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Who’s On Deck?
As your Vice Governor's have finished their state training, and are moving on to LCI International Training, I thought it was a good time to ask the important question, "Who's on Deck?" That is a question that is a key part of your Leadership Team's responsibilties, finding, promoting, and developing the next generation of Lion's Leaders. There are so many ways for that to happen.
Are you promoting attendance at your District functions?, state training opportunities? developing local opportunities? Are you talking about and suppporting the USA/Canada Forum? Your district conventions, the upcoming state sponsored Spring Forum, and leadership training are a tremendous way to connect Lions together and give them the information & knowledge they need to make them great Lions. It is also a way to give Lions confidence in their Lions knowledge which helps them see themselves in ever more responsible roles in Lions.
I was recently reminded of an opportunity that might be a fit for a regional offering. I would like to thank Lion Anne Vinyard for posing this as an opportunity. The MD currently focuses on the Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI),while LCI sponsors an Advanced Lions Leadership Institute (ALLI) both of which involve expense and possible lengthy travel, however there is another option.
There is a program for newer Lions, the Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI) and this LCI curriculum focuses on the skills and information Lions can use to take on roles within their clubs. This could be a perfect fit for your Lions. It keeps the program more local, can be tailored to local issues, and keeps the cost down. LCI has a grant option for a District to sponsor one of these programs and there is also an application to self fund the program. Traditionally the grant application needs to be submitted early in the year, but it never hurts to ask if funds are still available. You can also get a jump on a proposal for the coming Lion year which will be here before you know it.
Please make sure you are a Leader in promoting Lions learning opportunities! Also remember I am available to assist you in any way that I am able as is the entire GAT TEam!
LinktotheELLI page: https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/reso urces-for-members/resourcecenter/emerging-lions-leadershipinstitute
LinktoUSA/CanadaForum https://lionsforum.org/Watch for information about Watch for more information about the Spring Forum to be held in Peoria March 10 & 11.
Yours in Lionism, Lion Lori J.Chassee
Past DistrictGovernor,District1J c:630-740-5670 h:630-231-8709