2011 $35
The ABC of suppliers to the aquaculture industry – Australasia’s only buyers guide for suppliers, products and services PRINT POST APPROVED NO. 768108-00002
ISSN 0818-5522
Contents www.AustasiaAquaculture.com.au
Advertising contents
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009
Education and Training Institutions
Editor-in-chief Dr Tim Walker
Associations and Industry Groups
Regular contributors David O'Sullivan John Mosig
Commonwealth Government Departments
Advertising Megan Farrer
State Government Departments
Design & production Coalface Production Pty Ltd
Australian Aquaculture Research Institutions
Prepress & printing Geon Group, Tasmania
Advertiser Listings – Plants and animals
Advertiser Listings – Products and Supplies
Advertiser Listings – Services and Consultants
Subscription/editorial Austasia Aquaculture PO Box 658, Rosny, Tasmania 7018 P: 03 6245 0064 F: 03 6245 0068 E: AustasiaAquaculture@netspace.net.au Copyright © by Austasia Aquaculture. Contents cannot be reproduced without permission. Statements made or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Turtle Press Pty Ltd (ABN 98 506 165 857).
Austasia Aquaculture magazine (ISSN: 0818 552) is published by Turtle Press Pty Ltd (ABN 98 506 165 857) for the promotion of aquaculture in the Australasian and Asian regions – inclusive of farming in marine, freshwater, brackish and hypersaline waters. Reader's contributions are encouraged on the clear understanding they will be subject to editorial control and, if accepted, will appear in both printed and online versions.
2011 Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
Plants and Animals Algae
Artemia Cysts
Brine Shrimp (Artemia)
Freshwater Crayfish
Freshwater Fish
Live Feeds
Marine Fish
Marine Worms (Polychaetes)
Murray Cod
Oysters (Crassostrea Gigas)
Perch – Golden
Perch – Silver
Prawns (Others)
Sand Crab
Sooty Grunter
Trout – Brown
Trout – Rainbow
Abalone Farming Equip.
Abalone Grading Machine
Activated Carbon
Aerators & Aeration Equip.
Products and Supplies
Biological Trickle Filters
Biomass Measurement
Bird Netting
Bird Scaring Equipment
Hatchery Equip. And Supplies
Boats And Outboards
Heat Exchange Equipment
Bug Zappers
Building Insulation
Heat Pumps
Cage Fabric
Humane Slaughter Equip.
Ice Making Equipment
Incubator Cabinets
Inflatable Clothing
Insect Killers
Chemical-Free Oyster Posts
Insurance/Stock Mortality
Insulated Bins
Cleaning Equipment
Climate Control Buildings
Internet Diagnostic Services
Coral Filter Media
Kilns – Smoking
Corrosion Monitors
Laboratory Equip & Supplies
Current Meters
Lease Markers
Check Weight Labelling
Processing Equipment
Long-Life Timber Posts
Cryopreservation Systems
Marine Marker Buoys
Diagnostic Kits
Materials Handling
Eel Farming Equip.
Medication & Chemicals
Egg Sorters
Energy Recovery Equipment
Microalgae Culture Media
Microbial Preparations
Custom-Designed Seafood
Environmental Monitoring
Algae Culture Media
Algae Control
Mooring Equipment
Mussel Farming Equip.
Apvma Registered Anaesthetics
Filtration Equip.
Mussel Floats & Buoys
Fish Growout Equip.
Navigational Aids
Fish Hatchery Equip.
Net Making Materials
Artifical Reef System
Fish Harvesting Equip.
Artificial Seawater
Fish Health
Nets – Netting
Automatic Monitoring Systems
Fish Processing Machines
Oxygen Diffusers
Bags – Plastic
Fish Stunning Equipment
Oxygen Generators
Fish Transporters
Oyster Grading/Counting
Flotation Equip.
Floating Cages
Oyster Growout Posts & Railings
Oyster Growout Trays & Equip.
Biological Filter Media
Oyster Hatchery Equip.
Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Contents – Advertising Oyster Nursery Equip.
Shellfish Growout Equip.
Oyster Processing Equipment
Shellfish Hatchery Equip.
Oyster Slats, Stakes & Sleeves
Shellfish Nursery Equip.
Ozone Systems
Packaging Machines
Software Systems
Packing Systems & Materials
Solar Products
Pearling Equipment
Submersible Data Loggers
Pest Control
Phosphorus Control Compound
Tank Liners
Phytoplankton Culture Media
Temperature Control Systems
Photographic Equipment
Test Kits
Plastic-Coated Oyster Posts
Tide Recorders
Disease Id. & Eradication
Plastic Fabrication
Plastic Mesh
Transporting & Storage
Education & Industry Associations
Plastic Moulding
Emergency Air Delivery Systems
Plate Separators And Filters
Feasibility Studies
Ultrasonic Water Treatment
Fish Health
Ultraviolet Water Sterilisers
Financial Planning
Pneumatic Conveying
Underwater Cameras
Freezing & Storage
Pond Liners
Underwater Lights
Underwater Video Systems
Hatchery Design
Prawn Growout Equip.
Uv-Resistant Plastic Coated Poles
Prawn Hatchery Equip.
Uv Sterilisers
Internet Trading
Prawn Nursery Equip.
Predator Control Equip.
Vaccination Equipment
Probiotic Microbial Cultures
Microbiological Analysis
Protective Clothing
Waders & Footwear
Waste Water Treatment
Water Chillers
Recirculation Systems
Water Colourant
Waterproof Safety Wear
Recorders/Monitors – Water Quality
Water Purification and
Refrigeration Equip.
Treatment Equip.
Rodent Control
Water Quality Analysis Equip.
Services and Consultants Advertising & Promotions
Aeration Systems
Aquarium Systems
Contract Research & Development
Culture & Production Systems
Culture & Production Systems –
Plastic Injection Tooling & Moulding
Project Development
Pond Construction
Pond Design
Research Institutions
101 101
Water Sampling Equipment
Research & Development
Rov (Remote Operated Vehicles)
Water Sterilisers
Risk Management
Safety Wear
Water Recycling Equip.
Selling Systems
Scales – Weighing
Water Temperature Controls
Solar Energy
Weed Control
Wind Mills
Trouble Shooting Problem Solving 102
Wireless Monitoring &
Shade Cloth
Surveillance Equipment
Shark Clips/Snaps
Water Quality Analysis
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
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Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009 Summary For the financial year 2008/2009 data on aquaculture (both hatchery-nursery and growout) production and the value of this production has been collated from a number of government and industry sources.
Specially prepared for the Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2011 Notes: • All values are provided in Australian dollars. • Marketing and scientific names are ® from the Australian Standard AS SSA 5300 – 2007: Australian Fish Names Standard; a searchable database of all species listed in the Australian Fish Names Standard is available at: www. fishnames.com.au This article should be referred to as: O’Sullivan, D. and Savage, J., 2011. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 2008/2009. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2011, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pages 6-25. Disclaimer: This report provides estimates as provided to the authors by Government and industry members. The estimates represent the best data available at the time this report was prepared, however, this data is continually being updated or adjusted. This report should not be used for investment purposes and Dosaqua Pty Ltd and its staff and contractors disclaim any liability for losses incurred as a result of reliance of any information contained in this report. By Dos O’Sullivan* and Jennifer Savage October 2010
*PO Box 647, Henley Beach SA 5022, E: dos@dosaqua.com.au
Almost 70,900 tonnes of product were harvested (the highest ever recorded) as well as over 9.2 million juveniles (mostly finfish) produced in hatcheries for recreational and conservation stocking (3.0 million Aquarium Fish are included in these figures). The total farm gate value of production was $888.4 million, a decrease of 25% over the 2006/2007 figure ($799.6 million) provided by O’Sullivan and Savage (2010). This is the second highest value Australian aquaculture has reached (2007/08 was $911.4 million). In order of value of production, the ten most valuable sectors were Salmonids ($329.9 million, up $2.5 million, 0.7%), Southern Bluefin Tuna ($157.8 million, down $28.9million, -15.5%), Pearl Oysters ($106.3 million, down $26.1 million, -19.7%), Edible Oysters ($88.7 million, up $5.9 million, 6.7%), Prawns ($56.8 million, up $12 million, 26.7%), Barramundi ($36.6 million, down $2.1 million, -5.2%), Abalone ($20.3 million, up $2.8 million, 20.7%), Yellowtail Kingfish ($36.0 million, up $7.4 million, 26.0%), Mussels ($9.4 million, up $1.2 million, 13.4%) and Crocodiles ($8.8 million, up $0.7 million, 7.6%). In terms of value for the States, the order did not change to that reported for the previous three years: Tasmania ($356.1 million, up $6.4 million, 1.9% increase, fourth year); South Australia ($249.6 million, down $13.7 million, 5.2% decrease, first year); Western Australia ($102.6 million, down $22.1 million, 17.8% decrease, fifth year); Queensland ($88.6 million, up $8.1million, 10.1% increase, third year); New South Wales ($50.3 million, up $1.9million, 3.8% increase, third year); Northern Territory ($23.6 million, down $2.1 million, 8.1% decrease, fourth year); and Victoria ($17.5 million, down $1.5 million, 7.9% decrease, sixth year).
Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Over the past 21 years of data collection (since 1988/89), there has been a 580% increase in the tonnes produced and a 670% increase in the value of this production.
Acknowledgements Data on hatchery-nursery production (numbers), growout production (tonnes) and value of production (Au$) was collated from information and statistics provided by the following State and Territory Government representatives: • NSW Fisheries Website (New South Wales) • PIRSA Website (South Australia) • Ross Lobegeiger (Queensland) • Tim Paice (Tasmania) • Vicki Simlesa and Jerome Bosmans (Northern Territory) • Kristie Nobles (Western Australia) Additional information supplied from various company websites or by industry members including, Rachel Hawkins, Annie Giles, Les Safark, Rene Pinxt, Mal Davidson, Sharyn (Eden Mussels) and Bell Huang. Some conference/workshop presentations as well as company and industry websites were used for adjusting data or estimating figures when firm data was not available. This report would not be possible without the assistance of these people and their input is gratefully acknowledged.
1. What Constitutes Aquaculture Production? The Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations has provided the following definition: ‘Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms, including finfish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants. Farming implies some form of intervention in the rearing process to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc. Farming also implies individual or corporate ownership of the stock being cultivated.’ Therefore, in addition to the culture of edible species (such as Salmon, Oysters and Prawns), aquaculture in Australia also includes:
• The hatchery/nursery production by government or private operations of Molluscan spat, Crustacean postlarvae/juveniles and Finfish fingerlings – Note: in this report, data for hatchery production has only been included when it was referred to the: a) Stocking of public waterways (eg.
for conservation or recreational fishing enhancement), b) Export (eg. such as Rainbow Trout eggs and Native Ornamental Finfish), c) Stocking of private dams and ponds for own use (non commercial use), or d) Other recreational uses (eg. Aquarium or Ornamental Fish trade).
Figure 1: 21 Year Trends in Australian Aquaculture Production and Value
Thousand tonnes
Tonnes (,000) Value (A$m)
900.0 800.0
400.0 300.0
10.0 08/09
100.0 88/89
Value (A$million)
Financial Year
Table 1: Comparison of data on Australian aquaculture production for the financial years from 1988/89 to 2008/08 reported by the authors and ABARE (Brown et al 1997). Year
Tonnes (000s)
Value * Au$million
O’Sullivan (1992a)
O’Sullivan (1992a)
O’Sullivan (1992b)
O’Sullivan (1995)
Brown et al (1997)
Brown et al (1997)
O’Sullivan & Kiley (1996)
O’Sullivan & Kiley (1997)
O’Sullivan (1998)
O’Sullivan & Roberts (1999)
O’Sullivan & Dobson (2000)
O’Sullivan & Dobson (2001)
O’Sullivan & Dobson (2002)
O’Sullivan & Savage (2003)
O’Sullivan & Savage (2004)
O’Sullivan, Savage & Fay (2006)
O’Sullivan, Savage & Fay (2007)
O’Sullivan, Savage & Fay (2008)
O’Sullivan & Savage (2009)
O’Sullivan & Savage (2010)
Current report (2011)
*Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. No adjustment has been made for inflation. # = In O’Sullivan & Kiley (1996) this figure was incorrectly given as 40,363 tonnes. ^ = In O’Sullivan (1998) incorrect values for Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon and Pacific Oyster production were provided, so the previous totals of 25,700 and $444.2 million were incorrect.
• The harvesting of Microalgae, Brine Shrimp, Zooplankton and other organisms from water bodies which are under some form of lease and/or management; • The culture of Aquarium and Ornamental Fish and Aquatic Plants for sale; and • The culture of aquatic organisms for the extraction of pigments, fine chemicals, jewellery and other products such as pearls, shells and skins. The holding of aquatic animals for the live seafood market (eg. Rock Cod, Abalone and Rock Lobster) provides significant value-adding to wild caught product. Whilst this holding phase is recognised as an aquaculture activity, the data collection processes currently used in Australia does not allow a value to be determined with any confidence. Additionally, the value of the export of fish ova (eggs) and fingerlings should be included in these Australian production figures. Unfortunately data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics is not in a form that could be incorporated within the appropriate State totals under hatchery production.
2. Increases in Production and Value Annual reviews have been published by the author(s) on the total value of Australian aquaculture production for the financial years between 1988/89 and 1991/92 and between 1994/95 and 2008/09 (Table 1). During the 2 year period when no data was collected, data that had been collated by ABARE (Brown et al 1997) has been used. Estimates of aquaculture production and value for Australia over the past twentyone financial years are provided in Figure 1. This figure shows a reasonably steady increase in both production and value in most years since the late 1980s, only 1995/96 and 1996/97 are the exceptions to the rule. Since then the annual increases (decreases) in value have been: • 16.9% in 1997/98, • 18.6% in 1998/99, • 13.3% in 1999/2000, Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
• • • • • • • • •
producers of Ornamental or Aquarium species (Finfish, Crustaceans, Molluscs, and other invertebrates) is unknown, but it is estimated to be at least 40% to 50% greater than the Government statistics (refer to Section 4.6).
5.7% in 2000/2001, -0.4% in 2001/2002 (decrease), -14.3% in 2002/2003 (decrease), -5.5% in 2003/2004 (decrease), -12.4% in 2004/2005 (decrease), 16.3% in 2005/2006, 5.2% in 2006/07, and 14.0% in 2007/08, and -2.5% in 2008/09 (current report) (decrease).
Thus over the past 21 years of data collection, there has been a 580% increase in the tonnes produced and a 670% increase in the value of this production.
3. Estimates for 2008/09 3.1 Overall Figures The current report presents data for 2008/09 financial year and includes data from both Government and industry sources. Almost 70,900 tonnes of product were harvested (the highest ever recorded) as well as over 9.2 million juveniles (all finfish) produced in hatcheries for recreational and conservation stocking (3.0 million Aquarium Fish are included in these figures). The total farm gate value of production was $888.4 million, a decrease of 25% over the 2006/2007 figure ($799.6 million) provided by O’Sullivan and Savage (2010). This is the second highest value Australian aquaculture has reached (2007/08 was $911.4 million). As up-to-date data has not been provided by some producers in the freshwater and saltwater Salmonid, Marie Finfish, Native Finfish, Marine Fish, Freshwater Crayfish Crocodiles and Microalgae sectors, these figures should be considered underestimates (possibly up to $10 million). In addition, the contribution by the large number of ‘backyard’ or unlicensed
Table 2 summarises the production data for five aquaculture species groups and gives their percentage increase or decrease (in brackets) over the previous year. Finfish had a decrease of 3.7% (2007/08 showed an increase of 26.7%), whilst Crustaceans increased by 24.2% (2007/08 showed a decrease by 6.0%), Molluscs decreased by 6.3% (2007/08 showed a decrease by 3.4%) and Miscellaneous species increased by 21.7%, mainly in ‘Others’ category (2007/08 showed an increase by 2.8%). During 2008/09 over 30 species were cultured on a commercial scale, with probably the same number of species undergoing pilot or experimental production. The culture species included Salmonids (this is a generic term for 5 species of Salmon and Trout), Southern Bluefin Tuna, Barramundi, Native Freshwater Fish (at least 12 species), Introduced Freshwater Finfish (2 species), Brackish Water and Marine Fish (at least 10 species), Aquarium Fish (numerous species), Eels (2 species), Freshwater Crayfish (3 species), Penaeid Prawns (5 species), Brine Shrimp, Mud Crabs, Freshwater Shrimp, Freshwater Prawns, Edible Oysters (at least 4 species), Pearl Oysters (at least 5 species), Blue Mussels, Freshwater Mussels, Scallops, Clams (at least 3 species), Abalone (2 main species plus a hybrid), Microalgae (2 species), Crocodiles (2 species) and Polychaete Worms (3 species).
Table 2: Australian aquaculture production for 2008/09 by groups. Group
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000)
Misc. species1
% increase on 2007/08* -3.7 24.2 -6.3 21.7 -2.5
Sources: Information provided by State and Territory Fisheries Departments and industry. Notes: # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. *Figures in brackets represent a negative growth (i.e. decrease) in value. 1 = In some state/territory reports, Finfish, Crustaceans and Molluscs can be included in ‘Others’ category.
Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
The value of production has increased over the estimates for 2007/2008 for Salmonids (0.7%), Native Freshwater Fish (15.8%), Misc. Marine fish (23.3%), Prawns (26.7%), Brine Shrimp (144.2%), Edible Oysters (6.7%), Blue Mussels (13.4%), Abalone (20.7%), Crocodiles (7.6%), Microalgae (2.9%) and Aquatic Worms (16.9%). Decreases in value were reported for Barramundi (-5.2%), Southern Bluefin Tuna (-15.5%), Eels (-43.5%), Aquarium Fish (-35.2%), Freshwater Crayfish (-9.9%), Pearl Oysters (-19.7%), No changes were recorded in the value of Scallops. 3.2 Ten Most Valuable Sectors/Species In order of value of production, the important sectors (last year’s ranking, i.e. for 2007/2008, is provided in brackets) and the value of their production (including increases or decreases over the previous years) were: 1. Salmonids (1) $329.9 million, up $2.5 million (0.7%), 4th year of increases (previous 3 years were major increases). 2. Southern Bluefin Tuna (2) $157.8 million, down $28.9million (15.5%), previous year showed an increase of 35.7%. 3. Pearl Oysters (3) $106.3 million, down $26.1 million (19.7%), the 2nd year of decreases. 4. Edible Oysters (4) $88.7 million, up $5.9 million (6.7%), the 3rd year of increase. 5. Prawns (5) $56.8 million, up $12 million (26.7%), previous two years there were decreases. 6. Barramundi (6) $36.6 million, down $2.1 million (5.2%), previous year showed an increase of 43.9%. 7. Abalone (7) $20.3 million, up $2.8 million (20.7%), previous two years there were decreases. 8. Yellowtail Kingfish (8) $36.0 million, up $7.4 million (26.0%), previous 5 years showed increases. 9. Mussels (9) $9.4 million, up $1.2 million (13.4%), previous two years there were decreases. 10. Crocodiles (10) $8.8 million, up $0.7 million (7.6%), 4th year of increases.
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009
For the second year in a row, the order of the top ten sectors/species was unchanged. Except for Southern Bluefin Tuna, Pearl Oysters and Barramundi, the other top ten sectors/species all showed increases in production value. O’Sullivan (1998) noted that between 1988/89 and 1995/96, three ‘traditional’ aquaculture sectors – Pearl Oysters [mainly Pinctada maxima], Edible Oysters [mostly Sydney Rock and Pacific Oysters] and Salmonids [Atlantic Salmon and Rainbow Trout, both freshwater and ocean raised] – accounted for over 80% of the total value of aquaculture production. This fell to below 60% by the late 1990s and early part of this decade. Combining these sectors with the value of Southern Bluefin Tuna and Prawn production resulted in a contribution of over 90% of the value of production for each of the financial years since 1996/97. Since 2002/2003 this value fell slightly as other sectors increased (eg. Barramundi, Yellowtail Kingfish, Abalone), however, the top four groups still contribute over 85% of the total value. Initial trends over eight years (2000/01 to 2008/09) for the major species groups (Figure 2) shows falls in the value of production occurred for Southern Bluefin Tuna and Pearls. There has been a significant increase in Prawns and ‘Others’ and small increases for Edible Oysters and Salmonids. Further production and value information is provided for each of these groups later in this report. 3.3 Averaged Farm Gate or ‘Beach’ Prices In this report, only the average prices over the calendar year as provided by the states/territories are used – thus a figure of $15/kg, could be for a species that fetched between $10 and $20/kg, depending on the type (eg. live or dead), quality and the state/territory the species was sold.
Remarkably over the past decade, even though production increased in most sectors, domestic farm gate (onland production) or ‘beach’ (at sea production) prices generally remained firm, or rose slightly due to increased local demand. However, as can be seen in Figure , over the past 5-6 years there has been a higher increase in the trends for production (tonnes) than for total value ($million) – this suggests there must have been overall decreases in average farm gate or beach prices.
million, 15.5%), Barramundi (down $2.1 million, 5.2%), Yellowtail Kingfish (up $7.4 million, 26.0%) and Native Fish (up $1.1 million, 15.8%). 4.1 Salmonids Figure 2 shows the trend in the value of production of Salmonids for the nine year period since 2000/01. Over the past 5 years there has been more than a doubling of the value.
4. Finfish
The two main commercial Salmonid species were the Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). There were over 50 Salmonid farms in operation across Australia, with many being freshwater farms growing pan-sized (<500 grams) Rainbow Trout. The largest production of Salmonids, however, came from sea cage production of Atlantic Salmon and ocean run Rainbow Trout (previously called ‘Ocean Trout’) in Tasmania – until recently there was also some sea cage production of both species occurring in South Australia.
Compared with the previous year, the total aquaculture production of finfish in Australia increased from 45,898.7 to 48,492.1 tonnes whilst the number of juveniles being produced reduced from 11,543,100 to 9,087,200, contributing to a total value of almost $579.4 million (Table 3). This is a decrease in value of 3.7% over the estimates for 2007/2008. The main contributors were the Salmonids (up $2.5 million, 0.7%), Southern Bluefin Tuna (down $28.9
In addition, almost 80,000 fingerlings (worth approx. $0.1 million) of Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout (Salmo trutta), Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) were produced in Government and private hatcheries for restocking public and private water bodies – this is a huge decrease over the 1.0 million released in 2005/06, no doubt the fall has been due to the drought; the February 7 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ bushfires has also caused
As in previous years, the targeting of overseas markets by some sectors of the aquaculture industry has been subject to some problems. The continued highs of the Australian dollar meant that demand for exports of Pearls, Southern Bluefin Tuna and Abalone slowed, and was often reflected by lower prices in those markets (this of course can have a direct effect on the local farm gate or beach prices).
Figure 2: Nine Year Trends for Major Aquaculture Species Group 2000/01 350.0 2001/02 300.0
Value (A$million)
The order for the remaining sectors is Native Freshwater Fish (($8.1 million, 15.8% increase); Freshwater Crayfish ($4.1 million, 9.9% decrease); Aquarium Fish ($2.8 million, 35.2% decrease); and Microalgae ($3.6 million, 2.9% increase).
2002/03 250.0
2008/09 Tuna
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
falls in production in Victoria’s main trout production area. There was some commercial growout of Brown Trout, Atlantic Salmon and Chinook Salmon in freshwater, although data was not always available due to confidentiality reasons. The total value of Salmonid production was around $332.4 million. This included approximately $0.1 million for hatchery production (mostly Rainbow and Brown Trout), mostly for Government releases for recreational fishing. The Tasmanian Salmonid Growers’ Association has worked hard to develop the industry and its involved in the AquaFin CRC saw significant improvements in health management, nutrition and product/flesh quality.
Thus for a fourth year Atlantic Salmon production and value in Australia showed an increase (the previous three years showed significant increases), this time to 28,215,900 tonnes (mostly headon, gilled-gutted) worth $319.3 million. This was produced in Tasmania by four medium to very large and vertically integrated operations; a fall of $0.69/kg in prices saw overall value of Tasmanian production fall by $0.7 million even though there was an increase of over 1,500 tonnes. Ocean grown trout value in Tasmania also fell. It is reported that the small sea cage site with cool upwelling water has been utilised for Atlantic Salmon production for the past couple of years in South Australia could be re-established.
Table 3: Australian aquaculture production of Finfish for 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000)
Atlantic Salmon
Chinook Salmon
Brown Trout
Rainbow Trout (f/w)
Rainbow Trout (s/w)
500.0 *
3,900.0 *
Australian Bass
Eel-tailed Catfish
Golden Perch
Silver Perch
Murray Cod1
Trout Cod
Barcoo Grunter
Long Finned Eels3
36,647.6 157,777.0
Short Finned
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Yellowtail Kingfish
4.0 *
48.0 *
Native Aquarium Fish
Exotic Aquarium Fish
Seahorses Misc. Marine
Sources: Information provided by State and Territory Fisheries Departments and industry. Notes: # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NA = not applicable, NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken). * = figures for previous year used 1 = Includes some data for Mary River Cod and Sleepy Cod, no production this year for Eastern Freshwater Cod. 2 = Includes some pilot scale culture of a few species. 3 = In Qld and Vic, Longfin Eels are grouped with Shortfin Eels. 4 = Include Sand Whiting, Tarwhine, Snapper, Yellow Bream and a range of marine hatchery & ornamental fish (not species specific).
10 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Saltwater production of Rainbow Trout in Tasmania was thought to be around 500 tonnes (no official estimates are available); there was no production in South Australia. For the third year Freshwater Rainbow Trout production decreased significantly, this year to less than 1,250 tonnes. The majority of this production occurred in Victoria (789 tonnes), which was a decrease in production of more than 230 tonnes on the previous year. Reductions in water flows due to drought conditions caused major problems in many areas. Seventy tonnes of Brown Trout was reported (91 tonnes was reported for 2007/08). Generally farm gate prices remained strong for the seacage product on the domestic market, however, export markets (mostly to Japan) were affected by the high Australian dollar. Farm gate prices (HOGG – head-on, gilled and gutted) were around $12.00/kg (in Tasmania) for Atlantic Salmon and $7.80/kg for ocean reared Rainbow Trout. With lower production of freshwater Rainbow Trout, prices increased slightly and varied between approx. $5.10 to $10.70 per kilogram, with more farms diversifying into ‘fish-out’ operations and tourism to ensure year round cash flow (also higher farm gate prices as the fish are sold direct to the public). Several of the smaller and medium growers used value adding of products (eg. smoked Trout or Salmon, pate, pickled Trout). At least one of the larger farms was producing larger fish (up to 1kg) and concentrating on quality aspects to gain a higher farm gate price (>$10/kg). At least two hatcheries were exporting live (‘disease free’) Rainbow Trout eggs to a number of countries. Markets were being expanded for Salmon roe by a Victorian company which was selling it as ‘Salmon caviar’, including some exports. Several tonnes have been sold, the reported farm gate price was over $100/kg. Prospects for Next Three Years Despite the opening of the once protected Australian market for fresh Salmonid products to overseas
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009 producers (mainly Canadian and New Zealand), strong local prices for Atlantic Salmon has seen the value of Tasmanian production increase for the fourth year in a row. In the export markets the high regard for our premium products mostly kept prices firm, however, overall export demand is flat due to cheaper competitors (increases in the Foreign Rates can contribute to significant price, and subsequently demand, changes). Industry consolidation and a move to offshore sites with improved cage and feeding technologies were predicted by the National Aquaculture Council to result in significant increases in production (to be worth $1,000 million [$1 billion] by the end of 2010). The increases for 2008/09 put the value to almost one-third of those predictions, and the immediate future continues to look promising for the seacage product (Atlantic Salmon and Rainbow Trout) with Tasmanian producers predicting another good year in 2009/10 and beyond. Freshwater Trout production will continue to suffer from the drought conditions in various parts of Australia and the bush fires in Victoria; however, product diversification, tourism and fish-out ventures are allowing some farms to maintain profits. Higher market prices for fresh and smoked product is providing some comfort to farms, however, most farms have lowered their stock holdings due to low water levels and several operations are only maintaining some holding stock. Flooding during 2010 in Victoria is likely to cause falls in production. 4.2 Native Freshwater Fish Government and private hatcheries produced fingerlings of several species of native freshwater fish. Other than production for stocking commercial farms, the major market for the hatcheryreared native fish fry was for stocking private farm dams or for release into public waterways to improve recreational fisheries. The production of fingerlings had fluctuated over the past 5-6 years, in 2008/09 the production increased to over 5 million worth approximately $5 million. The main species being Golden Perch (Macquaria ambiqua) with 1.2 million
fingerlings, Silver Perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) with 0.7 million, Australian Bass (Macquaria novemaculeata) with over 2.3 million and Murray Cod (Maccullochella peelii) with under 1.0 million (Table 3). The other species for restocking or recreational fishing were Eel-tailed Catfish (Tandanus tandanus), Trout Cod (Macquaria macquariensis), Macquarie Perch (Macquaria australasica), Mary River Cod (Maccullochella peelii mariensis), Eastern Cod (Maccullochella ikei) and Sleepy Cod (Oxyeleotris lineolatus). Several of these native ‘food’ fish species were also being sold to the ornamental market – these sales were included under Native Aquarium Fish in some states but not in others. The drought has seen more hatcheries scale or close down as demand for private farm restocking. This has seen prices fall slightly; the most common species varying from $0.18 to $0.70 each depending on species, sizes (lengths), volumes purchased, and the State in which the fish were sold. Highest individual prices were for Eeltailed Catfish ($1.55) and Murray Cod ($1.05), the lowest were for Australian Bass ($0.21) and Golden Perch ($0.20).
The combined value of food fish production and fingerling sales was approximately $8.1 million, a 15.9% increase on the total for the previous year. Around 20% of this value was for the sale of fingerlings for restocking. Prospects for Next Three Years With the drought, demand for fingerlings is expected to continue to fall as fewer people are restocking private dams. In additional several commercial farms and private hatcheries are no longer producing. The 2010 floods in Victoria and NSW will add to the problems of some farms. Growout operations are expected to re-establish in many areas (particularly pond-based farms). However, the highly variable product quality, off flavours as well as poor grading and handling practises may continue to restrict market acceptance of some Native Fish species (i.e. as supply increases market prices will fall). Another area for concern was the low growth rates experienced in temperate growing areas due to cold water temperatures over winter. This has lead to an increase in production of Murray Cod, Barcoo Grunter and other species in heated recirculating tanks.
Over 520 tonnes of market sized (mostly 350 to 900 grams) Native Fish were sold. Silver Perch sales were up 16 tonnes to 360.9 tonnes, whilst Golden Perch was steady at 7.4 tonnes. Murray Cod production increased from 86.0 to 112.7 tonnes, while production increased for the Barcoo Grunter (Scortum barcoo, which is sometimes incorrectly marketed as the Jade Perch) decreased from 58.9 to 41.8 tonnes. Small number of Australian Bass, Eel-tailed Catfish and Sleepy Cod were also harvested as food.
4.3 Eels The two species of Eels of commercial importance are the Shortfin Eel (Anguilla australis) in Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria, and the Longfin Eel (A. reinhardti) in New South Wales. In Victoria and Queensland the species were not separated in the production data. The majority of production was from RAS and enhanced fishery operations in Victoria, some RAS production is underway in Queensland and NSW.
Farm gate prices remained constant for both Silver and Golden Perch and Barcoo Grunter; live fish demanded the higher prices ($12 to 18/kg), while gilledgutted fish averaged $8 to $14/kg depending on species (Golden Perch were generally higher up to $22.00 but only small numbers sold) and which State the fish was sold in. The price for Murray Cod was between $10.30 and $20.33/kg, the highest prices for live product sold was in New South Wales.
The RAS farms continued to be stocked with glass eels (<01g) or elvers (<0.5g) from Tasmania as well as Queensland, with elver supply a major factor limiting Eel production. In N.S.W. Longfin production decreased by 1.5 tonnes to 3.6 tonnes (no production was reported for Shortfin Eels). In Queensland, Shortfin production remained at 28.7 tonnes worth under $0.5 million. In Victoria, production (majority is Shortfin from re-stockers 50g plus)
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decreased again, this time by 64 tonnes to 57 tonnes. The growth rates of the restocked Shortfin Eels in these licensed waterways can be very slow (a 50 cm individual may only weigh about 200 grams after 20 years) and is dependent on stocking densities. Drought conditions have seen annual ‘wild catch’ production drop from over 400 tonnes (4-5 years ago) down to less than 20 tonnes. In Tasmania, Shortfin Eels production remained at just over 11 tonnes, mostly part of a restocking industry. Production in 2008/09 decreased by 43.5%, this was worth over $1.3 million (Table 3). The farm gate price again ranged between $8 and $17 per kilogram excepted in Tasmania where it was only $6/kg. Prospects for Next Three Years As noted in previous reports, despite the widespread interest in the culture of Eels, supply of seedstock (particularly glass eels and elvers) due to the drought, lack of appropriate culture system design (particularly low cost food) and slow growth rates in stocked waterways (particularly with drought conditions and lower water flow) will continue to limit production. The expansion in the use of RAS technology should result in increased production over the next few years when drought conditions no longer limit seedstock recruitment. 4.4 Barramundi Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) is the only aquaculture species that is grown in all mainland states and is one of the few species that has exhibited regular increases in annual production – recently increases in the value have occurred in four of the past five years. In 20076/08 the highest production (3,863.3 tonnes) and value ($38.7 million) were recorded. Whilst production increased to over 4,000 tonnes in 2008/09, market price falls caused the value to drop by 5.2% to $36.6 million. Significant R&D followed by technology development has resulted in increased production and reliable hatchery supply, whilst work by the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association has addressed market development, particularly quality assurance, and other
issues such as vaccination of fingerlings and effluent quality. Indoor tank production (recirculating aquaculture systems, or RAS, plus one ‘flow-through’ farm in SA) contribute around 20% of the total Australian farmed Barramundi harvest. The remainder comes from seacage (30%) or freshwater or brackishwater pond-based (50%) production. In the 1990s, the major focus was for live plate-sized fish (350 to 400 grams, often marketed as ‘Baby Barra’), although with increasing pond and cage production, recently the emphasis has shifted to the production of larger fish, 1.5 to 2kg, for the fillet market. With culture in tanks there has been a trend to producing fish around 600 to 800g, often these are sold live into Asian restaurants. This has resulted in higher prices, up to $15/kg for live fish. In NSW RAS production remained at 111 tonnes, worth $1.2 million (average price of $10.86/kg, a fall of $1/kg). In SA where there is some RAS but mainly flow-through of hot artesian water in tanks, 3 more tonnes were produced for a total of 424.0 tonnes, at $10.62/kg this resulted in a total value of $4.5 million (same as 2007/08). The majority of Barramundi production was in Queensland, which unexpectedly showed a production decrease of 64 tonnes to 2,400.0 tonnes. A decreased average price of $8.76/kg (down $1.11/ kg) resulted in a decrease in value of more than $3.5 million to $21.3 million. Victorian RAS production received after the main farm losing most of its stock due to a power failure in 2007/08, production increased to by 57 tonnes to 60 tonnes worth $63,000 ($10.50/kg). Northern Territory production increased by 49 tonnes to 552.0 tonnes, all from freshwater or brackishwater ponds. The farm gate price fell again to average $7.61/kg, again making it the lowest of all the states. In Western Australia there was an increase in production of more than 90 tonnes to 455.2 tonnes, the majority coming from a seacage farm. With a
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farm gate price of $10.53/kg the total value was $4.8 million, an increase of $1.0 million. In the 1990s and early 2000s, the Barramundi was also important for the stocking of impoundments and farm dams in Queensland for recreational fishing, in some years there were more than 5 million releases. This year, the numbers were significantly lower, however, no data was available. Prospects for Next Three Years Further production growth is predicted, however, considerable funds and resources will be needed to promote Australian product to maintain market prices, particularly due to significant qualities of Asian frozen fillet product being landed in Australia at less than $10/kg. The growth of production from tank systems (both flow through and recirculating) will see increased harvests from the southern States and NSW. Also the potential for further increases in production in NT and Queensland is thought to be good for freshwater or brackishwater pond culture systems. The expansion in seacage production in Queensland and WA is likely to continue. 4.5 Southern Bluefin Tuna Figure 2 shows the trend in the value of production of SBT for the nine year period since 2000/01. The value has fallen significantly since 2001/01 (over $260 million) to average around $150 million. For a decade since 1993, the fattening in seacages or ‘pens’ off Port Lincoln (SA) of Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) was by far the fastest growing sector in Australian aquaculture. By 2000/2001 Tuna farming had surpassed Pearl Oysters as the most valuable aquaculture species and production reached over 9,000 tonnes, worth over $260 million. In 2006/07 there was a decrease in production (down from 8,806 to 7,588 tonnes) and value (down to almost $138 million). However 2008/09 production was up by more than 2,169 tonnes to 9,757 tonnes worth $186.7 million, up 35%. Due to the high Australian dollar and increased overseas competition, demand in the exports markets is slow; the average
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009 farm gate price fell by $1.18/kg to $17.96/kg; this is still well below the $2830/kg gained in the early 2000s. The total value was $157.7 million, a fall of $28.9 million. Purse seine nets are used to catch Tuna on the fishing grounds off the south coast of Australia; this is managed under a quota system to prevent overfishing (the Australian fishery is shared with Japanese and New Zealand boats). After being transferred to floating cages the fish are towed to Port Lincoln (this can take 6-10 weeks depending on where the fish were caught) and then transferred into the growout cages or pens. Initially the farming sites were inside Boston Harbour, but now they are all offshore in deeper water with good current flows. This has reduced many of the environmental impacts that were causing problems in the shallower waters closer to shore. In the early 2000s an overseas multinational aquaculture company entered this sector through the purchase of one of the farms. It is expected that other overseas interests will explore opportunities to participate in this industry, however this has not yet eventuated. The overseas company sold it share in 2006. Some Tuna companies are consolidating their production, some are leasing quota, and some have diversified into other species (see Marine Fish Section 4.7) and one is working to commercialise domestication (hatchery breeding). Another company unsuccessfully attempted to build a seacage farm in Western Australia in 2004/2005; the opposition came from concerns over environmental pollution and interactions with marine mammals and sharks. Several companies have established overseas joint venture operations for farming other species of Tuna, especially in the Mediterranean and Mexico. Up to 2008 the Australian Tuna Boat Operators Association through the AquaFin Cooperative Research Centre Aquaculture completed a number of R&D program to address sustainability concerns, including environmental monitoring, use of artificial diets (with pilchards and other whole fish, the food
sources, more than 20-25 million ‘tails are sold annually, of which up to 40% are produced locally.
conversion ratios can sometimes be in excess of 10:1), and ways to prevent the entanglement of seals, dolphins and sharks in the cage nets. At least one of the companies is involved with the Seafood CRC which started in 2007. Prospects for Next Three Years Access to stock a quota will continue to limit production levels to under 9,000 tonnes. Success in hatchery production of SBT juveniles is likely to create additional seedstock by 2011 or 2012. A high Australian dollar combined with stronger overseas competition will see continued low export demand (some companies insure for foreign exchange changes). Further rationalisation of the industry may see some smaller operations consolidated into larger companies. Most people in the industry believe that improvements in production (particularly artificial diets, mechanisation and easier to operate ocean cage systems) and reduced costs in environmental management will increase viability. 4.6 Ornamental and Aquarium Fish The keeping of Ornamental or Aquarium Fish is a popular activity in Australia for several million hobbyists – ‘fish’ is used to refer to over 3,000 species of a range of aquatic organisms including Exotic and Native Finfish, Amphibians, Crustaceans, Molluscs and other invertebrates as well as a range of aquatic plants. In the past the vast majority of finfish have been imported from overseas, mostly through Asia, however, local farmed production has been slowly increasing. According to industry
Using 2008/09 data, the total harvest of locally produced Aquarium Fish (both natives and exotic species decreased significantly by over 3.3 million tails down to less than 3 million. The value of this local production decreased by over 35% to be worth almost $2.8. million (Table 3). In previous years, the vast majority of the reported exotic fish production was Goldfish (Carassius auratus). In 2005/06 over 5 million Goldfish were sold. Production is now less than 2 million, sold for an average $0.56 each. The main producer, located in Victoria, has been downscaling production. A range of other species are being produced including livebearers such as Guppies (Poecilia reticulata), Platys (Xiphophorus maculatus) and Swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri), as well as Freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) and Koi Carp (Carassius hybrids, these can only be produced in WA and NSW). A number of native species, such as the Rainbow Fish (Melanotaenia spp), but also including several food fish fingerlings (refer to Section 4.2) such as Barramundi and Black Bream, were also sold, with prices varying considerably from species to species. The popularity of tropical native species and the prices which hobbyists are willing to pay for these species, have increased over the past few years encouraging local breeders to dedicate more time to culturing these fish.
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Several marine species are being cultured, including the Clown Fish (Amphiprion spp.) but mostly on an experimental scale. In Tasmania, SA, WA and NSW sales of several species of Seahorse (Hippocampus spp.) and other related species were recorded but due to confidentiality reason, data was often not available. Initially it was thought the main demand for these species would be the traditional Chinese medicine market (and as an alleged aphrodisiac). However, the main demand for Seahorses and other Syngnathids has been for the aquarium industry. With the current over exploitation by wild fishers in many of the traditional supplying countries, a cultured product could find a large and profitable market niche. In the NT, WA and Qld there is a healthy trade in marine organisms other than Finfish, including Shrimp, Corals, ‘live’ rock, Molluscs and other invertebrates. As these are often held in tanks for several weeks (sometimes months) for conditioning or quarantine, or simply just waiting for transport to wholesalers and buyers, theoretically (using the FAO definition) this value-adding stage could be included as an aquaculture activity, however, no data was collated for this. Industry sources suggested the trade could be worth up to $1 million, of which the aquaculture component might be worth 20 to 25%. Although licenses are issued for the commercial production of Ornamental and Aquarium Fish in most states, this sector comprises of many more small ‘backyard’ or ‘cottage style’ operations that are not licensed. This means that accurate data collection on production and value remains extremely difficult. The O’Sullivan, Clark and Morison 2008 report The Australian Ornamental Fish Industry in 2008/09 suggested that domestic production in 2006/07 was over 8.3 million – 7.7 million from aquaculture and 0.6 million from wild catch, mainly marine species. This is 30% higher than the estimates for that year reported by O’Sullivan et al (2008). This shows that the collection of aquaculture statistics by state authorities often does not include all of the ornamental hatcheries.
Prospects for Next Three Years Pet shop industry reports show an increasing interest in ornamentals, particularly for marine species due to the increased availability and lower cost of reliable advanced technology tank systems. While the vast majority of local production consists of exotic species, interest in the native species, especially those from the tropics and marines, will ensure increased production and export opportunities. Local production of exotics could be threatened from increased importation of cheaper Asian stock (at present these must undergo a regulated quarantine period of between 7 and 21 days which is monitored by the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service). Led by the domestic culture of more Goldfish and other ‘bread and butter species’ as well as the higher value marine (esp. Seahorses and Clown Fish), it is likely that increases in production and value should occur. 4.7 Marine Finfish Species A range of temperate estuarine and ocean species have been targeted; production initially focussed on Snapper (Pagrus auratus). However, difficulties with product quality and growth rates have seen no commercial production since 2002/03. In 2008/09 seacage production of Mulloway (Argyrosomus hololepidotus) in SA fell to 500 tonnes as the main company focuses on Yellowtail Kingfish. In NSW a company is using prawn ponds with increases in production to over 31 tonnes; together this was worth $4.1 million. Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) continue to repeat its production increases over the past few years with expanded seacage production in South Australia; according to industry sources the harvest again increased to over 4,500 tonnes worth $36 million. Farm gate prices continued to average $8.00/ kg in SA but was only $4.75 in NSW. Problems with controlling escapees and ectoparasites, as well as with market acceptance (low price) were limiting profits of the cage operations. Experimental and pilot-scale culture
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were undertaken with temperate species such as Whiting (Sillago spp.), Striped Trumpeter (Latris lineata), Black Bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri), Greenback Flounder (Rhombosolea tapirina), Tarwhine (Rhabdosarsus sarba), Mangrove Jack (Lutjanus argentimaculatus), Australian Salmon (Arripis trutta), Australian Herring (Arripis georgianus), Mullet (various species) and Snubnose Garfish (Arrhamphuus sclerolepis). Areas requiring further research included broodstock conditioning, juvenile nutrition, disease control, and adult growout techniques. Interest has also been shown in the farming of tropical reef fish species, such as Rockcods (previously called Groupers), due to high prices for exported live fish (up to almost $90/kg, but usually around $30-40/kg). The main focus has been on Goldspotted Rockcod (Epinephelus coioides), Barramundi Cod (Cromileptes altivelis) and Coral Cod (Cephalopholis spp.). Problems with the production of commercial quantities of seedstock limited production. However, there have been some trial culture of the Goldspotted Rockcod in prawn ponds. Prospects for Next Three Years In South Australia with at two commercial hatcheries regularly producing Yellowtail Kingfish, and a government hatchery producing fingerlings in NSW, it is predicted that annual increases in production and value will continue for the next three or more years as operators achieve economies of scale in production. A new farm has been established in WA. Market prices will need to be increased to allow for profit margins in the smaller operations. For other species, although some industry sources were excited about their prospects, marine fish culture was still in a very early stage of development, and any predictions would be highly speculative. 4.8 Exotic Finfish Species While interest has been expressed in the pond culture of some of the exotic species (eg. Redfin [Perca fluviatilis], Tilapia [hybrid species] and European Carp [Cyprinus carpio]) already present in Australia, concerns over escapees causing habitat
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009 damage and predation of Native Fish has precluded developments. In New South Wales some 0.1 tonnes of Carp were produced in 2001/2002, however, the farm gate price was less than $4/kg. No production has been reported since then. Prospects for Next Three Years Intensive indoor tank culture systems (such as those used in for Barramundi culture) could enable licenses to be granted for the culture of exotic species, although low farm gate prices may make this current technology economically unviable.
5. Crustaceans Total production of crustaceans was 4,182 tonnes worth over $61.9 million (Table 4), a 24.2% increase over the value estimate for the previous year (the first increase after three year of decreases). The main species groups were Prawns (increased value by 26.7% to $56.8 million) and Freshwater Crayfish (decreased by 9.9% to $4.1 million, third year of decreases). Brine shrimp increased by over 100% to $0.9 million. 5.1 Marine Prawns Figure 2 shows the trend in the value of production of prawns for the nine year period since 2000/01. In 2001/02 the value was the highest recorded ($65.5 million), however it has fallen since then to $44.9 million (2007/08) with a good recovery this year. The majority of farming was undertaken in north Queensland, with some other successful operations located in southeastern Queensland and northern New South Wales. Production in the Northern Territory has stopped, and although some farms have been built in Western Australia, no production was reported. NSW production in 2008/09 fell by 37 tonnes and value was down $0.5 million. In Qld there was an increase of 877 tonnes and an increase in price of $0.17/ kg; together these resulted in an increase in value of $13 million. Previously the Black Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) has been the main species of marine prawn farmed in Australia,
however, limited seedstock and other issues saw other species being tested. Since the early 2000s an increasing number of ponds in north Queensland were stocked by the largest producer with either Banana (Fenneropenaeus [ex Penaeus] merguiensis) or Brown Tiger (Penaeus esculentus) Prawns at the expense of Black Tiger Prawns. For reasons of confidentiality, data for these three species has been combined for Queensland. In the past Banana Prawns have also been produced in New South Wales and Northern Territory (again no breakdowns were provided). Tiger-Banana Prawn production increased from 3,173.9 tonnes to 3,984.1, valued at over $56.8 million (Table 4), an increase in value of 26.7%. The relative contribution of each was thought to be around 75% for Black Tiger and 25% for Banana Prawns. Local market demand for larger cultured prawns remained tight with the average farm gate price for Tigers and Bananas steady at $13.89/kg average in NSW and $14.28/kg in Queensland. In previous reports the increase in cheaper and smaller imported farmed prawn was said to have adversely affected the markets for the local product; however, now there seems to be evidence that consumers in Australia prefer to buy the local farmed product.
No further culture of this species has been reported. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, production of the Kuruma Prawn (Marsupenaeus [ex Penaeus] japonicus) had contributed up to 20% of the total value for Prawns. All these Prawns were exported to Japan. Competition from cheaper product was China and other Asian producers have reduced the market price. There have been no reports of farms stocking these Prawns in New South Wales or Queensland since 2006/07. As in previous years, most farms used smaller ponds, with improved aeration and water exchange capacity that allowed high levels of water quality management. The diversification into Banana prawns by some hatcheries combined with procedural improvements and increased capacity for Black Tigers at several hatcheries allowed most farmers to stock all their ponds, although, supply of Black Tiger post larvae can sometimes create a problems. Former disease issues seem to have been overcome as most farms implement biosecurity measures. Effluent from prawn ponds was a major issue for Government authorities in all states and territories due to the already increased background levels of pollution in the waterways. As a result some Government scientists and farmers have been testing recirculating systems and zero water exchange systems with good success. Significant increases in the area of settlement ponds have also been undertaken on many farms; over 30% of
One N.T. farm diversified into School Prawns (Metapenaeus spp.) with mixed results in 2003/04. Inexpensive sources of seedstock and rapid growth rates were the main drivers of this decision.
Table 4: Australian aquaculture production of Crustaceans for 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s)
Value ($,000)
Black Tiger / Banana Prawns
Brine Shrimp
Sources: Information provided by State and Territory Fisheries Departments and industry. Notes: # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NA = not applicable, NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken). * = figures for previous year used
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total pond area was dedicated on some farms. Work is underway for use of Biofloc for increased stocking and less water release. There have been no new farms nor significant expansion on the existing farms since early 2000s due to environmental regulations (especially Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority in Qld). Prospects for Next Three Years For most of the 2000s, inexpensive imports, rising costs (particularly compliance with environmental regulations) and lack of skilled seasonal labour have eroded profitability to create financial pressure on a number of prawn growers. However, improved water quality and stock management and more effective feeding regimes will ensure that production volumes improve. Selective breeding programs for several farms are expected to provide further increases in production. The Australian Prawn Farmers Association continues to work to create more consumer demand for the local farmed product. 5.2 Freshwater Crayfish Three species of Freshwater Crayfish were farmed â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Marron (Cherax tenuimanus), Redclaw (C. quadricarinatus) and Yabbies (C. destructor, C. albidus). While the sector consists of a couple of larger, semi-intensive operations (in excess of 10 hectares) with purpose-built ponds, the majority of the 300+ licence holders farm extensively (usually farm dams) or have 1 to 2 ha of small semi-intensive ponds. The continued drought conditions meant very few of these farms were operating commercially. Production of Freshwater Crayfish was mostly focussed on the restaurant trade (domestic and some niche overseas markets). Depending on species and growing conditions, the crayfish were usually harvested at 1 to 2 years of age (50 to 80+ grams). After several years of production decreases there was an 18.5% increase in the overall value for Freshwater Crayfish to over $5.2 million in 2006/07. However, production more than halved in 2007/08 to 218.1 tonnes and the value dropped by 13.3% to $4.6 million. A further decrease of $0.4 million was reported for 2008/09 to $4.2 million â&#x20AC;&#x201C; less than 200 tonnes
through Australia were produced. In Table 4 the most valuable species was the Marron ($2.0 million, down $0.1 million), followed by Redclaw ($1.1 million, steady) and Yabbies ($1.1 million, down $0.3 million). The drought across southern Australia has had a major effect on Yabby production. In New South Wales production decreased by 3.5 tonnes to 4.1 tonnes with some $100,000 worth of bait Yabbies sold for a total of $175,500, down $0.2 million on 2007/08. South Australia combined Yabby production into their Marron figures; however, it is thought that less than 1 tonne was produced. In Victoria production fell from 2 to 1 tonnes. It is expected that production in S.A. and Vic next year will be zero due to lack of water. In Western Australia where extensive culture in farm dams was undertaken with Yabbies, production has decreased by almost 17 tonnes to 44.1 tonnes (at $18.38/kg the value was $0.8 million). The Redclaw production in Queensland showed increased slightly to 67.8 tonnes (at $16.54/kg this was worth $1.1 million) whilst Marron production in Western Australia also decreased by more than 6 tonnes to 52.9 tonnes (at $27.40/kg the value was $1.4 million). In South Australia, Marron production increased from 19 to 23 tonnes worth $0.6 million (some Yabby production is included in these figures). With low production due to the drought and other causes, some increase in farm gate prices were reported for Freshwater Crayfish. However, the prices ranged between species with Marron being the highest (average over $26.50/kg), followed by Yabbies (average over $15/ kg, lowest $10/kg in Victoria) and Redclaw (average over $16.50/kg). Prospects for Next Three Years Industry commentators suggest that with sufficient water supply production of freshwater crayfish can increase at least five fold utilising current infrastructure (production could be in excess of 1,000 tonnes). However, as suggested in previous reports, the lack of
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appropriate diets, losses through predation or other mortalities, undercapitalisation, lack of mechanisation and poor water quality/quantity remain issues that limit production. As supply increases, prices for Yabbies and Redclaw will stabilise around $10 to $12 per kilogram, while the prices for Marron could decrease below $20 per kilogram. More consistent production volumes for Freshwater Crayfish can open the potential for export to overseas markets. 5.3 Other Crustacean Species Only 4.0 tonnes of the Brine Shrimp (Artemia spp) was produced in Victoria; with an increase in market price to $110/kg, total value was over $0.9 million, double the level for the past four years. Production restarted in South Australia although no data was available due to only one operator. A producer in Western Australia is undertaking pilot scale production. Production of other live feed species such as Rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) may develop. Harvested in the past as a by-product of Prawn farming, a small amount of Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata) were reported from New South Wales in 2003/2004. No production has been shown for the Mud Crab this year; however, with expanding markets (including export) culture of this species is likely to increase. There has been juvenile production research underway on Bribie Island in Queensland and at the Darwin Aquaculture Centre, Northern Territory. An intensive indoor RAS has been established for a Mud Crab farm in Brisbane using innovative feeding and harvesting methods. As for the past 6 or more years, no production of the Blue-swimmer Crab (Portunus pelagicus), Freshwater Shrimp (Atyidae sp.) or Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium sp.) was reported. Following promising research results, there was increasing interest in culture of Southern and Western Rocklobsters (Jasus noveahollandiae and Panuliris cygnus) in Tasmania, South Australia and south coast of Western Australia, and for Tropical Rocklobsters (P. ornatus) in Queensland and Western Australia.
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009 Research had focussed around the ongrowing of pueruli and juvenile Rocklobsters due to lack of success with larval production in hatcheries. For the Japanese market, the expected size was around 200 to 300g which could be achieved in less than four years culture in tanks or on-bottom cages. However, R&D was underway at a semi-commercial level in W.A. and north Queensland. The holding over of wild caught Rocklobsters in recirculating tanks until after the close of the fishing season when the farm gate prices increase continued to be a production option. Research is underway into the culture of Balmain or Moreton Bay Bugs (Ibacus spp and Thenus spp.) as well as the Slipper Lobster (Scyllarides spp.) in Western Australia. Prospects for Next Three Years Except for Brine Shrimp which has steady production, the other crustacean species are several years away from any significant production.
6. Molluscs The harvest of Molluscs increased by over 1,300 tonnes from 16,746.6 tonnes to 18,065.6, however, falling Pearl Oyster value mean the overall value decreased by 6.3% from $246.3 to $230.7 million (Table 5). The main sectors were Sydney Rock Oysters (increased from $36.7 to $37.7 million), Pacific Oysters (increased from $51.8 to $56.9 million), Pearl Oysters (decreased from $132.4 to $106.3 million), Blue Mussels (increased from $8.2 to $9.4 million) and Abalone (increased from $16.8 to $20.3 million). Scallop production fell significantly as the main producer diversified into the production of Blue Mussels and wild harvest options. 6.1 Edible Oysters Figure 2 shows the steady increase in the value of production of edible oysters for the nine year period since 2000/01. Over this period the value has almost doubled – over 14,000 tonnes were harvested, the highest recorded. Several edible Oyster species were cultivated on over 300 farms in Australia, although the majority of production was
for the Sydney Rock Oyster (Saccostrea glomerata – includes both S. amasa and S. commercialis) in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia, and for the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in Tasmania, South Australia and some parts of New South Wales. Overall, there was a 6.7% increase in the value of Australian edible Oyster production in 2008/09 to be worth over $94.6 million (Table 5). In terms of tonnes produced and overall value, the Pacific Oyster sector continued to be higher than the Sydney Rock sector – 10,018 tonnes worth $56.9 million versus 4,071 tonnes worth $37.7 million. In previous years there were major problems over food safety from contaminated growing waters, disease losses (QX and winter mortality), out-dated culture practices and reduced spat settlement due to overset from Pacific Oyster spat. However, an increasing number of farmers were turning to single seed production and at least two hatcheries were providing selectively bred seed. The NSW and Qld Shellfish Quality Assurance programs lifted consumer confidence in the safety of eating Oysters and other shellfish grown in those waters. NSW Sydney Rock production rose by 64 tonnes to 3,943.6 tonnes with an increase in value of $1.2 million to $37.2 million. With respect to the Pacific
Oyster (including specially bred triploids or sterile oysters to avoid over catch issues), NSW production and value increased over 300 tonnes to 481.7 tonnes and by $1.1 million to $3.3 million respectively. As in the past 4-5 years, Queensland’s production of Sydney Rock Oysters fell, this time by 18 tonnes to 63.4 tonnes, whilst higher prices (up $0.46/kg) meant the value of production fell to just over $0.5 million. In South Australia, new and more productive culture areas saw a significant further annual increase in Pacific Oyster culture of more than 400 tonnes to 5,848 tonnes, whilst a slightly higher farm gate price ($5.57/kg) saw the overall value increase from $30.1 to $32.6 million. Once again this state was the major Pacific Oyster producer. With some new culture areas coming online in Tasmania for the Pacific Oyster growers, production and value increased over 100 tonnes to 3,688 tonnes and by $1.6 million to $21.0 million. Whilst there was some development of hatchery and culture techniques for the Native Oyster (Ostrea angasi), commercial production had not yet developed. In NSW some 30.5 tonnes worth $271,500 were produced in 2007/08. Whilst there was an increase in production, no official statistics were available for 2008/09.
Table 5: Australian aquaculture production of Molluscs for 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000)
Pacific Oysters
Sydney Rock Oysters 1
Native Oysters
Scallops (commercial)
2.4 *
12.5 * 106,300.0
Pearl Oysters (maxima) 2
Pearl (non-maxima) 2
Blue Mussels
Sources: Information provided by State and Territory Fisheries Departments and industry. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken), NA = not applicable. * = figures for previous year used. 1 = May include some Western Rock Oysters, 2 = Pearl production, also Mother-of-Pearl shell and some meat harvested from P. maxima and other species. Some non-maxima production in NSW (included in others).
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Two tropical species, the Milky Oyster (S. cuccullata) and the Black-lipped Oyster (S. echinata) have been cultured in Queensland in small quantities. In 2003/2004 the total production of Tropical Oysters was 11.6 tonnes, this was worth just over $0.4 million, however, this was essentially a wild collection business. At least one hatchery was able to produce seed of the Tropical Oysters but there was little interest in their culture. The lack of infrastructure and the high costs of labour and equipment in tropical Australia may be the reasons for this. Prospects for Next Three Years The steady rollout of the Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance (or Clean Waters) Programs will continue to increase consumer confidence in the food safety of the shellfish produce. This in turn will continue to increase demand and average market prices. Access to new sites and improved production methods (both intertidal and subtidal) should lead to increased production over the next few years in both the Pacific and Sydney Rock Oyster sectors. Selective breeding for growth and appearance as well as disease resistance is progressing well and will increase production. If farm gate prices can continue to be held or even increased, there will be significant increases in the value of oyster production. It was too difficult to predict how well the Native and Tropical Oyster sectors will develop. 6.2 Pearl Oysters Figure 2 shows the steady decrease in the value of production of pearl oysters for the nine year period since 2000/01; the value has more than halved during this period. In 2008/09 the overall value of the Silver or Golden Lipped Pearl Oyster (Pinctada maxima) production fell from $131.8 million to $106 million, a 20% decrease. While around 20 operations were farming Pearl Oysters the bulk of the Australian production comes from Western Australia, valued around $90 million, a fall of $23 million. Production from the Northern Territory fell by $1.3 million to $16.3 million. In 2007/08 Queensland Pearl farming decreased to $1.2 million, no production was reported for 2008/09.
The use of hatchery-reared stock continued to allow more stock on the farms for seeding, and as these animals seemed to suffer less from handling than their wild caught cousins, they could result in improved nucleus retention rates and increased quality and size of the pearl. For a number of years Pearl Oysters have been Australia’s most valuable aquaculture sector, upheld by the ‘South-Seas’ Pearl’s reputation as the finest quality in the world. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the market outlook was depressed due to increased competition from several overseas countries, especially Indonesia. Australian farmers concentrated on increasing pearl quality and size to combat this growing competition. Unfortunately, for several years, the main markets in Japan and Hong Kong have suffered from depressed economic conditions that have caused a decrease in prices, especially for the larger pearls. Whilst several other by-products were sold, including dried Pearl Oyster meat (prices over $50/kg were reported in previous years) and shells for Mother-ofPearl, the quantity or value of these were not known. In several states (including Western Australia, N.S.W. and Victoria), some experimentation was underway with a number of non-P. maxima Pearl Oysters, including the Black lip (P. margaritiferia), the New South Wales (P. imbricata) and the Penguin (Pteria penguin) Pearl Oysters. Prospects for Next Three Years Depressed overseas market conditions will continue to slow demand for the larger, higher quality Australian product. Several companies will continue to ‘warehouse’ excess stock and wait for improved prices. Further farm expansion, or at least consolidation, should occur due to increased stock from improved hatchery production. Innovations in longline and bottom culture methods can also lift production.
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6.3 Blue Mussels The Blue Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis, ex-M. edulis) is farmed commercially in Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, Western Australia and South Australia. Although hatchery techniques are available, Blue Mussel farming is almost exclusively based on natural settlement. Ongrowing to market size is undertaken on droppers suspended from floating longlines, or sometime rafts. This sector has shown regular growth over the previous decade. In 2008/09 total production increased by almost 400 tonnes to 3,375.8 tonnes, worth almost $9.4 million (Table 5), an increase of almost $1.2 million, 13.4%. After a 15% decrease in 2006/07, the average (in the shell) farm gate price increased slightly from $2.70 to $2.78 / kg in 2007/08 and was stable in 2008/09, although the price ranged between states – $3.00/kg in NSW, $1.88/kg for SA, $2.80/kg in Vic, $3.50/ kg in Tas and $3.73/kg (WA). Production in NSW increased by 45 tonnes to 66.0 tonnes; farm gate price fell by $2/kg, however, value of production rose almost $0.1 million. After five year of increases in production, there was a fall of 39 tonnes in South Australia to 1,340 tonnes and a decrease in value from $2.6 to over $2.5 million. At $1.88/kg the average farm gate price was the lowest in Australia. One company is working on value-added packs and this innovation could see market demand and prices increase. For the fifth year Victoria, production dropped, this year from 521 to 449 tonnes. The average farm gate price stayed at $2.80/kg and overall value fell $0.3 to over $1.2 million. For the second year production in Tasmania increased, this year by 341 tonnes to 1,087 tonnes making this state the largest producer. Again the farm gate value was $3.50/kg. The overall value rose from $2.6 to $3.8 million. After two years of decreases Western Australian production increased by 84 tonnes to 433.5 tonnes; value decreased from $1.8 to $1.5 million. Farm gate
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009 value decreased by $1.02 to $3.73/kg, still the highest in Australia. Variations in spat fall caused some difficulties, hatchery production was available as a back-up option in some states, however, the prices for hatchery spat may be a contributing factor to low demand. Fortunately, unlike in the 1990s and early 2000s, no major algal bloom outbreaks were reported for the Blue Mussel growing areas. However, other problems included rough weather stripping culture lines, poaching and vandalism, and competition for markets with wild harvested produce and cheaper imports of the Green Mussel (Perna canaliculus) from New Zealand. Prospects for Next Three Years As all States participated in the Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program; increased consumer confidence will enable Blue Mussel farms to capitalise on their ‘clean-green’ product. Increases in hatchery production may lead to cheaper seed. Improved culture techniques and restocked leases should mean Blue Mussel production will increase in all southern states. However, the sector will need to increase market prices through value-adding rather than just selling bulk bags of harvested Blue Mussels; ideas include cleaned, debyssed ready to heat and serve packs, as well as meat and sauce combos. 6.4 Scallops Although interest has been shown in Scallop culture in several states, the only developments have occurred in Tasmania with the Commercial Scallop (Pecten fumatus). Two Tasmanian-Japanese joint ventures (one government based and one private) were established in the early 1990s and these demonstrated that overseas Scallop growing methods could be applied to Tasmanian conditions with some degree of success – in the early 2000s the annual harvests were over 150 tonnes worth over $1.0 million. In recent years the production dropped significantly as the main company moved into Blue Mussel farming. Likewise in South Australia large areas originally for scallop enhancement are now being stocked with Blue Mussels.
Like Mussel culture, overseas scallop farming has been reliant on natural spatfall and was therefore unpredictable and risky. However, scallops can be produced in shellfish hatcheries at prices that could make growing hatchery reared stock feasible. Two different growout techniques can be used, the first involves longline culture using lantern nets (often used by oyster farmers as a means for diversification); the second (enhancement) involves re-seeding of scallops into areas which are dredge harvested a couple of years later (often undertaken by people with fishing interests). Production in 2005/06 decreased from 120 tonnes down to 10 tonnes in 2006/07 and again to 2.4 tonnes in 2007/08, a fall of over 98%; no reports on production were received for 2008/09. although some was know to occur, the figures for 2007/08 were used. Scallop meat was priced at $50/kg wholesale, the farm gate value (whole shell) was around $5.20/kg to give a value of $12,500. Production difficulties include spat availability, cost of culture equipment and a low survival rate of re-seeded juveniles. Prospects for Next Three Years The main producer in Tasmania has finished its move out of cultured scallops and diversification into Blue Mussels and other production options. Likewise there are no leases in South Australia in operation. With no new investor interest and no new farms unlikely to be built over the next few years, production will be zero. 6.5 Abalone The abalone species cultured included the Blacklip (Haliotis rubra), the Greenlip (H. laevigata) and a hybrid of the two species, known as the ‘Tiger’ Abalone. Other species in which some interest was shown in the past included Roe’s Abalone (H. roei), the Staircase Abalone (H. scalaris), the Ass’s ear or Tropical Abalone (H. asinina) and the Brownlip Abalone (H. concipora), however, there was no commercial production reported for these species.
After two years of decrease in the value of production, the value increased again by 20.7% to $20.3 million. Whilst production increased from 501.6 to 598.6 tonnes, the farm gate value increased by $0.49 to $33.95/kg. In South Australia production (all Greenlip) significantly increased by 60 tonnes $5.1 million); the average farm gate price decreased from $36.55 to $30.85/kg. In Victoria production (mostly hybrid, some Greenlip) rose by 13 tonnes to 179 tonnes ($6.4 million); the average farm gate price was stable at $35.94/kg. Two farms were continuing to increase in production after disease outbreaks meant all their farm stock were died or had to be destroyed in 2005. In Tasmania production (Greenlip, Blacklip and hybrids) increased by 24 tonnes to 192.6 tonnes ($5.8 million); the average farm gate price fell by $4 to $30.00/kg, the second year of price falls. Pilot scale culture was undertaken in both N.S.W. and Western Australia (Greenlip); reports that production of may begin with Tropical Abalone in Queensland were yet to be confirmed. The favoured growout method was using on-land culture in tanks or raceways with several different designs available. These included flat canoe-shaped tanks, plastic maze tanks and mazes of PVC pipes, all of which didn’t require large amounts of water or supplementary aeration. However, the major innovation was the concrete ‘slab’ tank, which was several metres wide and up to 25m long; at least one farm was also testing plastic slab tanks. Other culture methods included sea-based culture with barrels on longlines and floating or on-bottom cages, including ‘self-feeding’ systems. Further interest was shown in seeding artificial reefs, however, no developments took place. The marketable size for cocktail or entree animals, 6 to 8 cm shell length (i.e. 60 to 90 grams) was reached after a culture period of 3.5 to 4 years depending on water temperatures. With improvements in management techniques, selective
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
production of over 1,500 tonnes per year. Farmers reported that as the vast majority of their sales are for exports, the high Australian dollar and the slowing of the Asia economies could further limit demand.
breeding and nutrition the production period is being reduced. High Australian dollar means that exports of abalone are expensive on overseas markets; this has caused lower farm gate prices in some states.
6.6 Other Shellfish Species In the past, small quantities of Freshwater Mussels (Velesunio ambiguus) were produced in New South Wales. Several groups have examined the potential for freshwater pearl production, however, no commercial activity has been reported.
Prospects for Next Three Years No new farms were built, however, stock levels increased on existing farms (including the 2 Victorian farm affected by disease), so over the next few years production should continue to increase. Farm gate prices were expected to hold after the drop from $49 to $33/kg, particularly as the main producer of cultured Abalone (China with around 5,000 tonnes in 2000) has difficulties with high levels of coastal water pollution. However, South Africa was becoming a major competitor with
The potential for Cockle or Clam culture integrated with Oyster farms was studied in Tasmania, South Australia and New South Wales. The two main species in Tasmania were Katelysia scalarina and Venerupis largillierti. Various varieties of Anadara are commercially cultured in Asia,
Table 6: Australian aquaculture production of Miscellaneous Species for 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000)
Crocodiles (flesh)
Crocodiles (skins) 1
Microalgae 2
Aquatic Worms 3
Others 4
Sources: Information provided by State and Territory Fisheries Departments and industry. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken), NA = not applicable. * = figures for previous year used. 1 = Includes skins plus other Crocodile curios items such as feet, teeth, skulls, back straps, etc. 2 = Figures taken from 2006/07 production. 3 = Polychaete Worms were sold in litre quantities, 1 litre = 1 kilogram (approx.). 4 = Includes a wide range of Finfish, Crustaceans and Molluscs lumped in ‘Others’ Category as specific data could not be published due to confidentiality concerns.
Table 7: Australian aquaculture production for 2008/09 by States/Territories. State/Territory
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000)
% increase over 2007/08*
New South Wales
3.8 -5.2
South Australia
Northern Territory
Western Australia
10.1 -7.9 1.9
Sources: Information provided by State and Territory Fisheries Departments and industry. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. *Figures in brackets represent a negative growth (i.e. decrease) in value over the previous year.
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so there could be some potential in Australia. To date, no production was reported. Several species of giant clam (Tridacnidae) have been investigated with regard to their commercial potential (Tridacna gigas, T. derasa, T. squamosa, T. crocea and Hippopus hippopus). No commercial production was reported, although an operation in Western Australia was known to be selling cultured product to the aquarium market. Production difficulties included wide variations in growth rates, losses due to cyclones and lack of suitable culture sites (mainly due to restrictions regarding aquaculture activities in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park). Interest has been expressed in the culture of Trochus (Trochus niloticus) for its shell and for restocking reefs. Some research has been undertaken in the Northern Territory and Western Australia, however there was no commercial production. Periwinkles for Italian seafood dishes have been trialled in Tasmania. Prospects for Next Three Years It is unclear how these sectors will develop – their potential seems to be limited by a lack of investor or grower interest.
7. Miscellaneous Species The total value of the miscellaneous (Microalgae, Crocodiles, Aquatic Worms and ‘Others’) species showed a 21.7% increase over the value in the previous year to $16.4 million (Table 6). The increases were mostly due to the ‘Others’ figures, however all categories recorded increases in value. The ‘Others’ category was used by several states to combine data for species that have a single or only a couple of producers; this was done for confidentiality reasons. Usually, industry sources provide estimates which allow the segregation of the data into the specific categories, however, occasionally the figures can’t be totally confirmed. 7.1 Crocodiles Australia’s two species of crocodile – the Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) and the indigenous Freshwater Crocodile (C. johnstoni) were both protected species
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009 (both in Australia and under the CITES convention). Thus there were many regulations involved with their culture and sale, which increased production costs. However, the quality of the Australian product continued to allow it to gain a reputation overseas. The Crocodiles were cultivated for their belly skins and flesh (most from the tail, but also from the mid-section and legs). The preferred species was the larger and faster growing ‘saltie’. On the farms, the harvest size was about 1.5m, which represented an animal of 2 to 3 years age. In addition a wide range of other products were sold including back straps, feet, heads (skulls), claws and teeth. The availability of data from the individual States or Territories was limited. The value of skin and other products increased from $ $5.5 to $6.0million. Flesh sales increased from 122.2 to 127.8 tonnes, at an average farm gate of $22/kg, this was worth over $2.8 million (Table 6). For the second year the total value of crocodile production increased, this year by 7.6% to over $8.8 million. In addition to their use for human food and clothing, Crocodiles played a major role in tourism with more than 20 tourist operations and zoos exhibiting Crocodiles around Australia. The value of this to the Australian economy was thought to be in the tens of millions. Prospects for Next Three Years Improvements in farming technology and increasing demand for quality product may see the number, quality and value of Crocodiles in Australia rise over the next few years. 7.2 Microalgae and Seaweeds The salt tolerant Microalgae (Dunaliella salina) was cultured commercially in Port Gregory, Western Australia and Whyalla, South Australia. A multi-national food company runs both these operations with a total of more than 800 ha of hypersaline ponds in production; the two sites provide security of supply and year round production. The main product was beta-carotene, an important food additive, colour and dietary supplement. In addition, by-products such as microalgal meal were sold for use in animal feeds.
A Spirulina plant in the Northern Territory has been operating for several years.
the finfish seacage operations. As yet no commercial production was reported.
The estimated value from Western Australia stayed at $0.5 million, whilst that for South Australia was around $3.0 million and Northern Territory at $0.1 million for a total of $3.6 million (Table 6), an increase of 2.9%. Despite reports that at least two new operations were being established in salt fields in mid-west Western Australia and in a salt lake in the north-west Victoria, no other production was reported.
A number of species of aquatic plants (eg. water lilies) were produced for the Aquarium and Ornamental Pond markets although no figures were available. Prospects for Next Three Years The high costs of production and extraction are thought to prevent new operations from being established. Applied R&D was underway into other species of Microalgae for a wide range of pigments, feeds and fine chemicals; however, the main interest is for biofuels and carbon credits (through fixation of carbon dioxide). If successful, the value will increase significantly over the next few years.
Interest in Seaweed (Macroalgae) increased with several Abalone farms using seaweeds as nutrient strippers. In addition one or more Atlantic Salmon farms have examined the benefits of seaweed culture being integrated into
Table 8: Aquaculture production for New South Wales and ACT in 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000)
Brown Trout
Rainbow Trout (f/w)
Australian Bass
Eel-tailed Catfish
Golden Perch
Silver Perch
Murray Cod
Longfin Eels
Misc. Marine Fish 1
Exotic Aquarium Fish 2
Black Tiger Prawns
Yabbies 3
Pacific Oysters 4
Sydney Rock Oysters 5
Native Oysters 6
Pearls Non-maxima
Blue Mussels
Aquatic Worms 7
Others 8
Sources: Data provided by NSW Fisheries, estimates from industry indicated by *. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken), NA = not applicable. 1 = Includes Yellow Bream, Snapper, Sand Whiting. 2 = Includes Koi Carp, Goldfish, also some Koi Carp for human food market in past years but not this one. 3 = Includes $151,000 worth of bait yabbies. 4 = Including Triploid Pacific Oysters worth almost $1M, for Pacific Oysters one dozen of unopened oysters = 0.8kg. 5 = For Sydney Rock Oysters, 14 standard bags equal 1 tonne for unopened oysters. 6 = For Native Oysters 1 dozen equals 1 kilogram. 7 = Aquatic Polychaete Worms were sold in litre quantities, 1 litre = 1 kilogram (approx.). 8 = Includes Pearl Oysters & marine fish.
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Table 9: Aquaculture production for South Australia in 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000)
4,501.0 157,777.0
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Yellowtail Kingfish
Exotic Aquarium Fish
Pacific Oysters2
0.0 2,519.0
Blue Mussels
Sources: Data provided by PIRSA, estimates from industry indicated by *. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken), NA = not applicable. 1 = Includes Yabbies. 2 = For Pacific Oysters, a conversion factor of 1.0 (i.e. 83 grams each) was used to convert dozens to kilograms for unopened Oysters. 3 = No data available, based on 2007/08 figures.
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000)
Australian Bass
Silver Perch
Murray Cod2
Shortfin Eels4
Misc marine fish & others5
Exotic Aquarium Fish
Black Tiger Prawns7
Native Aquarium
Pearls (P. maxima)
Crocodile flesh9
Sydney Rock
Sources: Data provided by agencies of Department of Primary Industry, estimates from industry indicated by *. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken), NA = not applicable. 1 = includes hatchery production of Sooty Grunter &Sleepy Cod. 2 = Murray Cod includes Mary River Cod. 5 = some quantities of fingerings sold overseas. 4 = Combination of Shortfin and Longfin Eels (minority), used 2007/08 figures. 5 = Marine ornamentals, Seahorses, Corals, Sandfish (Sea Cucumber), Pearl Oyster spat, Barramundi Cod, Cobia, Mangrove Jack & Mullet. 6 = Includes Saratoga, Rainbows and others as well as ornamental invertebrates. 7 = Includes Black/Brown Tiger and Banana Prawns, split possibly is 75% : 25%. 8 = For Sydney Rock Oysters, a conversion factor of 0.60 (i.e. 50 grams each) was used to convert dozens to kilograms for unopened Oysters, Tropical Oysters now considered a wild fishery, 9 = No data available, used 2007/08 figures – includes skins as well as other Crocodile curios items such as feet, teeth, skulls, back straps, etc.
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Prospects for Next Three Years Production will increase slightly. 7.4 Other Aquatic Organisms While interest had been expressed in the commercial culture of sea urchins or sea cucumbers (Beche-de-mer, Trepang), no production was reported. Prospects for Next Three Years Due to the infancy of their production, no predictions were possible.
8. State Totals
Table 10: Aquaculture production for Queensland in 2008/09.
7.3 Aquatic Worms Over 17 tonnes of aquatic (Polychaete) Worms were produced in Victoria and New South Wales to provide food for Aquarium Fish; this was valued at almost $0.9 million (Table 6). The main species cultured included the Black Worm Lumbriculus variegatus and L. veligans with some limited quantities of the Redworm Tubifex and the Aquatic Worm Diopatra dentata.
Table 7 provides a breakdown of the production for each State and Territory. In 2008/09 there were there were increases in the value of production for NSW, Queensland and Tasmania. There were decreases in South Australia, Victoria, Northern Territory, and Western Australia. The order in terms of value for the States did not change to that reported for the previous three years (order from last year given in brackets): 1. Tasmania (1) – $356.1 million, up $6.4 million, 1.9% increase (fourth year); 2. South Australia (2) – $249.6 million, down $13.7 million, 5.2% decrease (first year); 3. Western Australia (3) – $102.6 million, down $22.1 million, 17.8% decrease (fifth year); 4. Queensland (4) – $88.6 million, up $8.1million, 10.1% increase (third year); 5. New South Wales (5) – $50.3 million, up $1.9million, 3.8% increase (third year); 6. Northern Territory (6) – $23.6 million, down $2.1 million, 8.1% decrease (fourth year); and 7. Victoria (7) – $17.5 million, down $1.5 million, 7.9% decrease (sixth year).
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009 Table 8 shows that in New South Wales production was 5,205.9 tonnes, with 3.0 million fingerlings/fry for a value of production which increased by $1.8 to $50.3 million. The most commercially important species were Sydney Rock Oysters ($37.2 million, up $1.2 million, fourth year of increases) followed by Pacific Oysters ($3.2 million, up $1.0 million, fourth year of increases), Black Tiger Prawns ($2.2 million, down $0.5 million, first year of decrease), Silver Perch ($2.0 million, down $0.5 million, fourth year of decreases), Rainbow Trout ($1.5 million, up $0.1 million, first year of increase) and Barramundi ($1.2 million, down $0.1 million, first year of decrease). Other species with a total value > $0.2 million included Murray Cod ($0.6 million), Aquarium Fish ($0.6 million), Yabbies ($0.2 million) and Aquatic Worms ($0.4 million). In terms of the total production value, South Australia stayed as the second leading State despite showing an increase in value of 5.2% to over $249.6 million (Table 9). After an increase in value in 2007/08, Southern Bluefin Tuna decreased by 971 tonnes and $28.9 million to$157.8 million. The major improver was Yellowtail Kingfish with a value of $36.0 million (up $11.6 million, the fifth year of increase). Pacific Oysters increased by 400 tonnes with an increase in value of $2.1 million to $32.6 million (first year of increase). Abalone ($8.1 million) showed a significant increase ($3.0 million, first year of increase). After increase in value in 2007/08, Barramundi stayed constant at $4.5 million. Mulloway ($4.0 million) increased by $1.6 million. The value of Blue Mussels fell slightly to $2.5 million, the first year of decrease. The value of Microalgae ($3.0 million) increased by $0.5 million. Other commercially important sectors (value >$0.2 million) included Marron (up slightly to over $0.6 million). The total value of production in Queensland increased by 10.1% to give a total of $88.6 million (Table 10).
production dropped by 5.9% to $19.0 million (Table 11). This is the fourth year of decreases.
After three years of decreases, Marine Prawns ($54.5 million) showed an increase of 877 tonnes for a value of $54.5 million; the production figures included Tiger and Banana Prawns â&#x20AC;&#x201C; no Kuruma Prawns were produced. After fours years of increases Barramundi value decreased by $3.5 million to $21.3 million; still the second most valuable aquaculture species in Queensland. No data was available for Crocodiles so the 2006/07 value ($5.3 million) was used. Murray Cod remained stable $1.1 million whilst Silver Perch increased $0.3 million to almost $1.1 million. Redclaw ($1.1 million) showed a $0.1 million increase in value. Other commercially important species (value >$0.2 million) included Australian Bass ($0.4 million), Barcoo Grunter ($0.5 million), Eels ($0.5 million), Exotic Aquarium Fish ($0.3 million), Native Aquarium Fish ($0.1 million), and Sydney Rock Oyster ($0.5 million). In Victoria the value of farmed
For the first year the most valuable species were Abalone ($6.4 million, up $0.4 million, second year of increases). Other important species were Freshwater Rainbow Trout ($4.7 million, a decrease of $1.4 million, the fifth year of decreases); Eels ($0.8 million down $1.0million, third year of falls); Exotic Aquarium Fish ($1.0 million, down $1.0 million, the third decrease in four years), and Blue Mussels ($1.2 million, down $0.3 million, second year of decreases). Other commercially important species (value >$0.2 million) included Brown Trout ($0.4 million, down $0.1 million); Silver Perch ($0.7 million, up $0.2 million); Murray Cod ($0.5 million, up $0.3 million) Brine Shrimp ($0.4 million, same as the previous four years); and Aquatic Worms ($0.4 million, steady). Yabbies production fell to near zero
Table 11: Aquaculture production for Victoria in 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s)
Value ($,000)
Atlantic Salmon 1
Chinook Salmon
Brown Trout
Rainbow Trout (f/w)
Australian Bass 2
Golden Perch
Silver Perch
Murray Cod
Trout Cod 3
Short Finned Eels 4
Exotic Aquarium Fish 5
Brine Shrimp
Blue Mussels
Aquatic Worms 6
Sources: Data gained by estimates from industry indicated by *, except data on freshwater Natives releases. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken), NA = not applicable. 1 = Value does not includes caviar sold at $100/kg. 2 = Includes Estuary Perch. 3 = Endangered species, not sold, assumed same price as Murray Cod. 4 = Combination of Shortfin (majority) and Longfin Eels. 5 = Majority are Goldfish although some Natives (Murray Cod, Golden Perch, Yabbies) are included. 6 = Aquatic Polychaete Worms were sold in litre quantities, 1 litre = 1 kilogram (approx).
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
levels (2 tonnes valued at $20,000) as many growers were unhappy with Prime Safe regulations for a live product harvest and transport. Industry sources suggested majority of sales were for bait yabbies due to the regulations. Barramundi harvest rose by 57 tonnes to 60 tonnes worth $0.6 million. The most valuable aquaculture state was Tasmania with 33,997.2 tonnes worth $356.1 million (Table 12), a 1.9% increase from the estimates for 2007/2008; this is the fifth year of increases. The most valuable sectors were Atlantic Salmon ($319.2 million, up $0.7 million, the fifth year of significant increases); Pacific Oysters ($21.1 million, up $1.6million, the second year of increases); Ocean-raised Rainbow Trout ($3.9 million, no change), freshwatergrown Rainbow Trout ($2.3 million, stable), Blue Mussels ($3.8 million, up $1.2 million, the second year of increases), Abalone ($5.7 million, stable after a year of decrease). Low or zero production was recorded for Ornamental Fish (Seahorses mainly), Scallops and Eels. In the Northern Territory production was limited to five main species groups –
together they were worth $23.7 million, a 8.1% decrease over the value for 2007/2008; the fourth year of decreases. Pearls ($16.3 million, down $1.3 million, the second year of decreases), Crocodiles ($2.8 million, up $0.5 million, the third year of increases), Barramundi (up 48 tonnes, $4.2 million, stable), Microalgae ($0.1 million, down $0.4 million) and Native Aquarium Fish ($0.3 million, down $0.4 million – includes some marine species). No Prawns were produced. Third in terms of the total production value, Western Australian production was worth $102.6 million (Table 14), a decrease of 17.8% over the 2006/2007 estimates. This is the fourth year of decreased value. The main sectors were Pearls ($90.0 million, a fall of $23 million, the second year of decreases) and Barramundi (up 90 tonnes and $0.9 million to $4.8 million). Non-maxima pearls contributed $0.6 million in 2007/08; no data was available for 2008/09 however production was thought to be the same year. Other species were Silver Perch ($0.4 million, up $0.2 million), Native Aquarium Fish ($0.2 million, down $0.2
Table 12: Aquaculture production for Tasmania in 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Atlantic Salmon1
Rainbow Trout (f/w)1, 2
Rainbow Trout (s/w)1, 2
Value ($,000)
Pacific Oysters5
Blue Mussels
Sources: Data provided by agencies of the Department of Primary Industry & Fisheries, estimates from industry indicated by *. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken), NA = not applicable. 1 = Government production figures only for Salmonids, i.e. includes these three groups; our separation is based on industry estimates, weight is for head-on, gilled-gutted. 2 = No details available so have used data from previous five years. 3 = Catch and restock only, mostly Shortfin Eels, no details so used data for 2007/08. 4 = No details available, used data for 2007/08. 5 = For Pacific Oysters, a conversion factor of 1.0 (i.e. 83 grams each) was used to convert dozens to kilograms for unopened oysters in Tasmania. A farm gate price of $5.00/dozen was used. 6 = Used data for 2007/08, figure was provided in meat weight ($50/kg), so a conversion factor of 9.0 was used (meat weight is ~ 10% whole weight) to convert to unshucked weight.
24 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
million), Marron ($1.4 million, down $0.2 million), Yabbies ($0.8 million, down $0.2 million), Blue Mussels ($1.6 million, up $0.1 million), Microalgae ($0.5 million, no change), and Crocodiles ($0.7 million, no change). No production reports for Rainbow Trout (thought to be same as 2007/08 $0.2 million).
9. References And Previous Status Reports Brown, D., Van Landeghem, K. and Schuele, M. 1997. Australian Aquaculture: Industry Profiles for Selected Species. ABARE Research Report 97.3, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Canberra, 102 pp. O’Sullivan, D. 1992a. Revised statistics for aquaculture production. Austasia Aquaculture Magazine 6 (1): 29-31. O’Sullivan, D. 1992b. Aquaculture in Australian (Parts 1 & 2). Aquaculture Magazine 18 (4): 32-47 and 18 (5): 40-47. O’Sullivan, D. 1995. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 1991-92. Aquaculture Sourcebook No 10, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, 41 pp. O’Sullivan, D. 1998. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 1996/97. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 1998, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pp 14-26. O’Sullivan, D., Clark, E. and Morison, J., 2008. The Australian Ornamental Fish Industry in 2007/08. Dosaqua Pty Ltd (for FRDC), Adelaide, 215pp. O’Sullivan, D. and Dobson, J., 2000. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 1998/99. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2000, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pp 3-17. O’Sullivan, D. and Dobson, J., 2001. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 1999/2000. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2000, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pp 3-19. O’Sullivan, D. and Dobson, J., 2002. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 2000/2001. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2002, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pp 3-19. O’Sullivan, D. and Kiley, T., 1996. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 1994/95. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 1996, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pp 2-12.
Status of Australian Aquaculture In 2008/2009 O’Sullivan, D. and Kiley, T., 1997. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 1995/96. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 1997, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pp 2-12. O’Sullivan, D. and Roberts, N., 1999. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 1997/98. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 1999, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pp 3-17, 37. O’Sullivan, D. and Savage, J., 2003. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 2001/2002. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2003, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pages 3-22. O’Sullivan, D. and Savage, J., 2004. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 2003/2004. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2004, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pages 3-22. O’Sullivan, D., Savage, J. and Fay, A., 2006. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 2003/2004. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2006, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pages 3-23. O’Sullivan, D., Savage, J. and Fay, A., 2007. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 2004/2005. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2007, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pages 3-23. O’Sullivan, D., Savage, J. and Fay, A., 2008. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 2005/2006. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2008, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pages 3-23. O’Sullivan, D. and Savage, J., 2009. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 2006/07. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2009, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pages 6-25. O’Sullivan, D. and Savage, J., 2010. Status of Australian Aquaculture in 2007/08. Austasia Aquaculture Trade Directory 2010, Turtle Press, Hobart, Tasmania, pages 6-25.
Table 13: Aquaculture production for Northern Territory in 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000) 4,200.0
Native Aquarium Fish1
Pearls (P. maxima)
Crocodile Flesh
Crocodile Skins
Sources: Data provided by NT Department of Primary Industry & Fisheries, estimates from industry indicated by *. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken), NA = not applicable. 1 = Includes corals, invertebrates, fish. 2 = Spirulina.
Table 14: Aquaculture production for Western Australia in 2008/09. Species
Production (tonnes)
Hatchery # (,000’s)
Value ($,000)
Rainbow Trout (f/w)
Silver Perch
Native Aquarium Fish1
Exotic Aquarium Fish
Yabbies 2
Blue Mussels
Crocodile Flesh3, 4
Crocodile Skins4
Pearls (P. maxima)
Sources: Data provided by WA Fisheries, estimates from industry indicated by *. Notes: Figures rounded to nearest decimal place. # = Hatchery production of stock for recreation or conservation uses. NDA = no details available (assume some production was undertaken), NA = not applicable. 1 = Includes some Marron and Seahorses, used average price for 2007/08. 2 = No details available so used figure from ABARE 2010. 3 = Based on an Australia-wide price $20/kg. 3 = Includes skins for export and other Crocodile curios items such as feet, teeth, skulls, back straps, etc. 4 = No data available, used figure for 2007/08. 5 = includes production from single or low numbers of producers, possible finfish or crustaceans.
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
Education and Training Institutions offering Aquaculture Courses Codes To summarise the information on these courses, the following codes are used: VET – Vocational Education Training High Schools SITP – Competency units from the Seafood Industry Training Package are offered UG – Undergraduate Tertiary PG – Postgraduate Tertiary COR – courses may be undertaken by correspondence or externally would include some SITP units P – course can be undertaken on a part-time basis S – short courses are offered not SITP units FT – Full time * indicates that the course is not totally on aquaculture but it has some aquaculture units or subjects.
South Australia Australian Fisheries Academy Ltd PO Box 2099 Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8303 2780; F: 08 8303 2791 E: info@afa.edu.au W: www.afa.edu.au Contact: Maureen Jones Codes: SITP, P, S Course Titles: • Certificate I, II, III, IV & Diploma in the Seafood Industry Aquaculture • Certificate I, II, III & IV in the Seafood Industry Fishing Operations * • Certificate II III and IV in the Seafood Industry Fisheries Compliance * • Certificate in Safe Working in a Confined Space Awareness & Safety Procedures Cowell Area School ** 42 Story Road Cowell SA 5602 T: 08 8629 2150; F: 08 8629 2486 Contact: Mark Churchett E: markchurchett@cowellas.sa.edu.au Codes: VET, SITP Course Titles: • Certificate I & II Seafood Industry Aquaculture Flinders University of South Australia School of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science and Engineering GPO Box 2100 Adelaide SA 5001 T: 08 8201 2280; F: 08 8201 3015 E: info.biology@flinders.edu.au Course Co-ordinator: A/Prof. Jian Qin E: jian.qin@flinders.edu.au Codes: UG, PG, P Course Titles: • Bachelor of Science (Aquaculture) – 3 years FT • Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology) – 3 years FT • Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology and Aquaculture double specialisation) – 3 years FT • Bachelor of Science (Aquaculture) Honours – 1 year FT • Master of Science Research – 2 years FT • Doctor of Philosophy Research – 3-4 years FT
26 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
National Aquaculture Training Institute P/L PO Box 647 Henley Beach SA 5022 T: 08 8355 0277; F: 08 8355 0288 E: dos@dosaqua.com.au Contact: Dos O’Sullivan – 0418 130 595 Codes: SITP (SFI04), RTP (RUV04) Course Titles: • Certificate II, III, IV and Diploma in Aquaculture and Seafood • Certificate II and IV in Ornamentals (Pet shop & farming) part of Companion Animals Training Package. All offered in conjunction with other RTO’s. Focus on workplace training and systems development. Parndana Campus of Kangaroo Island Community Education Wedgewood Road Parndana SA 5220 T: 08 8559 6068; F: 08 8559 6005 Contact: Trevor Bolwell E: Trevor.bolwell@kice.sa.edu.au Codes: VET, SITP Course Titles: • SFI AQUA 101A Carry out basic Aquaculture Operations Aquaculture • SFI CORE 101A Apply Basic Food Handling and Safety Practices * • SFI CORE 102A Carry Out work effectively in the Seafood industry Aquaculture • SFI CORE 103A Communicate in the Seafood Industry * • SFI CORE 104A Meet Workplace Health and Safety Requirements.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING INSTITUTIONS OFFERING AQUACULTURE COURSES IN 2008 TAFE SA – Port Lincoln Campus Aquaculture Seafood Maritime 2 London St Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8688 3600; F: 08 8688 3675 E: nicole.arnell@sa.gov.au W: www.tafe.sa.edu.au Codes: SF104 Course Titles: • Certificate III in the Seafood Industry Aquaculture – external study • Cert III & IV in the Seafood Industry Aquaculture – Port Lincoln and Urrabrae Campus • Diploma in Seafood Industry Aquaculture – Port Lincoln campus & external • Coxswains Certificate – Restricted • Coxswains Certificate -3 weeks including: Elements of Shipboard Safety & • Radio Operators (MROCP) Deckhand Skills and Safety Forklift training • Radio Operators Elements of Shipboard Safety Seafood Processing
Tasmania National Centre for Marine Conservation and Resource Sustainability University of Tasmania – Launceston Locked Bag 1-370 Launceston TAS 7250 T: 03 6324 3801; F: 03 6324 3804 Contact: Jan Daniel E: J.Daniel@utas.edu.au Codes: UG, PG, S, P Course Titles: NB – all courses may be done as full time or part time • Associate Degree in Aquaculture – 2 years FT • Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment) – 3 years FT • Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment) with Honours – 1 year FT • Graduate Certificate of Applied Science (ME) – 1 semester FT • Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Marine Environment) – 1 year FT • Master by Coursework & Dissertation (Marine Environment) – 1.5 to 2 years FT • Master of Philosophy– 2 years FT • Doctor of Philosophy – 3 years FT • Master of Applied Science (Marine Environment) with Honours – 2 years FT
Seafood Training Tasmania 2A Gladstone Street Battery Point TAS 7004 T: 03 6233 6442; F: 03 6223 2780 E: stt@seafoodtrainingtas.com.au W: www.seafoodtrainingtas.com.au Contact: Rory Byrne, Martine Gott, James Garde Codes: SITP & TDM Course Titles: • Seafood Industry Training Package: • Certificates I – Diploma in Aquaculture SITP Shellfish & Finfish, • Certificates I – III Fishing Operations SITP * • Certificates I – IV Seafood Processing SITP * • Transport & Distribution Maritime Training Package: • Certificates I-III in Marine Operations • Certificates II & III in Marine Engine Driving
TAFE NSW- Hunter Institute, Industry and Natural Resources Faculty, Marine and Aquaculture Unit PO Box 479 Belmont NSW 2280 T: 02 4979 6100; F: 02 4979 6222 W: www.hunter.tafensw.edu.au Head Teacher: Greg Waldron T: 02 4979 6196 / 0417 281 110 E: greg.waldron@tafe.nsw.edu.au Belmont Campus, Course Titles: • Seafood Industry (Aquaculture) Certificate II – 1 year evening flexible • Seafood Industry (Aquaculture) Certificate III – 1 year evening flexible • Seafood Industry (Aquaculture) Certificate III – 2 year part-time day • Seafood Industry (Aquaculture) Certificate III Flexible/ distance ed, student determinated duration • Aquaponics – 1 day (backyard, beginner); run on-demand across NSW • Aquaponics – 2 days (commercial, investor); run on-demand across NSW
New South Wales Southern Cross University PO Box 157 Lismore NSW 2480 T: 02 6620 3650; F: 02 6621 2669 E: esm@scu.edu.au Codes: UG, PG, S Course Titles: • Bachelor of Environmental Science (majors in Coastal Management, Environmental Resource Management, & Fisheries and Aquaculture Management) – 3 years FT • Batchelor of Marine Science and Management – 3 years FT. • Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Education Secondary – 4 years FT • Bachelor of Environmental Science / Bachelor of Laws – 5 years FT • Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) – 1 year FT • Graduate Diploma of Marine Science and Management – 1 year FT • Masters of Environmental Science (by coursework) – 1 year FT • Bachelor Environmental Science/ Bachelor Business in Tourism – 4 yrs FT • Bachelor Environmental Science (Double Major) – 3 1/2 years • Masters of Science (by Research) – 1-2 years FT
North Coast TAFE – NATFISH National Fishing Industry Education Centre Locked Bag 5 Grafton NSW 2460 T: 02 6644 4700; F: 02 6644 7767 E: natfish@tafensw.edu.au W: www.natfish.tafensw.edu.au Contact: Lisa Terry, Glen Searle or Jacqui Johnson Codes: SITP, COR, P, S, VET Course Titles: • Certificate II, III and IV in Seafood Industry Aquaculture • Diploma in Seafood Industry Aquaculture • Certificate III in Marine Studies • Seafood Industry Studies Statement of Attainment – up to 200 hours of selected aquaculture or seafood handling units • Certificate II and III in Seafood Industry Aquaculture Traineeships. • All courses are available both parttime and full-time by flexible distance education with practical work completed in short workshop blocks, freecall telephone and email support from your teachers and additional resources available via the internet. • Regular short courses on Recirculation Technology, Fish Hatchery Techniques, HACCP and Seafood Safety. • Short customised courses and study tours can be organised on demand.
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
Northern Territory Charles Darwin University CDU Darwin NT 0909 T: 08 8946 7258; F: 08 8946 6690 Contact: Jim Luong-Van T: 08 8946 6718 E: jim.luong-van@cdu.edu.au • Bachelor of Science Honours * – 1 year FT • Master of Science *– 2 years FT • Doctor of Philosophy * 3-4 years FT VET Tropical Aquaculture Coordinator E: hort_aqua@cdu.edu.au Codes: SITP, UG, PG, P Course Titles: • Certificate II, III & IV in the Seafood Industry Aquaculture. • (1-2 semesters full-time 3-4 semesters part-time). Workplace training. • Certificate II & III can be studied internally (lectures) or externally. • Certificate IV is workplace assessment or recognition of prior learning only
Queensland ACS Distance Education PO Box 2092 Nerang MDC QLD 4211 T: 07 5562 1088; F: 07 5562 1099 E: admin@acs.edu.au Codes: UG, COR, P, S Internationally accredited by I.A.R.C. & recognised provider of education and training in the UK. Course Titles: • 100 hour specialist study short courses in: Aquaculture (Freshwater); Marine Studies I and II • 100 hour specialist study short course in Mariculture – Marine Aquaculture
Sunshine Coast TAFE SCT Aquaculture Box 5252 Nambour QLD 4560 T: 07 5459 3000; F: 07 5459 3720 W: www.sunshinecoast.tafe.qld.gov.au/ Teachers: Stuart Whitney E: stuart.whitney @det.qld.gov.au Codes: SITP Course Titles: • Certificate II, III, IV & Diploma in Seafood Industry Aquaculture – FT on campus, • Skill sets, Traineeships and Work Place Delivery online. • On campus delivery supported by DEEDI Permitted fish hatchery, • R.A.S. grow out and aquaponics. • Main species Barramundi. Other species may include fresh and saltwater finfish and crustaceans. • Courses held on demand James Cook University Discipline of Aquaculture School of Marine and Tropical Biology Townsville QLD 4811 T: 1800 246 446 or 61 / 07 4781 4345 E: mtb@jcu.edu.au Codes: UG, PG, P, S Course Titles: • Bachelor of Science Major in Aquaculture – 3 years FT • Bachelor of Science Honours * – 1 year FT after B.Sc. • Graduate Certificate of Science Aquaculture – 6 months FT after B.Sc • Graduate Diploma of Science Aquaculture – 1-year FT after B.Sc. • Graduate Certificate of Research Methods Aquaculture – 6 months FT after B.Sc • Graduate Diploma of Research Methods Aquaculture – 1year FT after B.Sc. • Master of Science Aquaculture – 1-2 years FT after M.Sc. Qual. • Master of Applied Science Aquaculture – 1.5 years FT after B.Sc. • Doctor of Philosophy * – 2-4 years FT • Short courses on demand
28 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Queensland University of Technology School of Natural Resource Sciences GPO Box 2434 Brisbane QLD 4001 Admin Enquiries: 07 3138 2000 Contact: Assoc.Prof. Peter Mather T: 07 3138 1737; F: 07 3138 2330 E: p.mather@qut.edu.au Codes: UG, PG, S Course Titles: • Bachelor of Applied Science* – 3 years FT • Bachelor of Applied Science Honours* – 1 year FT • Master of Applied Science* – 2 years FT • Doctor of Philosophy* – 2-4 years FT
Victoria SEAMEC Bullock Island Road Lakes Entrance VIC 3909 T: 03 5155 6500; F: 03 5155 6555 E: seamec@egtafe.vic.edu.au W: www.egtafe.vic.edu.au Contact: Jenny Allitt E: jallitt@egtafe.vic.edu.au Course Titles: • Certificate II and III in Seafood Aquaculture • Individual training plans can be arranged to suit • Diploma of Seafood Industry (Aquaculture) – 1605 hours over 2 years Marine Training Services 17 Swanston Street Geelong VIC 3220 T/F: 03 5229 5432 E: marinets@tpg.com.au W: www.marinetraining.vic.edu.au Contact: Vic Goy Codes: COR, P Course Titles: • Coxswain – Certificate II in Transport & Distribution (Coastal Maritime Operations – Coxswain) • Master 5/Skipper 3 - Certificate III in Transport & Distribution (Coastal Maritime Operations) • Master 4/Skipper 2 - Certificate IV in Transport & Distribution (Coastal Maritime Operations) • MED 3 – Certificate II in Transport & Distribution (Marine Engine Driving – Grade 3) • MED 2 – Certificate III in Transport & Distribution (Marine Engine Driving – Grade 2) • Inland Waters Coxswain • Passenger endorsement for Port Phillips Heads
Education and Training Institutions offering Aquaculture Courses in 2010 NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE) Corner of Cooper St and Dalton Road, Epping VIC 3076 T: 03 9269 1042; F: 03 9269 1046 Contact: Lachie McKenzie Codes: SITP, S, P Course Titles: • Certificate II, III, IV Diploma Seafood Industry Training Package – Aquaculture • Certificate II, III Seafood Industry Training Package – Seafood Processing. • Short Courses: Introduction to Aquaculture includes water quality management, Fish Health and Handling, Hatchery Management, Plant & Equipment • Bachelor of Applied Aquaculture degree course.
West Australia Durack Institute of Techology Batavia Coast Maritime Institute PMB 103 Geraldton WA 6531 Ph: 08 9956 2771; F: 08 9956 6169 Contact: Dr Suresh Job E: suresh.job@centralwest.wa.edu.au Codes: SITP, S, P Course Titles: • Certificate II and III of Seafood Industry Aquaculture • Diploma of Seafood Industry Aquaculture Challenger Institute of Technology 1 Fleet St Fremantle WA 6160 T: 08 9239 8189; F: 08 9239 8078 E: info@challengerinstitute.wa.edu.au W: www. challengerinstitute.wa.edu.au Contact: Sherell Crisp – Program Manager Codes: SITP, UG, P, COR Course Titles: • Certificate II & III in Seafood Industry Aquaculture • Certificate II – Seafood Industry Aquaculture – Online study course • Diploma in Seafood Industry Aquaculture • Graduate Diploma – Marine Hatchery Management • Aquaponics
Curtin University of Technology Department of Agriculture & Environment GPO Box U1987 Perth WA 6845 T: 08 9266 4400; F: 08 9266 4422 E: g.whisson@curtin.edu.au Contact: Glen Whisson T: 08 9266 4504 Codes: UG, PG, S, P Course Titles: • Bachelor of Science – Agriculture & Environment – Major in Coastal Zone Management • Master of Science (Sustainable Aquaculture) by coursework • PhD and Master by research program Denmark High School South Coast Highway Denmark WA 6333 T: 08 9848 0100; F: 08 9848 3286 W: www.denmark.wa.edu.au Contact: Jim Lilywhite Codes: SITP Course Titles: • Certificate I in Seafood Industry Aquaculture • Parts of Certificate II in Seafood Industry Aquaculture Great Southern Institute of Technology Anson Road Albany WA 6330 Course Enquiries: 08 9892 8888 E: info@gsinstitute.wa.edu.au W: www.gsinstitute.wa.edu.au Contact: Peter Young T: 08 9892 8840; F: 08 9892 8837 E: peter.young@gsinstitute.wa.edu.au Codes: SITP Course Titles: • Certificate III and Diploma – Seafood Industry (Aquaculture) – on campus
Kimberley TAFE Broome Aquaculture Centre PO Box 1380 Broome WA 6725 T: 08 9192 9140; F: 08 9193 7558 Contact: Jeff Cooper E: Jeffrey.Cooper@kimtafe.wa.edu.au W: www.kimtafe.wa.edu.au Codes: SITP, S, P Course Titles: • Certificate I, II, III and IV in Seafood Industry Aquaculture • Diploma in Seafood Industry Aquaculture • Short courses in Barramundi production, algae and live feed production, disease diagnosis and treatment, and system design and management. • International students welcome • Flexible delivery systems, including on-site and online training
New Zealand Mahurangi Technical Institute 11 Glenmore Drive Warkworth, New Zealand T: +64 9 425 8943; F: +64 9 425 8928 W: www.mti.net.nz Courses: • Certificate in Aquatic Studies Aquaculture • Short course certificates including: Certificate in Aquatic Management, Certificate in Aquatic Biology, Certificate in the principles of Marine Ecology associated with aquaculture, and Certificate in Aquatic Consents.
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
Associations and Industry Groups National Aquaculture Council Executive Chair: Pheroze Jungalwalla General Enquiries to the NAC Secretariat C/- TSIC T: 03 6224 2332 E: tsic@tsic.org.au Members of the NAC include Australia’s aquaculture production sectors state and territory aquaculture councils as well as corporate and affiliate membership. Together NAC members represent around 98 per cent of Australia’s gross value of aquaculture production.
National Associations & Industry Groups
IMarEST (Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology) ANZSPAC Division PO Box 3251 Blakehurst NSW 2221 Executive Director: Gregory A Bondar T: 02 9546 4757; F: 02 9546 8852 M: 0411854 115 E: execdirector.anzspac@imarest.net W: www.imarest.org Pearl Producers Association Inc PO Box 55 Mount Hawthorn WA 6915 Chair: James Paspaley Executive Officer: Brett McCallum T: 08 9340 5011; F: 08 9340 5099 E: Brett.McCallum@ pearlproducersaustralia.com
Australian Abalone Growers Association Executive Office: Dan Machin C/- Azure Consulting Group PO Box 1190 Booragoon WA 6954 T: 0438 964 303 E: dan@azureconsultinggroup.com.au
Pet Industry Association of Australia (PIAA) PO Box 7108 Baulkham Hills Business Centre NSW 2153 T: 02 9659 5811; F: 02 9659 5822 E: info@piaa.net.au W: www.piaa.net.au
Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Executive Officer: Graham Dalton Unit 1 / 57-59 Oxford S Bulimba QLD 4171 T: 07 3890 8089 E: gldalton@bigpond.com W: www.abfa.org.au/
Shellfish Industry Council of Australia (SICOA) PO Box 182 Ceduna SA 5690 Chair: Bruce Zippel T: 0428 476 245 E: bruce.zippel@bigpond.com
Australian Mussel Industry Association President: Andy Dyer T: 0428 837 275 E: andyer@bigpond.com Australian Prawn Farmers Association Inc Level 6, 183 North Quay Brisbane QLD 4003 (PO Box 12009 Brisbane QLD 4003 Executive Officer: Helen Jenkins T: 07 3837 4777 / 0417 006 639; F: 07 3236 4100 E: info@apfa.com.au W: www.apfa.com.au
Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association Ltd (PO Box 416 Fullarton SA 5603) CEO: Mr Brian Jeffriess T: 0419 840 299 E: austuna@bigpond.com.au
New South Wales NSW Aquaculture Association Inc PO Box 3 Karuah NSW 2324 President: Rob McCormack T/F: 02 4997 5160 E: nswaqua@skymesh.com.au W: www.nswaqua.com.au North Coast Branch of NSW Aquaculture Association Bril Bril Road Rollands Plains NSW 2441 President: John Hambly T: 02 6585 8118 E: hamblysterlingperch@bigpond.com.au
30 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
NSW Farmers’ Association – Oyster Section GPO Box 1068 Sydney NSW 2001 T: 02 8251 1808; F: 02 8251 1750 Contact: Richard Widows E: widowsr@nswfarmers.org.au NSW Silver Perch Growers Association President: Ian Charles T: 02 6956 2122 E: silverwater@webfront.net.au Secretary: Paul Trevethan T: 02 6026 5276
Northern Territory Northern Territory Seafood Council GPO Box 618 Darwin NT 0801 T: 08 8981 5194; F: 08 8981 5063 Executive Officer: Katherine Sarneckis E: ceo@ntsc.com.au W: www.ntsc.com.au Function: The Northern Territory Seafood Council represents both Aquaculture and wild catch commercial fisheries sector in the Northern Territory of Australia.
Queensland Aquaculture Association of Queensland Inc M.S. 423 Chinchilla QLD 4413 W: www.aaq.com.au President: Rob Bartley T: 0428 636 269 Vice President: Andrew Bray T: 0405 191 283 Secretary: Rod Missen T: 07 5494 5897 E: aaqsecretary@qmail.com Queensland Aquaculture Industries Federation (Inc) Unit 1 / 57 – 59 Oxford St Bulimba QLD 4171 Contact: Graham Dalton T: 07 3890 8089 E: gldalton@bigpond.com W: www.aquaculturequeensland.com
Queensland Oyster Growers Association QAIF Rep: Ms Jane Clout T: 0419 786 631 E: jclout@kooringaloysters.com.au Queensland Pearl Industry Association QAIF Rep: Serena Sanders T: 0417 987 529 E: serena@sireneseapearls.com.au Queensland Crayfish Farmers Association Inc (linking three regional associations*) Secretary: Robert Walker T: 0411 548 930 E: secretary@sqcfa.org.au *Bundaberg & District Crayfish Association President: Cecily Wake T: 07 4156 6367 E: cmjwake@bigpond.com *South Queensland Crayfish Farmers Association Secretary: Robert Walker T: 0411 548 930 E: secretary@sqcfa.org *North Queensland Crayfish Farmers Association Secretary: Mr Ross Martin T: 07 4095 5120 E: rossmartin@austarnet.com.au
South Australia SA Aquaculture Council Inc PO Box 613 Noarlunda Centre SA 5168 Secretary: Martin Hernen T: 0401 737 255 E: mhernen@optusnet.com.au IAASA Inc (Inland Aquaculture Assn of SA Inc. PO Box 387 Kent Town SA 5071 Secretary: Robin Moseby T: 08 8362 8042 E: rmoseby@internode.on.net W: www.iaasa.org.au SA Mussel Growers Association 16 Gawler Terrace Port Lincoln SA 5606 Contact: Mr Andy Dyer T: 0428 837 275 E: andyer@bigpond.com
Australian Marine Finfish Farmers Association Inc PO Box 613 Noarlunga Centre SA 5168 Contact: Martin Hernen T: 0401 737 255 E: mhernen@optusnet.com.au SA Oyster Growers Association Inc PO Box 757 Stirling SA 5152 T: 08 8364 3831; F: 08 8364 3895 E: saoga.saorc@bigpond.com Contact: Trudy McGowan T: 0407 883 333
Tasmania Oysters Tasmania Level 4, 29 Elizabeth Street Hobart TAS 7000 Executive Officer: Tom Lewis T: 0458 601 057 E: info@oysterstasmania.org W: www.oysterstasmania.org Tasmanian Aquaculture Council PO Box 878 Sandy Bay TAS 7006 Chair: Geoff Pickard T: 03 6225 1547 TSIC: Neil Stump T: 03 6224 2332 / 0417 394 009 E: neilstump@tsic.org.au Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council PO Box 878 Sandy Bay TAS 7006 Chief Executive: Neil Stump T: 03 6224 2332; Fax 03 6224 2321 E: neilstump@tsic.org.au W: www.tsic.org.au Tasmanian Salmonid Growers Association PO Box 321 Sandy Bay TAS 7006 T: 03 6214 0555 E: contact@tsga.com.au W: www.tsga.com.au Tasmanian Shellfish Executive Council PO Box 878 Sandy Bay TAS 7005 Chair: Tom Kennedy – 0408 352 321 E: kennycasual@hotmail.com Secretary: Tom Gray – 0419 398 640
Tasmanian Abalone Growers Association PO Box 11 Dunalley TAS 7177 Chair: Mike Wing – 03 6253 6007 Bruny Island Shellfish Growers Association PO Box 2080 Lower Sandy Bay TAS 7005 President: Jeff Whayman T: 0428 136 515
Victoria Australian Freshwater Crayfish Growers Association VIC Secretary: Wayne Robinson 559 Robinson Road Nth Boorhaman via Rutherglen VIC 3685 T: 03 5726 8263; F: 03 5726 8263 E: rppent@iinet.net.au Gippsland Aquaculture Industry Network Inc (GAIN) PO Box 186 Traralgon VIC 3844 Contact: Tony McLennan T: 0408 513 500; F: 03 5174 4911 E: info@growfish.com.au W: www.growfish.com.au Victorian Eel Fisherman’s Association 21 Grassmere Road Grassmere via Warnambool VIC 3281 Secretary: Graham Quarrell T: 03 5565 4413 President: Bill Allen T: 03 5231 3463 Victorian Marine Farmers Inc Contact: Michael Houghton T: 0412 491 977 E: westernportmussel@hotmail.com Victorian Trout Farmers Association PO Box 258 Alexandra VIC 3714 Secretary: Steve Malseed T: 03 5968 4711 E: troutfarm@dodo.com.au Victorian Native Fish Farmers Inc President/Secretary: Simon Noble 528 Brimin Rd Rutherglen VIC 3685 T/ F: 02 6035 7245 E: simon@briminlodge.com.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
Associations and Industry Groups
New Zealand New Zealand Aquaculture Limited T/As Aquaculture New Zealand Level 1, Wakatu House, 28 Montgomery Square Nelson 7010 T: +64 3 5488 944; F: +64 3 5488 984 E: office@aquaculture.org.nz W: www.aquaculture.org.nz Coromandel Marine Farmers’ Association PO Box 90906 Auckland T: +64 9 378 7001; F: +64 9 378 6939 E: tom@hrm.co.nz Executive Officer: Tom Hollings
West Australia Aquaculture Council of WA PO Box 55 Mt Hawthorn WA 6915 Chair: Trevor Blino Executive Officer: Dan Machin M:0438 964 303 T: 08 9392 8888; F: 08 9244 2934 E: acwadan@aquaculturecouncilwa.com AMWING Pearl Producers Assn of WA C/- ACWA PO Box 55 Mt Hawthorn WA 6915 Contact: Dan Machin T: 08 9492 8888 E: acwadan@aquaculturecouncilwa.com Abrolhos Pearlers Assn C/- ACWA PO Box 55 Mt Hawthorn WA 6915 Contact: Dan Machin T: 08 9492 8888 E: acwadan@aquaculturecouncilwa.com Marine Fishfarmers Assn of WA C/- Challenger TAFE Fleet St Fremantle WA 6160 President: Guy Westbrook Contact: Greg Jenkins T: 08 9239 8030
Marron Growers Association of WA Inc PO Box 464 Northcliffe WA 6262 Secretary: Sue Harris T: 08 9776 6331 Email; heyray@westnet.com.au President: Ron Robertson T: 08 9764 1272 Mussel Producers Association of WA C/- ACWA PO Box 55 Mt Hawthorn WA 6915 Contact: Dan Machin T: 08 9492 8888 E: acwadan@aquaculturecouncilwa.com Pearl Producers’ Association Inc PO Box 55 Mt Hawthorn WA 6915 Chair: James Paspaley Executive Officer: Brett McCallum T: 08 9340 5011; F: 08 9340 5099 E: Brett.McCallum@ pearlproducersaustralia.com WA Fishing Industry Council PO Box 55 Mt Hawthorn WA 6915 Suite 6 Level 1 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park WA 6017 Chief Executive Officer: Anna Cronin T: 08 9492 8888; F: 08 9244 2934 Website: www.wafic.com.au Yabby Producers Association of WA Inc C/- ACWA PO Box 55 Mt Hawthorn WA 6915 T: 08 9492 8888 E: acwadan@aquaculturecouncilwa.com
32 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
New Zealand Mussel Industry Council Ltd Level 1, Wakatu House 28 Montgomery Square Nelson 7010 T: +64 3 5488 944; F: +64 3 5488 984 E: office@aquaculture.org.nz W: www.aquaculture.org.nz NZ Oyster Industry Association PO Box 90906 Auckland T: +64 9 378 7001; F: +64 9 378 6939 E: tom@hrm.co.nz Executive Officer: Tom Hollings New Zealand Salmon Farmers Association PO Box 1180 Nelson T: +64 3 548 571; F: +64 3 548 6993 E: contact@salmon.org.nz New Zealand Seafood Industry Council Private Bag 24 901 Wellington 6142 NZ T: +64 4 385 4005; F: +64 4 385 2727 E: info@seafood.co.nz W: www.seafood.co.nz
Government Departments ABARES (Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences) GPO Box 1563 Canberra ACT 2601 W: www.abare-brs.gov.au Contact: Dr Gavin Begg Manager Fisheries & Risk Analysis Branch T: 02 6272 4277 E: gavin.begg@abare-brs.gov.au ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) National Information and Referral Service Locked Bag 10 Belconnen ACT 2616 T: 1300 135 070 Intnl Callers: +61 2 9268 4909 E: client.services@abs.gov.au W: www.abs.gov.au AIMS (Australian Institute of Marine Science) PMB No 3 Townsville MC Qld 4810 T: 07 4753 4444; F: 07 4753 4389 Contact: Dr Mike Hall E: m.hall@aims.gov.au W: www.aims.gov.au AIMS Darwin T: 08 8920 9240 AIMS Perth T: 08 6369 4000 AQIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service) 7 London Circuit Canberra City ACT 2601 Freecall: 1800 020 504 E: fish@aqis.gov.au W: www.aqis.gov.au
GBRMPA (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority) PO Box 1379 Townsville QLD 4810 T: 07 4750 0700; F: 07 4772 6093 E: info@gbrmpa.gov.au W: www.gbrmpa.gov.au
Statutory Authorities AFMA (Australian Fisheries Management Authority) Level 6 / 73 Northbourne Avenue ACT 2610 T: 02 6225 5555; F: 02 6225 5500 Freecall: 1300 723 621 E: info@afma.gov.au W: www.afma.gov.au CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) Enquiries Hotline: 1300 363 400 Locked Bag 10 Clayton South VIC 3169 E: enquiries@csiro.au Intnl Callers: +61 3 9545 2176
CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research Cleveland Laboratories 233 Middle Street Cleveland QLD 4163 T: 07 3826 7200; F: 07 3826 7222
CSIRO Livestock Industries Australian Animal Health Laboratory Private Bag 24 Geelong Vic 3220 T: 03 5227 5000; F: 03 5227 5555 E: AAHL-Reception@csiro.au Australian Fish Diseases Laboratory (AFDL) Contact: Dr Mark Crane T: 03 5227 5118: E: Mark.Crane@csiro.au FD McMaster Laboratory â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Armidale** Locked Bag 1 Armidale NSW 2350 T: 02 6776 1300; F: 02 6776 1333 Contact: Dr Ian Purvis T: 02 6776 1373 E: Ian.Purvis@csiro.au
CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research Microalgae Supply Service Castray Esplanade Hobart TAS 7000 T: 03 6232 5222; F: 03 6232 5000 E: cathy.johnston@csiro.au W: www.cmar.csiro.au/ANACC CMAR Communication Manager: Simon Torok T: 03 9239 4645; F: 03 9239 4444 E: simon.torok@csiro.au
AUSINDUSTRY GPO Box 9839 Canberra ACT 2601 Hotline: 13 28 46 E: hotline@ausindustry.gov.au W: www.ausindustry.gov.au DAFF (Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry) GPO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601 General Enquiries: 02 6272 3933 W: www.daff.gov.au Contact: Tim Karlov (Manager domestic fisheries & aquaculture) T: 02 6272 3324 E: tim.karlov@daff.gov.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
State Government Departments New South Wales
Northern Territory
DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRY FISHERIES and RESOURCES Darwin Aquaculture Centre GPO Box 3000 Darwin NT 0801 T: 08 8924 4260 Centre Manager: Damon Gore T: 0401 115 816 E: damon.gore@nt.gov.au
Primary Industries & Fisheries Port Stephens Fisheries Institute Locked Bag 1 Nelson Bay NSW 2315 T: 02 4982 1232 Contact: Dr Geoff Allan – Director E: Geoff.Allan@industry.nsw.gov.au W: www.industry.nsw.gov.au Cronulla Fisheries Centre
T: 02 9527 8411
DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & INNOVATION Business Information Centre T: 13 25 23 – General Enquiries
E: www.industry.nsw.gov.au Gaden Trout Hatchery T: 02 6451 3400 E: gaden@industry.nsw.gov.au Grafton Aquaculture Centre T: 02 6640 1690 Contact: Dr Stuart Rowland E: stuart.rowland@industry.nsw.gov.au L.P. Dutton Trout Hatchery T: 02 6775 9139;
Fisheries Queensland Primary Industries Building Level 2/80 Ann Street Brisbane QLD 4000 GPO Box 46 Brisbane QLD 4001 General Manager Industry Development: Robin Hansen T: 07 3225 1550; F: 07 3225 1823 E: robin.hansen@deedi.qld.gov.au
Manager: Peter Selby E: peter.selby@industry.nsw.gov.au Narrandera Fisheries Centre T: 02 6959 9021 Contact: Stephen Thurstan E: leslie.rava@industry..nsw.gov.au NSW Department of State and Regional Development GPO Box 5477 Sydney NSW 2001
Bribie Island Research Centre PO Box 2066 Bribie Island QLD 4507 T: 07 3400 2000 Contact: Max Wingfield E: max.wingfield@deedi.qld.gov.au Northern Fisheries Centre PO Box 5396 Cairns QLD 4870 T: 07 4057 3700 Contact: Michael Heidenreich E: michael.heidenreich@deedi.qld.gov.au
T: 02 9338 6600 : 1800 777 022 W: www.business.nsw.gov.au NSW Food Authority PO Box 6682 Silverwater NSW 1811 T: 1300 552 406 E: contact@foodauthority.nsw.gov.au W: www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au
SARDI (South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre) Aquaculture Research & Development Program 2 Hamra Avenue West Beach SA 5024 T: 08 8207 5400; F: 08 8207 5406 Contact: Steven Clarke T: 08 8207 5443 E: steven.clarke@sa.gov.au W: www.sardi.sa.gov.au SASQAP (South Australian Shellfish Assurance Program) PO Box 2023 Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8683 2533; F: 08 8683 2560
Tasmania DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, PARKS, WATER & ENVIRONMENT Marine Farming Branch 4th Floor Marine Board Building Hobart TAS 7001 T: 03 6233 3370; F: 03 6233 3065 Manager: Will Joscelyne E: Will.Joscelyne@dpipwe.tas.gov.au Fish Health Unit, Animal Health Laboratory 165 Westbury Road Prospect, Launceston TAS 7250 T: 03 6336 5216; F: 03 6344 3085 Contact: Jeremy Carson, Stephen Pycroft E: specimenreception@dpipwe.tas.gov.au Inland Fisheries Service 17 Back River Road New Norfolk TAS 7140 T: 1300 463 474; F: 03 6261 8051 E: infish@ifs.tas.gov.au W: www.ifs.tas.gov.au Director: John Diggle
South Australia PIRSA (Primary Industries and Resources SA) 14th Floor, 25 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 T: 08 8226 0314; F: 08 8226 0330 E: pirsa.aquaculture@sa.gov.au W: www.pir.sa.gov.au
34 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Salmon Ponds Hatchery T: 1300 463 474 TAFI (Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute) Marine Research Laboratories Nubeena Crescent Taroona TAS 7053 T: 03 6227 7277; F: 03 6227 8035 W: www.utas.edu.au/tafi
Victoria DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES DPI Customer Service Centre: 136 186 E: customer.service@dpi.vic.gov.au W: www.dpi.vic.gov.au/fisheries Fisheries Victoria – Aquaculture 1 Spring Street (GPO Box 4440) Melbourne VIC 3001 T: 03 9658 4373; F: 03 9658 4203 Contact: Andrew Clarke E: Andrew.Clarke@dpi.vic.gov.au Fisheries Victoria – Queenscliff Centre 2A Bellarine Hwy Queenscliff VIC 3225 T: 03 5258 0111; F: 03 5258 0270 Contact: Dr Brett Ingram E: brett.ingram@dpi.vic.gov.au
Western Australia DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES Aquaculture Branch 3rd Floor 168 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 (Locked Bag 39 Cloisters Square Post Office Perth WA 6850 T: 08 9482 7333; F: 08 9481 3576 Contact: Steve Nel – Manager Aquaculture T: 08 9482 7361; F: 08 9482 7389 E: steve.nel@fish.wa.gov.au
WA Fisheries – Research Division WA Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories PO Box 20 North Beach WA 6920 T: 08 9203 0111; F: 08 9203 0199 Contact: Dr Rick Fletcher – Director E: rick.fletcher@fish.wa.gov.au
WA Fisheries – Regional Offices Broome PO Box 71 Broome WA 6725 T: 08 9193 8600; F: 08 9193 8688 Contact: Pia Carter – 0419 950 184 E: pia.carter@fish.wa.gov.au
Pemberton Freshwater Research Centre PO Box 91 Pemberton WA 6260 T: 08 9776 1044; 08 97761182 Manager: Tony Church E: tony.church@fish.wa.gov.au Fish Health Laboratory C/- Department of Agriculture 3 Baron-Hay Court South Perth WA 6151 T: 08 9368 3649; F: 08 9474 1881 Contact Officer: Dr Brian Jones Mariculture Research and Advisory Group C/- WA Fisheries & Marine Research Laboratories 309 Northside Drive Hillarys WA 6025 Contact: Dr Sagiv Kolkovski T: 08 9203 0220
Carnarvon PO Box 774 Carnarvon WA 6701 T: 08 9941 1185; F: 08 9941 1951 Contact: Jenny Little E: jenny.little@fish.wa.gov.au Freemantle 14 Capo D’Orlando Drive Sth Fremantle WA 6162 T: 08 9432 8000; F: 08 9432 8060 Albany 70-74 Frederick Street, Albany WA 6630 T: 08 9845 7400; F: 08 9845 7457 Contact: Phil Shaw E: phil.shaw@fish.wa.gov.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
Australian Aquaculture Research Institutions Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) PMB No 3 Townsville MC QLD 4810 T: 07 4753 4444; F: 07 4772 5852 AIMS – Darwin T: 08 8920 9240 AIMS – Perth T: 08 6369 4000 W: www.aims.gov.au Function: Tropical aquaculture research, focusing on prawn domestication, rock lobster larval rearing and sponge farming for indigenous communities. Australian Seafood CRC Mark Oliphant Building Science Park Adelaide Laffer Drive Bedford Park SA 5042 T: 1300 732 213; F: 08 8201 7659 Contact: Alison Connelly – Office Manager E: Alison.Connelly@seafoodcrc.com W: www.seafoodcrc.com Function: The mission of the Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre is to assist end-users of its research to profitably deliver safe, high-quality, nutritious Australian seafood products to premium markets, domestically and overseas. Curtin Aquatic Research Unit Department of Environment & Agriculture Aquaculture & Coastal Zone Management programmes Curtin University of Technology GPO Box U1987 Perth WA 6845 T: 08 9266 4504; F: 08 9266 4422 www.environmentagriculture.curtin.edu.au Contact: Glen Whisson T: 08 9266 4504 E: g.whisson@curtin.edu.au Function: The coastal zone and marine environment are under unprecedented pressures from population expansion, tourism, coastal developments, oil and gas exploration and climate change. Coastal Zone Management (CZM) graduates are needed to manage Australia’s coastal zone sustainably for future generations. CZM students study sustainable fisheries & aquaculture, environmental impact assessment, marine biology, habitat mapping, climate change & adaptation, coastal science, aquatic ecology, marine biology, aquaculture technology and marine biodiversity & taxonomy.
Fisheries Research & Development Corporation PO Box 222 Deakin West ACT 2600 T: 02 6285 0400; F: 02 6285 4421 E: frdc@frdc.com.au W: www.frdc.com.au Executive Director: Patrick Hone Communications Manager: Peter Horvat Function: Planning, funding and managing R&D programs and facilitating the dissemination, adoption and commercialisation of the results of R&D. These R&D programs benefit the commercial, recreational and customary sectors of the fishing industry and Australia’s economic, environmental and social resources. Check www.frdc.com.au for information on sub program infrastructure and state FRABS Salmon Enterprises of Tasmania Pty Ltd (SALTAS) PO Box 1 Wayatinah TAS 7140 T: (03) 6289 3280; F: (03) 6289 3290 E: admin@saltas.com.au Function: Salmon smolt production and research. SARDI (South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre) Aquaculture Research & Development Program PO Box 120 Henley Beach SA 5022 T: 08 8207 5400; F: 08 8207 5406 E: WBAdmin,Temp@asa.gov.au W: www.sardi.sa.gov.au Contact: Steve Clarke E: clarke.steven@saugov.sa.gov.au Function: Research and development and scientific and technical advice associated with aquaculture site selection, assessment and management; the environment; breeding and rearing species; feed development and nutrition; genetic selection and manipulation; system design and operation. Seafood Services Australia PO Box 2188 Ascot QLD 4007 T: 1300 130 321; F: 1300 130 743 E: ssa@seafoodservices.com.au W: www.seafood.net.au Managing Director: Ted Loveday Function: Seafood Services Australia works with the seafood industry to enhance the profitability, international competitiveness, sustainability and resilience of the Australian seafood industry
36 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI) Marine Research Laboratories Nubeena Crescent Taroona TAS 7053 T: 03 6227 7277; F: 03 6227 8035 Director: Professor Colin Buxton Exec Asst: Natalie Johnston E: Natalie.Johnston@utas.edu.au W: www.tafi.org.au/ Function: TAFI is a collaboration between the State Government and the University of Tasmania combining the research resources of the School of Aquaculture, Zoology and Plant Sciences together with the Marine Research Laboratories and the Fish Health Unit of the State Animal Health Laboratories. To co-ordinate and facilitate multi-disciplinary research, education and consultancy services into all aspects of the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture in Tasmania and the wider Australian and International communities. Tasmanian Oyster Research Council Ltd C/- Oysters Tasmania Level 4, 29 Elizabeth Street Hobart TAS 7000 T: 0458 601 057 E: info@oysterstasmania.org W: www.oysterstasmania.org
New Zealand NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd) Private Bag 99940 Auckland T: +64 9 375 2050; F: +64 9 375 2051 W: www.niwa.co.nz/rc/aqua Function: Supporting the advancement of the New Zealand aquaculture sector through development of high value products of verifiable quality and sustainability. This includes the establishment of reliable hápuku (groper) hatchery production; the finetuning of production process for developing species: kingfish and paua (abalone); and advanced high-end animal production science for salmon.
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
CSIRO Microalgae Supply Service Australian National Algae Culture Collection Castray Esplanade Hobart TAS 7001 (GPO Box 1538 ) T: 03 6232 5316 F: 03 6232 5471 E: cathy.johnston@csiro.au W: www.csiro.au/ANACC Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L ‘Sanolife ALG by INVE’ PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “
Tropical Kuranda Fish Farm PO Box 483 Kuranda QLD 4881 T: 07 4093 0147; F: 07 4093 0002 E: KurandaFish@bigpond.com Display advertiser
ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634 F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser
ALGAE ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int P/L Australian Distributor for Aquafauna Bio-Marine Ltd USA (W: www.aquafauna.com) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853 F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au Display advertiser
Dunaliella salina Cognis Australia P/L Contact: Mr Boyd King 71 – 77 Taunton Drive Cheltenham VIC 3192 T: +61 428 351 052 F: +61 3 984 8348 E: boyd.king@cognis.com W: www.cognis.com Display advertiser Phytoplankton Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Australian National Algae Culture Collection
CSIRO Microalgae Supply Service All cultures are grown under controlled environment conditions. Selected strains are axenic (bacteria-free).
We supply high quality microalgae starter cultures and complementary technical advice to the aquaculture industry as well as for research, education and other industrial applications throughout Australia and internationally.
Orders are dispatched via courier to ensure arrival in the best possible condition.
For more information, strain list, or to place orders, contact:
Ms Cathy Johnston, Manager, Microalgae Supply Service GPO Box 1538, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia Phone 61 (0)3 6232 5316 Fax 61 (0)3 6232 5471
e-mail: cathy.johnston@csiro.au www.csiro.au/ANACC
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
ARTEMIA CYSTS ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int P/L Australian Distributor for Aquafauna Bio-Marine Ltd USA (W: www.aquafauna.com) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853 F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au Display advertiser
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Ausaqua P/L PO Box 226 Wallaroo SA 5556 T: 08 8824 2252 F: 08 8824 2152 E: artemiasupply@ausaqua.com.au W: www.ausaqua.com.au Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L INVE GSL Cysts PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E-mail: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634 F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser
KURANDA FISH FARM Top Quality Sooty Grunter, Barcoo Grunter (Jade Perch) & Barramundi Fingerlings Available All Year Round
ALL ENQUIRIES WELCOME Tel: 07 4093 0147 Fax: 07 4093 0002 Email: KurandaFish@bigpond.com
40 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Spectrum Aquaculture P/L Salt Creek GSL Cysts Unit 1 / 13 Hi-Tech Drive Toormina NSW 2452 Sales Enquiries: 1300 655 092 E: sales@spectrumaquaculture.com.au W: www.spectrumaquaculture.com.au BARRAMUNDI Robarra 6 – 8 Morgan Street Wingfield SA 5013 T: 08 8347 0846 F: 08 8445 7470 E: andrei@robarra.com.au Post-larvae Darwin Aquaculture Centre Channel Island GPO Box 3000 Darwin NT 0801 T: 08 8924 4260 F: 08 8924 4277 M: 0401 115 816 E: damon.gore@nt.gov.au Fingerlings Coral Coast Mariculture PO Box 7333 North Bundaberg QLD 4670 T: 07 4156 1600; F: 07 4156 1680 M: 0402 482 588 E: ccm@bordernet.com.au W: www.coralcoastmariculture.com”
Darwin Aquaculture Centre Channel Island GPO Box 3000 Darwin NT 0801 T: 08 8924 4260 F: 08 8924 4277 M: 0401 115 816 E: damon.gore@nt.gov.au
Mainstream Aquaculture PO Box 2286 Werribee VIC 3030 T: 03 9734 1912 F: 03 9734 1917 E: sales@mainaqua.com.au W: www.mainaqua,com.au Display advertiser WBA Hatcheries P/L 2 Hamra Avenue West Beach SA 5024 T: 08 8235 0489 F: 08 8355 0492 E: andrei@robarra.com.au Display advertiser Market Size Robarra 6 – 8 Morgan Street Wingfield SA 5013 T: 08 8347 0846; F: 08 8445 7470 E: andrei@robarra.com.au BRINE SHRIMP (ARTEMIA) Cysts Ausaqua P/L PO Box 226 Wallaroo SA 5556 T: 08 8824 2252; F: 08 8824 2152 E: sales@algaboost.com W: www.algaboost.com Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L INVE GSL Cysts PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E-mail: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ Spectrum Aquaculture P/L Salt Creek GSL Cysts Unit 1 / 13 Hi-Tech Drive Toormina NSW 2452 Sales Enquiries: 1300 655 092 E: sales@spectrumaquaculture.com.au W: www.spectrumaquaculture.com.au
Kuranda Fish Farm PO Box 483 Kuranda QLD 4881 T: 07 4093 0147 F: 07 4093 0002 E: KurandaFish@bigpond.com Display advertiser
FRESHWATER CRAYFISH Triaqua 9 Casuarina Avenue Broken Hill NSW 2880 T: 08 8087 4891, 08 8091 4309 M: 0429 874 891 E: triaqua@clearmail.com.au Display advertiser
Nauplii Cognis Australia P/L Contact: Mr Boyd King 71 – 77 Taunton Drive Cheltenham VIC 3192 T: +61 428 351 052 F: +61 3 984 8348 E: boyd.king@cognis.com W: www.cognis.com Display advertiser
CATFISH Fingerlings Murray Cod Hatcheries 3681 Sturt Highway Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 T: 02 6922 7360 F: 02 6922 7619”
Horticultural Farming
Brian and Joan Casey Menindee NSW Phone Property: 08 8087 4891 Farm: 08 8091 4309 Mobile: 0429 874 891 Email: triaqua@clearmail.com.au
BARRUMUNDI FINGERLINGS ✔ High Quality ✔ Range of Sizes ✔ Available Year Round ✔ Commercial Quantities ✔ Australia Wide ✔ Reliable Supply Tel: 08 8235 0489 Fax: 08 8355 0492 Email: Andrei@robarra.com.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
FRESHWATER FISH Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser
LIVE FEEDS ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634 F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser
Algae Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser CSIRO Microalgae Supply Service Australian National Algae Culture Collection Castray Esplanade Hobart TAS 7001 (GPO Box 1538 ) T: 03 6232 5316 F: 03 6232 5471 E: cathy.johnston@csiro.au W: www.csiro.au/ANACC Display advertiser
The Codfather
Providing genetically superior weaned fingerlings for commercial aquaculture • Murray Cod • Golden Perch • Silver Perch For more information call
02 6956 2147 F: 02 6956 2245 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au
Murray Darling Fisheries Reliable supplier of BjggVn 8dY <daYZc EZgX] H^akZg EZgX] M: 0419 600 926 F: 02 6922 9448 E: mdfish@ozemail.com.au 1795 Old Narrandera Road Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Call 02 6922 9447
42 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Experienced Exporter
ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634; F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser Rotifers ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634; F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser Others Aquabait P/L PO Box 5107 Dora Creek NSW 2264 T: 02 4973 5505; F: 02 4973 5515 E: sales@aquabait.com.au W: www.aquabait.com.au MARINE FISH Palmers Island Mulloway P/L PO Box 89 Yamba NSW 2464 M: 0421 500 611 E: andrew@pim.net.au W: www.pim.net.au MARINE WORMS (POLYCHAETES) Aquabait P/L PO Box 5107 Dora Creek NSW 2264 T: 02 4973 5505; F: 02 4973 5515 E: sales@aquabait.com.au W: www.aquabait.com.au MULLOWAY Market Size Palmers Island Mulloway P/L PO Box 89 Yamba NSW 2464 M: 0421 500 611 E: andrew@pim.net.au W: www.pim.net.au MURRAY COD Thurla Farms RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203; F: 03 5024 2285 E: travcis@thurla.com.au Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147; F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser
Broodstock Thurla Farms RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203 F: 03 5024 2285 E: travcis@thurla.com.au
Murray Cod Hatcheries 3681 Sturt Highway Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 T: 02 6922 7360 F: 02 6922 7619” Murray Darling Fisheries 1795 Old Narrandera Road Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 T: 02 6922 9447 F: 02 6922 9448 M: 0419 600 926 E: mdfish@ozemail.com.au Display advertiser Thurla Farms RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203 F: 03 5024 2285 E: travcis@thurla.com.au Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147 F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser Market Size Thurla Farms RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203F: 03 5024 2285 E: travcis@thurla.com.au Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147; F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser
Pre-adults Cameron of Tasmania P/L Arthur Highway Dunalley TAS 7177 T: 03 6253 5111; F: 03 6253 5278 E: inquiry@cameronsoysters.com W: www.cameronsoysters.com” Market Size Cameron of Tasmania P/L Arthur Highway Dunalley TAS 7177 T: 03 6253 5111; F: 03 6253 5278 E: inquiry@cameronsoysters.com W: www.cameronsoysters.com” PERCH – GOLDEN Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147; F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser Broodstock Sunrise Fish Farm & Hatchery 1359 Pacific Highway Kundabung NSW 2441 T/F: 02 6561 5133 E: debbie.hambly@bigpond.com.au Fingerlings Gwydir Native Fish Hatchery (HQAS Accredited Hatchery) Copeton Dam Road via Inverell NSW 2360 T: 02 6722 2818; F: 02 6721 0749 M: 0428 254 240 E: prandall@bigpond.net.au Display advertiser Murray Cod Hatcheries 3681 Sturt Highway Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 T: 02 6922 7360; F: 02 6922 7619” Murray Darling Fisheries 1795 Old Narrandera Road Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 T: 02 6922 9447; F: 02 6922 9448 M: 0419 600 926 E: mdfish@ozemail.com.au Display advertiser
Sunrise Fish Farm & Hatchery 1359 Pacific Highway Kundabung NSW 2441 T/F: 02 6561 5133 E: debbie.hambly@bigpond.com.au Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147; F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser
Fingerlings Gwydir Native Fish Hatchery (HQAS Accredited Hatchery) Copeton Dam Road via Inverell NSW 2360 T: 02 6722 2818 F: 02 6721 0749 M: 0428 254 240 E: prandall@bigpond.net.au Display advertiser
OYSTERS (CRASSOSTREA GIGAS) Spat Cameron of Tasmania P/L Arthur Highway Dunalley TAS 7177 T: 03 6253 5111; F: 03 6253 5278 E: inquiry@cameronsoysters.com W: www.cameronsoysters.com”
Market Size Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147; F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser PERCH – SILVER Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147; F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser Broodstock Sunrise Fish Farm & Hatchery 1359 Pacific Highway Kundabung NSW 2441 T/F: 02 6561 5133 E: debbie.hambly@bigpond.com.au Fingerlings Gwydir Native Fish Hatchery (HQAS Accredited Hatchery) Copeton Dam Road via Inverell NSW 2360 T: 02 6722 2818; F: 02 6721 0749 M: 0428 254 240 E: prandall@bigpond.net.au Display advertiser
Gwydir Native Fish Hatchery HQAS accredited commercial growers & breeders of Murray Cod, Golden and Silver Perch fingerlings
For more information call 02 6722 2818 or 0428 254 240 Email: prandall@bigpond.net.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
PERCH – SILVER (cont) Murray Cod Hatcheries 3681 Sturt Highway Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 T: 02 6922 7360; F: 02 6922 7619”
Murray Darling Fisheries 1795 Old Narrandera Road Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 T: 02 6922 9447; F: 02 6922 9448 M: 0419 600 926 E: mdfish@ozemail.com.au Display advertiser Sunrise Fish Farm & Hatchery 1359 Pacific Highway Kundabung NSW 2441 T/F: 02 6561 5133 E: debbie.hambly@bigpond.com.au Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147; F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser Market Size Thurla Farms RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203; F: 03 5024 2285 E: travcis@thurla.com.au PRAWNS (OTHERS) Spawners Cognis Australia P/L Contact: Mr Boyd King 71 – 77 Taunton Drive Cheltenham VIC 3192 T: +61 428 351 052 F: +61 3 984 8348 E: boyd.king@cognis.com W: www.cognis.com Display advertiser SAND CRAB Coral Coast Mariculture PO Box 7333 North Bundaberg QLD 4670 T: 07 4156 1600; F: 07 4156 1680 M: 0402 482 588 E: ccm@bordernet.com.au W: www.coralcoastmariculture.com”
SHELLFISH Cameron of Tasmania P/L Arthur Highway Dunalley TAS 7177 T: 03 6253 5111; F: 03 6253 5278 E: inquiry@cameronsoysters.com W: www.cameronsoysters.com” SOOTY GRUNTER Kuranda Fish Farm PO Box 483 Kuranda QLD 4881 T: 07 4093 0147; F: 07 4093 0002 E: KurandaFish@bigpond.com Display advertiser Fingerlings Kuranda Fish Farm PO Box 483 Kuranda QLD 4881 T: 07 4093 0147; F: 07 4093 0002 E: KurandaFish@bigpond.com Display advertiser TROUT – BROWN Fry Captured Holdings / Buxton Trout Farm 2118 Maroondah Highway Buxton VIC 3711 T: 03 5774 7370; F: 03 5774 7348 E: buxtontrout@bigpond.com” TROUT – RAINBOW Captured Holdings / Buxton Trout Farm 2118 Maroondah Highway Buxton VIC 3711 T: 03 5774 7370; F: 03 5774 7348 E: buxtontrout@bigpond.com” Eggs Captured Holdings / Buxton Trout Farm 2118 Maroondah Highway Buxton VIC 3711 T: 03 5774 7370; F: 03 5774 7348 E: buxtontrout@bigpond.com” Springfield Hatcheries P/L PO Box 390 Scottsdale TAS 7260 T: 03 6352 7339; F: 03 6352 7211 E: mail@springfish.com.au W: www.springfish.com.au
44 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Fry Captured Holdings / Buxton Trout Farm 2118 Maroondah Highway Buxton VIC 3711 T: 03 5774 7370; F: 03 5774 7348 E: buxtontrout@bigpond.com” Market Size Captured Holdings / Buxton Trout Farm 2118 Maroondah Highway Buxton VIC 3711 T: 03 5774 7370; F: 03 5774 7348 E: buxtontrout@bigpond.com” YABBIES Triaqua 9 Casuarina Avenue Broken Hill NSW 2880 T: 08 8087 4891, 08 8091 4309 M: 0429 874 891 E: triaqua@clearmail.com.au Display advertiser Broodstock Triaqua 9 Casuarina Avenue Broken Hill NSW 2880 T: 08 8087 4891, 08 8091 4309 M: 0429 874 891 E: triaqua@clearmail.com.au Display advertiser Juveniles Murray Cod Hatcheries 3681 Sturt Highway Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 T: 02 6922 7360; F: 02 6922 7619” Triaqua 9 Casuarina Avenue Broken Hill NSW 2880 T: 08 8087 4891, 08 8091 4309 M: 0429 874 891 E: triaqua@clearmail.com.au Display advertiser Market Size Triaqua 9 Casuarina Avenue Broken Hill NSW 2880 T: 08 8087 4891, 08 8091 4309 M: 0429 874 891 E: triaqua@clearmail.com.au Display advertiser
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
Providing high quality equipment to the
aquaculture industry
The Fresh By Design Group is an Australian company providing the Australasian aquaculture industry with high quality equipment, expertise, experience together with an extensive product range and reliable ongoing backup service. We cover commercial and hobby aquaculture, waste ZDWHU WUHDWPHQW Ă&#x20AC;VK SURFHVVLQJ DQG WKH needs of educational facilities.
Â&#x2021; )DLYUH 'UXPĂ&#x20AC;OWHUV Â&#x2021; )LVK 3XPSV *UDGHUV &RXQWHUV Â&#x2021; 7DQNV 7XEV Â&#x2021; $HUDWLRQ 2[\JHQDWLRQ Â&#x2021; )HHGHUV Â&#x2021; )LOWUDWLRQ Â&#x2021; *HQHUDWRUV Â&#x2021; :DWHU 3XPSV Â&#x2021; :DWHU 4XDOLW\ 7HVWLQJ (TXLSPHQW Â&#x2021; +DWFKHU\
Â&#x2021; 7UDQVSRUW 7DQNV Â&#x2021; +HDWLQJ DQG &RROLQJ Â&#x2021; 3OXPELQJ Â&#x2021; )LVK 3URFHVVLQJ 6PRNLQJ Â&#x2021; $SSURYHG &KHPLFDOV Â&#x2021; &$' 0RGHOOLQJ Â&#x2021; 'LDJQRVWLF 3URGXFWLRQ $TXDWLF Veterinary Services Â&#x2021; $TXDSRQLFV
CONTACT US Your Australian agent of Faivre products
Ben Pope and Peter Koller 3 Old Oak Place, PO Box 1020 Moss Vale NSW 2577 Ph: 02 4868 1762 Fax: 02 4868 2206 Mobile: 0419 288 712 fresh@bigpond.net.au
The only equipment supplier to be allied with Future Fisheries Veterinary Service Dr Matt Landos Mobile: 0437 492 863 matty.landos@gmail.com
Aquaculture Heater-Chiller Aquaculture Heater - Chiller
ABALONE FARMING EQUIP. GP Graders (Victoria) 8 – 12 Gilby Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 T: 03 9585 9444 F: 03 9543 8997 E: steve@gpgraders.com.au W: gpgraders.com Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
ABALONE GRADING MACHINE GP Graders (Victoria) 8 – 12 Gilby Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 T: 03 9585 9444; F: 03 9543 8997 E: steve@gpgraders.com.au W: gpgraders.com Display advertiser ACTIVATED CARBON Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser AERATORS & AERATION EQUIP. Air Supply International P/L 3 / 62 Rene Street Noosaville QLD 4566 T: +61 7 5449 7848 F: +61 7 5449 9746 E: airsup@tpg.com.au W: www.airsupplyinternational.com”
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Coral Coast Mariculture PO Box 7333 North Bundaberg QLD 4670 T: 07 4156 1600 F: 07 4156 1680 M: 0402 482 588 E: ccm@bordernet.com.au W: www.coralcoastmariculture.com” Diamond Networks Unit 2 / 14 Bowen Street O’Connor WA 6163 T: 08-9314 3003 E: info@diamond-nets.com W: diamondnetworks.com.au
Esam Australia P/L 5 Sheppard St Thornbury VIC 3071 T: 03 9484 5719; F: 03 9484 4052 E: esam@esamaust.com.au W: www.sidechannelblowers.com.au Display advertiser Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450; F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser PDA Blower Company 34 Nicole Way Dandenong South VIC 3175 T: 03 9794 0855; F: 03 9794 0722 E: mail@pdablower.com.au W: www.pdablower.com.au NSW Office: T: 02 9594 0884: F: 02 9594 0885 E: rmason@pdablower.com.au
Growout baskets TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755 F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser
Aireng P/L 10 Turbo Drive Bayswater VIC 3153 T: 03 9738 1999 F: 03 9738 1766 E: sales@aireng.com.au W: www.aireng.com.au Display advertiser
GP SeaGrade™ Weight & Optical size grading GP Graders has released a revolutionary new machine to the shellfish industry. The GP SeaGrade™ series of grading & packing machines that sort shellfish according to both dimensional size and weight. Each shell is carried in its own conveyor cup that tips product at the required grade exit. The combination of weight & optical grading tells you more about your product to identify your highest quality products & command top premium prices for them.
- Weight grading is essential for the export market, live abalone & to determine flesh content in oysters - Each size can be broken into multiple grades based on weight - Identifies & discards dead oysters GP SeaGrade™ can handle 24,000+ items per hour, is accurate to +/- 1gram & built for operation in the harsh marine environment. Phone (03) 9585-9444 www.gpgraders.com info@gpgraders.com
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
AERATORS & AERATION EQUIPMENT (cont) ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634 F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544 F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
Spectrum Aquaculture P/L Air & Oxygen delivery Unit 1 / 13 Hi-Tech Drive Toormina NSW 2452 Sales Enquiries: 1300 655 092 E: sales@spectrumaquaculture.com.au W: www.spectrumaquaculture.com.au Paddlewheel Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L Chenta Paddlewheels PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au
MWij_d] ;d[h]o5 Ki[ ;I7C _dij[WZ$ ?\ oek mWdj [\ÄY_[dj W[hWj_ed" Wbed] m_j^ gkWb_jo WZl_Y[ WdZ ikffehj" ;I7C _i j^[ W[hWjeh \eh oekh Xki_d[ii$ 8[d[Äji e\ ;I7C W[hWj_ed0 ;d[h]o [\ÄY_[dj W[hWj_ed :[bWc_dWj_ed e\ j[cf[hWjkh[ bWo[hi Bem[h [lWfehWj_ed hWj[ Iceej^ gk_[j ef[hWj_ed ) O[Wh mWhhWdjo $$$WdZ i[hl_Y[ je oek _i ekh fh_eh_jo$
48 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
ALGAE CULTURE MEDIA Ausaqua P/L (Manufacturer of Algaboost) PO Box 226 Wallaroo SA 5556 T: 08 8824 2252 F: 08 8824 2152 E: sales@algaboost.com W: www.algaboost.com Display advertiser ALGAE CONTROL Phoslock Pty Ltd Producer /Distributor of PhoslockTM Suite 302, 110 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 T: 07 5465 4888; 02 9439 7715 F: 02 9460 8973 E: awinks@phoslock.com.au W: www.phoslock.com.au ANAESTHETICS Aqui-s New Zealand Ltd PO Box 44-269 Lower Hutt New Zealand T: +64 4 587 0389 F: +64 4 587 0388 E: sales@aqui-s.com W: www.aqui-s.com Australian Distributor: ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int P/L) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853;F: 07 5513 1113 W: www.adsi.com.au Display advertisers” APVMA REGISTERED ANAESTHETICS ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int.P/L) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853 F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au (Australian distributor for AQUIS – New Zealand, Syndel Ltd – Canada, and Aquafauna – USA) Display advertiser ANCHORS Jeyco (1992) P/L Mooring & Rigging Equipment PO Box 1590 Bibra Lake WA 6965 T: 08 9418 7500 F: 08 9418 7511 E: info@jeyco.com.au W: www.jeyco.com.au
Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser Seamaster Fishing Supplies 31 Bel Air Drive Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8683 5130 F: 08 8683 5131 E: comfishing@bigpond.com W: wwwcommercial-fishing.net”
ARTIFICAL REEF SYSTEM Aqua Build Australia 16 Monica Street Tootgarook VIC 3941 T: 0419 894 172 E: bcc.aquabuild@gmail.com W: www.aquabuild.com.au Display advertiser
AUTOMATIC MONITORING SYSTEMS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
ARTIFICIAL SEAWATER Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741 F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
Don’t delay! Contact us now for competitive prices on Futi Aerators and the latest gear box design.
Optimax Aquatech PO Box 164 Robe SA 5276 T/ F: 08 8768 1936 M: 0427 093 632 E: mjdavis1@bigpond.com.au
AQUARIUMS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Arcuate bevel-gear Bearing cap Mechanical seal Stainless steel shaft Gear box
Paddle wheel features Arcuate bevel-gear box Gears manufactured from chromiummanganese-titanium alloy Higher efficiency, longer life span Up to 20% power saving Call Proaqua on 1300 304 634 Email: admin@proaqua.net.au or visit: www.proaqua.net.au
PO Box 411, Rosny Park TAS 7018 P 03 6244 1330 F 036244 1338 E sales@technolab.com.au
Call Sam 0419 894 172 (Demonstration CDs available on request)
Aqua-build Australia Universal Artificial Reef System
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
AUTOMATIC MONITORING SYSTEMS (cont) Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330 F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser
BAGS – PLASTIC Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Dolphin Plastics and Packaging 4 Machinery Avenue Warana QLD 4575 T: 07 5493 4133; F: 07 5493 4122 E: sales@dolphinplastics.com W: www.dolphinplastics.com Display advertiser BAIT Aquabait P/L PO Box 5107 Dora Creek NSW 2264 T: 02 4973 5505; F: 02 4973 5515 E: sales@aquabait.com.au W: www.aquabait.com.au Triaqua 9 Casuarina Avenue Broken Hill NSW 2880 T: 08 8087 4891, 08 8091 4309 M: 0429 874 891 E: triaqua@clearmail.com.au Display advertiser BASKETS Allied Filter Fabrics PO Box 77 Hornsby NSW 1630 T: 02 9476 4400; F: 02 9476 3599 E: ian@filterfabrics.com.au W: www.filterfabrics.com.au Display advertiser
Shellfish SEAPA Pty Ltd 26-28 Erudina Avenue Edwardstown SA 5039 T: + 61 8 8357 6611 F: + 61 8 8357 4722 E: seapa@seapa.com.au W: www.seapa.com.au TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755 F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser BINS Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544 F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
Need plastic packaging? At Dolphin Plastics we manufacturer quality plastic film products including bags, sheet, tube, stretch wrap, bundle shrink, magazine wrap, builders film, perforated sheet, centrefold or bag on roll, sleeves... Our products can be customised to suit your needs including colour, UV protection, printing, venting, handles, degradability...
Our team is on standby to help you... Call 07 5493 4133 Fax: 07 5493 4122 info@dolphinplastics.com www.dolphinplastics.com.au 4 Machinery Avenue Warana Qld 4575
50 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347 +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser Fibreglass Ajay / Duraplas Tanks Robb Street Russelton Industrial Estate Alstonville NSW 2477 Freecall: 1300 Duraplas (387 275) T: 02 6628 0002 F: 02 6628 3804 E: info@duraplas.com.au W: www.duraplas.com.au W: www.ajayfibreglass.com.au Display advertiser
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111; F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544 F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser
BIOLOGICAL FILTER MEDIA Acacia Filtration Systems Pty Ltd 6 Vicars Place Wetherill Park NSW 2164 (PO Box 6066 Wetherill Park NSW 1851) T: 02 9756 6077 F: 02 9756 1073 E: sales@acaciaproducts.com.au W: www.acaciaproducts.com.au Display advertiser
BIO MESH TUBING The ideal filter medium for Aquaculture can be used for all fish species suitable for Ground, river or sea water high surface area for bacterial production rough finish encourages excellent biological film growth cost effective, efficient, reliable chemically inert used in trickle filters, aeration and degassing systems, submerged filtration and treatment systems • Custom modular design for easy maintenance and handling • • • • • • •
100% Australia owned and manufactured
Acacia Filtration Systems Pty Ltd Tel: 02 9756 6077 Fax: 02 9756 0173 sales@acaciaproducts.com.au www.acaciaproducts.com.au
Healthy Stock = Healthy Profits
Certified surface area: 14075mm2 per unit
MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450 F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser
ly ent nd epe ured y d In as or me borat a la y b
Bio Filtration
QUINNTECH PTY LTD Trading as Quinn Plastics Ph: 08 8262 6460 Fax: 08 8262 6461 Email: quinnplastics@senet.com.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
BIOFILTERS Acacia Filtration Systems Pty Ltd 6 Vicars Place Wetherill Park NSW 2164 (PO Box 6066 Wetherill Park NSW 1851) T: 02 9756 6077; F: 02 9756 1073 E: sales@acaciaproducts.com.au W: www.acaciaproducts.com.au Display advertiser
MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450 F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser
Birds taking your fish? Bird netting is our specialty. Strong UV resistant net at a reasonable price. All your netting needs catered for. Oblomov Trading Co. Ph: (02) 9660 6845 • Fax: (02) 9518 8372 email: sales@otcobirdnet.com.au www.otcobirdnet.com.au
BIOLOGICAL FILTER MEDIA (cont) Quinntech Plastics (T/As Quinn Plastics) PO Box 90 Kilburn North SA 5084 T: 08 8262 6460; F: 08 8262 6461 E: quinnplastics@senet.com.au W: www.quinnplastics.com.au Display advertiser
Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser BIOLOGICAL TRICKLE FILTERS Acacia Filtration Systems Pty Ltd 6 Vicars Place Wetherill Park NSW 2164 (PO Box 6066 Wetherill Park NSW 1851) T: 02 9756 6077 F: 02 9756 1073 E: sales@acaciaproducts.com.au W: www.acaciaproducts.com.au Display advertiser
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser BIOMASS MEASUREMENT Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544 F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser BIRD NETTING Ausnet Industries P/L 9 Rees Street O’Connor WA 6163 Freecall: 1300 13NETS T: 08 9331 1955; F: 08 9337 6582 E: info@ausnetindustries.com W: www.ausnetindustries.com” Oblomov Trading Co PO Box 207 Rozelle NSW 2039 T: 02 9660 6845; F: 02 9518 8372 E: ak@otcobirdnet.com.au W: www.otcobirdnet.com.au Display advertiser Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577; F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser 52 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
VP Structures P/L Unit 4 / 93 Burnside Road (PO Box 6033) Yatala QLD 4207 T: 07 3382 9100; F: 07 3807 3675 E: info@vpstructures.com.au W: www.vpstructures.com.au Display advertiser
MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450; F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser
BIRD SCARING EQUIPMENT Oblomov Trading Co PO Box 207 Rozelle NSW 2039 T: 02 9660 6845; F: 02 9518 8372 E: ak@otcobirdnet.com.au W: www.otcobirdnet.com.au Display advertiser
PDA Blower Company 34 Nicole Way Dandenong South VIC 3175 T: 03 9794 0855; F: 03 9794 0722 E: mail@pdablower.com.au W: www.pdablower.com.au NSW Office: T: 02 9594 0884: F: 02 9594 0885 E: rmason@pdablower.com.au
Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577; F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser
Aireng P/L 10 Turbo Drive Bayswater VIC 3153 T: 03 9738 1999; F: 03 9738 1766 E: sales@aireng.com.au W: www.aireng.com.au Display advertiser Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Esam Australia P/L 5 Sheppard St Thornbury VIC 3071 T: 03 9484 5719; F: 03 9484 4052 E: esam@esamaust.com.au W: www.sidechannelblowers.com.au Display advertiser Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser
Seamaster Fishing Supplies 31 Bel Air Drive Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8683 5130 F: 08 8683 5131 E: comfishing@bigpond.com W: wwwcommercial-fishing.net” Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741 F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
BUG ZAPPERS Ultra Violet Products (Aust) P/L 15 Marlow Road Keswick SA 5035 T: 1800 081 880; F: 08 8266 0760 E: uvproducts@CHARIOT.net.au W: www.uvp.com.au Display advertiser
CAGE FABRIC Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577 F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser
BUILDING INSULATION RMAX – Rigid Cellular Plastics 2 – 4 Mepham Street Maribyrnong VIC 3632 T: 1300 888 972 E: sales@rmax.com.au W: www.rmax.com.au Display advertiser
CAGES Cageways Australia RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203 F: 03 5024 2285 E: travis@thurla.com.au
Solarwise Freecall: 1800 805 287 M: 0407 716 940 (Sean Finemore) M: 0407 716 937 (Steven Fitch) E: alison@qis.com.au W: www.solarwise.com.au BUOYS Jeyco (1992) P/L Mooring & Rigging Equipment PO Box 1590 Bibra Lake WA 6965 T: 08 9418 7500 F: 08 9418 7511 E: info@jeyco.com.au W: www.jeyco.com.au
BLOWERS Air Supply International P/L 3 / 62 Rene Street Noosaville QLD 4566 T: +61 7 5449 7848 F: +61 7 5449 9746 E: airsup@tpg.com.au W: www.airsupplyinternational.com”
BOATS AND OUTBOARDS Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577; F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser
Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser
Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634 F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
CAGES (cont) Fish Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser
TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755 F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser
CHAIN Jeyco (1992) P/L Mooring & Rigging Equipment PO Box 1590 Bibra Lake WA 6965 T: 08 9418 7500; F: 08 9418 7511 E: info@jeyco.com.au W: www.jeyco.com.au
Cageways Australia RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203 F: 03 5024 2285 E: travis@thurla.com.au
ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347; +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser
Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741 F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634 F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser
Shellfish SEAPA Pty Ltd 26-28 Erudina Avenue Edwardstown SA 5039 T: + 61 8 8357 6611 F: + 61 8 8357 4722 E: seapa@seapa.com.au W: www.seapa.com.au
Underwater BGB Marine – Underwater Light and Vision Distributed in Australia and New Zealand by: Tank Tec 2767 Channel Highway Kettering TAS 7155 T: 1300 659 982 M: 0409 184 953 E: tanktec@bigpond.com W: www.bgbinnovation.com Display advertiser
54 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
CHECK WEIGHT LABELLING EQUIPMENT Multivac Australia P/L 2 McGregors Drive Keilor Park VIC 3042 (PO Box 123 Keilor East VIC 3033) T: 03 8331 2800 F: 03 8331 2810 E: info@multivac.com.au W: www.multivac.com”
CHEMICAL-FREE OYSTER POSTS Wood-Shield Pty Ltd 1 Quarry Road Tottenham VIC 3012 (PO Box 256 Carole Park QLD 4300) T: 1300 622 906 F: 07 32715575 E: info@woodshieldcom.au W: www.woodshield.com.au Display advertiser CHEMICALS Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
CLIMATE CONTROL BUILDINGS VP Structures P/L Unit 4 / 93 Burnside Road (PO Box 6033) Yatala QLD 4207 T: 07 3382 9100 F: 07 3807 3675 E: info@vpstructures.com.au W: www.vpstructures.com.au Display advertiser CORAL FILTER MEDIA Pisces Natural Products PO Box 200 Kenmore QLD 4069 T: 07 3374 0136; F: 07 3374 0318 E: david@pisceseterprises.com W: www.piscesnaturalproducts.com” CORROSION MONITORS Cathodic Protection Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741 F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser CURRENT METERS Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser CUSTOM-DESIGNED SEAFOOD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT GP Graders (Victoria) 8 – 12 Gilby Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 T: 03 9585 9444; F: 03 9543 8997 E: steve@gpgraders.com.au W: gpgraders.com Display advertiser Marel Food Systems P/L Unit 1, 53 Neumann Road Capalaba QLD 4157 T: 07 3395 8044; F: 07 3395 8022 Contact: Jonathan Rankin – Sales Director E: jonathan@marel.com M: +64 21 575 355 W: www.marelfoodsystems.com” CRYOPRESERVATION SYSTEMS BOC Limited 10 Julius Avenue North Ryde NSW 2113 T: 131 262; F: 132 427 E: contact@boc.com W: www.boc.com.au
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser DIAGNOSTIC KITS ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634; F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser EEL FARMING EQUIP. Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser EGG SORTERS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser ENERGY RECOVERY EQUIPMENT Teralba Industries P/L Head Office & Manufacturing 15 – 19 Kialba Road Cambelltown NSW 2560 T: 02 4626 5000; F: 02 4625 4591 E: sales@teralba.com W: www.teralba.com Branch office: PO Box 8038 Griffith NSW 2680 T: 02 4626 5000; F: 02 6962 2790 E: greg@teralba.com Display advertiser
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
CLEANING EQUIPMENT Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741 F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
COUNTERS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING EQUIPMENT Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571 F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330 F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser FEEDERS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Cageways Australia RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203 F: 03 5024 2285 E: travis@thurla.com.au Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser
Automatic Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser Fish Cageways Australia RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203; F: 03 5024 2285 E: travis@thurla.com.au FEEDS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Grobest Australia Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730; F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: sales@grobest.com.au W: www.grobest.com.au Display advertiser Lucky Star (Distributed by Bray Investment Group Pty Ltd) Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730; F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: bigptyltd@bigpond.com W: www.luckystarfeed.net Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L INVE Range PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12 – 18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au
56 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Algae ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int P/L Australian Distributor for Aquafauna Bio-Marine Ltd USA (W: www.aquafauna.com) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853; F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au Display advertiser Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser CSIRO Microalgae Supply Service Australian National Algae Culture Collection Castray Esplanade Hobart TAS 7001 (GPO Box 1538 ) T: 03 6232 5316; F: 03 6232 5471 E: cathy.johnston@csiro.au W: www.csiro.au/ANACC Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L ‘Sanolife ALG by INVE’ PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ Aquarium Fish Primo Aquaculture P/L INVE Range PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ Spectrum Aquaculture P/L Artemia Cysts and Diets Unit 1 / 13 Hi-Tech Drive Toormina NSW 2452 Sales Enquiries: 1300 655 092 E: sales@spectrumaquaculture.com.au W: www.spectrumaquaculture.com.au Artemia enrichment / hatchery Lucky Star (Distributed by Bray Investment Group Pty Ltd) Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730; F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: bigptyltd@bigpond.com W: www.luckystarfeed.net Display advertiser
MARINE MICROALGAE CONCENTRATES Save Time... Save Money... Reduce Risk... use Instant Algae® Instant Algae is your easy solution for replacing or supplementing live microalgae in commercial fish, shrimp, shellfish and ornamental hatcheries, universities and research. Instant Algae is real marine microalgae, grown under laboratory conditions and concentrated for easy storage and long life. Instant Algae is not live and cannot be used as starter cultures – it is an inexpensive bulk feed. Manufactured by Reed Mariculture www.reedmariculture.com Distributed by Proaqua PO Box 1248, Cooparoo Qld 4151 Tel:1300 304 634 • Email: admin@proaqua.net.au Web: www.proaqua.net.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
HATCHERY FEEDS (Aquafauna Bio-Marine Ltd USA)
High Quality • Low Prices Live algae replacement diets Artemia & Rotifer replacement & enrichment diets Brine shrimp (Artemia) ex USA Buy direct from the Australian distributor Contact: Aquatic Diagnostic Services International Pty Ltd Fax: 07 5513 1113 Email: info@adsi.com.au www.aquafauna.com
Call: 0409 727 853
FEEDS (cont) Barramundi Grobest Australia Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730 F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: sales@grobest.com.au W: www.grobest.com.au Display advertiser ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634 F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser
Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12 – 18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422 F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au Brine Shrimp ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int P/L Australian Distributor for Aquafauna Bio-Marine Ltd USA (W: www.aquafauna.com) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853 F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L INVE GSL Cysts PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ Spectrum Aquaculture P/L Salt Creek GSL Cysts Unit 1 / 13 Hi-Tech Drive Toormina NSW 2452 Sales Enquiries: 1300 655 092 E: sales@spectrumaquaculture.com.au W: www.spectrumaquaculture.com.au
FREECALL: 1800 005 434 WEBSITE: www.luckystarfeed.net EMAIL: bigptyltd@bigpond.com.au
58 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Broodstock Cognis Australia P/L Contact: Mr Boyd King 71 – 77 Taunton Drive Cheltenham VIC 3192 T: +61 428 351 052; F: +61 3 984 8348 E: boyd.king@cognis.com W: www.cognis.com Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L Breed M by INVE PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12 – 18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au
Fish Meal Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12 – 18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au Fish, Freshwater Grobest Australia Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730; F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: sales@grobest.com.au W: www.grobest.com.au Display advertiser Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12 – 18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au
Aquabait P/L PO Box 5107 Dora Creek NSW 2264 T: 02 4973 5505; F: 02 4973 5515 E: sales@aquabait.com.au W: www.aquabait.com.au Cognis Australia P/L Contact: Mr Boyd King 71 – 77 Taunton Drive Cheltenham VIC 3192 T: +61 428 351 052; F: +61 3 984 8348 E: boyd.king@cognis.com W: www.cognis.com Display advertiser
Grobest Australia Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730 F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: sales@grobest.com.au W: www.grobest.com.au Display advertiser Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12–18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au Grouper Lucky Star (Distributed by Bray Investment Group Pty Ltd) Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730; F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: bigptyltd@bigpond.com W: www.luckystarfeed.net Display advertiser Hatchery Lucky Star (Distributed by Bray Investment Group Pty Ltd) Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730; F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: bigptyltd@bigpond.com W: www.luckystarfeed.net Display advertiser Prawn ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int P/L Australian Distributor for Aquafauna Bio-Marine Ltd USA (W: www.aquafauna.com) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853; F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au Display advertiser
Grobest Australia Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730; F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: sales@grobest.com.au W: www.grobest.com.au Display advertiser Lucky Star (Distributed by Bray Investment Group Pty Ltd) Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730; F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: bigptyltd@bigpond.com W: www.luckystarfeed.net Display advertiser ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634; F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12 – 18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au Prawn – hatchery/nursery Lucky Star (Distributed by Bray Investment Group Pty Ltd) Unit 1, 30 Millenium Place Tingalpa QLD 4173 T: 07 3396 5730; F: 07 3348 7932 Sales Freecall: 1800 005 434 E: bigptyltd@bigpond.com W: www.luckystarfeed.net Display advertiser
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
Eel Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12 – 18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au
Fish, Marine Aquabait P/L PO Box 5107 Dora Creek NSW 2264 T: 02 4973 5505 F: 02 4973 5515 E: sales@aquabait.com.au W: www.aquabait.com.au
FEEDS (cont) Salmon Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12–18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au
Trout Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12 – 18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au
Snapper Ridley Aqua Feed P/L 12–18 Neon Street Narangba QLD 4504 (PO Box 187 Deception Bay QLD 4508) Freecall: 1800 268 200 T: 07 3203 3422; F: 07 3883 1618 E: aquafeed@ridley.com.au W: www.ridley.com.au
FILTRATION EQUIP. All Tanks PO Box 35 Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8682 1184; F: 08 8683 0512 E: brad@alltanks.com.au W: www.alltanks.com.au Display advertiser
Allied Filter Fabrics PO Box 77 Hornsby NSW 1630 T: 02 9476 4400 F: 02 9476 3599 E: ian@filterfabrics.com.au W: www.filterfabrics.com.au Display advertiser Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Baleen Filters P/L 28 Phillips Street Thebarton SA 5031 T: 08 8354 4511 F: 08 8354 4522 E: info@baleenfilters.com W: www.baleen.com”
Davey Water Products P/L 6 Lakeview Drive Scoresby VIC 3179 T: 1300 2 DAVEY F: 1300 369 119 E: sales@davey.com.au W: www.davey.com.au Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450; F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser
60 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
WEB: www.luckystarfeed.net Email: bigptyltd@bigpond.com.au PH: 07 3396 5730 FAX: 07 3348 7932
Optimax Aquatech PO Box 164 Robe SA 5276 Tel/ F: 08 8768 1936 M: 0427 093 632 E: mjdavis1@bigpond.com.au
Quinntech Plastics (T/As Quinn Plastics) PO Box 90 Kilburn North SA 5084 T: 08 8262 6460 F: 08 8262 6461 E: quinnplastics@senet.com.au W: www.quinnplastics.com.au Display advertiser Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330 F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser
Filtration media Quinntech Plastics (T/As Quinn Plastics) PO Box 90 Kilburn North SA 5084 T: 08 8262 6460 F: 08 8262 6461 E: quinnplastics@senet.com.au W: www.quinnplastics.com.au Display advertiser FISH GROWOUT EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Cageways Australia RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203; F: 03 5024 2285 E: travis@thurla.com.au Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L Chenta Paddlewheels PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “
Australia’s leading wholesaler of coral rubble and sands to the aquaculture industry. The finest natural bio filter and calcium reactor media available. From micro 0.05mm coral sand to 40mm coral rubble. Call our friendly sales team on (07) 3374 3691 or (07) 3374 0136 for more information
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
FISH HATCHERY EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser Spectrum Aquaculture P/L Air & Oxygen delivery Unit 1 / 13 Hi-Tech Drive Toormina NSW 2452 Sales Enquiries: 1300 655 092 E: sales@spectrumaquaculture.com.au W: www.spectrumaquaculture.com.au
FISH HARVESTING EQUIP. Aqui-s New Zealand Ltd PO Box 44-269 Lower Hutt New Zealand T: +64 4 587 0389; F: +64 4 587 0388 E: sales@aqui-s.com W: www.aqui-s.com
Australian Distributor: ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int P/L) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853;F: 07 5513 1113 W: www.adsi.com.au Display advertisers” Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Richard Bass P/L 19 Rowland Street Slacks Creek QLD 4127 T: + 61 7 3299 1626 F: +61 7 3299 1553 E: richard@richardbass.com.au W: www.richardbass.com.au Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
FISH HEALTH Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health 91 – 105 Harpin Street Bendigo East VIC 3550 T: 1800 033 461 F: 1800 817 414 E: sales.australia@intervet.com W: www.intervet.com.au Display advertiser FISH PROCESSING MACHINES Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Marel Food Systems P/L Unit 1, 53 Neumann Road Capalaba QLD 4157 T: 07 3395 8044 F: 07 3395 8022 Contact: Jonathan Rankin – Sales Director E: jonathan@marel.com M: +64 21 575 355 W: www.marelfoodsystems.com”
Distributed by:
Aquatic Diagnostic Services International Pty Ltd
Call 0409 727 853 Fax: 07 5513 1113 • Email: info@adsi.com.au Approved aquatic sedative, no withholding periods You can trust the professionals www.adsi.com.au
62 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
tna New Zealand is your Total Solution provider. we have collected every piece of equipment for the food market in New Zealand and put them in one easy, convenient place... tna New Zealand. As the exclusive agent and distributor for tna, Yamato, Safeline, Hassia, Baader and Trio, tna New Zealand can help you tackle the most challenging food processing and packaging equipment production requirements. The common thread... each of these respective product lines is respected as the world leader in innovation inside their specialty field. Sometimes the simplest solutions provide the best options. To find out more about our sophisticated simplicity and our entire product line, contact Paul Daniel at 09 2637804 or info@tnasolutions.com Follow us on Search: tna solutions
YouTube Channel: tnasolutionsmedia
Follow us @ tnasolutions
OUR PROVEN SOLUTIONS HELP IMPROVE YOUR PROFITABILITY. Superior products for superior results. If you want to create a healthy underwater world and satisfy consumers’ growing appetite for fish, Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health is the company to partner with. Our aquaculture solutions, including vaccines and antibacterial products are key to ensuring healthy consistent yields year on year. It’s all part of our mission to give veterinarians and producers the solutions and partnership that earn their trust every day.
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health • 91-105 Harpin Street, Bendigo East VIC 3550 Free Call: 1800 033 461 • Free Fax: 1800 817 414 sales.australia@intervet.com • www.intervet.com.au RRA/IVT9658
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
FISH PROCESSING MACHINES (cont) TNA New Zealand Ltd 23 Ash Road Manukau 2104 Auckland New Zealand (PO Box 98933 Sth Auckland Mail Centre) T: +64 9 263 7804; F: +64 9 262 2222 E: paul.daniel@tnasolutions.com W: www.tnasolutions.com Display advertiser Deboning Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
TNA New Zealand Ltd 23 Ash Road Manukau 2104 Auckland New Zealand (PO Box 98933 Sth Auckland Mail Centre) T: +64 9 263 7804 F: +64 9 262 2222 E: paul.daniel@tnasolutions.com W: www.tnasolutions.com Display advertiser Deheading Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser TNA New Zealand Ltd 23 Ash Road Manukau 2104 Auckland New Zealand (PO Box 98933 Sth Auckland Mail Centre) T: +64 9 263 7804 F: +64 9 262 2222 E: paul.daniel@tnasolutions.com W: www.tnasolutions.com Display advertiser Eviscerating Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
23 Ash Road Manukau 2104 Auckland New Zealand (PO Box 98933 Sth Auckland Mail Centre) T: +64 9 263 7804 F: +64 9 262 2222 E: paul.daniel@tnasolutions.com W: www.tnasolutions.com Display advertiser
FISH TRANSPORTERS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Filleting Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
FLOTATION EQUIP. Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577; F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser
TNA New Zealand Ltd 23 Ash Road Manukau 2104 Auckland New Zealand (PO Box 98933 Sth Auckland Mail Centre) T: +64 9 263 7804 F: +64 9 262 2222 E: paul.daniel@tnasolutions.com W: www.tnasolutions.com Display advertiser Skinners Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser TNA New Zealand Ltd 23 Ash Road Manukau 2104 Auckland New Zealand (PO Box 98933 Sth Auckland Mail Centre) T: +64 9 263 7804 F: +64 9 262 2222 E: paul.daniel@tnasolutions.com W: www.tnasolutions.com Display advertiser FISH STUNNING EQUIPMENT Richard Bass P/L 19 Rowland Street Slacks Creek QLD 4127 T: + 61 7 3299 1626 F: +61 7 3299 1553 E: richard@richardbass.com.au W: www.richardbass.com.au
TNA New Zealand Ltd 64 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Flotation Foam ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347; +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser FLOATING CAGES Cageways Australia RMB 150 Red Cliffs VIC 3496 T: 03 5024 1203; F: 03 5024 2285 E: travis@thurla.com.au Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577; F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347 T: +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser FREEZERS Marel Food Systems P/L Unit 1, 53 Neumann Road Capalaba QLD 4157 T: 07 3395 8044 F: 07 3395 8022 Contact: Jonathan Rankin – Sales Director E: jonathan@marel.com M: +64 21 575 355 W: www.marelfoodsystems.com”
GLOVES Xtreme Products PO Box 72 Cooee TAS 7320 T: 1300 850 824 F: 03 6435 3433 E: xtremeproducts@yourtility.com.au GPS Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741 F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au GRADERS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Fish Marel Food Systems P/L Unit 1, 53 Neumann Road Capalaba QLD 4157 T: 07 3395 8044 F: 07 3395 8022 Contact: Jonathan Rankin – Sales Director E: jonathan@marel.com M: +64 21 575 355 W: www.marelfoodsystems.com” Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544 F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser Shellfish Cameron of Tasmania P/L Arthur Highway Dunalley TAS 7177 T: 03 6253 5111 F: 03 6253 5278 E: inquiry@cameronsoysters.com W: www.cameronsoysters.com” GP Graders (Victoria) 8 – 12 Gilby Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 T: 03 9585 9444 F: 03 9543 8997 E: steve@gpgraders.com.au W: gpgraders.com Display advertiser GREENHOUSES VP Structures P/L Unit 4 / 93 Burnside Road (PO Box 6033) Yatala QLD 4207 T: 07 3382 9100 F: 07 3807 3675 E: info@vpstructures.com.au W: www.vpstructures.com.au Display advertiser
HATCHERY EQUIP. AND SUPPLIES ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int P/L Australian Distributor for Aquafauna Bio-Marine Ltd USA (W: www.aquafauna.com) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853; F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au Display advertiser Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Ausaqua P/L PO Box 226 Wallaroo SA 5556 T: 08 8824 2252; F: 08 8824 2152 E: sales@algaboost.com W: www.algaboost.com Display advertiser
GASES BOC Limited 10 Julius Avenue North Ryde NSW 2113 T: 131 262 F: 132 427 E: contact@boc.com W: www.boc.com.au
Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser
Donaghys P/L 74 Tinning Street Brunswick VIC 3056 T: 03 9384 8200; F: 03 9386 3380 Freecall: 1800 644 404 E: wfr@donaghys.com.au W: www.donaghys.com Display advertiser Esam Australia P/L 5 Sheppard St Thornbury VIC 3071 T: 03 9484 5719; F: 03 9484 4052 E: esam@esamaust.com.au W: www.sidechannelblowers.com.au Display advertiser Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
HATCHERY EQUIP & SUPPLIES (cont) Spectrum Aquaculture P/L Artemia Cysts and Diets Unit 1 / 13 Hi-Tech Drive Toormina NSW 2452 Sales Enquiries: 1300 655 092 E: sales@spectrumaquaculture.com.au W: www.spectrumaquaculture.com.au
HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT Teralba Industries P/L Head Office & Manufacturing 15–19 Kialba Road Cambelltown NSW 2560 T: 02 4626 5000; F: 02 4625 4591 E: sales@teralba.com W: www.teralba.com Branch office: PO Box 8038 Griffith NSW 2680 T: 02 4626 5000; F: 02 6962 2790 E: greg@teralba.com Display advertiser
HEATERS Aquahort 52 Maraetai Heights Rd Maraetai Beach Auckland New Zealand Aust Toll Free: 1800 146 784 T: +64 9 536 6201 E: info@aquahort.com W: www.aquahort.com”
HEAT PUMPS Aquahort 52 Maraetai Heights Rd Maraetai Beach Auckland New Zealand Aust Toll Free: 1800 146 784 T: +64 9 536 6201 E: info@aquahort.com W: www.aquahort.com”
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Solarwise Freecall: 1800 805 287 M: 0407 716 940 (Sean Finemore) M: 0407 716 937 (Steven Fitch) E: alison@qis.com.au W: www.solarwise.com.au
Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Solarwise Freecall: 1800 805 287 M: 0407 716 940 (Sean Finemore) M: 0407 716 937 (Steven Fitch) E: alison@qis.com.au W: www.solarwise.com.au
HORMONES (AVPMA Registered Hormones) ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int.P/L) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853 F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au (Australian distributor for AQUIS – New Zealand, Syndel Ltd – Canada, and Aquafauna – USA) Display advertiser HUMANE SLAUGHTER EQUIP. Richard Bass P/L 19 Rowland Street Slacks Creek QLD 4127 T: + 61 7 3299 1626 F: +61 7 3299 1553 E: richard@richardbass.com.au W: www.richardbass.com.au
66 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture TeralbaAd_PP01_21apr09.indd 1
21/04/2009 3:28:08 PM
ICE MAKING EQUIPMENT Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26–148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser INCUBATOR CABINETS Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
INSECT KILLERS Bayer Australia 875 Pacific Highway Pymble NSW 2073 T: 0418 110 901; F: (02) 9391 6329 E: ben.thompson@bayerhealthcare.com W: www.bayeranimal.com.au Display advertiser INSURANCE/STOCK MORTALITY Midland Insurance Brokers PO Box 404 Carlton South VIC 3053 T: 03 9349 2733; F: 03 9349 2787 E: midlandinsurancecom.au W: wwwmidlandinsurance.com.au Risk Insure Pty Ltd 452 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 T: 08 8232 2311 F: 08 8232 2836 Contact: Graham Gulliford E: grahamg@riskinsure.com.au W: www.riskinsure.com.au Sunderland Marine Mutual Insurance Company Ltd PO Box 754 Nelson New Zealand T: +64 3 546 8824; F: +64 3 546 8814 E: ck@smmi.co.nz W: www.smmi.co.uk Australian Office: 19 Agnes Street Jolimont East Melbourne VIC 3002 T: 03 9650 6288; F: 03 9650 6396 E: mutual@smmi.com.au W: www.smmi.co.uk Display advertiser
KNIVES Fish processing Xtreme Products PO Box 72 Cooee TAS 7320 T: 1300 850 824 F: 03 6435 3433 E: xtremeproducts@yourtility.com.au
INSULATION RMAX – Rigid Cellular Plastics 2 – 4 Mepham Street Maribyrnong VIC 3632 T: 1300 888 972 E: sales@rmax.com.au W: www.rmax.com.au Display advertiser
LABORATORY EQUIP & SUPPLIES Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Solarwise Freecall: 1800 805 287 M: 0407 716 940 (Sean Finemore) M: 0407 716 937 (Steven Fitch) E: alison@qis.com.au W: www.solarwise.com.au INTERNET DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111; F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser KILNS – SMOKING Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Multivac Australia P/L 2 McGregors Drive Keilor Park VIC 3042 (PO Box 123 Keilor East VIC 3033) T: 03 8331 2800 F: 03 8331 2810 E: info@multivac.com.au W: www.multivac.com” Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666 F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
INFLATABLE CLOTHING Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
INSULATED BINS Seamaster Fishing Supplies 31 Bel Air Drive Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8683 5130 F: 08 8683 5131 E: comfishing@bigpond.com W: wwwcommercial-fishing.net”
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571 F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser
Disease Diagnosis by Wire ◆ Trade
Directory Special Offer ◆ Digital Camera Microscope +1 Hour Diagnostic Work Delivered Nationally $349.99 inc GST B A S E L I N E T (07) 3863 1111 F (07) 3863 1333
E pathology@baseline.com.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
LEASE MARKERS Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser Seamaster Fishing Supplies 31 Bel Air Drive Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8683 5130; F: 08 8683 5131 E: comfishing@bigpond.com W: wwwcommercial-fishing.net” Buoys Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
Lights Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au LIGHTS Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au Hazard/Navigational Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au Underwater BGB Marine – Underwater Light and Vision Distributed in Australia and New Zealand by: Tank Tec 2767 Channel Highway Kettering TAS 7155 T: 1300 659 982; M: 0409 184 953 E: tanktec@bigpond.com W: www.bgbinnovation.com Display advertiser
LONG-LIFE TIMBER POSTS Wood-Shield Pty Ltd 1 Quarry Road Tottenham VIC 3012 (PO Box 256 Carole Park QLD 4300) T: 1300 622 906 ; F: 07 32715575 E: info@woodshieldcom.au W: www.woodshield.com.au Display advertiser MARINE MARKER BUOYS Jeyco (1992) P/L Mooring & Rigging Equipment PO Box 1590 Bibra Lake WA 6965 T: 08 9418 7500; F: 08 9418 7511 E: info@jeyco.com.au W: www.jeyco.com.au Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au MATERIALS HANDLING Plastics Silverlock Packaging 22 Somerton Park Drive Campbellfield VIC 3061 T: 1300 551 605 E: sales’@silverlock.com.au W: www.silverlockpackaging.com.au Offices in SA, WA and QLD Display advertiser MEDICATION & CHEMICALS Aqui-s New Zealand Ltd PO Box 44-269 Lower Hutt New Zealand T: +64 4 587 0389; F: +64 4 587 0388 E: sales@aqui-s.com W: www.aqui-s.com Australian Distributor: ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int P/L) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853 F: 07 5513 1113 W: www.adsi.com.au Display advertisers
68 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser METERS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571; F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser Palintest Water Testing Systems PO Box 318 Padstow NSW 2211 T: 1300 131 516 F: 1300 131 986 E: palintest@palintest.com.au W: www.palintest.com.au Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330; F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser Conductivity Enviro Sensors P/L Suite 3, 271 Military Road Cremorne NSW 2090 T: 02 9904 3316; F: 02 9904 3319 E: paul@envirosensors.com.au W: www.envirosensors.com.au
Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330; F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser Hydrometers Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571; F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser
pH Enviro Sensors P/L Suite 3, 271 Military Road Cremorne NSW 2090 T: 02 9904 3316; F: 02 9904 3319 E: paul@envirosensors.com.au W: www.envirosensors.com.au
Dissolved Oxygen Enviro Sensors P/L Suite 3, 271 Military Road Cremorne NSW 2090 T: 02 9904 3316; F: 02 9904 3319 E: paul@envirosensors.com.au W: www.envirosensors.com.au
Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571; F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser
Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571; F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser
Salinity Enviro Sensors P/L Suite 3, 271 Military Road Cremorne NSW 2090 T: 02 9904 3316; F: 02 9904 3319 E: paul@envirosensors.com.au W: www.envirosensors.com.au
Palintest Water Testing Systems PO Box 318 Padstow NSW 2211 T: 1300 131 516 F: 1300 131 986 E: palintest@palintest.com.au W: www.palintest.com.au
Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571; F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser Temperature Enviro Sensors P/L Suite 3, 271 Military Road Cremorne NSW 2090 T: 02 9904 3316; F: 02 9904 3319 E: paul@envirosensors.com.au W: www.envirosensors.com.au Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Total Gas Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Offering the new range of Sensorex pH,ORP and DO sensors with integral 4-20mA transmitter for the lowest cost of monitoring, logging and control of critical parameters
Call us now on 02 9904 3316 or email: paul@envirosensors.com.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
METERS (cont) Turbidity Enviro Sensors P/L Suite 3, 271 Military Road Cremorne NSW 2090 T: 02 9904 3316 F: 02 9904 3319 E: paul@envirosensors.com.au W: www.envirosensors.com.au
MICROSCOPES Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser
Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666 F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111; F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser
Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
Coral Coast Mariculture PO Box 7333 North Bundaberg QLD 4670 T: 07 4156 1600; F: 07 4156 1680 M: 0402 482 588 E: ccm@bordernet.com.au W: www.coralcoastmariculture.com”
MUSSEL FARMING EQUIP. AusSnap 59 Linley Road Wannanup WA 6210 T: 08 9534 2378; F: 08 9534 6609 M: 0407 470 642 E: aussnap@bigpond.com W: www.aussnap.com Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571; F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser Palintest Water Testing Systems PO Box 318 Padstow NSW 2211 T: 1300 131 516 F: 1300 131 986 E: palintest@palintest.com.au W: www.palintest.com.au MICROALGAE CULTURE MEDIA Ausaqua P/L (Manufacturer of Algaboost) PO Box 226 Wallaroo SA 5556 T: 08 8824 2252 F: 08 8824 2152 E: sales@algaboost.com W: www.algaboost.com Display advertiser MICROBIAL PREPARATIONS Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111 F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330; F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser Walch Optics P/L 149 Macquarie Street Hobart TAS 7000 T: 03 6223 8855; F: 03 6223 4120 E: walch@bigpond.net.au Display advertiser MOORING EQUIPMENT Donaghys P/L 74 Tinning Street Brunswick VIC 3056 T: 03 9384 8200; F: 03 9386 3380 Freecall: 1800 644 404 E: wfr@donaghys.com.au W: www.donaghys.com Display advertiser Jeyco (1992) P/L Mooring & Rigging Equipment PO Box 1590 Bibra Lake WA 6965 T: 08 9418 7500; F: 08 9418 7511 E: info@jeyco.com.au W: www.jeyco.com.au
70 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Donaghys P/L 74 Tinning Street Brunswick VIC 3056 T: 03 9384 8200; F: 03 9386 3380 Freecall: 1800 644 404 E: wfr@donaghys.com.au W: www.donaghys.com Display advertiser Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577; F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741 F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au Mussel Snood Snaps/clips AusSnap 59 Linley Road Wannanup WA 6210 T: 08 9534 2378 F: 08 9534 6609 M: 0407 470 642 E: aussnap@bigpond.com W: www.aussnap.com Display advertiser
NET MAKING MATERIALS Allied Filter Fabrics PO Box 77 Hornsby NSW 1630 T: 02 9476 4400 F: 02 9476 3599 E: ian@filterfabrics.com.au W: www.filterfabrics.com.au Display advertiser
MUSSEL FLOATS & BUOYS AusSnap 59 Linley Road Wannanup WA 6210 T: 08 9534 2378; F: 08 9534 6609 M: 0407 470 642 E: aussnap@bigpond.com W: www.aussnap.com Display advertiser NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 674 F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577 F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser
MORE MUSSELS PER METRE Continuous suspended rope system • backbone ropes • spat and crop ropes
Freecall 1800 644 404 www.donaghys.com For professional service and advice
• lashings and snoods
Allied Filter Fabrics Pioneers in Filter Fabric Technology
Specialists in aquacultural filtration equipment and supplier of bulk filtration fabrics. PLANKTON NETS • 150 – 500 mm s/steel ring • Heavy-duty swivel • Cod ends – PVC or brass • 140 – 750ml PET bottle • Harness and tow lines
SCALLOP NETS • 500 mm s/steel ring • Heavy-duty swivel • PVC, brass or s/steel ends • 750 ml PET bottle • Harness and tow lines
We also make grading nets, dip and scoop nets, egg baskets, drop nets, screens and oyster basket inserts. All products made to customer specifications with micron ratings from 0.5 to 4000.
Contact us: AFF PO Box 77 Hornsby NSW 1630 Ph: 02 9476 4400 • Fax: 02 9476 3599 Email: ian@filterfabrics.com.au Web: www.filterfabrics.com.au Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
NETS Allied Filter Fabrics PO Box 77 Hornsby NSW 1630 T: 02 9476 4400; F: 02 9476 3599 E: ian@filterfabrics.com.au W: www.filterfabrics.com.au Display advertiser
Oblomov Trading Co PO Box 207 Rozelle NSW 2039 T: 02 9660 6845 F: 02 9518 8372 E: ak@otcobirdnet.com.au W: www.otcobirdnet.com.au Display advertiser
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577 F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser
Ausnet Industries P/L 9 Rees Street O’Connor WA 6163 Freecall: 1300 13NETS T: 08 9331 1955 F: 08 9337 6582 E: info@ausnetindustries.com W: www.ausnetindustries.com”
Spectrum Aquaculture P/L Nylon Filter Mesh Unit 1 / 13 Hi-Tech Drive Toormina NSW 2452 Sales Enquiries: 1300 655 092 E: sales@spectrumaquaculture.com.au W: www.spectrumaquaculture.com.au
Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser
Pearl Pearling Technologies 9 Rees Street O’Connor WA 6163 T: 08 9337 7370; F: 08 9337 6582 E: info@pearlingtechnologies.com W: www.pearlingtechnologies.com Display advertiser
Aquaculture Specialists Manufacturers of Cage Netting • • • • •
Tuna cages Kingfish cages Barramundi cages Hatchery nets Predatory netting
Netting • Knotless nylon 4 ply to 400 ply • Knotted polyethylene (all sizes) • Braided polyethylene (1.2mm – 8mm) • Anti-bird netting
Telephone 08 8447 3577 Fax 08 8447 4538 Email sales@quinsports.com.au Web www.quinsports.com.au
Mooring Equipment • Anchors • Chain • Stainless steel wire and hardware
72 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
A division of Quin Sales Pty Ltd
Plankton Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser NETS – NETTING Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Diamond Networks Unit 2 / 14 Bowen Street O’Connor WA 6163 T: 08-9314 3003 E: info@diamond-nets.com W: diamondnetworks.com.au Oblomov Trading Co PO Box 207 Rozelle NSW 2039 T: 02 9660 6845; F: 02 9518 8372 E: ak@otcobirdnet.com.au W: www.otcobirdnet.com.au Display advertiser Orca Marine Supplies P/L Unit 2 / 14 Bowen Street O’Connor WA 6163 T: 08 9314 3003; F: 08 9314 7003 E: orca1@iinet.net.au Crop protection Oblomov Trading Co PO Box 207 Rozelle NSW 2039 T: 02 9660 6845; F: 02 9518 8372 E: ak@otcobirdnet.com.au W: www.otcobirdnet.com.au Display advertiser VP Structures P/L Unit 4 / 93 Burnside Road (PO Box 6033) Yatala QLD 4207 T: 07 3382 9100; F: 07 3807 3675 E: info@vpstructures.com.au W: www.vpstructures.com.au Display advertiser OXYGEN DIFFUSERS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
BOC Limited 10 Julius Avenue North Ryde NSW 2113 T: 131 262 F: 132 427 E: contact@boc.com W: www.boc.com.au Spectrum Aquaculture P/L ‘Angel Aqua Diffusers’ Unit 1 / 13 Hi-Tech Drive Toormina NSW 2452 Sales Enquiries: 1300 655 092 E: sales@spectrumaquaculture.com.au W: www.spectrumaquaculture.com.au
BOC Limited 10 Julius Avenue North Ryde NSW 2113 T: 131 262; F: 132 427 E: contact@boc.com W: www.boc.com.au Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26–148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
OXYGEN GENERATORS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
OYSTER GRADING/COUNTING MACHINES GP Graders (Victoria) 8–12 Gilby Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 T: 03 9585 9444; F: 03 9543 8997 E: steve@gpgraders.com.au W: gpgraders.com Display advertiser
OYSTER GROWOUT TRAYS & EQUIP. AusSnap 59 Linley Road Wannanup WA 6210 T: 08 9534 2378; F: 08 9534 6609 M: 0407 470 642 E: aussnap@bigpond.com W: www.aussnap.com Display advertiser
A USSNA P Strong, longlife clips for oyster baskets and all aquaculture.
Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330 F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser
OYSTER GROWOUT POSTS & RAILINGS Wood-Shield Pty Ltd 1 Quarry Road Tottenham VIC 3012 (PO Box 256 Carole Park QLD 4300) T: 1300 622 906; F: 07 32715575 E: info@woodshieldcom.au W: www.woodshield.com.au Display advertiser
Call us on 08 9582 3548 for your specific needs. F: 08 9582 3579 E: aussnap@aapt.net.au M: 0407 470 642
We design, manufacture & market the complete BST Adjustable Long-Line Oyster Farming System.
Visit our fresh new website for more information on our range of products along with instructional videos on construction and assembly. www.bstoysters.com
Tel: 08 8629 6013 Fax: 08 8629 6014 Email: bst.oysters@bigpond.com
Call: 08 8629 6013 Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
OYSTER GROWOUT TRAYS & EQUIP (cont) BST Oyster Supplies P/L 22 Oyster Drive (PO Box 356) Cowell SA 5602 T: + 61 08 8629 6013 F: + 61 08 8629 6014 M: 0417 670 788 E: bst.oysters@bigpond.com W: www.bstoysters.com Display advertiser Cameron of Tasmania P/L Arthur Highway Dunalley TAS 7177 T: 03 6253 5111 F: 03 6253 5278 E: inquiry@cameronsoysters.com W: www.cameronsoysters.com” HR Browne & Sons P/L 32 – 34 Brownes Road Saltash NSW 2318 T/F: 02 4982 6086 M: 0408 688 461 E: hrbrowne@bigpond.com”
Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser Seamaster Fishing Supplies 31 Bel Air Drive Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8683 5130 F: 08 8683 5131 E: comfishing@bigpond.com W: wwwcommercial-fishing.net” SEAPA Pty Ltd 26-28 Erudina Avenue Edwardstown SA 5039 T: + 61 8 8357 6611 F: + 61 8 8357 4722 E: seapa@seapa.com.au W: www.seapa.com.au
TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755 F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347 T: +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser
PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIES For our full range of products visit:
www.ttpplastics.com.au 74 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
OYSTER HATCHERY EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser HR Browne & Sons P/L 32 – 34 Brownes Road Saltash NSW 2318 T/F: 02 4982 6086 M: 0408 688 461 E: hrbrowne@bigpond.com” Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
OYSTER NURSERY EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser BST Oyster Supplies P/L 22 Oyster Drive (PO Box 356) Cowell SA 5602 T: + 61 08 8629 6013 F: + 61 08 8629 6014 M: 0417 670 788 E: bst.oysters@bigpond.com W: www.bstoysters.com Display advertiser HR Browne & Sons P/L 32 – 34 Brownes Road Saltash NSW 2318 T/F: 02 4982 6086 M: 0408 688 461 E: hrbrowne@bigpond.com”
OYSTER PROCESSING EQUIPMENT GP Graders (Victoria) 8 – 12 Gilby Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 T: 03 9585 9444; F: 03 9543 8997 E: steve@gpgraders.com.au W: gpgraders.com Display advertiser OYSTER SLATS, STAKES & SLEEVES ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347 T: +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser OZONE SYSTEMS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser Ultra Violet Products (Aust) P/L 15 Marlow Road Keswick SA 5035 T: 1800 081 880; F: 08 8266 0760 E: uvproducts@CHARIOT.net.au W: www.uvp.com.au Display advertiser PACKAGING MACHINES Multivac Australia P/L 2 McGregors Drive Keilor Park VIC 3042 (PO Box 123 Keilor East VIC 3033) T: 03 8331 2800; F: 03 8331 2810 E: info@multivac.com.au W: www.multivac.com”
ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347; +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser
TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755; F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser
TNA New Zealand Ltd 23 Ash Road Manukau 2104 Auckland New Zealand (PO Box 98933 Sth Auckland Mail Centre) T: +64 9 263 7804 F: +64 9 262 2222 E: paul.daniel@tnasolutions.com W: www.tnasolutions.com Display advertiser
We specialise in expanded polystyrene and polypropylene products and custom solutions. packaging • insulation • floatation • building • polystyrene foam boxes
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
PACKING SYSTEMS & MATERIALS Dolphin Plastics and Packaging 4 Machinery Avenue Warana QLD 4575 T: 07 5493 4133 F: 07 5493 4122 E: sales@dolphinplastics.com W: www.dolphinplastics.com Display advertiser Multivac Australia P/L 2 McGregors Drive Keilor Park VIC 3042 (PO Box 123 Keilor East VIC 3033) T: 03 8331 2800 F: 03 8331 2810 E: info@multivac.com.au W: www.multivac.com”
Crates, Pallet Bins, Pallets Silverlock Packaging 22 Somerton Park Drive Campbellfield VIC 3061 T: 1300 551 605 E: sales’@silverlock.com.au W: www.silverlockpackaging.com.au Offices in SA, WA and QLD Display advertiser
Polystyrene foam boxes RMAX – Rigid Cellular Plastics 2-4 Mepham Street Maribyrnong VIC 3632 T: 1300 888 972 E: sales@rmax.com.au W: www.rmax.com.au Display advertiser
PEST CONTROL Bayer Australia 875 Pacific Highway Pymble NSW 2073 T: 0418 110 901; F: (02) 9391 6329 E: ben.thompson@bayerhealthcare.com W: www.bayeranimal.com.au Display advertiser
PEARLING EQUIPMENT AusSnap 59 Linley Road Wannanup WA 6210 T: 08 9534 2378; F: 08 9534 6609 M: 0407 470 642 E: aussnap@bigpond.com W: www.aussnap.com Display advertiser
PHOSPHORUS CONTROL COMPOUND Phoslock Pty Ltd Producer /Distributor of Phoslock TM Suite 302, 110 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 T: 07 5465 4888; 02 9439 7715 F: 02 9460 8973 E: awinks@phoslock.com.au W: www.phoslock.com.au
Orca Marine Supplies P/L Unit 2 / 14 Bowen Street O’Connor WA 6163 T: 08 9314 3003; F: 08 9314 7003 E: orca1@iinet.net.au TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755; F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser
WALCH OPTICS PTY LTD For: equipment • Microscopes
• Photographic
149 Macquarie Street Hobart Tas 7000 Tel: (03) 6223 8855 Fax: (03) 6223 4120 E-mail: walch@bigpond.net.au
Ph: 1300 551 605
Stacking Crates
All your seafood handling needs and more. Give us a call to discuss our vast range of products.
Fish Crate
Nesting Trays Stack Nest Crates
Lug Box & Lid
Insulated Fish Bins
76 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
PHYTOPLANKTON CULTURE MEDIA Ausaqua P/L (Manufacturer of Algaboost) PO Box 226 Wallaroo SA 5556 T: 08 8824 2252; F: 08 8824 2152 E: sales@algaboost.com W: www.algaboost.com Display advertiser PIPES Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Plastic Islex Australia P/L 44 Lysaght Street Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 T: 07 3345 3511; F: 07 3344 1347 E: sales@islex.com.au W: www.islex.com.au/index.htm” PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111 F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser Walch Optics P/L 149 Macquarie Street Hobart TAS 7000 T: 03 6223 8855; F: 03 6223 4120 E: walch@bigpond.net.au Display advertiser
PLASTIC-COATED OYSTER POSTS Wood-Shield Pty Ltd 1 Quarry Road Tottenham VIC 3012 (PO Box 256 Carole Park QLD 4300) T: 1300 622 906 F: 07 32715575 E: info@woodshieldcom.au W: www.woodshield.com.au Display advertiser PLASTIC FABRICATION Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
PLASTIC MESH Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Seamaster Fishing Supplies 31 Bel Air Drive Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8683 5130; F: 08 8683 5131 E: comfishing@bigpond.com W: wwwcommercial-fishing.net” ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347; +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser
PLATE SEPARATORS AND FILTERS Baleen Filters P/L 28 Phillips Street Thebarton SA 5031 T: 08 8354 4511 F: 08 8354 4522 E: info@baleenfilters.com W: www.baleen.com”
PLUMBING Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser POISONS Bayer Australia 875 Pacific Highway Pymble NSW 2073 T: 0418 110 901; F: (02) 9391 6329 E: ben.thompson@bayerhealthcare.com W: www.bayeranimal.com.au Display advertiser
Islex Australia P/L 44 Lysaght Street Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 T: 07 3345 3511 F: 07 3344 1347 E: sales@islex.com.au W: www.islex.com.au/index.htm”
PLASTIC MOULDING ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347 T: +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser
WOOD-SHIELD the best of both worlds Oyster posts, rails & joiners with the strength & rigidity of timber, combined with the protective properties and toughness of plastic! > Long lasting & light weight > Easily handled & installed > Chemical-free & non-toxic > UV & saltwater resistant > Not susceptible to marine borers > Can be drilled, screwed, bolted > Break resistant if hit by barges > Sturdy enough to survive storms > 100% Australian
Tel: 1300 622 906 or +61 7 3271 5575 Fax: +61 6 3271 3008 Email: info@woodshield.com.au www.woodshield.com.au
check outm.au .co www.ratssuck ow h and learn
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
PNEUMATIC CONVEYING PDA Blower Company 34 Nicole Way Dandenong South VIC 3175 T: 03 9794 0855 F: 03 9794 0722 E: mail@pdablower.com.au W: www.pdablower.com.au NSW Office: T: 02 9594 0884: F: 02 9594 0885 E: rmason@pdablower.com.au
Merit Lining Systems P/L 43 Kirwan Street Floreat WA 6014 T: 08 9383 7510; F: 08 9383 7509 M: 0403 932 575 E: mls@merit-group.com.au W: www.merit-linings.com.au Queensland office: 44 Lysaght Street Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 T: 07 3345 4911; F: 07 3344 1547 E: mls@merit-group.com.au W: www.merit-linings.com.au
POND LINERS Australian Lining Company P/L 39 Keane Street Currajong QLD 4812 T: 07 4728 9170 F: 07 4725 1883 E: austliningco@bigpond.com W: www.austliningco.com.au
VP Structures P/L Unit 4 / 93 Burnside Road (PO Box 6033) Yatala QLD 4207 T: 07 3382 9100 F: 07 3807 3675 E: info@vpstructures.com.au W: www.vpstructures.com.au Display advertiser
Coral Coast Mariculture PO Box 7333 North Bundaberg QLD 4670 T: 07 4156 1600 F: 07 4156 1680 M: 0402 482 588 E: ccm@bordernet.com.au W: www.coralcoastmariculture.com”
We Design, Manufacture & Construct Environmental Control Buildings
for the Aquaculture Industry Aquaculture Range now includes: • 6-10m Wide Straight Sided Habitat • 8-12m Multi Span Coverall • Econoshade These Structures are ideal for: • Controlling Light Transmission • Predator Protection • Climate Control • Weatherproofing and much more… Services Include: • Installation • Custom Fabrication • Layout Drawings • Contract Works Insurance
www.vpstructures.com.au Freecall: 1800 814 618
PORTIONING Marel Food Systems P/L Unit 1, 53 Neumann Road Capalaba QLD 4157 T: 07 3395 8044 F: 07 3395 8022 Contact: Jonathan Rankin – Sales Director E: jonathan@marel.com M: +64 21 575 355 W: www.marelfoodsystems.com” PRAWN GROWOUT EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L Chenta Paddlewheels PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ PRAWN HATCHERY EQUIP. Ajay / Duraplas Tanks Robb Street Russelton Industrial Estate Alstonville NSW 2477 Freecall: 1300 Duraplas (387 275) T: 02 6628 0002 F: 02 6628 3804 E: info@duraplas.com.au W: www.duraplas.com.au W: www.ajayfibreglass.com.au Display advertiser
78 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544 F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser PRAWN NURSERY EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser PREDATOR CONTROL EQUIP. Bayer Australia 875 Pacific Highway Pymble NSW 2073 T: 0418 110 901 F: (02) 9391 6329 E: ben.thompson@bayerhealthcare.com W: www.bayeranimal.com.au Display advertiser PROBIOTIC MICROBIAL CULTURES Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111; F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L MC-F and MIC-S by INVE PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au
PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au PUBLICATIONS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser RBM Aquaculture PO Box 3 Karuah NSW 2324 T/F: 02 4997 5160 E: rob@rbmaqua.com.au W: www.rbmaqua.com.au
All Tanks PO Box 35 Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8682 1184; F: 08 8683 0512 E: brad@alltanks.com.au W: www.alltanks.com.au Display advertiser
Centrifugal Davey Water Products P/L 6 Lakeview Drive Scoresby VIC 3179 T: 1300 2 DAVEY F: 1300 369 119 E: sales@davey.com.au W: www.davey.com.au
Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser
Energy Saving Device ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int.P/L) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853 F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au (Australian distributor for AQUIS – New Zealand, Syndel Ltd – Canada, and Aquafauna – USA) Display advertiser
MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450; F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser Optimax Aquatech PO Box 164 Robe SA 5276 Tel/ F: 08 8768 1936 M: 0427 093 632 E: mjdavis1@bigpond.com.au Airlift Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser
Fish Transfer Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser Portable Davey Water Products P/L 6 Lakeview Drive Scoresby VIC 3179 T: 1300 2 DAVEY F: 1300 369 119 E: sales@davey.com.au W: www.davey.com.au
Your Supplier of
Aquaculture Systems Equipment Hatcheries – Feeders, drum filters, fish pumps, bio filters, UV sterilisation, graders, counters, RAS + more Off-shore Farming – Systems farms, counters, centralised feeding systems, underwater lighting / cameras, biomass measurement + more Land-based Farming – Drum filters, UV/ozone treatment, fish pumps, graders, counters, oxygenation, ice plants, process machinery Re-circulation Systems – From 5 M/T to 600 M/T of Biomass – multiple species Contact: Tony Rumbold, Scanz Technologies Limited Australian Toll Free: 1800 129 876 Tel: 64 9 520 2544 • Fax: 64 9 520 4023 • Mob: 6421 992 750 Email: info@scanztech.com • www.scanztech.com
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
PUMPS Ajay / Duraplas Tanks Robb Street Russelton Industrial Estate Alstonville NSW 2477 Freecall: 1300 Duraplas (387 275) T: 02 6628 0002; F: 02 6628 3804 E: info@duraplas.com.au W: www.duraplas.com.au W: www.ajayfibreglass.com.au Display advertiser
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
PUMPS (cont) Self Priming Davey Water Products P/L 6 Lakeview Drive Scoresby VIC 3179 T: 1300 2 DAVEY F: 1300 369 119 E: sales@davey.com.au W: www.davey.com.au
RECORDERS/MONITORS – WATER QUALITY Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Submersible Davey Water Products P/L 6 Lakeview Drive Scoresby VIC 3179 T: 1300 2 DAVEY F: 1300 369 119 E: sales@davey.com.au W: www.davey.com.au
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Vacuum Aireng P/L 10 Turbo Drive Bayswater VIC 3153 T: 03 9738 1999 F: 03 9738 1766 E: sales@aireng.com.au W: www.aireng.com.au Display advertiser RACEWAYS TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755 F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser RECIRCULATION SYSTEMS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Optimax Aquatech PO Box 164 Robe SA 5276 Tel/ F: 08 8768 1936 M: 0427 093 632 E: mjdavis1@bigpond.com.au Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544; F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571; F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330; F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser Oxygen BOC Limited 10 Julius Avenue North Ryde NSW 2113 T: 131 262; F: 132 427 E: contact@boc.com W: www.boc.com.au Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330; F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser REFRIGERATION EQUIP. Aquahort 52 Maraetai Heights Rd Maraetai Beach Auckland New Zealand Aust Toll Free: 1800 146 784 T: +64 9 536 6201 E: info@aquahort.com W: www.aquahort.com” Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
80 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
RODENT CONTROL Bayer Australia 875 Pacific Highway Pymble NSW 2073 T: 0418 110 901; F: (02) 9391 6329 E: ben.thompson@bayerhealthcare.com W: www.bayeranimal.com.au Display advertiser ROPE Donaghys P/L 74 Tinning Street Brunswick VIC 3056 T: 03 9384 8200 F: 03 9386 3380 Freecall: 1800 644 404 E: wfr@donaghys.com.au W: www.donaghys.com Display advertiser Jeyco (1992) P/L Mooring & Rigging Equipment PO Box 1590 Bibra Lake WA 6965 T: 08 9418 7500 F: 08 9418 7511 E: info@jeyco.com.au W: www.jeyco.com.au Seafarm Systms (A division of Plastic Fabrications P/L) 8 Negara Crescent Goodwood TAS 7010 T: + 61 03 6274 0222 F: + 61 03 6274 0234 E: admin@plasticfab.com.au W: www.plasticfab.com.au Display advertiser Quin Marine 77 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 T: 08 8447 3577 F: 08 8341 0567 E: sales@quinsports.com.au W: www.quinmarine.com.au Display advertiser Seamaster Fishing Supplies 31 Bel Air Drive Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8683 5130 F: 08 8683 5131 E: comfishing@bigpond.com W: wwwcommercial-fishing.net” Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741 F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347 T: +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser
SAFETY WEAR BOC Limited 10 Julius Avenue North Ryde NSW 2113 T: 131 262; F: 132 427 E: contact@boc.com W: www.boc.com.au
ROV (REMOTE OPERATED VEHICLES) Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
SCALES – WEIGHING Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
SeaVision Technologies 21 Huntingdale Drive (PO Box 3022) Thornton NSW 2322 T: 0422 310 998 F: 02 4964 3555 E: info@seavision.com.au W: www.seavision.com.au Display advertiser
Xtreme Products PO Box 72 Cooee TAS 7320 T: 1300 850 824 F: 03 6435 3433 E: xtremeproducts@yourtility.com.au
Underwater Video Inspections With more than 1,200 micro-ROVs in action around the globe, the 5 kg VideoRay is the choice of professionals performing mission-critical operations. VideoRay performs in extreme conditions and is the underwater robot more professionals choose for aquaculture and research operations, homeland security, port and ship inspections, offshore and inland surveys, as well as research and recovery... And now VideoRay announces the newest product in a line of rugged and reliable ROVs – the VideoRay Pro 4. The Pro 4 offers high powered LED lights, a Wide Dynamic Range, low light, high resolution camera with colour and black and white mode. The entire system is integrated with a MIL-S-TD 810D/IP54 spec rugged notebook computer and two screen workspace. VideoRay comes with a two-year warranty and a 7 day satisfaction money-back guarantee. Ask about our unparalleled Advantage! Program providing operational and accident coverage. Visit www.videoray.com or call Imbros to learn more about the Pro 4!
IMBROS – 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 Tel: 03 6216 1500 • Fax: 03 6216 1555 Email: info@imbros.com.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
SCALES – WEIGHING (cont) Marel Food Systems P/L Unit 1, 53 Neumann Road Capalaba QLD 4157 T: 07 3395 8044; F: 07 3395 8022 Contact: Jonathan Rankin – Sales Director E: jonathan@marel.com M: +64 21 575 355 W: www.marelfoodsystems.com” Multivac Australia P/L 2 McGregors Drive Keilor Park VIC 3042 (PO Box 123 Keilor East VIC 3033) T: 03 8331 2800; F: 03 8331 2810 E: info@multivac.com.au W: www.multivac.com” SCREENS Baleen Filters P/L 28 Phillips Street Thebarton SA 5031 T: 08 8354 4511; F: 08 8354 4522 E: info@baleenfilters.com W: www.baleen.com
MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450; F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser SEPARATION Baleen Filters P/L 28 Phillips Street Thebarton SA 5031 T: 08 8354 4511; F: 08 8354 4522 E: info@baleenfilters.com W: www.baleen.com” SHACKLES Jeyco (1992) P/L Mooring & Rigging Equipment PO Box 1590 Bibra Lake WA 6965 T: 08 9418 7500; F: 08 9418 7511 E: info@jeyco.com.au W: www.jeyco.com.au Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
SHADE CLOTH Australian Lining Company P/L 39 Keane Street Currajong QLD 4812 T: 07 4728 9170; F: 07 4725 1883 E: austliningco@bigpond.com W: www.austliningco.com.au VP Structures P/L Unit 4 / 93 Burnside Road (PO Box 6033) Yatala QLD 4207 T: 07 3382 9100; F: 07 3807 3675 E: info@vpstructures.com.au W: www.vpstructures.com.au Display advertiser SHARK CLIPS/SNAPS AusSnap 59 Linley Road Wannanup WA 6210 T: 08 9534 2378; F: 08 9534 6609 M: 0407 470 642 E: aussnap@bigpond.com W: www.aussnap.com Display advertiser ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347; +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser SHELLFISH GROWOUT EQUIP. BST Oyster Supplies P/L 22 Oyster Drive (PO Box 356) Cowell SA 5602 T: + 61 08 8629 6013 F: + 61 08 8629 6014 M: 0417 670 788 E: bst.oysters@bigpond.com W: www.bstoysters.com Display advertiser Cameron of Tasmania P/L Arthur Highway Dunalley TAS 7177 T: 03 6253 5111; F: 03 6253 5278 E: inquiry@cameronsoysters.com W: www.cameronsoysters.com” SEAPA Pty Ltd 26-28 Erudina Avenue Edwardstown SA 5039 T: + 61 8 8357 6611 F: + 61 8 8357 4722 E: seapa@seapa.com.au W: www.seapa.com.au
82 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755; F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347; +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser SHELLFISH HATCHERY EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Donaghys P/L 74 Tinning Street Brunswick VIC 3056 T: 03 9384 8200; F: 03 9386 3380 Freecall: 1800 644 404 E: wfr@donaghys.com.au W: www.donaghys.com Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347; +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser SHELLFISH NURSERY EQUIP. SEAPA Pty Ltd 26-28 Erudina Avenue Edwardstown SA 5039 T: + 61 8 8357 6611 F: + 61 8 8357 4722 E: seapa@seapa.com.au W: www.seapa.com.au
SIEVES Allied Filter Fabrics PO Box 77 Hornsby NSW 1630 T: 02 9476 4400; F: 02 9476 3599 E: ian@filterfabrics.com.au W: www.filterfabrics.com.au Display advertiser Baleen Filters P/L 28 Phillips Street Thebarton SA 5031 T: 08 8354 4511; F: 08 8354 4522 E: info@baleenfilters.com W: www.baleen.com” Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Pearl Oyster Propagators P/L (POP) PO Box 39971 Winnellie NT 0821 T: 08 8941 5155; F: 08 8941 5165 E: info@pearloyster.com.au W: www.pearloyster.com.au Display advertiser
SUBMERSIBLE DATA LOGGERS Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
TANK LINERS Australian Lining Company P/L 39 Keane Street Currajong QLD 4812 T: 07 4728 9170; F: 07 4725 1883 E: austliningco@bigpond.com W: www.austliningco.com.au
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
TANKS All Tanks PO Box 35 Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8682 1184; F: 08 8683 0512 E: brad@alltanks.com.au W: www.alltanks.com.au Display advertiser
STERILISERS Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
SOFTWARE SYSTEMS Marel Food Systems P/L Unit 1, 53 Neumann Road Capalaba QLD 4157 T: 07 3395 8044; F: 07 3395 8022 Contact: Jonathan Rankin – Sales Director E: jonathan@marel.com M: +64 21 575 355 W: www.marelfoodsystems.com”
SOLAR PRODUCTS Solarwise Freecall: 1800 805 287 M: 0407 716 940 (Sean Finemore) M: 0407 716 937 (Steven Fitch) E: alison@qis.com.au W: www.solarwise.com.au
1300 387 275 • • • • • •
Leading the aquaculture industry into the 21st century
Polyethylene Composite Fibreglass Fish and Prawn Breeding Tanks Storage Tanks Transporter Tanks Custom Design Service
AJAY & DURAPLAS TANKS Robb St Russelton Estate Alstonville NSW Australia Tel: 02 6628 0002 Fax: 02 6628 3804 Email: info@duraplas.com.au Contact John Fleming or Matt Rigby www.duraplas.com.au or www.ajayfiberglass.com.au
A Q U A C U L T U R E TA N K S Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
TANKS (cont) Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser
Growout Polymaster P/L PO Box 556 Swan Hill VIC 3585 Freecall: 1800 062 064 T: 03 5033 9000 F: 03 5033 0224 E: sales@polymaster.com.au W: www.polymaster.com.au Display advertiser
Fibreglass Ajay / Duraplas Tanks Robb Street Russelton Industrial Estate Alstonville NSW 2477 Freecall: 1300 Duraplas (387 275) T: 02 6628 000 F: 02 6628 3804 E: info@duraplas.com.au W: www.duraplas.com.au W: www.ajayfibreglass.com.au Display advertiser
Polyethylene Ajay / Duraplas Tanks Robb Street Russelton Industrial Estate Alstonville NSW 2477 Freecall: 1300 Duraplas (387 275) T: 02 6628 0002 F: 02 6628 3804 E: info@duraplas.com.au W: www.duraplas.com.au W: www.ajayfibreglass.com.au Display advertiser
Australian Lining Company P/L 39 Keane Street Currajong QLD 4812 T: 07 4728 9170 F: 07 4725 1883 E: austliningco@bigpond.com W: www.austliningco.com.au Islex Australia P/L 44 Lysaght Street Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 T: 07 3345 3511; F: 07 3344 1347 E: sales@islex.com.au W: www.islex.com.au/index.htm” Polymaster P/L PO Box 556 Swan Hill VIC 3585 Freecall: 1800 062 064 T: 03 5033 9000; F: 03 5033 0224 E: sales@polymaster.com.au W: www.polymaster.com.au Display advertiser
Stainless Steel GP Graders (Victoria) 8 – 12 Gilby Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 T: 03 9585 9444; F: 03 9543 8997 E: steve@gpgraders.com.au W: gpgraders.com Display advertiser Water Storage Ajay / Duraplas Tanks Robb Street Russelton Industrial Estate Alstonville NSW 2477 Freecall: 1300 Duraplas (387 275) T: 02 6628 0002; F: 02 6628 3804 E: info@duraplas.com.au W: www.duraplas.com.au W: www.ajayfibreglass.com.au Display advertiser Water Storage Polymaster P/L PO Box 556 Swan Hill VIC 3585 Freecall: 1800 062 064 T: 03 5033 9000; F: 03 5033 0224 E: sales@polymaster.com.au W: www.polymaster.com.au Display advertiser TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS Aquahort 52 Maraetai Heights Rd Maraetai Beach Auckland New Zealand Aust Toll Free: 1800 146 784 T: +64 9 536 6201 E: info@aquahort.com W: www.aquahort.com”
84 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser TEST KITS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571 F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634; F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser Ammonia Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Dissolved Oxygen Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Hydrogen Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Iron Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666 F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Alkalinity Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Palintest Water Testing Systems PO Box 318 Padstow NSW 2211 T: 1300 131 516 F: 1300 131 986 E: palintest@palintest.com.au W: www.palintest.com.au
Carbon Dioxide Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Nitrates Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666 F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
ProAqua P/L PO Box 1248 Cooparoo DC QLD 4151 T: 1300 304 634; F: 07 3319 6136 E: admin@proaqua.net.au W: www.proaqua.net.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
TEST KITS (cont) pH Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Soil Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser
Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
Sulphide Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Water Hardness Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Others Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
TIDE RECORDERS Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser TIMERS Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser TRANSPORTING & STORAGE Insulated bins Silverlock Packaging 22 Somerton Park Drive Campbellfield VIC 3061 T: 1300 551 605 E: salesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;@silverlock.com.au W: www.silverlockpackaging.com.au Offices in SA, WA and QLD Display advertiser
Recirculating Water Treatment
A Aquaculture Hydroponics H
WA Maritine TAFE Yellow Tail Kingfish
W Water Systems
H High Flow Rate 180L/min Kills 99.9% Water Borne Germs (NATA Certified) G Easy E to Install & Service Made in Australia HiFlo Injector
Perth Zoo Crocodile Pond * Powerful 80W High Output Low Pressure Lamp. * Unique Hydrodynamic Mixing Chamber . * Aeration or Gas Injection.
86 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
40mm Inline PVC & Acetyl
phone: (08) 9330 9500 fax: (08) 9330 9600 web: www.yoovee.com.au
TRAPS RBM Aquaculture PO Box 3 Karuah NSW 2324 T/F: 02 4997 5160 E: rob@rbmaqua.com.au W: www.rbmaqua.com.au Crayfish Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser Yabbie RBM Aquaculture PO Box 3 Karuah NSW 2324 T/F: 02 4997 5160 E: rob@rbmaqua.com.au W: www.rbmaqua.com.au
Plastic TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755 F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser TUBING Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Uniseals Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
ULTRAVIOLET WATER STERILISERS Algaefree Australia 17A Norma Street Maree WA 6154 T: 08 9330 9500; F: 08 9330 9600 E: tristan@algaefreeaustralia.com W: www.algaefreeaustralia.com Display advertiser UNDERWATER CAMERAS Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser UNDERWATER LIGHTS BGB Marine – Underwater Light and Vision Distributed in Australia and New Zealand by: Tank Tec 2767 Channel Highway Kettering TAS 7155 T: 1300 659 982 M: 0409 184 953 E: tanktec@bigpond.com W: www.bgbinnovation.com Display advertiser UNDERWATER VIDEO SYSTEMS BGB Marine – Underwater Light and Vision Distributed in Australia and New Zealand by: Tank Tec 2767 Channel Highway Kettering TAS 7155 T: 1300 659 982 M: 0409 184 953 E: tanktec@bigpond.com W: www.bgbinnovation.com Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser
UV-RESISTANT PLASTIC COATED POLES Wood-Shield Pty Ltd 1 Quarry Road Tottenham VIC 3012 (PO Box 256 Carole Park QLD 4300) T: 1300 622 906 ; F: 07 32715575 E: info@woodshieldcom.au W: www.woodshield.com.au Display advertiser UV STERILISERS Algaefree Australia 17A Norma Street Maree WA 6154 T: 08 9330 9500; F: 08 9330 9600 E: tristan@algaefreeaustralia.com W: www.algaefreeaustralia.com Display advertiser Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Fibreglass Ajay / Duraplas Tanks Robb Street Russelton Industrial Estate Alstonville NSW 2477 Freecall: 1300 Duraplas (387 275) T: 02 6628 0002 F: 02 6628 3804 E: info@duraplas.com.au W: www.duraplas.com.au W: www.ajayfibreglass.com.au Display advertiser
ULTRASONIC WATER TREATMENT Seamaster Fishing Supplies 31 Bel Air Drive Port Lincoln SA 5606 T: 08 8683 5130; F: 08 8683 5131 E: comfishing@bigpond.com W: wwwcommercial-fishing.net”
Davey Water Products P/L 6 Lakeview Drive Scoresby VIC 3179 T: 1300 2 DAVEY F: 1300 369 119 E: sales@davey.com.au W: www.davey.com.au
UV lamp specialists for water treatment in the Aquaculture Industry
UÊ Ü «ÀiÃÃÕÀi UÊ i` Õ «ÀiÃÃÕÀi UÊ } Ê ÕÌ«ÕÌ UÊ }Ê viÌ ià For fast, effective + reliable bacteria control Heraeus Amba Australia Pty Ltd VIC: 03 9874 7455 NSW: 02 4294 4682 ÜÜÜ° iÀ>iÕà L i } Ì°V É>Õ
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT Complete sales & service of: > Electric Bug Zappers > Electric Bug Trappers > Germicidal UV Lamps > UV Water Sterilization > Odakil Ozone Generators > Shatterproof Fluoro Lamps
Ultra Violet Products Aust Pty Ltd 15 Marlow Road Keswick SA 5035
Fax: 08 8351 2811
UV STERILISERS (cont) Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Heraeus Amba Australia 3 / 41 – 49 Norcal Road Nunawading VIC 3131 T: 03 9874 7455 F: 03 9874 7488 E: tess.fitzpatrick@heraeus.com W: www.heraeus-noblelight.com.au Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544 F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser
UV-Guard Australia Pty Ltd Unit 7, 88 Magowar Rd, Girraween NSW 2145 Ph: 02 9631 4900 Fax: 02 9631 8133 Email: ross.dive@uvguard.com.au graeme.hespe@uvguard.com.au
ULTRA-VIOLET Disinfection for Aquaculture Protect your stock from pathogens and disease with the UV-Guard disinfection systems. x UV systems to suit high and low water flows x Stainless steel, polyethylene (HDPE) and PVC chambers. HDPE and PVC units for saltwater applications with no corrosion x New technology, powerful energy efficient long life lamps x We manufacture and provide service and support x Highest quality UV lamps and quartz sleeves at competitive prices for all UV brands and models. The principals, Graeme Hespe and Ross Dive have many years experience in the manufacture and supply of UV units to the aquaculture industry.
Ultra Violet Products (Aust) P/L 15 Marlow Road Keswick SA 5035 T: 1800 081 880 F: 08 8266 0760 E: uvproducts@CHARIOT.net.au W: www.uvp.com.au Display advertiser UV Guard Australia P/L Unit 7 / 88 Magowar Road Girraween NSW 2145 T: 02 9631 4900 F: 02 9631 8133 E: ross.dive@uvguard.com.au Display advertiser UPWELLERS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser VACCINATION EQUIPMENT ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int.P/L) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853 F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au (Australian distributor for AQUIS – New Zealand, Syndel Ltd – Canada, and Aquafauna – USA) Display advertiser Scanz Technologies Ltd PO Box 26 – 148 Auckland 1344 New Zealand T: +64 9 520 2544 F: + 64 9 520 4023 Aust Toll Free: 1800 129 876 E: info@scanztech.com W: www.scanztech.com Display advertiser VACCINES Barramundi Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health 91 – 105 Harpin Street Bendigo East VIC 3550 T: 1800 033 461 F: 1800 817 414 E: sales.australia@intervet.com W: www.intervet.com.au Display advertiser
88 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Salmon Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health 91 – 105 Harpin Street Bendigo East VIC 3550 T: 1800 033 461; F: 1800 817 414 E: sales.australia@intervet.com W: www.intervet.com.au Display advertiser VALVES Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
WADERS & FOOTWEAR Tasmanian Marine Distributors Pty Ltd 28 Merton Vale Circuit Kingston TAS 7050 (PO Box 332 Kingston TAS 7051) T: 03 6229 6741; F: 03 6229 1002 E: admin@tmdmarine.com.au W: www.tmdmarine.com.au
Sturdy and reliable instruments to measure water quality parameters in aquaculture from one of the world’s leading manufacturers • • • •
pH meters EC meters Dissolved oxygen meters Photometers for: alkalinity, free and total chlorine, total chlorine (trace), ammonia, iron, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, phosphorus and more • Turbidity meters
Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser
Affordable Water Quality Meters from HANNA
Reseller enquiries welcome
Xtreme Products PO Box 72 Cooee TAS 7320 T: 1300 850 824 F: 03 6435 3433 E: xtremeproducts@yourtility.com.au WASTE WATER TREATMENT MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450; F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser WATER CHILLERS Aquahort 52 Maraetai Heights Rd Maraetai Beach Auckland New Zealand Aust Toll Free: 1800 146 784 T: +64 9 536 6201 E: info@aquahort.com W: www.aquahort.com
For more information call
03 9769 0666 Fax: 03 9769 0699 Email: hannains@hannainst.com.au Web: www.hannainst.com.au
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
WATER CHILLERS (cont) Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Solarwise Freecall: 1800 805 287 M: 0407 716 940 (Sean Finemore) M: 0407 716 937 (Steven Fitch) E: alison@qis.com.au W: www.solarwise.com.au
WATER COLOURANT Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Primo Aquaculture P/L ‘Aquatic Blue WSP’ PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ WATERPROOF SAFETY WEAR Xtreme Products PO Box 72 Cooee TAS 7320 T: 1300 850 824 F: 03 6435 3433 E: xtremeproducts@yourtility.com.au WATER PURIFICATION AND TREATMENT EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Baleen Filters P/L 28 Phillips Street Thebarton SA 5031 T: 08 8354 4511; F: 08 8354 4522 E: info@baleenfilters.com W: www.baleen.com” Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser Heraeus Amba Australia 3 / 41 – 49 Norcal Road Nunawading VIC 3131 T: 03 9874 7455; F: 03 9874 7488 E: tess.fitzpatrick@heraeus.com W: www.heraeus-noblelight.com.au Display advertiser MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450; F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser Optimax Aquatech PO Box 164 Robe SA 5276 Tel/ F: 08 8768 1936 M: 0427 093 632 E: mjdavis1@bigpond.com.au PDA Blower Company 34 Nicole Way Dandenong South VIC 3175 T: 03 9794 0855; F: 03 9794 0722 E: mail@pdablower.com.au W: www.pdablower.com.au NSW Office: T: 02 9594 0884: F: 02 9594 0885 E: rmason@pdablower.com.au Ultra Violet Products (Aust) P/L 15 Marlow Road Keswick SA 5035 T: 1800 081 880; F: 08 8266 0760 E: uvproducts@CHARIOT.net.au W: www.uvp.com.au Display advertiser
90 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
UV Guard Australia P/L Unit 7 / 88 Magowar Road Girraween NSW 2145 T: 02 9631 4900 F: 02 9631 8133 E: ross.dive@uvguard.com.au Display advertiser WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 :F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser Hanna Instruments P/L PO Box 1005 Braeside VIC 3195 T: 03 9769 0666; F: 03 9769 0699 E: hannains@hannainst.com.au W: www.hannainst.com.au Display advertiser Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500; F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571; F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser Palintest Water Testing Systems PO Box 318 Padstow NSW 2211 T: 1300 131 516 F: 1300 131 986 E: palintest@palintest.com.au W: www.palintest.com.au Technolab Marketing P/L PO Box 411 Rosny Park TAS 7018 T: 03 6244 1330; F: 03 6244 1338 E: scott@technolab.com.au W: www.technolab.com.au Display advertiser
WATER SAMPLING EQUIPMENT Imbros P/L 1059 Cambridge Road Cambridge TAS 7170 T: 03 6216 1500 F: 03 6216 1555 E: imbros@imbros.com.au W: www.imbros.com.au Display advertiser WATER STERILISERS Algaefree Australia 17A Norma Street Maree WA 6154 T: 08 9330 9500 F: 08 9330 9600 E: tristan@algaefreeaustralia.com W: www.algaefreeaustralia.com Display advertiser
Ultraviolet Davey Water Products P/L 6 Lakeview Drive Scoresby VIC 3179 T: 1300 2 DAVEY F: 1300 369 119 E: sales@davey.com.au W: www.davey.com.au Heraeus Amba Australia 3 / 41 – 49 Norcal Road Nunawading VIC 3131 T: 03 9874 7455 F: 03 9874 7488 E: tess.fitzpatrick@heraeus.com W: www.heraeus-noblelight.com.au Display advertiser Ultra Violet Products (Aust) P/L 15 Marlow Road Keswick SA 5035 T: 1800 081 880 F: 08 8266 0760 E: uvproducts@CHARIOT.net.au W: www.uvp.com.au Display advertiser UV Guard Australia P/L Unit 7 / 88 Magowar Road Girraween NSW 2145 T: 02 9631 4900 F: 02 9631 8133 E: ross.dive@uvguard.com.au Display advertiser
Baleen Filters P/L 28 Phillips Street Thebarton SA 5031 T: 08 8354 4511; F: 08 8354 4522 E: info@baleenfilters.com W: www.baleen.com” MBR Technologies 47 Allied Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 T: 03 9338 8450; F: 03 9338 8470 E: sales@mbrtech.com.au W: www.mbrtech.com.au Display advertiser Optimax Aquatech PO Box 164 Robe SA 5276 Tel/ F: 08 8768 1936 M: 0427 093 632 E: mjdavis1@bigpond.com.au WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROLS Aquahort 52 Maraetai Heights Rd Maraetai Beach Auckland New Zealand Aust Toll Free: 1800 146 784 T: +64 9 536 6201 E: info@aquahort.com W: www.aquahort.com” Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
Teralba Industries P/L Head Office & Manufacturing 15 – 19 Kialba Road Cambelltown NSW 2560 T: 02 4626 5000; F: 02 4625 4591 E: sales@teralba.com W: www.teralba.com Branch office: PO Box 8038 Griffith NSW 2680 T: 02 4626 5000; F: 02 6962 2790 E: greg@teralba.com Display advertiser WEED CONTROL Primo Aquaculture P/L ‘Aquatic Blue WSP’ PO Box 8007 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Sales Freecall: 1800 024 850 E: primo@primo.net.au W: www.primoaquaculture.com.au “ WIND MILLS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser WIRELESS MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE EQUIPMENT BGB Marine – Underwater Light and Vision Distributed in Australia and New Zealand by: Tank Tec 2767 Channel Highway Kettering TAS 7155 T: 1300 659 982 M: 0409 184 953 E: tanktec@bigpond.com W: www.bgbinnovation.com Display advertiser
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
UV Guard Australia P/L Unit 7 / 88 Magowar Road Girraween NSW 2145 T: 02 9631 4900 F: 02 9631 8133 E: ross.dive@uvguard.com.au Display advertiser
WATER RECYCLING EQUIP. Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser
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Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS Ruello & Associates P/L PO Box 333 Clifton Beach QLD 4879 T: 0418 210 031 E: nick@ruello.com” AERATION SYSTEMS Design, Manufacture & Installation Air Supply International P/L 3 / 62 Rene Street Noosaville QLD 4566 T: +61 7 5449 7848 F: +61 7 5449 9746 E: airsup@tpg.com.au W: www.airsupplyinternational.com” AQUARIUM SYSTEMS Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933; F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiserAUCTIONS Sydney Fish Market Bank Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 (Locked Bag 247) T: 02 9004 1100; F: 02 9004 1177 W: www.sydneyfishmarket.com.au”
CONSULTANTS ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Int.P/L) 6 Commodore Court Banora Point NSW 2486 M: 0409 727 853 F: 07 5513 1113 E: info@adsi.com.au W: www.adsi.com.au (Australian distributor for AQUIS New Zealand, Syndel Ltd - Canada, and Aquafauna - USA) Display advertiserAqua Build Australia Aqua Build Australia 16 Monica Street Tootgarook VIC 3941 T: 0419 894 172 E: bcc.aquabuild@gmail.com W: www.aquabuild.com.au Display advertiserAquahort Aquahort 52 Maraetai Heights Rd Maraetai Beach Auckland New Zealand Aust Toll Free: 1800 146 784 T: +64 9 536 6201 E: info@aquahort.com W: www.aquahort.com”
Aquasonic P/L 14 Commerce Street (PO Box 311) Wauchope NSW 2446 T: 02 6586 4933 F: 02 6586 4944 E: sales@aquasonic.com.au W: www.aquasonic.com.au Display advertiser Fresh By Design Group 3 Old Oak Place (PO Box 1020) Moss Vale NSW 2577 T: 02 48 681 762 F: 02 48 682 206 M: 0419 288 712 E: fresh@bigpond.net.au W: www.freshbydesign.com.au Display advertiser NCMCRS Australian Maritime College / University of Tasmania (National Centre for Marine Conservation and Resource Sustainability) Locked Bag 1370 Launceston TAS 7250 T: 03 6324 3820 F: 03 6324 3804 E: j.purser@amc.edu.au W: www.amc.edu.au/marine.studies Display advertiser Pearl Oyster Propagators P/L (POP) PO Box 39971 Winnellie NT 0821 T: 08 8941 5155 F: 08 8941 5165 E: info@pearloyster.com.au W: www.pearloyster.com.au Display advertiser Phoslock Pty Ltd Producer /Distributor of Phoslock TM Suite 302, 110 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 T: 07 5465 4888; 02 9439 7715 F: 02 9460 8973 E: awinks@phoslock.com.au W: www.phoslock.com.au” RBM Aquaculture PO Box 3 Karuah NSW 2324 T/F: 02 4997 5160 E: rob@rbmaqua.com.au W: www.rbmaqua.com.au” Aeration Air Supply International P/L 3 / 62 Rene Street Noosaville QLD 4566 T: +61 7 5449 7848 F: +61 7 5449 9746 E: airsup@tpg.com.au W: www.airsupplyinternational.com”
94 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Algal Bloom Mitigation Phoslock Pty Ltd Producer /Distributor of Phoslock TM Suite 302, 110 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 T: 07 5465 4888; 02 9439 7715 F: 02 9460 8973 E: awinks@phoslock.com.au W: www.phoslock.com.au” Biofilter Acacia Filtration Systems Pty Ltd 6 Vicars Place Wetherill Park NSW 2164 (PO Box 6066 Wetherill Park NSW 1851) T: 02 9756 6077; F: 02 9756 1073 E: sales@acaciaproducts.com.au W: www.acaciaproducts.com.au Display advertiser Pisces Natural Products PO Box 200 Kenmore QLD 4069 T: 07 3374 0136; F: 07 3374 0318 E: david@pisceseterprises.com W: www.piscesnaturalproducts.com” Disease & Water Quality Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111; F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser Panaquatic Health Solutions P/L 26A Liddiard Street Hawthorn VIC 3122 T: +61 3 9818 5100; F: + 61 3 9818 1200 M: 0404 121 996 E: info@panaquatic.com.au W: www.panaquatic.com” Environmental Hollings Resource Management Ltd PO Box 90906 Auckland New Zealand T: +64 9 378 7001 : 0274 953 957 F: +64 9 378 6939 E: tom@hrm.co.nz” Farm design ZAPCO Aquaculture Level 26, 44 George Terrace Perth WA 6000 Contact: Peter Boyle T: +86 596829 0631 E: peter@zapcolimited.com Contact: Stirling Cullenward T: +61 2 6494 3347 T: +61 42 7609 822 E: stirling@zapcolimited.com W: www.zapcoaquaculture.com Display advertiser
Fisheries Biology Hollings Resource Management Ltd PO Box 90906 Auckland New Zealand T: +64 9 378 7001 : 0274 953 957 F: +64 9 378 6939 E: tom@hrm.co.nz” Insulation specialists Solarwise Freecall: 1800 805 287 M: 0407 716 940 (Sean Finemore) M: 0407 716 937 (Steven Fitch) E: alison@qis.com.au W: www.solarwise.com.au” Intensive Growout Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser Management Hollings Resource Management Ltd PO Box 90906 Auckland New Zealand T: +64 9 378 7001 : 0274 953 957 F: +64 9 378 6939 E: tom@hrm.co.nz” Marketing Ruello & Associates P/L PO Box 333 Clifton Beach QLD 4879 T: 0418 210 031 E: nick@ruello.com” Pond Design Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser
Aquatic Health Professionals • Disease diagnosis & management – all species • Sole agent for AQUI-S NZ, Syndel Ltd & Aquafauna Bio-Marine Inc. • APVMA registered anaesthetics & spawning products • Feed additive – Beta Glucans • Hatchery diets & Brine shrimp Dr Stephen B. Pyecroft BVSc (Hons)
Dr Darryl A. Hudson BAppSc PhD
6 Commodore Court, Banora Point, NSW 2486 Mobile: 0409 727 853 • Fax: 07 5513 1113 Website: www.adsi.com.au • Email: info@adsi.com.au
Fast disease diagnosis and control
All species, all hours, every day
Independent lab. confidentiality
Larval mortality control
Microbe and parasite ID’s
Specialty vaccines prepared
Water quality and biofilter taming
Serious biofilter microbes
Depuration monitoring & control
Designs for disease minimisation
Disease risk assessments
Antibiotic selection
Contact: Dr Steven Nearhos Unit 6 / 8 Shannon Place, Virginia, Qld 4014
Email: aquacult@baseline.com.au
Recirculation Systems BioSys Consulting Pty Ltd Suite 4.1, 105 Kippax Street Surrey Hills NSW 2010 T: 0408 665 770; F: 02 9634 1472 E: projects@biosysconsulting.com.au W: www.biosysconsulting.com.au” Rubber & polymer engineering TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755; F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser Semi-Intensive Culture Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
CONSULTANTS (cont) Shelters VP Structures P/L Unit 4 / 93 Burnside Road (PO Box 6033) Yatala QLD 4207 T: 07 3382 9100 F: 07 3807 3675 E: info@vpstructures.com.au W: www.vpstructures.com.au Display advertiser Underwater Lighting Systems BGB Marine - Underwater Light and Vision Distributed in Australia and New Zealand by: Tank Tec 2767 Channel Highway Kettering TAS 7155 T: 1300 659 982 M: 0409 184 953 E: tanktec@bigpond.com W: www.bgbinnovation.com Display advertiser Water Systems Engineering Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser Water Quality Control Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser
Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111 F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser
CONTRACT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BioSys Consulting Pty Ltd Suite 4.1, 105 Kippax Street Surrey Hills NSW 2010 T: 0408 665 770; F: 02 9634 1472 E: projects@biosysconsulting.com.au W: www.biosysconsulting.com.au” Fisheries Research & Development Corporation PO Box 222 Deakin West ACT 2600 T: 02 6285 0400; F: 02 6285 4421 E: frdc@frdc.com.au W: www.frdc.com.au Display advertiser Intaqt P/L 73 - 79 Lock Avenue Werribee VIC 3030 T: 03 9734 1912 F: 03 9734 1917 M: 0425 727 442 E: enquiries@intaqt.com.au W: www.intaqt.com.au Display advertiser NCMCRS Australian Maritime College / University of Tasmania (National Centre for Marine Conservation and Resource Sustainability) Locked Bag 1370 Launceston TAS 7250 T: 03 6324 3820; F: 03 6324 3804 E: j.purser@amc.edu.au W: www.amc.edu.au/marine.studies Display advertiser Ruello & Associates P/L PO Box 333 Clifton Beach QLD 4879 T: 0418 210 031 E: nick@ruello.com” CULTURE & PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Freshwater Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser BioSys Consulting Pty Ltd Suite 4.1, 105 Kippax Street Surrey Hills NSW 2010 T: 0408 665 770; F: 02 9634 1472 E: projects@biosysconsulting.com.au W: www.biosysconsulting.com.au” Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147; F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser
96 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Marine BioSys Consulting Pty Ltd Suite 4.1, 105 Kippax Street Surrey Hills NSW 2010 T: 0408 665 770; F: 02 9634 1472 E: projects@biosysconsulting.com.au W: www.biosysconsulting.com.au” Warm water fish Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser Uarah Fisheries Old Wagga Road Grong Grong NSW 2652 T: 02 6956 2147; F: 02 6956 2245 M: 0428 696 927 E: ufish@aussiebroadband.com.au Display advertiser CULTURE & PRODUCTION SYSTEMS - SHELLFISH SEAPA Pty Ltd 26-28 Erudina Avenue Edwardstown SA 5039 T: + 61 8 8357 6611 F: + 61 8 8357 4722 E: seapa@seapa.com.au W: www.seapa.com.au” DIAGNOSTIC Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111 F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser DISEASE ID. & ERADICATION Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111 F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser Panaquatic Health Solutions P/L 26A Liddiard Street Hawthorn VIC 3122 T: +61 3 9818 5100 F: + 61 3 9818 1200 M: 0404 121 996 E: info@panaquatic.com.au W: www.panaquatic.com”
NATFISH (National Fishing Industry Education Centre) TAFE NSW - North Coast Locked Bag 5 Grafton NSW 2460 T: 02 6644 4700 F: 02 6644 7767 E: natfish@tafensw.edu.au W: www.natfish.tafensw.edu.au Display advertiser NCMCRS Australian Maritime College / University of Tasmania (National Centre for Marine Conservation and Resource Sustainability) Locked Bag 1370 Launceston TAS 7250 T: 03 6324 3820 F: 03 6324 3804 E: j.purser@amc.edu.au W: www.amc.edu.au/marine.studies Display advertiser
NMIT Agriculture & Animal Science Department Cnr Dalton Road & Cooper Street Epping VIC 3076 T: 03 9269 1166 E: aquaculture@nmit.vic.edu.au W: www.nmit.edu.au/aquaculture Display advertiser Seafood Training Tasmania 2A Gladstone Street Hobart TAS 7000 T: 03 6233 6442 F: 03 6223 2780 E: stt@seafoodtrainingtas.com.au Contact : Rory Byrne, Manager Display advertiser SEAMEC A Division of East Gippsland TAFE Bullock Island Road Lakes Entrance VIC 3909 T: 03 5155 6500 F: 03 5155 6555 E: seamec@egtafe.vic.edu.au W: www.seamec.com.au”
Choose the path that’s right for you
We provide hands-on, industry-relevant training. In addition to aquaculture, our undergraduate and postgraduate courses include emphasis on Seafood Quality and Safety, Marine Conservation and Fisheries Management to produce highly skilled graduates and researchers. Based on more than 25 years of industry and government collaboration, we also offer industry consultancies and professional development opportunities as well as providing industry-wide research on temperate to tropical species and all aspects of production. For more information visit www.amc.edu.au/marine.studies or call (03) 6324 3801
EDUCATION James Cook University School of Marine and Tropical Biology Faculty of Science and Engineering Townsville QLD 4811 T: 07 4781 4345 F: 07 4781 5511 E: mtb@jcu.edu.au W: www.jcu.edu.au/mtb Display advertiser
AMC is an institute of the University of Tasmania
98 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
EDUCATION & INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS NMIT Agriculture & Animal Science Department Cnr Dalton Road & Cooper Street Epping VIC 3076 T: 03 9269 1166 E: aquaculture@nmit.vic.edu.au W: www.nmit.edu.au/aquaculture Display advertiser Seafood Training Tasmania 2A Gladstone Street Hobart TAS 7000 T: 03 6233 6442 F: 03 6223 2780 E: stt@seafoodtrainingtas.com.au Contact : Rory Byrne, Manager Display advertiser EMERGENCY AIR DELIVERY SYSTEMS Air Supply International P/L 3 / 62 Rene Street Noosaville QLD 4566 T: +61 7 5449 7848 F: +61 7 5449 9746 E: airsup@tpg.com.au W: www.airsupplyinternational.com”
FEASIBILITY STUDIES Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser BioSys Consulting Pty Ltd Suite 4.1, 105 Kippax Street Surrey Hills NSW 2010 T: 0408 665 770 F: 02 9634 1472 E: projects@biosysconsulting.com.au W: www.biosysconsulting.com.au”
Sunderland Marine Mutual Insurance Company Ltd PO Box 754 Nelson New Zealand T: +64 3 546 8824; F: +64 3 546 8814 E: ck@smmi.co.nz W: www.smmi.co.uk Australian Office: 19 Agnes Street Jolimont East Melbourne VIC 3002 T: 03 9650 6288; F: 03 9650 6396 E: mutual@smmi.com.au W: www.smmi.co.uk Display advertiser
FREEZING & STORAGE BOC Limited 10 Julius Avenue North Ryde NSW 2113 T: 131 262 F: 132 427 E: contact@boc.com W: www.boc.com.au”
Hollings Resource Management Ltd PO Box 90906 Auckland New Zealand T: +64 9 378 7001 M: 0274 953 957 F: +64 9 378 6939 E: tom@hrm.co.nz” Intaqt P/L 73 - 79 Lock Avenue Werribee VIC 3030 T: 03 9734 1912 F: 03 9734 1917 M: 0425 727 442 E: enquiries@intaqt.com.au W: www.intaqt.com.au Display advertiser Ruello & Associates P/L PO Box 333 Clifton Beach QLD 4879 T: 0418 210 031 E: nick@ruello.com”
FISH HEALTH Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health 91 - 105 Harpin Street Bendigo East VIC 3550 T: 1800 033 461 F: 1800 817 414 E: sales.australia@intervet.com W: www.intervet.com.au Display advertiser FINANCIAL PLANNING Risk Insure Pty Ltd 452 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 T: 08 8232 2311 F: 08 8232 2836 Contact: Graham Gulliford E: grahamg@riskinsure.com.au W: www.riskinsure.com.au”
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011
GOVERNMENT Fisheries Research & Development Corporation PO Box 222 Deakin West ACT 2600 T: 02 6285 0400; F: 02 6285 4421 E: frdc@frdc.com.au W: www.frdc.com.au Display advertiser HATCHERY DESIGN BioSys Consulting Pty Ltd Suite 4.1, 105 Kippax Street Surrey Hills NSW 2010 T: 0408 665 770; F: 02 9634 1472 E: projects@biosysconsulting.com.au W: www.biosysconsulting.com.au” Pearl Oyster Propagators P/L (POP) PO Box 39971 Winnellie NT 0821 T: 08 8941 5155; F: 08 8941 5165 E: info@pearloyster.com.au W: www.pearloyster.com.au Display advertiser Hygiene control & disease minimisation Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111; F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser Panaquatic Health Solutions P/L 26A Liddiard Street Hawthorn VIC 3122 T: +61 3 9818 5100; F: + 61 3 9818 1200 M: 0404 121 996 E: info@panaquatic.com.au W: www.panaquatic.com”
INSURANCE Midland Insurance Brokers PO Box 404 Carlton South VIC 3053 T: 03 9349 2733; F: 03 9349 2787 E: midlandinsurancecom.au W: wwwmidlandinsurance.com.au” Risk Insure Pty Ltd 452 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 T: 08 8232 2311 F: 08 8232 2836 Contact: Graham Gulliford E: grahamg@riskinsure.com.au W: www.riskinsure.com.au”
Sunderland Marine Mutual Insurance Company Ltd PO Box 754 Nelson New Zealand T: +64 3 546 8824; F: +64 3 546 8814 E: ck@smmi.co.nz W: www.smmi.co.uk Australian Office: 19 Agnes Street Jolimont East Melbourne VIC 3002 T: 03 9650 6288; F: 03 9650 6396 E: mutual@smmi.com.au W: www.smmi.co.uk Display advertiser Insurance agents Risk Insure Pty Ltd 452 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 T: 08 8232 2311 F: 08 8232 2836 Contact: Graham Gulliford E: grahamg@riskinsure.com.au W: www.riskinsure.com.au” Insurance brokers Midland Insurance Brokers PO Box 404 Carlton South VIC 3053 T: 03 9349 2733; F: 03 9349 2787 E: midlandinsurancecom.au W: wwwmidlandinsurance.com.au” Risk Insure Pty Ltd 452 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 T: 08 8232 2311 F: 08 8232 2836 Contact: Graham Gulliford E: grahamg@riskinsure.com.au W: www.riskinsure.com.au” Insurance underwriters Risk Insure Pty Ltd 452 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 T: 08 8232 2311 F: 08 8232 2836 Contact: Graham Gulliford E: grahamg@riskinsure.com.au W: www.riskinsure.com.au” Sunderland Marine Mutual Insurance Company Ltd PO Box 754 Nelson New Zealand T: +64 3 546 8824; F: +64 3 546 8814 E: ck@smmi.co.nz W: www.smmi.co.uk Australian Office: 19 Agnes Street Jolimont East Melbourne VIC 3002 T: 03 9650 6288; F: 03 9650 6396 E: mutual@smmi.com.au W: www.smmi.co.uk Display advertiser
100 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
INTERNET TRADING SFMLive - Sydney Fish Market Bank Street (Locked Bag 247) Pyrmont NSW 2009 T: 02 9004 1100; F: 02 9004 1177 SFMLive: 1300 13LIVE W: www.sfmlive.com.au” MANAGEMENT Hollings Resource Management Ltd PO Box 90906 Auckland New Zealand T: +64 9 378 7001 : 0274 953 957 F: +64 9 378 6939 E: tom@hrm.co.nz” MARKETING Sydney Fish Market Bank Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 (Locked Bag 247) T: 02 9004 1100; F: 02 9004 1177 W: www.sydneyfishmarket.com.au” MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111; F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser PLASTIC INJECTION TOOLING & MOULDING SEAPA Pty Ltd 26-28 Erudina Avenue Edwardstown SA 5039 T: + 61 8 8357 6611 F: + 61 8 8357 4722 E: seapa@seapa.com.au W: www.seapa.com.au” TTP Plastics PO Box 209 Carole Park QLD 4300 T: 07 3271 1755; F: 07 3271 3298 E: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au W:www.ttpplastics.com.au Display advertiser PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Risk Insure Pty Ltd 452 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 T: 08 8232 2311 F: 08 8232 2836 Contact: Graham Gulliford E: grahamg@riskinsure.com.au W: www.riskinsure.com.au”
POND CONSTRUCTION Australian Lining Company P/L 39 Keane Street Currajong QLD 4812 T: 07 4728 9170; F: 07 4725 1883 E: austliningco@bigpond.com W: www.austliningco.com.au” POND DESIGN Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser PROCESSORS Fish Marel Food Systems P/L Unit 1, 53 Neumann Road Capalaba QLD 4157 T: 07 3395 8044; F: 07 3395 8022 Contact: Jonathan Rankin - Sales Director E: jonathan@marel.com M: +64 21 575 355 W: www.marelfoodsystems.com”
NCMCRS Australian Maritime College / University of Tasmania (National Centre for Marine Conservation and Resource Sustainability) Locked Bag 1370 Launceston TAS 7250 T: 03 6324 3820; F: 03 6324 3804 E: j.purser@amc.edu.au W: www.amc.edu.au/marine.studies Display advertiser RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Fish Health Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health 91 - 105 Harpin Street Bendigo East VIC 3550 T: 1800 033 461; F: 1800 817 414 E: sales.australia@intervet.com W: www.intervet.com.au Display advertiser
James Cook University is Australia’s leading University for tropical aquaculture with an international reputation for teaching and research in Aquaculture and Marine Biology.
RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS Australian Aquatic Biological P/L T/F: 02 4997 5160 E: info@aabio.com.au W: www.aabio.com.au”
CRICOS Provider Code 0017J
Undergraduate programs: • Bachelor of Science (Aquaculture) Postgraduate programs: • Graduate Certificate • Graduate Diploma • Master of Applied Science in Aquaculture • Master of Science • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) For more information call 1800 246 446 or 07 4781 4345 Email: mtb@jcu.edu.au or visit: www.jcu.edu.au/mtb
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011 101
James Cook University School of Marine and Tropical Biology Faculty of Science and Engineering Townsville QLD 4811 T: 07 4781 4345; F: 07 4781 5511 E: mtb@jcu.edu.au W: www.jcu.edu.au/mtb Display advertiser
Risk Insure Pty Ltd 452 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 T: 08 8232 2311 F: 08 8232 2836 Contact: Graham Gulliford E: grahamg@riskinsure.com.au W: www.riskinsure.com.au”
Research and Training in Tropical Aquaculture
PUBLISHING Fisheries Research & Development Corporation PO Box 222 Deakin West ACT 2600 T: 02 6285 0400; F: 02 6285 4421 E: frdc@frdc.com.au W: www.frdc.com.au Display advertiser
Fisheries Research & Development Corporation PO Box 222 Deakin West ACT 2600 T: 02 6285 0400; F: 02 6285 4421 E: frdc@frdc.com.au W: www.frdc.com.au Display advertiser
RISK MANAGEMENT Panaquatic Health Solutions P/L 26A Liddiard Street Hawthorn VIC 3122 T: +61 3 9818 5100 F: + 61 3 9818 1200 M: 0404 121 996 E: info@panaquatic.com.au W: www.panaquatic.com”
Sunderland Marine Mutual Insurance Company Ltd PO Box 754 Nelson New Zealand T: +64 3 546 8824 F: +64 3 546 8814 E: ck@smmi.co.nz W: www.smmi.co.uk Australian Office: 19 Agnes Street Jolimont East Melbourne VIC 3002 T: 03 9650 6288 F: 03 9650 6396 E: mutual@smmi.com.au W: www.smmi.co.uk Display advertiser SELLING SYSTEMS Sydney Fish Market Bank Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 (Locked Bag 247) T: 02 9004 1100 F: 02 9004 1177 W: www.sydneyfishmarket.com.au” SOLAR ENERGY Solarwise Freecall: 1800 805 287 M: 0407 716 940 (Sean Finemore) M: 0407 716 937 (Steven Fitch) E: alison@qis.com.au W: www.solarwise.com.au”
Seafood Training Tasmania (Registered Training Organisation)
Training & Assessment for Certificates of Competency and Traineeships
s Seafood Industry Training Package s Maritime Industry Training Package s Qualifications –
from Certificate 1 to Diploma s Multi-Media Training Resources s Publications for Sale
T: 03 6233 6442 F: 03 6223 2780 E: stt@seafoodtrainingtas.com.au 1st Floor 2a Gladstone Street Hobart Tas 7000
TRAINING Aquaculture Services Australia P/L 30 Cecil Street Kew VIC 3101 T: 03 9817 3043 E: mosig@netspace.net.au Display advertiser James Cook University School of Marine and Tropical Biology Faculty of Science and Engineering Townsville QLD 4811 T: 07 4781 4345 F: 07 4781 5511 E: mtb@jcu.edu.au W: www.jcu.edu.au/mtb Display advertiser NATFISH (National Fishing Industry Education Centre) TAFE NSW - North Coast Locked Bag 5 Grafton NSW 2460 T: 02 6644 4700 F: 02 6644 7767 E: natfish@tafensw.edu.au W: www.natfish.tafensw.edu.au Display advertiser National Aquaculture Training Institute (NATI) P/L * PO Box 647 Henley Beach SA 5022 T: 08 8355 0277 F: 08 8355 0288 M: 0418 130 595 (Dos) E: aquaculturetraining@bigpond.com” NCMCRS Australian Maritime College / University of Tasmania (National Centre for Marine Conservation and Resource Sustainability) Locked Bag 1370 Launceston TAS 7250 T: 03 6324 3820 F: 03 6324 3804 E: j.purser@amc.edu.au W: www.amc.edu.au/marine.studies Display advertiser NMIT Agriculture & Animal Science Department Cnr Dalton Road & Cooper Street Epping VIC 3076 T: 03 9269 1166 E: aquaculture@nmit.vic.edu.au W: www.nmit.edu.au/aquaculture Display advertiser Ruello & Associates P/L PO Box 333 Clifton Beach QLD 4879 T: 0418 210 031 E: nick@ruello.com”
102 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Seafood Training Tasmania 2A Gladstone Street Hobart TAS 7000 T: 03 6233 6442 F: 03 6223 2780 E: stt@seafoodtrainingtas.com.au Contact : Rory Byrne, Manager Display advertiser SEAMEC A Division of East Gippsland TAFE Bullock Island Road Lakes Entrance VIC 3909 T: 03 5155 6500 F: 03 5155 6555 E: seamec@egtafe.vic.edu.au W: www.seamec.com.au” TROUBLE SHOOTING PROBLEM SOLVING Intaqt P/L 73 - 79 Lock Avenue Werribee VIC 3030 T: 03 9734 1912 F: 03 9734 1917 M: 0425 727 442 E: enquiries@intaqt.com.au W: www.intaqt.com.au Display advertiser Panaquatic Health Solutions P/L 26A Liddiard Street Hawthorn VIC 3122 T: +61 3 9818 5100 F: + 61 3 9818 1200 M: 0404 121 996 E: info@panaquatic.com.au W: www.panaquatic.com” WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Baseline Unit 6, 8 Shannon Place Virginia QLD 4014 T: 07 3356 6111 F: 07 3356 6833 E: aquacult@baseline.com.au W: www.baseline.com.au Display advertiser Merck P/L 207 Colchester Road Kilsyth VIC 3137 T: 1800 335 571 F: 03 9728 7611 E: merck@merck.com.au W: www.merck-chemicals.com.au Display advertiser
Exclusive Agents for Hydrotech Aquaculture - Australia Hydrotech develops, manufactures and sells high performance filter systems. They are the leading company in the development and manufacture of microscreens. Thier microscreens are used to improve water quality in Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS), Effluent and Intake on fish farms. Technolab, exclusive agents for Hydrotech - Aquaculture Division in Australia can provide technical advice on the correct selection of drum or disc filters.
Polaris 2 Dissolved Oxygen Meter Rugged, Realiable and for Designed for Aquaculture The new OxyGuard Polaris 2 is an updated version of the very popular standard Polaris. The new Polaris 2 measures dissolved oxygen and temperature. It has automatic compensation for temperature and barometric pressure, and manual salinity compensation. It has a datalogger with up to 99 memory blocks and 3000 memory cells. The data can be viewed in either a table or graph format on the meter’s display. It can also be connected to a PC via a unique cable connection to the meter which clips to the outside of the meter and USB to a PC.
T:03 6244 1330
F: 03 6244 1338
The world’s largest and most versatile range of shellfish grow-out products Over sixty trays, baskets and accessories designed for both intertidal and subtidal shellfish farming in variable sea-state conditions. All moulded in uv stabilized polymer AP6 Aquapurse Subtidal Suspension
TTP Plastics By Design 19 – 25 Antimony Street, Carole Park Tel: +61 7 3271 1755 • Fax: +61 7 3271 3298 Email: info@ttpplastics.com.au Web: www.ttpplastics.com.au
For further information contact Reg Breakwell, Marketing Export Manager on +61 0418 740 883 Email: rbreakwell@ttpplastics.com.au
Aquatray Subtidal Farming
Advertisers Index Acacia Filtration
Lucky Star
ADSI (Aquatic Diagnostic Services Intntl)
Mainstream Aquaculture
MBR Technologies
Ajay Fibreglass
Murray Darling Fisheries
Algaefree Australia
Natfish (Tafe NSW â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Nth Coast Institute)
Allied Filter Fabrics
All Tanks
Aquaculture Services Australia
NMIT (Nth Melb Institute of Tech)
Aqua-build Australia
Oblomov Trading
AquaFauna Biomarine
Pearling Technologies
Pisces Natural Products
Inside Front Cover
Aquasonic / Sefar
Plastic Fabrications
Ausaqua P/L
Ausaqua / Algaboost
POP (Pearl Oyster Propagators)
Quin Sports & Nets
67, 96
Scanz Technologies
Bayer Animal Health
BGB Marine
BST Oysters
Cognis Australia
CSIRO Microalgae Research
Dolphin Plastics
Seafood Training Tasmania
49, 57
SeaVision Technologies
Silverlock Packaging
Sunderland Marine Mutual Insurance
Enviro Sensors
Technolab Marketing
Esam Australia
Teralba Industries
FRDC (Fisheries Research & Dev Corp)
TNA New Zealand
Fresh By Design Group
GP Graders Victoria
Grobest Australia
Gwydir Native Fish Hatchery
Hanna Instruments
Heraeus Amba Australia
Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health James Cook University Kuranda Fish Farm 104 Trade Directory 2011 | Austasia Aquaculture
Triaqua TTP Plastics
Back Cover 49,103
41 74, 103
Uarah Fisheries
Ultra Violet Products Australia
UV Guard Australia
VP Structures
Walch Optics
WBA Hatcheries
Wood-Shield P/L
Zapco Aquaculture
Providing high quality equipment to the Status Report
aquaculture industry
The Fresh By Design Group is an Australian company providing the Australasian aquaculture industry with high quality equipment, expertise, experience together with an extensive product range and reliable ongoing backup service. We cover commercial and hobby aquaculture, waste ZDWHU WUHDWPHQW Ă&#x20AC;VK SURFHVVLQJ DQG WKH needs of educational facilities.
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Â&#x2021; 7UDQVSRUW 7DQNV Â&#x2021; +HDWLQJ DQG &RROLQJ Â&#x2021; 3OXPELQJ Â&#x2021; )LVK 3URFHVVLQJ 6PRNLQJ Â&#x2021; $SSURYHG &KHPLFDOV Â&#x2021; &$' 0RGHOOLQJ Â&#x2021; 'LDJQRVWLF 3URGXFWLRQ $TXDWLF Veterinary Services Â&#x2021; $TXDSRQLFV
CONTACT US Your Australian agent of Faivre products
Ben Pope and Peter Koller 3 Old Oak Place, PO Box 1020 Moss Vale NSW 2577 Ph: 02 4868 1762 Fax: 02 4868 2206 Mobile: 0419 288 712 fresh@bigpond.net.au
The only equipment supplier to be allied with Future Fisheries Veterinary Service Dr Matt Landos Mobile: 0437 492 863 matty.landos@gmail.com
Aquaculture Heater-Chiller Aquaculture Heater - Chiller
Austasia Aquaculture | Trade Directory 2011 105