My First Pet - The Best Pet For You

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PARENT OR GUARDIAN Read this booklet along with your child when thinking about their first pet! Assist the child with any words they may not understand and once complete, help the child work through the activities included in this package. If there are any questions or concerns about any of the pets in this booket, consult your local pet store or pet professional.

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Birds have pretty feathers! Some can even learn how to talk.

EAT Birds like to eat seeds and bugs in the wild, but when you keep them as a pet you need to feed them special food from the pet store. It has a lot of healthy pieces in it that will help the bird grow up nice and healthy.

DRINK Birds need really clean water. Since they are messy eaters, you might have to change their water every day.

HOME In the wild, birds like to fly a lot. So if you have one as a pet, you need to have a very big cage for it. Having a big home lets your bird fly and exercise as much as they want. They need clean newspaper or bedding in the bottom of their cage!

PLAYING Birds like to play a lot when they have friends. Make sure that you give them plenty of toys in their home. The pet store will have plenty of toys for you to choose from.

SLEEPING Some birds like to sleep standing up. They like to sleep at night just like you and me! Make sure you turn off all of the lights!

NOTE Certain kinds of birds need friends while other kinds like to be alone.

Cats love to nap! Their fur is really soft.

EAT Cats like to eat a lot of different things but the best food is cat food from your pet store. Cat food has a lot of good stuff in it that will help them grow up and give them lots of energy to play. They like people food but it’s not good for them at all.

DRINK Cats need really clean water each day. Make sure you always have a full bowl of water for them.

HOME Cats need to stay inside. If they go outside, they could get hurt or run away. Make sure you always give them toys and places to climb. They use the potty in a clean litter-box!

PLAYING Cats like to play with a lot of different things. You can buy them balls or special toys that have feathers on them. They also like to eat catnip. It makes them act funny.

SLEEPING Cats like to sleep a lot. They sleep around 12 hours every day! That is a lot of sleeping. Make sure you give them a soft spot on a bed or couch!

NOTE Cats can get scared if you try to pet them or pick them up too fast. Move slow and don’t try to chase them! If you do, they might try to scratch you because they’re afraid.

Dogs are great fun! They are always happy to see you.

EAT Dogs like to eat a lot of things even though they are not healthy, so you need to make sure they get food every day. They need special food like other pets that you can get from the pet store. They need to eat in the morning and at night.

DRINK Dogs have to have a lot of water each day. Make sure you keep their bowl clean and full.

HOME It is really bad for dogs to get too hot or cold, so make sure they stay inside with you unless you are playing with them or taking them on a walk. Never leave your dog in the car by itself! Dogs need to go outside to potty or use a special pad.

PLAYING Dogs need to play and exercise every day! Make sure you take them out every day for walks. They like to play with balls and rope!

SLEEPING Some dogs like to sleep with us and some dogs like to have the bed to themself. Every dog is different.

NOTE Dogs need a lot of training! You have to take training lessons so that you and your dog know how to work together. Also, never hurt your dog or they may never trust you and it will make them really sad.

Fish love the water. They are pretty and fun to watch.

EAT Fish like to eat fish food. They do not like to eat people food. Each fish needs a special kind of food so make sure you ask your pet store what kind of food to feed your fish. Make sure you feed your fish one time every day.

DRINK Fish don’t need to drink since they live in the water!

HOME Fish need to always be in the water. They can’t live without it! A fish should live in a big tank that lets them play and turn around without bumping into the sides of the tank. Their home should have plenty of hiding spots, a filter to keep the water clean, and a heater to keep the water warm! Most fish don’t like cold water. Make sure you clean the tank to keep the fish healthy!

PLAYING Most fish don’t like to play, but some fish like to get pets. Just make sure they don’t jump out of the water!

SLEEPING Fish like to sleep with their eyes open. It’s hard to tell when they are asleep.

NOTE Be sure to read a lot about the fish you want. Even small fish or goldfish need big tanks and certain things. If you don’t read about what they need, your fish might get sick!

Lizards love warm rocks! They lay in the sun all day.

EAT Most lizards you can have as a pet like to eat small bugs like flies or crickets but some lizards need calcium or powder. Ask your pet store what is the right food to feed your lizard. They need to be fed two times a day.

DRINK Lizards need really clean water or they will get sick. Make sure you give them water in the morning and at night before you go to sleep.

HOME Lizards need to live in tanks! They need a soft floor with carpet or dirt. Some lizards even like sand. Lizards must have a day and night heat light! They need hiding spots and a place to lay under the light.

PLAYING Most lizards don’t like to play a lot, but they do like to get out and exercise. Make sure you put them in a place where they can’t run away or get hurt. Remember, they need heat so they can’t stay out for too long.

SLEEPING Lizard need a special night light to keep them warm while they sleep.

NOTE Some lizards can climb out of their home! Make sure that you have a lid for their home so that they don’t get out and run away.

Rats are very smart! They can even learn how to do tricks.

EAT Rats like to eat a lot of different things but they can sometimes eat stuff that make them really sick. Be sure to feed them special rat food from your pet store. You can give them treats such as sunflower seeds!

DRINK Rats need a special water bottle for their cage. Make sure you check their water every day and keep it clean and full.

HOME Rats need big cages with a lot of places for them to run and play. They need special paper bedding because wood chips can make them sick. You need at least 2 rats because they are really playful and must have a friend! They also need to have something to bite on so their teeth don’t get too sharp.

PLAYING Rats love to play, more than anything else! They love to climb and sniff, so make sure you give them a lot of toys. They also like to get out and exercise but make sure they can’t run away!

SLEEPING Rats like to sleep at different times in the day. They like soft and dark places to sleep.

NOTE Rats are afraid of a lot of things. Be sure to watch them closely when you get them out and never hold them too tightly or try to pick them up too fast, it might scare them and they may bite.

Snakes give great hugs. Their scales are very smooth.

EAT Snakes are very hard to feed. They eat baby mice when they are small and get eat grown up mice when they get bigger. You need to feed them one time a week. They need to eat outside of their home in a different tank. Make sure you put something over the tank to make it dark while they eat.

DRINK Make sure the snake has clean water every morning and night!

HOME Snakes need tanks and lights just like lizards do! They need a soft floor and a place to climb so they can reach the heat and a place to hide when they are sleepy. They also need a lid on their tank or they will get out and run away. Be sure to clean the tank every week to keep them from getting sick!

PLAYING Snakes don’t like to play but they like to be held sometimes. Don’t try to hold a snake if it’s angry or if it just ate. Only hold a snake when an adult is around to make sure it doesn’t hurt you.

SLEEPING Snakes like to sleep a lot! Make sure they have a night light to keep them warm!

NOTE Snakes can get grumpy after they eat. Make sure you give them time to calm down before putting them back in their home after you feed them.

Turtles love to eat vegetables! Their shell never stops growing.

EAT Turtles like to eat a lot of different things. They love carrots, lettuce, strawberries, and some even like to eat small fish! Be sure to feed them good turtle pellets from your pet store to keep them healthy.

DRINK Turtles can be a little messy with their home, so make sure they have clean water every morning and night!

HOME Turtles need very big tanks. Some turtles live in the water and some live only on the land. There are a few turtles that like both! Be sure to give them a clean tank and plenty of spots to get out of the water. They also need a daytime and nighttime heat light, just like lizards and snakes.

PLAYING Turtles don’t like to play that much but they do like to exercise! Make sure you give them places where they can’t get hurt.

SLEEPING Turtles sleep a lot during the day. Just remember to turn the lights off at night and turn their night light on!

NOTE Turtles like the water but tortoises can’t swim! Make sure you know the difference before you set up the home for your turtle.

When looking for your first pet, always remember to read a lot about them and learn as much as you can. This helps give your pet grow up to live a long time and be healthy! Also remember to talk to an adult or your family. There is a lot of responsibility when you have a pet and you have to be ready to take care of it!

PARENT OR GUARDIAN Pets are a lot of responsibility for children. Be 100 percent sure that your child is ready for a pet and be ready to assist the child in the care of the pet. Be sure to research each and every animal your child may be considering and ask your local pet store for all information regarding the care for those animals.

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