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Financial Aid


PROGRAM Austin Seminary, in accordance with principles generally accepted by member seminaries of the Association of Theological Schools, seeks to assist students whose financial resources are insufficient to meet the cost of attending the Seminary.


Financial assistance is available only for course work taken at Austin Seminary, with the exception of eligible, approved course work taken through the Seminary’s cross-registration agreements with the Seminary of the Southwest, Lipscomb University Austin, or the exchange program of the PC(USA) theological institutions. For students enrolled in the dual-degree program in social work through The University of Texas at Austin, only courses taken at Austin Seminary qualify for financial assistance from Austin Seminary. Students seeking financial assistance for courses taken at The University of Texas at Austin should contact UT’s Office of Student Financial Services. There is no financial aid available for Special Students at Austin Seminary.

Financial assistance through the Seminary is not available to students who have any federal student loans in default status.

RESOURCES Financing of a seminary education is understood to be a shared responsibility of the individual student (and spouse, where applicable), the Seminary, and the church (including individual members, local congregations, and governing bodies). Each student is expected to meet as much of the educational expenses as possible. A student with available resources to meet tuition and other charges is expected to cover those expenses.

The Seminary shares primarily tuition expense with students qualifying for need-based financial assistance. The Seminary’s capacity to assist with expenses other than tuition is mainly limited to subsidizing indirectly the costs of campus housing and of meals in the dining hall.

Financial assistance is offered to MATS, MAMP, MAR, and MDiv students. (Information on MAYM funding is found on page 110.) The financial aid resources of the Seminary are awarded on a year-to-year basis, and, ordinarily, solely on the basis of demonstrated need. The Financial Aid Handbook available on the Seminary’s website and from the Financial Aid Office, contains information on: 1. Grants: MATS, MAMP, MAR, and MDiv students may, by demonstrating need, and by meeting satisfactory academic progress, qualify for a Seminary tuition grant, subject to the availability of funds. 2. Loans: Student loans are available to students in master’s-level degree programs through the William D. Ford Direct Loan Program. Application is made through the Seminary’s Office of Financial Aid. 3. Emergency Grants: In cases of emergency, grants may be awarded from the Emergency Aid Fund administered by the dean of students. 4. Child Care Assistance: Limited funds are available to full-time students to help offset the costs of child care. Application is made through the Seminary’s Office of Financial Aid.

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