Basic hazard identification training Workplace injury is a major cause of concern for all involved in occupational health and safety. Workplace injury is a major cause of concern for all involved in occupational health and safety. The factors which cause workplace accidents and occupational illnesses are called hazards. The need for systematic management of OHS hazards and their attendant risks applies to all organisations and all activities and functions within an organisation. The Health and Safety in Employment Act aims to promote the health and safety of everyone at work and of other people in or around places of work. To achieve this, it requires people who are responsible for work and those who do the work to take steps to ensure their own health and safety and that of others. Duration
0.5 day
Requirements Clients to provide lunch and morning tea Venue
Client to provide venue
Risk management context Methods for identifying hazards in the workplace Review checklists for identifying following hazards: o Chemicals and Harmful Substances o Electricity o Manual handling – lifting o Slips and trips o Working at heights o New and young workers o Plant and equipment
ICAM Incident Investigation Basic hazard identification Confined spaces
Contractor management Dangerous goods Murray Goulburn Environmental and ISO 14001 Ergonomics Executive briefing Fire warden Fatigue management Hazardous substance regulations Isolation for the oil and gas industry Lock out and isolation Manual handling Plant hazard identification Risk management Safety committee Safety map 4th edition auditing Supervisor safety Working at heights Workplace hazard identification, risk assessment and control Working from home
Tag:- Risk Management Courses, Risk Management Plan, safety Management Plan