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Activities and Highlights

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Over the years, the Baldessin Studio has facilitated and supported numerous group exhibitions of works printed on our presses, artists’ talks, participation in many national and international printmaking events, including IMPACT Melbourne and Spain, the NGV art book fair, Sydney Contemporary, and the Australian Print Triennial. Silvi, being an expert in photo based printmaking, is much in demand, and has been invited to teach workshops in Spain, Morocco, New Zealand, Argentina, as well as national collaborations with sister studios, namely Megalo, Warringah, Inkmasters, and Mildura.

Baldessin Studio is proud of its liaison since 2014 with the State Library Victoria Creative Fellowship Awards of which there are two, providing studio access, accommodation and support: 1. The Amor Printmaking Fellowship, sponsored by the artist Rick Amor. 2. The Tate Adams Memorial Fellowship for Artists Books, sponsored by Morag Fraser AM. The annual award winners have brought much new energy and interest into our program, and we are grateful to all who make this possible. In 2016 our Memorial Folio fundraiser ‘Baldessin and Friends’ brought seven major artists together to remember and celebrate the memory of George Baldessin. The resulting splendid folio of full-sized prints by Rick Amor, G.W. Bot, George Baldessin, Jock Clutterbuck, Imants Tillers, Jan Senbergs, Michael Leunig and John Wolseley was accompanied by a catalogue with text by Professor Sasha Grishin AM FAHA, who launched the folio at a gala event at the State Library of Victoria. Our doors are open to the public for three weekends per year in May and November as part of the Nillumbik Open Studio program. During this time the general public can experience live demonstrations at the studio and browse artwork for sale at studio prices. We wind up every year with the Printmakers’ Picnic in the grounds and surrounding bushland at Baldessin Studio. This is an iteration of the 1970s annual Artists vs Writers Cricket Match that George Baldessin and friends organised at St Andrews. These days, cricket has been replaced by a hard fought pétanque championship to win the crown of recycled copper etching plate and felt blanket made by Etienne Mantelli. Music is supplied by various talented musician-printmakers, including the rock band ‘The Press Gang’, with specially crafted and hilarious printmakers’ lyrics to old favourites. Much dancing, eating (giant paellas), drinking and good fun is had, in and outside the studio building on the last Sunday of November. All printmakers and their families and friends are welcome.


Opposite: Artist Sarah McConnell working in the Studio

Top & centre left & right: Interior, Baldessin studio; Bottom Left: The Press Gang Band at the Printmakers’ Picnic; Bottom right: The Artists’ Garret

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