ವೀಜ್ ಕೊಂಕಣಿ 388 & Veez English e-Weekly

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reflux disease-GERD

Bombay (now Mumbai) where she lives.

There was such a rush to meet Helen and wish her birthday.

The band played and sang beautifully. When they played "Ye Ye Katrina", the crowd all started dancing and singing with excitement.

Helen D’Cruz a legendary singer, no more!

At Wellington Gymkhana, Santa Cruz West, Mumbai, Helen D'Cruz's fans, family and friends celebrated her 90th birthday with great excitement and joy.

Helen, who looked like aregal Katrina Queen at 90, was welcomed and cheered with much excitement and joy. Helenwasbeaming likehereldestson shared memories of Helen as his singer mother who was so loving and caring,despitebeingverybusyatwork and at home.

Stanley D'Cruz, the brother of Helen's Late husband Venantius D'Cruz, shared with the audience her life journey and emerging singing career highlightsfromAfricatoMangaluruto Bombay, then Kuwait and back to

Helen is not just a singer, she is a writer, storyteller and a social worker.

Helen Correa’s singing career started in Africa. Her family was living there, thefatherbeingadoctor.Musicwasin the family, father was a violinist, and the three brothers were also singers.

As Helen’s father passed away at a young age, the family moved back to Mangaluru, and after a few years then settled in Mumbai.

HelenstudiedArtsandJournalismand Was working for a leading women’s magazine,EvesWeekly.Shealsowrote film scripts. ‘The Mirror’ magazine published Helen’s short stories. Her series‘WhereisSharron’received rave reviews.

Helen met Venancio’s D'Cruz, her future husband, in 1962. They got married during the International Eucharistic Congress in Bombay in December 1964. They were one of the 26 couples or so whose nuptials were blessedbyacardinal,thusfulfillingher dream, of being married by a cardinal.

Helen honed up her singing in Bombay. She was a keen singer for numerous family occasions. Her singing was melodious and mellifluous.

Helen was the first female Mangalorean Konkani singer to be auditioned by All India Radio and was successful in the very first attempt. Due to this success other male Konkani singers were eager to sing with Helen. Some of these were Alphonso D'Costa, Jerome D'Souza, Henry D'Souza and Henry Moraes. Around 1971, Helen recorded her first duet "Ye Ye Katrina". This song became extremely popular across the world. Due to popular requests this song was played by All India Radio daily for over four years, which is indeed a record.

Helen made her first 'His Masters Voice HMV' LP record around the At the same time, which was again successful and popular. Sometime after that first record, she also producedanotherKonkanirecordwith famous Bollywood singer Hemant Kumar. A Bengali singing the Konkani song "Juliana" became a super hit.

Other popular songs were "Molbar Chandrem", "Daryacha Larani", "Kalzanth Ullas Borla", "Garaso Divo", "Sanjecha Velar" and more.

Helen left for Kuwait in 1973 along with her three children Colin, Yvonne andFionaLorrainetojoinherhusband Venantius. Helen was blessed with their fourth child Marianne while in Kuwait.

Helen had a hectic life with a growing family and work. She worked for a renowned Kuwait bank. Despite this she made it a point to sing in the Mangalorean community events, including stage productions. She also produced a CD called "Tara Ani Lara."

The family moved back to Mumbai after the Gulf War in 1992. Helen's beloved husband Venantius went to his eternal abode in 2000.

Helenhaspassedonthesinginggenes to her family. Daughter Fiona Lorraine andherhusbandAubreyAloysiushave co-founded the esteemed "lorrainemusicacademy.com" in Gurugram,DelhiNCRfor18years.The Academyhas been training thousands of students, young and old, from 5 continents. They also conduct large scale concerts that are broadcast over various television channels and on All India Radio. Younger daughter Marianne and husband Rohan Aiman havefounded"TheSingingExpress"to train budding singers. She has sung solos for several Bollywood films

working with top directors. Granddaughter Sarah teaches music to especially abled children which is a very worthy cause.

The Mangalorean community, through Sandesha Academy, presented her an award for her legendary contribution to Konkani singing in February 2020.

Helen’s singing journey from AfricaBombay - Mumbai - Kuwait - Mumbai for over seven decades has been simply astonishing. She will always remain as the legendary Mangalorean female singer.

Helenleftusattheageof92lastweek. May her departed soul Rest in Peace.

Veez EnglishWeekly Vol: 4 No: 16 February 27, 2025


Writers' Association award conferred on litterateur Alice Fernandes




"The Catholic Church, Pope Francis who's also the oldest pope, in over a century, is battling with pneumonia, which has affected his lungs. He is currently in a hospital in Rome.

According to sources, the 88-year-old clergyman informed his aides that he might not survive this and is currently looking for someone who'll replace him".

Continue to remember him in your prayers #PopeFrancis #Pope

Mangaluru: Konkani Writers' Association

award conferred on litterateur Alice Fernandes


Mangaluru, Feb 16: Renowned litterateur Alice Fernandes wasconferred withthe annual literary award in a ceremonyby the Konkani Writers' Association, Karnataka, held on Saturday, February 15, at Sandesha Foundation,Mangaluru.

Association convenor Richard Moras, who presided over the ceremony,saidthemainpurposeof the association is to support and encourage Konkani writers of Karnataka who use the Kannada script. He criticized the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, for considering only Konkani literature produced in the Nagari script for awards and honours. He stressed

the need to shift the focus to literatureitselfratherthanthescript used. literary journey, thanked the associationforselectingherforthis year’saward.

FrRupeshMadtha,editorofRaknno and chief guest of the event,

expressed concern over the impact ofartificialintelligence,warningthat

it could diminish the literary zeal of writers in the coming years. He

urgedwriterstobepreparedforthis challenge.

Social worker Audy Rego, guest of honour, appreciated the efforts of the association in supporting writers.

Ontheoccasion,'MhajyaVantyacho Suryo,' a book by Dr Charles Lobo,

was released. Several Konkani writers and artists who have won awards in recent years were felicitated.

Dr Edward Nazareth welcomed the gathering, executive committee member Dolphy Lobo introduced theawardee,andDrAnnieCastelino readthecitation.


Henry Mascarenhas proposed a vote of thanks, while Lavina Mascarenhascomperedtheevent. Alice Fernandes (pen name Shalini, Valencia),whilenarratingher Dignitaries including renowned Konkani and Kannada writer Fr Prashanth Madtha, former Raknno editorFrEricCrasta,andnotedartist FrancisFernandeswerepresent.

Mangaluru: StAnn’s College of Education

(Autonomous) organisesAnnual Sports Day

February 18, 2025: The students at St Ann’s College of Education gathered with great fervour and enthusiasm to witness the annual

Sports Day2024-25 to showcase exceptionaltalentandteamwork.

The Programme began by invoking God’s blessings. Professor Dr Flosy DSouzawelcomedDrSrDorothyD SouzaA.CPrincipal,SrZeenaPereira

A C, Vice Principal, Chief Guest Dr Suresh Kumar T, Physical Director (Rtd), St Ann’s College of Education (Autonomous),MangaluruandSrM Smitha AC, Joint Secretary and Superior of St Ann’s convent, MangaluruwasthePresident.

Themeetcommencedwithamarch past by the participating teams led by Ms Madhusmitha, sports secretary and commanding leader Ms Samanvitha with the cooperation of leaders of four

houses. The Chief guest Dr Suresh Kumar T hoisted the flag and declared the meet open and in addresshespokeaboutthevital

roleofsportsinensuringboth physicalandmentalwell-beingand

truegreatnessofasportspersonlies notjustinwinningbutinactive

participation. Healso mentioned thatsportsfosterrespect,discipline,

fieldeventsincluding100,200,400 and 4X100 mtr race, shotput, DiscussthrowandLongjump.

The Principal congratulated the winnersandappreciatedtheefforts of all the participants. The event concluded with a declaration of overallchampionshipandindividual championship. Ms Madhusmitha bagged the individual championship. Yashaswini II B.Ed. compered the event and Swasthi R Rai student president proposed vote of thanks. Dr Sharmila L Mascarenhas,MrsPrathibhaLinetD’ Souza and Mrs Vilma Reena D’ Souza coordinated the annual sportsmeet.

The Annual sports day was a resounding success, fostering a spirit of healthy competition, camaraderie and sportsmanship amongstudent-teachers.

Authors:InsightsintoColonialGoa(5th Edition). PublishedbyAmazon/Kindle Fordetailsaboutthebookandauthorssee:


New Konkani Short Stories by Dr. Charles Lobo.

Our VEEZ Weekly readers will be glad to note that well known Mangalore based writer Dr. Charles Lobo is glad to share that his new Konkani Short Stories, book of 115 pagesisnowpresentedforreaders, abriefexposeaboutitfollows:

short stories in Konkani titled Mojya Vantyacho Suryo ani Her Katha (My Share of the Sun and other stories) was released at a function held at Sandesha Pratishthan,MangaloreonSaturday 15 Feb 2025. The function was organized by the Konkani Writers Forum. The book was released by Shri Dolphy Cassia, a leading writer and publisher in Konkani. He spoke about the author and his writings. Shri Andrew L. D'Cunha, Konkani poet and winner of Karnataka Sahitya Academy prize introduced the book to the audience. He highlighted the issues raised in the stories. Fr.Prashant Madtha SJ, another scholar in Kannada and Konkani language has written the foreword.

Thereareelevenshortstoriesinthe book. The first story- Mojya Vantyacho Suryo deals withUrbanization, real estate and environmental impact. It explains how society is gradually

Shri Charles Lobo’s collection of

losingownership of public resources such as the sunset/ sunrise view, the pure water streams, pure air etc.due to socalled development. The author saysthatearlierpeopleusedtositin TagoreParktowatchthesunset.But nowduetoahigh-risebuildingput up on the western side of the park, the sunset view is completely blocked. The public has lot its sun andsunset.Inthisway,thepublicis losing the common resources one by one due to a casual attitude. Unless each member of society becomesaware and claims his or her‘shareoftheSun’itisnotgoing to end. Commercialization of Churches is highlighted in another story.Thebreakingdownofsociety and the emergence of a nameless and faceless crowd seeking privacy for self and self alone are other issuescoveredinthesestories. This isthethirdcollectionofshortstories brought out by Mr. Lobo. The previous two are Koosamma andother stories (2017) and ChaivalaandotherStories(2024)

andIndiaPost@75. Mr Lobo belonged to the 1987 batch of IndianPostalServiceandatthetime of his retirement was Member, Postal Services Board, New Delhi. After his retirement in 2021, he is spending his time writing. For copies of the book, he can be contactedon......8275381664.

MrLobohasalsowrittentwobooks inEnglishnamelyAShortHistoryof Bejai Post Office

Brief on the Author: Dr. Charles Lobo, a distinguished officer of the 1987 batch of the Indian Postal Service, has made significant contributionsthroughouthiscareer. Born on September 24, 1961, in Mangaluru, he pursued his postgraduation in Political Science from BangaloreUniversityandearnedhis doctorate in Governance from Karnatak University in2015. Before

joining the postal service, Dr. Lobo served as a Lecturer in Political Science at Sacred Heart College in Madanthyar, Beltangady Taluk. Throughout his tenure, he held several key positions, including Chief Postmaster General, Tamil Nadu Circle, Chennai: Overseeing postal operations in Tamil Nadu. Postmaster General, Goa Region:Managingpostalservicesin theGoaregion. PostmasterGeneral (Mails and Business Development), Maharashtra Circle: Focusing on mail services and business developmentinMaharashtra. Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle:AssumingchargeinFebruary

2017, he led the Karnataka postal circle. Member(Operations),Postal Services Board: Contributing to policy-making and operational strategies at the national level. In addition to his administrative roles, Dr. Lobo is the author of "India Post@75,"apublicationthatreflects on the journey and milestones of IndiaPost. Dr.Loboretiredfromhis illustrious career on September 30, 2021.

-CompiledBy: IvanSaldanha-Shet.

The Conflict Between Israel and Palestinians

A Historical and OngoingStruggle




TheregionknownasPalestinehasa long history dating back to ancient times, with significant religious importance to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The Jewish people trace theiroriginstothisland,particularly tothekingdomsofIsraelandJudah, which existed thousands of years ago.


In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Zionist movement emerged with the goal of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This movement gained

momentum with increasing Jewish immigration to the region, conflicting with the Arab population's aspirations for independence from Ottoman and laterBritishrule.


The United Nations proposed a partition plan in 1947 to create separate Jewish and Arab states. This plan was accepted by the Jewish community but rejected by the Arab states. In 1948, Israel declared independence, leading to the first Arab Israeli war.

Surrounding Arab countries invaded, but Israel emerged victorious, expanding its territory beyondtheUNplan'sborders.



The1948conflict,knownastheWar of Independence in Israel and the Nakba(catastrophe)byPalestinians, resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, creating a significant refugee crisis that remainsunresolved.


In 1967, tensions escalated again, leading to the Six-Day War. Israel launched a preemptive strike against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria,

capturingtheWestBank,GazaStrip, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula. This war significantlyaltered the geopolitical landscape and intensified the conflict. YomKippurWar(1973)

In1973,EgyptandSyria launcheda surprise attack on Israel during the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur. Despite initial losses, Israel managedtorepeltheattackersand eventually negotiated a ceasefire. This war paved the way for future peace negotiations, including the CampDavidAccords.

AttemptsatPeace CampDavidAccords(1978)

The Camp David Accords, brokered by U.S. President Jimmy Carter, led to a historic peace treaty between

Israel and Egypt in 1979. This agreement resulted in the return of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and normalized relations between the twocountries.


The Oslo Accords marked a significant step towards peace, with mutual recognition between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization(PLO).Theagreements aimed to establish a framework for Palestinian self-governance and a two-state solution. However, the

process faced numerous obstacles andsetbacks.



One of the most contentious issues istheIsraelisettlementexpansionin the West Bank and East Jerusalem. These settlements are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this. The occupation has led to significant hardship for Palestinians and remainsamajorbarriertopeace.


TheGazaStrip,controlledbyHamas since 2007, has experienced multipleconflictswithIsrael.Rocket attacks from Gaza and Israeli military responses have resulted in significant casualties and destruction. The blockade imposed

by Israel and Egypt has further exacerbated the humanitarian situationinGaza.


The Palestinian uprisings, known as Intifadas, have marked periods of intense violence and unrest. The First Intifada (1987-1993) and the Second Intifada (2000-2005) involved widespread protests, clashes, and attacks, deeply affectingbothIsraeliandPalestinian societies.

International Involvement

The conflict has drawn extensive

international attention and involvement. The United States, the United Nations, the European Union,andvariousArabstateshave all played roles in mediating and attempting to resolve the conflict. Despite numerous efforts, a lasting solutionhasremainedelusive.


The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is one of the most intractableandemotionallycharged disputes in modern history. It encompasses deep-seated historical grievances, religious significance, and political

complexities.Whiletherehavebeen moments of hope and progress towards peace, the path to a comprehensive and lasting resolution remains fraught with challenges. The international community continuesto strive fora solution that will bring peace, security, and justice to both Israelis and Palestinians, but the journey is ongoing.


Inthepastyearandahalf,theGaza StripandtheWestBankhaveseena continuationofviolenceandunrest.

The conflict has intensified, with periodic escalations resulting in increased casualties on both sides.

In Gaza, the ongoing blockade has led to severe shortages of essential goods, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis. In the West

Bank, settlement expansion has continued, leading to further displacement of Palestinians and heightenedtensions. InternationalEffortsandObstacles

Despite concerted international efforts to mediate the conflict, including interventions by the United Nations, the United States, and regional powers, a breakthrough remains out of reach. The political landscape within both IsraeliandPalestinianterritorieshas grownmorepolarized,complicating peacenegotiations.


The humanitarian situation in both regions has deteriorated, with significant impacts on health, education, and infrastructure. In Gaza, the blockade and recurrent militaryoperationshavedevastated

the local economy and living conditions. In the West Bank, frequent clashes and restrictions on movement have disrupted daily life andeconomicstability.


Lookingahead,thepathtopeace remainsuncertain.Whilethereare

occasional moments of negotiation and ceasefire agreements, the underlying issues of sovereignty, security, and mutual recognition have yet to be resolved. The international community continues toadvocateforatwo-statesolution, but achieving this goal requires substantial compromise and goodwillfrombothsides.

In conclusion, the past year and a half have highlighted the enduring challenges and complexities of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Both regionsremaininastateofturmoil, with profound implications for the lives of their inhabitants and the broader quest for peace in the MiddleEast. Photos: Google.

Music Review : Eklonch Bosun

In today’s era of loud music and EDM, Eklonch Bosun is a gentle komorebi of hope introducing differentandnewgenresinKonkani musicworld. EklonchBosunisslow but soulful & pleasant, capturing the essence of young love through its intricate melodies and heartfelt lyrics.

The song is about a young guy playedbyKevinD’Souzaexpressing hisfeelingswhilereminiscingabout hispastgirlfriendplayedbyCarolD’ Souza and how they fell apart, hopingtobeunitedinthefuture.

It is perhaps the first Konkani song which was shot in Bulgaria along withfewshotsinthelandofKuwait.

The landscape of Bulgaria captured infewsceneswereamazingandthe efforts of the cinematographer require a round of applause. The color grading used in the video is perfectly matching with the mood of the song which will help the audience connecting to the boy’s dilemma.

The tune & music was arranged by Jason Misquith and sung by Morvine Quadras is delightful in most parts, though the duration of the video could have been reduced alittle,toattractthelargeraudience from various generations. Lyrics penned by Wilson Kateel is absolutely remarkable. The words

aptly bring out the sufferings internalizedbythecentralcharacter.

Kevin and Carol played a very beautiful young couple, looked lovelyandstunning.Theiremotions depicted on various situation was very impressive and we wished to seethemmore.

The song was premiered on Youtube Channel of Morvine Quadros on July 16, 2021. The link could be found below incase if you want to experience the soothing musicforthisweekend.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =jqBQIAnrt1g

My personal ratings for the overall project would be 4.2 out of 5. It is highlyrecommendedforthepeople who love ghazals and classical music. Even if you don’t, give

yourself a chance as it is never too latetotrysomethingnewinlife.

Please let us know your thoughts about the music video and the review. We will try to bring more reviewsofotherprojectstoournext editionverysoon.

About the Author:

Prinson D’lima is an alumnus from Aloysius Institute of Business Management, currently residing in Doha-Qatar, with 17 years of experienceinthefieldofadvertising mediainIndiaandQatar.

America’s Wake-Up Call: Harold D’Souza

Speaks on Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking at Westerville Event:

Westerville, Ohio. February 13, 2025. In a time of increasing focus on illegal immigration and human trafficking, world-renowned inspirational speaker and human rights advocate Harold D’Souza delivered a life-changing keynote addressinWesterville,Ohio.Invited by Sue Ellen King, Director of the Westerville Tea Party (WTP), D’Souza shared his powerful journey of survival, resilience, and success,flippingthescriptofhislife from Pain to Pleasure, Hurt to Happiness, Slavery to Success, and FeartoFreedom.


attended by a diverse audience eager to hear from D’Souza, a United Nations Human Rights Hero Awardee, former member appointed by President Barack Obama and President Donald J. Trump on the United States Advisory on Human Trafficking, at The White House and a global advocateagainsthuman trafficking. The event also featured Judge AndrewJ.KingofTheOhioCourtof Appeals, Fifth District, who is currentlyrunningforOhioSupreme CourtJustice.

A Bold Message on Immigration andHumanTrafficking

Speaking to the press, D’Souza made a striking statement: Entering America legally is Heaven, but enteringAmericaillegallyisHell.

Harold D’Souza’s words resonated deeply as he addressed the urgent need to stop labor trafficking and debt bondage in the United States. He emphasized that tackling this crisis requires targeting the source countries where traffickers exploit thehopesofvulnerableindividuals.

Mexico, India, the Philippines, Africa, Nepal and many other countries across the globe. People must be made aware not to pay agents hefty money to enter Americaillegally.

From Trauma to Triumph: A Story That Left the Audience inAwe

HaroldD’Souza’sjourneyofsurvival from human trafficking and forced labor left the audience flabbergasted. His raw and unfiltered testimony of overcoming modern-day slavery in America was met with shock, admiration, and a newfoundurgencytoact.

To stop labor trafficking and debt bondage in the USA, we need to focus on educating communities in

More than just recounting his struggles, D’Souza delivered a powerfulcalltoaction,encouraging the audience to take four key lessonsfromhisexperience:





His words struck a chord with attendees, leading to an engaging Q&A session where people anxiously sought his insights and guidance.

A Game Changer in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

Harold D’Souza is not just a survivor;heisagamechangerinthe movement to combat human trafficking and illegal immigration. As the Co-Founder of Eyes Open International, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, he has dedicated his life to raising awareness, educating communities, and advocating for victimsworldwide.

His speech in Westerville was more than just an eye-opener, it was a wake-up call for those considering illegal immigration. He emphasized that prevention is key, urging people,especiallyinIndia,torefrain fromenteringAmericaillegally.

Call to Action: Know the Hotline Numbers,SaveLives

D’Souza reminded the audience that help is available and encouraged everyone to spread awareness about human trafficking hotlines: NationalHumanTraffickingHotline: 1-888-3737-888

Ohio State Human Trafficking Hotline:844-363-6448

Closing withInspiration

Harold D’Souza left the audience with one of his most powerful quotes:

Survivors are poor starters but strong finishers in life. Aim High, Achieve Higher, and Aspire Happiness.

His message was clear: No matter the struggle, resilience and perseveranceleadtosuccess.

Asthedebateonillegalimmigration intensifies, Harold D’Souza’s story serves as a living testament that knowledge, awareness, and legal pathways are the true keys to achievingtheAmericanDream.


SVVN English Medium School's Summer Camp: A Fun-Filled

Kishoo Barkur-Feb19,2025


OnFebruary19,2025,SVVNEnglish Medium School in Herady, Barkur, hosted an exciting summer camp under the Scout and Guides program.The campaimedtofoster intellectual, physical, and mental growthamongstudents.

Inauguration and Action-Packed Activities

Headmistress Likitha Kotari inaugurated the camp, and the students dove into a thrilling treasure hunt, using puzzle-solving skills. Next, they visited SRSMN

Primary School, where they performed a song with slogans, spreading enthusiasm and energy.

Exploring History andNature

The camp continued with a historical visit to the Choulikere Bairava Ganapathi Temple,

renowned for its ancient stone architecture. Students deciphered intricate inscriptions and examined monuments within the temple. Later, they embarked on an invigoratinghike,enjoyingblindfold gamesandropeactivities.

Community Engagement and Leadership

Followingclues,studentsjourneyed toBarkurRailwayStation,traversing hills and plains while adhering to

the principles of Vana Vidhya Sanketha. They interacted with locals, responded to questions, and followed instructions from their leaders.

Gratitude andAppreciation

Special thanks to Mr. Ashok, father of 10th-standard student Pooja, for

providing refreshments, and Mr. Gokuldhas Kamath for sponsoring snacks. Mr. Udhay Bhaskar Shetty guided the teachers and students, ensuringthecamp'ssuccess.



Scout Master Mr. Nagendhra Acharya, Guide Master Mrs.Sujatha Rai, Cub Master Mrs. Madhushree, and Bulbul Master Mrs. Pavithra accompanied the students throughout the camp.The teaching andnon-teachingstaffcollaborated toensurea seamlessandenjoyable experience.

Diocese of Shimoga has been promoted to central council status onFebruary16th.

On February 16th 4pm, Most Reverend Dr. Francis Serrao, S.J., Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga,

offered Mass at 4 p.m. Monsignor Very Reverend Father Stany D'Souza,VcarGeneralandRectorof Sacred Heart Cathedral; Reverend Father Franklin D'Souza, Diocesan Spiritual Director of SVP; Father Robert D'Mello of Soraba; Father

George Lobo from the Diocese of Gulbarga; Father Roshan Pinto, DirectorofSannidhi;FatherVeeresh MorasofTirthahalli;FatherDominic Kristuraj, S.D.B., from Bhadravati; and Father Paul Anand Prasad of Shivamogga were the concelebrants.

During the Mass, the newly elected president of the newly erected Shimoga Central Council, Mr. William Martis, took the oath. The oath-taking ceremony was led by Central Council National President Mr.JudeMangalaraj.

After Mass, at 6 p.m., an official function was organized at Sneha Sadan, the church hall. Bishop FrancisSerrao,S.J.,MonsignorStany D'Souza, Fr. Franklin D'Souza, Fr. Binoy, Mr. Jude Mangalaraj, Mr. Walter Martis, and Mr. William Martis offered felicitations as the Shimoga Diocese SVP was elevated

to the status of Central Council. They were felicitated for their service. Each speaker noted the SVP's commitment and dedicated service.

Ms.DeekshaD'Mellocomperedthe program.Mr.Alphonsepresenteda report on the last 20 years. Mr. VincentD'Melloproposedavoteof

thanks. Members from the Udupi Central Council and Mangalore

Central Council were present. All unitsfromShimogaandtheDiocese ofBhadravatiwerepresent.

The Shimoga Central Council is the 88th central council in India. It consists of the Shimoga Area Council, the Bhadravati Area Council, and the Diocese of Bhadravati.


We're a society fed with unreal truths, creating unreal expectations

We're a society of excuses, fed by the system for the system

We need to understand this, and take back our power

For this world and all its goons, are waiting to devour you

They played us for a fool, showing them it's not true

Creating narratives and feeding them spoon by spoon full Each was to promote their own personal goals and power

And while disabling you from being the power to rule

We're a society fed to obey, trapped in the circle of needs

We're a society of sniffling wimps, baring teeth only to feed Puppets, that's what we've become, dancing to their tunes Filling their coffers while making you believe it's for you

They've played us for fools, get back to being in control They lay the baits, trapping us in, perpetually chasing We're bond, ball and chain, dragging our feet and confused Be True To Thyself and reign Supreme once more

-By: Molly Pinto.

Udupi: Bishop Dr Lobo urges collective effort for Konkani's growth at Uzwaad's 11th anniversary



Udupi, Feb 16: While encouraging other languages, everyone must also cherish and love their mother tongue, Konkani, by making it a mandatory part of daily conversations at home. This will contribute to its development, said the bishop of Udupi diocese, Dr GeraldIsaacLobo.

Hewasaddressingthegatheringas the president of the 11th anniversary celebration of 'Uzwad',

the diocesan fortnightly magazine, at the Anugraha Pastoral Centre Kakunje Ambagilu on Sunday, February 16.

"Today, while we ensure that our children receive quality education and become proficient in other languages, we must also use Konkani at home to keep it alive. Alongside supporting newspapers in other languages,it is essential to promote the goals of the holy Church through publications in our mother tongue. When every Konkanispeakertakesresponsibility

forthis,thesurvivalofthelanguage willbeassured,"hestated.

Renowned writer Valerian Quadros Ajekar, the chief guest, emphasised that the Konkani community has alwayssupporteditswritersintimes of hardship, and this practice must continue. By doing so, Konkani writers will be able to contribute to literaturewithunityanddedication, hesaid.

During the event, Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo released two books published by Deepa Trust –'JerikochoPagor'byUzwadeditorFr Alwyn Sequeira and 'Thalo' by youngwriterAnsitaD’Souza.

Winners of the literary and quiz competitions organised by Uzwad

were honoured during the programme.

AlsopresentonthedaiswereUdupi diocese's public relations officer Fr Denis D’Sa and Praveen Tauro, Mangaluru coordinator of the Daiji DubaiAssociation.

The event commenced with a welcome address by Monsignor Ferdinand Gonsalves, vicar general of the diocese and head of Deepa Trust. Fr Alwyn Sequeira, editor of Uzwad,deliveredthevoteofthanks. Theprogrammewascompeeredby DrVincentAlva.

Following the formal ceremony, members of the theatre studies centre from St Aloysius Deemed University, Mangaluru, staged the Konkaniplay'HangOn'.


on World MotherTongueDay.

StAloysiusdeemedtobeUniversity, school of languages & cultural studies Konkanni Dept in an association of CASK conducted Konkanni Vovyo – Verse workshop on world mother tongue day. Mrs. Sapna Crasta, a well-known folk artist and Teacher by profession conductedthissessionforuniversity students. More than 200 participantsactivelyparticipated. Vovyo- verse are the traditional wedding songs in catholic community in Mangalore as well as in Goa. When Konkanni people migrated from Goa to south India theybroughtthisoraltradition. Still now this tradition is alive amidst Konkanni Catholic people whose mothertongueisKonkanni.

CASK officials along with their

members witnessed the session to do this day remarkably. St Aloysius autonomous College Registrar Dr. Alwyn Dsa given his opening

remarks on this special day and wishes good luck for the program.

Mr. Ronald Gomes President of CASKshownhisinteresttowardshis mother tongue Konkanni. Henceforthhepromisedtoconduct more such educational programs in the St Aloysius campus. Konkanni Sangha President & HOD of Konkanni Dept Mrs. Flora Castelino organizedtheprogram.

Ms.AshelTellisculturalsecretaryof theKonkannisanghawelcomedthe gatheringandintroducedtheguest.

Ms. Anvita D’Cunha Editor of the Parzoll rendered the vote of thanks.

Ms. Vilona D’Cunha compeered the program.



Bengaluru, Feb 20: The Kempegowda International Airport in Bengaluru witnessed an emotional and grand send-off for Sweezal Furtado, the reigning Miss GlobalIndia2024,assheembarked onherjourneytoCambodiaforthe initial rounds of the Miss Global 2024 competition. A sea of supporters,includingfamily,friends, fans, and well-wishers, gathered to cheer for the 20-year-old pageant sensation. The atmosphere was electric, with banners, flowers, and chants of “Go Sweezal!” echoing through the terminal, as India’s pridepreparedtotakeontheworld stage.

The Miss Global 2024 competition, which will commence in Cambodia on February 23 and conclude in Thailand on March 9, will see representatives from 85 countries vying for the coveted title. Sweezal, with her unparalleled grace, talent, and determination, is set to represent India with pride and poise.

Sweezal Furtado’s journey to Miss Global 2024 is nothing short of extraordinary.CrownedMissGlobal India2024attheMissSuperModel India event held at Clarks Amer in Jaipur on July 28, 2024, she has already etched her name in the annals of pageant history. Her

coronation was a moment of immenseprideforthenation,asshe also clinched the titles of ‘Miss Best Rampwalk 2024’, “Miss Best in Evening Gown 2024’, and ‘Miss Popular2024’.

Her pageant career began with a bangwhenshewonthe“FreshFace of Ignite India 2021” title, followed by securing the second runner-up position at MISS SUPERMODEL INDIA 2022. In June 2023, Sweezal madeheadlinesbywinningtheMiss Teen Universal 2023 title and the International Princess crown at the Miss Teen International Pageant in Peru. She also bagged the titles of Miss Teen Universal Asia and Best National Costume, showcasing her versatilityandglobalappeal.

Sweezal Furtado is a multifaceted talent who has proven time and again that she is more than just a beauty queen. Known as “South India’s Supermodel,” she is a gifted dancer whose performance to the song “NachMeri Rani” even caught the attention of renowned singer GuruRandhawa.Hereloquenceand passionforpoetryhavealsoearned her accolades, including a nationallevel recognition at the Kavita Trust

Poetry Recitation competition in 2019.

Balancing her academic pursuits with her passion for modeling, Sweezaliscurrentlyathird-yearBBA student in Entrepreneurship at St Joseph’s College of Commerce in Bengaluru.

As Sweezal left for Cambodia, the overwhelming support from her fans and well-wishers was a clear reflection of the nation’s pride and expectations. Her mother, Savitha Furtado,whohailsfromBennekudru in Barkur, was visibly emotional as she bid farewell to her daughter. “Sweezal has always been a fighter. She has worked tirelessly to reach wheresheistoday,andweareallso proudofher,”shesaid.

Miss Global: A platform for empowerment

The Miss Global pageant, establishedin2013,isrenownedfor its inclusivity, welcoming single mothersandwomenaged18to35. This aligns perfectly with Sweezal’s belief in beauty with purpose and her vision of empowered womanhood. Following in the footsteps of the reigning Miss

Global 2023, Ashley Melendez of Puerto Rico, Sweezal aims to showcase India’s rich cultural heritageandheruniqueperspective ontheglobalstage.

AsSweezalFurtadoembarksonthis new chapter of her journey, the fashion and pageant industry are watching closely. With her track record of success, multifaceted talents, and unwavering

Philomena Lawrence

Gilbert Lawrence

determination, she is poised to make a significant impact at Miss Global2024.

The entire nation stands united in support of Sweezal, eagerly anticipating the heights she will reach and the inspiration she will provide to the next generation of aspiring models and pageant contestants.


Authors:InsightsintoColonialGoa(5th Edition)

PublishedbyAmazon/Kindle Fordetailsaboutthebookandauthorssee: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DQPYSL1F?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520

In Loving Memory of Mr. Alphonse Francis Mathias(Alpi




Withprofoundsorrowandheartfelt gratitude for a well-lived life, we announce the passing of Mr. AlphonseFrancisMathias,abeloved husband,father,brother,andfriend, on 17th February 2025. He is survived by his devoted wife Rebecca, his loving children Jane (NaveenSampson)andAntony,and joins his beloved son Rodney in eternalrest.

Mr. AlphonseFrancis Mathias was

born on Good Friday, 23rd March 1951, in Bithul, Kinnigoli, Mangalore. The eldest son of Late Salvadore and Late Carmine MathiasofMoodbidriSouzafamily. He was nurtured in a closely-knit family blessed with love and devotion. His early education at KinnigoliPompeiJuniorCollegeand his professional training as a Laboratory Technician at KMC Manipal prepared him for a life of dedicationandservice.

Alphonse was a man of many talents.Duringhisyouth,heactively participated in church youth activities,starredinKonkanidramas, and was a proud member of the KonkaniNatakSabha.

HeusedtowriteinKonkaniwiththe pennameMotikumarKinnigoli Hiscreativeprowessshonethrough his meticulously crafted Christmas cribs, stars, and artistic greeting cardsthatcapturedtheheartsofall who received them. Affectionately

known as “Pokri” in Konkani which means naughty, his playful spirit and mischief made him the center of joy within his family and community.

His professional journey began at Concetta Hospital in Kinnigoli, followed by Fr. Muller's Hospital in Mangalore. In 1975, he moved to Mumbai and worked at Jaslok Hospitalbeforeembarkingona20year career at Salmaniya Hospital, Bahrain. Later, he served at Rashid Hospital, Dubai, for 10 years, earning respect and admiration for his compassionate care and unwaveringdedication.

Alphonse’slifewasdeeplyanchored in faith. He held a profound understanding of the Bible and found joy in sharing an audio version of the Konkani Bible in his own voice on social media. His words were always gentle, never harsh, and he was known for his empathy, forgiveness, and willingnesstohelpothers.Hiswarm smile and welcoming nature embraced everyone he encountered, leaving an indelible markontheirhearts.

As a husband, Alphonse was a loving partner to his wife Rebecca, sharing over four decades of companionshiprootedinlove,trust, and mutual respect. As a father, he was affectionate, dynamic, and nurturing, raising his children with unwavering care and boundless love.

His passing leaves a void in our hearts that can never be filled, yet hislegacyofkindness,faith,humor, and joy will continue to guide us. Wetakesolaceinknowingthatheis nowat peace, reunitedwithhisson Rodney in the presence of our HeavenlyFather.

MaythelifeofMr.AlphonseFrancis Mathiasinspireallwhoknewhimto live with compassion, faith, and boundless love. Rest in eternal peace,dearAlpiDattu.

St Aloysius University holds National Level Science Workshop

A two-day National Level Science Workshop on Scientific Topics in Physics and Chemistry was inaugurated today, 17th February 2025 in the L.F. Rasquinha Hall of LCRI Block of the University. This workshop was organised in associationwiththeIndianNational ScienceAcademy.

Prof.N.Suryaprakash,retiredsenior scientist of the Indian Institute of Science, was the chief guest. In his inaugural address, he applauded the scientific programmes conducted by the Indian Science Institutes to popularize science, increasetheinterestofstudentsand attracttheirattentiontowards

research. Professor Suryaprakash, whoistheconvenerofthetwo-day workshop, introduced the achievements of five scientists who will participate in the programme and deliver lectures on scientific topicsandwishedthattheirlectures would inspire young science students.Hefurthersaidthatyoung studentsshouldstrivetocontribute totheworldthroughgoodresearch.

NMR spectroscopy is very important for finding the exact structure of atoms, and NMR

studies have confirmed the existence of many substances and havefoundmanyuses.Hesaidthat NMR technology is being used extensively in the medical field, aeronautical technology, etc. He also said that quantum cryptography, mass spectrometry, liquid crystals and stereochemistry, which will be presented by other scientists, are making a great contribution to the development of today'stechnology.

The Pro-Vice Chancellor of the

University,Rev.DrMelwynD'Cunha, in his presidential address, urged the young science students to contribute to the field of

technology.Healsoadvisedthemto keepthegoodofhumanityinmind whileusingtechnology.

TheUniversity’sRegistrar,DrRonald Nazareth, said that young students shouldhaveabetterunderstanding of contemporary science. Registrar of the College, Dr Alwyn DSa, and the Dean of the School of Physical Sciences, Dr Aruna Kalkur, were

present. Another scientist, Prof. KrishnaKumar,wasalsopresent for theinaugural.

Dr Ishwar Bhat, Director, Xavier Block, gave an introductory speech about the workshopand welcomed the gathering. Dr Roshan D’Souza, Coordinator of the workshop, proposedthevoteofthanks.

19th Stan Nite in Mangaluru raises funds for housing underprivileged

The 19th edition of Stan Nite, organized by United Friends, Bejai, and presented by Alfred Bennis Creations, Mangaluru, was successfullyheldrecentlyatLourdes School Ground, Bejai. The event, aimed at raising funds for the construction of 15 houses for the underprivileged, witnessed an overwhelming response from the public.

The evening featured stellar performances by renowned

Mangalurean singers, including Joseph Mathias, Robin Sequeira, JasonLobo,EltonPinto,VelitaLobo, Verna, Disha Moras, and Sonal Mendonca. Musical renditions by PappanandJoswin,comedyactsby

Memory Mangaluru artistes, and electrifying dance performances by Urban Grove kept the audience entertained. The event was expertly hosted by the popular Konkani compere Sheldon Crasta.

The event was graced by Fr J B Saldanha, Alwyn Fernandes (Saudi Arabia), Alfred Bennis, Joseph Mathias, Felix Moras, Stany Mendonca (UK), and representatives from St Francis Xavier Church, Bejai, including the vice president and secretary. Also present were Francis Fernandes (Cascia),CJLobo(president,United Friends, Bejai), and Sylvester Lobo (secretary, United Friends, Bejai).

AlfredBennis,knownforpromoting Konkani cultural events and supporting charitable causes, has organized 35 events over the past

18years,raisingnearlyRs1croreto supportreligiousinstitutions,house construction, education for underprivileged students, and medical aid.

This year’s Stan Nite continued this philanthropic legacy, with all proceeds directed towards the construction of homes for the needy. The organizers expressed theirgratitudetothepublicfortheir enthusiastic participation, making the event a successful blend of entertainmentandcharity -SambramDigital

AgnEsya 2K25 - fest for UG students of Chemistry

AgnEsya 2K25, the National Intercollegiate Festival for Undergraduate Students of Chemistry, was organized by the Post Graduation Department of Chemistry in collaboration with the Chem Aura Association at St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru on 17 February 2025. The event

provided an outstanding platform for students to explore innovative ideas and engage in various activities. Students were actively involvedinparticipatingindifferent events. This fest brought together students from various institutions, fostering creativity and enhancing theirlearningexperiences.

The fest began with an inspiring inaugural session held at the PG Auditorium.TheChiefGuestforthe inaugural ceremony was Mr. Santosh Pai, HR at BASF India Ltd, Mangaluru. Mr. Pai delivered an insightful address, emphasizing the growingroleofchemistryindriving industrial innovation and sustainability. He shared his experiences in the chemical industry, stressing the importance of integrating sustainable practices in chemical processes. He mentionedabouthisworkingplace

122 Veez Illustrated
BASF India Ltd, Mangaluru. He

That there is acurrent lack of


Guest stressed that group collaborationisessentialforsuccess in both professional and personal life.

Sr Dr M. Venissa A.C. graced the occasion with her inspiring speech. Sheencouragedstudentstoactively

participateinthevariouseventsand emphasized the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

‘Through teamwork, you can overcome challenges and achieve success,’ she said, her words highlighted not only the value of chemistry but also the power of unity and collective effort in reachinggoals.

The fest was inaugurated with the presence of esteemed dignitaries, the Chief Guest, Mr. Santosh Pai, Sr Dr. M. Venissa A.C., the Principal, Sr Dr. M. Vinora A.C., the PG Coordinator, Dr. Sapna Kumari M, Head of Department (HOD) – PG Chemistry, Sr Gloria D’Souza A.C., the Staff Convener, along with the faculty members, Dr Amruta K and Dr Geetha Pinto, and all the students of the PG Department of Chemistry and other participants fromdifferentinstitutionswerealso present at the event. The ceremony began with a prayer song and a welcome dance performed by the students. The event was elegantly conducted bytheMC, Ms.Prathika.

Ms. Shreshta, student convener, deliveredthevoteofthanks.

The fest concluded with a Valedictory Session at 3:00 PM, graced by Mrs. Flavita Lobo, Patent Analyst at Molecular Connection Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru as chief guest.

Sheisanalumnaofthecollegeand shared her valuable experiences from her time at the college, reflecting on the growth and opportunities she had during her academic years. She expressed her pride in being a part of the institutionandcongratulatedallthe winners for their outstanding performances,encouragingthemto continue striving for success. The Valedictory Session included the award ceremony, where winners of the competitions were recognized fortheircontributions.

TheteamfromVivekanandaCollege were the winners overall and Poornaprajna College bagged second place. Sr Dr MVinora A.C. –PGcoordinatorgracedthevocation with her speech and congratulated the winners and the participants.

Ms. Ananya compered the event and Ms. Navya, student coconvener delivered the vote of thanks. AgnEsya 2K25, the National Intercollegiate Festival for

Undergraduate Students of Chemistry, gave an outstanding platform for students to explore innovative ideas and engage in variousactivities.

Live Musical Concert to Raise Funds for Kidney Dialysis

Fr Muller Charitable Institutions (FMCI),incollaborationwithVincent

Fernandes Cascia’s Mogachim Lahran and Team Donating Love, is settohostaLiveMusicalConcertin Aid of Kidney Dialysis on February 23, 2025, at the Fr Muller ConventionCentrefrom5:30PMto 9:00 PM. The event aims to raise funds for patients struggling to affordlife-savingdialysistreatment.

A press conferencewasheld to

announcetheinitiative,attendedby Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Director of FMCI; Rev. Fr Ajith B Menezes,AdministratorofFrMuller Medical College; Rev. Fr Jeevan

George Sequeira, Administrator of Fr Muller Medical College Hospital; Mr. Vincent Fernandes, renowned

Konkani singer and head of ML Productions; Mr. Liston Derick D’Souza, Advocate and Businessman; and Dr. Kelvin Peter Pais,LiaisonOfficer,FMCI.

An Evening of Music and Compassion

The concert promises an engaging lineupofperformances,including:

A grand opening chorus of 60 children. Livemusicperformancesfeaturing VincentFernandes’mostpopular

Bailanumbers,invitingtheaudience tojoininthelivelydance.

Comedy entertainment by Team Memory.

Aspecialact by ComedyKingDolla Mangaluru, known for his wit and humor.

Speakingatthepressconference,Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho emphasized FMCI’s commitment to ensuring quality healthcare for all, stating, “Through such charitable initiatives, we aim to extend essential medical services to those in need, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent patients fromreceivingcriticalcare.”


Established over 143 years ago, Fr Muller Charitable Institutions has been a pillar of healthcare excellence, offering world-class treatment and medical education.

Apart from advanced research and medical facilities, FMCI actively engages in charitable initiatives, including free medical camps, subsidized treatments, and funding forcriticalhealthcareservices.

Team Donating Love, a group of social service activists, journalists, and business professionals, has been instrumental in organizing charity events to support underprivileged communities. Their efforts extend beyond healthcare, assisting individuals with special needs, the elderly, and those in crisis.

The organizers invite the public to join hands in this noble cause and contribute towards saving lives throughmusicandgenerosity.

For further details and ticket bookings,interestedindividualscan contact Fr Muller Charitable Institutions.




Members Present during the Press Meet:

DrAlwynD’sa,Registrar,StAloysius CollegeAutonomous

Dr Smitha D K, Convenor, TedxStAloyius


RayyanKhan,StudentCo-ordinator, TedxStAloysius

Mariyam Ridha, Student, PR Head, TedxStAloysius

the world's leading thinkers and doers to speak for 18 minutes or less. Meanwhile, independently run TED events help to share ideas in communitiesaroundtheworld.

About TEDx

About Ted

TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged and today covers almost all topics from sciencetobusinesstoglobalissues, in more than 100 languages. The two annual TED Conferences invite

TEDx is a grassroots initiative, created in the spirit of TED’s overall mission to research and discover “ideas worth spreading.” TEDx brings the spirit of TED to local communities around the globe through TEDx events. These events are organized by passionate individuals who seek to uncover new ideas and share the latest research in their local areas that spark conversations in their

communities. TEDx events include live speakers and recorded TED Talks and are organized independently under a free license granted by TED. These events are not controlled by TED, but event organizers agree to abide by our format and are offered guidelines for curation, speaker coaching, event organizing and more. They learnfrom usandeachother. More than 3000 events are now held annually.

St Aloysius (Deemed to be University)

Establishedintheyear1880,nestled on top of the Idgah hill, boasting over 7,000 students, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) is a cornerstone of academic achievement in Mangalore serving as a vibrant centre of talent, creativity, andambition. With a rich 145-yearJesuitheritage,itshinesas a symbol of comprehensive education and values. The renowned St Aloysius Chapel,

embellishedwithstunningfrescoes, remains a significant draw, attracting visitors with its artistic and spiritual beauty. The university continues to motivate generations through influential events, cuttingedge facilities, and a dedication to excellence.

Through its Motto, Lucet et Ardet, (Latin for 'Shine to Enkindle') the Institution churns individuals who become men and women for and withothers.

TEDxStAloysius Nestledamidstrollinghills,swaying coconut and palm trees, and pristinebeaches,Mangaloreisacity that quenches the thirst for its very old traditions blended with new charm. Its red-clay tiled roofs, freshwater streams, and vibrant streets sing a harmonious symphony of ideas, languages, and perspectives. TEDxStAloysius draws inspirationfromthisuniquespiritof Mangalore by bringing together brilliant speakers, captivating performances, and thought-

provoking ideas from all walks of life. Our independently organised TED event invites you to step away fromthe routine andembarkonan intellectual journey filled with innovation, curiosity, and inspiration. Like the city we call home, TEDxStAloysius is a medley of diverse thoughts and perspectives, woventogetherby an enthusiastic team eager to spark new ideas and foster community connections.Joinusaswecelebrate the essence of Mangalore - a place wheretraditionmeetsprogress,and everyideafindsitsvoice.


Everytaleholdsthepowertoshape the world some fade into whispers, while others redefine the possible. History is marked by moments where audacity shattered thefamily,givingrisetorevolutions in thought, art, and innovation. A single idea, a daring stroke, or a bolddesign eachtwist transformedinertiaintoprogress.

Butthesetwistsarenotjustrelicsof the past; they unfold around us every day. In a world bound by the known, the unexpected sparks transformation. When we challenge limits and reshape narratives, we step into uncharted territory whereimaginationfuelschangeand stories become catalysts for new realities.

At TEDxStAloysius2025, we celebrate these pivotal moments with our theme, "A Twist of Tales." Here,storiestranscendtheordinary, inspiring profound change. We invite dreamers and visionaries to share the twists in their journeys because every twist has the power toreshapeourworld.


1.Kiran Dembla

Kiran Dembla, a former classical singer,transformedherlifethrough fitness, becoming a renowned celebrity trainer. She secured 5th place at the 2013 World Bodybuilding Championship and

has trained top celebrities and professionals.


ShirshBajpai,knownasPapaOcus,is the Content Head and Co-Founder of Aevy. He shapes digital content that reaches millions. Under his leadership, AevyTV garners over 30 million monthly views. He has collaborated with industry leaders like Nikhil Kamath and PhysicsWallah while also empowering creators through Aevy VideoSchool.


Wencita Dias, a beauty queen and actress, has won prestigious titles, includingMissTeenKarnataka2019 and Miss Teen World Super Model Global. A national-level poetry reciter and accomplished performer, she has judged over 15 beauty pageants and starred in multiple films, including Gabbar SinghandOsmitay .

4.Dr. Manu Melwin Joy

Dr. Manu Melwin Joy, Assistant Professor at CUSAT's School of ManagementStudies,isarenowned expert in gamification and human resourcedevelopment.Withover50 research papers, seven books, and numerous prestigious awards, he has led impactful training sessions globally.


Sadashiv K. Shetty, Chairman and Executive Director of Heranba Industries Ltd., has over three decades of experience in the agrochemical sector. Co-founding the company in 1994, he played a key role in its rise as one of India's largest manufacturers of synthetic pyrethroidsandpesticides.


Dr. Yusuf Kumble, a visionary cardiologist and founder of Indiana

HospitalandHeartInstituteLtd.,has pioneered advanced cardiac procedures in the region. With top academic credentials, including a DM in Cardiologyfrom AIIMS, he is a Fellow of both the American College of Cardiology and the Society for Cardiovascular AngiographyandInterventions.


Poonam Vaidya is an HR Senior Inclusion and Diversity Analyst with a content writing and editing background. With an MA in English fromChristUniversityandadiverse background in content writing and editing, she is a storyteller at heart and has drawn from her personal disability experiences to raise her voiceforauthenticrepresentation.


Senior Advocate Sanjay R. Hegde is a leading Supreme Court attorney knownforhisworkincivilrightsand constitutional law. Born in 1965 in

Manipal, he was influenced by his father’s legal career at the Bombay HighCourt.


Zamzeer Ahamed is an entrepreneur, andthe CEOand Cofounder of KunafaWorld, a venture born from his own vision. He was a finalist on SharkTankIndiaSeason 1and the winner of Mr. Mangalore 2012 and advanced to the GD roundsofMTVRoadiesSeason4.




+91 8590666172

Student Coordinator

Vinay Mayekar Rayyan Zahi Khan +91 78291 88951 +91 99021 20078


Website: https://www.tedxstaloysius.com/ Instagram:tedxstaloysius


Sabha Mangalore & Udupi Pradesh, & several other organizations. Massive protest rally in Mangaluru against Udupi-Kasargod power

transmission line projec

A large-scale protest rally was held inthecityonThursday,February20 morning against the UdupiKasaragod 400 KV power transmission line and the PaladkaKadandale 400/220 KV project. The rally was jointly organized by the Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh, Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh, and several other organisations. The rally, which began from CSI grounds in Balmatta, proceeded towards the Clock Tower, drawing participation from farmers, environmental activists, and concerned citizens. The protesters raised slogans against the

St Aloysius holds Hindi Cultural Fest

‘PRERANA – 2025’

The Department of Hindi and Hindi Sangha of the School of Arts and Humanities of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) organized the Hindi cultural festival PRERANA –2025 on the theme ‘Kshitij Ke Paar’ on February 18, 2025, in the campus.

The event began with a grand Inauguration ceremony honoured by the presence ofChief Guest, Dr Sukanya Mary Joseph Martins,

Principal of Poornaprajna Evening College, Udupi. The Program President, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Rev. Fr.Dr.MelwynD'Cunha,SJ,brought wisdom and guidance. Other importantguestsincludedDr Denis Fernandes,DirectorofArrupeBlock, Dr. Charles Furtado, Director of Administration Block, Dr Mukunda Prabhu, Head of the Department of Hindi, Staff Coordinatosr DrGovind ThapaChetry&MsLiluKumari

Rajak and Student coordinators Gopal&Armaan.

During the programme, the Department of Hindi also released the ‘PRERANA’ magazine, featuring creative and literary works by studentsandfaculty.

More than 200 studentsfrom 21

colleges and universities participatedineightexcitingevents, making the festival a lively and colourfulcelebrationoftalent.

The Valedictory ceremony was the grand finale, with Dr Alwyn D’Sa,

Registrar of St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), as the Chief Guest. Heawardedmedalsandtrophiesto the best performers, making the closing ceremony a proud and memorablemoment.

St Aloysius University Celebrates 145th Annual Day, Honouring 75 Years of the Indian Constitution

St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) celebrated its 145th Annual Day on February 20, 2025, ontheuniversitycampus.Thisyear’s event also marked 75 years of the Constitution of India, with the theme “Our Constitution, Our

Pride.” The celebration highlighted the history and significance of the Indian Constitution in shaping the nation’sdemocracy.

Ms. Oshanie Fernandes Saldanha, a social entrepreneur, was the Chief Guest.Inheraddress,she

emphasized the importance of understanding the Indian Constitution,callingitthebackbone of democracy that ensures justice, equality,andfundamentalrightsfor all citizens. She shared a personal connection with the institution,

recallingthatbothhergrandfathers received their early education here and later went on to achieve great heights. She appreciated the university’s long-standing commitment to providing quality education and shaping young

minds with values of service and purpose. She also encouraged students to keep a copy of the Constitution at home, just as

religious books are kept, to understand and uphold its principles.

Reflecting on her activism journey, Ms.Oshaniespokeaboutherefforts in HIV awareness campaigns as a teenager.Guidedbyherfather,late OscarFernandes,aparliamentarian, sheorganizedayouthmovementto spread awareness. She urged students to recognize their potential to create change, emphasizing that the platforms provided by the university should be utilized as opportunities to contribute to society. She called studentsthearchitectsoftomorrow, encouraging them to stay disciplined and work for the bettermentofthenation.

Rev. Fr. Melwin Joseph Pinto SJ, Rector of St. Aloysius Institutions in hisPresidentialaddresssaid,“We,as Jesuits, take pride in remembering the contribution of Fr. Jerome D’Souza,aJesuitandmemberofthe Constituent Assembly, whose efforts reflect our institution’s commitment to service and nationbuilding. As students, through NSS, NCC, and other associations, you have already served society, bringing hope and pride to the nation. This university is not just an institution;itisabeaconofhopefor the nation, shaping individuals who will lead, serve, and contribute to societywithintegrityandpassion."

Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis, SJ, Vice Chancellor, presented the Annual Report, highlighting the university’s achievementsandinitiatives.Atotal of 265 students were felicitated for their outstanding performance in academics, sports, and extracurricularactivities.

A cultural program showcasing 75 yearsoftheIndianConstitutionwas the highlight of the event, with manystudentsparticipating.

Dr. Dennis Fernandes, Convenor, welcomed the gathering, while Dr. Ishwara Bhat introduced the Chief

Guest. Mr. Vance Rion D’Souza, StudentCouncilPresidentdelivered the vote of thanks. Registrars Dr. Alwyn D’sa and Dr. Ronald Nazreth, Directors of various blocks, Dr. Loveena Lobo, Dr. Asha Abraham, Dr Charles v Furtado, Dr. Rev. Kiran Kotha, SJ, and Finance Officer Rev. Fr. Vishwas Misquith were Present ontheDias.

Jenishya Sabha and Reuben served as the MCsforthe formal program, while Wencita Dias, Carol Riona, Dilroy Mascarenhas, and Pavan KumarweretheMCsforthecultural program. The event saw enthusiastic participation from faculty, students, parents, and guests, making it a memorable and inspiringoccasion.

How do you feel about Trump saying Ukraine 'should have never started war with Russia'?








Trump’sstatementsyesterdayare sending shockwaves in Ukraine: speakingathisMar-a-Lagoresort

inPalmBeach,Florida,onFebruary 18,2025,TrumpsaidthatUkraine “shouldhaveneverstarted”awar withRussia.

Trump is obviously not happy that Zelenskyy didn’t sign his “deal” givingthe U.S.50%ofincomefrom

the Ukrainian minerals, ports, and infrastructure.

Zelenskyy also cancelled his scheduled visit to Saudi Arabia, where the U.S. and Russian delegations were meeting, and instead flew to Turkey a NATO countrythat’sjustkickedRussiaout of Syria.

Ukraine having its own agency is som

Russia ���� andUkraine ���� conflict Follow Answeredby EricWicklund

Trumpisamaninanechochamber fullofyes-men,andhe’slisteningto Putin,amaninanechochamberfull ofyes-men.

Whatcouldpossiblygowrong? Iguesswejustfoundout.

Trump admires powerful people, like Putin, not civil servants like CIA analysts. He told us all about it at Helsinki in 2018. He’s still trusting Putin over the far superior information US intelligence can provide, and echoing Putin’s assertionsabouttheUkrainewar. Therefore, Trump’s (demonstrably false) words should come as no surprise.

TrumpinHelsinkiwithPutin.Here, hethrewUSintelligenceservices underthebus .

Ukraine having its own agency is something that Vladimir Putin denies, alleging that Ukraine is just apawnusedbytheU.S.initsproxy waragainstRussia.

But now, suddenly, Ukraine isn’t doing what the U.S. demands from it.AndneitherdoesEurope.

Trump didn’t count on that. But he tries to pretend that things are “going according to plan” (we

know another guy who does the same).

Addressing reporters after the U.S. andRussianofficialsmetfortalksin Saudi Arabia yesterday, Trump answered the question about Ukrainenotbeinginvited:

“IthinkIhavethepowertoendthis war, and I think it’s going very well. But today, I heard, ‘Oh, well, we weren’t invited.’ Well, you’ve been there for 3 years. You should have endedit.”

”Youshouldhaveneverstartedit. You couldhave madeadeal.”

“I could have made a deal for Ukraine,” Trump stated.

So, I suppose, if Russia invaded Alaska,Trumpwouldn’tsendtroops to defend it. He would have “made adeal” like,Russiakeepshalfand the U.S. keeps half. Or maybe, split it 1/3 and 2/3. Trump would “make agooddeal.”

Trump topped it up, stating that Zelenskyy’s rating in Ukraine was only 4% — an obvious lie, because Zelenskyy’s support in Dec.2024 polls was 52% (only 49% of those who came to the polling booths votedforTrumpinNov.2024).

Thereasonforonly52%supportfor Zelenskyyis…Trump!

Because too many people answered, “not sure” to the poll — fearingthatZelenskyywasabout“to give away Ukrainian territories.” BecauseofalltheTrump’sspeeches about“24-hourpeaceinUkraine”. WhyisTrumpsayingsuchthings?

Because Trump genuinely wants to endthewarinUkraine.

He wants the Nobel Peace Prize he was snubbed off itin2021, after he managed to achieve the historic AbrahamAccordsPeaceAgreement between Israel, and Emirates and Bahrain.

Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize, butTrumpdidn’t.Ithurts.

Trump doesn’t care for where the line of separation will be between Russia and Ukraine-controlled


Andthat’swhythewarcannot end.

Trump’ssecretadvisors(ElonMusk) tellhimthatthepeacedealcan’tbe signed with Zelenskyy as the president. Putin wants elections in Ukraine during the war time, confident that Russia can use it to splittheunityinUkraine.

If a pro-Russia candidate won in Ukraine, Putin would be happy to sign any peace deal. Putin would later change the Ukrainian constitution and turn Ukraine into anotherBelarus.



He made the promise to “end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours” without thinking, just saying outrageous things as he always does and suddenlythisonegottraction.

So, he kept talking about it and it became one of the cornerstones of hispolicies.Hepromisedtoendthe aidtoUkraine,becauseitresonated with part of his base. It also resonated with Putin and Putin ordered Russian bot farms to

supportTrump.(I’mnotsayingthat PutindiditincollusionwithTrump —Putindiditbecausehelikedthe idea.)

ButTrumpdidn’tcutaidtoUkraine. Putinisn’thappy.

And now the Riyadh negotiations have turned into a total flop. Putin now refuses to meet Trump and Trump is left with the war he vouched to be able to end, and Europethatistotallypissedoffwith Trump’s minions lecturing them on democracy.

Of course, Trump wishes that Ukraineneverresisted,whenRussia invaded.

He’s now forever going to be huntedbythis“24-hourendofwar” promise, which he cannot deliver upon. Not in 24 hours, not in 100 days.

It shows his impotence. But it also shows the U.S. impotence.

Ukraine’s resistance destroys the U.S.geopoliticalauthority.

Ukrainenowistheunelectedleader of the free world standing for

what is right, standing for freedom, forloyalty,forthecoremoralvalues.

AndwheretheU.S.isstandingnow? NexttoRussia?

Francis Follow

GreenPartyactivist(and, likemany, formerLib-Dem)Wed

The first rule of command is “never give an order you know won’t be obeyed”. All it does is make you look impotent and annoy the peopleyouaregivingtheorderto.

Trump’s ‘peace treaty’ was nothing butanabjectsurrenderofUkraineand it is obvious to anyone with a semi-functional brain and access to

newsthatthe Ukrainiansarewilling to fight to the death. Therefore, ordering the Ukrainians to surrender is an order that won’t be obeyed.

The only possible readings are that Trumpisacompleteidiot,detached fromrealityorthatTrumpisopenly, actively, and deliberately trying to undermineanddestroytheprestige andinfluenceoftheUnitedStatesof America. Both is possible - but at leastonemustbetrue.

Compared to that Trump blaming Ukraine for Russia goose-stepping itsjackbootedthugsintoUkraineon a land grab using excuses warmed overfrom Hitler’sannexationofthe Sudetenlandisbasicallyexpected. (Courtesy) -Quora.com

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