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Dual-Degree Program in Social Work
of a major historical Christian pilgrimage trail: The Compostela de Santiago, the Way of St. James. The seminar consists of preparatory meetings and walking, readings, journaling, reflection on the movement of the traveler in community, visits to sites, and hiking the initial portion of the primary French section of the Camino. Six credits. Prof. Lord
DUAL-DEGREE PROGRAM IN SOCIAL WORK Austin Seminary and the Steve Hicks School of Social Work at The University of Texas at Austin (UT) have established a dual-degree program of study that provides master’s-level students the opportunity to complete requirements for two degrees concurrently: the Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW). The program is designed to be completed in four years of full-time study. Upon completion, students receive a degree from each institution. Students must be accepted into both programs independently, meeting each institution’s admission criteria. As much as possible, the program of study will be tailored to meet students’ individual vocational needs as approved by an oversight committee.
The determination of in-state residency status as it relates to tuition charges at The University of Texas at Austin is the sole discretion of UT. Enrollment in a degree program at Austin Seminary does not qualify one as an in-state resident for tuition purposes at UT.
This program agreement with The University of Texas at Austin provides resources that extend Austin Seminary’s current offerings for students with particular interests in non-traditional ministries, including agency-based social service, advocacy, policy-oriented work, and clinical counseling. This program also provides added resources for students planning to serve in more traditional ministry settings as pastors or chaplains, including opportunities for enhancing understanding of, and skills in, the following: negotiating concrete services related to the social welfare system, public advocacy, programming assessment, community organizing, service to organizations that set or influence public and/or ecclesiastical policy, and clinical and community counseling.
This program is also a response to the growing demand for social workers to be sensitive toward and proficient in their understandings of their clients’ religious and spiritual lives and also to work with faith-based communities to foster both individual and community well-being as they strive to alleviate critical social problems.
For dual-degree students, the MDiv and MSSW degrees are awarded upon satisfactory completion of all course work required for both degrees. A dual-degree student (MDiv/MSSW) who by May of an academic year has fully satisfied all requirements for the degrees except the second field practicum in the MSSW, and who will complete the practicum as an extended block placement by August of the same year, will be presented to the Seminary Board of Trustees in May with the recommendation that upon completion of the remaining UT/MSSW course work (by August) the MDiv be awarded. This allows a dual-degree student who has completed all MDiv course work by May and who then completes the UT/MSSW field practicum in August to be granted the MDiv degree at the time the MSSW is granted. The student also