1 minute read
"Emmanuel: Glimpses of God Incarnate," December 7
Tuesday, December 7
Genesis 22:15-19
“God Our Provider”
THESE FAMILIAR WORDS OF BLESSING AND PROMISE have been with Abraham since God called him out of Haran decades ago. They echo throughout his entire journey, but this time these words appear within arguably the hardest moments of his life. The story of almost sacrifice describes Abraham’s faithful action regarding Isaac’s death, but never mentions his demeanor. I wonder what his steps to the altar were like.
Did he feel tears stream down his cheeks—see them drip into the dust?Did his hands tremble as he laid weight of the wood on Isaac’s back?Did his heart crack when he grasped the rough handle of the knife?
Then voice from heaven stops Abraham’s hand over his promised son causing relief to crash in, answering the pulsing adrenaline, and forcing sorrow to release its grip. His breath escapes with the words—“the Lord will provide” (vs. 14). God never promised Abraham a smooth or easy journey, but God did promise to go with him and bless him. Over long years— in Egypt, in Sodom, in Canaan—Abraham witnessed God’s provision throughout his life. So even here, facing the onslaught of tragedy, Abraham continues to place one foot in front of the other with trust that God has provided before and will do so again.
The Advent season comes in with joyous expectation, but for most of us there are also moments of sorrow. After a long season of stress and strife, our steps toward the manger side feel heavy with deeply felt sadness over a broken relationship, a past due bill, or an empty place setting. Still, we move forward with hay crunching beneath our feet, because the infant who meets us reminds us of how far God reaches out to go with us, to bless us. We feel the promises made to Abraham ring throughout our own lives as we peer over the crude cradle’s edge and gaze in wonder at God’s ultimate expression of love for humanity while a breath escapes—“God will provide.”

– Katrina J. Olson, Visiting Instructor