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A M A N D A S C H R I D E R - R H O D E S G E N E R A L M A N A G E R O F B M W O F S O U T H A U S T I N
Amanda Schrider-Rhodes started as a salesperson in the automotive industry 21 years ago. She has held many positions within dealerships and even went on to start her own consulting firm. It was there where she began working with Hendrick Automotive Group in 2015. Now Schrider-Rhodes is proud to be one of the few female general managers in the company and runs BMW of South Austin, the second largest BMW store in the nation. She says working directly with customers is her passion. She “leads with love” and is striving to create a culture in her store that welcomes and empowers all people who walk through their door. That’s the Hendrick way. Amanda and her family moved to Austin last year and absolutely love it. “It’s the perfect place to raise our two little boys!” bmwofsouthaustin.com