2013 NCC Seminars
Main changes for the 2013 National Construction Code
A new Flood Standard for the National Construction Code
A national project to redevelop the building surveying qualifications framework
Transfer of the WaterMark Certification Scheme
Window Barriers – A child safety initiative
Slip resistance in the National Construction Code
Weather or not condensation is a risk
R e N gi ow st … er
Building Australia’s Future Conference
Sofitel Brisbane 15 - 18 September 2013 The Australian Building Codes Board, together with Master Plumbers Australia and the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors, will jointly deliver the pre-eminent national construction industry conference of 2013. The conference will offer both Building and Plumbing industry attendees a world class built environment learning and networking opportunity capturing the best of contemporary topics, with the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors hosting a one day QLD/NT Chapter Technical Summit as a prelude to the conference on Sunday 15 September.
To register, visit www.abcb.gov.au or for further information, email BAF2013@abcb.gov.au or like Us on Facebook Details on this brochure were correct at the time of printing. The Conference organisers retain the right to alter any or all of the Conference details
NCC NCC NCC 2013 2013 2013
NCC 2013 NCC 2013 NCC 2013 8
VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME THREE THREE THREE – Plumbing – Plumbing – Plumbing Code Code Code of Australia of of Australia Australia
BCA Class 2 to Class 9 Buildings
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A new Flood Standard for the National Construction Code
Chairman’s address
Main changes for the 2013 National Construction Code Series
Transfer of the WaterMark Certification Scheme
The latest on Australian Standards
A national project to redevelop the building surveying qualifications framework
Window Barriers – a child safety initiative
Building Australia’s Future 2013 Conference for building and plumbing industries
Get ahead with the ABCB Cadetship Program
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Conference and events calendar for 2013
Slip resistence in the NCC
Weather or not condensation is a risk
Product compliance: eyes wide open or blind faith
Creating a more vibrant city and strengthening private certification in South Australia
ABCB research project on tenable conditions within a sealed private bushfire shelter
Queensland embraces new ‘notifiable work’ plumbing reforms
The IRCC – learning and building on performance-based regulatory systems
The Australian Building Regulation Bulletin (ABRB) The objective of the magazine is to provide industry with technically based information. The publisher reserves the right to alter or omit any article or advertisement submitted and requires indemnity from advertisers and contributors against damages or liabilities that may arise from material published.
EDITORIAL Publications Coordinator: Libby Beech ADVERTISING For advertising sales contact: abrb@abcb.gov.au
ARTWORK Typesetting and layout: Whalen Image Solutions PRINTING McPherson’s Printing Group 76 Nelson Street, Maryborough, VIC 3465 CIRCULATION The ABRB has a national circulation amongst the building and construction industry reaching approximately 15,000 subscribers and a readership of up to 45,000+.
COPYRIGHT Material in the ABRB is protected under the Commonwealth Copyright Act 1968. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without written consent from the Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments of Australia. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to: The General Manager Australian Building Codes Board GPO Box 9839 Canberra ACT 2601
Disclaimer: The views in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the Australian Building Codes Board.
Mr John Thwaites
Welcome to the Summer 2013 edition of the Australian Building Regulation Bulletin (ABRB). With another busy year ahead, the release of the 2013 National Construction Code (NCC) highlights some key building regulatory reforms that the Board is undertaking.
Continued development of the NCC remains a priority for the Board. Entering its third year as Volume Three of the NCC, the Plumbing Code of Australia has been further refined to achieve greater consistency with the Building Code of Australia.
Major life safety initiatives being addressed include changes to the provisions affecting openable windows, the release of the new NCC Flood Standard, as well as several other significant changes which you can read about further in this edition of the ABRB.
Also finding its home at the ABCB is the WaterMark Certification Scheme, which will be reviewed against best practice regulation principles during 2013.
Other key items on the Board’s agenda include the release of the highly anticipated handbooks on Evacuation using Lifts and Construction of Buildings in Flood Hazard Areas. As with all of the ABCB’s freely available handbooks, these will support the delivery of the Board’s objective to reduce reliance on regulation.
Following the retirement of Ivan Donaldson, I am very pleased to announce that Neil Savery has been appointed to the position of General Manager. I look forward to working with Neil and anticipate that his extensive experience in building regulation and planning policy will ensure a good fit with all stakeholders and the Board. The ABCB joined the social media revolution in late 2012 with a successful foray into FaceBook.
Our Facebook page provides yet another medium with which to engage with stakeholders. We will also have the opportunity to connect during the NCC National Awareness Seminars, which will be conducted in all capital cities during February and March 2013. I urge you to attend these seminars to ensure your preparedness for the changes that will take effect on 1 May 2013. Our biennial National Conference will take place this year from 15 – 18 September, at the Sofitel Brisbane Central. The move to hold the conference in a capital city and the opportunity to partner with the Master Plumbers’ Association and the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors are exciting prospects for us, and we anticipate delivering another world-class event. Further information is available in this edition. JT
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
NCC 2013
Using an old version of the NCC?
Don’t risk it… Order NCC 2013 online today! The National Construction Code Series consists of the Building Code of Australia (Volumes One & Two, including Vol One Appendices) and also the Plumbing Code of Australia (Volume Three). This series is amended and published annually. Available for purchase in hard copy, digital download*, online and occasional and monthly access.
NCC NCC NCC 2013 2013 2013
NCC 2013 NCC 2013 NCC 2013
VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME THREE THREE THREE – Plumbing – Plumbing – Plumbing Code Code Code of Australia of of Australia Australia
BCA Class 2 to Class 9 Buildings
Australian Building Codes Board Australian Building Codes Board Australian Building Australian Codes Building BoardCodes Board Australian Building Codes Board GPO Box 9839 Australian Building Board GPO Box 9839 GPO Box 9839 GPO Box 9839 GPO Codes Box 9839 Canberra ACT 2601 GPO Box 9839 Canberra ACT 2601 Canberra ACT Canberra 2601 ACT 2601 Australian Building Codes Canberra ACTBoard 2601 www.abcb.gov.au www.abcb.gov.au www.abcb.gov.au www.abcb.gov.au Canberra ACT 2601 GPO www.abcb.gov.au Box 9839 www.abcb.gov.au Canberra ACT 2601 www.abcb.gov.au
Building Australia’s Future Building Australia’s Future Building Australia’s Building Australia’s Future Future Building Australia’s Future Building Australia’s Future Building Australia’s Future
BCA Class 1 and Class 10 Buildings
BCA Class 2 to Class 9 Buildings
National Construction National Construction National National Construction Construction National Construction National Construction National Construction Code Series Code Series Code Code Series Series Code Series Code Series Code Series Australian Codes Board Australian Building Codes Board Australian Australian Building Building Codes Board Codes Building Board Australian Building Codes Board 2013 Australian Building Codes Board 2013 20132013 2013 2013 Australian Building Codes Board 2013 THREE GUIDE TO VOLUME ONE VOLUME VOLUME ONEVOLUME TWO VOLUME THREE VOLUME THREE VOLUME ONE – APPENDICES
Plumbing Code of Australia of Australia Building Building CodeBuilding ofCode Australia ofCode Australia VARIATIONS ADDITIONS Plumbing CodeAND of Australia Class 2 to 10 Class 9 Buildings Class Class 2 to Class 1 and 9Plumbing Class Buildings Buildings Code of Australia
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*Only available on Windows PC's. Mac version intended release in early 2013.
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MAIN CHANGES FOR THE 2013 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CODE SERIES This edition of the ABRB is published to coincide with the distribution of the 2013 National Construction Code (NCC) series. The following is a summary of the main changes for NCC 2013.
New provisions for the quantification of stormwater drainage have been introduced. Criteria for external waterproofing now exist with the adoption of AS 4654 Waterproofing membranes for external above ground use.
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Building Code of Australia Class 1 and Cla ss 10 Building s
of Australia Building Code s ss 9 Building Class 2 to Cla
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VOLUMES ONE AND TWO (BUILDING CODE OF AUSTRALIA) NCC 2013 will contain requirements for window barriers for openable windows in early childhood centres and bedrooms in residential buildings (ie houses, apartments, hotels and the like), where the floor beneath the window is more than 2m above the surface below. Further information on these changes is contained in this edition of the ABRB. As a consequence of the concern and responses to major recent flooding events in some regions of Australia, a new Flood Standard for the Construction of Buildings has been introduced for flood hazard areas designated by States and Territories. Further information on the new Flood Standard is contained in this edition of the ABRB.
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
As part of the ABCB’s Emergency Egress for All Occupants project, new provisions for emergency egress for people with a disability have been included as the first stage of outputs from this project. The provisions apply to door handles, handrails, thresholds as well as braille and tactile signage.
Changes to the Performance Requirements for emergency egress have been made to facilitate Alternative Solutions incorporating the use of lifts in addition to the normal egress provisions currently required by the BCA. A handbook to assist in developing Alternative Solutions that include the use of lifts is under development and is expected to be released in 2013.
Structural design actions, Wind actions has been referenced along with new editions of Part 4 (Accommodation buildings not exceeding 4 storeys) and Part 6 (Multistorey buildings) of AS 2118.4 Automatic fire sprinkler systems. New editions of AS 1668.2 Mechanical ventilation in buildings, AS 1926.1 Safety barriers for swimming pools and AS 4505 Wind loads for housing have also been referenced.
National Construction Code Series 2013 VOLUME THREE
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New provisions have been introduced for the building-related requirements for lifts that were previously located in the AS 1735 suite of standards. A number of new or amended referenced documents have been included in Volumes One and Two. Apart from the previously mentioned external waterproofing and flood standard, a new standard AS 4505 Garage and large access doors has been referenced. This standard introduces controls to minimise the observed damage to garage doors from cyclones in cyclonic areas. A new amendment 1 to AS 1170.2
Plumbing Code of Australia
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VOLUME THREE (PLUMBING CODE OF AUSTRALIA) For 2013, Volume Three has been amended to better align with Volumes One and Two, provide new Explanatory Information, update referenced documents, and include minor editorial changes.
FURTHER INFORMATION NCC subscribers can obtain further information on changes for 2013 by referring to the List of Amendments that accompanies each NCC Volume.
NCC 2013
Products & Pricing
National Construction Code (NCC): Complete Series The NCC series consists of the BCA Volumes (One & Two, including Vol One Appendices) and the PCA (Volume Three). This package also includes access to the BCA Guide online.
Building Code of Australia (BCA) The BCA Includes both Volumes One & Two, including Vol One Appendices and access to the BCA Guide online.
Hard Copy & Online $399 Digital Download* & Online $399 Hard Copy, Digital Download* & Online $499
Hard Copy & Online $315 Digital Download* & Online $315 Hard Copy, Digital Download* & Online $365
Housing Provisions The BCA Volume (Two) can be purchased as a stand alone product in the following formats. Hard Copy & Online $180 Digital Download* & Online $180 Hard Copy, Digital Download* & Online $199
Guide to BCA The Guide is an annual edition designed to be used in conjunction with, and provides commentary on, Volume One of the BCA. Hard Copy only $180
Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) The PCA Volume (Three) is available as a stand alone product in the following formats. Hard Copy & Online $120 Digital Download* & Online $120 Hard Copy, Digital Download* & Online $135
NCC Online: Short-term Access Online access to the NCC Series for up to 30 consecutive days or up to 12 individual days on or before 30 April 2014. Monthly Access $70 Occasional Access $70
All prices are GST inclusive *Only available on Windows PC's. Mac version intended release in early 2013.
Purchase Online at www.abcb.gov.au
Australian Building Codes Board
Building Australia’s Future
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
A NATIONAL PROJECT TO REDEVELOP THE BUILDING SURVEYING QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC) represent the workforce training and skills development needs of the construction and property services industries. CPSISC develop, manage and distribute nationally recognised Training Packages for these industry sectors. After receiving representations from industry indicating that the Building Surveying qualifications CPC50108 Diploma of Building Surveying and CPC60108 Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying needed updating to reflect current industry practices, CPSISC, through its continuous improvement process, completed an extensive research and industry consultation process in 2011. In January 2012 a detailed scoping report was
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
produced. The recommendations from the findings of the scoping project have since been accepted by the CPSISC Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CIAC) and a national redevelopment project has begun with industry workshops having recently been conducted in most States and Territories. It is intended that the redeveloped Building Surveying qualifications framework will meet the needs of individuals, enterprises and regulators. The redeveloped Building Surveying qualifications framework will offer: • a defined assessment and training pathway for new entrants; • a pathway for people with broad industry experience seeking to move into building surveying;
• a recognition pathway for experienced industry workers without nationally recognised qualifications; and • open entry to the qualification. The qualifications and new units of competency will supersede the current qualifications in CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package upon endorsement by the National Skills Standards Council. This is expected to occur in the latter half of 2013. For further information on this project visit the CPSISC website: www.cpsisc.com.au and go to CPC08 Constuction, Plumbing and Services Training Package - Building Surveying qualifications or contact the CPSISC Project Manager: Joan Whelan: joan.whelan@cpsisc.com.au
TRANSFER OF THE WATERMARK CERTIFICATION SCHEME Transfer of policy oversight of the Plumbing Code of Australia to the ABCB has brought with it responsibility for the WaterMark Certification Scheme (the Scheme). Administration of the Scheme has been managed by Standards Australia Limited (SA), and in accordance with the decision of the Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF), administration of the Scheme will be transferred to the ABCB on 25 February 2013.
INTERIM ADMINISTRATION OF SCHEME SA and the ABCB have worked closely over the past year to enable the ABCB to administer the Scheme website, database, financial system and call centre from 25 February 2013. Until a full review of the Scheme has been undertaken, and to facilitate a smooth transition, the ABCB will continue to operate the Scheme essentially as is. This includes maintaining the current fee structure and the roles of JAS-ANZ and the Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). In the interim, some preliminary changes will be necessary to reflect the transfer of the Scheme, such as changes required to enable the ABCB to meet its reporting obligations to Ministers, the Department of Industry Innovation Science Research and Tertiary Education and the Board. These changes will include: • establishing a new technical committee with similar expertise to SA’s Committee WS-031; • rebranding existing SA scheme documents (noting the content will remain largely unchanged pending the review of the Scheme). These documents will be freely available on the Scheme website; and
• replacing relevant SA Australian Technical Specifications (ATS) with Watermark Technical Specifications (WMTS), which will also be freely available on the Scheme website. The ABCB will determine the best way to assist with administrative and technical issues, such as assessing applications that are not covered by existing WMTS. The CABs will be kept informed of Scheme-related matters.
REVIEW OF SCHEME A formal review of the policy objectives and Scheme Rules, as requested by the BMF, will commence on completion of the Scheme transfer. The ABCB will prepare a discussion paper to inform the development of a Terms of Reference in consultation with the Commonwealth, States and Territories. A WaterMark Review Reference Group will also be established to assist with the review.
Stakeholders will be consulted as part of the review and the findings will be reported to the Board and the BMF for consideration. Further information about the Scheme and the review can be found at www.abcb.gov.au
NEW CONTACT DETAILS: From 25 February 2013, the WaterMark website and database can be found at www.abcb.gov.au The Scheme Administrator can be contacted as follows: Attention: WaterMark Administrator Email: watermark@abcb.gov.au Phone: 1300 134 631 Postal Address: ABCB GPO Box 9839 Canberra ACT 2601
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
A NEW FLOOD STANDARD FOR THE NCC by Ron de Veer, Director, Major Projects & Research, ABCB
FLOOD HAZARD IN AUSTRALIA Dorothea Mackellar, in her poem ‘My Country’ first published in 1908, wrote about Australia being a land of drought and flooding rains. This has certainly been the case over the past decade when prolonged and severe drought was replaced by devastating flooding in many States and Territories. While floods can bring welcome relief for people and ecosystems suffering from prolonged drought, they are also estimated to be the most costly natural disaster in Australia.1 Every year in Australia, floods cause millions of dollars damage to buildings and critical infrastructure, as well as to agricultural land and crops. They also disrupt business and can affect the health of communities. Between 1967 and 2005, the average direct annual cost of flooding has been estimated at A$377 million (calculated in 2008 Australian dollars).2 Until recently, the most costly year for floods in Australia was 1974, when floods affected New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. However, the Queensland Government estimates costs for the 2010/11 Queensland floods will exceed the 1974 figure; with the total damage to public infrastructure across the State at between $5-6 billion3. The Queensland floods also resulted in the death of thirty-three people; three remain missing. More than 78 per cent of the State (an area bigger than France and Germany combined) was declared a disaster zone; over 2.5 million people were affected. Some 29,000 homes and businesses suffered some form of inundation.4
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
Also in 2010/11, significant flooding occurred in Victoria, affecting much of the central and northern parts of the State. More recently, the widespread flooding in Queensland and NSW in early 2013 reminds us of the everpresent risk of this natural hazard.
IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE Much of the Australian population is settled near rivers and potential flood plains, so it is vulnerable to increases in flood risk due to potential increases in extreme rainfall as a result of climate change. There are a range of responses that may be appropriate to mitigate this risk, from land use planning decisions, to flood mitigation strategies and improving the resilience of buildings and the community.
THE CURRENT SITUATION The NCC does not currently address flood risks specifically. Instead, the provisions are limited to general Performance Requirements that stipulate a building or structure should
not collapse when subject to reasonable ‘design actions’. While important considerations, these Performance Requirements apply to all new buildings and are not targeted to the specific risks posed by flooding. There are currently no technical standards available at a national level to assist with construction in flood hazard areas and that would be available for each State and Territory to adopt to address flood risks through building provisions. As such, the treatment of flood risk in the NCC differs from other natural hazards (e.g. earthquakes, bushfires, cyclones, etc), where technical standards are referenced in the NCC to ensure that appropriate and risk reflective levels of protection are incorporated in new buildings constructed in risk prone areas. Management of flood risks to new residential buildings usually occurs through the planning controls of the States and Territories as exercised by local governments. Local governments may restrict or condition development approval or set the minimum floor
and life safety, not protection of property or building contents.
• the minimum floor height;
To address the problem, the ABCB Board agreed to develop a standard suitable for referencing in NCC Volumes One and Two for the design and construction of certain buildings in flood hazard areas, together with an accompanying handbook. The draft standard and handbook were developed ‘in-house’ and an expert reference group was formed to review the documents and provide valuable input. The subsequent standard and NCC draft provisions were subject to a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS), which included an analysis of alternative measures and a benefit cost analysis, and public consultation. The RIS (available on www.abcb.gov.au) identified that the introduction of the flood standard in the NCC would generate a net benefit to society. After considering all the issues, the ABCB Board recently agreed that the flood standard would be referenced in NCC 2013. The standard covers new residential, health care and aged care buildings that people sleep in (ie Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 9a and 9c buildings as defined in the NCC) and not to commercial, industrial, high hazard, or other non-habitable buildings. The standard relies on the appropriate authority (usually the local government) identifying or mapping the extent of the flood hazard area. The scope of the flood standard is restricted to the current NCC objectives of health, safety, amenity and sustainability. Consequently, the standard focuses on structural safety
height of the habitable rooms above the anticipated flood level. However this planning approach does not ensure the structural integrity of buildings or the protection of utilities in a flood event, which are vital to life safety, health and amenity of residents.
The standard includes requirements for• the building to withstand flood actions including those resulting from hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces, debris, waves, erosion and scour; • the design of footing systems; • suitable materials; • enclosures under the flood level; • location and protection of utilities; and • egress. The standard does not apply to the part of the flood hazard area subject to storm surge or coastal wave action, mudslide or landslide, or where the flood flow rate exceeds 1.5m/s. In these instances, an alternative solution in compliance with the relevant NCC Performance Requirements would be necessary. As stated in the Preface of the standard, the standard is not a stand-alone solution to mitigating life safety risk due to flooding. Reducing life safety risk due to flooding requires a comprehensive set of measures that consider flood hazard and function and aim to reduce risk to a manageable level. This may be achieved by limiting development within both hazardous areas and areas (such as floodways) where it may impact on flood behaviour for other developments. Within areas allowable for development, development controls or protection works may be used to reduce risk. This requires a suite of measures which generally involve a combination of effective land use planning considering flood hazard, flood mitigation measures, flood warning and emergency response strategies for flooding, and building standards. The
balance of these measures will vary from new development areas to infill or redevelopment areas. Sufficient awareness of the flood risk and the safety measures required by the occupants and those assisting them during a flood emergency are essential pre-requisites. The handbook provides commentary on the standard together with additional advisory information. The flood standard and handbook are available on the ABCB website www.abcb.gov.au. http://www.ga.gov.au/hazards/flood/ flood-basics/what.html 2 http://www.bitre.gov.au/ publications/2008/other_005.aspx 3 http://www.chiefscientist.qld.gov.au/ publications/understanding-floods/ consequences.aspx 4 http://www.floodcommission.qld.gov. au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/11705/ QFCI-Final-Report-Preface,-Chapter-1Introduction.pdf 1
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
BAF 2013 NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR BUILDING AND PLUMBING INDUSTRIES The 2013 Building Australia’s Future (BAF) Conference to be held at the Sofitel Brisbane on 15-18 September will, for the first time in the Conference’s 14 year history, bring together delegates from the building and plumbing sectors following the incorporation of the Plumbing Code of Australia into the National Construction Code Series. Owing to the scale of BAF 2013, Conference organisers have selected presentations from a broad range of submissions by industry leaders and professional speakers keen to participate at this world class industry event. Supported by the Australian Building Codes Board and the Master Plumbers Association, BAF 2013 is regarded as the preeminent construction industry conference, with an expected 500+ attending delegates. The 3 day program has been developed to cover an extensive range of issues facing industry today and will feature 30 combined plenary sessions delivered by industry leaders and professional speakers covering topics of interest for both building construction and plumbing
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
delegates. Throughout the Conference, delegates will have the choice of plenary sessions and workshops specific to their industry sector, with each of the days themed around: • Managing Risk & Liability (Legal obligations/ Market failure/ Business) on Day One; • Understanding Codes & Standards for Day Two (Innovation/ Performance/ Regulation); and • Trends & The Future (Technology/ Industry skills/ Change Management) occupying Day Three. The afternoon series of interactive workshops and panel discussions will provide case studies, research and experiences on contemporary issues which affect you as a professional, be it building, construction or plumbing. Always popular, the workshops have proven to be extremely valuable to delegates, providing a forum to interact with industry professionals, trigger debate, discuss issues at hand, and assist practitioners in their daily roles.
For those attending, the Conference will also be well supported by leading industry suppliers from building construction and plumbing sectors, showcasing latest industry innovations. Conference sponsors have also provided for a series of social opportunities to meet and network within a relaxed and friendly environment. In addition to the BAF Conference, the Queensland and Northern Territory chapter of the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors will be hosting their annual Technical Summit on Sunday 15th, for those interested in attending. Previous BAF Conferences have sold out… don’t miss this preeminent conference event - BOOK NOW! Registrations are now open and your attendance can be secured by registering through the Conference web site at: www.absolutedge.com. au/baf2013. Accommodation at the Conference venue, the ‘Sofitel Brisbane Central’ can also be secured via the web site.
THE LATEST ON AUSTRALIAN STANDARDS By Adam Stingemore, National Sector Manager For Building, Construction and Plumbing, Standards Australia
RECENT STANDARDS DEVELOPMENTS It has been a busy year for Standards Australia and our technical committees. A number of significant amendments and revisions have been published right across the board and particularly in the building and construction sector. Two major steps forward for the industry are the new editions of AS/NZS 4505-2012 - Garage and large access doors and AS 1668.2-2012 Ventilation in buildings Part 2 mechanical ventilation.
GARAGE AND LARGE ACCESS DOORS AS 4505-2012 The joint Australian and New Zealand Committee BD-014 has completed work on a new edition of AS/NZS 4505-2012 Garage doors and other large access doors. The standard will be referenced in the National Construction Code for wind regions C and D for doors not exceeding 3 metres in height. “It became clear to us that garage doors were a point of failure during significant events like Cyclone Larry and Cyclone Yasi.” says Adam.
VENTILATION IN BUILDINGS PART 2 MECHANICAL VENTILATION - NEW EDITION OF AS 1668.2-2012 After 18 months in development, we have published a new edition of AS 1668.2 which will be referenced in the NCC from 2013. The revision brings the standard up to date from a technical perspective, and has been substantially improved and restructured. Major changes to the AS 1668.2 standard include: • The concept of the dilution index (from the 2002 edition) has been removed; • Filtration requirements have been updated; • Provisions for natural ventilation relocated to a new standard AS 1668.4 Ventilation in buildings natural ventilation; • Simple and detailed procedures for calculating ventilation rates in car parks incorporated; and
• Procedures for demand control ventilation have been included for variable occupancies. “It is great to see this standard published and industry feedback so far has been very positive” says Adam. “This is a major step forward for us and for the industry. The standard is right up to date, provides innovative solutions for saving energy in a range of applications and the separation of natural and mechanical ventilation has proved to be a great success.”
WORK IN PROGRESS Ongoing vigilance in updating standards is required to ensure we meet contemporary community needs. There are a range of other standards in development. Details are available through the Standards Australia website www.standards.org.au and the Standards Australia Building and Construction Linkedin page
The standard specifies requirements for the design, construction and installation of garage doors and other large access doors not exceeding 3 metres in height. The requirements of the standard are aligned to AS/NZS 1170.2 Structural actions – Part 2 wind actions and AS/ NZS 4505-2012 Wind loads for housing and is now integral to consideration of the requirements of the building envelope.
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
WINDOW BARRIERS – A CHILD SAFETY INITIATIVE By Ron de Veer, Director, Major Projects & Research, ABCB
CHANGE FOR NCC 2013 The expression “prevention is better than cure” certainly applies to the ABCB’s recent decision to improve the safety of young children in buildings. The ABCB has decided to introduce more stringent window barrier requirements in NCC 2013.
WHY IS THE CHANGE NECESSARY? An increasing number of young children are being injured each year after falling out of windows. Without intervention, the situation is likely to worsen as more families with children live in houses or units of two storeys or more. The Children’s Hospital at Westmead (CHW)1 reported that between 1998 and 2008, 75 young children aged five and
under were admitted to the hospital after falling from a window. The falls resulted in one death and one in five serious injuries. Around 75% of the falls were from a ground floor, first floor, or second floor. Overall in NSW, approximately 25 children are admitted to hospital each year after falling from a window. The most common injury is to the head, some of which result in devastating brain injuries.2 The Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit (QISU) reported that between 1998 and 2002, there were 71 presentations to QISU participating hospitals (representing around 25% of hospitals in Queensland). 44% of window falls resulted in intracranial injuries, while a further 17% resulted in fractures. 70% of the children were aged between one and three years and fall distances were typically 2-3m. The problem is not restricted to Australia. There are reports from the
USA of more than 4000 young children falling from windows each year resulting in media campaigns and code changes. However, media campaigns alone were not considered totally effective. For example in New York, it is reported that greater reductions in falls were achieved when the initial education campaign was complemented by enforcement of window safety devices through legislation. A 96% reduction in hospital admissions was recorded.3, 4
WHAT HAS THE ABCB BEEN DOING? The ABCB has been investigating the incidence of slips, trips and falls in buildings for many years since it became aware slips, trips and falls constitute a leading cause of injury and death in buildings.
Photos from CHW report1
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
In 2007, the ABCB commissioned the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) to research whether a relationship exists between the incidence of slips, trips and falls and the design and construction of buildings.
The MUARC report made a number of recommendations, including the installation of window barriers for openable windows in habitable rooms of residential buildings above 2m. This led to the development of proposed code changes, regulation impact assessment, inclusion of the proposals in NCC public comment drafts, consideration at a stakeholder forum and by a working group, and finally consideration by the ABCB Board. In December 2012, the Board decided the changes would apply to bedrooms
of residential buildings. The ABCB will continue to review data and research on the incidence of falls in and from buildings to ensure the NCC delivers an appropriate level of safety for the occupants of buildings.
WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF THE CHANGE? The current NCC requires an 865mm barrier under an openable window where the floor beneath the window is more than 4m above the surface below. The changes to be introduced in NCC 2013 require window barriers for openable windows in early childhood centres and in bedrooms of residential buildings (ie houses, apartments, hotels and the like), where the floor below the window is more than 2m above the surface beneath. Young children are most at risk from window falls in these buildings. For example, in a bedroom, where young children often play unsupervised, it is common to find beds and other furniture placed under or near windows. While it could be argued that effective supervision would solve the problem, it is unrealistic to expect supervision of young children 24/7.
Examples of suitable window devices: Photos from CHW report1
the window opening, or a suitable screen, so a 125mm sphere (the size of a young child’s head) cannot pass through. The device or screen can have a child resistant release mechanism (eg a key lock) which can enable the device or screen to be removed, unlocked or overridden, so for example the window can be cleaned. A barrier is not required for windows 1.7m or more above the floor.
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Working Party for the Prevention of Children Falling from Residential Buildings, Outcomes Report, February 2011
Sydney Morning Herald (11,Thu 16 Feb 2012)
American Academy of Pediatrics: Committee on injury and poison prevention. Falls from heights: windows, roofs, and balconies. Pediatrics 2001;107(5):1188-91.
Pressley JC, Barlow B. Child and adolescent injury as a result of falls from buildings and structures. Injury Prevention 2005;11:267–273.
The NCC changes will require the window to be fitted with either a device to restrict
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
SLIP RESISTANCE IN THE NCC By John Kennedy, Director Major Projects & Research, ABCB (Photos courtesy of Safe Environments) As many practitioners would be aware the NCC contains requirements for the finishes of surfaces including stair landings, stair treads and ramps to be “non-slip”, “non-skid” or “slip-resistant”. However, the NCC does not detail what the terms mean and what are the differences between them, if any. This ambiguity, and the situation that none of the terms are quantified, means that individuals must interpret their application, in some cases requiring expensive solutions or restricting surface finish options while in other cases possibly under-specifying surface finishes leading to unsafe solutions. As a result, practitioners are regularly seeking clarification on ways to verify compliance with the NCC.
NCC SCOPE AND APPLICATION The NCC does not require all walking surfaces to be “non-slip”, “non-skid” or “slip-resistant”. For Volume One it is only required for stairways (landings and treads), ramps and around swimming pool slings (lifting device for a person
with a disability). For Volume Two it is only the stair treads. The NCC provisions reflect the minimum required community standard and does not consider specific commercial or industrial surfaces that could be contaminated by processes. Occupational health and safety issues are addressed under separate legislation to building control legislation and usually regulate maintenance of the surfaces and the type of footwear worn. To comply with these requirements, Standards Australia has an advisory handbook and it contains recommendations for many applications, however, these are not considered to fall within the scope of the NCC. Likewise, cleaning up after an accidental spill in public or commercial premises is a management responsibility and again not an NCC matter.
Wet pendulum slip test
standard to be suitable for regulatory reference and is therefore not currently referenced in the NCC. Interestingly, a large range of products are available that already meet this standard. This is partly due to the standard containing a number of test methods which are used internationally. Standards Australia has been revising AS/NZS 4586 and the new edition is expected to be released early in 2013.
TESTING STANDARD AS/NZS 4586 (2004) titled “Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials” is the current Australian Standard for testing and classifying surfaces. In the past the ABCB’s peak technical committee has not considered this Ramp slip test
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
Dry friction slip test
Previously identified testing issues have been addressed and it now includes carpets within the standard’s scope. Carpets will be particularly important if the NCC provisions were to require classification to the standard. The standard contains both on-site and laboratory tests, and has improved the requirements for the conditioning of test slider rubbers. This makes preferable a change to the classification nomenclature for wet pendulum test results and dry floor friction test results. In addition, many of the perceived deficiencies of the testing have been resolved by the Standards Australia committee BD-094. If you reviewed the public comment draft of NCC 2013 you would be aware that quantifying the qualitative terms “non-slip”, “non-skid” or “slip-resistant” and referencing AS/NZS 4586 in NCC 2013 were proposed, however referencing of the Standard and defining of the terms has been deferred until the revision is complete.
Lighting Calculator
It is anticipated that the revised standard AS 4586 (2013) and amended text for the NCC “non-slip”, “non-skid” or “slipresistant” provisions will appear in the public comment draft for NCC 2014.
REVISED NCC PROPOSALS FOR 2014 It is proposed that the revised provisions will detail minimum standard classification for new surfaces and apply only to ramps, landings and treads. The classification will be for dry and wet conditions; the wet condition being for outdoor surfaces and where the surface is expected to normally be wet, such as at a ramp or sling into a pool or steps in a locker room. The proposals are intended to address the different interests of stakeholders and the need to meet free-trade obligations as well as providing certainty for practitioners.
Available on our website www.abcb.gov.au for more information
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
WEATHER OR NOT CONDENSATION IS A RISK By Bruce Lightfoot, Director Major Projects & Research, ABCB In a season when readers’ interest in condensation might be limited to watching droplets form on a glass of something cool, this article boldly ponders the question of how to identify and compare local climates at risk of condensation. The article on condensation in Issue 9 of the ABRB discussed how to manage condensation risks at home, covering issues such as: • building and health risks from condensation and high indoor humidity • the need to understand local temperature and humidity conditions • daily activities and habits that can drive up indoor humidity • benefits of ducting indoor moisture sources directly to the outside • benefits of ventilating through windows and doors • historical changes to insulation levels • tips for identifying and reducing sources of indoor moisture The same article introduced work towards a second edition of the 2011 ABCB Condensation Handbook; with the aim of providing further coverage and illustration of risks and remedies. Part of that work involves looking at how climate variations across Australia affect the risk.
point, the greater the potential for condensation. Knowing where outdoor minimum temperatures ever fall to or beyond dew points can identify locations at particular risk. Knowing how far they fall allows comparison of several locations. As an example of this approach, Figure 1 shows the months at risk in Mount Gambier (SA) and how far temperatures drop below dew points in each month. Outdoor condensation appears possible during nine months, with the most severe risk occurring in June.
IDENTIFYING LOCAL CLIMATES WITH CONDENSATION RISKS Although systems of classifying climates for condensation potential have been developed overseas, there is no consensus at present on similar approaches to Australian climates. The eight climate zones for the NCC energy efficiency provisions were not intended to predict condensation risk and use only broadly defined humidity criteria. The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) publishes maps of climate classifications based on three different classification schemes, but their usefulness in assessing building condensation risk remains to be tested. In the meantime, BOM climate statistics might offer a starting point for risk evaluation in specific locations. The BOM climate record includes data for monthly averages of dew point and minimum temperatures. When moist air is cooled to its dew point, water vapour in the air can begin to condense. The further the air temperature falls below the dew
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
Mt Gambier dew point
-0.5°C -1.0°C -1.5°C -2.0°C -2.5°C
Figure 1: Duration and severity of risk in a sample location
Figure 2 highlights differences between two locations in the same NCC climate zone (climate zone 6 in this case). Richmond (NSW) has a similar severity (or worst case result) to Mount Gambier, but it occurs in May instead of June and only five months, not nine, are flagged for condensation risk.
A review of nearly 90 locations across Australia using this approach confirms how strongly risk depends on local climate. About 50 locations have climatic conditions that favour condensation formation in one or more months in an average year. The duration of such risk in individual localities ranges from just one month to the whole year and accounts for more than 40% of all months in affected locations.
OTHER APPLICATIONS OF BOM DATA Although this article describes a test for possible outdoor condensation, the same BOM data sources can help to predict risk in other situations, such as: • indoor and interstitial condensation risk for air conditioned buildings; • condensation under roofs affected by night sky cooling; • condensation in ventilated sub-floor spaces; • condensation in ventilated wall cavities; • health effects of elevated humidity levels indoors; and • low ventilation levels.
Figure 2: Comparison of two locations
Later ABRB articles may discuss these applications and other topics such as changes to the building envelope made by energy efficiency measures. Consultation about the method outlined here has started and its development will continue with the aim of presenting climatic information of practical use to designers and readers of the revised Handbook.
If the severity of outdoor condensation risk is compared across more locations, the wide variation of risk within NCC climate zones becomes clear. Figure 3 shows the largest temperature drops below dew points for 16 locations in NCC climate zone 6. Most of the worst cases occur in June, but two occur in May. The marginal risk indicated for Cape Otway (Vic) arises in September, November and December. Mount Lofty (SA) and Nowra (NSW) show no identified risk at all.
Mt Gambier and Richmond dew point
-0.5°C -1.0°C -1.5°C -2.0°C
Mt Gambier Richmond
Figure 3: Comparison of risk severity in a single NCC climate zone
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
PRODUCT COMPLIANCE: EYES WIDE OPEN OR BLIND FAITH By Kristin Brookfield, Senior Executive Director, Building, Development and Environment,Housing Industry Association With changing building standards and an ever increasing stream of products being sourced from overseas, ensuring customers get what they paid for is becoming a key issue for the building industry. The Housing Industry Association (HIA) has taken up the debate on product compliance and is working on a range of initiatives aimed at improving the state of play. Australian manufacturers will face a raft of changes in their business environment as new taxes take effect, workplace laws continue to evolve, health and safety laws change, and environmental targets and programs continue to be rolled out by all levels of government. With more and more building products being manufactured offshore, and with increased access to these products through the internet the need to focus on compliance with building standards and ensuring a level playing field for Australian manufacturers has never been greater. With this in mind, HIA has opened up the debate about how the current regime for building product compliance operates in Australia and is identifying ways to ensure manufacturers compete on a level playing field. And just as importantly, that builders and consumers can trust the products they buy, to do what they are intended to do.
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
BUILDING PRODUCTS: A COMPLIANCE FREE ZONE? Such is the interest in this issue that it was the central theme of HIA’s third annual Building Better Cities Summit held in Melbourne in March 2012. The summit, entitled Building Products: A compliance free zone? brought together a well-credentialed array of Australian and international experts from manufacturing, government and product certification - including John Thwaites, Chair of the Australian Building Codes Board. Ron Dwyer, HIA National President, John Thwaites, ABCB Chairman, Shane Goodwin, HIA Managing Director
There is no doubt that the problem of non-genuine and non-tested building materials and components making their way into Australian residential buildings is growing. The issue has been on the agenda of our manufacturing members for some time and is of equal interest to builders who have to rely on these products to be fit for purpose. There is an important role for imported building products and components in Australia, some of which can be cheaper, and many of which meet local standards. But it is also clear that many building products aren’t coming up to scratch. The cost of failure and subsequent replacement of substandard materials – and the damage they can cause – invariably outstrips any initial savings on the original purchase. And in the case of structural materials and fixtures such as electrical and sanitary components, the potential cost to health and safety is far greater.
John outlined the ABCB’s role in product certification, including Codemark and Watermark, and invited the audience to provide evidence about their experiences with product certification and the incidence of products not being fit for their intended purpose. A fundamental problem identified by the summit was that inconsistent compliance regimes have led to an uneven playing field between the manufacturers that comply with standards and those that do not. Manufacturers who do the right thing are being disadvantaged against those that don’t invest in producing products that meet Australian Standards nor ensure they have adequate information to demonstrate compliance.
INDUSTRY LEADING THE WAY In response to the concern about product certification and the overwhelming support from members to see HIA respond, a number of initiatives were put forward at the end of the summit.
In addition to exploring a product compliance register, HIA has undertaken to: • further scope the extent of noncompliance by seeking feedback from manufacturers and builders; • work with the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) in their review of the existing Codemark and Watermark certification schemes; • work collaboratively with existing credible industry based compliance programs to ensure their ongoing success; and • develop an industry education and information program to increase the understanding among builders, contractors and suppliers about the importance of compliance. We are in the business of supplying innovative and world-class housing for all Australians. It is essential to the sustainability of our industry into the future that our customers have confidence in the product they are buying.
These investigations will take into account other compliance schemes already operating through industry groups, such as windows, engineered wood products and steel. The intention of the scheme is to provide a simple, single point of reference for users to find relevant technical information about a building product to show that it meets the minimum requirements under the Building Code of Australia. The Scheme will require the company manufacturing or supplying the product to be ‘endorsed’, allowing that company to then put forward individual products for listing. The register will provide information about the product, including whether it is required to be tested or certified. If the product is not required to be tested, then this information would not be compulsory. To be a success, a scheme would need the buy-in of government as well as industry, so it will require an extensive consultation process. But the extent of the problem means that we can’t afford to ignore it.
IS IT TIME TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM? In 2013, the ABCB will undertake a review of Codemark, a scheme that is considered by many in the building industry and manufacturing sector to have been less successful than
ESTABLISHING A PRODUCT REGISTER The hope for the register is not to create more administration or set new standards. Rather it is to make proof of compliance easy to understand and easy to find for builders, building certifiers and consumers. The Register is intended to be a free online portal where product compliance information can be obtained. Consultation is now underway with manufacturers, suppliers, builders and relevant government agencies to determine the viability of an industry run building product register.
The cornerstone will be the development of options for an industry - led product registration scheme. Builders, manufacturers, certifiers and consumers should be able to satisfy themselves that a product is compliant and fit for the purpose and know the conditions under which it should be used. A register could be supported by a manufacturer-applied compliance mark to show it conforms to a credible product standard.
originally hoped. The reasons for this are many and varied, but the reality is that Codemark sits within an Australian product compliance regime that is not well administered and is complex due to the nature of our performance based BCA. Manufacturers, builders and building certifiers all have real concerns about the current regime: • what type of evidence of suitability should a building product be required to have? • who should be responsible for: – setting a standard for product compliance? – checking that the product does what it says? – taking action when a product doesn’t do what it claims to do? – checking products manufactured locally? and, – checking products manufacturer off-shore? Some would contend there is almost as much risk to a customer in accepting product certification as there is in not asking for it. And this leaves manufacturers, suppliers, builders, certifiers and government with a real problem. How can we have confidence in the products we buy and the certification we receive? The challenge for industry and regulators is to ensure that the outcome is not just more bureaucracy and red tape. Solutions will need to have a positive cost-benefit and not result in a burden on those manufacturers already complying, who may be seen as the easy targets. The current situation appears to be more a case of having blind faith that if someone sells it or someone else has used it before, then it must be complaint. The truth is, having confidence in product certification has become difficult, the real facts can be very hard to find even with your eyes wide open. For any further information, please contact Kristin Brookfield at k.brookfield@hia.com.au.
Shane Goodwin, HIA Managing Director
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
CREATING A MORE VIBRANT CITY AND STRENGTHENING PRIVATE CERTIFICATION IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA By Don Freeman, General Manager, Planning Division, Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure
CREATING A MORE VIBRANT CITY One of the key priority areas for the South Australian Government is the creation of a vibrant city environment that will encourage people to both visit and live in the heart of Adelaide. This is being achieved through a program aimed at making better use of urban spaces (such as laneways) and empty buildings, and encouraging new residential development. The program includes a revitalized Adelaide Oval and Riverbank Precinct; encouraging the reuse of existing buildings; a stronger pedestrian and cycling focus on city streets; and new planning policies that allow for more mixed use development and less restrictive building heights. This ambitious program relies on building relationships between state and local government to achieve the desired outcomes. It also has implications for both planning and building policies, particularly in the area of finding new uses for existing buildings. Some of these uses include small bars, multi-use community spaces that might be used for art events or as small performance venues and the conversion of buildings for residential accommodation. Rejuvenating and reusing buildings often means finding a balance between a reasonable level of occupant health and safety for the proposed use while
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
maintaining the economic viability of the building (in terms of a return on investment for the building owner). In Adelaide the three most common building issues are earthquake resistance, fire safety and disability access. These are often associated with a change in building classification. While the city centre is the current focus of attention, a similar program is being undertaken for Port Adelaide which also has a mix of empty buildings in need of rejuvenation and new uses, many of which are of historic significance. There are spin-offs from these programs for other urban areas where the Planning Strategy envisages new higher density development around transport nodes and along major transport corridors. In these areas the combination
of mixed land uses and close proximity to high levels of transport noise mean that the effective treatment of buildings for external noise is a critical factor in attracting people. The Bowden redevelopment on the edge of the Parklands, and within 3kms of the CBD, is the first such area to put the new policies into effect. New planning and building policies have been developed which will be triggered by an Air and Noise Emissions Overlay in council development plans. For building policy, this mapping will identify the areas where a new Minister’s Specification will apply. The Minister’s Specification provides performance based criteria for acceptable internal noise levels (arising from external noise); how to measure the distance to the noise source for establishing
registration of engineers; additional levels of private certification; and the types of certificates that can be submitted by engineers, ranging from self certification through to fully independent certification of a design. Consultation on this Paper will be in early 2013.
the necessary construction category, and deemed-to-satisfy provisions for the construction categories. A comprehensive design Guideline has been produced to assist the industry understand how design can be used to minimise noise impacts.
Parliament recently passed a Bill, to amend the Development Act 1993, which enables the private certification of some planning matters. The Development Regulations 2008 will now be amended and the mandatory Code of Practice will also be changed to complete the framework for allowing private certifiers to undertake the assessment of planning matters. It is expected that these changes will streamline housing approvals by reducing waiting times and improving the processing of a large number of low impact, low risk residential development applications. For further information, you can contact Don Freeman on (08) 8303 0669.
STRENGTHENING PRIVATE CERTIFICATION The role of the private certification system in South Australia is to be strengthened as part of a broader objective for expanding it to include planning considerations for low risk development, within set parameters. In 2009 a Select Committee on Private Certifiers made a number of recommendations for improving the current system. A high priority was the introduction of auditing for private certifiers and the building assessment function in councils. On 1 July 2012, new regulations came into effect that enabled auditing to be implemented. An auditor has been appointed and a number of pilot audits are being undertaken to verify procedures before commencing a full audit program in 2013. Concurrently work has been undertaken on a strengthened Code of Practice. Initial workshops with the industry indicated that as well as making changes to the Code of Practice, there is a strong desire for practice notes to more fully explain what is expected. Accordingly, 22 Practice Notes have been developed to clearly articulate the level of performance expected when a person undertakes a statutory function. These Practice Notes cover a wide variety of topics such as competency; conflict of interest; relationships with clients; relationships with other authorities; quality of assessments; assessing risks; alternative solutions; reliance on certification by others; and making decisions. The Select Committee also made a number of inter-related recommendations proposing more fundamental changes to the private certification system; these are the subject of a Discussion Paper. The issues covered in the Paper include the establishment of an independent registration authority; the
Are you managing, selling, leasing or subleasing commercial ofce space? The Commercial Building Disclosure Program mandates the disclosure of energy efciency in large commercial ofce spaces. The Building Energy Efciency Disclosure Act 2010 requires that before sale, lease or sublease, most commercial ofce buildings with a net lettable area of 2000m² or more, need to disclose an up-to-date energy efciency rating in a Building Energy Efciency Certicate (BEEC). BEECs are valid for up to 12 months, must be publicly accessible on the online Building Energy Efciency Register, and include: • a NABERS Energy star rating for the building • an assessment of tenancy lighting in the area of the building that is being sold or leased and • general energy efciency guidance. The NABERS Energy star rating must also be included in any advertisement for the sale, lease or sublease of the ofce space. The Commercial Building Disclosure Program creates a well informed property market and stimulates demand and investment in energy efcient buildings. For more information about the Commercial Building Disclosure Program visit www.cbd.gov.au or email info@cbd.gov.au. AG65703
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
ABCB HANDBOOKS 10 20 on iti Ed
Using On-site Renewable and Reclaimed Energy Sources
Applying energy efficiency provisions to new building work associated with existing Class 2 to 9 buildings
Condensation in Buildings
Landslide Hazards
NoN-MaNdatory docuMeNt
Handbook NoN-MaNdatory docuMeNt
Sound Insulation
Digital Building Telecommunications Access
Handbook NoN-MaNdatory docuMeNt
BCA Section J Assessment and Verification of an Alternative Solution
Energy Efficiency Provisions for Electricians and Plumbers
2004 2006
Non-Mandatory Document
Handbook NoN-MaNdatory docuMeNt
NoN-MaNdatory docuMeNt
Digital TV Antenna Systems
Construction of Buildings in Flood Hazard Areas Digital TV Antenna Systems for Homes
2012 2009
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) and the participating Governments are committed to enhancing the availability and dissemination of information relating to the built environment. Where appropriate, the ABCB seeks to develop non-regulatory solutions to building related issues. These Handbooks are non-mandatory and are designed to assist in making information on these topics readily available.
The Handbooks are freely available from www.abcb.gov.au The following title is coming soon...
Lifts Used During Evacuation
Lifts Used During Evacuation
GET AHEAD WITH THE ABCB CADETSHIP PROGRAM The ABCB Cadetship Program is not your average graduate position. Candidates are provided with the unique opportunity to work with the team that develops the National Construction Code (NCC), a series of documents that is utilised by architects, building surveyors, engineers, plumbers and builders, throughout Australia. Twelve months with us could boost your career and open doors for you in both private and government sectors. The Program has been underway since 2002, with all 22 cadets successfully completing their Cadetship. Many have stayed on to become senior technical staff, while others have returned to study or have accepted positions in industry. Whatever they choose to do, the Australian building and plumbing sector benefits; ABCB Cadets are upskilled future practitioners, with NCC know-how and an understanding of building regulatory reform. ABR caught up with two former cadets, to find out how the Program has enhanced their careers… Stephanie Wake applied for the ABCB Cadetship while completing her undergraduate studies in architecture. During her team rotations she was introduced to the work of the ABCB and the BCA (now NCC) in greater detail. “Learning more certainly didn’t put me off: in all, I spent more than three fantastic years working for the ABCB in different roles before returning to full time study”. “Professionally, my experience at the ABCB has been nothing but beneficial. Unlike some of my design peers who limit themselves working within the DTS provisions of the code, I am very comfortable working
with the Performance Requirements. Understanding the intent of a clause helps me to develop designs that are both innovative and compliant, delivering outcomes that are in line with client expectations and often more cost effective than the DTS provisions alone”. In addition to the thorough technical knowledge that was learned on the job, Stephanie was able to work with some extremely experienced and professional people from diverse professional backgrounds. “It’s hard to articulate just how generous and supportive my managers and colleagues were with both their time and knowledge”. Having worked in multidisciplinary teams within the ABCB, as well as with a diverse range of industry representatives, Stephanie was also better able to appreciate the complex demands the code places on different professions and products. “I believe that this knowledge will continue to be an asset as I gain more experience in the building industry”. Stephanie completed her Masters in Architecture in November 2012. The knowledge that she gained from her studies, combined with the practical experience of the Cadetship, put her in good stead as she begins working towards registration as an architect. Wonsdor Ung undertook the Cadetship in 2008, and worked at the ABCB for a further three years, primarily on the economics of building regulation. “A cadetship with the ABCB provides you with unparalleled advantages in industry. You will develop NCC knowledge that even experienced certifiers in the field don’t have. And you’ll have the unique opportunity to work with a team of very capable professionals who have made their careers in writing and developing the code”.
the ABCB will assist you to complete your course work, because you’ll have a much greater understanding of building regulation and how to apply it in industry”. Wonsdor now works for the NT Government as a Building Technical Officer. “I recommend the cadetship to anyone thinking of a career in the built environment” he says. “ABCB experience on your CV is highly regarded and is the main reason I now have the opportunity to work in the Top End”. The ABCB is currently seeking applicants for the 2014 Cadetship Program. Are you ready to take your career to the next level like Stephanie and Wonsdor? If you are studying towards, or have qualifications in the following areas, we’d like to hear from you – − Building Certification / Building Surveying; − Building / Built Environment; − Architecture; − Construction Management; and − Plumbing / Hydraulic Design or associated field. Combine your qualifications with the practical experience of an ABCB Cadetship and get ahead with your career. For more information about the Program visit the ABCB website at www.abcb.gov.au and follow the prompts, or contact Rebecca Hanrahan at Rebecca.Hanrahan@abcb.gov.au or on 02 6276 1854.
“If you are yet to complete your building related studies, working as a cadet at
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
QUEENSLAND EMBRACES NEW ‘NOTIFIABLE WORK’ PLUMBING REFORMS By the Department of Housing and Public Works, Queensland Government New plumbing reforms to significantly reduce red tape, delays and costs for industry, local governments and consumers in Queensland were introduced on 1 November 2012. The reforms established a new category of plumbing and drainage work called ‘notifiable work’ which has reduced the amount of routine work undertaken by licensed plumbers and drainers that requires government approvals and inspections. More work is also now included in the category of ‘minor work’, which does not require local government approval or notification to the state’s Plumbing Industry Council. Plumbing Industry Council Chairperson and Executive Director of Building Codes Queensland within the Department of Housing and Public Works, Glen Brumby, said the new laws marked the biggest change to the state’s plumbing and drainage industry in many years. “It is now cheaper and faster for most routine plumbing work to be performed in Queensland,” Mr Brumby said. “Previously, plumbing work such as a bathroom or kitchen renovation would have to go through local government approval and inspection processes which could cost up to $1,600 and take up to 20 business days for permits and inspections.
More than 2,000 people attended notifiable work training sessions across Queensland
“Now licensees simply have to notify the Plumbing Industry Council that this type of work has been performed within 10 business days of completing the work and pay a fee of $25 for electronic lodgement or $35 for manual lodgement.
Notifiable work is defined in schedule 2 and minor work is defined in schedule 3 of the Standard Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2003.
“The new process is a major red tape reduction initiative, replacing 73 previous local government processes.”
When a plumber or drainer performs notifiable work, the licensee must submit a Form 4−Notifiable Work to the Plumbing Industry Council either electronically or manually, and the other to the owner/occupier of the property where the work was undertaken.
Notifiable work that would have previously required a local government approval include: • kitchen and bathroom renovations and additions; • extending any length of existing water supply piping; • installing a new electric or gas hot water heater; and • replacing plumbing or drainage pipe. The category of ‘minor work’ was expanded to allow work such as the installation of apparatuses like pumps or cisterns, to be installed without any approvals, forms or fees.
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
Mr Brumby said it was important that the form lodgement system was simple. “The online Plumbing Application Service was developed to enable easy, efficient online lodgement,” he said. “To lodge a form electronically, a licensee must first set up an account with the Plumbing Application Service. The Service includes a top-up facility, making it an easy way for licensees to
to an appropriate standard. Local governments will also be able to target their audit programs towards types of work that pose a higher risk of noncompliance. Mr Brumby said the reforms were expected to save homeowners millions of dollars.
An example of the new Form 4−Notifiable Work
pay lodgement fees and an alternative to paying by credit card for each lodgement. With less than 10 clicks of the mouse, users can lodge a form with the Plumbing Industry Council – a process that would have otherwise required them to complete a form manually and either post or hand deliver it to their local government authority. The fee for electronic lodgement is $25 per form. “However, licensees can still lodge forms manually if they prefer. The fee for manual lodgement is $35 per form.” Mr Brumby said Form 4 books were sent to more than 13,500 licensees across Australia in preparation for the reforms. “Consultation and communication have been vital to the success of this initiative,” Mr Brumby said. “We asked industry for their feedback on the schedule of work and incorporated suggestions into the final documents. “In addition to regular updates to licensees via email, online and through the Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland, we also conducted more than 30 training sessions attended by almost 2,000 people across Queensland. “Fact sheets, user guides and guidelines were published online and a Notifiable Work Hotline was established, which received almost 3,000 calls in the first month. More than 2,300 licensees have already created accounts with the Plumbing Application Service to enable them to lodge forms electronically. “The response from industry has been positive and we are continuing to work with licensees to assist them with the new process.”
MAINTAINING HIGH STANDARDS To ensure that plumbing and drainage work continues to be performed to a high standard, both the Plumbing Industry Council and local governments are responsible for auditing notifiable work. “The Plumbing Industry Council is auditing form lodgement to ensure that licensees are complying with their obligations,” Mr Brumby said. “Officers can request that a licensee provides documentation such as invoices or inventory and supply records. Licensees can face disciplinary action if they refuse to comply with an audit.” Local governments may undertake an audit of notifiable work carried out in their local government area to ensure notifiable work is performed
“Queenslanders are expected to save at least $25 million a year on plumbing application fees for kitchen and bathroom renovations alone,” he said. “In the first month of operation, it is estimated that homeowners saved around $1.5 million on local government application and assessment fees. This is an impressive start to the program given that licensees weren’t expected to lodge a form in the first 10 business days. “These reforms are a ‘win’ for everyone and a boost to Queensland’s plumbing industry.” For more information about notifiable work, call the Plumbing Industry Council Notifiable Work Hotline on 1800 264 585, visit www.hpw.qld.gov.au/ notifiablework or email plumbers@qld. gov.au. To subscribe to receive the latest news from Building Codes Queensland, email buildingcodes@qld.gov.au with your details.
NOTIFIABLE WORK Type of plumbing and drainage work
Before 1 November 2012
After 1 November 2012
• Costs $300 to $1600 in application fees (depending on type of work). • Time delays of up to 20 days for approvals and additional time delays waiting for inspections at different stages of work. • Three page application form for compliance assessment to be completed.
• Costs $25 (online submission) or $35 (manual submission). • Online form can be completed in under five minutes. • Printed form (size of a CD case) is smaller than the previous form. • No time delays for approvals or inspections.
Installing an apparatus such as a pump or domestic water filter
• Costs $300 to $1600 in application fees (depending on type of work). • Time delays of up to 20 days for approvals, and additional time delays waiting for inspections at different stages of work. • Three page application form for compliance assessment to be completed.
• No forms or payments required. • No time delays for approvals or inspections. • Must still be performed by a licensed person.
Replacing a domestic water filter cartridge
• Licensee required to perform work.
• No forms or payments required. • No time delays for approvals or inspections. • May be performed by an unlicensed person.
Replacing a water closet cistern
• Costs $300 to $1600 in application fees (depending on type of work). • Time delays of up to 20 days for approvals, and additional time delays waiting for inspections at different stages of work. • Three page application form for compliance assessment to be completed.
• No forms or payments required. • No time delays for approvals or inspections. • Must be performed by a licensed person.
Installing new items in a bathroom renovation Extending any length of existing water supply piping Installing a new electric or gas hot water heater Replacing plumbing or drainage pipe
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
BACKGROUND The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission (VBRC) was established to investigate the causes and responses to bushfires that swept through parts of Victoria in early 2009. During the course of its deliberations, the VBRC investigated seven fatalities attributed to people seeking shelter within improvised ‘bushfire bunkers’ and identified that the design and construction of this type of structure was not regulated within Australia. In response, the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) determined that it would develop national requirements for ‘bushfire bunkers’ and in April 2010 the ABCB Performance Standard for Private Bushfire Shelters. Part 1 (Standard) was published. Volume Two of the National Construction Code (NCC) was subsequently amended to include a new Performance Requirement P2.3.5, which requires a ‘private bushfire shelter’ to be designed and constructed to provide a tenable environment for occupants during the passage of untenable conditions arising from a bushfire event. While there are no Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for this Performance Requirement, the Standard offers guidance toward achieving compliance with the provision. A copy of the ABCB Standard can be downloaded at http://www.abcb.gov.au/educationevents-resources/publications/~/ media/Files/Download%20Documents/ Education%20and%20Training/ Handbooks/2010_Performance_ Standard_for_PBS.ashx
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
The Standard contains a number of sections 1. Design Standards; 2. Design Requirements; 3. Design Considerations; and 4. Ancillary Information. The ‘Design Requirements’ section of the Standard includes Table 2.4, which presents ‘Acceptance Criteria’ for nominated components of the Performance Requirement; one of which is ‘occupant tenability within a shelter’. Two basic human functions that are related to the provision of tenable conditions within a sealed environment, such as a private bushfire shelter, are; (i) respiration; and (ii) body core temperature. Factors that can influence the ability of an occupant to sustain a tolerable body core temperature within a sealed bushfire shelter would be air temperature and relative humidity. Consequently, ‘Acceptance Criteria’ for this critical component of design are central to the overall performance of a bushfire shelter. This perception led the ABCB to seek expert advice from the Department of Defence (DoD). In response, the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) and Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) proposed the “Acceptance Criteria’ currently included within Table 2.4 for the components of design titled ‘Interior maximum temperature’ and ‘Interior mean Modified Discomfort Index’ (MDI). In doing so, the DoD acknowledged that their quantified criteria should be the subject of future research.
RESEARCH ON OCCUPANT TENABILITY Following the release of the Standard, the ABCB liaised with the DoD and subsequently with the University of Wollongong (UoW), to develop a research program to empirically validate the Acceptance Criteria as being appropriate measures for quantifying tenable conditions within a sealed bushfire shelter. The ABCB is extremely thankful for the assistance provided by these organisations in forming and conducting the program. The brief for the research program posed three questions – (i) Can someone tolerate an exposure to a Modified Discomfort Index of 39o without experiencing either a critical core temperature of 42oC or a 2oC core temperature elevation? (ii) In an enclosed air-tight room, what is the rate of increase in relative humidity (water vapour pressure) and ambient (air) temperature due to human (occupancy) thermoregulation? (iii) What is the rise in body core temperature during a 1-hour exposure in an enclosed room that has an increasing temperature and relative humidity? The ABCB subsequently contracted the UoW to conduct a three stage research program to investigate and respond to each of the questions presented in the brief.
STAGE 1 Stage 1 of the program addressed the question; “Can someone tolerate an exposure to a Modified Discomfort Index of 39o without experiencing either a critical core temperature of 42oC or a 2oC core temperature elevation?” In Stage 1, 8 men and 8 women individually participated in 6 experiments conducted under standardised conditions, i.e. a total of 96 experiments. All subjects were aged between 19 and 24, were healthy and represented a wide range of body shapes and sizes. All experiments were conducted within a climate-controlled chamber that enabled the nominated thermal conditions to remain stable, and these ranged from 40oC air temperature (70% relative humidity (RH)) to 50oC (30% RH). In alternate experiments, each participant was pre-heated to each of two thermal states; i.e. a core temperature of 37.5oC and 38.5oC. These pre-heated states were designed to represent slight (37.5oC) and moderate (38.5oC) hyperthermia. In addition, all participants were slightly dehydrated before starting (2% body mass loss), which was achieved through a combination of pre-experimental heating (whole-body water bath) and exercise (treadmill). Pre-heating and dehydrating participants prior to conducting experiments was intended to reflect the likely physical conditions of people undertaking activities such as extinguishing spot fires in a high temperature environment, prior to entering a bushfire shelter. The standard suite of conditions to which each participant was subjected is presented in the Table below.
The Shelter Simulator used in Stage 2 experiments
In each experiment, participants were exposed to the specified MDI for 60 minutes and during this period physiological strain, primarily body core temperature and heart rate, as well as changes in cognitive function were monitored.
STAGE 1 RESULTS Results of the Stage 1 research provided preliminary support for a maximal mean Modified Discomfort Index of 390 for 60 minutes as an acceptable criterion for occupant tenability within a sealed private bushfire shelter. Due to high levels of cardiovascular strain measured during the experiments, it was recommended that the ABCB modify the existing Standard to reference possible adverse effects on people who are aged, frail, in poor health or with cardiovascular disease, when occupying a sealed private bushfire shelter. This recommended has since been implemented.
RH %
- 2%
- 2%
- 2%
- 2%
- 2%
- 2%
Details of the results of the Stage 1 experiments are provided in a research report available on our website at www.abcb.gov.au.
STAGE 2 Stage 2 of the program addressed the question; “In an enclosed air-tight room, what is the rate of increase in relative humidity (water vapour pressure) and ambient (air) temperature due to human (occupancy) thermoregulation?” In Stage 2, 16 participants aged 19-40 years were individually exposed to an initial Modified Discomfort Index of 39o (air temperature 45oC and relative humidity 50%), while seated within a 1.2 m3 custom-made, air-tight and insulated bushfire shelter simulator, which was housed within a climatecontrolled chamber. Prior to each experiment, individual participants were again pre-heated to 38oC, but in a normally hydrated state, and during these experiments were required to consume 900 mL of fluid. Only male participants were used in Stage 2 in order to ensure that high levels of sweat were produced during occupation of the simulator. After a participant entered the simulator, the entry door was sealed, which isolated the environment within the simulator from the environment within the climate-controlled chamber.
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
REGULATORY DEVELOPMENT Details of the results of the Stage 2 experiments are provided in a research report available on our website at www.abcb.gov.au.
STAGE 3 Stage 3 of the program addressed the question; “What is the rise in body core temperature during a 1-hour exposure in an enclosed room that has an increasing temperature and relative humidity?” In Stage 3; 8 men and 8 women aged between 19 and 26 and representing a wide range of body shapes and sizes, individually participated in two experiments within the climate-controlled chamber. Prior to exposure, each participant was again pre-heated to a core temperature of 38oC and partially dehydrated (2% body mass loss). Participants were then separately exposed to each of two conditions representing a Modified Discomfort index of 39o: 40oC (70% RH) and 45oC (50% RH).
A volunteer sitting in a 41oC water bath as part of the process of ‘pre-heating’ prior to participation in experiments.
During each experiment physiological strain was quantified, primarily occupant heart rate and body core temperature, and within the simulator; air temperature, relative humidity and fractional concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide were monitored.
STAGE 2 RESULTS Results of the Stage 2 research demonstrated that occupants in an appropriately constructed shelter were not exposed to a dangerous elevation in air temperature, and that changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels did not present a significant risk to health of occupants. Due to significant sweating of occupants, the relative humidity within the simulator rose exponentially to ≈90% by the end of experiments. However, the rise did not produce a 2oC rise in body core temperature, nor a body core temperature of 42oC during the 60 minute exposure (See also research Question 1).
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
Similarly, it was possible to predict that a critical body core temperature of 42oC would be unlikely to occur before 145 minutes under Stage 2 exposure conditions. Details of the results of the Stage 3 experiments are provided in a research report available on our website at www.abcb.gov.au.
CONCLUSIONS Results of the Stage 1 experiments demonstrated that healthy, pre-heated and mildly dehydrated individuals can be exposed to a constant Modified Discomfort Index of 39o for 60 minutes, regardless of combinations of air temperature and relative humidity that produce this MDI. Stage 2 experiments demonstrated that healthy, pre-heated individuals can safely occupy an air-tight shelter simulator, with an initial MDI of 39o, for 60 minutes regardless of change in air temperature, relative humidity, oxygen and carbon dioxide.
However, during each experiment air temperature and relative humidity were deliberately modified at 10 minute intervals to replicate changes observed during Stage 2 experiments, i.e. when individuals were placed within the air-tight shelter simulator. Occupant physiological strain was also measured; primarily heart rate and body core temperature.
STAGE 3 RESULTS From the body core temperature data it was possible to predict that a 2oC rise in occupant body core temperature would not occur within 68 minutes of exposure to Stage 2 thermal conditions.
A volunteer in the Shelter Simulator prior to commencing a Stage 2 experiment
From data gained during Stage 3 experiments it was possible to predict that a 2oC rise in body core temperature, or a critical body core temperature of 42oC, would not occur within a 60 minute occupation of an air-tight shelter simulator with an MDI of 39o. In summary, this ABCB research program has demonstrated that the ‘Acceptance Criteria’, for design components ‘Interior maximum temperature’ and ‘Interior mean Modified Discomfort Index’, should facilitate a tenable environment within a private bushfire shelter designed and constructed in accordance with the ABCB Standard. It must be emphasized however that private bushfire shelters are not a stand-alone solution to mitigating life safety risk. Technical building standards are only one measure of a need for a comprehensive set of measures to counteract the effects of a bushfire event that include effective land-use planning, fuel management and emergency services strategies. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee that the installation of a private bushfire shelter built in accordance with the design requirements in the ABCB Standard will eliminate the risk of serious injury or death.
Stage 2 – Oxygen within the sealed Shelter Simulator
REFERENCES Taylor, N.A.S., Haberley. B.J., and Hoyle. D.J.R. (2012a). Human trials to evaluate thermal performance specifications for private bushfire shelters. Part 1: The impact of a constant Modified Discomfort Index of 390. UOW-CHAPHPL-Report-050. Human Performance Laboratories, University of Wollongong, Australia. Pp.1-34. Taylor, N.A.S., Haberley. B.J., Hoyle D.J.R. and Croft. J.C, (2012b). Human trials to evaluate thermal performance specifications for private bushfire shelters. Part 2: The impact of changes in air temperature, water vapour pressure and carbon dioxide concentration within an air-tight shelter simulator. UOW-CHAP-HPL-Report-051. Human Performance Laboratories, University of Wollongong, Australia. Pp.1-29. Taylor, N.A.S., Haberley. B.J., Hoyle
Stage 2 – Relative Humidity within the sealed Shelter Simulator
D.J.R. and Croft. J.C,. (2012c). Human trials to evaluate thermal performance specifications for private bushfire shelters. Part 3: The impact of changes in air temperature and water vapour pressure on hyperthermic men and
women. UOW-CHAP-HPL-Report-052. Human Performance Laboratories, University of Wollongong. Australia. Pp.1-22.
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
THE IRCC - LEARNING AND BUILDING ON PERFORMANCEBASED REGULATORY SYSTEMS By Mike Balch, Deputy General Manager, ABCB The Inter-Jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee (IRCC) is an international building regulatory collaboration committee. The IRCC is an unaffiliated committee consisting of the lead building regulatory agencies and organisations from thirteen countries. The purpose of the IRCC is to advance at an international level, framework, guide and support documents on construction-related regulatory environment issues relative to the development, implementation, and support of performance-based regulatory systems. The focus of the IRCC is to identify the broad public policy, regulatory infrastructure, education, and technology issues related to managing the successful implementation and continuation of construction-related performance-based regulatory systems. The intent is to advance a common understanding of the international regulatory environment, to promote the exchange of information, and to facilitate a more open environment of inter-jurisidictional commerce in the areas of building design and construction. The IRCC is chaired by the USA, the Secretariat is provided by Australia and the website is currently hosted by Canada. The Committee meet each year and the last meeting was held in Singapore in October 2012. The agenda included a dedicated session on the review and possible re-development of the International Fire Engineering Guidelines. A half day was dedicated to a workshop on “product non-conformance” and
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
included guest speakers from Europe, Japan and Singapore.
• Width of doors and corridors in escape routes (Austria); and
The meeting agenda items for discussion included papers on Smoke Detection – false alarms (Australia), Photoluminescent Exit Signs and their use in regulation (Australia), Roadmap for Fire Safety (Netherlands) and Fire Safety in Green Buildings (US). The meeting also discussed the growing issue of “technical enquiries” which is a process that facilitates fast responses from members to technical issues/ discussion posted by a member. To date these technical enquiries have included:
• Investigation of elevator accidents (Japan).
• The use of regulatory impact assessment methods within the process of developing regulations (Netherlands); • Quantifying benefits of performancebased regimes (Australia); • Requirements on daylight reflectance (Singapore); • Licensing and registration of fire trade contractors for fire protection systems (Singapore); • Aged care facilities – requirements for fire safety (Australia); • The significant increasing cost of standards and the options for regulation (Sweden); • The regulation of stair treads and risers (Canada); • Requirements to limit the ornamental design aspect of guards in order to reduce the probability of children climbing guards and accidentally falling over (Canada); • Carbon monoxide poisoning from combustion appliances (Scotland) ; • Fire-retardant safety netting for buildings under construction (Singapore);
The IRCC has also produced a number of detailed reports that are available from the IRCC website at http://www.irccbuildingregulations.org. Amongst these reports are: • Performanced-based building regulatory systems, principles and experiences; • Codes for existing buildings – different approaches for different countries; • The role of standards in a performance-based regulatory system; and • Role of acceptable solutions in evaluating innovative designs. The IRCC website also includes the summaries and outcomes from workshops that have been hosted by members. These include: • Workshop on international perspectives on the role of building regulation in responding to the challenges of climate change; • Workshop on automated rule checking of BIM for performancebased building regulations; • Workshop on international perspectives on the role of building regulation in responding to the challenges of climate change; • Workshop on care facilities; and • Workshop on building products in building codes and inspection.
National Construction Code Awareness Resource Kits Information at your fingertips The ABCB Awareness Resource Kits have been designed to increase knowledge of the National Construction Code (NCC) and its technical provisions. The Resource Kits are freely available to industry associations and tertiary institutions for incorporation into existing building and construction-related training courses, or for personal education. The suite of Resource Kits include: • Module One: Introduction to the Building Code of Australia (BCA) • Module Two: Understanding the BCA’s Performance Requirements • Module Three: Understanding Energy Efficiency Provisions for Class 1 and 10 Buildings • Module Four: Understanding Energy Efficiency Provisions for Classes 2 to 9 Buildings • Module Five: Understanding the Disability Access Provisions • Module Six: Understanding the Plumbing Code of Australia The Awareness Resource Kits contain comprehensive educational information to assist with training at both the tertiary and industry levels and have been designed to assist those who are in a training profession, such as teachers and lecturers. With extensive PowerPoint presentations and lecture notes, the majority of the Resource Kits also feature FAQs, Group Exercises and Case Studies, which can all be work-shopped. The ABCB Awareness Resource Kits are freely available to view on the ABCB website at: www.abcb.gov.au/education-events-resources. Tertiary institutions and industry associations can apply to receive CD-ROM versions through the ABCB website. For more information email: NCCAwareness@abcb.gov.au
National Construction Code Seminar Series, Canberra ACT Visit: www.abcb.gov.au
21 February
National Construction Code Seminar Series, Adelaide SA Visit: www.abcb.gov.au
25 & 26 February
National Construction Code Seminar Series, Melbourne VIC Visit: www.abcb.gov.au
28 February
National Construction Code Seminar Series, Hobart TAS Visit: www.abcb.gov.au
MARCH 2013 11 March
World Plumbing Day
11 & 12 March
National Construction Code Seminar Series, Brisbane QLD Visit: www.abcb.gov.au
14 March
National Construction Code Seminar Series, Darwin NT Visit: www.abcb.gov.au
19 & 20 March
National Construction Code Seminar Series, Perth WA Visit: www.abcb.gov.au
26 & 27 March
National Construction Code Seminar Series, Sydney NSW Visit: www.abcb.gov.au
MAY 2013 1 May
NCC 2013 Adoption date
5-9 May
World Building Congress 2013, Brisbane, QLD Visit: http://worldbuildingcongress2013.com/
8-10 May
Design Build Expo, Sydney NSW www.designbuildexpo.com.au
16 May
National Urban Policy Conference, Sydney NSW http://www.nupc.com.au/
30 May
2013 National Architecture Conference, Melbourne VIC www.architecture.com.au
SEPTEMBER 2013 15-18 September
Building Australia’s Future Conference 2013, for the national Building, Construction & Plumbing Industries, Brisbane QLD Visit: www.abcb.gov.au
NOVEMBER 2013 14-16 November
Master Builders National Conference, Canberra ACT Visit: www.masterbuilders.com.au/Events/national-conference
Australian Building Regulation Bulletin
2013 National Construction Code Information Seminars
Building Code & Plumbing Code users, mark these dates in your diaries City
19 February
National Convention Centre
21 February
Adelaide Convention Centre
25 or 26 February
Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre
28 February
Hotel Grand Chancellor
11 or 12 March
Brisbane Convention Centre
14 March
Darwin Convention Centre
19 or 20 March
City West Function Centre
26 or 27* March
Australian National Maritime Museum
This is your opportunity to hear about changes to the National Construction Code from the experts The Australian Building Codes Board is finalising updates to the 2013 National Construction Code (NCC), and as building and plumbing industry practitioners you need to know what changes are coming into effect. Presenters from the ABCB will inform you of these changes at a series of Information Seminars, commencing in February 2013, in a capital city near you. The National Seminar series will play an important role in raising practitioner awareness of both Building Code of Australia (BCA) and Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) amendments scheduled for 2013. An opportunity not to be missed, the Seminars will also feature a presentation by Standards Australia, on changes to Australian Standards. The seminars will be divided into two sessions, which will provide an opportunity for practitioners to hear about relevant aspects of the consolidated code and how it will affect their work. Standards Australia will present at both the morning and afternoon sessions.
BCA Seminars, 9.30am – 12.30pm (includes Standards Australia presentation) Morning seminars in all capital cities focusing on changes to the BCA and Australian Standards. PCA Seminars, 2.30pm – 4.30pm (includes Standards Australia presentation) Afternoon seminars in all capital cities focusing on changes to the PCA and Australian Standards. Note: the PCA Seminars will be held on the first afternoon only in Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Sydney. Don’t miss out – the NCC takes effect on 1 May 2013 Please note that the BCA and PCA sessions are being conducted independently and a separate registration form must be completed for each seminar.
For registration information please contact: By Phone: (07) 3423 0694 or By Email: bafc8mp@bigpond.net.au
*There will be two BCA seminars on the 27th – one from 9.30am to 12.30pm and another from 1.45pm to 4.45pm
Register now at: www.abcb.gov.au
Present YOUR business to 45,000+ people within the construction industry!
Advertising space is limited, and our readership is expanding. If you would like your business to benefit from the targeted advertising which is only available through the distribution and readership of the ABRB, please contact us today. Rate cards, advertisement specifications and booking details can all be provided to you upon request. For all enquiries, please email at: abrb@abcb.gov.au
ABRB readership and distribution is continuing to increase across all industry sectors. The ABRB is also provided free of charge via the Australian Building Codes Board’s (ABCB) web site, as well as being distributed throughout the ABCB’s Principal Publisher and Third Party Publisher networks.
The Australian Building Regulation Bulletin (ABR) now provides you with the opportunity to advertise your business, product or services to those vital members of the industry such as — Architects; Engineers; and Builders who are at the cutting edge of the construction industry.
Main Changes For The 2012 naTional ConsTruCTion Code
The new FaCe oF aCT governMenT & Building reForMs
early Childhood eduCaTion & Care
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helping the ABCB help you
This magazine is the primary information support element of your subscription to the National Construction Code (NCC). Please take a few minutes to provide us with your feedback on this edition to assist the ABCB in ensuring that your Bulletin remains relevant. Have you found the coverage of topics presented to date: ❏ very informative ❏ informative ❏ of some interest How would you assess the general presentation of the Magazine: ❏ excellent ❏ above average ❏ acceptable ❏ below average
❏ poor ❏ poor
Which articles most interest you: .................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ What would you like to see included: ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ Comments: ........................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................... • Fax: 02 6213 7287 • Email: abrb@abcb.gov.au Post to: Australian Buiding Codes Board – ABR, GPO Box 9839, CANBERRA ACT 2601
10/2/12 12:20:29 PM
Based o previousn Conferen ces D
The Australian Building Codes Board, together with the Master Plumbers Australia and the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors, proudly announce the Building Australia’s Future 2013 Conference to be held at the Sofitel Brisbane Central, Queensland, 15 – 18 September 2013.
The QLD/NT Chapter of the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors will also hold their Annual Summit at the Sofitel Brisbane Central on 15 September 2013.
See inside for details and to register.
The Building Australia’s Future conference team would like to invite you to join us in Brisbane for this pre-eminent Construction Industry event and to share in the professional development and networking opportunities this Conference will provide you. Proudly supported by the Australian Building Codes Board, together with Master Plumbers Australia and the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors, the Conference will commence with a welcome reception on Sunday 15th September and conclude on the evening of Wednesday 18th September. The conference organisers have assembled leading industry practitioners and professional speakers to present an extensive program featuring both building and plumbing plenary streams. Throughout the Conference, you will be engaged in a series of interactive workshops and panel discussions, focussing on a variety of topics and technical requirements relevant to all building and plumbing industry professionals. Leading suppliers of both building and plumbing products and services will also be in attendance showcasing latest industry developments. Our evening social program will offer you the chance to network with colleagues in a relaxed and friendly environment. In addition to the Conference, the QLD/NT Chapter of the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors will also hold their annual one day Summit at the Sofitel Brisbane Central on Sunday 15th September 2013. This initiative also provides delegates participating in continuing professional development (CPD) programs with an excellent opportunity to acquire their annual points. By attending both the AIBS Summit and the Building Australia’s Future 2013 Conference delegates have an opportunity to receive CPD points for 22 hours of technical content across the four days. We all look forward to seeing you at the Sofitel Brisbane central for the pre-eminent construction industry conference of 2013! Your Conference Organisers.
presentations by Building Codes Queensland and Building Services Authority planned. Industry experts will also conduct sessions focussing on important technical and compliance issues and, if good legal advice is what is needed, the update session on the latest legal issues confronting professionals is a must.
A number of registration options are available for the Building Australia’s Future 2013 Conference. Delegates are able to register for the full Conference or alternatively, may register for any individual day or days of their choosing. Incentives apply to all those who register early with a special early bird rate applying to registrations received before 12 July 2013. It is also recommended that you register and pay early to ensure a place and avoid disappointment, as previous year’s Conferences have reached capacity.
To conclude the day members can express their views at the annual forum following the QLD/NT Chapter AGM. For further information on this program please visit www.aibs.com.au
To register for the Building Australia’s Future 2013 Conference: • Visit the Conference website at www.absoluteedge.com.au/baf2013 or • Simply fill out the form at the back of this brochure and return with payment.
The Building Australia’s Future Conference sessions will run over three days from Monday 16 September until Wednesday 18 September. Formal Conference registration will commence on the afternoon of Sunday 15 September.
The QLD/NT Chapter of the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors annual one day Summit will be held on Sunday 15 September 2013. The day provides an opportunity for delegates to update on recent legislative changes and hear about future industry directions with
During the Conference a range of presentation formats have been developed to maximise opportunities for delegates to gain both new knowledge as well as exposure to techniques for the practical application of code requirements.
DAY TWO: Understanding Codes & Standards
The 2013 Conference program consists of a series of combined as well as individual plenaries and workshops sessions that have been tailored for those working within building construction or plumbing fields.
Plenary, Tuesday Morning, 17 September Understanding and keeping up to date with codes and standards which are constantly changing can be challenging. In this session industry insiders will give you a unique insight into the development of the latest codes, and you can be among the first to hear about how future challenges will be addressed and how these are meeting our emerging and urgent societal needs. It will give an opportunity for delegates at all levels of construction to improve their understanding of not only what to do and how things get done, but most importantly why.
DAY ONE: Managing Risk & Liability Plenary, Monday Morning, 16 September Managing risk is an integral part of construction. This session will help practitioners survey an ever changing compliance landscape to successfully navigate the risks. You will hear from policy makers and industry professionals on recent changes which affect your industry, explore where liability lies when things go wrong and learn from the experience of those who manage risks from Natural Disasters to those who engage in risk for fun!
Building Workshop, Tuesday Afternoon, 17 September Recognised as an invaluable session in previous Conference programs, the ‘Understanding Codes and Standards’ workshop is back for 2013. This popular interactive workshop addresses the emerging and challenging issues as viewed by you the practitioner. Have you ever had a different BCA interpretation to your colleagues? Are there some BCA provisions that you struggle to understand? Then attending this workshop is definitely for you!
Building Workshop, Monday Afternoon, 16 September The world is full of risks; some hit us unexpectedly, some can be managed, while some provide new opportunities. In this workshop we will work through the challenges that as practitioners, we deal with on a regular basis. Throughout this workshop session you will develop solutions to challenges, explore opportunities available to you, and leave well prepared to tackle the risks you face head on!
Plumbing Workshop, Tuesday Afternoon, 17 September National Licensing, Codes and Standards, Product Certification… How do we benefit and who’s making the decisions? With national licensing set to be introduced, changes in the national code and product certification requirements, the issue of introducing and managing consistency across the States and Territories is sure to spark debate. This workshop will uncover a number of challenging issues and will provide all plumbing delegates with the opportunity to engage and discuss these topical issues in a practical environment with their peers. Join in… this is sure to be a hot one!
Plumbing Workshop, Monday Afternoon, 16 September The Monday plumbing workshop will look at how we each manage risk knowingly and unknowingly. Throughout the workshop session we will look at the potential impact it has on us as we operate in an ever growing environment of liability and responsibility. How do the recent changes in the new Work, Health & Safety Act affect you? Is regulation the answer? This workshop will deal with a broad range of issues and how we are all affected.
DAY THREE: Trends & the Future Plenary, Wednesday Morning, 18 September There is no doubt that the construction industry is changing, and bringing with it both uncertainty and opportunities. How long you can continue to do things the old way? Today you will hear from the experts on the innovations with industry technology, emerging trends in construction and industry skills. Be a part of the discussion on the future of the industry and its emerging needs so you are prepared for new opportunities.
DELEGATE FUNCTIONS Delegates registering for the full Conference are able to attend the following evening functions as part of their Conference package. A limited number of additional tickets will also be available for day delegates and others who wish to attend these functions. To avoid disappointment, delegates are advised to purchase any additional function tickets during the initial registration process. Additional function tickets may be available at the conference, however this can not be guaranteed.
Building Workshop, Wednesday Afternoon, 18 September What does the future hold for you? Codes, regulation, technology, training – what will they look like in years from now? How will their evolution impact you and the building industry? Come along and participate in this informative interactive workshop and gain a valuable insight into the industry’s rapidly changing future.
Welcome Reception at the Sofitel Brisbane Central, 5:30pm, Sunday 15 September
Plumbing Workshop, Wednesday Afternoon, 18 September
An excellent opportunity to welcome delegates to Brisbane! You can relax and network during the Welcome Reception in the Ann St Lobby at the Conference venue, Sofitel Brisbane Central. Come dressed in your relaxed casuals and join us overlooking the incredible City skyline of Brisbane on the Sunday evening at 5:30pm for some relaxed drinks and nibblies whilst enjoying the smooth sounds of a live jazz ensemble.
As the future rapidly becomes today, this workshop looks at the changes confronting us within the plumbing industry. With change comes opportunity and this workshop will address the affects and impact on us as practitioners, the need for future skills development, and industry qualifications. Workshop attendees will enjoy an informative interactive discussion highlighting how future trends and technology will change the way in which we operate. Will we be better off? Come along and participate in the future!
Black & White Gala Dinner Event, 6:30pm, Wednesday 18 September Once again the Conference team have gone all out to bring you a night full of entertainment. This year’s theme again raises the bar with the night filled with fabulous music and entertainment. To conclude the Conference, don your black and whites and join us for a memorable evening of entertainment in the Sofitel Brisbane Central Ballroom. The evening will commence with pre-dinner drinks, followed by a superb three course meal – bon appetite – and some fabulous entertainment with great prizes to be won. A function not to be missed… The evening will conclude before midnight.
“Get Your Motors Running” Dinner at Garage 88, 5:45pm, Monday 16 September
REGISTRATION Full Conference Registration Fee
Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines… What an incredible opportunity to spend the evening in Brisbane’s most unique venue. Garage 88 was purpose built in 2000 to house a working V8 Race Team and accommodates a large number of rare and famous cars. Take in the toe-tapping tunes provided by local musicians whilst appreciating the impeccably restored and rare collections from V8 supercars to American muscle.
This registration type includes all Conference sessions and workshops Monday through Wednesday, all Conference material as provided by the speakers, exhibitors and sponsors, the Sofitel Brisbane Central’s famous buffet luncheon, morning and afternoon tea on all three days, and all three evening functions: Welcome Reception, Dinner at Garage 88 and the Black & White Gala Dinner Event.
Kick back with a relaxing beverage, savor in the delicious menu, enjoy the engaging entertainment on offer, and take home a souvenir photo of the evening. Delegates will be collected from the Sofitel Brisbane Central’s foyer at 5:45pm and will be transported back to the hotel at the end of the evening.
Day Registration Fee This registration type includes all Conference sessions and workshops on the nominated day, Conference material as provided by the speakers, exhibitors and sponsors on that day and the Sofitel Brisbane Central’s famous buffet luncheon, morning and afternoon tea.
Earlybird Discounted Registration Register early to take advantage of our earlybird discount. All registrations received before 12 July 2013 will attract a special discounted rate.
Sofitel Brisbane Central Sofitel Brisbane Central, where life is magnifique! Sofitel Brisbane Central is Brisbane’s premier hotel, conveniently located for you to enjoy Brisbane. The Sofitel Brisbane Central is just a short walk from the Queen Street Mall - Queensland’s premier shopping and entertainment precinct, Eagle Street Pier, the Brisbane River, and South Bank Parklands. The hotel has direct access to Central Train Station providing convenient transport to and from the domestic and international airports.
Payment All registration and accommodation payments must be made upon registration through the Conference website www.absoluteedge.com.au/ baf2013 using either Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), Cheques, Visa or Mastercard. Please note: credit cards are charged a 1.5% merchant fee. All payments are to be made in Australian dollars. Registrations will not be confirmed without payment. Bookings should be made as early as possible as restrictions on numbers may apply in some situations.
Originally the first international hotel in Brisbane, today you will discover a hotel of refined French elegance and personal five star service. Renowned for its imposing arrival and breathtaking views, the hotel’s reputation as the leading luxury accommodation is absolutely deserved. Featuring a variety of restaurants, bars and relaxation facilities, the hotel offers a comfortable and friendly stay.
Acceptance of registration forms and availability is on a ‘first come, first served basis’ and will only be guaranteed after full payment has been received. Cheques must be made payable to the Conference organisers: AbsoluteEdge Pty Ltd. Electronic Funds Transfer, Visa and Mastercards will also be accepted.
All Conference registration cancellations must be received in writing. Cancellations received after 12 August 2013 will be subject to a $120 administration fee. No refund of registration fees will be possible if cancellation is received after 1 September 2013 however full day substitutions can be made with prior approval from the Conference Organisers. Substitutions must be advised in writing via email to baf2013@absoluteedge.com.au
The Conference Organisers have reserved accommodation and negotiated special Conference rates only at the official Conference venue. The special Conference rates will also apply for a limited time before and after the Conference. Extended bookings can be arranged directly by you through the Conference registration site. Visit: www.absoluteedge.com.au/baf2013 BOOK EARLY – Schools will be leading up to their 3rd term holiday break during this Conference period and restrictions on room availability may apply in some circumstances.
Final Date for Registration Registration cannot be guaranteed where registration forms are not submitted and payment made in full before 12 August 2013.
Additional Accommodation Payments
Check in, Check out, Luggage Storage
Delegates will be responsible for payment of any other costs including but not limited to minibar, telephone/internet, room service, additional meals and breakfasts (unless specified in room rate) not included as part of the conference registration package, and other personal expenses. This balance from the stay can be paid on check out by a credit card, cash or eftpos facilities.
Check-in is at 2:00pm. Rooms may be assigned prior to 2:00pm depending on availability. Check-out is at 11:00am. Nonguaranteed rooms will be released by 6:00pm on the day of arrival if the Resort has not been notified of a late arrival. Our Head Concierge will arrange storage of luggage for delegates arriving early when rooms are not available, and for guests attending functions on their day of departure. All luggage must be clearly labelled in order to ensure efficient and prompt service.
NOTE: All Conference delegates will be required to supply the hotel with a credit card imprint, or cash deposit, upon check-in to cover charges to individual room accounts.
Room Allocation While the Conference Organisers will make every effort to allocate delegates their requested room type, allocation of any room type or configuration is strictly subject to availability. Rooms will be allocated on first come, fully paid basis.
Room Configuration Enjoy open outlooks around the city by day and the full blackout blinds help promote uninterrupted sleep by night. King and twin (2 x double beds) rooms available. Each room can accommodate a maximum of 2 adults and 2 children (12 years and under) or 3 adults in a configuration of either 1 x King bed or 2 x double beds. An additional charge of $80.00 per night will apply for the 3rd adult. If a rollaway bed is required, a fee of $54.00 will be incurred, however please note that the rollaway bed will only be able to be place in the room with 1 x King bed, we are unable to confirm a rollaway bed with 2 x double beds configuration.
Availability of Accommodation Availability of accommodation at the Hotel cannot be guaranteed should the room block be exhausted or where registration forms are received later than 12 August 2013. In these circumstances availability will be strictly subject to Hotel approval on a case by case basis. Should the room block be exhausted and additional rooms not available at the Hotel, the Conference Organisers will not be under any obligation to find alternative accommodation notwithstanding that the room block may have been exhausted prior to the closing date for registrations. In this situation any deposits paid for accommodation will be fully refunded.
If a cot is requested this will be complimentary.
Alteration of Accommodation Requirements or Cancellation
During the Conference an information desk will be located on level 2, for processing of registrations and to provide advice on programs, functions, accommodation and all other aspects relating to the Conference.
All reservations are to be made on or before 12th August 2013, should the Hotel receive any further cancellations of rooms or “no shows”, i.e. guests not arriving for reservations held, the Hotel reserves the right to charge the full amount of the first night’s accommodation which the delegate agrees to pay for.
Trade Exhibition A trade exhibition will be conducted in conjunction with the Conference. Trade displays will provide delegates with valuable and useful information and feature the latest developments in building and plumbing technology.
When a booking has been made through the BAF 2013 registration site and confirmation email has been received, delegates can use the confirmation number to amend the booking in writing by:
Trade exhibition hours will be: Mon, Tues Wed
• Emailing baf2013@absoluteedge.com.au Alteration to accommodation requirements subsequent to registration will only be possible subject to ongoing room availability and Hotel approval.
7:30am – 5:00pm 7:30am – 3:30pm
CPD Points All delegates should be aware that attendance to each session of the Conference will be recorded for the purposes of CPD and conference attendance. It is essential that delegates arrive on time for sessions so their attendance is recorded for attendance certificate distribution.
Alternative Accommodation As an alternative to the nominated venue, delegates may wish to arrange their own accommodation and transfer requirements from the many other facilities available in Brisbane.
Dress Code The dress requirement for the Welcome Reception and the Garage 88 Dinner on the Monday evening is smart casual (flat shoes recommended) and the Black & White Gala Dinner Event on the Wednesday is formal attire, with attendees encouraged to come in black & white to compliment the theme of the evening. Beyond that ‘Queensland casual’ attire is recommended for all Conference sessions.
FURTHER INFORMATION Contact Details If you require further information on the Conference, please contact the Conference Organisers – Conference Registrations Tel: +61 2 9080 1788 Fax: +61 2 9080 1777 Registration Site: www.absoluteedge.com.au/baf2013 Email: baf2013@absoluteedge.com.au
Accompanying Persons Accompanying persons can take advantage of Brisbane’s Tourist Services where you can book online in advance for any of the amazing tours on offer – Story Bridge Climb, Kookaburra Queen River Cruise, Sirromet Wine Tour & Tasting, Brisbane Lights Tour, Gold Coast Theme Parks or Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary – just to name a few… Click on the attached pdf which can be found at www.absoluteedge.com.au/baf2013 to pre-book 24 hours in advance or see the concierge in the foyer of the hotel for alternative bookings and departure times.
Conference Organisers Building Australia’s Future 2013 Conference Web: www.abcb.gov.au Email: baf2013@abcb.gov.au Fax: +61 2 6213 7287
Smoking The Conference venue is a non-smoking establishment and laws prohibit smoking within 4 metres of an entrance to a hotel. All accommodation rooms are now non-smoking. A smoking fee of $150.00 per day is charged should a guest choose to smoke in their hotel room.
Airport Transfers The Conference does not provide transfers from the airport to hotels. All delegates must make their own arrangements. However, the Conference is able to offer discounted return travel on Brisbane’s Airtrain. For further information, visit www.absoluteedge.com.au/baf2013 to print off the discount letter.
No formal babysitting arrangements have been established by the Conference Organisers. This can be arranged on an individual basis through the Hotel.
From Louis Vuitton, to Hermes, to Mimco, to Sass & Bide … The City offers an unrivalled mix of over 1,000 local, national and international labels and flagship stores. Most stores in the city area trade seven days a week with the following opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9am to 7pm; Friday 9am to 9pm; Saturday 9am to 5:30pm; and Sunday 10am to 6pm. For more information visit: www.bnecity.com.au
Interpreting Services Interpreting services are the responsibility of the delegate.
Special Requirements Delegates who have special needs, accommodation or dietary requirements should note specific details in the space provided on the registration form to ensure the best assistance from the Conference Organisers.
Breakfast A discounted breakfast rate in the Thyme2 Restaurant on the Lobby floor will be offered to all Conference delegates upon presentation of their nametag. The buffet breakfast rate will be $30pp (normally $39pp weekday and $49pp weekend). The restaurant opens for breakfast from 6:30am until 10:00am everyday.
Privacy Information When you register for the BAF 2013 Conference, the information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except: • To meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements; • Where it may be required to disclose your personal information to third parties to provide the service you have requested; and • To provide you notices of upcoming events via email where you have indicated this as your preference to received them in the registration form.
Climate Brisbane has a sub-tropical climate that’s defined by blue skies and warm sunshine. It’s Spring in the month of September in Brisbane which sees temperatures between 14° and 25°.
Time Zone Brisbane operates on Australian Eastern Standard Time – GMT plus ten hours. Daylight savings times do not apply in Queensland.
Disclaimer Every effort has been made to present, as accurately as possible, all the information contained in this brochure. The Conference Organisers will not be held responsible for changes in the structure or content of the program, social program, registration fees, accommodation costs and any general information published in this brochure. The Conference Organisers reserve the right to change any part of, or the entire program.
REGISTRATION FORM ABN: 42 087 006 509 To register, go to our website and fill out the form at www.absoluteedge.com.au/baf2013 OR complete this form and post to BAF 2013, Level 10, 9-13 Young Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 Delegate Details – please submit one form per delegate First name: .......................... Last name: .............................. Company name: ................................................................... Job title: ................................................ Work address: ..................................................................................................... Billing address: ............................................................................................Suburb: .......................................................... State: ....................................... Postcode: .....................................Country: ........................................................................ Work Ph: .....................................................................................Mobile Ph: ....................................................................... Email address: ..................................................... Industry Assoc Member no. ...................................................................
Particular or Special Requirements Dietary requirements: ......................................................................................................................................................... Special requirements: .........................................................................................................................................................
Source How did you find out about this Conference?
Industry Assoc
Other ............................................................................................................................................................................. Via what medium did you hear it through?
Word of Mouth
(A) Conference Fees Earlybird (until 12 July 13) BAF 2013 Full Conference Registration
Standard Rate (from 13 July 13)
(3 day Conference sessions & evening functions)
Welcome Reception Will you be attending the:
Garage88 Dinner Black & White Gala Dinner Event
BAF 2013 Monday Day Delegate (No evening functions included)
BAF 2013 Tuesday Day Delegate (No evening functions included)
BAF 2013 Wednesday Day Delegate (No evening functions included)
AIBS Chapter Summit & BAF 2013 Conf: $215 Member AIBS Chapter Summit Only: $280 Member
$280 Non-member Discounted AIBS Chapter Summit rate applies when attending the BAF 2013 $350 Non-member Conference
Total: $
Total: $
(B) Extra Social Function Tickets Sunday Welcome Reception
Wednesday Monday Black & White All Evening Garage 88 Dinner Gala Dinner Event Functions Pass
Total: $
(C) Accommodation Sofitel Brisbane Central
Please tick nights required
Superior Room, $235 per room per night Superior Room with breakfast for one guest, $265 per room per night Upgrade* to Luxury Room, $295 per night
Fri 13 Sept
Sat 14 Sept
Sun 15 Sept
Mon 16 Sept
Tues 17 Sept
Wed 18 Sept
Thurs 19 Sept
Fri 20 Sept
Sat 21 Sept
Upgrade* to Luxury Room with breakfast for one guest, $325 Preferred Room Configuration*
Upgrade* to Club Room, $345 per night for one guest, $375 per night for two guests
1 x King bed
2 x double beds
Club level rooms all include breakfast in the Lounge. Total Amount Payable: $ Special Requirements: * Upgrades/rates/configuration subject to availability
PAYMENT DETAILS Total (A) Conference Fees (B) Extra Social Functions Tickets (C) Accommodation Fees Grand Total: $
Payment by: Cheque/Money Order (made payable to AbsoluteEdge) EFT (after receiving your registration form a Tax Invoice will be issued with account details and reference number for payment) Credit Card (Visa and Mastercard only) Cardholders Name: Card Number:
Card Type: Expiry Date:
FURTHER INFORMATION To assist you with registration, accommodation or social events, please email baf2013@absoluteedge.com.au