Therese Vonesh
TRANSFORMING HOMES ONE PLYO BOX AT A TIME n A deep dive on Texas Garage Gym Builders — a
company that transforms homes through building custom gyms.
usinesses crumbled, suffered severe setbacks or were forced to shut down when the pandemic swept across the world. Nothing was left untouched at the hands of the unknown. But Texas Garage Gym Builders is unique. The pandemic changed the way their business was going — for the better. When the pandemic hit, their phones started ringing and emails flooded in. People couldn’t go to the gym anymore, and that’s where Texas Garage Gym Builders stepped in. Texas Garage Gym Builders specializes in designing and building professional-grade, at-home gyms. This Austin-based company mainly focuses on the
APRIL 2022
major metro areas of Texas but also services across the state. From almost commercial-size gyms to installations as little as 100 sq. ft., Texas Garage Gym Builders is the “only company out there that offers this level of service,” says Preston Wilson, founder and owner. Wilson is a happy, friendly guy, which has helped him build his business from the ground up. Wilson’s quick smile and sense of humor changed the course of his career in great and big ways. Texas Garage Gym Builders didn’t start big, though. It started with a need — and a lack of time. Wilson is busy like the rest of us, trying to balance work, family and life. The desire to work out was always in the forefront of Wilson’s mind, but he couldn’t
find time to run to the gym in town. On top of that, good workout equipment is expensive. Luckily, Wilson was always good with his hands; woodworking and construction were skills embedded within his past. “I just went in my garage one day and built myself a plyo box with a piece of wood that I had and some really basic tools,” Wilson says. “It was not super pretty, but it worked.” Then, in 2016, Wilson got one of his first “commissions” when some friends saw his work and asked him to build them one. His business soon started to take off. “I got the idea that maybe on the weekends, I could build some for extra money and sell them on Craigslist,” Wilson recalls.