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Activities Preview Pt.2
Submitted by Joey
Caroliers is a singing group that performs around town singing Christmas carols. This small group is typically made up of upperclassmen who practice twice a week after school in November, to prepare for their December Performances. The Caroliers dress up in traditional carolers outfits. The women wear fur lined hats, plaid skirts, capes, and fur muffs as well. The men wear long black coats, festive scarves, and hats. The Caroliers are typically booked for outdoor Holiday celebrations, and nursing homes. Annually they perform at Holiday Lights at the Historical Society, and Downtown Lights in downtown Albert Lea. This group will also be performing not only at the Choir Concert this year but also the Band Concert. Susan Mauer, our Band director was involved not only in the Band but also Caroliers, Chorale, and Show Choir during her highschool years. Carolers is a talented small singing group that is dedicated to spreading joy during the Holiday season.
Humanities Club
Submitted by Josephine Peterson
Do you enjoy watching movies? Do you like talking about movies with other people? If so, then the ALHS Humanities Club might be for you. The Humanities Club is where students get together once a week to watch movies of their choice. That already sounds fun, but it gets even better! When we are done watching the movies we talk about what we liked best about the movie, or what we did not like as much. But we do more than watching movies and talking about them, we focus on how the movies portray humanity. By analyzing the characters, actions, and relationships from movies, we get to talk about how these movies we love show the way humans act. Some of the movies we have watched this year are Jurassic Park, Dune, Ever After, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Planet of the Apes (2011). In the last meeting we started watching classical movies like the Sound of Music, a film we all know and love, and seeing if the way they portray humans is the same as modern movies. While the Humanities Club only meets until the end of first semester, everyone is welcome to join us next year!
Submitted by Joey Maiden
Chorale is one of the other popular singing groups during the holiday season. Unlike Caroliers, Chorale sings throughout the year but is most popular during the Holiday season. Chorale is a slightly larger group with about twenty five people, around five to six singers in each voice part. A surprising thing about the Chorale this year is the amount of underclassmen, with 10 out of 25 of them being Freshman or Sophomores. Chorale is the most popular among nursing homes and churches. They are singing seven times in nursing homes, or assisted living homes this year over the course of two weeks. “I love watching how sharing our music fulfills the lives of those living in senior living communities.” - Lara Westrum. This group will also be performing at the Choir Concert on December 12th at 7pm. The Chorale is a well known music group around town and brings joy to everyone during the whole year.
Book Club
By: Staff Writer, Rosa Corey-Gruenes
ALHS book club was started about a year ago by seniors of the class of 2022. It costs no money to join and we receive a free book to read about every two weeks. We meet every week on Tuesdays to talk about our progress.You don’t have to be a big reader to join and can read at your own pace. Although we are a small club with six members, it is extremely rewarding to be a part of the book club and interact with the wonderful people involved. Contact Ms.Netzer if you want to join at any time of the school year!
Girls’ Hockey
Submitted by Mika Cichosz
On a typical week, we usually have 2-3 games and 2-3 practices. We have our own locker room where we get to keep all of the equipment throughout the season. We do many fun things off the ice too, like team bonding and team dinners. We also have secret buddies within our own team! You give your buddy a gift or note every game. Another thing we are doing this season is going to the Women’s Gopher Ice hockey game as a team. Hockey is a great sport that has many fun aspects.
Submitted by Easton Hillman
The robotics club is all about working together as a team in order to complete a given task. I can say first hand as a senior programmer that the club is definitely more stimulating than other clubs due to how many different options there are. You could be constructing the robot, programming the robot, documenting about the robot, and more than I can probably fit in here! I can definitely see this continuing for years to come, ever since we made it to worlds in Texas last year (the first year we started up!). If you seem interested in joining, or just want more information, don’t be afraid to check out our website at https://sites.google.com/alschools.org/alrobotics/home