100% Committed on Quality
Australian Topstock Charleville Bull Sale
November 1st 2013, Charleville Showground, QLD
100 TOP bulls James Lilburne 0417 333 737
Steve Martin 0477 542 380
Brad Neven 0427 626 386
THE GLEN ANGUS & GREYS The Glen herd of cattle is situated in the Upper Murray region of North East Victoria, adjacent to the township of Walwa, which is 100 kms East of Albury/Wodonga.
Sires Represented:
Mervyn Gadd commenced The Glen herd of seedstock cattle in 1940, with 30 selected Angus heifers and a Grey bull. In 1962, the Murray Grey society was formed, and 80% of the straight-bred grey cattle in the first herd book were bred on The Glen. Mervyn retired as the principal of The Glen in 1985. Since that time, The Glen has been owned and managed by youngest son, Mike, and wife Joy. Mike is a fourth generation grazier and livestock breeder, and is also the current President of Angus Australia.
The Glen has consigned seedstock cattle to all Australian states on numerous occasions, as for North as Mareeba on the Atherton Tablelands, and as far North West as Julia Creek. The Glen has also exported live cattle and genetics to NZ, UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Argentina, China, Japan, Russia and, most recently Kazakhstan. The Glen cattle have performed well in all of these environments. The Glen’s inaugural on property Annual Production sale was in 1971. The 43rd Annual Sale was conducted on the property “Glenview”, Walwa, Victoria on 20th September, 2013.
CUDGEGONG PARK BASS 50% Angus 50% Murray Grey
In 2003 The Glen commenced breeding registered Angus cattle with the purchase of the Mitta Valley registered Angus herd of 120 females, 20 females from Tibooburra Angus near Melbourne and 80 females from Landfall in Tasmania. Several smaller drafts of females were also purchased from other leading Angus seedstock herds. The Glen currently runs 300 Registered Angus breeders and 100 Grey breeders, which have been infused with modern Angus genetics along with a commercial herd. The focus of the breeding program has always been on efficient and profitable commercial beef production. The entire seedstock herd is diligently pedigree and performance recorded on Angus Breedplan, using the best performing modern Angus genetics with a strong focus on structural soundness, docility, growth and carcase merit.
Bulls on offer
Michael & Joy Gadd, Ph: 02 6037 1347 Fax: 02 6037 1267 Mob: 0427 371 347 E: theglenpastoral@bigpond.com W: www.theglenpastoral.com.au
“Offering 8 Quality Simmental Bulls – Including Polled”
aQuality aStructural Correctness aEarly Maturity aCalm Temperament aMilking Ability aWeight Gains aPolled Herd
We firmly believe in the future of our cattle and their attributes to you, the cattle breeder and producer, across all climates and situations in Australia. Through our commitment to our breeding goals we ensure that the versatility, soundness, weight gains, milking ability, fertility and softness make our cattle ideal to join and make a positive contribution to your herd. Our stud cattle are run under the same conditions as our commercial herd which allows us to observe and ensure first hand the ability of our cattle to perform and improve the profitability of your beef enterprise.
WORMBETE SIMMENTALS “Quality From The Ground Up” John & Nicole Hopkins Ph: 02 6924 5455 Mob: 0427 102 748 E:hopkinspastoral@bigpond.com
Murdeduke Angus After offering the top priced bull and achieving a 100% clearance at the sale last year Murdeduke returns committed to Australian Topstock’s Charleville Bull Sale clients. We look forward to hearing how our bulls have endured, what can only be described as a very challenging 12 months, in the Charleville, Winton, Mitchell, Morven and Augathella districts where the bulls have been working.
Simon Falkiner 0407 319967 0352661311
The more we learn about your requirements the better we can meet them.
This year’s bulls have been specially selected to meet the Charleville districts market requirements. The traits focused on include doing ability, shape, calving ease, tight sheaths and good skin type making them suitable for either cross breeding or pure bred operations. The unseen bonus our bulls provide is an ability to improve carcass performance in their progeny which fits nicely in herds where MSA grading off grass is required. Strong EBV data suggests that the sons of sires Te Mania Africa, R/M Ironstone and Alpine B78 certainly fit this bill without sacrificing growth and frame. Murdeduke will offer 20 rising two year old bulls at this year’s Charleville sale. Sires used in the sale team include Te Mania Africa, Te Mania Ada, Apline Beauregard B78 and Merridale sires CMDC35 and CMDA4. Imported sires R/M Ironstone and Highlander of Stern also feature. The sale team will be presented with full Breed Plan figures, will have been independently vet checked (including semen morphology) and structurally assessed allowing you to make your selections with confidence. We have followed Pfizer’s Star quality assurance program so the team will have undergone full 7 in 1, Vibrio and Pestiguard vaccination programs. The bulls have also been Blooded but not vaccinated for 3 day sickness. We are more than happy to visit both existing and potential clients prior to the sale. Please feel free to call to organise a visit or discuss this year’s offering.
www.murdeduke.com.au www.murdeduke.com.au
KW KW Red Angus Senepol – Structurally sound, Highly fertile bulls for the north
K.W. Red Angus Senepol bulls have made a dramatic impact in Northern Australia. Composite heifers by KW Red Angus bulls out of a draft of 400 heifers, averaged 39kg more than their counterparts and when kilograms equal dollars, this difference certainly adds up. In mixed mating astute cattlemen are amazed at the number of calves by KW Bulls. “They sure have libido”. They comment on the ability for heifers to join at an early age. Also the growth rates that hit premium markets “younger and heavier”
This emphasizes the Red Angus Senepol reputation in excellence for fertility, carcase quality and docility in diverse environmental conditions We are proud to offer and show case 20 powerful Red Angus and Senegus bulls for the Australian Topstock Charleville bull sale, which are fully loaded with the fantastic KW genetics. And following the success KW Red Angus Senepol saw in 2012, with 100% clearance of all sale bulls you can be sure you are buying a proven product. KW Red Angus Senepol breeds over 200 bulls per year, with bulls available all year round.
James Lilburne 0417 333 737 W: kwredangussenepol.com.au To find out more about KW Red Angus/Senepol visit www.australiantopstock.com.au
Coota Park Blue-E 10 Bulls on offer The bulls Coota Park Blue-E have on offer are black and red bulls. They are big strong production bulls. There is a lot of meat in these long bodied composite bulls. They have been selected for marbling (being 50% Angus and 50% Shorthorn). They have the leg under them to walk and vigour within to get calves. We have also been selecting them for feed conversion for over 15 yrs. Their progeny will eats less grass for more weight gain. The Blue-E bulls will produce females that are great production machines. Plenty of growth with marbling that eat less grass year after year. All bulls are fertility tested ,grass fed and have EBV’s to aid in selection. 2 year old bulls ready to work.
Jon Wright Phone: 02 6345 0326 Mobile: 0429 450 326 Email: bluee@activ8.net.au
Webb Black Simmentals was founded in 2006 with the purchase of imported embryos from the USA. Situated in the Murrindindi Shire, Victoria, the stud today has in excess of 200 head of pure black Simmentals plus grade blood black SimAngus. 2014 will see us calve down in excess of 200 pure bred Black Simmentals. The stud aims to provide quality stud and commercial bulls to the beef industry as well as a selection of elite females annually. Webb Black Simmentals is run along strict commercial conditions allowing for selection of genetics with sound structure, fattening ability and high fertility.
a significant advantage; a clear perspective on what and how the stud industry needs to deliver back to the commercial industry. During the last 5 years operating his commercial business, Lynton used black Simmental bulls over his commercial herd.
Our Stud Angus females are used to produce SimAngus cattle. The industry’s acceptance of the SimAngus is proving to be extremely popular, with cattlemen preferring to only add a quarter of Simmental blood in their progeny. This cross is proving extremely popular with feedlots In 2008, Lynton Harrison from Holbrook NSW, joined and processors. Webb Black Simmentals as the manager. He has a wealth The Australian Topstock 2013 Charleville sale is a fanof experience in breeding stud and commercial cattle. tastic opportunity for a stud or commercial breeder to His introduction to the stud industry began in the 1980’s have access to one of our leading stud sires Webb 7 Up when he and his family ran Lyonbank Hereford Stud. H407. A sire with huge potential showing amazing musLynton’s passion for genetics and breeding of elite seed cling with the ability to move freely. A calf that we will stock became apparent with the success of Lyonbank and be keeping an in-herd semen interest in. His full sister is the reputation it acquired. Showing cattle saw many suc- one of the outstanding heifers of this age group. cesses and in the mean time seed stocks grew in sales. We are in this business for the long term to supply qualOver the years, he has also gained a wealth of experience ity Simmental and SimAngus genetics to Queensland in ET and AI work. and northern NSW. Our genetics can now be found After the dispersal of Lyonbank in 1994 he continued to throughout these areas and we look forward to further manage his family’s commercial operation in Holbrook, success at Charleville this year. NSW. Being away from the stud industry gained Lynton
Lynton Harrison - Ph: 0439 767 260 E: info@webbblacksimmentals.com.au www.webbblacksimmentals.com.au Visitors are welcome throughout the year by appointment.
Use Big, Bold G d I l Bo Banquet Bulls
q n ba
t e u
to Increase your Profit!
Banquet bulls will add length and width to your calves. Therefore more weight and more dollars. “These bulls have been selected especially for the conditions in Central Queensland. They have fine hair and soft skins to help acclimatise. More bone, stronger heads and deeper bodies mean they are superior for crossing over both Bos Indicus and Bos Taurus cows. Structural soundness results in more calves for more years.� Stephen and Noeleen Branson PO Box 166, Mortlake, Victoria, 3272 Ph: 03 5599 2764 Mob: 0419 884 839 Email: banquetangus@westvic.com.au