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AYLA Community Service Days Supports Austin ISD Crisis Support Fund
In November, the AYLA Community Service Days Committee will support AISD’s Crisis Support Fund. Please make your donation today at austinedfund.org/donate-to-the-crisis-support-fund/.
Together with AISD, the Austin Ed Fund created the AISD Crisis Support Fund as an effort to support the school communities by supplementing access to the following programs and services:
Back to School BASH: The fund, along with other partners, sponsored Back to School BASH to provide 17,000 students with a backpack filled with back-toschool supplies.
Meal Service: AISD’s Food Service Team continues to feed students and caregivers, providing up to 10,000 meals per day. With the help of the City of Austin and local restaurants, the fund supports the increased costs of this service, including the resumption of caregiver meals through early fall.
Telehealth Medical Appointment Fees: The fund is providing fee vouchers for telehealth visits for families who are uninsured and do not qualify for free/reduced meal benefits or Medicaid.
Translation and Interpretation Services: The fund is increasing the district’s capacity for on-demand and rapid response translation and interpretation services for families who speak nearly 100 different languages.
Support for Remote Learning: The fund is supporting costs for a district-wide license for Seesaw, an online learning platform for PreK-2nd grade students, and tablets for PreK-2nd grade students.
Teacher Support: The fund is making it possible for all 5,500 AISD teachers to receive Amazon gift vouchers to support their social and emotional health and needs for remote instruction.
Support for AISD’s front-line workers: With the help of H-E-B, the fund delivered H-E-B gift cards to the AISD food services team, technology services team, and the AISD Police. AL