Katerina Cotroneo
KEEPING SUMMER LIGHT n In nutrition, lifestyle, wellness and fitness, here are
some ways to keep your summer healthy and light.
MAY 2022
Let’s start with a cocktail.
Tequila or gin are your best friends as far as calories are concerned, and my secret is to mix it with some club soda and freshpressed juice. Instead of sticking with your go-to soda mixers or sparkling wine to tack on the sugars, you’re sneaking in some fresh juice antioxidants instead. Grab a Suja Juice at H-E-B if you’re in a pinch, mix that with some lemon and liquor, and your drinks will be the belle of the bar. KATERINA COTRONEO
hen it comes to keeping your summer healthy and light, it is of the utmost importance you do so both inside and out. The last thing any Austinite wants is to feel the effects of the summer heatwave simultaneously as the summer slump hits. The key to keeping your upcoming months fresh, fun and enlightening begins with smart swaps. We’re still going to wear makeup, drink alcohol and participate in activities with friends, however, it’s replacing those vices with lighter versions of themselves that fit the theme of the summer we are striving for.