2/23/22, 8:01 AM
Marketing Strategies for 2022 | Austin Rotter | Professional Overview
Marketing Strategies for 2022 by Austin Rotter | Feb 18, 2022 | Austin Rotter, Business
As we move further into 2022, more marketing strategies are beginning to gain traction. In the past, it was more about getting your company or business name seen and in front of audiences. Recently it’s more about telling your brand’s story and having an effective brand. If your business is looking for marketing that will bring in results for 2022, these are the strategies to pay attention to:
Video Marketing While video marketing might not be a very new concept, it is vital to your marketing strategy in 2022. As mentioned before, storytelling is essential to building an effective brand. A great way to tell your story and have your brand affect the right type of audience is through video marketing. This strategy is perfect for really connecting with your audience and building trust. Not only does video marketing put a human voice behind your brand, but it also gives your business more credibility and helps keep customers loyal. https://austinrotter.com/marketing-strategies-for-2022/
2/23/22, 8:01 AM
Marketing Strategies for 2022 | Austin Rotter | Professional Overview
Data Analytics and Metrics As the economy is still recovering from the effects of 2020, many companies are more money-conscious and spending less on branding efforts. This means they’ll want to see a return on investment (ROI) to justify budgets and purchases. Data analytics and metrics will allow you to effectively measure detailed information to make the right decisions for your company. Data analytics allows businesses to see exactly how they’re affecting their audiences and what is working.
Social Media Marketing Utilizing social media isn’t a very new marketing strategy, but social media channels have changed drastically over the years. Today, people are scrolling through their feed much more quickly than before, making it harder for brands to grab their attention. Now that social media is more visually-driven, brands in 2022 need to start creating high-quality images and videos. This is the best chance you’ll have at grabbing the audience’s interest.
Becoming Thought-Leaders and Educators Nowadays, you need to be more than an advertiser. It’s essential to become a thoughtleader and educate your audiences. Customers are surrounded by ads every day and have begun to become immune to the old hard-selling tactics. Even more, customers are now entering into a defensive mode when brands pressure them to buy their products. It’s no longer about hard-selling and instead more about educating your customers on why they need you. It’s time to drop hard-selling strategies and find new ways to provide convenience to your customers while also educating them.
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Links https://austinrotter.com/marketing-strategies-for-2022/
2/23/22, 8:01 AM
Marketing Strategies for 2022 | Austin Rotter | Professional Overview
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