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1J 2023 Convention Info & Registration
Greetings MD1 Lions,
The District 1J Convention is a little over a month away and we are looking forward to seeing you! I understand we have had some issues with posting info on the MD1 site, so I'm sending this to you personally.
• Registration - The high level timeline and paper form are attached. You can also go to the District 1J website and register online. (district1jlions.org) All attendees must be registered, including those only attending Friday night. We have some fun times planned for all, and hope you join us to celebrate everyone's accomplishments this year. Deadline for convention registration with meals is Saturday, April 1st. (DGs, 1VDGs and 2VDGs should have received an email from your counterpart in 1J with this information and a special discount code.)
• Rooms - Make sure to get your room booked to ensure the most fun without worrying about heading back home. Deadline for Hotel Reservations at the special rate is March 18th! Go to the Holiday Inn Carol Stream and use Group Code L23. $99 per night King or Double Queen.
• Program Ads - If you are interested in placing an ad, information on sizes and pricing is attached. Contact PCC Jerome Perez at Lion_Jerry_Perez@hughes.net. Deadline for ad/page submissions is March 10th.
I apologize if you may have already received this information. Just making sure we are contacting anyone who may be interested. (Sent to all MD1 Governors, 1VDGs, 2VDGS, CC. Cabinet, State Committee Chairs and District committee members, Cabinet Secretaries)
If you have any questions regarding the convention, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Lion Jeff Cholewa (lionjeffreycholewa@gmail.com).
Lion Terri Pasternik Convention Chair
1H Convention Info & Registration
The District 1-H Lions Convention will be held on April 21 and 22 at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center, 226 - 17th St., Rock Island, IL. Attached is the registration form.
Festivities begin a 5:00 PM Friday, April 21 in the Rock Island Ale House which is located on the 1st floor of the hotel. There will be complimentary hot appetizers furnished by the District.
The Convention will convene at 8:30 AM Saturday, April 22 in the Grand Ballroom which is located on the 2nd floor of the hotel.
International Director Ben Apeland from Bozeman, MT will be our guest.
The committee is working on different progams that will help your club reach its fullest potential in your community. Please see the attached agenda.
There is no registration fee for the Convention. That is paid for by your District dues. There is a nominal charge for Saturday's lunch. You can pay for that by credit card by following this link or scanning this QR Code:
Hotel space is available at a discounted rate for the event. (See the information on the registration form.)
Come and socialize with Lions from throughout the District. Vote and meet your new District officers. Maybe you will receive a District Award?!?
A good time will be had by all!
Distribution: All District 1-H Club Officers, Cabinet Members and Past District Governors
Lions of Illinois District 1-H
(Above link contains 2022-2023 District Goals)
Lion Tony Holland, District Governor
Lion Josh Gibb, District Secretary
Lion Dave Pearson, District Treasurer
Welcome to District 1-H Convention
Saturday, April 22
7:30A to 9:30AM 2nd floor Lobby
Registration/certification of delegates
Complimentary pastries, fruit, beverages
8:30AM Grand Ballroom
Opening Session
• Welcome
• Pledge of Allegiance
• America (first verse)
• Agenda briefing
• Lions of Illinois Foundation
Executive Director Trish Fisher
9:30AM – 11:30
TBA – Stay tuned!
11:30AM Retreat Room
• Buffet Lunch—Tacos and Nachos
• Keynote Speaker
International Director Ben Apeland, Montana
1:30PM Grand Ballroom
• Nominating committee report -nominations
District Governor 1VDG
LIF Trustee
• Voting
• District Awards
• Election results/acceptance speeches
• Celebration of Life
• Closing Benediction
3:30PM Convention Adjourned
Throughout the day Lions Putting Championship
2023 Lions District 1-H Convention April 21 & 22
Lion Tony Holland, District Governor 1-H
Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center,
226 17th Street (Downtown) Rock Island, IL 61201
Special Guest: ID Lion Ben Apeland
Registration Form (Please Print or Type)
Name: __________________________ (LION/ GUEST circle one) Title_________________
Preferred first name for the Name Badge: ______________ First Timer: ______________
Address: _________________________ City: _____________ State: ______ ZIP: _______
Phone Number: __________________________
Club: ______________________________ District: _______
E-mail Address: ______________________________________________
Office/ Position _____________________________________________________________
Foundation Fellow _______ Melvin Jones Fellow ______ PDG (year) ________
Name: __________________________ (LION/ GUEST circle one) Title_________________
Preferred first name for the Name Badge: ______________ First Timer: ______________
Address: _________________________ City: _____________ State: ______ ZIP: _______
Phone Number: __________________________
Club: ______________________________ District: _______
E-mail Address: ______________________________________________
Office/ Position ___________________________________________
Foundation Fellow _______ Melvin Jones Fellow ______ PDG (year) ________
Please Indicate number attending each event
___ Lion ___ Guest Convention Registration (NO REGISTRATION FEE)
Friday TGIF Rock Island Ale House (Rock Island Holiday Inn)
____Cabinet Meeting 4:00 pm
___ "Come Cure What “Ales” you 5:00 pm
Complimentary hot appetizers
___ Saturday Breakfast 7:30 am Pastries, fruit, juice, coffee - complimentary
___ Saturday Luncheon 11:30 am Taco and Nacho Buffet - $15.00 per person
Checks Payable to: Lions District 1-H
Mail registration form and check to:
Lion Cheryl Russell, 11357 31st St Dr W, Milan, IL 61264
***Meal Reservation Must Arrive by April 8
***Room reservation guarantee March 25, 2022 For reservations please Call: 309-794-1212
Use group name “Lions Club” to receive $92.00 room rate (+ tax).