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Carers Tasmania
NDIS consultations with Carers Tasmania
On 18 October 2022, The Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, announced a review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The purpose of the review is to hear feedback about how the NDIS supports people with disability. Feedback can be about anything related to the NDIS, such as plans and funding, the performance of local area co-ordinators, access to services, co-ordination of support, scheme access or implementing plans. The Review Panel wants to hear from people with disability and carers from all walks of life, location and circumstances.
You may care for someone in the scheme or know someone who is. Feedback is vital for the Review Panel to hear all opinions and experiences. Carers Tasmania is preparing a response to be submitted in late April.
What does coaching cost?
Nothing. Coaching is completely free through Carer Gateway.
What is Carer Gateway?
Carer Gateway is an Australian Government initiative to support family and friend carers. Carer Gateway provides various FREE services such as advice and referrals, tailored support packages, counselling, coaching, emergency respite, carer workshops and more.
Book your session and maybe go in a draw to win a fuel voucher every month till June.*
*Eligibility – carers registered with Carer Gateway in Tasmania only
To have your say, contact Julie Ryan, Executive Policy Officer, at peak@carerstasmania.org or phone (03) 6144 3700.
Or you can complete our survey here: surveymonkey.com/r/79L2RV3
Or scan this QR code to access it:

You can also share your story directly to the NDIS review panel at ndisreview.gov.au/haveyour-say/have-your-say-online, or write to:
NDIS Review Secretariat
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
PO Box 6500
Canberra ACT 2600 Australia