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Letter from the Director
Wellness has always been a major human priority.
And it’s been around for centuries. Ayurveda can be traced back to 3000 BC, and then came Traditional Chinese Medicine, then Greek medicine. The concept of wellness has been around for a long while, but it was only in the late 20th century when wellness started to become a trend in the medical and academic worlds, at least within the United States. There’s a reason why wellness has been and is a priority for most people: to live a healthier, happier life.
The same goes for fitness and nutrition. All three of these key factors play a role in one’s overall health. Without one, it’s difficult to achieve the others.
The thing about wellness is that it starts from within. With fitness, we can work *hard* to increase our physical capabilities and, with nutrition, we can eat to fuel our bodies appropriately. However, wellness is something that comes from the drive and active pursuit within each person for better, optimal health. These can be seen in daily, intentional practices like physical activity, meditating, taking time for yourself, etc. — it is an overall healthy lifestyle, which is exactly what we promote within our mission.
In this month’s cover story, AFM had a chance to dive into the science behind one of the latest and greatest duo’s: athletic performance and one of the tastiest root vegetables, beets. It’s truly amazing how the human system changes nitrates into nitric oxide, and how it can enhance an athlete, or even just your daily workout. But I won’t spoil the rest, check it out on page 26.
In addition, our Science of Wellness issue is packed with great content from understanding genetics and nutrition to cupping therapy, to transitioning off hormonal birth control. Get to know the body’s filter on page 16. Learn all about why weighted blankets are so popular on page 40 (weighted blankets are the best!). Meet UT professor and internet sensation, Kate the Chemist, on page 32 and so much more.
If you’re looking to learn more about any of the above, or simply anything new in the wellness industry, you’ve come to the right place.
Keep Austin Fit,
Director of Content