2018 ACRS Research Awards Each year the ACRS supports the research of up to five students through provision of the ACRS Research Awards. The most outstanding proposals are awarded the Terry Walker Prize ($4,000) or the Danielle Simmons Prize ($4,000). Up to three additional ACRS Research Awards of $2,500 each are also awarded. Below we present you the recipients of the 2018 ACRS Research Awards. In the following pages, you can read articles contributed by each awardee.
Terry Walker Prize MARDI McNEIL The role of macroalgae genus Halimeda in provision of inter-reef benthic habitat in the Great Barrier Reef.
Danielle Simmons Prize COULSON LANTZ The combined effect of ocean acidification, seawater warming, and eutrophication on carbonate sediment dissolution and metabolism.
ACRS Awards SHANNON McMAHON The effects of temperature and elevated CO2 on reef mesopredators.
MIKAELA NORDBORG Cumulative impacts of future climate conditions and heavy fuel oil on key life stages of the coral Acropora millepora.
KELSEY SANBORN Paleoecology of the last interglacial Tantabiddi Reef of Western Australia.