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Tipsfor DevelopingYour MentoringSkills
from Austin Rotter of Hoboken, New Jersey Shares Tips for Developing Your Mentoring Skills
by austinrotter


Austin Rotter | AustinRotter org
Healthy Communication
Your mentee should have the final say regarding their career path You should refrain from getting too involved in their plan and make them feel like they have no control over their own future Also, ensure they are comfortable talking to you about their goals and feelings
Constructive Feedback
Although you don’t want to offend or judge your mentee, you should still refrain from filtering your feedback Instead, you can use various methods to deliver criticism without directly criticizing them One of these is sharing your experience so your mentee can learn from it
You should be able to relate to and understand the feelings and perspectives of your mentee If they’re feeling down, you should help them get through it by encouraging them and showing them that there is still hope
Infographics are visual representations of data, making complex info easier to share and digest When making your own, simply organize your images, charts, and text Finally, cite your sources