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Dear Club PresidentandSecretary,

On behalf of current District Governor Tony Zartler, and incoming District Governor Tom Elsey you're invited to come with your club leadership team to hear from our International President Brian Sheehan on Monday June 5th at 6pm. Light dinner and refreshments will be served. All the details are found on the attached invitation.

RSVP required by June 1st. This is needed for refreshment and seat count.

RSVP by responding to this email: district1AGLT@gmail.com or click on this link to register: June 5 RSVP and Register Here

Together we can continue to build strong teams, strong leaders, and strong Lions Clubs!

Hope to see you there!

Thank you.

Yours in Service,

Lion Carole Burke Hallberg

District 1A GLT for 2023-24

Oak Lawn Lions Club

26th Annual William “Bill” Strickfaden Memorial Miniature Golf Outing

When: Sunday, June 4, 2023 (Shotgun Start at 12:00 Noon)

Registration begins at 11:00am

Where: Stony Creek Golf Course

5850 W. 103rd St. (2 blocks west of Central Ave) Oak Lawn, IL

Cost: $25.00 per adult / $20.00 per child (11 to 17 years)

$15.00 per child (6 to 10 years) NC (5 years or younger)


• 18 holes Miniature Golf

• Buffet Luncheon

• Raffles, Split the Pot and a door prize chance on a mini car.

Deadline for Reservations May 23, 2023

Make checks payable to the Oak Lawn Lions Club Send to:

Lion Robin Kirar

5129 Oak Center Dr

Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Phone: 708-636-2165

Dinner without golf will be $20.00 per person

Thank you for supporting our Mini golf outing. Monies raised will be used for youth activities in the community such as: Richards H.S Leo Club, Peace Poster Contest, Camp Lions (a program involving summer camp for blind, visually impaired and deaf children from Oak Lawn and surrounding communities) and other programs providing services to the needy

Total # of golfers: _______________________________ (you can have a total of 6 golfers per hole)

Group Name: _______________________________________Contact:_______________________

Address: __________________________________Telephone:______________________________

City:: State: _ Zip Code: _

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