AFF September 2010

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music August 2010



edition PLUS: Get to know your Austin

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Publisher: H.O.T. Publishing, LLC 512.584.6888 Editor: Marcy Lytle Contributing Writers: Lee Eddins, Marcy Lytle, Susan Stern, Al Jones, Trent Peng, Kie Bowman, Debbie Stevens, Laurie Loew, Pieper Stewart, Ginny Hurley, Mark Trice, Dave Ramsey, Richard Landry, Lauren Lacy, Joe Elliott, Melissa Critz, Patricia Jacobson, Jo Ann Armstrong, Sandra Alton, John Pound, Jack Hammans, Callie Langford, Deborah Begley, Lori DeVillez, Felicia Craig, and Michelle Gonelli Graphic Design: Abby Pound Advertising Sales: Susan Stern | 512.773.3240 Austin Faith and Family is committed to encouraging individuals in their daily lives by presenting the faith stories of others and providing information that will point every person, at every stage of life, to a deeper, authentic, personal and life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Views expressed in Austin Faith & Family do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by the Austin Faith & Family staff to ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information, nor the absences of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be, or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2010 by H.O.T. Publishing, LLC. Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. Austin Faith & Family is published monthly and is available at high traffic locations throughout the metropolitan area. Copies are also available by subscription, $25 for one year. Single issues available for $3 an issue.

Volume 2, Issue 4




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Live M usic C apita

l of t he Wo rld

contents FAITH

An Unlikely Neighbor 20 Words: Bible Study Death Trap Spiritual Coffee Head to Heart: The Power of Words Church & Helping Hands Directory Moments of Obedience: Treasure Hunting



The Home Front: Finding Your Inner Rock Star


Health Matters: How Do You Take Care of You? Diet & Nutrition: Do We Really Need Nutritional Supplements? Ladies Top 10: Try This!

Mom to Mom: Making Delicious Music With Your Old Cast Iron Pot


Along the Way: The Epidemic of Loneliness

Chick-Fil-A Drive-Thru: A Revolution of Courtesy

Catching the Light: Sounds

Austin: Live Music Capital of the World

Christian Brothers Family Calendar


CityScene Just a Good Cook: Music & Food Travel: Destination Bermuda Body Life: The Symphony of Prayer


Spend Life Well: Your Guide to Financial Success Dave Says: Financial Straight Talk with Dave Ramsey

Moms Who Save: Home Decor on a Budget

CASA: A Place For Heroes

Local Artists Different Austin Worship Leaders Third Day: A Band of Friends Interview with Casting Crowns' Mark Hall Local Christian Music Venues Interview with David Phelps APRC: A Dream Becomes Reality


Rave Reviews The Back Pew

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Editor's Note

Listen to the Music

Music is my second language. I love to listen to good lyrics. A great tune rings in my ears long after the song is over. And some songs that have both great lyrics and awesome music can move me to tears, or get me up to dance! That’s the kind of music we’re celebrating in this month’s issue of Austin Faith & Family. Since Austin is well known as “The Live Music Capital of the World,” we wanted to highlight many of the Christian artists and venues around town that make our city the “life” music of the world – playing music that awakens the dead! We hope the stories and places we’ve chosen to write about will inspire you, amaze you, and even move you out of the four walls of your own church to experience God with those whom you’ve yet to meet! Austin boasts many of the best worship leaders in town, all with different methods and preferences, but all with one goal – to worship HIM. This month, we included a list of music venues for all ages, and the staff at AFF even gave some of our best album picks in three categories. We hope you’ll also enjoy reading the insightful interviews with lead singer Mark Hall with Casting Crowns, and bassist Tai Anderson from Third Day, one of the bands joining the World Tour with Max Lucado in October. Their answers and stories will inspire you! I can’t imagine life without music. And I don’t want to listen to music without life. As you read our regular monthly articles, along with the special edition pages, take a pen and highlight new places to visit, new music venues to try, novel ideas to ponder, and innovative ways to improve your life. Share the magazine with a friend, and invite them out for dinner and music at Dahlia’s, share an evening listening to a band at the Club Realm, or take in a new worship service under the bridge in downtown Austin. Whatever you do this month, which marks the beginning of the fall season, take time to listen to the music. Marcy Lytle | Austin Faith & Family

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Hi Marcy, We just wanted to thank you for including the TaylorWise CD review in the June and July issues of Austin Faith & Family. We are very grateful for your kind words and support. Niki T. Marcy, I received a copy of the August 2010 edition of your magazine as we were leaving the Casting Crowns concert last night. I just read it cover to cover and must say, GREAT job!!! AWESOME job! Bob D.

Letters Hi, I picked up a copy of Helping Hands at Smokey Mo's restaurant and found it to be an excellent magazine. I like the Spiritual Coffee section and plan to use it in our devotion time. Thank you for a fine Christian magazine. C. Kirby

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An Unlikely Neighbor 20 Words Spiritual Coffee Head to Heart Church Directory Moments of Obedience

7 9 10 11 12 13

Special Feature:

An Unlikely Neighbor

On June 28th, a billboard went up next to I-35 in Pflugerville with the provocative words “Don’t Believe in God? Join the club.” The sign was the work of the Austin Coalition of Reason, or AustinCoR, a cooperative effort of six local groups which accept atheists, agnostics and Freethinkers as members. Last year, Don Rhoades helped organize AustinCor, and currently serves as the group’s coordinator. Don is a 58 year old Project Manager who lives in Oak Hill with his wife of 26 years and his 20 year old daughter. A graduate of the business school at UT Austin, Don is a 4-year Navy vet who currently serves as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and is an active member of Bikers Against Child Abuse. Most of us know the greatest commandment in the Bible – Love the Lord your God with all your heart…and love your neighbor as yourself. That second part gets a bit “sticky” for some, when the neighbor beside us is one who doesn’t believe in the God we love. However, Lee Eddins (Publisher of this magazine), and Marcy Lytle (Editor), recently sat down with Don Rhoades, our neighbor in Austin, who doesn’t believe in God. We believe that neighbors, even ones that act, look, talk, and even believe differently than one another, still need to communicate openly and fairly. As stated above, Don was part of the group that caused a stir among the Christian community with the question raised above our city. After visiting with Don, we realized that many times atheists, agnostics, and generally anyone who “doesn’t believe like we do” are “looked down on” by Christians, criticized by religious people, and quite frankly – avoided. Don allowed us the opportunity to probe his mind with questions that perhaps many Christians want to ask atheists – but don’t. Below are his candid answers. As you read the answer to the last question, give some more thought to what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself” and then look around to see who might be sitting next to you… Have you been an atheist all of your life? If not, was there a pivotal moment? (Many Christians speak of a singular event that caused them to believe in God.) I was raised a Methodist, and attended church regularly though junior high school. The closest thing to a “pivotal moment” came when one of my high school friends told me she did not believe in God. Until then, I hadn’t really

thought seriously about whether or not God actually existed. At some point, I began to question. I spent months reading the Bible, and was disturbed by much of what I found there. Later, at a used book sale, I picked up a copy of Bertrand Russell’s Why I am Not a Christian which nudged me pretty quickly over the edge. My personal path was not so much a rejection of supernatural beings as Don such, but more of a growing realization that the universe appears to be devoid of anything that could properly be called supernatural. While it’s fine, even important, to test claims involving the supernatural, naturalistic explanations are (for me) prioritized above supernatural ones. So, not only traditional religion, but ghosts, voodoo, witchcraft, ESP, etc all got thrown into the heap of things which, in my opinion, were very likely to have no basis in actual fact. For most of my life, I rarely met anyone who shared my disbelief. This profoundly changed in 1996 after I answered an ad in the Chronicle about an “atheist discussion group” which was to become the Atheist Community of Austin the following year. I was privileged to serve as co-chair for the first two years of the group’s existence and have been a member, board member, or officer ever since. If you could, would you like to live in a country of atheists? Only if they had great Tex-Mex and barbecue! Seriously, I love Austin, and I can’t imagine living in a country of atheists, though it would be nice if we were a bit more numerous here. (We’re working on that…) Are there any countries today that are officially atheistic that you particularly admire? The only officially atheist country I can think of that I would really like to visit is Cuba, but that has much more to do with music, food, beaches, and cigars than the official government stance on religion. Also, I like the idea of a secular as opposed to an atheist government. The so-called “wall of separation” is pretty much an American invention and has resulted in both religious freedom and thriving religious communities. Kind of a win-win idea…

Rhoades with AFF Editor Marcy Lytle Are you generally unhappy with all religions or are there various ones that you find particularly offensive? Well, since you asked, here are some religious ideas that get me fired up: Insistence that America is a Christian nation; Opposition to science and legitimate science education; Opposition to our tradition of separating church and state; Insistence that it’s really important to God that we be mean to gay people; and, of course, we are going to disagree about the truth of supernatural claims. The great writer Dostoyevsky through one of his characters in The Brothers Karamazov said. “If God does not exist, all things are permitted.” Do you agree with that characterization? Whether there’s a god or not, a person, religious or otherwise, can act as a moral agent if they consider moral principles (i.e., fairness, justice, privacy, honesty, least pain, greatest utility, etc) in the making of decisions that impact others. Different principles might have more weight in some situations or cultures than others, but the idea is the same. Contrast this with the person who only wants to obey God. This can cause problems when someone believes God wants them to blow themselves up or kill their kids. I am not trying to say that religious people are not moral (that is certainly not my experience), just that religious thinking can and does lead people astray. When you say you are a "community of reason," what do you mean? “Reason” is one of the words we use to differentiate ourselves from the faith community. We are not trying to say that religious people can’t use reason, or that we don’t have faith in any sense of the word, but we like to think of ourselves as people of reason rather than people of faith.

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If there is not a God, are there any reasons to do good? There are all kinds of reasons to do good, especially without the promise of a better world after death, or a supernatural being who can fix things. To us, this life is all we get, so we should make our world as nice a place as we can.

caseworkers, foster and adoptive parents, and kids I work with through CASA are religious, many devoutly so, and I don’t have a problem with any of them. On the other hand, there is a portion of the religious community that is offended by the mere existence of nonbelievers like me. We hear from them from time to time; but fortunately, Austin is a pretty tolerant place to be religion-free. While I don’t have a problem with religious people, religious ideas are fair game. For example, the idea that God must be obeyed, even if he wants me to fly an airplane into a building, strikes me as immoral even if God were to actually exist. What would you like to say to the Christian community at large?

Do atheists have charitable organizations to help others? What are they? Non-believers are not big on creating our own philanthropic organizations; a good cause is a good cause, after all. By the way, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, the biggest donors to charity in America right now, both describe themselves as agnostic. Personally, I spend part of my free time volunteering as a CASA advocate, and I am over 7 gallons in blood donations. While I have given up on ever catching Gates or Buffett in terms of charitable contributions, I want to help where I can. It just makes sense. Is your goal to abolish Christianity or just to provide an alternative for all the others? Gosh, my wife would be so cross with me if I went out and abolished Christianity! Seriously, there are benefits to belonging to a congregation that have nothing to do with religion, such as a sense of belonging, and a vehicle for acknowledging or celebrating important milestones in one’s life. The organizations that make up the Austin Coalition of Reason provide opportunities for Freethinkers to engage in conversation and a variety of activities within a community of like-minded individuals who value each other’s company. Each of the six member groups listed on our web site at http://www.austincor. org has a different flavor, so someone looking for a group might like one but not another. The whole idea of the billboard is to spread the word that these groups are out there for folks like us. Have you personally been wounded by a Christian or Christian organization? No. I have had a few enthusiastic conversations, and I have heard of some negative comments made when I was not in the room; but overall, Christians who are aware that I am an atheist have generally been kind…we just disagree about this one little issue. If atheists don’t believe in God, then why is there an issue with those who do? I do not have a problem with religious people. My wife is religious, as are many of my friends, family and co-workers. Most of the 8



I would like Christians to know that nonbelievers, whether they call themselves Freethinkers, Humanists, atheists, or agnostics, are among you. We are your neighbors, coworkers, and sometimes even family members. Marcy Lytle

Susan Hart Bio

The need to create has always been important to me, through oil painting, teaching esthetics, or implementing business strategies. Being an artist has given me a unique perspective on business in the beauty industry. I started my journey 25 years ago as a model, but quickly realized my true love for enhancing beauty as a make-up artist. I dropped my contract with Elite Modeling Agency to start a family, but maintained my passion for the beauty industry. While raising three children, I continued my education and obtained an Esthetician's license. I flew around the country to wherever the latest techniques and products were being developed, to expand my knowledge of the industry. One of the highlights of my career was working for a cosmetics company based out of Beverly Hills called Visage Beaute. I learned how to launch and manage a new company from the ground up. Shortly after, I designed and developed Medical Day Spas along the West Coast. I moved to Round Rock in 2005 and immediately fell in love with the historic downtown. Here I combined my passion and experience to create a business that combines the luxuries of Austin with the local charm of Round Rock.


A Place for Heroes

Every child needs a hero, but abused and neglected children need superheroes. Nineyear-old Jamie is one of those kids. Jamie’s mother often did drugs with her boyfriend, leaving the boy with his grandmother. When his grandmother could no longer take care of him, Jamie came into the care of Child Protective Services. Jamie has now been in foster care for almost a year. The judge assigned Jamie a CASA volunteer named Jennifer, a consistent and caring adult in his life who makes sure he gets to have fun doing normal “kid” things. Jennifer also advocates for Jamie’s best interest in court by making recommendations to the judge about what Jamie needs to succeed and where would be best for him to live. In May, Jamie was temporarily placed in respite care by his foster family. His 9th birthday was that same week. Jennifer showed up to celebrate Jamie’s birthday and brought him the exact toy he’d requested. She took Jamie out to dinner where he got to order waffles with whipped cream, and then to see his very first movie in the theater! Jennifer asked Jamie what else he had done for his birthday, and he said no one else had done anything. The respite care family had not been informed his birthday was that week, and his biological family’s plans to celebrate with him had fallen through. His birthday had gone unmentioned until Jennifer arrived.

Jennifer was focused on his best interest and able to give him individualized attention and make sure that the little and big things in life didn’t fall through the cracks. CASA volunteers often do things which are heroic to a child who is dealing with the trauma of having been abused or neglected and then removed from their home. In honor of the 400-plus superhero volunteers who work with more than 1,100 children each year, CASA of Travis County is hosting the CASA Superhero Run, on September 19th at The Domain. This is a chip-timed 5K, Kids’ 1K and lots of superhero fun. The CASA Superhero Run raises money to help ensure that someday every child in Travis County who needs their own superhero will have one, while offering a fun day for families and a professionally organized race for the Austin running community. To register or to find out more about how you can volunteer and be a voice for abused and neglected children, visit or call 512.459.2272.

For children in foster care, it’s easy for things to go unnoticed. Fortunately for Jamie,

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Callie Langford

Bible Study Death Trap Hello, welcome to Whatabible. How would you like your bible study today? Our specials are The Fun-Yun where we draw you in with food and games, The Big Relevant, which has profound meaning you can relate to, and The Cool Club, where the trendiness of our worship leaders, and funny, compelling speakers, will keep you wanting more. For 39 cents more we can upgrade your study to include some hot guys and girls so when the teaching isn’t enough, you have plenty of eye candy to keep you from leaving early. As a college pastor, I suppose I have tried a combo of all of these kinds of bible studies over the years. While they do have their purpose and are not all bad (except for the upgrade) it does make you wonder what we are really achieving with all these gatherings. Are the people in our groups being transformed by the word of God, or are they just acquiring more knowledge? Bible studies can easily become death traps for people who spend time surrounded by God’s word but find it difficult to recognize the fruit of it in their own lives. Let’s not fool ourselves. God is not looking for our attendance at these things; he is looking for changed hearts, willing sons and daughters who are eager to put his words into faithful action.

The Lord looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. – Psalm 14:2 Since new semesters bring new opportunities to plug in with folks who are seeking God together, I thought I’d give you some guidelines on what you should and shouldn’t be looking for in a bible study. I suppose the first thing we notice when we walk into a group setting is if there is anyone that looks like us. I mean, outside of Jesus, do we have anything in common with these people? That should be the first indication that our hearts are falling into that death trap. I had nothing in common with the guys in my first bible study I attended after becoming a Christian in college and I didn’t care too much either. I was so hungry for God to speak into my life and continue transforming me that I didn’t bother to notice we played worship


20 Words

on a CD, public speaking was not our leader’s gift, and there was no food, and no cute girls. Amazingly, I made it through alive! There are three key factors in my mind that make bible studies successful in the eyes of your King, and how many people we can draw in is not one of them. First, you need to find a leader who leads by showing you rather than telling you. We have too many teachers on campus and not enough leaders. Remember how Jesus led the twelve by saying follow me and watch what I do? That is exactly what you are looking for– a leader that will teach you the word then lead you to the frontlines and show you how it is applied. Without this, you are just acquiring book knowledge of how you should live but you’re not living it out. Second, you should look around the room and find evidence of changed lives. Is the Holy Spirit active in this group? If so, you will witness folks who are becoming more and more like Christ as they apply what they are learning. They are taking risks with their faith, have awesome testimonies to share with you and enjoy the challenge of scripture, and you will sense a fire in the group that can’t be easily extinguished. Finally, a bible study should be an environment where you have the opportunity to give back to the group by investing in the lives of others. You are not just a consumer when it comes to God’s word. Your role is to encourage another person and walk this out together. There should be at least one person in the group God is leading you to mentor or serve. God may have other roles for you to play in the study, but the point is - you should be asking him what those are. How does Jesus desire you to give back by being a blessing to this community? Wherever you plug in this semester, I encourage you to let God lead you. It’s not about you being entertained, getting free dinner, or finding more cool folks to hang out with. That’s what we call cultural Christianity, and that’s the real death trap. Joe Elliott "20 Words" has a dual meaning: it speaks to the 20-something crowd and highlights 20 words that send a message.

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Need a morning boost? How about a drink from the Word that's full of powerful energy for your day? Take a daily sip with these short devotionals that you can read and swallow, as quick as you drink your morning coffee. Focus on God...He alone is our strength - 1

16:11 "Look to the Lord and His 13 1 Chronicles strength; seek his face always. If I only had a brain...Wizard of Oz - Psalm

"Lord, you made me; you created 2 119:73 me. Now give me the sense to follow your commands.


Be alert -1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." Obey God – Psalm 37:34 "Wait for the Lord & keep his way & He will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off."

Be pays - Proverbs 21:21 "He who

21 pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor."

Silence is golden...listen today - Proverbs

"He who guards his mouth and his 22 21:23 tongue keeps himself from calamity."

Make your choice - then tell the

hide it anyway - Joshua 24:15b "But 23 can't as for me and my house, we will serve the


Don't doubt...just believe - John 11:40 "Jesus said to her, Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?"


Success -Joshua 1:8"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day & will be prosperous & successful.


God is all we need - Isaiah 41:13 "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand & says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.


Trust God – Matthew 6:33 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.



Shine for God...reflect His love - Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

"In the shadow of Your wings I will 27 57:1 make my refuge, until these calamites have

15 16

Jesus Freaks love God - 1 Peter 4:2 "...he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God." God knows our heart...make Him proud Proverbs 21:2 "All a man's ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs the heart." Focus on Godly things...not worldly things -


Stay close to God...He is our protector - 2

3:3 "But the Lord is faithful. 24 Thessalonians He will establish you and guard you against the evil one."

Focus on the big picture...God -2 Corinthians

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, 25 4:18 but on what is unseen...for what is unseen is eternal."

God is winning...stick close to Him Proverbs 21:30 "There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord." God is our protector...rely on Him - Psalm passed by."

Seek God...He alone is enough - Matthew

You belong to God...relax - John 1:12 "All

"But seek first his kingdom & his 8 6:33 righteousness, & all these things will be

received him, to those who believed 28 who in his name, he gave the right to become

Our lives & times are in God's hand - Psalm

pray for all people. Ask God to help them; 29 tointercede on their behalf, & give thanks for

given to you as well.

"My times are in your hands; deliver 9 31:15 me from my enemies & from those who

children of God."

Pray for others - 1 Timothy 2:1 "I urge you...


Galatians 5:16 "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."

12:16 "A fool shows his annoyance 10 Proverbs at once, but a prudent man overlooks an 18

God loves us and that won't ever change - Malachi 3:6 "For I am the LORD, I do not change."

word of God is flawless...Do not add 30 "Every to his words, or he will rebuke you & prove


Be patient...God's timing is perfect - Psalm 27:14 "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!"

Rich Landry


Scars and stripes forever - John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

pursue me.

Control your anger...don't let it control you insult.


Enjoy God's peace - Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts & your minds in Christ Jesus."


God deserves our praise - Revelation 15:3 "Great & marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!"

10 8

Austin Austin



God said it all...obey Him -Proverbs 30:5-6 you a liar."

NOTES: _____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

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Head to Heart

Why Your Emotions Matter observe that “Emotions are the language of the soul…In neglecting our intense emotions, we are false to ourselves and lose a wonderful opportunity to know God. We forget that change comes through brutal honesty and vulnerability before God.” The Book of Psalms covers the whole gamut of human emotions. The psalmists teach us to be honest with God in the communication of our feelings, trusting Our emotions come from God and reflect His God to come to us through our emotions and nature. Genesis 1:27 states that God made to show us what to do with them. human beings in His image. Our emotions are an essential part of our divinely created Several years ago I was praying with an older humanity, our unique personhood as men and pastor friend and spiritual mentor. As I shared woman made in God’s image. God is portrayed with him about a relational issue that I was in the Bible not only as a rational being who struggling with in the church I was serving at reasons and a volitional being who wills, but the time, he remarked, “I hear anger in your also as an emotional being who feels. Our voice.” I replied quite testily, “No, I’m not angry.” own emotions are a reflection of our Creator. But I was angry, though I had tried to hide my Therefore, we should affirm rather than repress anger from others and myself. He counseled the emotive side of our nature. To feel is to be me to not repress the anger any longer but to bring it out in the open before God and pay human. attention to what God might want to say to me Becoming emotionally healthy is an essential through that emotion. I took his counsel and part of the process of spiritual formation. poured out my angry complaint to God, just as Spiritual formation has been defined as a process the psalmists did. God helped me sort out my of being conformed to the image of Christ for the angry feelings, some of them righteous, most sake of others (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18)). Jesus reveals what it means to be fully human and to bear the image of God. To become like Jesus means to become the normal, whole men and women God intended us to be. In our quest to be like Jesus we often overlook his emotions. In a Hollywood epic of the 1960’s called The Greatest Story Ever Told, Jesus was portrayed by the actor Max Von Sydow as an emotionally frozen Messiah. But the real Jesus of the gospels was anything but that. The four Gospels describe more than twenty emotions that Jesus felt. Among other feelings, Jesus expressed affection, anger, compassion, distress, grief, gladness, love, loneliness, joy, sadness, and sympathy. Jesus, as the perfect man, did not repress His emotions but rather expressed them, but always in a righteous way and in perfect balance with the rational and volitional aspects of his personality. When we compare our own emotional lives with His, we become aware of our need for a transformation of our emotions so that we can be fully human, as He is. There is a widely prevalent idea in American Christianity that emotions are not really important in the Christian life and that the best way for us as Christians to deal with our feelings is to largely ignore them. I have become convinced that this view is mistaken, unbiblical, and dangerous. Our emotions do matter, for several reasons.

of them unrighteous. He came to me through the experience of being totally honest with Him (and myself ) about my repressed angry feelings, and I had one of the most powerful encounters with Him that I had ever had in my Christian life. Our emotions matter because, as Peter Scazerro states in The Emotionally Healthy Church, “emotional health and spiritual health are inseparable…It is not possible…to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature.” Emotional immaturity is a major underlying cause of church splits, chronic church shopping, the moral failures of gifted and anointed Christian leaders, and the breaking apart of Christian marriages. An essential part of the Church’s mission to make disciples is to help believers in Christ become emotionally healthy and mature. Jack Hammans

God communicates with us through our emotions. Many Christians in our Western culture have been taught never to trust their feelings in seeking guidance from God. This teaching is an over-reaction to the excessive emotionalism exhibited by some Christian groups. Of course, we are not to blindly follow our feelings and let them control our lives, but we should acknowledge them as part of the way God communicates to us. In The Cry of the Soul Dan Allender and Temper Longman

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Find Your Story... Treasure Hunting Moments of Obedience

Recently I heard Bill Vanderbush teach about a type of ministry nicknamed “Treasure Hunting,” in which you ask the Lord to show you somebody He would like you to pray for and minister His love to. Only here’s the trick— you ask God to show them to you before you actually see them. Once you have a picture in your head, you simply keep your eyes out for them, trusting that if somebody just like that picture walks across your path that day, or that week, then it is more than a coincidence—it’s God! I listened to Bill share stories of amazing things God did for people through this method of ministry, and I thought it sounded a little farfetched, to say the least. I thought, “I’m glad it works for some people, but I could never do that.” The following Sunday morning, I woke up a whole hour and a half before my alarm went off—something unheard of for me. But instead of being irritated and wanting to go back to sleep, I felt very peaceful, relaxed, and even happy! I felt like I was in the Lord’s presence. I

stayed in bed with my eyes closed, just enjoying the moment, when I suddenly realized I had a picture of a person in my head. He was wearing a golden shirt, blue pants, sandals, had sandycolored hair; and he had a child with him. I had never seen this man before. I tried to blow it off, but then I remembered what Bill said. I sleepily told the Lord, “Okay, if this man wanders in to church this morning, I’ll pray for him,” still secretly thinking yeah, right!

A few hours later, I was enjoying refreshments with my friends in our church when I looked over and saw a man walk in who looked just like my picture! He was sporting a golden-colored plaid shirt, blue pants, and sandals. He had sandy-colored hair and two grown daughters. I pretended like it was a coincidence and tried to distract myself However, during worship, I knew God was giving me an opportunity that I couldn't pass up. I knew if I didn't obey this time, I might not get another chance to be used in this crazy way. I asked my boyfriend what to do, and he told me to go for it! So after

the service, I approached this man and told him my story, as “out there” as it sounded. He responded, “Well after all that, you better pray for me I guess!” I did pray for him, and we left it at that. Somebody in my church later told me that they knew the man, that he and his wife were going through a hard time, and that it seemed that he simply needed to know that the Lord was still thinking of Him. I am very excited that I obeyed and hopefully blessed this man - God's treasure! Abby Pound

Do you have a story or are you still looking? Please share your moment of obedience with us. Include events that led up to your moment, what happened in that moment and the outcome of the moment. If you have not found your story yet, keep reading and maybe there will be something right there in these pages that will help you find it. Please submit articles to (*by submitting an article you are authorizing Austin Faith & Family publications to use your article in future publications.)

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area




If Walls Could Talk

The Ranch House at Teravista is not just another historic building. This year it celebrates its 150th birthday and a rich history. Built in 1860 by Swedish settler T. J. Caldwell and his wife Letitia, this two-story rock house was once used as a hospital and rest home for wounded Confederate soldiers. Nearly 100 years later, it was purchased by the Nash family and renovated, with each member of the family making a contribution. The home eventually fell into disrepair until 2007, when Newland Communities, in collaboration with Teravista Golf Club, made the commitment to restore the abandoned house to once again be used for public enjoyment. After sitting empty for over 25 years, it took months of professional “shooing” to clear the structure of the many critters that had made it their home. Now, lovingly restored with many of the original facets intact, The Ranch House at Teravista has become an award-winning venue that hosts golf tournaments, weddings and receptions, birthdays, baby showers, celebrations of life, and even corporate meetings. If you are looking for an intimate and unique venue to host your special event, please visit and become part of the continuing history of The Ranch House! Michele Gonelli




Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area


Mom to Mom Along the Way Catching the Light Calendar

15 16 17 18

Mom to Mom:

paper towel. While it cools, the pores on the skillet close; trapping the oil inside, making for a natural non-stick surface.

Most cooks who have had years and years of experience would agree that some of the most flavorful meals come from the “Old Black Pot” – also known as the cast iron pot or skillet. Although many modern cooks shy away from cast iron, due to the fact that they involve a little bit of maintenance, both of my grandmothers would agree that the maintenance is worth the trouble for some flavorfully old-fashioned, country-style meals. A new cast iron skillet or pot must be seasoned before use to protect from rust and create a non-stick surface. First, wash thoroughly and wipe it dry with paper towels (paper towels are preferable because they absorb very quickly and tend to leave less “fuzzies” than a dish towel). Next, place the skillet on the stovetop over medium high heat. After removing from the heat, using a clean paper towel, wipe the inside with your choice of oil: canola, vegetable, or shortening. Place the pot into the oven and bake it at 250-300 degrees for about two hours. The heat makes the pores of the pot open up and the oil seep in. You may want to place it upside-down on the rack with a cookie sheet on the rack below it, to allow any excess oil to drip off. After the skillet has baked, remove from the heat and wipe once more with a clean

An old cast iron pot is as good as new with just a little elbow grease and a good scrubbing. To use soap, or not to use soap? That is the question! Some say that washing with soap will do two things: remove the seasoning and flavor from the pot and/or the soap may seep into it, thus making the flavor of foods “soapy.” Since oil spoils, the excess oil your pot could collect if not cleaned could quickly become rancid. So, it is best to use a mild soap and warm water when cleaning. To clean rust or gooey stuff from skillet, use a steel wool scouring pad, course salt, or even moist sand. And here’s another cool tidbit about cast iron… Did you know that cooking on cast iron is also an excellent way to increase iron in your diet? The iron actually cooks into the food, thus enhancing the food’s iron quality; a wonderful thing for anemic people and those with irondeficiencies. Cast iron has been around for hundreds of years, and was the original “Teflon.” My grandmothers have made some of the best food I’ve eaten on cast iron skillets, and in pots, that have decades of flavor soaked right in. Bebe’s mother, Aurelia, had a cornbread recipe that is divine, out of an iron skillet. So, dust it off, scour and season it up, and make some cornbread today! Pieper Stewart Betty and Faye are my two grandmothers, ages 85 and 75. As a mother myself, I’ve had an especially strong yearning to learn all I can about their experiences raising children. This column compares and contrasts what I’ve learned and hold dear, mom to mom, from these precious two women I admire and love.

Never leave a child unattended around water regardless of their swimming ability. If a child is missing be sure to look for them in the pool or spa first. Seconds count! Learn CPR and have a phone close by in case of an emergency

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area





Along the Way

Do you ever feel lonely? At some point all of us experience the pain of being alone. The late Mother Teresa, often called the Angel of Mercy, who spent her life with the poorest of the poor, observed, “Loneliness…is the most terrible poverty.” But why should we be alone when there are so many of us? The population is at an all time high worldwide. There are more than six billion of us and we keep growing. In spite of this fact, University of Chicago professor and author, John T. Cacioppo, writes that we are witnessing an “epidemic of loneliness” in America. And loneliness is not just for the introverted, the isolated, and the anonymous. For instance, Lady Gaga, the 24-year old mega star, is swarmed by adoring fans and idolized by millions of young people around the world. In the June 2010 edition of Forbes she was listed as the 4th most powerful and influential celebrity in the world. Her fame is gigantic and her popularity is obvious – she has sold 40 million singles and 15 million albums worldwide. Recently the MTV Video Music Awards (VMA’s) nominations were announced, and Lady Gaga has a record setting 13 nominations – the most ever for a single artist. She passed the 14 million mark in “friends” or “fans” on her Facebook page making her the most popular person in history on Facebook. The girl is famous, rich, and popular with superstar status. Yet she tells Vanity Fair, in August, 2010, “I’m perpetually lonely. I’m lonely in relationships.” Why are we lonely when we are surrounded by so many people? In addition, with social networks like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and Skype, how can any of us be lonely? Friends are only a click away. If we want a mate or a date, we can join eHarmony or to find the perfect soul mate. In spite of the virtual world of on-line friends and potential soul mates; however, people are still lonely.

The Epidemic of Loneliness as many as the average Facebook user. He stated he was “absurdly proud of how many cyber-pals, connections and even strangers I had managed to sign up.” Soon the loneliness of the virtual world got the best of him and he decided to throw a party. He invited all 700 of his Facebook friends, who could then respond with: “Attending”, “Maybe Attending” or “Not Attending.” 15 said they would show up. 60 more said they might be there. Hal guessed about 20 would actually arrive. The night finally arrived when the virtual world was supposed to become the actual. Hal went to the bar where he was throwing the party and waited…and waited. Eventually one person wandered in. She wasn’t even one of

his “friends” – she was the friend of a friend. When she saw there was no party, she left. Hal sat at the bar feeling sorry for himself. Writing his experience for a New York Times article, Hal concludes by saying, “Seven hundred friends; and I was drinking alone.” No matter how many people there are around us, no matter how many friends we have in our social network, we often still find ourselves alone and sucked dry in the hollow vacuum of loneliness. But why? The simple fact is we are "hard wired" for others - we have to have them. According to Psychology Today magazine, "...we are built for social contact. There are serious lifethreatening consequences when we don't get enough. We can't stay on track mentally.

And we are compromised physically." Studies show that as many as 20% of us are chronically least one out of five Americans - 60 million people - feel isolated and alone all the time. While sociologists and psychologists have identified loneliness as the leading mental and emotional disorder of the post-modern social experience, loneliness is nothing new. It is, in fact, man's first, and therefore, oldest problem. In the 48th verse of the Bible, (Genesis 2:16) God said, "It is not good for man to be alone." The condition of man's solitude and loneliness was the first thing in history - and in the universe declared by God to be "not good." The problem was not cured through more fellowship with God - man already had that in abundance. The problem of loneliness was not the result of sin - sin had not even entered the world or man's experience at that point. The potential for loneliness was pre-mapped into the human condition! The answer to man's problem was another person. So what is the solution? Obviously God's answer is the best one. We need each other. Rick Warren stated, "People are not looking for a friendly church, people are looking for friends at church." The solution to loneliness is other people we can care about, share life with, and love. That might be risky. We might get hurt. Relationships might not work out like we hope they will. But the risk is worth it because we were made for each other. God can use us to heal the epidemic of loneliness. Kie Bowman Dr. Kie Bowman is the pastor of Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin.

William Deresiewicz calls the Facebook friend a “faux-friend” that we hug “privately to ourselves in the loneliness of our electronic caves.” He says “friends” on Facebook are no more “friends” in the traditional sense “than a set of baseball cards is the New York Mets.” While those of us who enjoy connecting with friends on Facebook may find that observation a little extreme, we can relate to the fact that reading daily electronic updates on Facebook never solves the problem of loneliness. Like millions of others, Hal Niedzviecki started accumulating “friends” on Facebook a few years ago and soon had 700 “friends,” about six times 16



Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area


Catching the Light

Sounds: Are you Listening? Families that pray together stay together, and grow together. Below is a small sample of the type of family devotions you will find in Catching Fireflies, written by Marcy Lytle. Take one evening, gather the family together, and catch the light from God's Word as you have fun doing it!

sheep, we know his voice. This is important so that we never run after the voice of a stranger. Read John 10: 3-5.

Find the following items before reading this devotional with your family: a Bible, a worship CD, pitcher of water and a glass, a door in the house that makes a noise when opened, some type of horn, and pants that one person can wear that “swish” or make noise when walking.

Quietness – (Make no noise at all) – Sometimes, in hard times, he “quiets” us with his love, just like a mother quiets her child when he’s crying or hurt. Read Zephaniah 3:17.

Revelation 1:3 says that we are blessed if read God’s word, HEAR it, and take it to heart. Sounds are important. Hearing is necessary. Action is imperative. As you gather in the family room, each noise listed below will be made. Ask the family to close their eyes when the noise is made, and let them tell you what they hear. See if they can recognize the sound just by listening, and then read the lessons below. Knocking (door knock) – Jesus knocks at our hearts and wants to have free access to all areas at all times. Will you let him in? Read Revelation 3:20. Words – (Read John 5:24 aloud from the Bible) – Hearing and listening to God’s word brings us life and we begin to grow.

Walking – (The one wearing the pants walks around) - We must be careful to walk in wisdom, making right choices. Read Proverbs 13:20.

Singing – (Play a worship CD) - After God has quieted us in a hard time, we should have a song in our heart, a song of thanksgiving to him. Read Ephesians 5:19. Water – (Pour water from pitcher into a glass) – Streams of living water can flow from us to others who are thirsty. Read John 7:37, 38. Door (Sound of door opening) – We should always open the door to welcome people to Christ. Read Acts 14:27. Trumpet - (Blow the horn) – Will we recognize the trumpet sound? We should wait for it and look forward to it. Read I Corinthians 15: 51, 52. What would life be like without sound? Give thanks for your hearing, and pray together that you will all hear God’s voice, recognize it, and obey what He says. Marcy Lytle

Voices – (Turn on the TV and see if anyone can recognize a voice speaking) – If we are his

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area




Christian Brothers Family Calendar Submit calendar entires to by the 15th of the preceeding month.

September 2 Into The Woods – The City Theatre at various times. Broadway’s awardwinning musical journey that features a bewitching collection of classic children’s fairy tale characters on a rollicking romp through a “once upon a time” kingdom. Entertainment for all ages.

September 3 Into the Woods – The City Theatre at various times. Broadway’s awardwinning musical journey that features a bewitching collection of classic children’s fairy tale characters on a rollicking romp through a “once upon a time” kingdom. Entertainment for all ages.. The Odyssey: A Rock Musical – Dougherty Arts Center from 8pm -10pm. Freddy Carnes Productions presents a new Rock Musical based on Homer’s Epic Poem. The story of Odysseus’ journey from the Trojan War to his wife Penelope and son Telemachus is told through 15 new songs.

September 4 Into the Woods – The City Theatre at various times. Broadway’s awardwinning musical journey that features a bewitching collection of classic children’s fairy tale characters on a rollicking romp through a “once upon a time” kingdom. Entertainment for all ages. The Odyssey: A Rock Musical – Dougherty Arts Center from 8pm -10pm. Freddy Carnes Productions presents a new Rock Musical based on Homer’s Epic Poem. The story of Odysseus’ journey from the Trojan War to his wife Penelope and son Telemachus is told through 15 new songs.

September 5 Into the Woods – The City Theatre at various times. Broadway’s awardwinning musical journey that features a bewitching collection of classic children’s fairy tale characters on a rollicking romp through a “once upon a time” kingdom. Entertainment for all ages.

September 7 “Ladies Day Group” – Victory Christian Center from 10am – 12pm. A women’s Bible study hosted by Pastor Sue Boss that addresses the particular needs of all types of women. Ladies Day Group also participates in various outreaches to the elderly, orphans, pubic schools and community. For info, call Michele Williams at 512.458.9100. Round Rock Coronary Health Improvement Project – First United Methodist Church of Round Rock at 6:30pm. CHIP invites you to a free 1-hour info session to learn how in

as little as 30 days you can decrease your blood pressure and cholesterol and your risk of heart attack, stroke, and cancer and increase your overall quality of life. Call 512.299.4832 for more info.

September 8 Round Rock Coronary Health Improvement Project – First United Methodist Church of Round Rock at 6:30pm. CHIP invites you to a free 1-hour info session to learn how in as little as 30 days you can decrease your blood pressure and cholesterol and your risk of heart attack, stroke, and cancer and increase your overall quality of life. Call 512.299.4832 for more info. Round Rock New Neighbors Luncheon Meeting – Fern Bluff MUD Community Center starting at 10:15 am. Kevin Karschnik, professional businessman and successful author, will be the guest speaker at the luncheon.

DON'T MISS! Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 7pm –

Gaither Homecoming Tour at the Cedar Park Center Tickets at or 800-745-3000

Testament books, Colossians, 1 & 2 Peter, James and John.

September 10 Austin Symphony Orchestra Presents Andre Watts, piano – Long Center for the Performing Arts starting at 8pm. Andres Watts burst upon the music world at the age of 16 when Bernstein chose him to make his debut with the New York Philharmonic in their Young Peoples Concerts. Ballet Austin’s Fete 10 – Seaholm Power Plant at various times. Ballet Austin’s Fete 10 presented by W. Austin. An esteemed brand in its own right, Ballet Autstin’s Fete, named one of Austin’s “Best Black Tie Events” year after year, has one of the most anticipated fundraiser galas in Austin, synonymous with elegance, excitement and innovation. “Ladies Advance: Warrior Women” Conference – Victory Christian Center. All women ages 16 and up are invited to attend this event with special guest speaker Becky Fender. Becky, whom is no stranger to life’s battles, has an encouraging word for all ladies who feel like they are going through turbulent times to teach us when to kick off the highheels and lace up the combat boots. This is a registration only event. Contact Michele Williams at 512.458.9100 to register.

September 11

September 9 Into the Woods – The City Theatre at various times. Broadway’s awardwinning musical journey that features a bewitching collection of classic children’s fairy tale characters on a rollicking romp through a “once upon a time” kingdom. Entertainment for all ages. Round Rock Coronary Health Improvement Project – First United Methodist Church of Round at 6:30pm. CHIP invites you to a free 1-hour session to learn how in as little as 30 days you can decrease your blood pressure and cholesterol and your risk of heart attack, stroke, and cancer and increase your overall quality of life. Call 512.299.4832 for more info.

Austin Symphony Orchestra Presents Andre Watts, piano – Long Center for the Performing Arts starting at 8pm. Andres Watts burst upon the music world at the age of 16 when Bernstein chose him to make his debut with the New York Philharmonic in their Young Peoples Concerts. Ballet Austin’s Fete 10 – Seaholm Power Plant at various times. Ballet austin’s Fete 10 presented by W. Austin. An Esteemed brand in its own right, Ballet Austin’s Fete, named one of Austin’s “Best Black Tie Events” year after year, has one of the most anticipated fundraiser galas in Austin, synonymous with elegance, excitement and innovation.

The Smile Never Fades Fundraising Gala – The Long Center from 6pm – 10pm. Our mission is to raise money for Breast Cancer Resource Centers of Texas. Support and information for women with breast cancer.

“Ladies Advance: Warrior Women” Conference – Victory Christian Center. All women ages 16 and up are invited to attend this event with special guest speaker Becky Fender. Becky, whom is no stranger to life’s battles, has an encouraging word for all ladies who feel like they are going through turbulent times to teach us when to kick off the highheels and lace up the combat boots. This is a registration only event. Contact Michele Williams at 512.458.9100 to register.

Women’s Community Bible Study – The Lakeway Church from 10am-12pm. This fall we will be studying these New

Into the Woods – The City Theatre at various times. Broadway’s award-winning musical journey that features a bewitching

collection of classic children’s fairy tale characters on a rollicking romp through a “once upon time” kingdom. Entertainment for all ages.

September 12 APD Run with the Southmeadow Park.




Into the Woods - The City Theatre at various times. Broadway’s awardwinning musical journey that features a bewitching collection of classic children’s fairy tale characters on a rollicking romp through a “once upon a time” kingdom. Entertainment for all ages. “Nationally acclaimed Historian and Patriot: Bill Federer” – Victory Christian Center during our Sunday Celebration Service to bless the citizens of Austin with his expertise in early American History as we also give a special remembrance to the victims of the Terrorist Attacks of 9/11. For info call 512.458.9100. St. Mary’s 2010 Fall Festival – Knights of Columbus Hall in Taylor, TX from 11am – 6pm. The Fall Festival is an all-day family event that includes carnival-style games, a cake walk, great food, bouncy houses, a kids’ train, a raffle, as well as both silent and live auctions. Proceeds from the Fall Festival are vital in keeping tuition rates affordable for students, and covering operation cost.

September 13 Beth Moore Book – Lakeway Church from 1:15pm – 2:30pm. Here and Now, There and Then, a lecture series on Revelation. Men’s Monday Morning Bible Study and Fellowship – The Lakeway Church from 7am -8am. For breakfast, fellowship and Bible Study. We will begin with the Gospel of John.

September 14 Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University – Lakeway Church from 7pm – 9pm. Ramsey crusades against living on credit and said to pay down the plastic: smallest balance to largest. He advises using cash every purchase, or a debit card if you’re ordering something on time or over the phone. "Ladies Day Group” – Victory Christian Center from 10am – 12pm. A women’s Bible study hosted by Pastor Sue Boss that addresses the particular needs of all types of women. Ladies Day Group also participates in various outreaches to the elderly, orphans, pubic schools and community. For info, call Michele Williams at 512.458.9100.

September 16


The Case For Christ – Crowne Plaza Hotel from 11:45am – 1pm. Priority Associates invites you to see Lee Strobel, author of The Case for Christ. Reservations required. Reservations can be made at 512.458.9872 ext 100.

Into the Woods – The City Theatre at various times. Broadway’s award winning musical journey that features a bewitching collection of classic children’s fairy tale characters on a rollicking romp through a “once upon a time” kingdom. Entertainment for all ages. Women’s Community Bible Study – The Lakeway Church from 10am – 12pm. This fall we will be studying these New Testament books: Colossians, 1 & 2 Peter, James and John.

September 17

2010 Cedar Park Bydee Art Festival – Elizabeth Millburn Park from 11am – 5pm. The festival is a celebration of art, music, dance and food. Enjoy food concessions, music, fine arts fair, crafts fair, performances, caricatures, face painting and art projects.

DON'T MISS! Saturday, September 18, 2010 – Beth Moore Live Simulcast

to be hosted by The Lakeway Church – Everyone is invited – FMI and tickets, visit

Most Powerful Voices Gospel Tour – The deadline for submitting audition packets for American Heart Associations Most Powerful Voices Gospel Tour is Sept.17. Talented soloists and groups are encouraged to submit a video, audition packet, and pledge card roster. Finalists will compete in a live audition on Oct. 23 at Promiseland Theater, and winners will open for Marvin Sapp and Brian Courtney Wilson on Nov. 20. Proceeds will benefit the Power to End Stroke Movement.

September 18 Austin Civic Orchestra Fall Pops Concerts – Bethany Lutheran Church starting at 7:30pm. The ACO begins its 34th season with a pops concert of favorites from the movies. Escape the September heat with music that will take you far away. Barktoberfest – Old Settler’s Park in Round Rock at 10:30 am. Festivities and entertainment will include a canine costume contest, music, food booths, an education station, a kids’ fun area, vendor booths, Greyhound Pets of America’s Speed Alley, a low-cost microchip clinic and much more.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University – Lakeway Church from 7pm – 9pm. Ramse Crusades against living on credit and said to pay down the plastic: smallest balance to largest. He advises using cash every purchase, or a debit card if you’re ordering something on time or over the phone. "Ladies Day Group” – Victory Christian Center from 10am – 12pm. A women’s Bible study hosted by Pastor Sue Boss that addresses the particular needs of all types of women. Ladies Day Group also participates in various outreaches to the elderly, orphans, pubic schools and community. For info, call Michele Williams at 512.458.9100.

September 23

H.I.S. Homeschooling Co-Op – The Lakeway Church from 9am – 12:30pm. The Lake Travis H.I.S. Homeschool Group was created with a desire to encourage and empower homeschool parents while nurturing a social and educational lifegiving group for children and parents alike. Into the Woods – The City Theatre at various times. Broadway’s awardwinning musical journey that features a bewitching collection of classic children’s fairy tale characters on a rollicking romp through a “once upon a time” kingdom. Entertainment for all ages.

September 21

Women’s Community Bible Study – The Lakeway Church from 10am – 12pm. This fall we will be studying these New Testament books: Colossians, 1 & 2 Peter, James and John.

September 19 CASA 5th Annual 5K Super HeroRun – The Domain at 7am. Because every child needs a hero, but abused children need superheroes CASA is hosting our 5th annual 5k, the CASA superhero Run, complete with a chip-timed 5K race. Colin’s Hope Kids Triathlon – Lake Pointe Swim Center starting at 9am. This year's event will be limited to the first 200 registrants. Educator Resource Fair – The Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum from 10am – 3pm. Discover the latest in classroom materials, educational program, and field trips from exhibitions in the fields of science, social studies, arts, math and more. Pflugerville Pfashion Pfundraiser – McMurties Farms from 2pm – 5pm. Pfashion Pfundrasier held by Maurices that benefits the Pflugerville Animal Shelter.

October 2 11am-1pm

VeggieTales Kids Day at LifeWay Celebrate the release of the new VeggieTales movie It's a Meaningful Life with crafts, refreshments, activities and fun at LifeWay Christian Store in the Arbor Walk shopping center.

October 1-2

Together for Adoption National Conference will be held at Hill Country Bible Church, 12124 RR 620 North. FMI and to register, visit

October 9

Nationally Acclaimed Celia Whitler will lead a women's retreat and perform a benefit concert at Triumphant Love Lutheran Church October 9, 10. FMI visit

September 27 Beth Moore Book – Lakeway Church from 1:15pm – 2:30pm. Here and Now, There and Then, a lecture series on Revelation. Men’s Monday Morning Bible Study and Fellowship – The Lakeway Church from 7am – 8am. For breakfast, fellowship and Bible study. We will begin with the Gospel of John.

September 28 Austin Pregnancy Resource Center– UT Alumni Center from 6:15pm – 8:30pm. Offering Help, Healing, and Hope! The APRC invites you to their 2010 Fall Extravaganza “Leaving a Legacy” to be held at the UT Alumni Center, with featured guest speaker Pam Tebow and a video greeting from Governor Rick Perry. Tables of 10 can be purchased for $500 for your Sunday School class or small group, and corporate sponsorships are still available. Call Lori at 512.476.7774.

Beth Moore Book – Lakeway Church starting at 1:15pm – 2:30pm. Here and Now, There and Then, a lecture series on Revelation.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University – Lakeway Church from 7pm -9pm. Ramsey crusades against living on credit and said to pay down the plastic: smallest balance to largest. He advises using cash every purchase, or a debit card if you’re ordering something on-line or over the phone.

Men’s Monday Morning Bible Study and Fellowship – The Lakeway Church from 7am -8am. For breakfast, fellowship and Bible Study. We will begin with the Gospel of John.

"Ladies Day Group” – Victory Christian Center from 10am – 12pm. A women’s Bible study hosted by Pastor Sue Boss that addresses the particular needs of all types of women. Ladies Day Group

September 20


also participates in various outreaches to the elderly, orphans, pubic schools and community. For info, call Michele Williams at 512.458.9100.

September 29 Amy Grant, “Pieces of Our Lives” Tour – One World Theater. Six-time Grammy winner Amy Grant is hosting a unique and intimate concert series to benefit Compassion International. Each event will be limited to 300 guests, and tickets are $300 per person.

September 30 The 2010 Heart Gallery of Central Texas Premiere Renaissance starting at 6:30pm. The wildly successfully photo exhibit has produced a 70% success rate over the last six years for foster kids from the exhibit being adopted into permanent homes with a forever family.. Women’s Community Bible Study – The Lakeway Church from 10am – 12pm. This fall we will be studying these New Testament books: Colossians, 1 & 2 Peter, James and John. Charlie Hall & John McMillan in Concert Together For Adoption at the Austin Stone Community Church, 500 E St John's Ave, 7 pm. Purchase tickets at www.t4a. for $10 in advance, $15 at the door.


You’ve seen them – the billboards with the cows on them – they’re everywhere – telling us to “Eat more chikin.” Chick-fil-A is a nationwide fast food restaurant chain, and we have 17 locations here in the Central Texas area from San Marcos to Georgetown. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Jeff Glover, owner of the Braker Lane location here in Austin, Texas. His enthusiasm and love for his job was contagious, and quite inspiring! Being a frequent patron of Chick-fil-A myself (my daughter visits one at least three times a week), I didn’t need any persuasion to visit the restaurant. However, after visiting with Mr. Glover, I began to understand why Chick-fil-A serves food that tastes good, and why these stores are so popular across the nation.

Chick-fil-A pioneered food service in shopping malls in 1967, at which time it was not unusual for many of the businesses to be closed on Sundays. However, as our society “progressed” through the following decades, closing the doors on a Sunday stuck out like a “sore thumb.” Jeff shared that when they began to build street stores in the 1980’s, people really began to notice that Chick-fil-A meant business about no business on Sunday. Jeff shares that God has blessed both him and this company with the commitment to rest and allow the hard working employees to do the same each Sunday. Chick-fil-A has been awarded the #1 DriveThru Chain honor repeatedly in the last decade and Jeff Glover operates the #1 DriveThru in the Chick-fil-A nation - right here in Austin! This location currently serves more than 200 cars in the peak Austin 20 FAITH & FAMILY

A Revolution of Courtesy

hour on any given day. A typical fast food operation serves 60-80 cars in an hour. Jeff states this compelling idea, “We wanted to start a revolution of courtesy right here in the most unlikely of places, a quick service restaurant.” Four years ago, at this location, the staff of Chick-fil-A at Braker Lane began Face-to-Face ordering, where they stand outside, greet guests in the drive-thru, and take their order. This has become the “new standard for drivethru service excellence,” states Jeff. “We want to offer our customers the dignity, honor, and respect they deserve.” He wants his customers to have the best experience they can have at his store by replacing the speaker box and the window with real, tangible, smiling people, to take orders. He hopes that if his customers are treated with contagious kindnesses like these, they in turn will pass it on to those with whom they meet in the classrooms, the shopping centers, and the work cubicles. The revolution of courtesy will be in motion.

interesting tidbits and praises about other location Owners in our area. For example, Ken Massey, owner of the South Mopac Location, along with Jeff, runs a top 5 Drive-Thru in the nation. Childhood friend and former college roommate Bruce Crisler operates the location at RR620 and Hwy183. Alan Williams, a former UT football player, owns the Westlake location. And in Cedar Park - a husband and wife team – The Mendozas – offer among the best training in the nation for Chick-fil-A. Jeff says these and all the others location owners meet together regularly for prayer and planning business

As I continued to talk with Jeff, I could tell that he genuinely wants to offer a recipe for service that is fail-proof. He stated that greeting guests, delivering their trays of food to their table, asking them if they need anything (so they don’t have to leave the table), are all ways that break apart any barriers that people have that keep them from eating at a typical fast food restaurant. Their staff will absolutely refuse any tips, stating to the customer, “Just tell a friend.” Regarding the other Chick-fil-A’s across our area, Jeff remarks that “Rising tides raise all ships. We are not in competition with each other,” he states. He explains that all the men and women franchisees are a part of his Chickfil-A family. Jeff states, “We are there to help support one another with the ups and downs of business ownership. We’re all part of this body of talents and abilities and need each other to bring out our best effort. Our stores are a place of influence to our employees.” Jeff states that his mission for his employees is that they brush up against a Christian “influence” and develop a lifestyle and attitude in knowing “Life is not about you.”

Phillip & Priscilla Mendoza Cedar Park Location at 1890 Ranch

As we concluded our conversation, Jeff was kind enough to offer some

Jeff Glover Braker Ln. Location activities. “God has unmistakably placed these amazing local Owners in my life and I need to faithfully serve them as they have served me.” He says he is blessed to have such a committed group of faithful believers to help him reach his potential. Continuous improvement is a core value at Chick-fil-A. As Jeff sees it, “We want to continue to make a difference (to our customers) so they’re absolutely delighted!” He is very excited about upcoming innovations being put into place soon. He could only tease me with a few details, but assures that these improvements to the restaurant will enable his team to more fully serve guests with the honor they deserve. What does Jeff have to say about all of this success now, and in the future? “So what? Now what? Let’s keep getting better at what we do.”

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area

On a personal note, I haven’t tasted any better chicken in a fast food line, or in a sit-down restaurant, than the nuggets tucked into the meal I often order at Chick-fil-A. And the ice cream? Not many people know this secret – but it’s the best in town! Sometimes I have a cup full to the top, covered in chocolate syrup, for my entire meal! So next time you and your family drive down the highway and see one of those cows beckoning you to eat more chicken, you can be sure there’s a Chick-fil-A store nearby, and you’ll receive quality food and kind service. Be sure to say “Thank you” as you receive your food, because a smile will spread across your face as you hear a genuine “My pleasure” when you drive on through… Marcy Lytle

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area





APRC – Austin Pregnancy Resource Center is located 2 blocks from the UT campus Approximately 90% of women choose life for their babies when they find the services of a pregnancy resource center In a pregnancy center, approximately 95% of women choose life for their babies when offered a sonogram In a pregnancy center, approximately 10-30% of mothers accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior An estimated 43% of women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1997 data) 37% of women who terminate their pregnancies report Protestant affiliation, 31% report Catholic affiliation, 24% report no affiliation.

OPPORTUNITIES TO GET INVOLVED AT APRC: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Adoption Team Advisory Board Member Baby Bottle Campaign Team Bible Study Leader Board Member Boutique Room Donation Coordinator Church Liaison/Missions Coordinator Client Advocate Client Follow-up/Mentoring Communications Team Facilities Team Fundraising Team Grant Writing Team Healthy Relationships/Abstinence Outreach Life Development Classes Medical Services Team Miscarriage Support Team Office/Clerical Help Parenting Classes Post Abortion Classes Prayer Team “Sidewalk” Ministry Team University Relations Team

APRC Mission Statement: Our mission at the APRC is to save lives in the name of Jesus Christ. We have positive solutions concerning unexpected pregnancies and share God’s grace with those in need. We educate on abstinence/ sexuality, and offer compassionate care to each of our clients. 22



A Dream Becomes Reality My name is Lori DeVillez, and I’m the Executive Director of the APRC. Upon moving to Austin, TX in 1997, I had a vision to see a pregnancy resource center located near the University of Texas – UT campus. With 51,000 students enrolled, there was no question of the huge need, not only for the students at UT, but also Austin Community College, St. Edwards University, and Huston Tillotson. I began going downtown every Monday and prayed at the State Capitol for Godly laws to be passed. There had been no pro-life laws passed in the State of Texas since 1986! After consistently praying, the next legislative session passed three pro-life laws. I then visited with pastors and community leaders about the need for a pregnancy resource center near UT. This effort continued consistently for seven years. On October 19, 2004 a community informational meeting was held and 91 people attended. A Grand Opening date was set for January 16, 2005 and 500 people attended! It became clear that not only did Austin need the APRC but the APRC was clearly wanted and welcomed into the community. All of the services offered at the APRC are free of charge and APRC is supported solely by the community - not from any government monies. It is very important that we be able to share our faith in Jesus Christ with our clients at the APRC. We meet the physical needs such as pregnancy testing, limited sonograms, and clothing boutiques; as well as classes such as parenting, budgeting, career seeking, resume writing, etc. We work in the area of adoption by referrals and support to the client.

Offering Help, Healing and Hope!

Allie was attending UT and in her senior year was pregnant. She received great pressure from her boyfriend to have an abortion. They went to the abortion clinic, but Allie changed her mind that day because she wanted to see the sonogram and was told she couldn’t. When she arrived home, Allie researched to find a place that would help her, and she found the APRC. We gave her a sonogram and she connected with her baby at that moment. Allie chose to have her baby even though her boyfriend left her. Baby Hannah is Allie’s most precious gift in life today.

Note from one of our APRC volunteers: Nina, one of our volunteers, states, “Whenever I volunteer at Austin Pregnancy Resource Center, I really understand what it means to be a light in someone else's life. Young women and men come to the center, some without any hope in their hearts. But when they leave, there is so much joy and happiness for their new life with a child. That ripple effect is proof that love and compassion still exist in this world and it can be as simple as giving a few hours of your time each week...How amazing is that!?” I can think of no greater place to be than at the APRC and being able to offer help, healing, and hope to those in a desperate world. We are building one large family here at the APRC that will eventually touch generations to come and our territory will reach around the globe!

To learn more about the APRC, please plan to attend our APRC Fall 2010 Extravaganza to be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at Meet some of our APRC the UT Alumni Center with doors clients . . . . opening at 6:15 p.m. We have a video message from Governor Rick Tabitha had three children and was Perry and our Keynote Speaker is pregnant. She was desperate and Allie and her Pam Tebow, the mother of Denver did not see how she could have daughter Hannah Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. another child. At the abortion Pam was given a national platform clinic, she was given a sonogram and was told that she could have the abortion that to encourage the pro-life message when ESPN day if she had the money. She tried the number aired her interview that focused on her refusal to for financial help but could not get through. She abort her son “Timmy” when she was advised to do had to leave because of needing to get back with so. Pam brings a compelling story and support to her other children. As she was leaving, she was women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. encouraged by a person who was praying for her For more information, check out our website at on the sidewalk to take a brochure from the APRC and go and talk with someone. When Tabitha came Lori DeVillez in to the APRC, she found love and acceptance and Executive Director the physical help she needed. When asked what her greatest need was that day, Tabitha shared, “I needed encouragement.” How much does encouragement cost?

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area


City Scene Just a Good Cook Travel Body Life

23 24 25 26

Willow Creek Leadership Summit

AFF's Susan Stern attended the Willow Creek Leadership Summit simulcast at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church August 5-6. Business leaders, church and ministry leaders, teachers, athletes, musicians, and moms and dads, were inspired and challenged to lead where they can make a lasting difference.

Shea Grant, Terry Cole, Gerald Spreer, Steven Hebbard, Samantha James

Brett Horvath, David Smith, Larry Linenschmidt, Arthur Sneed III

Book Signing at LifeWay On August 14, LifeWay Christian Store hosted four Texas authors for a meet-and-greet book signing event. The authors visited with guests and shared insights into their writing.

This Summer at the Dell Diamond

Haley & Stephanie

Carol Floch, Gail Showalter, Janet Davis, Karol Ladd

Lance Hartland, Susan Stern, Glenn Gibson, Joe Fresch

Valerie & Steve Pokorny, Dennis McQueen, Brian Hutchison

Tim & Cindy Pinson


Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area






Just a Good Cook

Music & Food: A Perfect Combination Well… here we are FALL, ahh.... the cool breeze, trees changing from green, to a beautiful orange, red, golden yellow…we’ll pull out our turtlenecks, light up the fireplace, so lovely, huh? WAKE UP! It is still summer here in the hill country, no matter how you slice it. However, we will pretend. We’ll pull out the fake fall colors, try to only wear browns and off we go… This month’s recipe is one of my family’s favorite, especially my daughters, Heather & Jesse. No. It is not a typo; we chose her name to be (Jesse Grey) whether she was going to be a boy or girl. What? You want to take it outside? Let’s move on, before someone gets hurt… One of my traditions is to offer each family member a request from me, to prepare their favorite meal for their birthdays. In addition, this month’s issue focuses on music; so of course, I will have a music tidbit. Music and food goes all the way back to the Old Testament. This meal of Beef Stroganoff is elegant and very simple to prepare. You can make it three ways: economically, mid-priced and right out high-end. This means you can use frozen meatballs, sirloin steak, or beef tenderloin. I normally opt for sirloin steak, but buy Rancher Reserve choice beef.

Beef Stroganoff •

2-lbs beef (cut into 1-1/2” strips) 2-tbsp flour (toss meat with flour, salt, and pepper) 1-1/2 tsp of salt & pepper to taste (beef consomme’ is salty) 1 white onion (peeled & quartered) 8 oz. container of sliced or whole mushrooms (I like to use whole, so I can clean and slice them myself) 2 tbsp olive oil 1 can of beef consomme’ (do not dilute) 1 tbsp ketchup 1/4 cup red wine 8 oz of sour cream (fold in at the end)

• • • • • • • • •

Heat olive oil. In a large pot add onion & mushrooms; cook until onions are translucent, then remove from the pot and set aside. Add a little more olive oil in the same pot. Make sure it is nice and hot for the meat. Add the floured and seasoned meat, and brown completely. Once browned, add red wine, beef consomme’, and ketchup. Stir well. Add back in the mushrooms and onions, and stir again. Simmer for the tenderloin 10-15 minutes, the top sirloin 2030 minutes, and the meatballs 15 minutes. Now taste test the salt level and remember we’re adding sour cream, which will cut some of the saltiness.




1- Package of Wide Egg Noodles When simmering the main entre, let’s make the egg noodles, cooking according to package directions. Always add salt to the water. Once done, drain well, but do not rinse. Then drizzle olive oil & sprinkle poppy seeds.

Sandra’s favorite salad Baby greens Grape tomatoes Red onion Feta cheese Avocado Small croutons Yes, I said small! I really believe the large croutons are so wrong! They hurt your mouth, and take over the salad. I have only found one brand that offers normal size croutons, Reese Seasoned Premium Croutons.

I’ll tell now you my story about music and food. When Joe and I first started dating, he and his friends would serenade me while I was slaving over a hot stove, in my hot kitchen. You know how it is, “Sure, I can cook for you and all your friends anytime, no problem!” Except when they wouldn’t leave and I had to get up early. However, it worked out all right. I landed a wonderful husband, who still loves to eat and play music! We had many nights of music, food, and fun. Once in a while, Joe still brings out his Gurain acoustic guitar and strums a few tunes, but mostly we watch the news like a couple of fuddy-duddies while I cook. Life’s funny, I can remember a time when I hated the news. Now look at us. Before we can even go hear some music, we have prerequisites. Is it an outside venue? If so, is it hot? What are the odds it won’t be hot? Then, what time does the band we want to hear start playing? Will there be seating, or will we have to stand for few hours? If everything is just right - yeah! Joe and Sandra go out to listen to live music. Goodness gracious, I’m just happy that I can sit at church to worship our Lord with live music. Oh yes! If you’re wondering, Joe plays on the worship team at our church, and he’s very talented, if I do say so myself!

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area

Sandra Alton



Of these four, which one does not relate to Bermuda? Pink sand beaches, Bermuda Triangle, Caribbean Island, or Bermuda shorts. If you guessed Caribbean Island, you are correct. Bermuda is a 21-square mile lovely island with an amazing 75 miles of coastline. It lies 650 miles off the coast of the Carolinas, in the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of this Travel Specialist’s favorite all-time destinations, and I am delighted to share a bit more in hopes that you have the urge to venture there yourself someday.

Golf anyone? Bermuda is a renowned golfing destination and the courses are as scenic as the island itself. But don’t let their pretty appearance fool you. Many have holes by the sea or atop ocean-side bluffs; so wind, and that big water hazard (aka-the Atlantic!), can play havoc with even the best players. There are nine golf courses to choose from on the island, each with distinct characteristics. For the non-golfer, ideas to spend a day away from the beach or greens are: Natural Reserves, Botanical Gardens, Bermuda was settled back in the early 1600s when a ship from England Bermuda Museum Aquarium & Zoo, and so much more. carrying supplies to Jamestown, Virginia was wrecked on Bermuda’s treacherous reef. It is the oldest and most populous British overseas Bermuda is not warm and tropical all year like many Caribbean Islands. territory, and there is much to enjoy for all. A few great historical High season is April through October, when the sun shines brightest, sites not to miss are: Royal Naval Dockyard complex, UNESCO World warm waters beckon, and the island is teeming with activity. Off-season Heritage Site, museums, century old churches, and the world’s highest is November through March, and this time of year is perfect for golf, concentration of historic forts. Due to its British beginning, you will find tennis or non-crowded beaches. The pace is slower during this time as many businessmen wearing Bermuda shorts on any given day. Another well, and the hotel prices drop. Winter temperature is normally in the 70’s during the day, so it’s lovely year round. flavor of life from Britain would be pubs serving Fish N Chips. The beauty of Bermuda is amazing. Bermuda’s sand has a faint rosy hue because it’s so romantic here that even the beaches blush. However, scientists say the coloring is from calcium carbonate and crushed bits of coral. Whatever the reason, the beaches are so worth experiencing. When on the island, you are never more than a mile away from a beach. The waters surrounding the island are a shade of light and deep turquoise, and what is below those beautiful waters can be equally enjoyable. You can snorkel, dive, or even take a “walk” underwater with strange equipment that allows you to descend 10 feet under for some face time with reef and fish.

You can arrive by cruise ship or by air from the states; and if flying, accommodation options are plentiful. Everything from apartment rentals to all-inclusive resorts and anything in between are available. No need to rent a car, as mopeds or local bus transit is the norm. If you are interested in much more detailed information, a great website is available by the Bermuda Tourism Board: 3D Cruise and Travel would love to get you there. Debby Stevens 512-218-0291

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area





Body Life

The Symphony of Prayer: Power in Agreement

"Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Matthew 18:19-20 Wow! Did you hear what Jesus just told us? What an amazing promise for those of us who follow Jesus Christ and learn the simple secret of agreement! God has entrusted a tremendous amount of authority to us in His family and He is waiting for us to learn how to use it. The Greek word “agree” found in this passage is the word “symphoneo” meaning “to sound together.” If we pray together according to God’s will, we will be amazed at what He can do. Several years ago one of my daughters was in middle school and began to be pursued by a young man that my wife and I were not crazy about. He was not a follower of Jesus and did not seem to have good intentions. She resisted him through the spring and even over the summer, but when fall came she gave in to his invitation to “go out.” My wife and I fretted for a couple of days and then I had a V8 moment! The Holy Spirit whacked me on the forehead and reminded me that we could pray about the situation. On the same morning the Lord reminded my wife that we were “the head and not the tail” in our home. We came together (we like to hold hands when we pray together) and agreed concerning the situation. We didn’t beg or plead, we simply agreed and decreed! Within 24 hours the young man had broken off the relationship. He was mysteriously no longer attracted to our daughter! Since then we have taken Jesus at His word on several occasions to see Him go to work.




Our church elders have learned that there is tremendous authority when we stop talking an issue to death and just agree together concerning whatever the need is. Our church facilities were in need of repair in a few areas. We agreed together, trusting the Lord for $20,000 for that purpose. Two or three months later we received a check for – you guessed it – exactly $20,000. Now look at this amazing verse found in Ephesians 1:22 – “And He (God) gave Him (Jesus) as head over all things to the church, which is the fullness of Him, who fills all in all.” This verse doesn’t just say that He is head over the church. Of course He is, but this verse says He is head over ALL THINGS and God gave Him to the church! He told His disciples, “All authority has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples…” We go in His authority and as we speak His word, it carries His power. We are the “fullness of Him, who fills all in all” in this world. That’s mind-blowing, isn’t it? One more thing: He is given “to the church.” I believe this speaks to the necessity of exercising our authority (using His dominion) in plurality. We need to check each other on what His will might be in a situation. We have to agree. When two or three believers come together in His name to agree and decree… watch out! Good things, no, GOD THINGS are going to happen. John Pound Pastor, New Hope Community Church

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area




Live Music

Capital of the World


It s All Here

Austin is known as the Live Music Capital of the World. With almost 2000 musicians calling Austin home, and 200 live music venues, there’s always a place to hear a good sound. Whether it’s on 6th Street, South Lamar, in the Warehouse District, or other hot spots in Austin, there’s an artist waiting to play for you, if you’ll just show up and listen. [1] However, did you know there are Christian venues and Christian artists playing in our city? There are places that welcome them, and welcome you! This being our music edition, Austin Faith & Family is highlighting local Christian artists that invite you to come out and hear uplifting lyrics that glorify HIM…not a statue of the late Stevie Ray Vaughan. Good lyrics, excellent musicians, great songwriters, and songs that rock – it’s all here in our city. And it’s not just at church!


Austin has talented Christian musicians and singers, and we have many places that host these artists in a variety of venues around town. As you read, mark your calendar for upcoming events, and enjoy a night out of good music in a cool atmosphere; and then pick up a new CD for later listening on the road, or in the comfort of your own home. The late pioneer in Christian rock music, Larry Norman, penned a song that asks this question, “Why should the devil have all the good music?” We’re here to answer that question. “He doesn’t.” Marcy Lytle [1]


DEADMAN formed in 1999 and is touring internationally in their struggle for making relevant music, choosing to identify themselves not as a "Christian" band but a band simply consisting of believers, citing that their music is not made for just people of faith but for also people who are seeking, hurting and world-weary. Musically, the band has gravitated from an atmospheric sound back to the pure sounds of such songbased artists as The Band, Buffalo Springfield, Neil Young and Bob Dylan. DEADMAN, according to Steven Collins, was named as such because it refers to the idea of the “abundant living through the death of self” through following Christ’s example on the cross. The band is currently working on their fourth studio album called Take up Your Mat and Walk, an album based on the theme of healing. They have just released a live album recorded over five months at Austin's Saxon Pub and are touring in promotion of that album. Additional information can be found at




Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area

Fan to Flame sets their candid glance into life, love and the human condition to a soundtrack of unique flavors of melodic rock of past and present. They are quickly making a name for themselves in the live music scene, sharing the bill with great bands such as Decyfer Down, Disciple and Days of the New. In their recent self-titled EP, Fan to Flame does not shy away from excavating the inner depths of our flesh, while also highlighting the testament of grace and love. The band is comprised of Mark Faries, Steven Lang, Rob Condrey and Austin Kidder. |

On the Radar is an upbeat and urban upcoming music group that brings hip-hop/R&B/Pop and Urban rock together with a positive approach. Rooted in Austin, Texas, On the Radar consists of rapper/producer/writer,”Jon Da Revalaytor,” and singer/songwriter Nicole Hataway. Everything is recorded and produced in the kitchen of Jon’s downtown apartment. They have a passion for performing with high energy and are not afraid to be different. They have had the opportunity to open for awesome bands from Fireflight to The Letter Black. They are currently working on new songs for some big shows coming up in Austin! |

The Reliques is a duo of singer-songwriters Sarah Monteen and Sarah Dossey. These girls have graced the cover of The Daily Texan, as well as Austin Faith & Family Magazine, and they have been on KISS 96.7 and The River 102.3. In the spring of 2009, the girls received the honor of being The River's Austin Artist Showcase winner. The Reliques create a sound that adds folky musical elements such as mandolin and harmonica throughout their set. Singing two-part harmonies while holding onto an acoustic feel, the band is oftentimes compared to Nickelcreek, Sandra McCracken, and Jewel. So far in 2010, the girls have had the honor of sharing the stage with noteworthy Christian performing artists Jars of Clay, Jeremy Riddle, and Shane & Shane. This fall, The Reliques are hard at work in the studio with Producer Josh Moore (Caedmon's Call) in anticipation for the release of their sophomore EP, and are gearing up for a short-run tour with Derek Webb and Kevin Max (DC Talk).

Holy Hip-Hop with DJ Special K Brown- The music scene in Austin is both rich and diverse. It’s the soundtrack of a city whose heart beats for creativity, activism, and volunteerism. These adjectives easily transfer to the local Holy-Hip Hop culture. For well over 20 years, Christian artists who serve God over beats have grown from a patch of "seedlings" to a full grove of Texas oaks. Austin’s ministry of Holy Hip-Hop began to emerge in the early 90s when local DJ, Kevin Special K Brown, turned tradition upside down by playing Christian rap on the radio. Despite callers calling up to say he was playing the "devil’s music" he kept playing it. He challenged callers to look beyond their music preference, for the sake of those being transformed. Nineteen years later his show, All The Way Live! is now the longest running holy hip-hop show in the nation. The show airs every Monday night 7pm-10pm on with co-host Felicia Craig a.k.a. LadyLight.

Why should the devil have all the good music? AFF Recommends: Christian Music Favorites


Chris Tomlin - See the Morning David Crowder – Church Music Jesus Culture – Consumed Jesus Culture – Your Love Never Fails Shane & Shane – Pages John Mark McMillan – The Medicine Gatlin Elms Band – The Oceans & The Stars Passion – Everything Glorious Passion – Our Love is Loud Bethel Live – Here is Love

Contemporary/Pop Casting Crowns – Until the Whole World Hears Tree63 – Blessed be Your Name – The Hits Sanctus Real – Pieces of a Real Heart One Sonic Society – One EP Newsboys - Go Jason Upton - Faith Kim Walker Smith – Here is My Song Francesca Batistelli – My Paper Heart Brooke Fraser – Albertine Sarah Groves - Conversations

Hip-Hop/Rock/Rap TobyMac – Tonight Aaron Strumpel – Elephants The Rocket Summer – Do You Feel Remedy Drive – Rip Open the Skies Fireflight - Unbreakable Kutless – Strong Tower Skillet - Awake

Thousand Foot Crutch – Welcome to the Masquerade

Seventh Day Slumber – Take Everything Need to Breathe – The Outsiders

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area




Experiencing the Same Life Amy & Mike Macari-

Church Under the Bridge Amy and Mike Macari are part of the worship team at Church under the Bridge in downtown Austin, where they set up and play under the bridge at I-35 and 7th Street. Amy states, “Cars are whizzing by, sirens are going off, police cars, etc. and lots of people are milling around. It is very open, flexible and fun. If it rains, we go under the bridge. When the weather is nice, we play out from underneath the bridge.” Amy states they serve breakfast and coffee while they are worshipping. She says, “Sometimes the sound works – sometimes it doesn’t.” She says they have learned to be flexible. “We have our human plan, but we always must leave room for what God is going to do. It makes worship so fun and unpredictable. We love it.” Amy states that not everyone who attends Church under the Bridge is there to connect with God. However, for those who come to worship, “we have seen them touched.” “There are times that we are worshipping, and when we finish a particular song, testimonies will break out and people will begin to repent and ask God for His help and His touch. It's amazing. It is only the work of the Holy Spirit. We can't conjure that up ourselves.” Amy states that the band is also really moved during worship. “We have seen time and time again how the Lord issues hope, forgiveness, and love to the people on the street through worship.” If you have only experienced worship within the four walls of your church, Amy invites you to come and experience the “fun” at Church under the Bridge. “Come out and give it a try. We say it’s the most beautiful church in Austin. No walls. And the sky is our ceiling.” 10:00 every Sunday morning.

Mark GroutasLake Hills Church

Mark Groutas is the Pastor of Worship at Lake Hills Church. When asked what worship looks and sound like at his church, he said one word, “Joyful.” Mark stated, “Music is such a powerful language, and is so rooted in the Austin culture,” and “music helps create transcendent moments.” Mark shared this story:“A young professional in her thirties recently emailed us her story. She was struggling with anxiety and depression, much of it related to a volatile job situation. For a long period of time, she found it difficult to even get up in the morning. She was invited to Lakehills by a friend who used our music as the calling card. She came, was immediately struck by how friendly everyone was, and felt very moved by the worship service. She grabbed a copy of our recent worship CD on the way out and started listening to it every morning to start her day. She described how it has ‘changed her life’ being able to start her day with God and worship Him on her commute to work each morning.” Mark also spent time earlier in the year with the African Children's Choir and a local church worship team in Kampala, Uganda. “Amazingly, the wide cultural gap was bridged quickly by our shared love for Christ and music. I was given the opportunity to both lead a time of worship with them, as well as experience a time of worship that they led. It was one of the most encouraging and inspiring things I've ever experienced!” 30 30

Austin Austin


Wonho Shin-

Austin Korean Presbyterian Church Wonho Shin is the worship pastor at Austin Korean Presbyterian Church in Austin. Worship at his church is made up of fairly young (mainly college students), some young working professionals, and a few families with young children. They start the worship service with a time of praise, where the congregation is led to sing along with the band, singing contemporary praise and worship songs. Wonho states that some songs are loud and “sound much like rock and roll,” but others are “quiet and meditative.” After the time of praise, there is a church choir that sings the more traditional choral anthems. During the time of the offering, some members of the congregation may share a special song. Overall, Wonho states, “Our service looks and feels like a typical contemporary worship service.” Mr. Shin states that singing is special and unique for each person. “Singing together in unison, in one voice, gives us a medium in which we can connect with one another and connect with God.” He considers it a joy to see musicians who are talented be able to express their love for God through their music. “Being part of the worship band gives them an outlet and opportunity to channel their artistic and musical abilities in passionate worship for God.” One story in particular that Wonho shared was a time when he had the opportunity to lead a praise and worship service where some of the members present were hearing impaired. As he led the praise time in music, there was also a live video cast of a signer who “sang” along with them.” “It really was a heart touching experience, being able to worship and sing together, with all of our abilities.”

TIm & Angela DolbearGrace Christian Center

Tim and Angela Dolbear lead worship at Grace Christian Center in Round Rock. They use Easy Worship software to display the lyrics and moving backgrounds during the worship set of songs. They state, “We see God use the music to bring people from the busy stressed-out lives, into a time of quiet and peace, with the look of absolute joy on their faces, and/or the look of conviction. That describes us as well.” Two weeks ago, the Dolbears had a young woman approach them after service to share that God had spoken to her through the songs, and that He was calling her back to him, as she had drifted away for a time. “It’s always mind-blowing and humbling when someone shares a testimony like that with you,” they say. A while back, Tim and Angela lead worship at an Africa-American church. “It was really awesome and refreshing to see God working no matter what people’s background is, and how when He is the center and focus of what is going on, earthly categories, like culture, seem to mesh and melt away.” Tim and Angela state that the worship portion of the service is all for God. “Everything we do must lead to His glorification, whether it’s the work we do in our recording and mixing facility in northwest Austin, Eclectica Studios, or with our band Child of the Son, or with the novel that Angela wrote, The Garden Key. “We were both saved through Harvest Ministries in Southern California, and they had a tagline for the ministry that said to know Him and make Him known. We try with divine help to live by that credo.”

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Shedrach Rowry-

Shoreline Church:

Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church Shedrach Rowry, Worship Pastor at Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church, states that worship at his church is multi-generational, about 80% contemporary, and 20% traditional in style. “It’s an energetic union of vocalist and instrumentalist that includes three keyboardists, a three-piece brass section, drummer, guitarist, and a bassist.” He states, “When we dare to combine music with worship-based lyrics, the results are explosive. People are drawn together from all walks of life in celebration of our God!” Shedrach recalls a worship experience that shaped his life profoundly. He was leading the choir in a song that simply asked people to say “yes” to God in every way. After the service, he was approached by a young man about 18 years old with tears in his eyes. He told Shedrach that he had asked Jesus to come into his life during that song, right at his seat as he said “yes.” Multicultural worship, according to Shedrach, “is a more accurate depiction of what heaven will be like.” He further states, “Multicultural worship is unique in that it requires more flexibility, or give and take, with respect to individual preferences but the end results are undeniable. God loves it!”

Andy Melvin-

Austin Stone Community Church Andy Melvin is the Worship Pastor at Austin Stone Church. He describes the worship style there as “rock,” but Melvin goes on to state, “I think the attitude of worship at Austin Stone is more noteworthy. Our people come to church on Sundays expecting to have a meaningful encounter with God during worship. There is a tangible sense of God’s presence in the room. It is a very exciting environment for a worshipper and it is an amazing atmosphere in which to be a worship leader.” According to Andy, worship leaders have a unique vantage point, being able to see the emotions on the faces of the people during worship. He states the most exciting moments are when God shows up in power. “These instances can’t be fashioned or fathomed. They are truly extraordinary.” One personal extraordinary experience Andy shared with us occurred during worship, before he came to know God. “I had reluctantly visited a church at the request of my sister who had just become a Christian. As they began singing it became obvious to me, even as a non-Christian, that there was something extra-musical going on. Of course I know now that it was God inhabiting the praises of His people. But it was the closest I’d ever been to this God that seemed so far away to me before. He used that worship encounter to stir in me a hunger to know Him. That worship experience starting me on a path that ended in me becoming a child of God, which is the most profound thing that could ever happen to anyone. I think about that often when leading worship and wonder what impact God’s presence is having on people.”

An Interview with David Cherry

I sat down to interview David Cherry, Technical Director at Shoreline Church in Austin, TX, which I’ll admit was a little awkward because…. well….he’s my husband. What could I ask him that I don’t already know the answer to after almost 20 years of marriage? Actually, I learned a lot! David, tell me about your position at Shoreline. As the technical director, I oversee audio, video, and lighting for our services. I love to be behind the sound board, mixing front of house audio; but more than that, I love leading our team. One of the distinctive characteristics of Shoreline is that we are volunteer dependant. We could not do what we do without dedicated volunteers. We offer opportunities each week for people to come in and use their skills, or develop new ones, right here in their home church. Another hat I wear is Events Manager. We frequently host outside events on our campus including graduations, corporate events, conferences, and concerts. We have some really exciting artists pending for 2010. Bookmark to stay in the loop. What does it take to make a big concert happen? We always work through a promoter. We are not in the concert business. We are a venue. There are contracts, negotiations, and extensive planning that happens months before the concert. The day-of is insane typically a 16-hour day of working with the production management to ensure a successful event. Do you see yourself as an artist? I suppose I do. With media tools, we help create the atmosphere of a service. We draw people in with pictures, color, and sound. On the other hand, what we do very practical. If the technical team doesn’t show up, no one would see anything, no one would hear anything; and probably the building would still be locked up. Our mission statement is Technical Excellence with a Heart of Worship. So I guess we are artists AND technicians; but at the core we are worshippers.

Years ago, Andy had the opportunity to visit the Soviet Union, where everything (the architecture, way people were dressed, the language, etc.) was all so different that he felt really out of place. However, when he attended a worship service, “It was a completely different story,” Andy states. He remembers the locals began singing the melody of “How Marvelous” in Russian and he got chills down his spine. “I realized these are my people – worshipping my God. All of a sudden, the bond we shared as brothers and sisters in Christ completely trumped our cultural differences and I immediately felt at home. I’ll never forget that experience.”

How do you share that mission? I often talk about it in our training events and especially with new team members. Several years ago, my friend Jeff Jones and I launched Austin Tech Group. We wanted to provide a way for technical staff and volunteers from Austin area churches to come together for fellowship, education and support. You can find out about our monthly meetings at

Finally, Andy shared a verse that has served as his philosophical basis for leading worship, from Zechariah 4:6 - “’Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord.” He states this is a great reminder that even excellent leaders and musicians should never rely on their own musical might or power. “After all, we are not trying to put on a concert.” Andy states this scripture verse humbles him to the point of prayer. “It directs me to beg God to do a work that can only be explained by the very presence of His Spirit. When this happens, worship becomes inexplicably transcendent. These are the moments I live for as a worship leader.”

David Cherry has been the Technical Director at Shoreline for 11 years. He has over 20 years of experience in ministry. You can reach him at david. and follow him on twitter @ amprodirect Lynn Marie Cherry

Susan Stern & Marcy Lytle

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area




Third Day A Band of Four Friends

A pair of friends in high school starts playing together. Two other friends from the same high school join in, and these young men decide to call their band Third Day until they can think of a better name. That was 1992, and Third Day is now one of the most successful Christian rock bands in the world, with a longevity that is credited to friendship – lifelong friendship between four guys who care about each other and truly want to be good husbands and fathers first, and good musicians and singers second. We asked Tai Anderson, bassist for Third Day, how the face of Christian music has changed over the years, and he stated, “It’s changed a lot.” He mentioned that Christian music in years past was defined by lyrics, and the music was criticized as being about 10-15 years behind the times. Third Day sort of cut through that stigma and people gravitated to their music because it didn’t sound old or dated. Third Day “wasn’t chasing trends – we were just a rock band,” Tai stated. He said Christian lyrics today are no longer compromised by the music that accompanies them; but rather, the music is current, it attracts listeners, and it’s really good! We were very impressed to learn that a minister (from Wales) travels with Third Day on their tours, providing daily devotions for the members of the band, to keep them focused on what’s important – a personal relationship with Christ. We also learned that Third Day helped establish a school in India, and gave money to provide school buses for the kids there, who are “clamoring to get an education,” according to Anderson. There is a new album for Third Day, due out October 19, with a title that calls for action - Move. Anderson states that listeners can expect more of the band’s Southern rock roots to surface, with banjo and mandolin added in to the mix. The band members write their own music, with lead singer Mac Powell being the one inspired with most of the new songs, but it’s definitely a “total band experience.” That total band includes David Carr on the drums, Tai Anderson on the bass, Mark Lee on the guitar, and Mac Powell singing lead. These guys enjoying sitting around and telling stories about how naïve they were in the early days of travel, which wasn’t so funny then…but now they laugh as they remember. Prior to their first trip out of the country, they received bad advice to pack all of their gear, their instruments, etc, into one huge case that “must have weighed about 400 pounds,” jokes Anderson. Last year, Third Day had the opportunity to visit Brazil, where the fans were “passionate and crazy.” The band performed in the town square to hundreds of thousands of people who sang along as they listened to the music. Now Third Day is coming to Austin in the Worldwide Make a Difference Tour with Max Lucado, along with Michael W. Smith, and TobyMac. Tai Anderson stated that Max Lucado, who has written books and preached, been a pastor and an evangelist, wanted his life to “count for the poor.” This desire was the initial inspiration for this worldwide tour which begins in September. Together with World Vision, these guys want to change lives around the world by raising sponsors for children. Third day has been to Austin before, where they played in the Austin Music Hall, and Tai noted that Austinites are “true connoisseurs of music.” Fans won’t be disappointed at the concert being held at the Frank Erwin Center this year, as they will hear that familiar rock-and-roll spirit from the Christian rock band of four friends, still called Third Day. Marcy Lytle 32



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an interview with lead singer


Mark Hall In an unprecedented six-year span with nearly 4.5 million career album sales, a GRAMMY Award, an American Music Award, 23 Dove Awards and eight chart-topping radio singles, Casting Crowns remains focused on family, youth ministry, and discipleship through music. AFF caught up with Mark Hall for an interview before their show in Austin.

of the calling of Christ. We’re seeing teenagers discover their gifts. Yesterday in our church gym I saw 35 high school teenagers discipling 35 middle school kids.

AFF: How do you balance your busy music career with youth ministry and a family with four kids under the age of 12?

Mark: Nothing can beat time together, and lots of it. My son John Michael (age 12) and I do our devotionals together. Right now we’re walking through the book of John. Dads specifically have got to see the importance of their ministry as a father. There’s a book that really rocked my world, Raising a Modern Day Knight by Robert Lewis. These days in our culture there’s no ceremony, so young men wonder, “Am I a man yet?” You can’t just let your sons bump into manhood haphazardly because there’s too much out there to lure and deceive them into thinking they’ve reached it. If there’s not a dad in your home, it’s very important to find a church where there are men who can pour into your son. I also recommend a great Bible study for teenage girls called A Daughter’s Worth.

Mark: My family is my first ministry. When it all stacks up, everything needs to be under that. I’m a youth pastor at our church in south Atlanta, and our youth ministry is always something we’ve done as a family. My wife Melanie pretty much runs Crowns and we both do the homeschooling. When we tour, we limit travel to Thursdays-Saturdays so we can be at church for Wednesday night youth group and back in time for me to help lead worship on Sunday mornings. Our kids have been to every kid museum and national park, and climbed every mountain along the way! They love it because we’re all together. AFF: You’ve been doing youth ministry for 18 years. How have you seen the struggles of teens change over the years? Mark: As far as struggles go, they are the same as always through the generations - lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. It’s the way the enemy is getting to us that has evolved and the increased availability of temptations. Teens and even pre-teens today have so much more pressure and no escape from family problems, drama, bullies, and rumors. With cell phones, MySpace, Facebook, etc. a rumor can literally spread in six seconds. I’m seeing a stressed out generation; at any given time they’re connected to 30 different conversations. Because kids are in their room being quiet, parents think everything’s okay, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth, especially if they’ve got a computer and a phone in their room. Parents have got to have an online awareness. Hey parents -- have you looked at your kids’ Facebook page or web history today? With that said, this is a generation that is more socially aware than ever before. They’re seeing more and more of what’s going on in the world and are active in social justice. We try to make sure kids know that doing good, just for good’s sake, is still going to leave them dry. It’s about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ first, and out of that comes the fruit of doing the good works God planned for them in the beginning. We tell our youth group kids they aren’t there to just sit in a chair and listen to others’ stories, because THEY ARE the story. We’re pouring into them to be worthy

AFF: What can parents intentionally do to stay connected with their kids through the teen years?

AFF: What advice would you give to teens that know Jesus and want to stay strong in their walk with the Lord in their school, as they for leave for college, as they move towards adulthood, etc.? Mark: Romans 12: 1-2 is a really cool verse about not conforming to this world. The reason we’re still struggling is we’ve got saved

spirits but lost brains! Transforming your mind is a process. As a believer you have to guard your time with God because that’s the first thing the enemy is coming after. Also, find a friend to be accountable to, give a godly adult permission to speak into your life, get rid of your old music, and get internet accountability software like if you need a physical roadblock from temptation. Basically, cut off things that drag you back to the life you’re trying to leave, not the life you’re trying to live. Everything matters. But all of that is just outward help - your desires really gotta be transformed in your heart; otherwise, you’re just on a diet, trying to not do this or that. Jesus is the only one who can transform hearts. AFF: Tell us about the new album Until the Whole World Hears! Mark: Well all of the songs started out as Bible studies. The things we’re teaching in our youth groups sort-of evolve and turn into songs. Basically what we sing about are three things: 1) God is pursuing you into not a new behavior, but a new life; 2) God is drawing you to a friendship not a religion; 3) God has called you to know him and make him known. God has given you specific gifts and that’s your ministry. It might not be to hundreds of people - it may just be to the person sitting right next to you. Susan Stern Visit for free online resources for youth leaders. Check out our backstage interview with Mark and Brian on the AFF Facebook page!

Casting Crowns stopped by Shoreline Christian Center last month on their Until the Whole World Hears Fall Tour. Here are some fans that were in attendance. Go to our facebook page to see an exclusive video interview with Mark Hall, by AFF's very own Susan "The Stern."

Jaden, Lauren, & Jeff Lacy

Lorena Tirado & Jennifer Williams

Jennifer, Bonnie & Stephanie

Fidel Reyes, Pernalver & Kim Baker, & David Cherry

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Live Christian Music Venues in the Austin area! Ongoing… Christian Music Night with John Wilson @ Mozarts Coffee – Every Monday around 8pm – 3825 Lake Austin Blvd – – (512)-477-2900. Hip Hop Sunday – every 4th Sunday - 111 W. Anderson Lane – Free Christ-centered concert with free food, drinks, and admission – www. (512)-897-5835. Park Hills Pilates – by attending a Tuesday or Thursday class, this helps support local Christian bands and artists who perform at the outdoor venue in the community – 900 S Mopac- www. – (469)-939-5380. Club Realm Christian Night Club – a relevant Christ-based nightclub for all ages – upscale lounge, games, café, large screen LCD TV’s, and a huge state-of-the-art concert venue – NEW LOCATION – 6700 Middle Fiskville Road, Suite 403 – GRAND RE-OPENING October 1, 2010 – featuring the band We as Human - Dahlia Café – 2450 RR 1869 in Liberty Hill – Enjoy good food and drink outside under the oaks, and live music Saturday nights 7-9pm – with a variety of bands - Page.html Viva Chocolato – Austin’s premier chocolate and gelato house, located in The Domain, welcomes Christian and secular artists who add to the ambiance of soft music, romance violinist, acoustic, jazz, etc. Viva is a family - more European style venue. Viva means life and Viva Chocolato hopes all those who visit the store leave touched by the presence of God. http://

Annually… Wimberley Gospel Music Festival – October 8, 9 2010 – Southern Gospel, Country & Bluegrass

David Phelps: Offering Hope

With a voice that evokes a stand ovation, David Phelps is an entertainer. However, as he tours around the country with The Gaither Vocal Band, and as a solo artist, the main thing he wants his audience to hear is an eternal message that offers “more hope.”

David grew up in a singing family, so he states he really never knew anything else. However, in his 9th grade year of high school, David sang in a town talent show and told his dad afterwards, as he got into the car, “This is what I want to do the rest of my life!” Now David is married to his wife of 18 years, and they have four children, who as David puts it, “are the joy of my life.”

time, be lifted up and laugh – be thrilled – and be reminded of why we’re here.” And to any aspiring musicians or singers who are reading, he offers these words of wisdom: “Sing everywhere you can, in big or little places, and always be a student, ever learning.” Marcy Lytle

On David Phelps’ website it reads “Our everyday life can be a church.” David explains that people don’t have to sit in a pew to experience God, but rather He can “invade every area of our life.” David states that personally, he has to choose to focus on God “moment by moment.” We asked David how he has seen music change over the years, in the Christian scene. He answered that Christian music focuses on worship now, and yet expands to a broader audience, in order to reach people with different music preferences. David shared a specific concert where a grandmother came up to him and said she was keeping her grandchild, when she discovered a tumor in the child. The lyrics to David’s song “Gentle Savior” came to mind and gave her hope. “What an honor” to see God use the words of a song in such an amazing way, shared David. Austin will have the opportunity to hear David in a concert soon and he summons us, “Come have a great




Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area







Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area


Spend Life Well Dave Says Moms Who Save The Home Front

37 38 39 40

Spend Life Well:

Your Guide to Financial Success The greatest financial book ever written Does God care about our personal finances?

The short answer is a resounding “Yes!” The evidence is found in what I consider the greatest financial textbook ever written. No, it is not written by Dave Ramsey, Ron Blue, or Larry Burkett, but each of them have professed that their inspiration and guidance came from this work. You won’t find it in the Personal Finance section at your favorite bookstore. Yet, it is the single most widely distributed book in print. In fact, you might already own a copy. The book we are alluding to is - you guessed it the Holy Bible. Would you believe that by some accounts there are more than 3000 scriptures in the Bible that relate to money? That is second only to the most covered topic in the Bible, “Love.” From earning a living, managing debt, building wealth, to giving back…it is all in there. The Bible even talks about diversifying your portfolio. How do we tap into all the rich advice that was given to us without having to become biblical scholars? While I encourage each of you to pick up the Bible and spend time in the word to discover its truths, I think we can sum up God’s design for our finances in these four priorities, in order of importance: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Give back first Save for the future Use debt prudently Fund your lifestyle

What we have is given to us in order to manage it on His behalf. Some might call it stewardship. Stewardship allows the gifts we have been given, not to flow to us but through us for the benefit of others.

Giving Back

Once we understand where everything comes from and the concept of stewardship, the first step in God’s design for our finances is fairly easy to grasp. But if you are still not convinced that giving should come first, ask yourself these questions: “Did God give His best First or Last?” “Did He give to us ‘sparingly’ or ‘generously’?” If you attended Sunday School as a child, it is quite likely the very first verse you learned to recite was John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he GAVE his one and only son…” Giving back first helps us keep the right attitude toward our finances and serves as a reminder from where the blessing came.

Fund your Lifestyle

The final step in managing our finances should be to fund our lifestyle. The Bible has much to say about wealth. It does not say that it is wrong to be wealthy or that God likes the rich more than the poor. Luke 12:21 says that it is foolish to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God. Money itself is not the root of all evil but the Bible tells us that the LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil. We cannot serve two masters, both God and Money. God does care about our personal finances. He cares about our finances because he first and foremost wants to have a rich meaningful relationship with us. I encourage you to read your Bible to discover for yourself the wealth of financial advice it offers. Mark Trice

Saving for the Future

Proverbs 21:20 says that “The wise will have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get.” Yet you do not have to be King Solomon to understand that saving is a wise thing to do. Life happens. The car will break down, the A/C unit will wear out; you will need money for things you did not expect. You will need to retire some day. God instructed us to save for a reason….we are going to need it one day.

Prudent use of Debt

Two worldviews

Popular culture would have us follow the opposite order. We live in the wealthiest country in the world, in the most materialistic time in history. We are inundated with marketing messages and images that attempt to convince us that we need that shiny thing now or our life has little meaning. So, we fund our lifestyle first. Adopting a biblical worldview toward money starts with an acknowledgement that God

created everything; we were created in His image; God owns everything, and we are Trustees, not owners. The very first verse in the Bible (Genesis 1:1) tells us that God created everything. Scripture also says that He owns everything in Psalm 24:1.

Use of credit in our culture seems widespread and sometimes necessary. The Bible does not say it is wrong to use debt but it does issue a clear warning about debt. Proverbs 22:7 states, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” We need to be careful when using debt that it is for the right reasons and not for the purpose of funding our lifestyle. If you must use debt, a good rule of thumb would be to use it only for things that increase in value. But beware - debt can be a big trap for many, because we want to fund our lifestyle first. Know anyone that is struggling because of too much debt?

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area





Dave Says

Dear Dave, I make big commissions leasing cars, but I’d never lease one myself. Should I quit? Stan

Dear Dave, I agree that historically gold is an extremely volatile investment. But wouldn’t it be a good idea to take advantage of this gold bubble and its popularity due to the market’s current hysteria? Kevin Dear Kevin, A bubble is when an investment is no longer based on numbers, but on greed or fear. So, you’re right on about it being a gold bubble. That’s exactly what’s happening at this point. Now, should you take advantage of that? Absolutely not. You never know when a bubble will burst, but trust me—the bubble will burst on gold. Here’s what happens during a bubble, using the real estate market as an example. Several years ago, Las Vegas was the fastest growing city in North America. People were drawn by the flashing lights and the commercials. Most of them didn’t know the city had a vibrant, legitimate economy without all the gambling and glitter. There was a gold rush mentality when it came to buying property, and an irrational level of excitement drove the prices. In the end, it was a lot like playing musical chairs. The music stopped, and lots of folks were left without a seat. Someone gets booted every time! A lot of this stuff about gold comes from the foolish idea that it’s the standard the world is based upon. This simply is not true. Gold is not the standard that wealth is based on, and it hasn’t been since the days of the Roman Empire. Gold has no intrinsic value. As a matter of fact, silver is probably a better investment. It’s being used like crazy in manufacturing for microchips and other products, and because of this has an actual mechanical, utilitarian value. I work way too hard for my money to mess around and see it disappear in the blink of an eye. That’s why I don’t mess with bubbles. When it comes to investing, I want to be the tortoise—not the hare. I’m going to invest in things that are steady, slow, and have long track records of success! —Dave




Dear Stan, Yes, I think you should. I think you need to find something to do with your life that makes you feel proud. I’m not saying you need to get out of the sales game, but find something that you could sell with great pride and joy—even to family or your best friend. Don’t just run out and quit today, though. Take a look at what’s out there, and start formulating a plan for some adjustments in your career track. If you can’t be proud of what you sell, or you wouldn’t buy it yourself, then you really don’t need to be selling it, do you? I’m sure some people believe this is highbrow thinking, but it’s also a matter of honesty and the proper way to live your life. If you’re trying to get people to buy something you wouldn’t purchase, then basically you’re saying that you’re willing to lie to people just to make a buck. At the end of the day, it really is an integrity issue. There’s an old rule called the Golden Rule. And I’m not talking about the one that goes, “He who has the gold makes the rules.” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, Stan. It’s as simple as treating other people the way you’d want to be treated. Find something to do with your life that you can do with excellence, pride and a sense of higher calling. You’ll make even more money over the scope of your life doing work you’re passionate about, instead of something that makes you feel like you’re ripping people off! —Dave Dear Dave, I have an idea for a small business I think is needed in my area. How do you feel about me keeping my current, high-paying job, and hiring a full-time manager to handle the dayto-day operations while I oversee things and handle accounting? If it doesn’t break even or better, I’ll just close it down. I look at it as being like buying or selling real estate while keeping a full-time job. Ken Dear Ken, Really, this idea isn’t a lot like real estate. Real estate will run itself, for the most part, once you find a tenant. Also, the number of hours you’d have to put into selling real estate on the side is nothing like the time you’d expend getting a new small business off the ground. To be honest, I don’t think there’s a high

likelihood of success using this model. Unless, of course, you’re willing to devote 40 to 50 hours a week to this new business, in addition to the time you spend at your current job. You’d have a better chance of making it work if you bought an existing business with a manager already in place. That way, at least you wouldn’t have to be so entrepreneurial and constantly involved in things like adjusting the business model, checking prices, and dealing with customers. The secret ingredient to small business success is you. And the problem with your plan is that you’re only a small part of the equation. You are the energy, the ideas and the passion. You are the enthusiasm and the smile that greets the customers. Chains and franchises try to train this kind of stuff into people, but when something’s your baby, it’s really your baby. You’re going to worry over it, do your best to grow it properly, and treat it almost like it’s your very own child. I’m sorry, Ken. I just don’t like this plan. If your idea is to swing by once in a while, eyeball things, and crunch a few numbers, then you’d probably do more good just giving the money you’d invest to charity! —Dave

Outlive Your Life

by Max Lucado In his new book, Max Lucado asks the question: What if we rocked the world with hope? Infiltrated all corners with God’s love and life? We are created by a great God to do great works, and He invites us to outlive our lives here on earth! Reg. $24.99 On sale at LifeWay $17.49 Sale

Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area

Home Decor on a Budget Patricia J. - single mom of two teenagers:

Melissa C. – married, mother of four:

Shop garage sales for home decor - people like to change up their surroundings, so you can find great deals!

Online - I do a Google search and then compare price ALONG with shipping costs. Amazon has been THE most helpful.

For some larger items, try the consignment stores - and always ask for a discount if you're paying cash!

We found deals on kids' comforters at Bed Bath and Beyond - watch for ads and look online for sales.

Stein Mart and TJ Maxx have some great home decor bargains at the back of their stores.

Lamps, etc - usually shop Target or Penney's. Check online for specials.

I bought a breakfast table and chair set years ago that was deeply discounted because the fabric on the chairs was a black and white checkered pattern - not pretty! I went to the fabric store, bought enough new fabric for the four chairs, took the seats off the frames and recovered. I had enough fabric leftover to make a valance for a small window, and gave my kitchen a new look.

I keep an extra bucket in savings for home needs (which can be repairs to upgrading, which includes decor). We do use items in the kids’ rooms that go with their interests. For example, I used my son’s old baseball team shirts and hung them on a string that went across the window - so it made a valance of sorts.


Moms Who Save

We bought some furniture for the house when Linens and Things went out of business, so we watch for store closings. Jo Ann A. - single “mature” mom, living alone: On home decor I buy items on sale and use coupons for greater savings when possible. Pillows can be covered or recovered easily. I love stores like Pier I for unusual items and going to places like Gruene and Salado for their special stores. I only buy what I need and keep things for a very long time. I bought a wall hanging (metal) for a particular area in my home but it turned out to be too large. I kept it for a long time before trying it out as a "headboard" in a spare bedroom. Worked great!

Bonded & Insured

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The Home Front

Finding your inner rock star I was going to write an article about the Austin Economy and housing trends, but the news isn’t really good. Besides, this month’s issue features music so bad news didn’t seem to be a very good fit. To be honest, the summer of 2010 has been a rollercoaster for me. I was happy to celebrate Give Realty’s 2nd Birthday in July. Not only did the business survive, but philanthropy thrived with over $77,000 donated to the nonprofit community by Give Realty in that two year period. I was sad to say good-bye to my business partner, Robin LeTourneau, but glad we survived with our friendship and respect for each other intact. My passion to give back to the community continues, and Give Realty will carry on. The lessons I have learned in the last two years have been invaluable, and the relationships made have been priceless. I have managed to find a career and a passion that makes me feel like a rock star on a fairly regular basis. Feeling like a rock star has nothing to do with the car I drive…not with value of the stock I own…. or the zip code I live in….or the social status of my friends.

about tomorrow. She has complete faith that God will provide, and she provided me with some great insight. “God always gives you what you need,” she told me. “It may not be what you WANT,” she said with a hearty laugh, “but He ALWAYS gives you what you NEED.” I know, it sounds a lot like a Rolling Stones song, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized just how true it has been over the past two years. Thanks Florence, for reminding me of that. Laurie Loew Broker/Founder Give Realty, Inc.

That special feeling has everything to do with the smiles I create…. the hugs I receive…. the tears of happiness I shed...the caliber of people I am honored to get to work with…. the friendships I have made. The realization that no matter how bad I may think things are, I am blessed by these things every single day. And knowing, no matter how challenging the past has been, I would not change any of it. Finding your inner rock star might not be the easiest thing, but if you haven’t found it already, I encourage you to keep looking. I didn’t find my inner rock star until I was 44 and didn’t realize I had found it until I was 46. It happened to me pretty organically, but once it did….I knew! Recently I experienced one of the more powerful check presentations at Florence’s Comfort House. Florence is one amazing lady and definitely a rock star - a woman that has opened up her home to the East Austin community. It doesn’t matter what color you are, if you are young or old, or if you are twolegged or four-legged. If you’re hungry, she’ll feed you; cold, she will give you a blanket; tired, she will give you her bed. She doesn’t worry 40



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Health Matters 41 Diet & Nutrition 42 Ladies' Top 10 43

How do you t ake care of you?

Health Matters:

be sure to space the responsibilities out through the week. It might help you sleep better at night knowing you don’t have to squeeze it all in tomorrow.

Be sure you have “me time.”

In today’s busy society, we have so many responsibilities and play so many roles with work, kids, school, sports, housework and more, that we tend to forget about taking care of ourselves. The fact is simple - If you take care of yourself then it's much easier to take care of everyone and everything else around you. So, how can you make sure you are maintaining balance in taking care of you and everything else in your life? Here are some simple tips to help you out:

Get a Day-Timer:

If you don’t have a day timer you need to get one. If you have an old one on the shelf somewhere dust it off! Plan your week ahead of time, as best as you can. Don’t let certain tasks overwhelm you. Give yourself time and

Taking time for yourself allows you to renew, heal, and create reserves of energy and peace. Doing something for you must be a priority and plugged into your day timer. Find things you like to do and schedule them.

Eat properly and exercise.

This starts with taking vitamins and drinking plenty of water. Plan ahead for your day and bring healthy snacks or meals to work; or if you are home, be sure to snack on or eat only healthy things throughout the day. Don’t worry about exercising for long periods of time. Try to exercise 20 to 30 minutes a few times a week. This will make a big difference in your energy level and sense of balance. Make exercise fun by choosing routines you enjoy. Get plenty of rest. Getting a good night of sleep is the key to having enough energy for

the day and for you to be more efficient during the hours you are awake.

Just say no!

We are humans, not super heroes. We have limitations and we can’t do it all. It is perfectly okay to tell someone you are not able to do something because you feel you are being stretched too far. I would rather have someone do the task that is up to par and not hanging on by a thread. And the beauty of it all is that someone will always be there to do it! So let’s take the time to celebrate you! Get your day timer ready and start living life for yourself. Trust me, everyone around you will be glad you did! Lauren Lacy Fitness Coordinator CHASCO Family YMCA

FREE Photo Session Give-away Sponsored by

Taylor Made Photography Each month two winners will receive one free studio session and one free 11x14 photo. To win go to www., or fill out the form below and send to: Austin Faith & Family 12343 Hymeadow Dr. Suite 2E Austin, TX 78750

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Diet & Nutrition

Do We Really Need

Nutritional Supplements? Calcium is a mineral supplement routinely recommended by physicians and healthcare practitioners for the prevention of osteoporosis. A new study on Calcium by Auckland University researchers in New Zealand; however, indicated that taking Calcium supplements might do more harm than good. The study is a metaanalysis, which is a review of past Calcium studies, with a total of 12,000 elderly people observed over four years of time. People who take calcium supplements are compared to the placebo group (people who take sugar pills) in terms of fracture risk and risk of heart disease. Results indicate a 31% increase in the Calcium group in heart disease. Researchers then cautioned against the use of calcium supplements but recommended getting calcium from food sources. Of course, the media jumped all over this new report, once again associating nutritional supplements with “side effects” similar to drugs. What the news reports fail to emphasize; however, is that 1) the calcium sources are not combined with any other nutrients such as Vitamin D, and 2) there are 11 clinical trials

involved in this meta-analysis, so how do you control the quality of the Calcium supplements studied? I don’t think they are all from the same source. There are many more flaws with the study, but I rest my case. I am not totally defending the nutritional supplements either. There are two problems with our current nutritional supplement industry. First, there is no ‘team concept.’ Research studies often isolate a single element from food like Calcium, and once a positive correlation has been made, declare Calcium is the only thing we need. The necessary synergists in the food, like magnesium (which can be great for the heart and muscles), essential fats, and vitamin D are left out. We often need to buy 10 bottles of separate, isolated elements to get the effects from our food. Secondly, we believe more is better. Once we find out about Calcium, let’s make Calcium Super-Max - 10,000 mg in one tablet. The only way we choose a supplement becomes checking the label to see which one contains the largest amount and the most bang for your buck. Sadly, Calcium Megamax does not exist in nature, and without the

balancing effects of the synergists in food, our body does not recognize this nutrient, does not absorb it well, and most goes out by means of ‘expensive urine’. That brings us to the question: Do we really need nutritional supplements? While I do not agree with the researchers’ conclusion on calcium supplements, I do agree that the best supplement is our food. These days, we forget that vitamins and minerals come from our food. When we think about sources of calcium, we think of calcium supplements and milk. Do you know there is more calcium from green leafy vegetables than milk? Calcium is a mineral, and minerals come from the soil. The roots of a plant absorb minerals directly from the soil, and cows get their minerals from eating the plants. There are also rich sources of calcium in fish like anchovies, bone broth, nuts, etc. To answer the question of whether we need nutritional supplements, we need to ask ourselves whether we eat an abundance of the green leafy vegetables, bone broth, anchovies, and nuts. For most of us, we are on a Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) and need nutritional supplements, unless we make a drastic change to our eating habits. So, what if I say, “My diet is great. I only eat organic produce.” Great! Chances are, you are healthier than many people. Consider this, though: due to improper agricultural practices, the soil has been losing its mineral content year after year. Our crops, although looking the same as those grown 50 years ago, probably only contain 1/3 of the mineral content as before. Even with the best dietary practices, we might still end up deficient in vitamins and minerals. (For those interested in a detailed study of how our soil affects our nutritional status, I would refer you to the book Empty Harvest by Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson). So what do we do with this dilemma? We need to find supplements that are whole-food based. We need to make sure the supplements are made from organically grown foods. When we read the label, we should see names of foods like alfalfa, mushrooms, and carrots, not chemical names we can’t even pronounce. We should focus less on the number of milligrams and more on how many synergists are in this supplement and are they in the ratio that occurs in nature. Next time you gto to the health food store, keep the above guidelines in mind! Dr. Trent Peng




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ies Lad

TOP 10 :

Try this!

We all know there is more than one way to use a safety pin. It can work in place of a button, to hold up a loose hem, or can even be opened and used to untangle a chain necklace. This month, we’re giving you 10 ideas of how to use your wardrobe/accessories or other items in your house in ways you may not have thought of before.


One earring-

If you’ve lost an earring, but the one you still have is still wearable, use it as a pin in a scarf (if it’s a stud), wear it as a ring (if it’s a loop and fits a finger), or hang it on a chain for a necklace (if it dangles.) Why miss out on wearing that incredible earring that matches so many of your outfits?

Gift wrap ribbon-

If your bra straps peek out from under that sleeveless top, take a piece of gift wrap ribbon (the thin kind) and use it to place under both straps, pulling the straps together in the back, and tie it in a small bow or a knot. The straps stay hidden, and you can just snip the ribbon off when you undress at night! Keep a spool in your bathroom drawer for the next time you need this quick fix.

Whether you’ve got Scotch tape or packing tape handy, they both work great to get fuzz off those black pants. Keep the tape in your glove box, and it’s always available should you leave the house and realize your pants are covered with lint. Just unroll a section and wrap around your hand and then pat the material as you remove those unsightly dust particles.

Shopping bag-

They’re only a $1 or so, and they are available all over town. Keep one in your closet and when you’re going out in heels that hurt your feet, fill the bag with an extra pair of comfy shoes for after the event is over, so you can walk to your car with ease. While you’re stuffing, add a sweater to have handy should you slip inside a cold movie theater on your night out. An extra pair of shoes, and a warm sweater, is essential for unexpected pleasures that might come up while you’re out on the town.

Broken belt buckle-

A scarf-

If you have a belt you love to wear, but the buckle slips or doesn’t work properly, try tying the belt instead of buckling it. This works for flexible woven belts, and it gives an edgy look to your wardrobe pick of the day.

A scarf is not only for wearing around your neck! Tie one around your waist for a belt; lay one out across a piece of furniture, on the back of a chair for décor, or even use a large one draped across a rod for a curtain. They’re relatively inexpensive and come in all colors and fabrics.


Are you out all day and need to freshen up your cheeks, give them a bit of color, but you don’t have your blush with you? Dab a bit of lipstick on your cheeks and blend in. It works great!


Do you have a box full of extra buttons you’ve never used, buttons in all colors, shapes, and sizes? I have oodles of them, from those “extra button packs” that come with so many new sweaters and tops. Don’t toss them! Take a plain throw pillow and sew them on, in the shape of an initial, or just in random spots, and add some whimsy to your bed, your sofa, or your kids’ rooms.

Small colander-

I have several red ones, purchased at the Dollar Store. Not only are they used to drain juices, but they double as a bowl to serve fruit or chips. Once your fruit is washed, keep it in the colander in the refrigerator so it’s an attractive piece from which your kids can spy and snatch a snack!

Newspaper bags-

These are great for packing shoes in a suitcase, or for stowing away dirty cleats after a soccer game so your car stays clean! As you read your daily paper, stow the bags in an empty small Kleenex box and keep this in the trunk of your car. These bags are also handy for cleaning out car doors – using them as a small trash bag!

If you think of any uncommon uses for common things, email me at Marcy@AustinFaithandFamily. com. Maybe we’ll post another list soon! Marcy Lytle

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Eat Pray Love

Directed by Ryan Murphy This movie was probably one of the most publicized movies this year, as the book Eat Pray Love was a bestseller. If Julia Roberts, beautiful scenery, traveling, and changes of clothing appeal to you, then this movie’s for you. However, I was one moviegoer that was not impressed with the story. Right away I didn’t care for Julia Roberts’ character, as she appeared to be somewhat of a spoiled woman, in my opinion. And who has an entire year (and the money) to travel to find oneself? What petty grievances she seemed to have with her wonderful life, prior to her journey. I’m sure the movie draws in countless numbers of women who too are discontented with their lives, and perhaps these same women will enjoy getting caught up in the character’s escapades, her spiritual “enlightenment,” and her promiscuity. I like Julia Roberts and was glad to see her on the big screen once again. She did a fine job portraying her senseless character. I enjoyed the movie visually, but emotionally I was left feeling sad for this woman, and completely disappointed with the outcome of her journey. If moviegoers of any emotional bent decide to copy this character’s antics, I’m afraid they’ll end up right back where they started, only broke, and out of touch with the “real” world. Is the movie worth seeing? I think you would be better off skipping this one – although just maybe, it will make you give thanks for what you have and think twice about leaving those who love you. At least the popcorn and candy are always consistently satisfying… Marcy Lytle

Life Is Fluid

A women's devotional from the book of Ecclesiastes by Marcy Lytle





Outlive Your Life By Max Lucado

Browsing the shelves of a Christian bookstore, one has an opportunity to see what business calls a trend developing in the Christian community at large. I like to view those trends as a reflection of how God is guiding His church. Books and Bible studies that have been chosen in the last year center around the words of Jesus to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those in prison, and invite strangers into your home. Books like Get Uncomfortable by Austin’s own Todd Phillips, and Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. Bible studies on the book of James, and Beth Moore’s Living Beyond Yourself. I am encouraged that we, as Christ’s Body, are increasing our commitment to care for a hurting world in the midst of a recession that has each one of us in our own world of hurt. One such book, Outlive Your Life, by Max Lucado, comes out in September 2010. With the skill of a poet, a heart of humble compassion, and a deep love of Jesus that has made him one of our most beloved authors, Max has written a book that speaks to those who desire to do more than just be successful by the world’s standards. These Christians want to make an impact with good works because this softens the heart of the lost to hear the gospel of salvation, and Christians know that to serve the least is to serve Jesus Christ. It’s a book of self-reflection, humor, encouragement, direction, and action. The prayers at the end of every chapter are works of art reflecting how wonderful it is to be used by God, and they remind us that it is God at work in us, and through us, for His glory. Thank God we are saved by grace through faith, and good works done in the name of Jesus will live longer than our life on earth. Deborah Begley LifeWay Christian Stores

Dog On It

By Spencer Quinn

A little bit blue about starting school or losing the summertime freedom? Just kick back and pick up a copy of Dog On It from your local library or bookstore. This appealing heartfelt detective duo is pure joy. Narrated by Chet, the hilarious free spirited dog of down-and-out detective Bernie, this book brings back pictures of the character Thomas Magnum, with his lackadaisical attitude about work until his generous heart can’t say no to needy clients or friends. In this adventure, Madison, a teenage girl, is mixed up in some very dangerous mishaps and is kidnapped. Normally a very good daughter and student, her parents are frantic. The mystery that ensues is actually very impelling and diverting. With Chet on the loose to help Bernie get back into business as usual, one can’t help becoming involved in this case. Chet uncovers our human frailties and flaws throughout the book, and continues to show loyalty and unconditional love in his canine way. If you are somewhat dazed in the beginning, realizing that a dog is narrating, just give it a few pages and you won’t be able to put the book down. A view from this canine can open up some endearing thoughts and give our human concerns a new perspective. This book is touching, in places even scary, truly funny, and full of joy. For an end of summer read, I would definitely recommend, Dog On It! Ginny Hurley

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Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area




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the Back Pew

Quotes A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence.

--Leopold Stokowski

Music is what feelings sound like.

--Author Unknown

My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require.

--Edward Elgar

By the Numbers 95: references to joy in the Old Testament


references to joy in the New Testament 46



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