2 minute read

Dec. 16: "Behold, I am bringing you good news of great joy"

Friday, December 16 | Isaiah 40:1-11

The proclamation “Behold, I bring you good news of great joy” echoes an ancient lesson. It reminds me of a powerful lesson that is deeply woven into the fabric of Israel’s story with Yahweh. In Luke’s gospel, we read how the angel announces the birth of Israel’s messiah to a group of shepherds. What a peculiar audience. In the first-century Palestinian context, shepherds were likely uneducated, manual laborers who were responsible for tending to someone else’s property. You might be wondering, why does this matter?


Rather than sending the angel to the center of power or privilege to announce the “good news,” God reveals the miracle of the incarnation to marginalized people living under imperial occupation. This scene is yet another example of God’s relentless preferential option for the poor and the oppressed. It leads me to look for God in the most unexpected places.

The arrival of such a savior is cause for joy. In Christ, the God who led the Hebrews out of slavery has come to liberate us all. It is good news indeed.

– Dr. Ángel J. Gallardo Assistant Professor of Church History

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