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2021-2022 AWA Board
The Australian Wagyu Association (AWA) is pleased to announce that the new board for 2021-2022 was appointed at the Annual General Meeting held 23 November 2021.
The new board directors represent a diverse range of skill sets and the AWA looks forward to working with them over the next 12 months.
The AWA Board welcomes newly appointed board directors Robyn Elphick, Richard Puddicombe and Glen Wright, also acknowledging the re-election of Dean Pollard.
AWA Chief Executive, Dr Matt McDonagh would like to extend a sincere welcome to the new Directors on behalf of the organisation.
President CHARLIE PERRY Senior Vice President LAIRD MORGAN Junior Vice President SELWYN MALLER Treasurer SCOTT DE BRUIN
The Board will carry-on its focus on ensuring the delivery of core business and services for members and consolidating on its projects in progress. We have a highly skilled Board that will continue to add value to the AWA as our Company matures and delivers new innovations that will continue to underpin growth and productivity in the Wagyu Sector.
AWA President, Charlie Perry

ROBYN ELPHICK Robyn is a third generation beef producer, running Sunnyside Wagyu alongside her partner and parents. Located in Northern NSW, Sunnyside runs a Fullblood herd selling seedstock as well as a F1 and F2 commercial herd. Robyn has off farm qualifications in law, business and mediation with skills in legal analysis, risk assessment, critical analysis, negotiations and business communications. Robyn is a passionate Wagyu producer and will look to add value to the board by promoting collaborative and constructive governance in the continued development and innovation of the Wagyu sector.
RICHARD PUDDICOMBE Richard has been the Station Manager at Burindi, owned by Paraway Pastoral Co, since 2008. Richard was the driver behind introducing Wagyu bulls into the Paraway programme in 2012, using them over quality Angus heifers. Richard has significant experience running large scale commercial operations delivering a premium product and is committed to seeing the AWA support and promote the advancement of the Wagyu sector.
GLEN WRIGHT Glen is a grazier, property developer and an investor. His life passion and is building Wright Pastoral to be a leading crossbred and Fullblood Wagyu enterprise. Glen is continuing to breed, background and produce quality, high-marbling Wagyu Beef for consumers across Australia and around the world. Under Geoff Willett’s mentorship, Glen began producing Wagyu in 2013 at Koreelah, on the NSW border and has since added additional properties around Ebor. The company runs 1,500 breeders and is continuing to expand with a goal to build their base to 3,000 breeding females.