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"Emmanuel: Glimpses of God Incarnate," December 13
Monday, December 13
2 Peter 2:4-9
“God as Rescuer”
I USED TO WONDER why bad things happened to good people. It didn’t seem right or fair. Why did bad things happen to me when I was trying hard to follow my calling and do God’s work? Throughout my life I’ve pondered on that.
As an immigrant to the US, I have been looked down on for my accent, for just being Latina. I’ve been thought of as being ignorant and uneducated. As a woman I’ve been intimidated and overlooked. And as a leader working out of my calling from God to serve my Latino community, I have received my share of envy, personal attacks, exclusion, shaming, discrimination— coming, disappointingly, from fellow Christians and peers.
What I have learned is that I can’t get rid of these attacks. No one can. Jesus never promised us an easy life. Hardships and afflictions are ever-present in the Christian life. Jesus said take up your cross and follow me. This is not a onetime thing but a daily struggle. Every time I have faced those attacks, I have presented them to God. And I have prayed the same prayer, “God, I leave it up to you. I know you will defend and rescue me better than I ever will.”
Jesus was the most righteous person to walk on earth. He endured an incredible amount of affliction. Jesus was born in a lowly manger, escaping persecution, living as an immigrant and a refugee. He endured severe emotional and physical pain. He was betrayed by those closest to him, was mocked, beaten, and tortured. If Jesus suffered affliction, as Christfollowers we can expect nothing less.
I have partaken in Christ’s sufferings and as I faithfully continue, I will hold on to him as my sustainer and my rescuer, knowing that he will be the one to avenge me, because “he knows how to rescue the godly from trial, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment.” In him, I find rest.

– Mónica Tornoé, Director of Latina/o Programs