Top 6 tips you need to know for lodging Australian Partner Visa
Every year thousands of applicants apply for a partner visa with the hope of being united with their partner by bringing them to Australia. Oftentimes even when relationships are genuine, these applications get rejected and the applicants are unable to identify the reasons. Some of the reasons why an Australian Partner Visa application may get rejected: 1. Not able to provide sufficient relationship evidence such as financial, social, and unable to define household and relationship commitment nature. 2. Submitting the file with an incorrect format. 3. Providing incorrect information in the interview. 4. Not able to pass the character test. 5. Not adding the children's details accurately. It is critical for you to provide accurate information and documentation to the Department of Home Affairs, make sure to follow the tips below while lodging your Australian Partner Visa!
Here are the top 6 tips for lodging a successful Australian partner visa: 1. Which Visa category are you eligible for? If you have a partner who is an Australian citizen or PR resident, it works out for you. This is one of the important tips of lodging a successful partner visa. The following types of partner visas are:
Subclass 820 and 801 are onshore visas that allow a spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen to live in Australia.
The 820 visa allows the applicant to live in Australia for two years. If applicants wish to live in the country permanently, they can apply for a permanent 801 during the period.
Both provisional 309 and 100 are offshore visas. Subclass 309 is a temporary visa while migrant 100 is a permanent visa.
Subclass 309 that is granted initially allows the applicant to stay in Australia for two years. Thereafter, the applicant can apply for the migrant subclass 100 within that duration.
The prospective marriage 300 is granted to those engaged and want to get married to an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen. It allows the applicant to stay in the country for 9 months.
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2. Preparing your Application & Documentation The applicant has to forward different details i.e. identity, passport photographs, health and character criteria, sponsor, and relationship.
Partner Visa (subclass 820 and 801) You can include: ·Dependent children or stepchildren in your visa application.
·Dependent family members will be entitled to the same rights and visa conditions as the applicant.
Subclass 309 Provisional and Subclass 100 Migrant You can include: ·Children or stepchildren in your application. ·The application can mention family members. You can: - Include them when you lodge your visa application - Add a dependent child after you lodge your application.
Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300) You can include:
- Dependent children or stepchildren in your application - Your family members who can have the same rights and visa conditions applicable to you once they are granted this visa.
3. Criteria that needs to be met Both the applicant and sponsor must be above 18 years to apply for a partner visa. It must be a minimum of 2-year sponsorship. Enlisted are interesting details
Subclass 820 Partner visa (Temporary) This visa lets the de facto partner or spouse of an Australian citizen; Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia temporarily. Getting this visa is the first step towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 801). You must be in Australia when you apply.
Subclass 801 Partner visa (Permanent) This permanent visa lets the de facto partner or spouse of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen, live in Australia permanently. It is meant for people who currently hold a temporary Partner visa (subclass 820).
Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage Visa For Visa Applicants You must be 18 years old or more and should be outside of Australia at the time of lodging an application and when the visa is granted. Meet the relationship criteria, health, and character requirements and must be sponsored by fiancé/fiancée. You must repay or have arrangements to repay the outstanding debts to the Australian Government.
For Sponsors You must be the fiancé of the visa applicant and must not hold or have held certain visas.
4. Communicating with DoHA or Case officer The department may request further documentation or evidence depending on your profile and application. Such requests can be viewed on your account and you will also be notified via email by the case officer. This should be responded to within 28 days. At times, the department may also request an interview with the Partner visa applicants. The case officer may choose to verify your claims with the witnesses listed on your application. i. Don’t provide misleading or false information Be precise and honest about your claims in the application e.g., dates when you met, when they officially became your partner, when you started living together and started sharing finances. Proofread the entire form and ensure there are no errors. If DoHA finds that there are some misleading facts reported, it will not only deny you the grant but also will not allow you to reapply for another visa. ii. Crosscheck facts before processing time Make sure you examine all facts correctly before forwarding them to the authority. The immigration department will carefully check all details and documents provided.
5. Visa Processing Time Some of the partner visa Australia processing time details for different visas are:
Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 100) 75% of applications: 18 months 90% of applications: 22 months
Partner visa 75% of applications: 18 months 90% of applications: 24 months
Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300) 75% of applications: 18 months 90% of applications: 28 months
6. Why seek professional guidance from a Registered Migration Agent? To avoid visa rejection due to incorrect documentation or errors,
it is critical to consult with a registered migration agent. RMA’s not only proofread your application but also will provide you with customized guidance as every case scenario and relationship dynamic is different.
Conclusion In a nutshell, you need to understand the criteria and procedures of the aforementioned partner visas. If you want assistance on a partner visa, feel free to consult our resourceful panel of immigration consultants now or contact Aussizz Group for Partner Visa services.