for whatever next weight I’m going to be lifting, and chalk up my hands and get ready to lift whatever I can.

Talk about last weeks deadlift competition

How do you relate lifting weights to life in general?

Last week we had the deadlift competition. It was the first annual so that was exciting. I work for Meier Health Club so it was kind of a pro-

If I were to do analogy to lifting weights and my journey in life, it’s like you start off somewhere and you slowly gain and there might

be days where you don’t perform as well as you normally do and it’s just a day where you have energy or you’re just not feeling it that day and you have to ‘go back down in weight’. But when that next day hits, or that next week hits, when you do go back up it’s kind of like life, sometimes you’ve want to take some steps forward but you end up taking some steps back, but as long as you keep progressing towards a future goal then you can’t really complain. What would you say to people who are trying to get into the gym?

To anybody who’s just started lifting and are getting ready to join this lifestyle I would just say, everybody has got to start somewhere so don’t get discouraged. I started weighing at 160lbs at the end of my freshman year and now I’m weighing in at 230lbs. As long as you are dedicated and you are strict with your diet and exercise and you are getting enough sleep and you can manage it around your studies then it’s definitely doable to reach whatever goals you want. If you’re able to stick with it for four or five weeks, after that it just becomes second nature and it becomes that lifestyle.

Adam Jencks: Traveling Football Fan Name: Adam Jencks Class: Senior Major: Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Fan of: The New England Patriots Which stadiums have you visited?

Gillette Stadium, home of the New England Patriots. M & T Bank Stadium, home of the Baltimore Ravens. Lucas Oil Stadium, home of the Indianapolis Colts. Paul Brown Stadium, home of the Cincinnati Bengals. Ford Field, home of the Detroit Lions. LP Field, home of the Tennessee Titans. The Georgia Dome, home of the Atlanta Falcons. When was the first game you attended?

I attended my first game when I was around 15 years old, a Ravens preseason football game in Baltimore, Maryland. What is your best memory at a game?

My favorite memory at a game was going to Super Bowl 46 in Indianapolis. Though the Patriots lost, it was an incredible game and electric environment. PHOTO PROVIDED BY @THE1STADAM VIA INSTAGRAM

What was your latest game attended?

I attended the Patriots vs Colts game in Indianapolis, Indiana on November 16. It was a great game for the Patriots. Lucas Oil Stadium is the nicest stadium I’ve ever visited. Most Colts fans were courteous and it was a great time. How has your experience changed from your first game until now?

Watching NFL games in person are completely different from watching them on TV. Watching my first NFL game in person I wasn’t used to not having up close replays and no yellow line for first downs. You really have to concentrate on where the ball is, as well as which players are on the field. I’ve gotten used to just looking at the big screen for replays. Is the experience worth the money?

I’ve been to NBA, MLB and NFL games. I can say without a doubt NFL games are the best games to see in person. They can be pricy, but researching tickets months before can save you a chunk of

change. The experience is definitely worth the money! Who do you think is taking home the Lombardi trophy this season?

The New England Patriots have proven so far that they are the most complete team in the NFL. To be a successful team you need a great coach and a great quarterback, and the Patriots have both. The Super Bowl is months from now so anything could happen, especially injuries. But as of now I see the Patriots as the Super Bowl favorites.

WED 11.19.14





Thanksgiving Recipes Coleman |Thanksgiving is just around the corner. What will you be doing for the holiday? For those of you who might be staying on campus, here are a few main dish Thanksgiving recipes that are simple and easy to make! Rebecca

Mashed Sweet Potatoes INGREDIENTS -2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 2-inch chunks 1-/2 cup half-and-half (can substitute with soy milk* or coconut cream) -3 tablespoons margarine -2 tablespoons light-brown sugar -Coarse salt and ground pepper DIRECTIONS -Cut sweet potatoes in four pieces each and bring water to a boil in a pot. When the water is boiling, place the slices of sweet potato in the pot. If the water covers the potatoes completely, drain some. You want the water to barely cover the tops. Cook until soft. -In a small saucepan, bring halfand-half, butter, and brown sugar to a simmer, stirring to combine; remove from heat. Add mixture to drained sweet potatoes; mash until smooth; season with salt and pepper. *if you use soy milk, use 1/3 cup

Garlic Green Beans INGREDIENTS -1 lb fresh string beans

-½ clove of garlic -Soy sauce or braggs liquid aminos -Black pepper -3 TBs olive oil DIRECTIONS -Wash and pick string beans, set aside. Peel garlic and crush in a garlic press. -Heat olive oil in a pan on medium heat. -Brown garlic in pan then add the string beans and two tablespoons of water. Add soy sauce and black pepper to taste. Let string beans simmer for about 8 minutes. Simple Stuffing from Scratch INGREDIENTS -2 loaves Italian bread torn into bite-size pieces -4 tablespoons butter at room temperature -4 celery stalks, thinly sliced -1 onion, minced -2 garlic cloves, minced -Coarse salt and ground pepper -½ tsp. sage -1/2 cup parsley leaves, chopped -3 large eggs, lightly beaten -2 cans vegetable broth DIRECTIONS -Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Arrange bread in a single layer on baking sheets. Bake until crisp but not browned for about 10 minutes. -In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add celery, onions, garlic and sage; season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring oc-

What Not to Wear This Winter casionally, until vegetables are softened, 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer mixture to a large bowl. -Add bread, parsley, and eggs to the mixture in the bowl Season with 1 1/2 teaspoons salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; stir to combine. Mix in half of broth. Continue to add in more broth just until stuffing is moistened, but not wet or soupy. -Spoon stuffing into a buttered baking dish. Cover with buttered aluminum foil, and refrigerate for thirty minutes. Place covered baking dish in oven, and bake until warmed through - 25 to 30 minutes. Uncover and bake until golden, about 15 minutes more.

cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, salt, and baking soda. -Make a hole in the center of flour mixture. In the hole, whisk together egg, sour cream, and corn. Mix with flour mixture just until incorporated (do not overmix). -Spoon batter into muffin pan. Bake until the tops have browned. Insert a toothpick into the center of a muffin and make sure it comes out clean, 10 to 15 minutes.

Cornbread Pudding Cupcakes INGREDIENTS -Butter, room temperature -1/2 cup all-purpose flour, -1/2 cup yellow cornmeal -2 tablespoons brown sugar -1 teaspoon baking powder -1 teaspoon salt -1/4 teaspoon baking soda -1 large egg (or equivalent egg replacer) -1 1/2 cups sour cream (can replace with vegan sour cream or thick coconut cream) -1 package (10 ounces) frozen corn kernels, thawed and patted dry DIRECTIONS -Preheat oven to 425 degrees, with rack in upper third. Butter 24 mini muffin cups; set aside. -In a medium bowl, whisk together flour,

Bethany Morrison | This winter

avoid wearing cotton! Many may not know this but cotton is not good to wear for winter. In fact, cotton traps moisture against your skin. Through convection, the cold air and moisture work with one another to replace the heat that our bodies generate with cold energy. Synthetic material is advised to more wick away moisture from the skin. Make sure to layer up! Most

importantly, start with softer layers against the skin and end with nylon material which will resist rain and wind. The whole idea is that as the temperature changes you’ll have the option of adding or removing clothing that will keep your body warm!



Men’s Basketball:

Men’s Basketball:

November 8th, 2014 Cardinals- 63 Indiana UniversitySouth Bend- 65 (OT)

November 22nd, 2014 @7:30 pm Cardinals vs. Calumet College of St. Joseph

November 13th, 2014 Cardinals- 49 Ancilla College- 63 November 15, 2014 Cardinals- 59 Holy Cross College- 57 Women’s Basketball November 3rd, 2014 Cardinals- 21 Glen Oaks Community College- 76 November 5th, 2014 Cardinals- 16 Indiana UniversitySouth Bend- 94

November 24th, 2014 @7:30 pm Cardinals vs. Indiana University Kokomo December 2nd, 2014 @6:00 pm Cardinals vs. Calumet College of St. Joseph Women’s Basketball:

November 20th, 2014 @5:30 pm Cardinals vs. Indiana University- South Bend November 24th, 2014 @5:00 pm Cardinals vs. Indiana University Kokomo December 2nd, 2014 @8:00 pm Cardinals vs. Calumet College of St. Joseph

November 13th, 2014 Cardinals- 33 Ancilla College- 90








The NMR Machine Emily Scott | Nuclear Magnetic

Dakota Hall Humans Editor

Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a technique in analytical chemistry that uses quality control and research in order to determine the content and purity of a collected sample and its molecular structure. Basically, it uses a component of electromagnetic radiation (waves at radio frequency) to stimulate changes between nuclear energy levels (resonance). Alanna James, a Junior studying Biochemistry, was born in Brooklyn, New York, and was raised in Harlingen, Texas. She stated that in Organic Chemistry, a class that she found interesting yet somewhat difficult, they used the NMR machine a few times and learned how it functioned. She stated that every element has isotopes, which chemists like to measure. However, the “only ones that really work with the NMR machine are the ones that have integral or fractional spin.” This means that the nuclei (which contains protons and neutrons) of the atoms are electrically charged and many have a spin, which causes them to behave like a magnet. She went on to explain that when she was taking her class, they “usually measured Carbon-13 (13C), but more so Hydrogen-1 (1H), which are both isotopes of the carbon and hydrogen atoms.” She stated, “Once you have your sample, you put it in the machine and the NMR machine will give you a spectrum, which will allow you to identify the compound.” She then went on to give a stepby-step example of a molecule and explained how the machine would

measure the amount of hydrogens that are found in that specific molecule. She said that she would get her sample and put it in the NMR machine, which would produce a spectrum that shows her the number of Hydrogens and how they are grouped. “The hydrogens that are similar, which means that they are in similar locations relative to the compound, show that they come out on the same peak and the peaks are representative of how many hydrogens you have on there. The spectrum then prints

out a graph and the x-axis shows how much it has deshielded.” Every atom is surrounded by orbiting electrons around the nucleus. These negatively charged particles move in a loop, which creates a magnetic field. The spin of the electrons is normally in the opposite direction of the applied magnetic field, which opposes the strong magnetic field of the electrons of the atom in the NMR machine. To obtain resonance, the magnetic field strength would have to be decreased to overcome

the induced shielding effect by the electrons. Therefore, when an isotope is deshielded, it is refers to the “electron withdrawn groups that it’s close to which is just things that will actually withdraw electrons.” Alanna uses her spare time to engage in various constructive extracurricular activities. She is currently the class president for the 2016 graduating class. She is also the Treasurer of Kappa Phi Gamma (KPG), which is an organization in Lamson Hall that

promotes friendliness and the advancement of the spiritual, mental, cultural, and social growth among their members (all women who live in Lamson Hall). In addition to this, Alanna is a talented pianist and vocalist.


Watch Out, Indiana Jones Kari Logan | Alma Nizaye Cortez-

Alverez is a Junior in High School, but because she is homeschooling, she is able to attend Andrews and take two classes that will count for high school and university credits. Just like every other student here

on campus, she has a variety of interests ranging from history to music to movies. Alma tends to hit the books pretty hard: “I read and I like books a lot. My favorite genre is probably history; my favorites are

from the Roman period to Medieval.” Alma seems to have a deep curiosity for the past. She says “I really love reading about historical events and how things developed. I also really like reading about the different sides and from various


points of view.” Alma’s interest in history developed at an early age. “Ever since the third grade I’ve been homeschooled,” she says, “and before I didn’t really have an interest in anything to do with school. When I started homeschool, I started to do better in all my grammar, math, and even science, but the one area that I was interested in and reading ahead in was history, so I started reading more and more.” Her passion for history tends to seep into her other passions as well, with her interest in historical films. Although she admits the accuracy of historical films tends to be iffy, Alma recognizes that there is no way to have a movie that is perfectly accurate. Alma spends some time almost every day online looking at reviews of recent movies and seeing if there is anything of interest. While historical films are usually her preferred form, Alma notes, “I do love movies in general; they are a passion of mine.” Respecting movie music, Alma says “a lot of people think that the

score should just be in the background and other people think that the score should be able to stand alone, but I think that the best scores have a combination of pieces that play in the background but that tie into a stand alone piece.” Alma definitely has eyes and ears for art when it comes to films, but also when it comes to paintings. Though she appreciates abstract art, she states that she favors Renaissance art far more. Alma, who is considering pursuing archeology in college, has an eclectic assortment of interests. Her interest in movies and art certainly make her a great conversationalist. Her desire to get the best education she can marks her as ambitious, but it is the combination of all these things that make this young student such an intriguing person.

WED 11.19.14





Brent Geraty money on legal services than before. The expense of hiring me has saved the university money. You can’t possibly know every rule or law, so when somebody turns to you in a committee meeting and says “what are the legal implications here?” Do you say “I’ll have to check on that”?

I can often give an initial impression, and so tend to guide the conversation. I have enough experience so I have a sense of what the answer probably is, but of course I have to check later to see if my instinct or judgment is right.


General Counsel/Assistant Professor of Legal Studies What are some of the main areas of legal concern in a university context?

Higher education is highly regulated, so there are lots of areas in which we have to make sure we’re doing the right thing and meeting our responsibilities. So most of what I do pertains to helping us meet the responsibilities we know we have. One of the reasons why I was a good fit for Andrews is because our resources are people. My background is in human resources—I was an employment attorney—and that’s still the area where the university has the most need of legal counsel. I work closely with our HR director in employment matters. For example?

So when somebody wants to take a leave, are we complying with the Family and Medical Leave Act, are we complying with our own policies? If someone needs to be disciplined, are we doing it in the right way that is fair to them and also complying with our obligations? Are we setting a precedent? Because if we are, we need to make sure we’re doing that for all applicable people, so that we’re not treating people differently. Navigating all these issues. I’ve never, in my experience at An-

drews, come across someone intentionally discriminating against someone else, but sometimes the things that we do have discriminatory effects that we don’t really think about. So one of my jobs is to make sure we’re thinking about those things, so that we make sure we do the right thing. I see lots of books of Michigan case law and/or legal statutes on your shelves. You’re not sitting here in your office thumbing through these in your spare time, are you?

No. At this time, these books are more for display than utility. Most of the research I do is now online. But I still enjoy holding a book in my hands and going through it, so I will sometimes use one of these books for the starting point of my research, but inevitably I have to complete it online. How often is the university sued?

Not often. Let me distinguish between kinds of suits. If someone gets hurt at work, worker’s compensation takes care of that. Sometimes, in order to address the worker’s compensation matter, there’s a worker’s compensation lawsuit. It’s not really a lawsuit between people that are unhappy with each other. It’s just a process, a way of addressing an issue, so I don’t really think of those as law-

suits. Of the other kind, on our main campus, I think we’ve probably been sued about 5-7 times in the 14 years I’ve been here, so roughly every other year. And then there are some complaints that are filed with administrative agencies, which ask the agencies to look at specific concerns of the filer, so we work with the agencies on these, and they’re probably a little more frequent, but still, only a handful a year. How do you stay abreast of what’s happening in higher education legal matters?

There’s an organization called the National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA). They’re a great resource for connecting with other universities and their legal counsel, and what issues they’re facing—which we inevitably share at some point. Do all of our North American Adventist colleges and universities have a full time legal counsel?

No. I think I might be the only one. Most of these other schools have legal counsel, but not in-house. Is that because of our complexity, or because we’re just ahead of the game?

Probably a little of both. One thing Andrews discovered was that after I arrived the university spent less

I’m going to try a big philosophical question. We like to think human beings should be able to be guided by some innate sense of how to treat each other. And yet we have found it advisable to have pages and pages of laws to adjudicate our relations with each other. Why do we need this mountain of legal complication? Why can’t we just get along with each other?

The more complex and distant a society gets, the more necessary it is to have laws. What do you mean by “distant”?

So laws help us feel more secure in our connections with people otherwise unconnected to us?

Yes, although we still have to have faith and trust in the people who implement and enforce those rules, and that’s a real challenge. We see examples today, both inside and outside the United States of the people who enforce laws. Sometimes with good reason. Sometimes not with good reason, but out of fear. How do you, as a lawyer and a Christian, see the relationship between law and grace?

I’m certainly not a theologian, so I hope people take this with a grain of salt . . . The biggest challenge I’ve found as a teacher, and to some extent as a parent, is understanding when the student, or my child, needs which response. Sometimes in our lives we need the consequences of the law. To experience grace from the law all the time would not be healthy for us. But all of us also need grace, and to escape the consequences of our choices and decisions. And what one student or child might need is different from another. So how do you figure out what everyone needs at just the right time? That’s a great challenge for all of us.

For example, your family has rules, but you probably don’t have a codebook. Your rules are informal, they’re articulated sometimes, maybe the most important ones, but you don’t have them written down. You can manage that and work it out because the relationships are close and the commitment you have to each other is close. Within a church community, we do similar kinds of things. But the further out you go, the less connected we all are. We lack relationships. And when you don’t have that relationship, it makes it harder to trust that the other person is going to do what should be done, and the more necessary laws become. That’s natural and inevitable, not necessarily a bad thing.

I assume your job is somewhat stressful. What do you do outside of work to refresh yourself, or to have balance?

I’m actually a theology major; computers are just an interest I’ve had. I got my associate’s degree somewhere else, and I worked IT there as well, and developed most of my skills that I brought here, and now I do similar things here. I’m actually looking for a pastoring job right now. I’m engaged, and the wedding is here on campus in February, so I’m not too eager to get out of here and get a pastoring job until after that. Ideally I can get one pretty soon after the wedding. There are pictures hanging up on the bulletin boards all over cam-

pus advertising it so you might see some of them later.

For one, I serve as chair of the Andrews Academy school board. That just sounds like more stress.

[laughs]. I enjoy thinking about the best way to provide a transformational educational experience for high school students. It was so important for me, and I like thinking about how we can do that for everybody. Another thing I do for fun is work the scoreboard at the Cardinals’ basketball home games. My son Eli is doing the shot clock now, so I get to hang out with him, too. The third thing is I love to run, and I love how it contributes to

by Scott Moncrieff Faculty Advisor

my health, not just my physical health, but also my emotional health and would even say my spiritual health. I find many of my really valuable dialogues with God to be on my runs. I’m running three or four days a week, but I hope to be back up to six days a week soon. You don’t mind the cold?

No. Running in the cold is preferable to running in the heat. You can always put layers on. Anything over 10 degrees Fahrenheit is really fine. Last question. You could be hauling down more money if you were working for a corporation or doing some other kind of legal practice. What do you really like about your current job?

I love what I do. In fact, a couple of years ago I had a friend who works for a law firm visit me. He and his wife were getting ready to run the Chicago Marathon, so they came and spent a couple of days with us. So the two of them—they were good law school friends of ours— had some conversations with us, and they talked about how jealous they were about the life my wife and I were leading. They had all the money, and we had the rich life. That is, the opportunity to be involved in a mission that I wholeheartedly love and support. The mission of higher education is just awesome. I get a lot of satisfaction from supporting that mission. I enjoy being in an environment which is diverse and international. And there are a lot of family values here, so my ability to live a really connected life with my wife and children is supported in this community.

Wi-Fi… and Wedding Bells? Russell Murnighan, recent graduate Interviewed by: Avery Audet So what exactly is your job at IT?

Well, for example, I just got a request through the guy that’s working the help desk from someone who needs help registering their Xbox. And now he’s registered and ready to go. What is the most common problem you are asked to fix?

Definitely Wi-Fi connectivity issues. A lot of people don’t know

this, like the people in the dorms, but you’re not supposed to have your own wireless routers. Most people are getting them now to ensure a better connection. But when these people call and complain about campus Wi-Fi and how slow it is, the people who have routers are actually ruining everybody else’s internet connection. That’s a big issue right now. There’s not enough channels to hold all of the wireless networks people are throwing around, so they interfere with each other, and it gives people problems. The stuff

we deal with most often has to do with connecting to Wi-Fi, although other students have come in and said things like, “Hey, my computer just died,” or “I think I have a virus.” So I give people advice on what to do and how to fix it. I can’t actually crack people’s systems open anymore and fix it myself, because it’s not my job description anymore and people get nervous about the legalities of it, of an employee messing with someone’s computer, something goes wrong, and now it’s a liability for us. What is your major?

So did you and your fiancee both grow up together here in Michigan?

She grew up and has spent her whole life here. I’m actually from Oregon, so a little ways away. How is the planning for the wedding going?

It’s going really well. Chloe [Lewis] just recently graduated with a religion degree, and she works three jobs now. I think it’s more stressful for her than me. She works nights as a healthcare worker, she sings

in a choir at a church in South Bend, and she works for the undergraduate religion department. She just directed a dramatic reenactment of the book of Revelation at church, and she was in charge of getting everyone together and planning that, and I think that was more stressful than any of the wedding planning. We have pretty much everything figured out by now. We’re having the wedding February 22 here on campus so that all of our friends can be there, since it’s still during the semester.



Arts & Entertainment

Interstellar Reviewed Kirchberg | Christopher Nolan has achieved something pretty special in his career, and I’m not referencing the multiple nominations for an academy award, or even his creation of one of the highest grossing film franchises of all time. I’m talking about making his work a staple of the modern film industry. It seems like every year there is a “mustsee” Nolan movie, and every year it makes a mountain of money; every year I find myself in a packed theater waiting for his next blockbuster. This year’s installment to the Nolan catalog is Interstellar, for which he is credited as writer, producer, and director. The movie follows a small group of scientists, the remnants of NASA, as they search for a new planet for humanity to inhabit. It is set in the late 21st century, and mankind has damaged Earth to the point of no return. Once a wormhole is introduced to the picture, time and physics slips into the science fiction territory. Matthew McConaughey (Cooper) and Anne Hathaway (Amelia Brand) have leading roles as two of the exploratory team that leave Earth to find a new home, and lest it become smooth ride, they encounter plenty of unforeseen obstacles. John Lithgow, Michael Caine, Jessica Chastain, and a few surprising faces also fill out this red carpet roster. One of Nolan’s smartest choices in Interstellar is that it appeals both to sci-fi junkies who love space exploration and do not understand time relativity, and also Demetri

Shanelle Kim Arts & Entertainment Editor

those who search for authentic humanity in film. Many have attempted this (Elysium, Gravity, Prometheus, Pandorum), but none have achieved the duality in such a convincing manner. There are a few scenes involving recorded video messages from Earth to Cooper and Amelia that really pull you out of the awe-inspiring visuals and breathtaking circumstances and bring you right back to the humanity of the characters. McConaughey’s performance is on par with what we’ve learned to expect from him in his recent work. Movies like Mud and Dallas Buyers Club have stripped him of his casual, romantic comedy reputation, and Interstellar gives him a more family friendly character . Hathaway, too, gives a great performance. In fact, this is one of the few times I was convinced of her interpretation of the character. Nolan must have realized that her place should not be in the shoes of a French prostitute or a cateared super villain. Her depiction of Brand, a scientist with great intentions but hindered by dreams, grounded what could have been a futuristic fairy tale. The only qualms I have against Interstellar are the numerous leaps it asks you to take in understanding the science half of sci-fi. I understand that in films that take place in the future, increased knowledge and technology should be taken for granted by the characters, lest they appear out of place. Yet there are a few aspects, particularly dealing with time, where it would have been nice for Nolan

Say it With a Song to toss us a bone. In two specific parts, the audience has to realize that things will not be explained, and if you’re going to keep up, you have to get over it. Perhaps the modern film audience doesn’t appreciate having to learn information in order to understand a story, but I think it would have made the narrative more comprehensive. In other aspects, however, Interstellar wins on so many levels. The visuals of space and new planets are absolutely mesmerizing. The moments of suspense will make you hold your breath until you’re blue. The original score by Hans Zimmer is also amazing. With all of these successes, Nolan has finally created a film that can be memorable for more than its strange gimmicks or single perfect character. The highly memorable Inception is one of his most talked about films, but in the words of a man much smarter than myself, “Just because it’s confusing, doesn’t mean it’s good.” Yes, Interstellar stretches your knowledge of physics, and you may expect someone to say “wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey” at some point, but it is so well grounded in its portrayal of family and survival. Even if it was a low budget indie film, it could succeed on the laurels of its emotion alone. This is Nolan’s greatest work since The Prestige, and even The Dark Knight. This is a movie benefits from the big screen, so waiting for the digital release may be a mistake. In my book, Interstellar gets an 8 out of 10.

Demetri Kirchberg | If there is one

subject that can pervade every medium of art, and remain a hot topic for as long as people have been creating it, it’s love. This was exemplified last Saturday evening at “An Evening of Love Songs.” Our very own Charles Reid, professor of voice, and his wife Julie Reid, gave a performance centered around everything love, spanning three centuries and multiple styles. There was something special about getting to witness educators doing what they train others to do. The first half of the show was music from the 18th and 19th centuries in Italian, French, and German. Julie Reid opened the night with Giordani’s popular and beloved “Caro Mio Ben,” setting the mood with Italian romance. She continued with Paisiello and Caldara in her sweet mezzo-soprano. Mr. Reid followed her set with an equally emotive one of his own. “A Chloris” rang out with the timbre that Mr. Reid is known for. He kept this set on the melancholy side of love with “Extase” by Duparc and Faure’s “Fleur Jetee.” In Schumann’s “Dichterliebe No. 3,” he showed off his agility and charm, and it was quite the crowd pleaser. The several sets in the show were separated by projections of love poems, which acted like musical palette cleansers. All the formality of the first half was gone after intermission. Upon their return to the stage, it was time for 20th century showtunes from great shows like Les Miserables, Carousel, and The King and I. The mood

was immediately lightened with Mrs. Reid’s rendition of the sarcastic and girlish “Amor” from Cabaret Songs. Then the chemistry of the couple flowed in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “I Have Dreamed,” a duet that ended in a perfect blend of their individual voices. Once again, in “Do You Love Me?” from Fiddler on the Roof, a contemplative duet of two characters married for twenty-five years which discusses love, the authentic connection between these two talents glowed. In a standout moment, Mr. Reid gave an unaccompanied, offprogram, rendition of the Rodgers favorite, “If I Loved You.” Mrs. Reid’s shining moment of the show was a departure from most of the night’s songs, the majority being about the joys love brings. For a quiet, seated moment, she sang Jason Robert Brown’s “I’m Still Hurting,” expressing the vulnerable feelings of love lost. The show was interjected with an unexpected moment of performance art by a student ending with an onstage proposal and acceptance. The night filled with love, catalyzed by the true relationship between its stars. The saucy encore, “Anything You Can Do” ended the evening on an exceptionally happy note, and they sealed it with a kiss, another crowd pleaser. Freshman Kathe Burghardt remarked, “Their triumph was in giving us a demonstration of our faculty’s talent, which is something we don’t see much of.” Last Saturday night was the perfect example of how great our professors are at their own crafts.

Senior Spotlight: Kylynda Bauer Interviewed by: Joyce Yoon Name: Kylynda Bauer Major: Double major, BS Biology, BA Music Started AU in 2009 Spent 6 months at Universidad Adventista del Plata in Argentina to study Spanish with the Adventist Colleges Abroad program, “just to experience a new culture and polish [her] Spanish” Year: Senior graduating in December Interests/hobbies: writing, reading books, traveling, hiking Favorite books: John Knowles’ A Separate Peace, Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time, and Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables. School involvement: Member of BioPhilia, J.N. Andrews Honors Program Officer, was in KASA for three years, and Pre-Medical Society. On the 16th of November, Kylynda Bauer performed her senior piano recital at the Howard Performing Arts Center. She played pieces by Bach, Chopin, Beethoven, and Ravel.

How did you get interested or involved in music? My parents taught me piano and violin when I was younger, and then I took lessons throughout high school. So when I came to Andrews, I knew I wanted to continue improving and performing.

Bach French Suite no. 2 because each of the dance movements is very distinct and you have to put a new character or mood. But I think my favorite was Ravel[‘s] “Jeux d’eau” [because it] sounds like water, very lyrical and has a lot of beautiful harmonies.

What are your future plans for your biology and music degrees? Right now I’m applying to microbiology programs for graduate school. This is the end of music, at least on a professional level.

How did you feel playing for WAUS Second Sunday Series concert? Do you think it helped you prepare for your official senior recital? I was excited by the opportunity to perform for” Second Sunday Series concert. [I] was very nervous [because] I had never performed a full concert before. It helped me prepare to practice on the piano at the Howard and get used to the acoustics and the differences between pedaling, how the keys felt. Maybe technically I was more prepared to play the pieces.

Was it worthwhile to pursue a second major in music instead of playing casually? [I] was able to learn the theory and history behind the music. And it also allowed me to perform with different groups like the AU Orchestra and also to accompany different musicians as a pianist. In 2011, I went to Costa Rica on the orchestra tour. What was your favorite piece you performed from your senior recital? I liked all of them! I really liked the

What is your favorite part about performing? The pieces are different every time I perform. They’re never exactly the same and each time you can learn to be more artistic, play the pieces with more expression and

more lyricism. And also to improve the overall technical aspect.

field trips and on Sabbath, walking in Grand Mere.

How long did you practice to prepare for your recital? I spent about a year focusing on the recital. This semester, I focused mainly on the Beethoven Sonata as well as Ravel’s “Jeux d’eau” because they were new pieces.

Earlier you said you liked to travel. Where have your favorite places to visit been? Lake District in England; Iceland; and Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. It was a wonderful trip! My sister (Khelsea) and I went on a penguin cruise.

How did you select the pieces to perform? I knew some pieces that I wanted to play and others my music teacher suggested. What are your plans for the semester after you graduate? I will work as a biological science aid at USAMRIID (United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases). I worked there for two summers in 2010 and 2011, so I’ll be working in a lab and also doing more secretarial work. What are some fun things you like to do in the area when you’re not studying or practicing? [laughs] I always have to study or practice. I like going on the Honors

What was it like seeing the penguins? I was surprised by how close we could get. Penguins didn’t seem that afraid of boats or humans watching them. It was neat to see the amount of penguins. When you’re in the middle of a huge penguin mob, I thought they were funny. Is there anything else you’d like to share, or want the Student Movement readers to know? Take advantage of the Howard Performing Arts Center and try to go to at least one concert a semester and get more music.

WED 11.19.14



My friends and I went on this tour together and we started calling ourselves “musicianaries.” At concerts, people come up to you and tell you things that they might not be able to tell their closest friends, because they’ve made a connection with you on stage. Being a musician is hard. You have to work really hard and you’re exhausted and you’re doing everything and you can so get wrapped up in all the things you to do, but you can find even the littlest thing to make music of service to other people. It’s not just entertaining. If you are really truly confident in your calling and you know that

you have something to share with people, you can find those moments to serve people through the messages and through connecting with people afterwards. Even just going to people’s houses. Even the little old ladies who want to stay up and watch 3ABN. That’s a ministry and it’s hard to do and I don’t do it perfectly, but I try.


Arts & Entertainment

Alison Brook: The Heart of the Matter did. College seemed to be a practice of real life… I practiced how to apply myself. I still really love both departments and I would recommend it to anyone. Do you have any favorite artists?

Matt and Josie Minikus, Eric and Monique, Lee G, John Millea, Josh and Jackie Cunningham, Delon Lawrence. Those people really love Jesus and love doing music as a way to make Jesus the most important thing. For more well known people, I also really like JJ Heller, Beautiful Eulogy, and The Vespers. What’s your songwriting process?

Usually, I’m playing something on the guitar. Either a chord progression comes first or an idea, like one line of a song. Then I write the lyrics. It takes anywhere from a day to years to finish the song. WayAnne Watson | Alison Brook

is a Berrien Springs-based musician who just released her second album, The Heart of the Matter, after her recording debut in 2009. She’s toured with her self-penned songs and words of encouragement for audiences around the country, beginning during her time as an undergraduate student at Andrews University. Like many contemporary Adventist musicians, she’s from the singer/songwriter, girlwith-a-guitar tradition, but, in this album, she ventures into some more unfamiliar musical territory, including collaborations with rapper Lee G. You can come hear Alison perform live next Saturday night (November 22), at 7:30 in Newbold Auditorium. When did you start singing and making music?

I definitely started singing when I was a baby. I think a lot of kids really love music. Some keep on doing it because they can’t help

themselves and that’s kind of me… I realized that I would start singing and not even know; it was just always coming out and I think it was almost like a compulsion at some point. Then, I decided to become a music major at Andrews because I liked Mr. Zork. He was my voice teacher. I really liked opera music and he taught me the classical ways, but I didn’t feel like it was expressive enough. I was singing in all these languages I didn’t understand and it was thrilling and beautiful, but it didn’t really express the things that I wanted to express from my heart. So, I started writing songs and playing the guitar, and from there, it just blossomed and grew. What was your experience at Andrews?

I really loved the music major thing, but, like I said, I didn’t feel fulfilled musically. I decided later to add on a religion degree. It made me stay a long time, but I’m glad I

What do you think defines what’s appropriate for music in church and Christian music in general? Are there any guidelines that you follow in your own music?

It depends on the church and the part of the program. Just like in songwriting, if you’re speaking about death or pain or something emotional, you’re not going to use a ukulele and do a ¾ pattern. The music reflects the lyrics. In church, music should reflect what is going on and add to the program, not take away or distract. That’s church. Other than that, in Christian music, personally, I feel like anything goes as long as the music is reflecting the lyrics and that, if you’re going to be a Christian artist, it’s important for Christians to uplift Christ. If that’s what is in your heart, it’s going to come out. I think the heart of your art should be Christ. Whatever reflects that musically is fine. If God calls you to

nose flute, so be it. Like my friend, Lee G, who raps on the album, it’s difficult for him. He feels sometimes people have told him that his art is evil, just because of the form it takes, even if he’s completely doing something acoustic or there’s no backbeat. It’s just a struggle for him. I see the way he writes and I see his love for Christ and his relationship with God and I just can’t in my heart believe that’s right [to criticize the form of his music]. Can you describe your style in this album?

It’s mostly folk/pop, with some borrowing from other genres, like rap, Americana, R&B or soulish, and a little bit of electronica. This [album] I’m developing what exactly my sound is, which is why it’s a little bit different and random. I’m a little worried about it being too random sometimes, but it’s a snapshot of who I am right now. What kind of audience do you envision for your music?

This album is for the wanderer. I don’t know if you remember, but last year, the Student Movement interviewed Kimmy Schwirzer for an article about drug addiction. That’s my sister. While she was here and going through all that, I was kind of at the lowest point of my life personally and then also my sister was going through a lot. So that’s where all these songs came from. From my heart to hers. For people who are searching, like me, because I’m always searching for Jesus. Then, there [are] happy songs, because I also got engaged last year and there’s awesome things that I learned about God. So it’s for the searching people and the people who rejoice in finding Him. How do you relate being an artist and a Christian?

I try to think of music as a ministry.

Whisk Review: Foodies Reviewed by: Tanya Thomas 113 S Front St, Dowagiac, MI 49047 (269) 782-5700

Vibe: Foodies is a newer restaurant in Dowagiac, Michigan, and resembles many campus restaurants in bigger cities. Nestled in a small town, it is a nice ittle place that almost feels like a campus townhouse lounge. Student Friendly: This is definitely a student friendly diner. It is both spacious and cozy. Whether one is dining alone or with a study group, this little diner offers the necessary amount of space for studying.

Originality: It feels like a cozy hometown diner. It has a wrap around “bar” counter and a spacious floor, decorated with twoseat and four-seat tables. Much of the decorations are of food-hence the name--and they even have buffalo checkered curtains. The uniqueness of this restaurant is that it’s a big city diner in size, with the decorative appearance of a small town restaurant. During warm weather, they have tables and chairs outside with an awning above. Menu: The menu is designed with something for every meal of the day. As for the vegetarian, there are eggs and toast, grilled

gourmet cheese, the “Heidi” wrap (a particularly delicious item), soup, chips and fresh dip, fruits, salads, etc. They have plenty of meat dishes as well. Also, Foodies offers catering. Price: The average price for dining at Foodies is $6.00, making it very affordable. Service: The service at Foodies definitely exceeds even the standards of the most impatient people. One can expect their order to be efficient, correct, and tasty. Score: 3 of 5 Whisks


The Importance of Being Earnest Reprise Melodie Roschman | At 7:00 p.m.

on Saturday, November 15, in Burman Hall, the Andrews University Theater Wing put on an encore performance of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest,” for a full house. The show was a revival of the overwhelmingly successful production that played two soldout nights in April of this year, and was held as a fundraiser to aid in producing “My Fair Lady” this upcoming spring. Unlike the original show, which was directed by Dr. Bruce Closser, Associate Professor of English and produced by the English Department, this iteration was student directed by Stephen Batchelor and produced by Maria Simone Weithers. The play saw the return of stars Alex Gaytan (John Worthing) and Stephen Batchelor (Algernon Moncrieff), along with Maria Simone Weithers (Cecily Cardew), Givan Hinds (Miss Prism), Ryan Comeau (Rev. Frederick Chausible), and Tiffany Evering (Lady Bracknell). New additions Brittany Doyle as Gwendolyn Fairfax, Stephen Allcock as Merriman, Butler, and Lane, and Boone Menhardt as the Footman rounded out the cast. “The Importance of Being Earnest” is a late 19th century comedy of manners subtitled “a trivial comedy for serious people,” and follows the hijinks, misunderstandings, and romantic entanglements of a small collection of British aristocrats who scheme and create false identities in an effort to avoid social obligations. The brilliance of the play is in its quick, witty dialogue, and in this regard the stars performed admirably, bringing life to century-old lines that had the audience roaring. In the interest of simplicity, this production featured modern dress and sets as opposed to the

first shows’ Victorian aesthetic - a choice that highlighted the timeless humor of the play. Each actor played their part with flair and panache, a result, says Dr. Closser (who now serves as the Theater Wing’s sponsor) of revisiting their parts. “One of the things that happens when you’ve done something multiple times is that you’re more familiar with your characters,” he says, “so there are little things – like tossing the muffins at each other – that didn’t happen before. You have a much better sense of who your characters are, and what you can do with them.” For Tiffany Evering, who flew back from New York to reprise her part as the overbearing and absurd Lady Bracknell, reprising the show was a joy. “I really love this play,” she says, “and I love acting, so why not?” Stephen Batchelor, a senior English, Spanish, and Music Major, has always been interested in musical theater, and so being able to both star and now direct “Earnest” as the first project of the Andrews University Theater Wing is a dream come true. Of the club, which was created to foster dramatic talent in students and produce a major stage production each semester, he says: “My goal was to cultivate that environment here at Andrews University, and use...this familiar play as an opportunity to encourage other people to get involved in more productions.” He is personally invested as well, as the upcoming production of “My Fair Lady” will serve as his senior Honors Thesis for the J. N. Andrews Honors Program. “Ultimately,” says Batchelor, “I really hope that I can leave some kind of artistic legacy here at Andrews, and this is the form that it’s taken thus far.“


The Last Word

You Are (Probably) a Hipster

Melodie Roschman Editor-in-Chief

I have a confession to make: I am what many people would call a hipster. I have bangs, thickrimmed glasses, and buy a lot of my clothes from thrift stores. I prefer my coffee fair-trade and my tea loose-leaf, listen mostly to alternative music, and in the last year, I bought a pocket watch and a fountain pen. Also, I began listening to Christmas music in August, so you could say that I was excited for the holidays before it was cool. With my poetry-reciting, acoustic guitar-playing, beanie and sweater-wearing ways, I like to think that I’m original, but the truth is that I share the unique taste of millions. In America, at least, the Millennial generation is encapsulated by the hipster—and that is no accident, because hipsters are simply the barometer for our nostalgic, cynical, and struggling generation. Millennials, as you may remember, are loosely defined as the generation born between the early 1980s and 2000—in other words, us. According to William Strauss and Neil Howe, who literally wrote the book on the subject, we are a generation defined by being techsavvy, narcissistic, socially liberal, and economically in trouble. Open a news or culture magazine any given week and you’ll no doubt find an article disparaging Millennials. Slate.com explains “Why Millennials Can’t Grow Up” Business Insider claims we “Aren’t Ready to Face Real Challenges,” and Time’s Joel Stein calls us the “Me Me Me Generation.” There’s no denying that we are a generation experiencing trouble—we have

high rates of unemployment, more than $1 trillion in debt, and despite the fact that we are more educated than anyone before, are the first generation in American history that will likely make less money than our parents. Is this our fault for being selfish, lazy, and underachieving? The answer, I think, can be found in the hipster. First of all, hipsters are desperate to be unique. Whether it’s scouring Goodwill for clothes no one else will have or curating an expertly underground music collection, we insist upon being recognized as individuals. In an increasingly global society where mass-marketing reigns, a video can go viral and die within days, and the internet puts seven billion people and their experiences and our ideas at our fingertips, Millennials experience an overwhelming urge to stand out, to be different, to be someone. After all, we are a generation that grew up being told again and again by our parents that we were special. We’re often criticized for that attitude of “special”ness and the apparent accompanying self-centeredness—after all, we invented the selfie, Twitter, and Snapchat, and 79% of us use some form of social media. I would argue, however, that to believe that everyone is special is a good thing—even a Christian thing. Our generation displays the highest levels of social activism of any recent generation, calling attention to privilege, wealth disparity, and the marginalization of minorities in our society, and campaigning for equal rights. We are more likely to volun-

teer than our parents, and we refuse to compromise on our values to achieve success. Hipsters and the greater category of Millennials are also deeply cynical, however, because the world we have inherited is not the one we were promised. We were taught to follow our dreams, and then faced the 2008 recession, a dismal job market, a minimum wage unadjusted for inflation that is entirely insufficient to live on, and dizzying student loans. Add to that environmental devastation, continuing racial, gender, and sexual discrimination and abuse, international conflict, and a national debt of almost $18 trillion, and it’s no wonder that we’re sarcastic and upset. We’ve been called the Peter Pan generation, terrified of growing up—1 in 8 Millennials will move back in with their parents— and on a larger scale, we’re pessimistic about the future. When our parents and grandparents went to movies imagining the future, they saw shiny space-age cities in the sky and bold missions of peace and equality across the stars. Now we imagine nuclear holocaust, worldwide starvation, and children fighting each other to the death. It is perhaps because of our fear of the future that our greatest characteristic is our persistent nostalgia. Just look at today’s fashion, and you’ll see the jewelry of the 20s, dresses of the 50s, pants of the 70s and oversized sweaters of the 80s and 90s all worn at once. We like pioneer beards, hand-crafted furniture, and mason jars, and crave authenticity. When my mom asked me why in the world I would

request, for Christmas, a typewriter that was clunky and heavy and couldn’t erase, I couldn’t quite articulate my reasons. Typewriters feel permanent to me—like I’m really creating the things I’m writing instead of their existing virtually on a screen, ready to disappear at a moment’s notice. They feel solid in a constantly changing world. As the last generation to remember a world before cell phones, a world without internet, we are torn, never living in the analog world of our parents but not true natives of the digital world either. Disillusioned with our future, we look to the past for inspiration and for answers, even as we realize that we have inherited our problems from history. We are a generation of misfits, a cacophony of ideas and viewpoints and identities that cannot be lumped into one category or forced into one box. And herein lies our power. Older generations disparaging younger generations is nothing new, and it is perhaps only because it’s our turn that we feel especially attacked. Regardless of the circumstance, however, we have two options when deciding the fate of the Millennial generation. We can accept our circumstances, keep trying to do things the way they have always been done, and agree with those criticizing us for not succeeding according to the old rules. Or, we can see our perceived faults as strengths, challenge the system, and change the world—before it’s cool.

ed beside her husband holding his head in her lap.

“Approximately 20 minutes after being admitted to the hospital, the President died.”

November 27, 1963


Hugh’s story, as told to the Student Movement editor by telephone, follows: “The medical school is adjacent to the hospital, and I had been to the hospital cafeteria for dinner and was returning to the classroom by the emergency exit. “When I was about halfway down the corridor, I heard a commotion outside, and a group of men came racing through the door, shouting ‘Get a stretcher, get a stretcher.’

“I saw one stretcher go past me, but the men kept screaming for more, so I turned back to help. “Thinking it was a bad accident, I dashed into the emergency operating room (E.O.R.) and helped the nurses’ aid already there push a stretcher down the hall.

“We lifted the President out of the car and onto the stretcher and immediately took him to the E.O.R. where a team of doctors began their efficient and systematic care of the already unconscious President.

“At the door, I saw a Lincoln Continental and immediately knew it was something more than an accident.

“Mrs. Kennedy was in an evident state of shock.

“A man dressed in a dark business suit stepped up and asked who I was and the aid said: ‘He’s a doctor’ (Hugh is, of course, a firstyear medical student) and the officer then told us: ‘The President has been shot by a sniper,’ and escorted us to the car. “There, Mrs. Kennedy was seat-

“Excitement was spreading, and hundreds of people were thronging around the hospital. The secret service men cleared the corridors and sent as many as possible out of the area. “Because there was nothing more I could do, I left the E. O. R. and went back to the medical school.

Letters to the editor can be submitted to smeditor@andrews.edu All letters subject to publication. The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventhday Adventist church.

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John Hugh Aids President at Dallas Staff | John Hugh, a 1963 graduate of Andrews University and currently enrolled at the Southwestern Medical School at Dallas, aided in the care of President John F. Kennedy after he had been shot by a sniper in Dallas last Friday afternoon.


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