2 minute read
Kicking Off the 2022 Leadership Academy
The 2022 Austin Bar Association/Austin Young Lawyers Association Leadership Academy is underway and off to a great start!
The Leadership Academy is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, with the largest class to-date, of 32 class members. Although the Omicron variant of Covid-19 delayed it a bit, the committee was able to dynamically adjust and the class participated in their annual retreat, in-person, to kick off the year on Feb. 18, 2022, at University Federal Credit Union Plaza (thank you to UFCU for allowing the Academy to use their facilities!).
The class heard from Honorable Karin Crump and Austin Bar President, David Courreges (both also founders of the Leadership Academy), Justice Chari Kelly, Honorable Rudy Metayer, AYLA President-Elect, Blair Leake, and Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, of Lincoln-Goldfinch Law. Additionally, Justice Debra Lehrmann led the class on a tour of our beautiful and historic Texas Supreme Court.

Leadership Academy Class of 2022.
The class ended their retreat at a happy hour generously sponsored by the Vaught Law Firm. This year, the Leadership Academy is led by two co-chairs, Elliott Beck and Sam Denton, as well as supported by the following executive committee members: Jillian French, Sarah Harp, Alan Lin, Kara O’Shaughnessy, Ciara Parks, Maximilian Raileanu, and Gracie Wood Shepherd.
On March 2, 2022, the Leadership Academy class had the privilege of attending their monthly meeting at Austin City Hall to hear from Austin City Manager Spencer Cronk, who spoke about our rapidly growing community and future city initiatives.
The Leadership Academy class is in the process of selecting their class project, with more information to come very soon. AL

Sam Denton, Leadership Academy co-chair, speaks to the 2022 Leadership Academy.
Gracie Wood Shepherd as an associate attorney at Friday Milner Lambert Turner.