transportation and industrial design portfolio

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2019 Design Portfolio


by Austin Show


2016 Kymco Competition



The target group is focused on the people who are interested in the movie ”divergent”. The keyword of this movie is about courage, adventure, fearless, contrast, challenge and hope, the people who like this movie will try to be the courage, fearless andchallenge person. In the real world, those people’s idol will be the extreme sportsman, such as supermoto race, enduro race, trail bike race, bmx, and skateboard. This design will let the user feel they can approach the goal easier.


From the idol information, we can make a definition of style, in the movie, those young people are fearless, i took the muscle to describe it, the movie environment is an abandoned world, let characters to discover the secret, i choose contrast to describe it, the other keyword is future hi-tech, a smooth and clean surface can make a good job.


The n


Spider Silk



We all know t the material in the world, spider silk, but actually th so I use mix weaving with have the most strong mec

the driver using their own bidy CG to contral the motorcycle, let the bike can be jump, It means the hinge of the back wheel as closer to the human CG as better.

FEATURES from the briefing can find out the point what we can improve, then have the following key features 1. Easier to contral (light weight) 2. Improve the jumping feature (move the hinge to middle) 3. Unbroken tire



new material concept

Metal 3 D Printing

Michelin airless tire

Carbon Fiber


the spider silk is most strong for now, we already can make artificial hat material are too soft for production, carbon fiber, then the new material will chanical properties and most light ever.

The michelin airless tire is perfect for off-road riding, it doesn't need to worry abort the tire being punctured, the most important part is this kind of tire will produce energy for jumping, it will help the driver to jump up easier.

3D Printing is a technology which can make a shape can not do in a traditional production way, it can make a very complex shape, it’s helpful for styling and mechanical performance.

ĂƩĞƌLJ DŽƚŽƌ 1455


Main frame


Kymco Competition




Design with Garage Classics


The Porsche 911 series is a name of elegance and speed. Porsche 911 has a lot of fans, a part of fans are fascinated about the classic style with 911, To be exact, it's before 996, 996 has huge change than before, most obvious Part is the headlight angle and water cooling system, the water cooling system changed body proportion to be higher, those changed influence the style to modern direction, secondly, the headlight angle is much flat than before, it makes 996 has a gap from classic style. The customer that we are looking for is the people who do not agree with the changed with 996, retro design is per fect for this group. people do not want a classic looking but bad per formance car, so a retro tuning will satisfy their desires.

we take sin old Porsche even desig appearan course, the

nger as an idol, it’s because the singer not just make a tuning work, we can say they make rebirth to the 964, they keep the soul of Porsche which is air cooling system, but not only keep but also upgrade, they gn a new engine to fit air cooling system to bring plenty of power, from the original 247hp to 500hp! the nce also fit aerodynamics per fectly, not just for styling, every tuning part is making for a reason. and of proportions are beautiful. by analyzing the proportion, I find out they may take the 1970s Porsche 911 as an idol, so the secand idol is 1970 Porsche 911S Coupe.

STYLE ANALYZING From the compare line can easily recognize the difference from those two styles, can see the lining proportion of classic style is much lower than the modern one at back, at front is the headlight angle and airintake proportion, the modern one is higher then classic one.

Version 1


Version 2



The Clay Modeling Stage

Modeling Process

the picture what I'm showing was my work

Modeling Process

the picture what I'm showing was my work

The front part is made by my team members.


3. Movable body-

2. Adjustable desktop-

4. Around students-

PACKAGE 1. 42” touch screen-

5. 6-outlet surge protector-

2. Desktop computer-

6. Maintenance lamp-

3. Keyboard-

7. Wheels with brakes-

4. Mouse-

8. Threaded steel glides-


Taiwan navy recruitment restrictions Man: 160-195 cm, BMI 16.5-32 Woman: 155-180 cm, BMI 17-26

This is the selection conditions of taiwan navy, can find out the height range is about 155-195 cm. Our task is to create a digital chart table, according to the type of work, it belongs to light work, so the range of height should be around 85-95 cm.


Key Words Strong, Sci Fi, Robot, Reliable

BASIC PACKAGE 42” touch screen Desktop computer


2nd type

final version

technical drawing

the USER



Lifters create lift by driving the ionized air downwards forming an upward force. Some people say that it is easy to see that Lifters do not form anti-gravity because it generates this force consistently along its own axis, regardless of the surrounding gravitational field. But in a new theory all objects create their own gravitational fields relative to their energy or mass. In this theory Lifters create their own localized gravitational fields. This gravitational field is relative to their energy formed by the high voltage, electrical charge radiating from the emitting wire at the top of the lifter. This distorts the geometry of spacetime creating the air flow that creates the lift.

Nuclear Plasma thruster

Superconductivity is a phenomenon of exactly zero electrical resistance and expulsion of magnetic fields occurring in certain materials when cooled below a characteristic critical temperature. It was discovered by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes on April 8, 1911 in Leiden. Like ferromagnetism and atomic spectral lines, superconductivity is a quantum mechanical phenomenon. It is characterized by the Meissner effect, the complete ejection of magnetic field lines from the interior of the superconductor as it transitions into the superconducting state. The occurrence of the Meissner effect indicates that superconductivity cannot be understood simply as the idealization of perfect conductivity in classical physics.

Sometimes this can be see as a purple corona-like glow of light radiating from the emitting wire. But if our eyes worked at a different wavelength we would be able to see that everything is radiating light waves of EMR continuously. Fission reactor On February 27, 2013 at TED 2013, Wilson presented his ideas on the benefits of building small underground nuclear fission reactors that are self-contained and use decommissioned nuclear weapons to fuel power.He temporarily left his research on the fusion reactor and designed a variation of a compact molten salt reactor that he says would supply about 50 MW and would need refueling only once every 30 years. According to Wilson, because much of the reactor would be buried and its uranium would not be weapons-grade, it is less vulnerable either to terrorist attack or misuse.The development of molten salt reactors began in the United States at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where the first reactor was built in the 1960s. The development of the new reactor type was stopped in 1976 due to political issues. Since the beginning of the 21st century, molten salt reactors are again being explored in a few countries in some commercial companies as well as in nationally funded projects. Additional design information was provided at Google Zeitgeist Americas ’13, which describes a sealed vessel and the use of natural circulation in the core.

A type of electromagnetic propulsion system , with a high specific impulse and low power and fuel requirements, that has been used on a number of satellites for station-keeping maneuvers. A PPT works by ablating and ionizing material from a fuel bar (typically consisting of a chlorofluorocarbon such as Teflon) with the current from a discharging capacitor. The positive ions released are then accelerated between two flat-plate electrodes – one positive, the other negative – arranged in the form of two long parallel rails which are connected across the capacitor. Escaping from the spacecraft, the accelerated ions produce a thrust of some several hundred newtons. The capacitor is then charged up again from a power supply and the pulse cycle repeated.


2811 nuclear power cooling system radiator xenon lifter supercondactor plasma thruster electric wire radiator outlet hose xenon gas hose











Analyse 1. THE EXISTING MARKET our design briefing is concerning about the Electric-tricycle of delivery, first of all, have to figure out who is our competitor. the following step will be the Existing market analysis, to find out the best possibility to make a definition of our product. we choose middle price and modularization for the after-sale market as the target.

E-canopy (Gyro)


Honda Canopy

Rapide 3

Scutum S03


# Commercial Use

For service chain Supermarket delivery

As a company service, the customer can book a vehicle in a certain size ,according to their shopping volume . Shoppers don’t need to carry the heavy goods, which will rise up the shopping desire of people

Sport event supply

Sport event like marathon, they need a lot of water supply, organizer can use this vehicle to save human resources, reduce the number of hires.will rise up the shopping desire of people

Emergency roadside assistance

Emergency roadside assistance is quite normal at Taiwan, but it has some issues, just like not flexible at the traf fic jam, take to many resources to repair some small parts, our vehicle can easily solve those

Emergency medical help

If we encounter a traf fic jam.And somebody need medical help, It will be useful !!

Analyse # Commercial Use

Funfair Delivery

The funfair is a huge land like Disneyland, it will need a good delivery system for people, our vehicle can of fer convenience to them.

Newspaper delivery

The funfair is a huge land like Disneyland, it will need a good delivery system for people, our vehicle can of fer convenience to them.

Funfair Delivery

The funfair is a huge land like Disneyland, it will need a good delivery system for people, our vehicle can of fer convenience to them.

Fast food delivery

Like KFC,McDonald,Subway,etc. They can deliver their meal to customers with our Vehicle easily.

Analyse # Commercial Use For end user Picnic

The most important thing in picnic is food and drink, we can of fer a stable room for foods, even with cooler or heater. If the user is a couple, then we can of fer a two-seater

Stroller Hhousewife need something which is reliable, convenience, and strong vehicle to let them can carry Their kids easily and safely, we can of fer some kits for them, such as baby seat pins (can lock the seat) and extra protection part to them.


The people who are living on the city edge are more care about Environmentally friendly, the green power cargo scooter is perfect for them to replace the car for shopping.

Party Have a party with the friend is a happy thing, whether it is you bring the raw food or the food you are cooked, you will need something to transport it, a moveable small refrigerator or heater is the best option.



Battery Motor

we take a lean machine as the basic platform, it’s because it is stable for transport goods, also more safety for the driver.

IDEATION RENDER Synergy Body This ideation development is about the after-sell market, i’m tr ying to figure out the possibility as much as possible. Can see we have a synergy body for sale, ever y par t can order from the website, it is customized for end-user, it is easy to understand and order. The after-sale par t including the front rack, back rack, top cover, extra lockage, and extra back rack.

1st version

Cooperate with LI YUAN


Front Rack

Front Rack With Box

Back Rack Type 1

Back Rack Type 2

Top Cover


Bacrack Changeable

Bacrack Luggage


2nd version

Cooperate with LI YUAN


2nd version

Cooperate with LI YUAN

TAPE DRAWING tape drawing is a way to visualize a large size design to full proportion, generally is for transportation design.

The synergy part is sold as a unit, every end-user and company can order it, the only dif ference is the special price for the amount ordering.

AFTER SELL PARTS After sell parts are sell as a customized product, can order it from the website, the ordering parts will assembling before leave the factory.


The greasy soup is painful for housewife, and it will annihilate the soup flavor totally, the most challenging part is to separate the oil and clear soup, oil is sticky and hard to separate from the liquid, even the container. the only way to let the oil get hard is frozen, but no one wants to swallow a cold greasy soup, it is disgusting. so the idea is to create a tool for speed remove greasy, also to keep the fat for cooking. I used aluminum alloy for cooling and design a scraper for frozen fat.


Duck Fat

Animal fats and oils are lipid materials derived from animals. Physically, oils are liquid at room temperature, and fats are solid. Chemically, both fats and oils are composed of triglycerides. Although many animal parts and secretions may yield oil, in commercial practice, oil is extracted primarily from rendered tissue fats obtained from livestock animals like pigs, chickens, and cows. Dairy products also yield popular animal fat and oil products such as cheese, butter, and milk.

Aluminum alloy

Specific heat, the ratio of the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a body one degree to that required to raise the temperature of an equal mass of water one degree. The term is also used in a narrower sense to mean the amount of heat, in calories, required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one Celsius degree. Aluminum alloy has an excellent volume of Specific heat for cooling fat, not getting heat too fast but also easily get cold.

FAT MAG good helper for housewife

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