2012 Race for the Cure Guide

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LaTanya Tatum Manor, TX Survivor, 6 years








Natalie Young Austin, TX Survivor, 3 years

HOW TO REGISTER + Event Day Schedule Race Map Parking Info. & More!

Meet Honorary Race Chairs, Natalie and LaTanya

Downtown Austin, TX • November 4, 2012

Presented by:


YOUR OWN LAKE INCLUDED QUARRY LAKE 4210 W BRAKER LN., Austin, TX 78759 (512) 342-2200 infoQL@pureaustin.com

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The highest risk for breast cancer is

The vast majority of breast cancer develops in women with no risk factors. If you are 40 or older, the American Cancer Society recommends that you have a mammogram every year. Schedule at ausrad.com or 512.453.6100.

Fertility Preservation before Chemotherapy For more information please visit our website at

Table of Contents

8……………………A Woman in Stride

Meet Honorary Co-Chair LaTanya Tatum

10………………...A Warrior in Pink

Meet Honorary Co-Chair Natalie Young

12–18………....2012 Komen Austin Race Guide

Get all the details on this year’s Komen Austin Race for the Cure®. Parking, race route, registration information and more!

21…………………Free Breast Health Services For You

Learn about FREE breast cancer services funded by Komen Austin Affiliate

Follow us on Twitter @komenaustin Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/komenaustin Read about us at komenaustin.wordpress.com Watch us at www.youtube.com/komenaustin www.komenaustin.org | race@komenaustin.org | 512-473-0900

Happily produced by Cover and story photography by Brian Fitzsimmons komenaustin.org


Race for 1. Race for All. Letter from the President


ou are all part of a critical ecosystem of people and organizations that are making a real, local impact in the fight against breast cancer. I was initially drawn to Komen Austin out of a desire to give back to this great community. Although I had yet to be directly affected by breast cancer, I knew the stories and I knew I could not tolerate another family being left behind because of this disease. Unfortunately as you get a bit older, the chances that someone close to you will be diagnosed go up tremendously. And so it was just a few years ago that one of my Dell contemporaries, Michelle Bynum, was diagnosed. She did everything she could to not ‘waste her cancer’ and she inspired me to fight! Sadly, January of last year this disease took her from her son, husband and family. Breast cancer took her from all of us. A few months after we said goodbye to Michelle, another one of my close friend of over 15 years, Tina Holden, was diagnosed. She is one of the sweetest people I know, and she too is a mother and wife. She has undergone a mastectomy and a full year of chemotherapy. A full year! The survivors and co-survivors who read this will know what a difficult burden this amount of treatment was for her and her family. This is unacceptable. Instead of IGNORING that breast cancer is REAL and affects those we love, I choose to get off my butt and do what I can to eradicate this disease and reduce the suffering of those who are being affected by it today.

One very important thing to note about these two friends – they both had resources to fight this horrible disease. Insurance. Loving friends. A strong and supportive family. And still this disease devastates lives. Can you imagine taking on this challenge WITHOUT these resources? My wife Valeri and I recently had our first baby girl. It would mean the world to me to be able to tell my daughter Mackenzie about a disease that I helped put in the history books. But I need your help! We cannot lose sight that Susan G. Komen, and all of its Affiliates, is the only organization serving women in so many meaningful ways. You will see me on Race day, proudly wearing my Dell team shirt. I hope you are standing next to me knowing that YOU too are making a difference. Thank you! Gratefully,

Rick Reeder

President Komen Austin Board of Directors

We live here. We race here. We save lives here.


ne out of eight women will have to fight breast cancer in her lifetime. That’s why, since 1999, the Austin Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® has been hard at work here in the Austin area raising money to provide breast cancer screening, education and medical services as well as financial and emotional support. In fact, 75 percent of the money we raise each year is put to work right here in Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis and Williamson counties to improve the lives of everyone affected by this deadly disease. The remaining funds go to national research to find a cure for breast cancer once and for all.




komenaustin.org | 512.473.0900



Who Will You Race For? Letter from the Executive Director


ver the past 13 years, Komen Austin has invested more than $12.6 million in the fight against breast cancer. LOCALLY, with your help, we have contributed more than $8.9 million for women in our community in need of breast health services and more than $3.7 million to global research efforts. Last year alone, we funded 3,313 screening mammograms, 1,146 diagnostic procedures and 993 clinical breast exams and this is just a small representation of our IMPACT. More importantly, 58 new breast cancers were detected through the funds provided to our community. 58 women lives were saved, because of your generosity of time, fundraising and advocacy. Now more than ever, we need your help. Local breast health screening, treatment, education, and support programs are in danger of not being funded at the same levels. Now is the time to rally together as a team, community and family to join us for our annual Race for the Cure. Our Race provides the majority of funds that we use for the FREE breast health services provided to those women in need.

Did you know?

What can you do? Simply register for or donate to the Komen Austin Race for the Cure. Information is included in this guide. If you still have questions, call us at 512-473-0900. Why do we race? To provide services that save the lives of the women in our area who do not have access to breast health care. The health of the most vulnerable Austin area residents is at stake. Help us maintain the funding for the organizations that are on the front lines of the fight against breast cancer. With gratitude,

Christy Casey-Moore Executive Director Komen Austin

The remaining 25% funds international groundbreaking breast cancer reasearch

25% 75%

Seventy-five percent of funds raised stay in our five-county area to provide the following services: • Fund clinical breast exams, mammograms (screening or diagnostic), ultrasounds, biopsies and treatment • Provide emergency assistance which covers inhome personal assistance, transportation to and from mammograms & treatment, food, rent & utilities • Fund Patient Navigator Services (provide individual assistance to help patients obtain mammograms, diagnostic services and breast cancer treatment) • Provide breast health education and attend local health fairs and community events to distribute educational materials • Connect breast cancer survivors with local resources for support and to follow post-treatment survivor plans

75% of funds raised LOCALLY stay LOCAL

• Offer bilingual support groups • Spearhead local advocacy efforts komenaustin.org


A Woman in Stride

LaTanya Tatum (center) with co-survivors Moniek and Markell


aith, humor and support were the three things that helped LaTanya Tatum through her breast cancer diagnosis.

When LaTanya was diagnosed she didn’t have any family in Austin. She had to lean and depend on friends during this tough time—they became her co-survivors. “I never once felt she would be defeated by cancer,” said Kenneth Staples. “I knew I was ready to contact the doctors and get a plan in place so we were ready for what came next.”



Kenneth and LaTanya became friends through their community organizations, including church. Their shared faith helped LaTanya through this diagnosis and treatment. In fact, Kenneth would pray for her when she was too angry to do so herself. “It’s my belief that prayers from me and her other supporters let her know she wasn’t alone in her battle with cancer,” said Staples. “Even though she might have been feeling low, God was still at work through others for her.”

In addition to faith, laughter was key. LaTanya’s friend since 7th grade, Moniek Ornick, knew just what to do when she needed a smile. “She was always there as a listening ear and was the person that could make me laugh when I wanted to cry,” said Tatum. “I just wanted to be a positive impact during this frightening time in her life,” said Ornick. “I was always doing silly stuff and saying things to make her laugh. If I tell you some of the things I did, you would not believe it, so I will keep it to myself.” As a young person affected by breast cancer, it’s often difficult to find someone your age to talk about what to expect. Prior to her diagnosis, LaTanya knew of only one other young person that was affected by cancer. “I could empathize with what she was going through,” said Markell Davidson, friend of Tatum since 2004. “I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease at the age of 15.”

cancer when she was going through treatment. In return, she promised to tell her story to whoever wanted to listen. “At that point I said to myself, ‘LaTanya, you made it through breast cancer. You made it through something that for some there is no point of return. You need to be a better survivor,” said Tatum. She quickly registered for Speaker’s Bureau training through Komen Austin and presented on the Think Pink panel for the Young Professionals for the Cure. She is also a founding member of Women in Strides - the new African American outreach program for the organization.

I want to appeal to women in the African-American community to let them know that breast cancer has no particular age or color and that early detection is key,

Markell’s experience with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery allowed her to help LaTanya with expectations and the possible side effects of some of her medication. “Being a survivor at such a young age really changes your outlook on life,” said Davidson. In 2010, both Markell and LaTanya mothers were diagnosed with breast cancer. “We were both devastated,” said Davidson. “You have this moment where you just want to curl up in a corner and stay there until things get better.” But they wanted to step-up to support their moms. Separated by miles, both were regularly on the road for appointments, treatments and surgeries.

Now, she will share her story with thousands as the 2012 Komen Austin Race for the Cure Honorary Co-Chair. Each year local breast cancer survivors are selected to be the voice of the Race. “I want to appeal to women in the African-American community to let them know that breast cancer has no particular age or color and that early detection is key,” said Tatum.

Her team, Team Tatalicious, will make their presence known at this year’s Race. “Many of my friends are participating in the race for the first time this year to support me,” said Tatum There’s even a way for her church family to support her efforts as Honorary Race Co-Chair without missing the Sunday morning service. “Sleep In for a Cure is a GREAT way to participate in the fundraising efforts, even if one can’t be with us on November 4,” said Tatum. “By Sleeping in for a Cure, registrants will still be afforded all of the rights as a registrant, and they don’t even have to pick up their packet, as it will be mailed out.”

“She and I would check up on each other regularly,” said Davidson. “We were the shoulders we both needed when we couldn’t hold back tears any longer. It was a very difficult time.” Both mothers are in remission. Last year LaTanya celebrated being cancer free for five years. It was then she remembered asking God to get her through

Not a morning person? Sleep in for the Cure®! Support Komen from under your bed covers by registering online to Sleep in for the Cure®. You will receive your t-shirt and your race number (just in case you change your mind) in the mail. Sleep in for the Cure® participants can register online and fundraise.

Register online at www.komenaustin.org komenaustin.org


A Warrior in Pink

Natalie Young (right) with co-survivors Steven and Brynlee Young




lmost 3 years after being diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, Natalie Young remembers finding a lump during her morning shower.

“I convinced myself it was nothing, but called the gynecologist just in case,” said Young. She went to her doctor’s office that same afternoon. Exactly two-weeks, later after a mammogram, an ultrasound, a fine needle aspiration and even a lumpectomy to remove “abnormal” cells, she was told that she had breast cancer. “After learning she had breast cancer I thought ‘Wow is this really happening?’,” said her husband Steven Young. “Those are not the words I wanted to hear.” “I really didn’t know what to think,” he continued. “It was certainty something I have never dealt with before. I never thought about cancer. I never thought it would be that.” The diagnosis came as a shock to Natalie too. She has no family history of breast cancer, she was in the best shape she’d been in since high school and had breastfed her daughter for 13 months.

“She didn’t need anyone to break down and fall apart. I needed to stay focused.” Their daughter, Brynlee, was only three when Natalie was diagnosed. “I just remember thinking I don’t want her to go through what’s about to happen,” said Natalie. “The scariest decision was what to tell our daughter. Our original plan wasn’t really to tell her about cancer.” “We didn’t know how to deal with it in the first place. It was already something we weren’t used to,” said Steven. “We wondered, ‘Do we tell her? How do we tell her?” They needed assistance so they reached out to a local nonprofit, Wonders & Worries. The organization helps children cope when a parent faces a serious or life-threatening illness.

I really didn’t know what to think, it was certainly something I have never dealt with before. I never thought about cancer. I never thought it would be that.

“I had a happy marriage, a beautiful daughter, a promotion at work and a new home. I was living the dream and then this happened,” said Natalie. Shortly after Natalie was diagnosed, her dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. “I will never forget the moment when I was driving him in the car and we were both going to the oncologist,” she said. “My appointment first, then his after. It was a place I would never thought I would be.” “I think that’s what made me stronger,” she continued. “I knew I had to be for myself. His was terminal and I knew I could beat mine.” Natalie finished her treatment in February of 2010 and her father passed away that April. Even with this devastating news, her support system of co-survivors, including her father, were there every step of the way.

“She was a part of the whole process,” said Natalie. “Brynlee knows that mom is a survivor. She knows what a survivor means.” She also knows what pink means. “It [pink] means breast cancer,” said Brynlee.

After her experience, Natalie was inspired by Michelle Bynum, 2009 Honorary Chair for the Komen Austin Race for the Cure. Michelle often said that she didn’t want to waste her cancer and neither did Natalie. This year Natalie will stand alongside LaTanya as Honorary CoChair. In addition, she is one of 11 national Models of Courage for Ford Warriors in Pink. “I want other people to get something from my story and to learn from it,” said Natalie. “It can happen to young people. It happened to me.” “She’s not wasting her cancer,” said Steven. “It’s great to see her so passionate about something. She is truly passionate about getting the word out and supporting people through this process.” Natalie will be joined by her family, friends and co-workers at the Komen Austin Race to do their part in the fight against breast cancer. Look for their team Hope Forever Young.

“My biggest job was to be a complete help to her,” said Steven.


he Ford Warrior in Pink clothing line is part of the “Models of Courage” campaign to raise funds for breast cancer awareness. For 18 years, Ford has been supporting the fight against breast cancer, and this year’s campaign uses 11 men and women who are breast cancer survivors as models. Ford will donate 100 percent of the net proceeds from these sales to fighting breast

cancer, with proceeds spread among a variety of organizations. To make sure your donation stays local, enter AUSTINWIP in the promo code box when completing your order. By doing so, you’re helping to provide FREE breast health services right here in Travis, Williamson, Caldwell, Hays, and Bastrop counties. To order visit FordCares.com.



2012 Race Event Guide

Komen Austin 2012 Race Chairs


lmost 10 years ago, Nanditha Jagannath began her journey to help make a difference in the fight against breast cancer by participating in the Race for the Cure in Austin. Since then, Nanditha has been actively involved with the Race every year. “I initially became interested in the Komen Austin Race for the Cure because my mother was a breast cancer survivor in India,” said Jagannath, “and through my experience with my mother, I found motivation to make a difference by helping find a cure to end breast cancer once and for all.” Although her mother passed away 8 years ago, Nanditha’s need to be involved with the Race and Komen Austin is still very strong. Now the Race Co-Chair for the 2012 Komen Austin Race for the Cure, she is challenging the community to unite in the effort to surpass the fundraising goals set for this year. In return, she is working hard to ensure you leave the Race with a feeling of support and wonderful camaraderie. “I hope that Austinites realize what an amazing organization Komen Austin is and how much they do in our local community,” states Jagannath. “The Race is personally important to me because the funds raised by this event help friends receive mammograms and other services which they could not afford otherwise. The Race gives me a feeling that I am helping the ultimate goal of eradicating breast cancer in some small way,” expressed Jagannath.

2012 Komen Austin Race Chairs Nanditha Jagannath (left) and Kheira Ardjani (right)


fter her aunt passed from breast cancer, 2012 Komen Austin Race Co-Chair Kheira Ardjani didn’t know where to turn. “I hate what cancer did to my aunt and to our family,” said Ardjani, “I was looking for a way to deal with that when I found Komen Austin.” “I was experiencing the loss of my aunt as an individual,” she continued. “I didn’t realize until I saw nearly 20,000 Race participants that breast cancer impacted so many more people than I ever imagined.” During her 8 years of volunteerism with the race, her involvement has shown her the impact that Komen Austin has on women in her community. “Every year I meet women who have been saved by Komen Austin; by what I do, by what you do, by what WE do,” said Ardjani, “we literally save lives.” This year she embarks on her third year of overseeing the plans for the Komen Austin Race for the Cure. She’s reminded daily of why this event is so important. “Recently a girl I went to high school with was diagnosed with breast cancer,” said Ardjani. She’s younger than me and was diagnosed. No one should have to face cancer alone. No one should have to face cancer. That’s why the Race for the Cure is important.” She encourages everyone to register to Race there are so many reasons to register, why would you not! “Whether you want to support breast cancer awareness, your favorite survivor, a non-profit in your community or just love a good 5k - we would love to have you register and see what an impact your support of Komen Austin makes in our community,” said Ardjani.

KOMEN AUSTIN RACE FOR THE CURE COMMITTEE 2012 Race Co-Chairs Kheira Ardjani Nanditha Jagannath

I Am the Cure Co-Chairs Tatum Brown Miranda Brown

Registration Co-Chairs Madeline Campbell Jana McSwain

Data Chair Jess Rains

Operations David Grice French Smith

Sponsorship Chair Garnet Cantwell

Events Chair Courtney Berkowitz Finance Chair Adriana Garcia



Packet Mailing Co-Chairs Felicia Owens Dawn Engler Amy Bryant-Baird

Survivor Co-Chairs Deb Davis Groves Audra Morris

Teams Chair Stacy Mefford Volunteer Co-Chairs Mallory Garcia Jen Harman

2012 Race Event Guide

Registration Details www.komenaustin.org

ENTRY FEES (ALL fees are non-refundable, and non-transferable.

Hanes - The official T-Shirt of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure®.

Fees are same for 5k or 1 mile walk).: Online: Adult: $30, Child (12 and under): $20 By Mail and In-Person: Adult: $40, Child (12 and under): $30 Race Day: Adult: $40, Child (12 and under): $30 Sleep In for the Cure: All: $50 (Price includes shipping) Chip Timing Services: All Timed Participants: Add $5 to the standard registration.

Packet Mailed To You: Add $8.50. Packet Pick-Up: Packets* include a T-shirt and Race number. T-shirts are guaranteed for the first 15,000 participants; however, size preference is not guaranteed. To make picking up your race packet easier, we have one packet pick-up location which is as follows:

By Mail: Complete the adjacent entry form, sign it and mail with your payment postmarked by October 10th at 5 P.M. to: Komen Austin, P.O. Box 2164, Austin, Texas 78768 Online: Visit www.komenaustin.org to register online through November 2, 2012 at 10 P.M. Register, create a personal Web page and help raise funds online. If you register online, your race bib, T-shirt and survivor packet (if applicable) can be mailed to you for an additional $8.50 ONLY IF you register by October 10, 2012.

PACKET PICK-UP November 1st–3rd | 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. ONLY Use the South Entrance and look for signage and balloons St. David’s North Austin Medical Center, 2nd Floor 12221 N. Mopac Expwy.

*If you register as a Sleep In participant past the shipping deadline your packet will arrive in January. A USPS recognized mailing address MUST be provided. All packets that are returned will not be re-shipped, and will be available for pick up at the office. Chip Timing Services: $5.00 For all timed participants.

Race Weekend Schedule Saturday Nov. 3 Survivor Celebration (see pg. 17) 5:30 P.M. (Online RSVP required) Sunday 6 A.M. Registration Tent Opens 6:30 A.M. Survivor Tent Opens/ Breakfast 7 A.M. and Survivor Group Photos 9 A.M. 7:30 A.M. Race Begins! 7:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 7:45 A.M. 8 A.M. to 10 A.M.

5K Wheelchair and Handcycle Race 5K Chip Timed Race Opening Ceremonies 5K Untimed Race and the 5K Walk and 1 Mile Run/Walk (Rolling Start)

After Post-Race Events the Race Sponsor Expo and Entertainment

Chip-timed 5K Race R

unFAR Racing Services will again use the disposable road racing timing system created by ChronoTrack Systems. Timed participants no longer have to register their timing chip at packet pick-up or have it removed at the finish line! The system allows race organizers to print an integrated bib and tag for each participant and encode the runner’s bib number into the tag’s RFID chip. The peel-off, disposable portion of the bib becomes a tag that attaches to runners’ shoes. You can find instructions and more information on the disposable tag timing system at www.run-far.com. The timing system does not allow the use of personal timing chips. As a chip-timed participant, you will be placed into one of four divisions: Age Group, Wheelchair, Handcycle or Survivor. Overall winners will be scored by gun time. Masters and age group winners will be scored by chip time. Results will be announced at the RunFAR tent after the race. Prizes will be awarded to the following categories of 5K finishers (no duplicate awards will be given): • Survivor: Top 3 Overall • Wheelchair: Top 3 Overall (open) • Handcycle: Top 3 Overall (open) • Top 3 Overall Males • Top 3 Overall Females Route Certification: TX11128ETM





2012 Race Event Guide


2012 Race Event Guide



Red River

18th St.



Brazos St.


16th St.

Family Mile Mile Marker

Trinity St.

17th St.

15th St.

15th St.


14th St. State Capitol


E. 12th St.


Guadalupe St.

13th St.

E. 11th St. 10th St.


Trinity St.

San Jacinto

Brazos St. Colorado

Congress Ave.

West Ave.


Red River

E. 9th St.

W. 9th St.

W. 6th St.


MLK Blvd. Bob Bolluck Museum

E. 6th St.

7:30 a.m. Start • 5K Wheelchair and Hand Cycle Race • 5K Chip Timed Race

8-10 a.m. Start 8:40Rolling a.m. Start 8:40Race a.m.and Start • 5K Untimed the • 5K Walk and 1 Mile Run/Walk

E. 5th St.

Both the 5K (3.1 miles) and 1 Mile Run/Walk begin and finish at the Bob Bullock Museum. The 5K Race course is USATF certified. For the safety of all participants, rollerblades and pets are discouraged from participating in this event. Thank you for your cooperation. We kindly request strollers and baby joggers participate in the 1 Mile Run/Walk or stay at the back of the 5K Run.


2nd St.


S. Congress Ave.

Be in control of your day! The Timed 5K runners will begin at 7:30 a.m. Untimed participants (including the Family 1-milers) may begin the 5K run or walk anytime between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. At 10 a.m., the start line will close to ALL 5K runners and walkers. The rolling start time has been W. Cesar Chavez St. implemented in an attempt to ease parking and traffic and put Race participants in control of their day of celebration.

Radisson Hotel

Four Seasons Hotel

This event will occur rain or shine. We reserve the right to cancel in extreme circumstances. In that event, there will be no refunds; rather, your Rivebe entry fee will rsiused as a donation to the Komen Austin Race for the Cure®.

de D r




2012 Race Event Guide

Survivor Race Day Activities With more than 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the United States, Komen Austin makes sure local survivors have a weekend to remember starting with the 3rd annual Survivor Celebration. KOMEN AUSTIN SURVIVOR CELEBRATION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 FROM 5:30 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. Kick-off the Komen Austin Race for the Cure weekend at the Survivor Celebration, presented by Austin Radiological Clinic and Farmer’s Insurance. We will turn the Longhorn Room at the Omni downtown PINK in honor of those affected by breast cancer. Guests will enjoy food and beverage, a pinkalicious photo booth and live entertainment. Breast cancer survivors are FREE with an online RSVP and guest admission is $25. Space is limited and spots can be reserved online at komenaustin.org.

SURVIVOR ACTIVITIES AT THE KOMEN AUSTIN RACE FOR THE CURE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 FROM 6:30 A.M. TO 11 A.M. CELEBRATE SURVIVORS This year’s Survivor tent, located at the corner of 17th St and San Jacinto St., will open at 6:30 A.M. and the entertainment starts at 7 A.M. Survivors plus one guest may enter the tent with your PINK bracelet available at the survivor table at packet pick-up. Activities include: Food from Randall’s and ZuZu Handmade Mexican Food, Entertainment by the Dara Niemi Band and Staci’s Edge, Massages by the Lauterstein-Canway Massage Clinic, Photobooth, Survivor’s Wall of Flowers and FUN contests!


SURVIVOR PHOTOS The annual survivor group photo will take place at the Survivor tent at 7:15 A.M. and 9 A.M.

A TRIBUTE TO BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS Breast cancer survivors who wish to be recognized may pick up their complimentry pink cap and pink t-shirt provided by Zeta Tau Alpha. We would also like to invite participants to recognize those special people who have been touched by breast cancer. “In Memory Of” and “In Celebration Of” back signs will be available for all race participants. The Breast Cancer Survivor Recognition Program is sponsored by Zeta Tau Alpha.

All survivors will have assigned parking which will be clearly marked on their parking passes, which will be included in registration packets.



2012 Race Event Guide

Vital Volunteers


he Komen Austin Affiliate credits its success to the many outstanding volunteers who share their energy, ideas, talents and enthusiasm in the fight against breast cancer. Our volunteers come in all sizes, shapes and colors, but their hearts are PINK and their caring has no limit. Along with Georgia-Pacific, the makers of Quilted Northern Ultra Plush™ and the national sponsor of the Volunteer Recognition Program, we appreciate how our volunteers are making a difference. Are you a leader, a thinker or a doer? Use your talents in our promise to save lives and end breast cancer forever at Komen Austin Race for the Cure®!

I AM the Cure.®


AM THE CURE® is a breast health program from the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® that teaches people simple steps they need to know to take charge of their breast health. It speaks to the importance of early detection and provides simple, action-oriented chants that Race participants can take home and put into action. These chants, and the simple steps that lead to early detection, will come to life as more than a million Komen Race for the Cure® participants make the I AM THE CURE® their rallying cry on Race day. Visit www.iamthecure.org to learn more!

Why is fundraising so important? When you register for the Susan G. Komen Austin Race for the Cure®, your registration fee mainly covers the cost of putting on the Race. If everyone raises $100 more than they did last year, we will exceed our fundraising goal of $1.5 million. Donations are needed to continue providing FREE breast cancer screening and medical treatment as well as emergency services for the community. It’s up to us



to protect our mothers, daughters, sisters and EVEN our fathers against this disease. Our top fundraiser will receive round-trip air transportation on American Airlines or American Eagle to any destination in the continental U.S. Limit one (1) per household. Every dollar IMPACTS the fight against breast cancer. Donate today at www.komenaustin.org.

Construction Services

Krager General, Inc.



FREE Breast Health Services Except for skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, but it can be successfully treated. This is why the Komen Austin Affiliate invested more than $1 million in the community for FREE breast cancer screening and medical treatments as well as emergency services through the following organizations:

Breast Health Providers

Services Offered

Contact Information

Alliance for African American Health in Central Texas

• Breast cancer education, patient navigation, referrals for no-cost screening mammograms and transportation services with a focus on African American populations.

Marva Overton, 512-494-0645 movertonaaahct@austin.rr.com

Breast Cancer Resource Centers of Texas

• Patient navigation and support groups. Bi-lingual services available. Serves Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis & Williamson counties.

Jessica Jones, 512-324-7992 jjones@bcrc.org

CommuniCare Health Centers

• Patient navigation services and clinical breast exams. Referrrals for no-cost screening mammograms, diagnostic mammograms and ultrasounds. Serves Hays County.

512-392-1718 (San Marcos) 512-268-8920 (Kyle)

Community Action Inc. of Central Texas

• Patient navigation, support groups, transportation, emergency funds for women in treatment and posttreatment navigation & treatment plans. Referrals for no-cost physician consultations, clinical breast exams, ultrasounds, biopsies and screening and diagnostic mammograms. Bi-lingual services available. Serves Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays & Williamson counties.

Lydia Perez, 512-392-1161, ext. 332 lperez@communityaction.com Ana Sierra Berrios, 512-930-3281 anasierra@communityaction.com Keri Worthy, 512-393-4764 kworthy@communityaction.com

Helping the Aging, Needy and Disabled (H.A.N.D.)

• In home help with cooking, cleaning, shopping & personal care for breast cancer patients. Serves Bastrop, Hays, Travis & Williamson counties.

Eloise Morgan, 512-477-3796 eloise@handaustin.org

National Center for Farmworker Health

• Breast cancer education and outreach for Hispanics. Ensure access to screening mammograms and patient follow-up. Serves Hays County.

Ramona Arredondo, 512-312-5466

Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capitol Region

• Risk assessments, clinical breast exams, referrals for no-cost mammograms and follow-up diagnostic services. Serves Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays and Travis counties.


Samaritan Health Ministries

• Patient navigation and clinical breast exams. Referrals for no-cost screening & diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds and biopsies. Serves Travis and Williamson counties.


The University of Texas at Austin – School of Nursing

• Clinical breast exams and transportation. Referrals for no-cost screening & diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds and biopsies. Serves Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis & WIlliamson counties.

Ruperta Chavez, 512-232-3900, rchavez@mail.nur.utexas.edu

Women Involved in Nuturing, Giving, Sharing, Inc. (WINGS)

• Breast cancer treatment and post-treatment follow-up care for survivors. Bi-lingual services available. Serves Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis & Williamson counties.

Terri Jones, tjones@texaswings.org Alex Blanquiz, wingsclaims@ gmail.com, 210-946-9464

THE PROMISE Save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find cures. To find out more about the promise and Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s® impact worldwide, visit www.komen.org. komenaustin.org


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JANUARY 1, 2013

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