1 minute read
From the Director
We all practice health for different reasons.
We do it to improve our blood circulation, help out our hearts, shed some pounds, gain confidence, enhance athletic ability, increase energy, improve cognitive function, reduce inflammation, be more resilient in the face of disease — the list goes on.
Some practice health all their lives with the simple goal: optimal longevity. But honestly, I think that at the end of the day, whether we know it or not, this is ultimately the end game for most fitness-goers and health-conscious people. We choose the healthier options while out with friends, say no to a third drink, wake up early to hit the gym or take ourselves outside every day to, as AFM friend Todd Whitthorne would say, “Walk the dog, even when you don’t have one.”
While we practice these daily habits to strive for longevity, we want more than to simply tack on a few more years to our lives. We want to run around with our grandkids one day, attend every event we can, explore new parts of the world and thrive as we age. We want to live, and live enthusiastically — without preventable, physical limitations.
In this year’s Longevity Issue, we’ve packed these pages with optimal-living content. Discover how to heal the body from the inside with food, dive into a story about a local masters swim team and a few of their swimmers’ journeys to nationals, learn all about osteoporosis and much, much more.
Changing daily habits to ones that are friendlier to optimal longevity may seem daunting to some, but I assure you, the benefits (like some that are listed above) are endless. Life isn’t about simply flipping through the chapters, but living our stories.
If you’re a perfectionist like myself, working to have a lifestyle that will increase longevity, it’s also important to know that one unhealthy meal will not be the end all, be all for you. Living a healthy lifestyle with the intention of longevity is not something that can be deterred by one bad day or one bad week. A healthy lifestyle is something that is a habit — something you wake up every day and simply do.
Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just on the cusp of your health journey, it’s never too late to start.
Keep Austin Fit,