5 minute read
Shramadan by St Lawrence English Medium
School students on January 25,
Asknotwhatyourcountrycando for you - ask what you can do for yourcountry.InspiredfromJohnF
Kenedy, As a meaningful preparation for the republic day, students along with the staff members walked over the public roads with brooms and sacks. Students from 7th to 9th shuffled as per squad colours and tried to cover all the roads that surrounding the school. Students collected almost 50 ex-large bags of plastic, paper etc and Mangalore corporation waste managementteamcollecteditfor disposal.
Conference of Catholic Bishops of India
CCBI Secretariat, P. B. No. 8490, Hutchins Road 2 Cross; Bangalore-560084, Karnataka Phone: +91-9632381810, Email: ccbisecretariat@gmail.com; www.ccbi.in
Spread the Message of Love Urges Cardinal Tagle
Bangalore25January2023(CCBI):Inauguratingthe34thPlenaryAssemblyof the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) of the Latin Church, in Bangalore on Tuesday, 24 January 2023, His Eminence Antonio Luis Cardinal Tagle, the Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, exhorted the Bishops in India to promote the message of love.
Cardinal Tagle encouraged the Bishops to tell the story of love in order to promote communion and participation in the Church and the society. He reminded me that it is the duty of each person to transform our society into a peaceful societythrough the message of love.
His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão, the President of the CCBI and the Archbishop of Goa and Daman, presided over the inaugural function. He highlightedthebeautifuldiversityofIndiainhispresidentialaddress.Hesaid that “Our country is a loom holding diverse threads of religions, spiritualities, cultures,traditions, languagesandsocial strata thatblendtogethertoform a complex and beautiful tapestry. Alongside a profound spirituality, social and economic disparities deeply fragment the fabric of this nation.”
The 34th Plenary Assembly began with solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Antonio Tagle. His Eminence Filipe Neri Ferrão, the President, CCBI, His Excellency Leopoldo Girelli, Apostolic Nuncio to India and Nepal, His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, His Eminence Anthony Poola, Archbishop George Antonysamy, Vice President CCBI, Archbishop Anil Couto, Secretary General, CCBI, Archbishop Peter Machado of Bangalore and Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara, Deputy Secretary
GeneraloftheCCBIwerethemainconcelebrants.Morethan130Bishopsand 200 priests concelebrated the inaugural Holy Mass. The inaugural meeting began with the prayer to the Holy Spirit by chanting the traditional hymn ‘VeniCreatorSpiritus’. Then the dignitaries lighted the traditional Indian lamp as a symbolic sign of the beginning of the Assembly, while the choir chanted Shanti Mantra (asatomā sadgamaya - Mantra of Peace).
Most Rev. Peter Machado welcomed the gathering. Archbishop Leopoldo Girellideliveredthe benedictory message. The message of HisHolinessPope FranciswasreadbyArchbishopGeorgeAntonysamy.Theannualreportofthe CCBIwaspresentedbyMostRev.AnilCouto,SecretaryGeneral,CCBIandthe Archbishop of Delhi. Rev. Dr. Paul Parathazham, Director of St. John’s, provided some relevant information about the accommodation and other facilities.Rev.Dr.StephenAlathara,theDeputySecretaryGeneraloftheCCBI, proposedthevoteofthanks.Theinauguralsessionconcludedwiththeprayer led by His Eminence Anthony Cardinal Poola, Archbishop of Hyderabad.
HisEminenceAntonioCardinalTaglewasfelicitatedasitwasthefirsttimehe participated at the Plenary Assembly of the CCBI. Abp. Anil Couto honoured him with a Kashmiri shawl, Abp. George Antonysamy garlanded him with the traditional sandal wood garland, a wooden statute of St. Anthony was given to him by Abp. Leopoldo Girelli, and the painting of the Indian saints was gifted to him by Cardinal Filipe NeriFerrão.
The recently appointed Bishop-Designate Sebastião Mascarenhas, S.F.X., former Superior General of the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier (Pilar Fathers), wasaccordeda warm welcome as memberof the Conference. Pope Benedict XVI who passed away on 31 December 2022 and Bp. Alphonse Bilung,SVD,BishopEmeritusofRourkelaDioceseinOdishawhopassedaway on11November2022weregratefullyremembered.Amomentofsilencewas observed intheir memory.
The Guidelinesforthe Basic Ecclesial Communities were released by Cardinal Tagle handed over its first copy to Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão. The Guideline has been preparedby the CCBI Commission for Basic Ecclesial Communities.
The theme of the Plenary Assembly is “Telling the Story of Jesus in our Context: The Synodal Way." In the afternoon, in two sessions of the first day His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle addressed the Bishops on the theme.
Late in the evening of the day a cultural evening was organized in honour of Cardinal Tagle. MountCarmel,Jyoti Nivas, St. John’s Medical College and the musical group of Dr. Maya Mascarenhas put up various cultural items.
The 34th Plenary Assembly will conclude on 30 January 2023 at 1pm. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India consists of 132 dioceses and 190 Bishops. The CCBI animates the Church in India through its 16 Commissions, 6 Departments and 4 Apostolates. Its main Secretariat is in Bangalore with extensions in Goa, Delhi and Pachmarhi (MP). The Conference of Catholic BishopsofIndia(CCBI),whichistheCanonicalNationalEpiscopalConference, is the largest in Asia and the fourthlargest inthe world.
Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara
DeputySecretary General, CCBI
PhotoMatter:CardinalTagleisinauguratingthe34thPlenaryAssemblyofthe CCBI.
Pics: Alphonse Mendonsa, Pangala
Media Release
Mangaluru, Jan 27: "Japan is a successful nation today because of its transparency in business and compassioninlife.IoftenvisitJapan for business. You will never find punctuality and discipline in any other part of the world, like Japan. I have read the book written by FlorineRocheandIfullyendorseher views on Japan" said NRI entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael D'Souza.
He was speaking at the World Konkani Centre after releasing the Konkani book, 'Udenuchea
Sureachea Kirnnanim Fullollem
Salok-Japan'byFlorineRoche.The book is printed under his 'Vision Konkani' program for the development of the Konkani language and culture.
Congratulating the writer Florine
Roche, for her effort in writing a 120pagesbookandapplaudingthe publisher H M Pernal for adding a book to a rare category of travelogues in Konkani Literature
D’Souza said, "Publishing a book involves much effort. Books enrich our knowledge. The human race needs to learn a lesson from the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I had a similar heartwrenching experience in Nagasaki whenIvisitedthere,whichisshared by the authorof thisbook."
Former president of Karnataka
Konkani Sahitya Academy, Dr K
Jagadeesh Pai presided over the function.
In his presidential address, Dr Pai said, "Books are friends for life. In today's highly information technology-driven world, we can find information at our fingertips. Butwecangetinspirationonlyfrom books."
Citing the example of Swami
Vivekananda, Dr Pai said, "Swami Vivekananda always carried two books along wherever he travelled.
Bhagavad Gita and The Imitation of Christ. These two books even saved Swami Vivekananda from temptation. The book by famous
Kannada Writer Goruru
Ramaswamy Iyengar - Americadalli
Goruru,notonlytakesustoAmerica but also enlightens us about life in America. When a student of History andJournalism,FlorineRochewrites abookonanationitbecomesmore authentic.ThebookonJapanwillbe a valuable addition to the erstwhile rare genre of travelogues in Konkani."
Seniortheatreartisteandactor,and illustrator Eddie Sequeira initiated a discussion with the writer on the subject of Trekking and Travel as a hobbyand travelogues. The program was hosted by World Konkani Centre under the guidance of CEO Gurudath Bantwalkar.
Publisher H M Pernal welcomed the distinguished guests and gathering and Gilbert D’Souza, vice president of the World Konkani Centre proposed a vote of thanks.
AhostofKonkaniwritersandartists, and family members of author Florine Roche were present on the occasion.
St Sebastian Church Permannur
Thokkottu celebrated the Confraternity Sunday on
15/01/2023. The ceremony startedwithanhourofAdoration conducted by Rev Fr Steevan was taken by the faithful with all devotion and reverence to Lord Jesus who is present in the Eucharist as Rev. Fr Cyprian Pinto theParishPriestsolemnlyheldthe Blessed Sacrament and blessed the faithful on the open ground and then celebrated the Holy Eucharist as well as preached befittinghomily.Thedonorswere honouredwith blessedcandlesas
MrArunDsouzathevicePresident of the Parish council readout the theirnamesfromthelistandMrs JyothiDsouzathesecretaryofthe Parish council read the list of the membersoftheParishCouncil.At the end the refreshment was served to the gathered community.
And Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru and Manashanthi Counselling Research And Training Centre, Mangaluru and Father Muller Medical College, Mangaluru and Suicide
Lifeline - A Unit of Susheg
Charitable Trust, Mangaluru. Mr Vinaya BhatPJ,GeneralManager, Karnataka Bank Ltd was the inaugurator.TheGuestofHonour was Dr Kiran Kumar, Adit Kiran neuropsychiatric centre, Mangalore. Sr Dr M Venissa A.C.,
Principal St Agnes College
Mangalore, Dr Rameela Shekhar, Mental health professional Manashanthi, Mangalore, the resource person, Mrs Sunitha Vittal and the coordinator Mrs Vinatha K, Associate Professor St AgnesCollegewerethedignitaries whowerepresentonthedais.The programme was inaugurated by lightingthelamp.Theinaugurator Mr Vinaya Bhat in his address spoke about how he fought against all his insecurities and embraced them. The Guest of Honour Dr Kiran Kumar spoke about how one can deal with a person who is suicidal or has suicidal thoughts. The principal Sr Dr M Venissa A.C. spoke about how with the advent of technology, communication has deteriorated.
Dr Rameela Shekhar and Mrs Sunitha Vittal presided over the session. In the session they emphasised on the reasons as to why people commit suicide and howwecouldhelppeoplewhoare depressed and get suicidal thoughts.Avideoonroleplay,was played followed by which a demo was demonstrated to the students. The students were motivated to be a source of help for the ones who require help. Activities were also conducted. Certificates were provided for all thestudents.DrRameelaShekhar welcomed the gathering and Mrs Vinatha K proposed the vote of thanks. Privy D’Souza of I BA comperedtheprogramme.