Issue 72 | The Australian Wagyu Update, September 2019

Page 9


Our first function for the annual conference, kicked off at The Adelaide Oval in a relaxed atmosphere.

INTEGRITY OF WAGYU INDUSTRY SHINES ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Australian Wagyu Association annual conference, WagyuEdge: Building Integrity has shown once again that it is a highlight of the Wagyu industry calendar – and for the beef sector. Held at the Adelaide Convention Centre, 8-12 May, 430 delegates took full advantage of our Speaker presentations, networking opportunities, social events, Charity Auction, Wagyu Branded Beef Competition and records were broken in the Elite Wagyu National Sale.

Welcome Dinner guests.

In all, the aim of the conference was to build a conversation around Wagyu production and the supply chain, and with insights from the feedlot industry, the global and Japanese markets, and personal insights into performance and brand, delegates were given much to think about.

DAY 1 To acknowledge our 30-year anniversary, Keith Hammond of Robbins Island Wagyu, kicked off the conference with his personal reflections on the industry’s history. As a pastpresident in the early days, Keith has watched the industry evolve into a well-respected beef production from the days of the early pioneers through to relatively new players.

ABOVE LEFT Gala Dinner guests enjoy sampling Wagyu from Mort & Co's brand The Phoenix. ABOVE RIGHT Some home truths about operating a feedlot and custom feeding Wagyu with Berry Reynolds, Andrew Malloy and Steve Martin. LEFT A personal reflection on our 30-year history by 3rd president, Keith Hammond.

Monjiro was a famous bull in Japan and was still producing progeny 15 years after he died, having two of his best Sire progeny - Michifuku and Haruki 2 in our genetic pool, I knew it would be exciting... Keith Hammond The makeup and use of the new Wagyu BreedObject $Indexes were addressed by AGBU’s Dr Brad Walmsley. BreedObject $Indexes for Wagyu are a massive step forward for Wagyu breeders. These new indexes draw together BREEDPLAN EBV information into a single figure to allow comparison of animals based on the profitability of their progeny within Fullblood and F1 commercial systems. ISSUE 72 - THE AUSTRALIAN WAGYU UPDATE


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