Stylebook Through the History of Graphic Design

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A Stylebook Through the History of Graphic Design By: Austin Moore

Hieratic Scale When the size of an object portrays the importance. The larger objects show more inportant figures and the smaller figures depict less important figures in the composition.


Ideograph This is an image or drawing that depicts an idea or thought. A modern version, like the one shown uses a red line to show what action cannot be done.


Trademark Represents personal or company property and is used to distinguish their property from other company’s property.


Greek (Geometric) A period from 1100-770 BCE where many Greek designs incorporated some geometric interlocking design.


Doric Known for it’s simple structure. This order consists of no base and a round capital.



Ligature When two or more letters are combined to created one typographic character.



Illuminated Manuscipts From 400-1450 CE, these were handwritten books that included ornately decorated pages.


Calligraphy Chinese Calligraphy is a writing system using logograms to convey words. It is also a highly revered art form.


Logogram A character used in Egyptian an Chinese writings to represent a word or phrase.


Islamic Kufic was the Islamic style of calligraphy. They also had arabesque, and aniconism styles of art.


Movable Type Originally developed around 102 CE by the Chinese but did not catch on because of the vast majority of Chinese characters.


African These unique rock paintings are thought to date back to 8,000 BCE and are broken into four periods; Roundhead, Bovidian, Horse, and Camel.


Romanesque Refers to the 11th and 12th century in European art and architecture. This era eventually gave way to the Gothic style.


Tympanum These are semi-circular or triangular decorated surface most commonly seen on arches in the Romanesque period. These decorated areas usually show a religious image.


Stained Glass Popular in Gothic architecture. Light was equated with divinity so these colored glass panes were used to let light in large cathedrals to make the church-goer feel closer to God.


Gothic Emerged in the 12th century inspired by Romanesque architecture. Key changes in Gothic architecture are the use of pointed arches, flying buttresses, and stained glass windows.


Woodcut These are relief prints carved from wood. The areas not intended to be shown when printed are cut away leaving the printing image on a level surface.


Intaglio The opposite of relief printing. This process involves cutting into the surface to create your image. A metal surface is most commonly used.


Broadside These are single leaf pages printed only on one side. Eventually these pages evolved into advertisements and newspaper


Foreshortening This occurs when the artists makes certain parts of the composition break the picture plane and appear closer of further away.


Tenebrism A more dramatic version of chiaroscuro. The darks appear darker which brings out lighter values and creates a spotlight light effect.


Information Graphics These are visual representions of data. These graphics make a large amount of information easier to process.


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