PTE- The Most Reliable Way to Prove Your English Language Proficiency

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PTE-A The Most Reliable Way to Prove Your English Language Proficiency

What is PTE?

PTE is an abbreviation for Pearson Test of English. It was developed in 2009 and is divided into two categories.

What are the types of PTE tests? The Pearson Test of English Academic It’s the 3 hours computer oriented test designed for non-native English speakers who want to study abroad. It is recognised by the Australian Government and all the education providers and universities worldwide as an evidence of English Language proficiency.

The Pearson Test English General It is a six-level test that includes the assessment of General English ability. It is accepted by employers and national education authorities as an evidence of required level of English.

PTE Academics Test Format It is composed of four components –Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing with twenty different question formats ranging from multiple choices to essay writing. The marks are given on the basis of pre-defined rules and procedures to avoid errors. One must achieve minimum score of 50 in all the four components to pass the test.

PTE General Test Format It is composed of two parts: a written paper and a spoken test. The written paper assesses reading, listening and writing skills, which are marked by the external examiners in UK while the spoken session first assessed by trained local examiners and then to UK for moderation.

Why Choose PTE Academics for English Proficiency Test? While there are many other tests available, one of the main reasons to choose PTE results are accepted in the universities or colleges worldwide. Moreover, you can book a test 24 hours in advance at any day, with results typically available within 5 business days.

Tips to boost PTE Score Each Each question question in in the the PTE PTE exam exam is is designed designed to to extract extract specific specific information information so so make make sure sure not not to to lose lose focus focus when when answering answering any any question. question. You You will will not not receive receive additional additional points points for for providing providing excess excess information. information. The The test test will will check check your your English English proficiency proficiency and and not not your your knowledge. knowledge. Use Use appropriate appropriate punctuations punctuations whenever whenever required required Never Never use use capital capital or or uppercase uppercase letters letters when when itit is is not not required. required. Use Use only only when when you you want want to to begin begin aa new new sentence sentence or or indicate indicate aa proper proper noun. noun.the PTE exam will require you to speak Since Since the the speaking speaking section section of of the PTE exam will require you to speak on on microphone, microphone, make make sure sure you you provide provide answers answers without without discontinuity discontinuity to to avoid avoid an an incomplete incomplete answer. answer.

Get PTE Voucher from Aussizz Group & Save Rs.1350 The actual cost of taking PTE Academic test is Rs. 11300. However, you can get at Rs 9950, if you book a PTE voucher from the authoris ed seller like Aussizz Group. So wait no longer and buy a voucher right now to appear in the PTE exam without worrying about the financial constraints.

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