1 minute read
Eat well. Age well.
At to ageing well is to simply eat well.
Lite n’ Easy is more than just a weight loss solution. We also offer affordable, tasty meals (there’s over 235 to choose from) designed to promote healthy eating, well-being and a better quality of life. There’s no need to shop, cook or clean as our meals are delivered to your door so you can enjoy more free time and independence.

We have even introduced a new range of ‘My Choice’ dinners, soups and desserts designed for people who have a reduced appetite or find it difficult to eat normal sized meals. They provide the same energy and protein as our standard dinners but in a smaller portion, making them easier to finish.
Lite n’ Easy also partners with most Home Care Package providers across Australia, so that seniors can have affordable access to healthy, delicious meals. If you’re eligible, you could save 70% off the cost of your meals.

Lite n’ Easy’s service is flexible with no lock-in contracts or subscriptions, so customers are free to order week-to-week as required.
Think you could benefit from Lite n’ Easy? Visit liteneasy.com.au or call 13 15 12.