2016 Cool House Tour Guidebook

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COOL HOUSE TOUR 2016 Sunday, June 12 10 am – 6 pm This book is your ticket. Valid for one person.

Produced by Texas Solar Energy Society & Austin Energy® Green Building Retail Sponsors Treehouse & Zinger Hardware


“ Instead of just focusing on a pretty home, I started to think about the house as an efficient, cohesive building system.” Lisa Jacobs, LEED AP BD+C, 2 Blue Chairs


August 4 7:00 – 9:00 PM Green Planning and Design

Learn how at Green by Design Workshops

August 11 7:00 – 9:00 PM Green Materials and Products

Register at: greenbuilding.austinenergy.com

August 18 7:00 – 9:00 PM Green Home Systems

© 2016 Austin Energy. All rights reserved. Austin Energy and the Austin Energy logo and combinations thereof are trademarks of Austin Energy, the electric department of the City of Austin, Texas. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Dear Cool House Tour Friends,

TOUR GUIDELINES »» Each visitor must have a guidebook to enter a home »» Children 12 and younger attend for free »» Please note if there are special parking instructions »» Avoid blocking neighbors’ driveways »» Be ready to take off your shoes or wear booties provided at the homes »» Please refrain from taking photos in the homes »» Please respect the privacy of our generous homeowners and visit only during the public tour hours of 10 am – 6 pm on Sunday, June 12 »» Share your experience on social media using #coolhousetour and the unique hashtag for each property

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I keep a file of prior Cool House Tour guidebooks to early tours that came before the title Cool House Tour was attached to this green building event. In the mid-1990s, The Self Directed Green Building Tour featured the residential and commercial projects of a few architects and builders who considered the implications of our hot and humid Central Texas climate. At the same time, savvy homeowners noticed that sustainable design, energy efficiency and comfort were compatible and financially smart. The tour was born out of those early events and became the showcase for Austin Energy Green Building’s mission to promote sustainability in the built environment. Welcome to the 20th Annual Cool House Tour, a nationally recognized event that provides you access to Green Building rated homes and introduces you to the homeowners and the dedicated professionals who make it happen. We’re pleased to include a diverse selection of single family homes plus two projects that nod to Austin’s growing need for energy efficient, multi-family housing. We also have two family compounds, one built of compressed earth block overlooking a food forest created from a caliche landscape. An alleyflat brings us back to the city and the need for urban housing, while two remodels that now incorporate passive solar design are a reminder that most of Austin’s homes were built years before anyone thought about energy efficiency, but that need not be a barrier to today’s standards. In a nod to our landscape designers, the floods of the past two years have sparked more discussions about drainage issues and more rain gardens in place than ever on this 2016 tour. Texas weather is too much or not enough

and I’m sure that in a year or two, the conversation will circle back to low water plantings. The tour brings together so many people who deserve thanks-the homeowners and the professionals who bring us these cool homes and offer to educate you on the fine points of sustainable design and building. As always, the tour selection committee was on call to view projects in February. The Green Building staff worked hard to encourage their clients to apply for the tour and then kept an eye on the accuracy of the information passed onto you. Austin Energy Marketing and Communication has refined this guidebook and our online presence to mirror the aesthetic of the tour projects. And you, our tour goersthank you for your curiosity about sustainable shelter at this pivotal time for the planet. Warm regards,

Lucy Stolzenburg Executive Director Texas Solar Energy Society


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Plan your own tour! You may visit the homes in any order you wish.

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9430 Spring Hollow Drive 5413-B Duval Street 1908 Stamford Lane 1900 Holly Hill Drive 1705 Collier Street 2012-B Rabb Glen Street

2800 South 5th Street 3321 Davis Lane 3226 West Slaughter Lane 9248 Sandstone Street 721 Barton Springs Road





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A basic builder’s 1970s ranch-style home was propelled into the 21st century with a complete makeover.

Barley|Pfeiffer Architecture Alan Barley, Peter Pfeiffer and Matt Hart 512.476.8580 BarleyPfeiffer.com

The owners were looking to buy a house near family members that could be completely reconfigured to their desire for a high performance, sustainable and comfortable home. They chose a modest house with a series of rooms clustered around a sunken living space that lacked any connection to the outside. It was dark, the windows leaked both air and water, and the exterior was deteriorating.

Ray Tonjes Builder, Inc. Ray Tonjes 512.632.3450 raytonjesbuilder.com

The architect and builder team transformed the confined and outdated spaces into an open and elegant sustainable home. The living room was filled in, interior

Sponsors Air Rite By Design, Inc. Gilbert Rosipal 512.264.9990 NATiVE buildnative.com CCB Designs Chris Browarski 512.626.0492 ccbdesigns.net Botanical Concerns, LLC Annie Paulson Gillespie 512.276.0526 botanicalconcerns.com Share Your Experience #SpringHollow

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walls were removed, and a former rear addition was replaced with an outdoor living space. Passive solar design required deep overhangs and the screened-in porch to protect from heat gain — the large windows let in abundant natural light. Moving the fireplace from the interior to the porch improved indoor air quality. The passive fresh air intake keeps the house at positive pressure. The steep drop to the creek became a terraced backyard, creating an inviting space for outdoor entertaining. LED lighting, a high-efficiency variable refrigerant flow heat pump and an induction cooktop were chosen to increase energy savings. With the installation of a solar PV array, this all-electric home used only $230 worth of grid power over the past year.

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5413-B DUVAL STREET AUSTIN, TX 78751 Austin Community Design and Development Center Richard MacMath, Project Architect 512.363.8790 acddc.org Z Works Design Build Inc. Khairuz Zaman, AIA 512.554.4664 greenbuildertexas.com

Sponsors Straight Solutions, Inc. Brian Fuller 512.964.2395 austinmetalroof.com Alley Flat Initiative Home Tour, June 18 Austin Community Design and Development Center nicole.joslin@acddc.org thealleyflatinitiative.org Share Your Experience #DuvalStreet

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In researching the possibility of placing a small secondary dwelling on his rental property, the owner discovered that Austin is one of three cities in the country that encourage alley flats for inner-city lots. The Alley Flat Initiative and Austin’s Smart Housing program encourage small accessory residences to help create affordable rental units near downtown and assist homeowners with income to offset rising property taxes. The builder and architect collaborated on an alley flat in 2008 and were ready for another opportunity to work together and utilize their previous experience. The project’s tiny footprint of 660 square feet called for a two story dwelling located behind the main house. Two bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen and living/dining area now fill out a total of 850 square feet. The limited budget did not preclude efficiency. Operable windows are positioned to catch prevailing breezes and a large oak tree shades the building’s west side. All living spaces have fans. High efficiency HVAC kicks in when passive measures need a boost. A heat pump water heater is centrally located to shorten hot water lines. Even small roofs can host solar panels and this alley flat is designed for that future scenario. The alley-facing landscape on any lot can be tricky, but this architect understands the secret: “I didn’t design the home, the site did.”

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1908 STAMFORD LANE AUSTIN, TX 78703 NATiVE Lloyd Lee 855.BLD.NATIVE buildnative.com

Sponsors Images of‌ Elliot Johnson, AIA 512.327.3032 imagesof.net Cool Insulation Company Jake Sloan 512.619.6536 coolinsulationaustin.com NATiVE buildnative.com Austin Energy Program Participant Solar Photovoltaics (PV) Incentive Share Your Experience #StamfordLane

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The owners’ chose an integrated design approach so that the deconstruction of their old home and construction of the new one went smoothly while they were overseas on a planned sabbatical. This site has been home for over 30 years to University of Texas professors who built successful careers and raised their family here. They watched their neighborhood expand into a collection of mega-homes built on small lots. Resisting that trend, they chose to stay in place and build a modestly sized, netzero house. All planning took place in the nine months prior to the owners leaving the country on sabbatical. This included a surprise last minute discovery of archaic deed restrictions that altered the original design. Changes were made, the owners boarded their plane and nine months later returned to their new home. The open kitchen/living area is the perfect space to entertain students, faculty and family. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves highlight their passion for literature. Natural day-lighting makes the home bright without artificial light while a sophisticated HVAC system and fresh air filtration ensure improved indoor air quality. As the owners anticipate aging in place, the layout is friendly to limited mobility. Passive solar design, standing seam metal roofing and a solar PV installation has rewarded the owners by generating more energy than they use.

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1900 HOLLY HILL DRIVE AUSTIN, TX 78746 Meeta Morrison Designs, LLC Meeta Morrison 512.217.3563 meetamorrison@gmail.com Lawrence Huisman General Contractor Lawrence Huisman 512.858.7381, 512.423.7986 lawrencehuisman@gmail.com

The designer remodeling her family’s West Austin 1980’s home utilized sun, wind, water, vegetation and topography to transform a space that had little natural light, high energy bills, chopped up rooms, minimal storage and lack of outdoor living spaces. The sloped lot and orientation of the original house prevented an easy answer to the owners’ goals. The challenge inspired a u-shaped design for the new home, bringing in natural light from the north, south and west, expanding the living area and creating a courtyard. A single-level was chosen over a two-story design to incorporate passive design principles that reduce heat gain. Faceted ceilings and a strategically placed wall reflect and diffuse light. The steep lot, once a detriment, became a strategic avenue to capture the prevailing breezes. The backyard rising from the courtyard is now landscaped with rain gardens that improve site drainage. Metal roofs with gutters are in place for a rainwater catchment system. Planning for the future, the owners configured the guest suite and bathroom to accommodate limited mobility residents, and ensured all doorways were ADA compliant. The original house was carefully dismantled and all salvageable materials were recycled, reused or donated.

Sponsors Eastside Lumber & Decking, LLC Cliff Howell 512.492.3950 eastsidelumberaustin.com Countryside Nursery and Landscape Matt Davidson and Zel Heaney 512.791.7755 countrysideaustin.com Austin Energy Program Participant GreenChoice® Share Your Experience #HollyHillDrive

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1705 COLLIER STREET AUSTIN, TX 78704 Studio Momentum Architects Travis Young 512.452.7961 studiomomentum.com

Sponsors Tejeda Masonry, Inc. Crispin Tejeda 512.930.0015 tejedamasonry.com Reclaimed DesignWorks – Austin Showroom Lori Howard 512.680.0689 reclaimeddesignworks.com Primo Woodworks David Webb 512.589.6523 primowoodworks.com Share Your Experience #CollierStreet

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When the house and lot next to their parents’ home came up for sale, these owners set a path toward a modern, light filled, all electric and energy efficient home and studio. The original older house was recycled and the narrow lot was opened up for design possibilities. Abundant heritage trees dotting the property ultimately became an advantage, bringing a sense of the outdoors inside. Privacy in this urban space is created with shaded second floor balconies, a screened in porch and an invitation to stroll to the backyard and relax on the covered deck. The large second floor windows provide natural daylighting which minimizes electricity use and makes the upstairs bathroom feel like a tree house. Rough-cut flooring from multiple wood species enhances the natural aesthetic and hides scuff marks from the owners’ enthusiastic pets. Though the home and studio are all electric, the utility bills are half the cost of the owners’ previous condo. Passive solar design prevents heat gain with an 8-foot overhang on the southern exposure and an operable window in the center light well that creates a thermal chimney effect. Heat pump water heaters, exterior and attic insulation, a high efficiency HVAC system and durable materials expand energy saving opportunities for this 2,600 square foot home and 480 square foot studio.

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2012-B RABB GLEN STREET AUSTIN, TX 78704 Don Harris | Architect 512.297.4206 donharrisarchitect.com Riverside Homes, LLC Scott Turner 512.473.9930 riversidehomesaustin.com

Sponsors Austin Wood Works, Inc. Lindsay Fazand 512.259.3373 austinwoodworks.com Austin Air Conditioning, Inc. Phillip Leach 512.252.7711 austinairconditioning.com Share Your Experience #RabbGlen

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HGTV featured the design and construction of this house in its 2015 Smart Home giveaway. The entire building process was filmed and completed on a tight schedule, a true challenge in the competitive Austin construction market. A Smart House is not just a technological marvel. The design and construction team considered available tree cover, orientation, placement of windows for natural lighting, outdoor living space and location of the neighboring houses in this development. Building codes restricted the conditioned space to 2,300 square feet, but a pergola shades the west side of the home for outdoor living, and a screened porch sits to the north, comfortably out of the sun’s glare.

Energy efficient products and materials include a tight thermal building envelope, low-e glazing, window shades and high efficiency water fixtures. In addition to energy savings, smart home components offer the owners unprecedented convenience and control of their home, from a garage door that sends a text if left open, to a washing machine that “talks� to the thermostat and a second floor e-glass bathroom window that gives privacy on command. Between the integrated technology that means this home operates at the touch of a button, and the walkable access to urban amenities, the owners have everything they could want right at their fingertips.

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THE DENIZEN 2800 SOUTH 5TH STREET AUSTIN, TX 78704 Momark Development Lydia Clay, Project Manager 512.827.2745 momarkdevelopment.com

The Denizen developers went to great lengths to create a green, sustainable and vibrant community that surpasses typical multifamily construction standards. The Denizen is 119 condominium homes on 8.5 acres, with 3.5 dedicated acres of open space designed to provide a variety of gathering places where residents can enjoy life as a community. The townhomes lining the street are a nod to the single-family neighborhood. The majority of buildings with flats are sited in an east-west configuration to minimize impact from the Texas sun. Energy-efficient materials are used throughout the development including TPO reflective roofing, low-e windows and LED lighting. Tankless water heaters and high-efficiency dualflushing commodes are incorporated to increase water savings. To avoid the typical sedimentation/filtration arrangements common to development on a slope, with their attendant weeds and rodents, the developers created 14 rain gardens filled with native plantings designed to create a more natural storm water management system. A 2-acre park and an urban garden filled with vegetables and native flowers provide the residents an opportunity for outdoor engagement. The grounds include an open space where activities such as yoga and movies-in-the-park are held, a pool and community gathering room, and an amphitheater for music. There are also two dog parks for the four-legged residents. By designing a site plan that provides these amenities, the builders have given residents a true community of neighbors.

Parking directions Out of courtesy to the Denizen residents, please park along South 5th St. and not in the complex lot. Share Your Experience #South5th

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3321 DAVIS LANE AUSTIN TEXAS 78745 Adam Stepan Design/Build Adam Stepan 512.517.0552 adamstepan.com

Sponsors Sunergy, LLC Ray Wilburn 888.239.8548 sunergy.net Milgard Windows and Doors Jim McBride 512.529.1599 milgard.com Austin Energy Program Participant Solar Photovoltaics (PV) Incentive Share Your Experience #DavisLane

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The owner’s vision of an extended-family compound became a reality when he discovered five vacant acres originally zoned for condominiums in a developing suburban neighborhood. The family members were skeptical until they met on the property and realized its potential. The original vision blossomed into two net-zero residences, housing eight people from four households as well as the owner’s business warehouse. Proper orientation was vital to meet net zero goals. Each home is tucked into the hilly landscape with an entire floor below grade on three sides. This design feature, combined with 2x6 walls filled completely with spray foam, allows for a very conservative use of mechanical heating and cooling. High efficiency HVAC systems, 125 solar panels and two solar water heaters help make this cumulative 7,000 square foot estate approach net zero. Large windows allow abundant natural light during the daytime, even for the lower levels of each home. Over 1,500 square feet of spacious covered porches shade the ample windows and doors from harsh summer sun and welcome solar warmth in winter. Lush native trees make the communal patio area an inviting central outdoor feature. The site offers views to the east, south and west. The owners plan to develop the site into an organic farm.

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FOUNDATION COMMUNITIES HOMESTEAD OAKS 3226 WEST SLAUGHTER LANE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78745 Bailey Elliott Construction, Inc. Keith Pool 512.327.3951 baileyelliott.com hatch + ulland owen architects Tom Hatch, FAIA 512.474.8548 huoarchitects.com

Sponsors Lighthouse Solar D.J. Rosebaugh 512.476.5555 lighthousesolar.com Studio Balcones Landscape Architecture Ilse Frank 512.383.8815 studiobalcones.com Hatch Workshop Andrew Danziger 512.200.7200 hatchworkshop.com Harvested Rain Solutions, LLC Ron Van Sickle, ARCSA AP 877.693.2166 harvestedrainsolutions.com Austin Energy Program Participant GreenChoice®Solar Photovoltaics (PV) Incentive Share Your Experience #WestSlaughter

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Homestead Oaks is Foundation Communities’ most ambitious multifamily affordable housing development to date. Foundation Communities preserved hundreds of heritage live oaks on this 29-acre former ranch. This development is the first large-scale, multifamily property in Austin to feature solar power directly serving renters’ meters. The 135 kW array is individually connected to each apartment, allowing residents to benefit from lowered electric bills and the value of solar tax credit. Foundation Communities hopes Homestead Oaks is an example that encourages more multifamily developers to provide renewables to tenants.

The property has 140 apartments, ranging from one to three bedrooms, designed for individuals or families earning between 30 and 80 percent of median family income. The apartments are safe and efficient, and residents have access to the on-site learning center with after-school and summer school programs. Foundation Communities’ Green & Healthy environmental and health education curriculum empowers kids to help their families save energy, water, divert waste and make healthy living choices. Additional green building features incorporated at Homestead Oaks are natural day-lighting, LED lighting, ducted mini-split HVAC systems and fresh air ventilation in every unit. Centralized heat pumps generate hot water and eighteen 2,500-gallon rainwater collection tanks are part of the irrigation system. The native landscaping and a custom-built playground reflect the surrounding natural landscape.

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9248 SANDSTONE STREET AUSTIN, TX 78737 Stewardship Inc. Gayle Borst, RA 512.478.9033 stewardshiparchitecture.com Cox Construction Michael and Nathaniel Cox 512.422.7850, 512.970.6893 nathaniellcox@gmail.com

Sponsors Earth Block Texas, LLC Jim Hallock 830.998.2004 earthblockinternational.com NATiVE buildnative.com Innovative Water Solutions, LLC Chris Maxwell-Gaines 512.490.0932 watercache.com Symbiosis Regenerative Systems Michael Wolfert 973.568.0077 symbiosistx.com Share Your Experience #SandstoneStreet

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A master plan to create an integrated homestead grew into a sustainable compound using the principles of passive solar design, natural products — clay, sand, straw, stone and wood — and the restoration of a bare and neglected landscape. Natural and luxurious elements, both down-to-earth and high tech, coexist on this property. The main house, guest house, school and garage are constructed of sitebuilt Compressed Earth Block (CEB) and straw bale, designed to last hundreds of years. Locally produced and/or sourced materials include light fixtures, cabinets and entry doors, as well as the cedar used in the lintels, columns, trim and porch ceiling. By design, this project minimized the use of materials that off-gas harmful volatile organic compounds. Solar PV, solar thermal and highly efficient mini-split systems further the goal of net zero energy. Even the electric car and vehicle charging station don’t strain the power budget. With rainwater as the sole source of domestic and landscape water as well as drip irrigation from a high-performance bio-filtration wastewater system, this homestead is self-sufficient. Even the natural swimming pool is filled with rainwater and treated primarily by living plants. Beyond the pool is a food forest designed around the principles of Permaculture — the transformation of Hill Country caliche into nourishing soil for fruit trees and raised vegetable beds. Unlike most construction sites, no dumpster was needed for the minimal waste generated during construction; most of it was ground back into the earth.

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721 BARTON SPRINGS ROAD AUSTIN, TX 78704 Austin Energy powersaver.austinenergy.com

Austin Energy is proud to sponsor Austin Energy Green Building and Texas Solar Energy Society’s signature event. We invite you to visit with our Customer Energy Solutions team and fellow City departments at the Cool House Tour open house. Here, you will learn about the residential offerings that help you make smart energy choices, save money and preserve our natural resources. We hope you make our open house part of your tour. Enjoy light refreshments, a cool beverage, meet like-minded people and find the resources you need to help make us a more sustainable community. Featured at our Open House: ENERGY EFFICIENCY Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® »» Make “whole-home” energy efficiency improvements with the help of rebates and low-interest loans. ENERGY STAR appliances »» Install ENERGY STAR appliances to earn rebates and save on energy costs while increasing home comfort. ECAD energy audit »» Learn more about the condition of your home, potential for improvements and distinctive advantage of certification. Renter benefits »» Understand how residents in apartment complexes can contribute to energy reduction efforts and find savings. Austin Energy Green Building »» Get technical support from the early planning stages of new construction or major remodels. Power$aver™ Volunteer »» Receive email and text alerts reminding you to lower your electric usage during peak demand times.

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RENEWABLE ENERGY GreenChoice® »» Choose 100% renewable Texas wind to meet your home energy needs and reduce global climate change. Solar panels »» Find clean, quiet and efficient ways of generating electricity at home by harvesting sunlight. TECH-SAVVY SAVINGS Electric Vehicles »» Spend less on gas, protect air quality, enjoy rebates and multiple area charging stations. Power Partner℠ Thermostats »» Earn a rebate for qualified internet-connected thermostats that use smart technology to maximize comfort. Austin Energy web app »» Access our free, interactive web app to monitor your energy use from anywhere and receive energy savings alerts.

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Platinum Level

TreeHouse 512.861.0712 treehouse.com

Gold Level

Construction-Solar buildnative.com

Silver Level TreeHouse is a home improvement company focused on performance, design and outdoor solutions for the home. TreeHouse strives to make homes thoughtful, sustainable, and healthy for everyone. From kitchen remodels and home solar systems to non-toxic paint, TreeHouse is a home improvement company focused on performance, design and outdoor solutions for every kind of home.

Retail Sponsors

Photography of homes: Emerson Walter Photography emersonwalter.com

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»» 512.482.5300 »» greenbuilding.austinenergy.com

»» 512.751.1873 »» txses.org

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