1 minute read
Look What’s Happening at Austin Bar Association’s Loving It Lawyers Club!
Loving It Lawyers Club was thrilled to feature Hon. Lee Yeakel, U.S. district judge for the Western District of Texas—Austin Division, and Patrick Keel, former judge for the 345th Judicial District of Texas. In an evocative and thought-provoking presentation, both of these accomplished jurists shared what they still love about the practice of law, and what they wish they had known when they began.
Judge Yeakel and Judge Keel spoke to a full house of more than 50 at the first live meeting of Loving It Lawyers Club in more than three years.
A delicious buffet lunch was underwrittn by an anonymous donor of Loving It Lawyers Club, so all in attendance joyfully ate free of charge and earned an hour of ethics and CLE.
If you are interested in participating in one of the most exciting and innovative practice sections in Austin (and maybe the world), contact Loving It Lawyers
Club Founding Chair Laura Fowler at 512-441-1411 or go to austinbar.org. AL

ABOVE (L-R): Hon. Lee Yeakel, Laura Fowler, and Hon. Patrick Keel. Judges Yeakel and Keel regaled attendees with valuable insights during the Loving It Lawyers Club’s recent meeting at The Austin Club.