Lust, Lies, and the Devil: A Twisted Love Story

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Lust Lies and the Devil: A Twisted Love Story By: Nai

Dedication This book is dedicated to my mother, Evelyn Brown, who has stood beside me and pushed me to accomplish my goals. My sister, Chantal Brown, who has been another awesome cheerleader during this process. My best friend, Virginia Santos, who has been there every step of the way, encouraging me and assisting me with the completion of this book. To Nicholas Guy who has been a wonderful spouse and had taken an interest in my vision, even if it was at two o’clock in the morning. Also, Kordlya Davis and Laciona Saddler, who have shown me that true friends are the ones who encourage you and are there for you, no matter how long you have known one another. I don't know how I would have made it without these people pushing me to stick with this and become a better me.

PROLOGUE Present As the garage door opened, Nathan saw that Jazmin's car was parked in its usual spot. With a sigh of relief, he said to himself, "Hopefully, it's not too late." Stepping out of the car, he quickly walked to the door and turned the knob. As he walked into the house, he saw that it was extremely dark. Turning the light on in the kitchen to give him some guidance, he stepped into the foyer. Seeing that Jazmin nor the children were in there or the family room, he ran upstairs and checked the master bedroom only to come up empty-handed. Exiting the room, he headed to the nursery. "Jazmin? Baby, where are you?" He shouted through the house hoping to get a response. Nathan began to look in closets and under beds, trying to find his family. He was beginning to grow worried. Jazmin’s car was in the garage, but she nor his children were anywhere in sight. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone. “Please, baby, pick up.” Nathan said, as if she could hear him. Hearing the ringing of Jazmin’s phone, he walked towards where the sound was coming from. Entering the master bedroom again, he looked down on the bed to find her phone and a note that read: Dear Nathan,

I am taking the children and going away for a while. I need to clear my mind and calm myself before I do something stupid. Alyssa is at my mother’s house, and you can go pick her up whenever you are ready. I did not mention your little mishap to her, and I would appreciate it if you didn’t either. I left my phone, because right now, I don’t want to have any contact with you, and I don’t need any distractions. Also, I did not tell mother my whereabouts, so please don’t bother her with questions. I will contact you once I am ready. Until then, you should also take this time to try and figure some things out. Before you begin to wonder, I do not know where we are going to go from here, but I do know that, whatever happens, I gave you my all, and I gave you my best. Sincerely, Jazmin "Fuck!" Nathan screamed, as he crumpled the paper in his hand and fell onto the bed. He was devastated. He knew he had done wrong, and he also knew that, one day, his infidelities would catch up with him. At that moment, he wished that he could just go back to the beginning and start all over. He didn't want to lose his family; he wasn't ready to lose his family. As he sat on the bed with tears running down his face, he hoped Jazmin knew how truly sorry he was.

CHAPTER ONE Three years ago


Staring at her watch as she waited for her iced mocha latte she ordered fifteen minutes ago, Jazmin began to grow impatient with each tick of the second hand. She just knew that she was going to be late for her meeting with the head wigs at her prestigious job working for the only black-owned law firm in a small city in Texas. Today was going to be her day, but by the way things were going, she became more and more discouraged. Waking up that morning with flutters in her stomach, she strategically put on her newly bought suit that she got from Bloomingdale's. Jazmin was extremely anxious about today's outcome as she put on her navy blue, pinstriped skirt suit with her baby blue blouse, making sure she looked like she was destined to be a partner. She had picked it up the day before from the cleaners so that there would be no questions about where she belonged. She just knew today would be the day that she would finally become partner, so she wanted to look her best, letting the other partners know that she deserved this position. She reached into her closet and pulled out her six-inch, baby blue Jimmy Choos high heels and then turned to the dresser to grab her baby blue sapphire earrings to set off the ensemble. As she stood in the coffee shop, noticing that another five minutes had so graciously passed, she figured that all chances of today being that day were fading with each passing moment. Stuck between trying to figure out if she should leave and just settle for the usual burnt, watered-down coffee at work or wait just a little longer for her chocolatey goodness, she heard her name being called by the young barista, who could be no older than nineteen years old, informing her that her order was ready. Â

Standing there with a sheepish smile on her face, she apologized for the wait and began to explain that they were understaffed that morning. Jazmin reached for her coffee and flashed the barista a smile while trying to hide her irritation. She kindly placed a dollar in the tip jar, told her to have a good day, and turned to walk away. Hoping that she could still make it in time, she rushed towards the door. Not paying attention, she bumped into what felt like the wall, wasting her coffee all over herself. "This has to be the worst day ever," she said to herself, as she saw a nicely manicured hand reaching out to her to generously help her up. While standing to her feet, she locked eyes with a god, who had to have been sculpted to perfection. Standing 6 feet 3 inches tall and about 240 pounds, rock solid, this man was the highlight of her morning. Jazmin was mesmerized by his gorgeous smile traced by a nicely trimmed goatee. She followed the outline of his beautiful lips up to his almond-shaped, hazel eyes and got trapped in her thoughts. Damn, this man is handsome,​ Jazmin thought to herself, as she tried to maintain her composure; she hoped that her juices didn't come through her clothes. "Excuse me, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Please accept my apologies and let me buy you another, um-" "Iced mocha latte, and no you don't have to, I'm perfectly fine." "No, please allow me to this; it’s the least I can do, Ms.?"

"Jazmin. My name is Jazmin Carlson, and you don't have to do that. I'm fine, really." “Well, Ms. Jazmin, from the looks of things, I have done a lot of damage with my negligence. I was so busy looking at this damn phone that I wasn't watching where I was going. All work and no play I admit, but it’s still no excuse." Looking down at her shirt, she realized that she was wearing her coffee before she even got the chance to at least take a sip of it. Thankfully, she didn't have her jacket on so her outfit wasn't completely ruined. "Well, I'm in a bit of a hurry, so you see, in my urgency, I wasn't paying attention either." She said, glad that she always kept an emergency shirt at the office. "Ah, I see, but you must let me make it up to you." "Really, it’s fine; no harm, no foul," she laughed, trying to play off her frustration mixed with the excitement. She was feeling all types of things from looking at the man standing in front of her. He was trying his hardest, and on any other day, she would have jumped at the offer of a beautiful man buying her a coffee, or anything, for that matter, but today was not the day. She had something bigger on her agenda. “Well, at least take my card, so we can schedule a rain check. My name is Nathan, by the way, but you can call me Nate." He reached into his suit pocket, pulled out an embossed card, and handed it to her.

Jazmin grabbed the card from his hand, and as she turned it over to read it, she saw the words, "​NATHAN PENNINGTON, CEO; PENNINGTON & BURNS LAW FIRM.​" ***** As Jazmin sped down the highway, she hoped that she could make it to work in time to change her shirt and slide into the meeting without anyone noticing. Switching lanes, she had a flashback of the man she had just encountered. "Shit, that was my boss. I'm never going to get this partnership." She said to herself while weaving through traffic. "Damn, I can't believe that my one day of clumsiness is the day that I meet him; this is truly the worse day." Pulling into her usual spot, close to the building, Jazmin reached for her black, leather briefcase her mother bought her when she first started with the company five years ago. Grabbing her jacket, she stepped out of the car and shut the door. Pressing the lock button on her key fob to her silver 2013 BMW 320i, she rushed into the building and prayed that the meeting had been delayed. Stepping off the elevator, she walked quickly to her office. With her six-inch stilettos clacking under her feet, Jazmin rushed so that she could change her shirt and freshen herself up before she walked into the boardroom. Quickly entering her office and throwing her briefcase on the couch in the corner, she walked to her desk and opened the bottom drawer, pulling out a white blouse.

As she stepped into the conference room, she noticed that no one was present. Breathing a silent sigh of relief, she was thankful that their meetings never started on time. Finding herself a seat at the long, oval oak wood table, Jazmin poured herself a glass of water. Taking a sip as she collected her thoughts and waited for the rest of the members, she almost choked on her water when she heard that familiar baritone voice from the coffee shop thirty minutes ago. "Good morning. I see we meet again, under better pretenses, I suppose." Nathan said to her while entering the room and pouring himself a glass of water as well. “Good morning, Mr. Pennington." Jazmin flashed him a smile, while noticing how nicely groomed he was. Standing there in his black, two-piece, Armani suit, she could see that he had NP engraved in his gold cufflinks as he reached for the carafe. He added a deep violet tie with a handkerchief to give just a little more to his attire. He was so well put together, from his fresh, low-cut fade that had waves that she could just imagine rubbing her hands through, to his shined-to-perfection Armani shoes she figured he bought with the suit. “Awww, I told you to call me Nate.” Nathan said while unbuttoning his suit jacket and taking a seat. "You didn't say that you worked here, not that you really gave me much information about yourself." Nathan said with a grin while winking his eye. "I apologize; I was really in a rush this morning trying to make sure I made it here on time."

"Well, I guess something should have clicked when you told me your name. I just went over your credentials last night, and I have to admit that I am very impressed." Jazmin took another sip of her water, trying to hide the fact that this man was making her blush. She crossed her legs under the table hoping that he didn't see the effect he was having on her. This man just don't know that I will eat that suit off him.​ She thought to herself as she filled up on water. She didn't want to embarrass herself nor did she want him to see the effect he was having on her. "So, Ms. Carlson, are you going to take me up on my offer?" Nathan said with a smug grin on his face. Noticing his cockiness, Jazmin played it off. “I’m sorry, what offer was that again?” She said in the most professional voice that she could muster up at that point. "The rain check. It doesn't have to be coffee; it can be dinner. I would love to get to know you." Nathan said, realizing that she wasn’t one to give in easily. "Mr. Pennington, I don't think that will be a good idea; you are my boss." Poking his lips out as if to pout, he said, "It's just dinner, and if it makes you feel any better, we can say it's a business meeting."

Seeing the glimmer in his eyes as he was trying to charm her, Jazmin realized that this man was used to getting what he wanted and was not the type to take no for an answer. Just as he was about to say something else, the rest of the board members came in, interrupting Nathan's cat and mouse game he was beginning to enjoy so much. Sitting across from her, Nate began to take Jazmin all-in noticing things about her that he hadn’t in the coffee shop. She was beautiful. Like, drop dead gorgeous. Even though she had a few extra pounds on her, he couldn’t help but notice that she carried herself well and was very professional. Besides, Nathan liked his women with a little meat on their bones; he was never into stick figures. Jazmin’s hair was cut short, but there was not a hair out of place in her short, golden-blonde style. Her makeup was flawless… not too much, but just enough to accentuate her natural beauty. From the earth tone eyeshadow she wore on top of her big, brown eyes, to the dab of red lipstick she wore on her sexy, pouty lips that made Nathan get lost in thoughts of kissing her. Going further, he noticed how dainty her hands and fingers were, accented with her nicely manicured, French tip nails. He could only hope that one day he would have her digging them in his back. “Mr. Pennington, is there anything you would like to add before we move forward?” Nathan heard a voice say, bringing him out of his trance.

“Uh, yes,” Nathan said while clearing his throat. “As you all know, we have been considering someone to bring on as a partner; we’ve thought long and hard about it, and I think that we have made an excellent decision on our newest addition. So, without further ado, Ms. Carlson, congratulations on your partnership with us. You very well deserve it." He said, flashing her a grin trying to contain his excitement he got just by looking at her. Everyone started to clap as Jazmin stood to show her appreciation. "Thank you, everyone. You do not know how much this means to me. I promise I will not fail nor disappoint you, and I am going to make you proud to have me as a partner. I will also work my hardest to ensure that you have made the right decision." As the secretary came in with the congratulatory cake and champagne, everyone circled around to shake hands with the newest partner of the company. Jazmin was relishing in the glory of her accomplishments. Smiling from ear-to-ear, she shook hands and made small talk with her now partners. With laughter all around, Jazmin was glad that she had this distraction from Nathan. She was finally able to keep her thoughts clear. She had noticed that, throughout the meeting, Nathan wouldn’t take his eyes off her causing her to melt in her seat. Being the woman that she was, though, she couldn’t let him see her squirm. She maintained herself and kept her focus on other things, because she knew the moment that she locked eyes with him, it was going to be over for her. ***** Jazmin headed back to her office, finally getting a breather, when she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in," she said from behind her cherry wood desk. Looking up to see that it was Nathan, she played busy with her computer, tapping on the keys hoping he would get the hint and leave. “We’re going to have to get your door placard changed to better suit your title.” Nathan said, as he stepped in and approached her desk. "Yes, but there's no rush. Is there something I can assist you with, Mr. Pennington?" Jazmin said, as she pretended to be so busy in her work that she couldn't afford any distractions. "Again, Nate, and yes there is." He came closer to her with a sinister smile on his face. She took a deep breath trying to hide the way this man standing in front of her made her feel every time he came near. "How can I help you Mr.-" "Nate." "How can I help you, Nathan?" "There's no way I can get you to call me Nate is there?" He said through a hearty laugh. "We are, after all partners, so you don't have to be so formal." He flashed her a toothy smile showing those gorgeous pearly whites again, which would've made her weak, falling to the floor if she wasn't already sitting down. "Well, Nathan, we are at work, in a professional setting, and we are partners as you just stated, not friends." Jazmin said with sarcasm.

“Okay, Ms. Carlson. I just wanted to congratulate you again and to see if there's any chance I can welcome you to the partnership with dinner tonight." "Are the other partners going to be present?" "No, they're all going home to start the weekend early with their families, so it will be just me and you." "I'm afraid that I must decline as well, as I have plans for this evening myself." “Are you going home to be with your husband and children as well?” He asked, trying to see if she was spoken for. "No husband." "So, you're going home to your children?" "Nope, no children." "Okay, then, you and your boyfriend have some Friday night plans?" He pried some more trying to see if he possibly had a chance with her. "No boyfriend, either." "Awww, I get it, you're going out with your girlfriend." He winked his eye, but secretly hoped that she was not playing for the same team he was.

“You are really getting too personal, but if you must know, I’m not into women, and it’s just me. I will be going to my mother’s house to spend time with my family this evening." "Okay, I understand, so next weekend then?" "You are very persistent, Mr. Pennington." "Yes I am, and I will not take no for an answer." "I see, you don't look like the type of man that gets told no too often. How about this? I have your card with your number, and I will call you with a date and time. How does that sound?" “I guess I have no choice but to accept that. I must admit, I’m not happy with this decision, but I will try to wait patiently for your call." He said with a light chuckle. "Why, thank you kind sir." Jazmin said, while walking Nathan to the door. "I get it, I get it. I can let myself out." Nathan said, while reaching for her hand to shake it. Jazmin hesitantly gave him her hand, and instead of shaking it, Nathan placed a soft kiss on her knuckles sending her juices into overflow. She felt like she was gushing everywhere, not making it easy to maintain herself. As she closed the door, she whispered to herself, “This man is going to drive me crazy."

CHAPTER TWO "Oh, baby, I'm so proud of you." Jazmin’s mother, Evelyn, said to her as she stepped through the door and gave her a hug. "Thank you, Mommy. I almost thought I wasn't going to get it." "Nonsense." Evelyn said. "Yes little sis, we are all so very proud of you!" Chantae, Jazmin's older sister said to her coming out of the kitchen. "Thank you, Tae-Tae; where are my babies at?" Jazmin said, while giving her sister a hug. "Girl, they are upstairs getting on my nerves. About to get a whooping." Tae said loud enough for her children to hear, hoping that they were sitting down watching the movie she put on for them.

Even though they were seven years apart, everyone always thought they were so much closer in age, because where you saw one, you saw the other. Ever since they were younger, Jazmin always clung to her sister as if they were joined at the hip. "You are all you got," is what their mother used to say every time they got into an argument, or Tae didn't want to be bothered with her sister. Evelyn always made sure that she instilled the values of family in them, because it was true; they were all they would have… one day. When Tae was seven, Evelyn didn't want to start over, but she knew she had this human being growing inside of her, and she couldn't just abandon it and abortion was out of the question. Watching her daughters laughing and cracking jokes, Evelyn remembered the day she found out she was pregnant with Jazmin. After Tae’s father had left, Evelyn swore that she would never fall for another man, but then one rainy day, she bumped into this gentleman, and she felt like things might be different with this one. This man pursued her until she finally gave in and agreed to a date. He was perfect. He wined and dined her, took care of her and Tae, and never once treated her daughter as if she wasn't his. Anything Evelyn or Tae needed, he was there footing the bill. He helped with homework, rubbed Evelyn's feet after a long day at the diner. He was even present to all the doctor and dental visits. He was truly a blessing, until one day everything just changed. He started drinking more, gambling all their money away, and soon after, came the beatings.

Evelyn knew that, for the safety of her child, she had to leave this man and she did. One night, she put it on him so tough that he fell asleep drooling and holding the pillow. She knew that was her chance to grab her daughter and leave. Quietly waking her precious baby up out of what seemed to be a wonderful dream, she grabbed some clothes and threw them in the suitcase as quickly as she could. "Where are we going, Mommy? What's wrong?" Tae asked through her sleepiness while holding her teddy bear close to her chest. "Nothing, baby. You and mommy are just going to take a little trip. You would like that, wouldn't you?" Tae nodded her head in agreeance, struggling to stay awake. Evelyn had just found out that morning that she was pregnant, and she knew she had to leave. Not only for her and Tae’s sake, but for the life of her unborn child as well. "Mommy, are you okay?" Both Jazmin and Tae said in unison. "Yes, dears. I was just thinking of how proud I am of the both of you and how lucky I am to have you two as my daughters." Tae was a well-known surgeon, who traveled the world helping children with deformities. Sometimes, they would even come to her. She was highly recommended, and everyone wanted her to help their child. Then, a few years ago, Tae met Antoine and fell madly in love. They got married and then soon came the children, and that changed everything.

Jazmin was so in love with Tae’s children, that you could have sworn they were hers instead of Tae’s. "Awww, there she goes again, being all mushy." Tae said laughing. "Hush child." Evelyn said, while throwing a pillow at Tae. She dodged, and it hit Jazmin in the face. "Ma, what was that for?" Jazmin said through a laugh. "I'm sorry, baby; that was for your big head sister. So, how did it go; tell us everything." Evelyn said while walking towards the kitchen. She grabbed some wine glasses out of the cabinet for her and her girls and headed back to the living room. "Well, as you know, I made partner, but today was a real rollercoaster." Jazmin answered while reaching for a glass. "What do you mean by rollercoaster? Today is a major accomplishment." said Tae, grabbing a glass from their mother as well. "So, of course, I woke up nervous as hell hoping that I would be picked for partnership, but when I was at the coffee shop, I was met with a lot of other things." Jazmin told her mother and sister with a huge grin on her face. She was not able to contain her thoughts of Nathan. "Uh-hunh, Mama, you see this stupid grin she has on her face?" "I sure do." Evelyn said while pouring the wine. "Spill it girl; what happened?"

Seeing that Jazmin wasn't going to give any details, Evelyn playfully smacked Jazmin on the shoulder. Giving her a stern look, Evelyn waited for her to begin talking. "Okay, okay fine. Well, at the coffee shop, I met a guy." "Oooh, Auntie Jess has a boyfriend!" Natasha shouted from the stairs sticking her tongue out at her aunt. "Hush girl! Didn't I tell you to sit your little butt down and watch that dang movie?!" Tae said to her nosey seven-year-old daughter. "Timothy and Zack won't share the popcorn. They keep passing it to each other and skipping me." Timothy and Zack were Tae’s two oldest boys. They loved picking on their little sister, giving Tae daily migraines. "Let me go check on these kids before I catch a case." Tae headed up the stairs to see what was going on. Laughing, Jazmin said to her mother, "Who would have thought Tae would have any children, let alone three," remembering how her sister always said she was too busy for that wifey-mommy life and how she was never ready to settle down.

"Child, a man will do that to ya. Just have to make sure he's the right one to do it for." Evelyn said, as she remembered all her misfortunes. The only good thing that came out of falling in love with those no good, two-timing men were her beautiful, successful daughters. Also, the life lesson to never repeat the same mistakes a third time. Sure she had someone whenever she got a craving for some good loving, but as far as her daughters were concerned, she was a nun. "Speaking of the right man, you never told us about this guy that has you blushing." Tae said coming down the stairs. "I swear these kids are going to be the death of me, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Jazmin could see the sparkle in her sister’s eyes every time she talked about her husband and children. She silently hoped that, one day, she could find that same joy. "Come back to us, Jazmin. Don't go into the light." Tae said, playfully, as she snapped her fingers in front of her little sister's face trying to get her attention. "Oh, uh, what were we talking about?" Jazmin said acting silly. "Don't act like you forgot; we were talking about Mr. Prince Charming that has you smiling from ear-to-ear. Got you not paying attention to us every time we ask a question." Tae was not one to leave anything alone. She would interrogate you until you told her what she wanted to hear. With the way she was always asking questions and quick with the follow-up questions, you would have thought she was going to be the lawyer instead of a doctor.

"At the coffee shop this morning..." “Yeah, yeah, yeah you said all of that. Get to the good part. The man part." Tae interrupted Jazmin. "Well, if you let me finish." Jazmin said, playfully, rolling her eyes at her nosey sister, realizing where her niece got it from. "I bumped into this guy, who was like a breath of fresh air." Jazmin replayed her encounter with Nathan. Breathing in, she could still smell the scent of his Tom Ford cologne as if he were standing in front of her. "He was all of everything that could make you weak at the knees. Tall, dark, handsome, and nicely groomed." “So what’s the problem?” Her mother asked, taking a sip of her wine. "He's my boss... well, now my partner. It could never work, and if I do start dating him, everyone will think that's how I got my partnership. I worked too damn hard for..." "Oooh, you said a bad word." Zack said, laughing at his aunt while running to her to give her a hug. "Boy, get your butt back upstairs!" Tae said, giving her second oldest a love tap on the behind. “But Mommy, I’m thirsty.” Zack said, while poking his lips out in a pout. Getting up to get her son some Capri Suns to take up for him and his brother and sister, she told her sister to keep going.


"I worked too damn... dang hard for anyone to think I slept my way to the top." Jazmin said, remembering that her impressionable nephew was still sitting next to her. "Here, take these to your brother and sister, and y'all better not come back down here until it's time to leave." Tae said, sending her son back upstairs. Zack gave his mother, grandmother, and aunt a kiss then turned around and ran upstairs. "Stop all that damn running!" He heard his mother shout as he entered the room. "Well baby, it sounds like trouble, but it may be worth it." "I know, Mama. I know."



Driving to the YMCA, where he and his boys met up to play a few games of basketball, Nathan’s mind kept taking him back to thoughts of Jazmin. He hoped that she would eventually call and take him up on his offer. He just couldn't stop thinking about how well put together she was and the way her nice, firm ass sat up in her skirt. She was the complete package. She made her own money, which was a pleasant change from the gold diggers he was used to, she kept herself up and knew how to keep a man guessing, and she wasn’t your typical woman. Nathan was willing to do everything he could to win her over. Pulling into the parking lot, he could see that his younger brother Marcus and best friend Jason had beat him there. Marcus was fresh out of college and had just moved to Texas to be closer to his older brother. He too was studying Law, having Nathan as a mentor. Marcus stood 6 foot 4 and was cut to perfection just like his brother. Even though they were ten years apart, they looked like they could be twins. The only difference between the two was that Marcus was just a few shades lighter and had green eyes instead of hazel. Everywhere Marcus went, the ladies would flock to him as if he were some type of celebrity or something.

Jason, however, was two years older than Nathan, but they went to the same college and was in the same fraternity. Jason, noticing the potential in Nathan, took him under his wing, and once he was officially a part of the frat, they were inseparable. Jason was 6 foot 3 as well and had a caramel complexion with deep brown eyes that anyone could get lost in. Add in the rock-hard abs, and he was a force to be reckoned with. He was a Gynecologist and was very good with the female anatomy. Jason was the first person that Nathan saw. "What's up, Jai." Jai was Jason’s nickname he received from his fraternity brothers. They thought the name Jason was too simple. "What's up, Nate? You ready to get this workout in?" "Yeah, but where's Marc?" Nathan asked, looking around trying to find his brother. “Oh, you know him. Just follow the ladies.” He laughed, as he looked in the direction of where Marcus was standing talking to a chocolate bombshell who had legs for days. She looked like she was no good. "Awww, man. Let's go get this fool before he gets in trouble." Marcus had a crazy girlfriend, who always threatened to cut his dick off if she ever caught him cheating, and they believed she would do it. "What's up, little bro?" Nathan said to Marcus while coming in for a brotherly hug.

“Nothing much. Just doing what I do best.” Marcus said, while giving a side-eye to the young lady standing next to him. “Nathan, this is uh..." "Keisha." "Yeah, Keisha. We were just talking about going to grab something to eat once we were done here." "Nice to meet you." Nathan said, trying not to be short. "You, too." The girl said, giving Nathan the once over. "So, you ready to get your ass kicked in some b-ball?" Nathan asked Marcus, not giving Keisha a second thought. “No, are you ready to get your ass kicked, big bro?” Marcus asked, while walking off with Nathan and Jai, not thinking about Keisha still standing there. "Wait, I haven't given you my number yet, and I don't have yours!" She yelled out after them, but neither of them were paying her any attention. ***** "You guys play good for a couple of old heads." Marcus said, jokingly, to Nathan and Jason. "Old? Who you calling old young one?" Nathan asked. "Yeah, ain't nothing old about us. Just because you are still wet behind the ears young buck." Jason added.

“Don’t get your briefs in a bunch, Grandpas. I'm just playing with you." They joked around, going back and forth while walking to the locker room to shower after their extensive basketball game. Just as they were about to enter, Keisha grabbed Marcus' arm to get his attention. Not realizing who she was, Marcus viciously snatched his arm back, causing Nathan and Jason to turn around and see what was going on. "What the fu-" Marcus said, as he turned around to see who was grabbing on him. “I didn’t mean to scare you, but I've been waiting so that we can go to lunch, remember?" Keisha said, flirtatiously. "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah… my bad baby. Let me go in here and take a quick shower then I'll be ready." "Man, Cam is gonna kill you." Nathan said to Marcus as he entered the locker room. Cam is Marcus’ girlfriend, Cameron. She was crazy about Marcus, and not the usual crazy. She was a bona fide, certifiable kind of crazy, and Marcus kept trying her. They’ve been dating since ninth grade, and Marcus had been cheating on her for just as long. Last time she caught Marcus cheating, she beat the girl so viciously, the police put a restraining order on her’ the girl didn't even have to. No lie, she was a damn good woman to Marcus, but he put her through so much mess that she eventually snapped, and snapped in a major way.

"Man, please. What she doesn't know won't hurt her." Marcus said with a smile. "No, but what she finds out will hurt you." Jason said, half-jokingly, knowing that Cam would murder him. “She’s not going to find out unless one of you say something." "You know we don't even get down like that. Just remember the last time she found out." Nathan said to his brother before stepping into the shower. ***** Driving back home in his black-on-black, souped-up Dodge Charger, listening to Kevin Gates, ​Stranger Than Fiction​ CD, Nathan thought back to when he was his brother’s age. Laughing to himself as he reminisced about all the crazy things he used to do, Nathan just wished his brother would come to his senses before he lost Cam, or worse, she killed him. Pulling into the driveway of his home, Nathan was beginning to dread coming there. Sure it was a beautiful, six-bedroom, four bathroom mini-mansion, with two living areas, a huge backyard, and a pool built for an Olympic swimmer, but he wanted more to look forward to. It just wasn't much without a woman to come home to. The right woman to come home to.

As he walked through the garage door, entering his pantry, Nathan couldn’t help but wonder how warm it would feel to come home to Jazmin and her beautiful smile. Even though he met her just the day before, he couldn't get her off his mind. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something about her that made him want more out of life, and he wanted it with her. Pouring himself a glass of D'usse Cognac, Nathan headed to the media room to watch a game of football. Still, with his thoughts on Jazmin, he wasn’t able to give his full attention to the 60-inch plasma TV screen. He was hoping that she would change her mind and call and possibly give him what he had been yearning for. Feeling his phone vibrate in his lap soon followed by the ring, he wondered who could be calling him. Thinking about letting it go straight to voicemail, he saw that it was an unknown number and decided to answer it anyway, even though it went against his better judgment. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Hello..."

CHAPTER FOUR Sitting in her lounge chair on her patio deck, Jazmin watched the water in her pool, as it swayed in the breeze of the wind. Enjoying a glass of Moscato, she played with Nathan’s card, twirling it in her fingers.

“Should I call him or not? Hell, it’s going to take more than just one glass of this to calm my nerve.” She thought out loud. Looking down at the card, Jazmin was trying to figure out how this man could have such an effect on her after just meeting him yesterday. Getting lost in her torment of whether to call him or not, she heard her friend Laronica’s voice coming from the kitchen. "Girl, what are you doing just lounging around?" Laronica asked, while sitting down in the lounge next to her friend and helping herself to a glass of Moscato. Laronica and Jazmin had been friends since freshmen year of college. They were assigned to the same dorm room and instantly clicked. They were interested in the same things, had the same taste in men, shared each other’s clothes, and joined the same sorority. They were so close, everyone thought they were sisters. Laronica, though, was 5'6 with a slimmer frame. Her mother was black and her father was white, so she was high-yellow with gray eyes to die for. Jazmin always envied her a little bit because Laronica had no problem finding a man, while Jazmin, on the other hand, was always the pretty, big girl that no one wanted. Well, no one worth wanting wanted her. Still, they never let this little difference come between their friendship, and Laronica never had anything negative to say about Jazmin. “Girl, I’m just trying to relax and take in the fact that I made partner." "Bitch, you made partner and you didn't tell me!" Laronica said, while smacking Jazmin on the leg.

"I haven't told anyone except my mom and Tae. I wanted to wait until I saw you to share the news." Jazmin knew that Laronica would be over that Saturday afternoon; it was like a ritual for them. Ever since college, no matter what was going on or what they were doing, they would always sit aside Saturday afternoons to have some alone time for themselves. Laronica also had a key to Jazmin’s house, so Saturdays were her chance to get away from George, who was her longtime boyfriend. George wasn't bad on the eyes, but was too skinny for Jazmin’s liking. He was 6'0, 150 pounds, and could fly away if the wind blew too hard. He was just a little darker than Laronica and had those dreamy, brown eyes, but he wasn't that make you weak in the knees sexy like Nathan. “Well, I’m here. So tell me, how does it feel being a partner now?” Laronica asked all giddy. She would never admit it, but she was low-key jealous of Jazmin, because she got everything she wanted. She also hated that people recognized Jazmin for her intellect and not just her beauty. Sure, Laronica got what she wanted, too, but people treated her as though all she was good for was being pretty. That's why she decided to become a model and not pursue her goals of being a lawyer as well. "It feels the same. Nothing has changed, just my title. I still have to work hard and put in long hours." "Yes, but now you're the boss. You can make someone else do the work and finally take that long, overdue vacation. You deserve it."

It was true; Jazmin had never taken a vacation or even a sick day. If she did get sick, she would work from home and have all of her briefs done by the deadline. She would take the cases that no one wanted, and her winning streak in the courts was 95%. Yeah, she deserved a break, but she still couldn't afford to take one right now. "I know, but I can't do that right now; I just made partner, and I don't want them to think that I'm going to start slacking off now. I worked too hard to reach my five-year goal for them to take it away from me before I can actually enjoy it." "Hmph, okay, Ms. Workaholic. What you got there in your hand?" Laronica asked, noticing that her best friend had been fumbling around with a card since she got there. "Oh, this? It's nothing; just a business card." Jazmin said, trying to be coy about it. "Okay, a business card for who?" "This guy I bumped into yesterday morning at the coffee shop." "Okay, so it's a ‘business card’." Laronica said, while making air quotes with her fingers. "Hush girl, it's not like that." "Well, then what is it like? I heard you back here talking to yourself." Jazmin was so deep in her thoughts that she hadn't realized her best friend had been there the whole time.

"Spill the beans. What's his name? What does he look like? I want to hear it all." “Girl, this man is so damn fine. Like, get your juices flowing fine. He may be over six feet tall with the perfect hazel eyes that can see through to your soul.” Jazmin was getting excited just thinking about Nathan. "Damn, he sounds delicious!" "That's not even all. He has the juiciest, pink lips I've ever seen. Not that type of pink to where you think something is wrong, but that perfect shade that makes you want to suck his lips off his face." "Shit, those sound like pussy-eating lips." Laronica was always the nasty one out of the two. She was never ashamed to let you know she loved getting licked from tha roota to da toota. “Stop it nasty,” Jazmin said, while playfully swatting at her friend. She could never understand how Laronica could be so sexual. That's where they differed; Jazmin was more of a private person, while her best friend, on the other hand, was extremely open, sometimes, too open. "Bitch, please. I love me some big, juicy lips. Especially, if he can eat the hell out of some pussy. Damn, I'm getting wet just thinking about it." Laronica said while licking her lips. "I hear you on that, but regardless of how gorgeous this man is and how weak he makes me, there's one huge problem."

“What? He’s married? Because that doesn't mean shit when you just fucking." Laronica had no boundaries. If the man was fine and able to hit the spot, she didn't care if he was married nor did she care that she had a man at home. "No, you know I don't get down like that." Jazmin knew that her friend’s biggest weakness was men. Married or not, she was down to fuck. "He's my boss. Well, now partner, and I don't shit where I eat." "Girl, please. By the way he got you talking to yourself, he just might be the one. Go ahead and call him." Laronica was right. Nathan had all the right qualities to be ​that man. At least from what she could tell. He wasn't a deadbeat, and he knew how to carry himself. He was a little cocky, but she loved a man with confidence; she just couldn't get over the fact that they worked together. Jazmin was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and she had no clue what to do. "Fuck it," Jazmin said, as she picked up her phone and started dialing. "Hello." Damn it, he answered​, Jazmin thought to herself, as she was hoping he wouldn't pick up. "Hello, may I speak to Nathan?" She knew it was him, but she couldn't think of anything else to say at that moment.

"This is he. May I ask who's calling?" Nathan was beginning to grow irritated as he regretted answering his phone, and for an unknown number, at that. "Hey, Nathan; this is Jazmin. We met yesterday." "So, you finally decided to call." He said with a huge grin on his face that made his eyes glow in the dark media room. "Yes, I did. I've been thinking about your offer and..." "Girl, stop playing and tell that man you've been thinking about him and want to see him!" Laronica obnoxiously said to her nervous friend. Trying to contain his laughter, he said, "You've been thinking about my offer, and?" "And I would like to take you up on it, if the offer still stands." “Of course it does; I wasn’t going to take it off the table. I meant what I said when I told you I wanted to get to know you.” Nathan felt himself rising just at the sound of her voice. ​Damn, I'm going to have to take a shower. How can she have such strong of an effect on me?​ he thought to himself as he heard her take a deep breath. "Well, how does your schedule look for this evening! I was thinking dinner would be nice." "Yes, good. You should cook for him, Jess. Show him your skills." Laronica blurted out, again, not caring if Nathan could hear her or not.

Nathan tried hard to hold back his laugh, because he could truly sense how nervous Jazmin was. “Dinner is fine. How about eight o'clock? There's this new restaurant I want to try. Do you like sushi?" "I love sushi, and eight o'clock is fine." Jazmin said, as she rolled her eyes at Laronica. Hitting her on the arm, she walked back into the house. "Great, I will pick you up around 7:15 tonight. Is that okay?" "Perfect." "Well, see you then." "Yes you will. I mean, see you then." Jazmin gasped, as she realized that, this time, she didn't keep her thoughts in her head. Not able to hold in his laugh anymore, Nathan let out a soft chuckle as, he said, "Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, Jazmin." Feeling embarrassed, Jazmin began to turn red. She was glad that he wasn't there to see how hard she was blushing. Trying to keep cool, she managed a "you too" and then hung up the phone. "Bitch, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Jazmin exclaimed, coming back outside to where her best friend was. “What do you mean, Jessy Pooh?” Laronica said with puppy dog eyes. She did this every time Jazmin got mad at her, but she wasn’t falling for it this time.

"Jessy Pooh, my ass! Why would you be so loud when I'm on the phone with this man. He could hear every fucking thing you were saying. Realizing that this time her puppy dog eyes wasn't going to work on her long time best friend, Laronica said, "Well, somebody needed to light a fire under ya ass and get the conversation started. You were sitting there all scared and shit not wanting to talk. You better stop playing games before another woman swoops in and takes your place!" Even though her best friend was right, Jazmin didn't want to admit it out loud, nor did she want to spend the rest of the afternoon arguing, so she changed the subject. "What am I gonna wear, Roni?"

CHAPTER FIVE Slipping on her black, Tracey Reese, ruched shift dress that hugged her just right, Jazmin checked herself out in her floor-to-ceiling closet mirror making sure that everything looked perfect. She reached into her closet and pulled out her six-inch Christian Louboutin’s, which accented her legs to perfection. Putting on her diamond, teardrop earrings with the necklace to match, she grabbed her black clutch purse and headed downstairs. Taking a shot of her Twenty Grand Vodka to calm herself down, Jazmin heard the doorbell ring. While walking to the door, she tripped over her all-white Persian rug.

"Damn, I really need to get it together." She said, as she checked herself out one more time and freshened up her lipstick in the mirror by the door. Opening the door, she was taken aback by the man standing in front of her. Standing there in his smoky gray, Sean John suit, with a pin-striped shirt to accent it. He had one button undone, giving her just a little peek at his chest, which gave her thoughts of reaching out and touching it. He set it off by wearing Christian Louboutin’s himself. He looked like something straight out of the magazines. Closing her eyes and taking in the scent of his Unbelievable by Sean John cologne, Jazmin was ready to take him to her couch and give it to him right then and there. She was ready to skip dinner. "Are you ready to go?" Nathan asked, trying to hide his rising manhood from staring at the beautiful canvas in front of him. “Yes, I am. Just let me grab my keys.” Jazmin said, hoping he couldn’t read her thoughts. By the twinkle in his eyes, she figured he felt the same way. Helping her step into his all-black Infiniti QX80, Nathan closed the door behind her and walked to the driver’s side. Admiring his taste in cars, Jazmin took a quick look around and instantly fell in love with the way the tan seats with crocodile headrest set off the rest of his SUV. "Are you comfortable?" Nathan asked, while putting on his seatbelt.

"Yes. Very. Thank you." Jazmin responded, putting her seatbelt on as well. Pulling up to the restaurant, the valet helped Jazmin out of the car. Waiting for Nathan, she stood there glaring at the beauty of Xaos Sushi Lounge. Feeling a hand placed gently on the small of her back, she quivered at the touch of him guiding her through the doors. "Lord, please let me make it through the night." She said a silent prayer to herself. ***** Sitting at their table, waiting for their orders to arrive, they made small talk. "Tell me about yourself." Nathan said, before taking a sip of his water. “Well, what would you like to know?” Jazmin said, squeezing her lemon into her water before taking a sip. "I want to know everything. Start from the beginning." “Well, I grew up with my mother and older sister. I don’t know much about my father. Mom never spoke much about him. She worked hard to make sure my sister and I had the best of everything, so I busted my butt in school to make sure I could repay her. I graduated Valedictorian from high school, earning me a partial scholarship to Spelman. There, I worked in a diner to cover the rest of my school fees. Once I graduated, I went to Harvard Law, and well, here I am." "Sounds interesting; what made you become a lawyer?"

"I've always hated when people were treated unjustly. Every time the little guy would get picked on, I'd step in to defend him. Not to mention, I would always have these debates with my sister growing up, which I guess you can say prepared me for the path I chose." Jazmin laughed, thinking back to all the times she argued with her sister to get her way. Nathan and Jazmin sat quietly as the waitress placed their meals in front of them. Pouring them a glass of white wine, she asked if there was anything else she could get them. They said "no” in unison, and the waitress walked away, leaving them to their conversation. Carefully picking up one of her spicy tuna rolls with her chopsticks, Jazmin looked at Nathan and asked, "So, what inspired you?" Popping her food in her mouth, she waited for his response. “Well, just like you, I grew up in a single-parent household. It was just me and my mother, and I watched her struggle every day while my dad moved on to his other family." He said, while picking up his California roll and dipping it into the wasabi before taking a bite. "I'm sorry to hear that." Jazmin said, apologetically. "It's okay. I actually have a very close relationship with my younger brother, so it's cool." He said taking a sip of his wine.

“I’ve watched my mom go through so much hell with my dad, going back and forth to court to get support from him. He fought her for years trying to get out of his responsibilities to me. Eventually, she was awarded child support, but by that time, I was already determined to make things better for us. I just always felt that, if she had better representation, she wouldn't have had to struggle for so long." Trying to hold back his tears, he took another bite of his California roll. Seeing that Nathan was about to break down just speaking of his childhood, Jazmin quickly changed the subject. "So, you have a younger brother?" “Yes, Marcus. That’s my boy. We’re about ten years apart, but I do just about everything with him. He just graduated from Morehouse and has been accepted to Yale Law School." "Well, that's exciting! I bet you are very proud of your brother." Jazmin exclaimed in hush tones before sipping her wine. "I'm extremely proud of him." Jazmin could see the way Nathan’s eyes glistened as he talked about his younger brother. Nathan talked about Marcus as if he were his son instead of his brother and was very proud of his brother's accomplishments. After dinner, Nathan took Jazmin out for a stroll on the beach. Not wanting this night to come to an end, he had to think of something else that they could possibly enjoy without being surrounded by a lot of people. He enjoyed Jazmin’s company and wanted to be alone with her before heading back to her house.

The moonlight sat perfectly on the water. As she looked up to stare at Nathan, Jazmin realized the water wasn't the only thing the moonlight made glow. Standing there lost in his eyes, she began to get caught up in her thoughts. “It’s a beautiful night.” Nathan said, bringing her back to reality. "Yes, it is, but I should have brought a jacket; it's a little chilly." Jazmin said, holding her arms. Nathan took off his jacket and wrapped it around Jazmin’s shoulders. Rubbing her arms trying to warm her up, he felt a shiver go down his spine. Jazmin breathed in his scent as he held her, causing her to instantly get wet. “Thank you.” She said, as she closed her eyes and imagined how it would feel to have him inside of her. She didn’t know what it was about him, but Jazmin knew that she was very sexually attracted to Nathan, and in her mind, that was not good. She was devoted and dedicated to her work, and because she just made partner, she didn't need any distractions. Jazmin wasn’t the only one lost in thoughts of lovemaking. As Nathan walked slowly next to her, he couldn’t help but notice how absolutely stunning she was tonight in her black, knee-length dress that looked like it had been painted on. It hugged her curves just right that he couldn’t help but wonder how she looked with it off. Her soft and silky caramel skin hovering on top of him as he slowly stroked her. Licking his lips, he imagined how she would taste, her juices flowing and him slopping them up with his tongue. Breathing in her Obsession perfume, Nathan began to grow "obsessed" with her.

Trying to hide his manhood that was becoming engorged by the minute, he stopped to pick up a rock. "Nathan, are you okay?" Jazmin asked, bringing him back from his thoughts of making passionate love to her right there in the sand. “Yes, just taking this night in, that’s all.” He said, coolly, not wanting her to see his flushed face, because his blood had rushed to his other head. "It is a beautiful night, huh? Look at the way the moon illuminates the water. This is perfect." Jazmin said, taking it all in as well. ***** Dropping Jazmin back at her house, Nathan stepped out and walked to the passenger’s side to assist her. Opening her door, he helped Jazmin out of the car and walked her to the door. As he hesitantly removed his hand from the small of her back, Jazmin fumbled around in her purse trying to find her keys. Just as she was about to put her key in the door and walk in, Nathan grabbed her chin and bent over to seal the night with a kiss. As their lips collided, Nathan parted Jazmin’s lips with his tongue and entered her mouth. His kiss was so tender, so juicy, all she wanted to do was savor his sweet taste. Breaking the kiss while collecting herself, Jazmin said, "Thank you for the lovely evening. I really did enjoy myself and your company."

"I had a great time, too. Hopefully, this won't be my last chance to spend time with you." “No it won’t be the last; we do work together." Jazmin said, with a flirtatious smile just as she walked into the house and closed the door.

CHAPTER SIX With thoughts of Saturday night on her mind, Jazmin could not concentrate on the file she had in front of her for a major case coming up. That night was perfect, from the exquisite sushi to the walk on the beach. Even the company and conversation was great. "Pull it together, Jazmin. You can't afford to mess this up." She said to herself, realizing she had read the same line for the fifth time. Deep in her thoughts about the kiss she shared with Nathan, she heard a knock at the door. “Come in.” She said with a weak voice. Just the thought of him sent a shiver down her spine.

"Hey, Jazmin, am I disturbing you?" Nathan said, peeking his head in the door. Speak of the devil​, she thought to herself. "No, just going over this case." "Is that the Crawford case?" Nathan opened the door a little wider and stepped in. "Do you mind if I sit?" He asked, taking the seat in front of Jazmin’s desk. Rubbing her temples in frustration, “Yes, it is, and none of it makes any sense.” Jazmin took off her reading glasses and looked up to Nathan. "Yeah, it's a tough one, but I’m sure you will figure something out and win the case." He said trying to be of encouragement. "Just don't frustrate yourself. Take a breather, get some fresh air." "You're right, I should. I can't focus right now, anyway." Jazmin said, feeling defeated. "How about we go to lunch and try to relax your mind." With a slight chuckle, she said, "Sure, that sounds good." Jazmin agreed, really needing a break. “Great, well let me grab my jacket and keys, and we can go anywhere of your choosing." Rushing out of Jazmin’s office, Nathan quickly made it to his office and retrieved his belongings. Now that he finally had her looking at him, he was going to keep her attention for as long as possible.

***** Stepping into his black-on-black, chromed out Audi R8, Jazmin realized that this man loved black. "So, you really like black, huh? Jazmin asked, as Nathan got in on the driver’s side. “Yes I do.” Nathan said with a deep laugh. “I guess it seems to be that way, but I can appreciate anything that is black and sexy.” He said, giving Jazmin a side-eye. Sensing that he is not just referring to his vehicles, Jazmin repositioned herself in the seat. Trying to keep her thoughts clean, she turns and asks, "How has your day been so far?" "It's been good, but it's better now that I have you alone." He said, while shifting gears. Watching Nathan shift the gears so swiftly, Jazmin wondered what else he could do with his hands. Shaking her head trying to avoid the conversation Nathan was trying to have, she said to him, “I’ve noticed you have been in the office a lot lately, but before Friday, I never even knew what you looked like." "Yeah, I usually work from home, but the office has suddenly become more appealing." "Why is that? Have we made changes to the office?" She said, avoiding his flirtation.


"No, no new changes. Just some old changes I'm finally noticing." He flashed her a smile, while pulling into the parking lot of Pot Belly's. Getting out of the car, Jazmin was glad that she was going to be in public with Nathan, hoping that he would keep this lunch professional. As he was holding the door open for her, she walked in to find that there was no one in sight, except for the workers. "Damn, just my luck." She whispered, hoping Nathan didn't hear her. He placed his hand on the small of her back, causing her to shiver as they walked up to order. "Are you cold?" Nathan asked feeling her shake. "Yes, it is a little cold in here." Jazmin played it off. Nathan assisted her with putting on his jacket while she ordered her food. He ordered his food also, and then headed to the cash register to pay, while Jazmin headed to the booth by the window. Sitting down across from her, he broke her fixation on whatever she was looking at outside. "Is everything okay?" "Yes, just watching that family walk to their car." She said, with a slight jump from him scaring her.


Nathan looked out the window and noticed a man and woman with their two children. "Is that something you want?" He asked, hoping she said yes. "Yes, it's on my bucket list." She said with a slight chuckle. “So, how is it that a lady like you doesn't have that already?" "Well, you have to have someone to do it with." You can do it with me,​ he thinks to himself. "What's stopped you from having that person?" "I've always been so busy with school and work that I've never made room or time for anyone else." Jazmin said, not wanting to tell him the real truth of how no one was attracted to her, and the ones that were, turned out to be no good. “I see. Well, hopefully, now that you’ve made partner, you will be able to spare that time.” Nathan said, hoping she would make him that one. ***** Back at the office, Jazmin still wasn’t understanding the case. She read it from front to back, but still felt like there were a lot of details missing. There was no weapon, no body, and Mr. Crawford even had a solid alibi.

Taking her glasses off and rubbing her eyes, Jazmin was gaining a headache by the minute. Popping an Advil in her mouth, and taking a sip of her Minute Maid Pineapple Orange juice to wash it down, she picked up her glasses and continued going through the file. Between this case and thoughts of Nathan, Jazmin felt like she was losing control. Taking a break, she peeked out her door and noticed that Nathan’s office light was still on. It was a bad idea, and she knew it, but her feet were leading the way, and she didn't have the energy to fight it. Knocking on Nathan’s door, she cracked it just enough to fit her head in without waiting for him to respond. "So, you found my office." He said, looking up at her from his computer. "Yeah, I saw your light was on, so I decided to come down and check on you." "Well, that was sweet of you." He said, thinking he was finally wearing her down. "No, not really. Just never been in here before. You know, I've worked here for five years, and not once have I ever seen you. Not even at company parties." She said, trying to hide the fact that she wanted to see him. “Yeah, ever since I made partner, I was more comfortable doing my work from home. As far as the company parties go, that was never my scene.” Nathan said, half regretting not going and making an appearance. He could have met her a long time ago. Standing there staring at him, Jazmin wondered if she had the same effect on him as he did on her.

"Do you mind if I take a seat?" She said, moving towards his large, black, leather couch in the corner. "No, sit." Nathan got up from his seat and walked towards his cabinet. "Would you like something to drink?" He asked, reaching for two glasses. "Sure, what do you have in there?" Jazmin asked, hoping he had something strong. “Let’s, see. I have, orange juice, Sprite,” Nathan looked up to see a distorted look on her face, letting him know that she needed something a little harder than that. "I also have some vodka to mix with it." "That's more like it!" Jazmin said with a huge grin on her face. "How do you want it? With Sprite or orange juice?" He said pouring about two fingers full of his Canadian Crystal Head vodka in each glass. "Sprite please." She really wanted to just drink it straight, but she wanted to be a lady. Sitting there sipping her drink, she couldn’t help but notice how strikingly handsome Nathan was. He always carried himself extremely well, wearing his two-piece suits, ​This man has impeccable taste,​ she thought to herself while staring at him.

Deep in thought, she hadn't noticed that Nathan was now sitting beside her admiring her too. He watched her as she just sat there, taking sips of her drink and savoring the taste. He wanted to savor her taste just as she was doing with the vodka, and thinking about all the things he would do to her, he too got lost in his thoughts. Sitting there both in silence, they just stared off daydreaming. They didn't say a word to one another, but their thoughts were going a thousand miles per minute. Finally noticing that Nathan had positioned himself next to her, Jazmin broke the silence. "What do you think about the Crawford case?" She asked, taking the last sip of her drink. "It's a bit tricky. I don't see how they can honestly think this man killed his wife with nothing to substantiate it." Nathan said, drinking the last of his drink as well. “Exactly. They don’t even have a motive. It's like they’re just trying to pin this on someone, and who better to blame it on than the overworked husband?" "Precisely, but Mr. Crawford made the right decision when he came to us. We are the best after all." "Yes, we are. Well, thank you for the drink and the talk. It has helped to relax my mind a little, but I should get back to my work." Jazmin said, standing up and placing her glass on the coaster. As she reached for the door and opened it, Nathan called to her, "Jazmin?"


"Yes?" She turned around to face him, but he was already behind her. Giving her chills, she tried to find the strength to keep standing. "Can we go out to dinner again?" He asked with a softness in his eyes. "We'll see." She said, with a flirtatious grin on her face as she walked out of his office closing the door behind her. "Damn, I want her." Nathan said, walking back to his desk to continue going over his files.



Laying in her bed, Jazmin tried to decide if she should call Nathan. She hadn't seen him at all since Monday when she left to go home that night. He hadn't been in the office for the rest of the week, and as crazy as it sounded, she anticipated seeing him every day. Hearing the knock at her door, she sat there staring into space knowing it couldn’t be anybody but Laronica coming over for their ritual Saturday sessions. “She can let herself in.” She said, as she got up to throw on a pair of booty shorts and a halter top. It was hot as hell in this Texas, hundred-degree, July weather, even with the A/C on. Sliding her feet into some flip-flops, she could hear Laronica’s loud mouth shouting at her from the living room. "Bitch, I know you heard me knocking!" Laronica said, closing the door behind her. "You got a key!" Jazmin screamed back to her while walking towards the living room to give her best friend a hug. "Look who I caught up with pulling into your driveway." said Laronica as she looked over her shoulder towards Valerie. Valerie was Jazmin's younger cousin, by a few months. They were thick as thieves when they were little kids, but as they got older, life happened. Jazmin went on to college to become a Lawyer, and Valerie went on to become a mother and housewife. In high school, Valerie ended up getting pregnant by her high school sweetheart, Roland, and the rest was history.


Jazmin figured it all worked out for Valerie, because after high school, Roland began to work with his father at their family business, a mechanic shop, earning him enough money to take care of her and their four children they were soon to have. Roland was a pushover, though; anything Valerie said, he did. He never wore the pants except when it came to paying the bills. "Girl, what are you doing here, and where are your bad ass kids?" Jazmin asked Valerie as she leaned in for a hug. "With they daddy girl. I needed a break. Hell, I feel like I'm a child with all this children's talk I've been doing. I needed some adult time." Valerie said rolling her eyes. "Ro has been putting in a lot of work trying to make sure we close on this house." "How is Ro?" "Tired as hell. All he does is go to work, come home, shower, eat, go to sleep and do it all over again the next day. He's only had two days off this month." "It sounds like you're complaining." Laronica said with a slight attitude. "Shit, I know plenty of women who would be glad to be in your place with your man." "I wish a bitch would." Valerie said, giving Laronica the stank eye. She knew how Laronica got down, but she wasn't the one to be fucked with when it came to her husband and children. "I'm just saying." Laronica said with her hands in the air letting Valerie know she meant no harm. Laronica did all this dirt, but she was all talk. She was scary as hell when it came down to handling business. Â

"And I'm just saying." Valerie said getting defensive. "Anyways, I'm not complaining. All I'm saying is, I miss my husband. We haven't had sex at all for the past month, and you know how we get down." “Yes, Valerie, we know how y’all get down.” Jazmin said, half-disgusted. Valerie and Ro were always on it. No matter where they were or who they were around, they were always all over each other. "That may be a good thing." Jazmin said, jokingly, thinking of the house full her cousin already had. "What do you mean by that?" Valerie said, throwing a piece of candy at Jazmin she just picked out of the crystal candy bowl on the coffee table. She knew that she had a lot of children, but the sex was too good to give up. Jazmin gave her a look, and said, “Girl, don’t play with me; you damn near have a whole basketball team. What you tryna do? Be the next Jackson 5?” She said, jokingly, but secretly wishing that she could be as lucky. Continuing their playful banter, they grabbed some glasses and a bottle of wine and headed to the backyard. Sitting by the pool, Jazmin, Valerie, and Laronica took in the sun while swaying their feet in the water. Splashing water on her cousin, Valerie said, "So what's new with you?" "Oh, nothing much; just made partner." Jazmin said with a smile on her face, thinking about her accomplishment as well as Nathan.

“Really, girl that is wonderful!” Valerie said excited for her cousin. "Told you all that hard work would pay off." Jazmin recalled all the late nights she spent with Jazmin helping her study for the LSATS. She even missed going out sometimes so that she could be there to support her. With the way Valerie was helping Jazmin, she could've taken the test and passed it herself. "Yes, it is. We got us a boss on the team now." Laronica added. "How'd the date go? You never called me that night with details, so I guess it went really well." She said with a huge grin on her face. “What date? You didn’t tell me you were dating." Valerie stated, knowing that her cousin hadn't had a man in about five years, if not more. "I'm not dating. It was just dinner and a walk on the beach." said Jazmin with a dorky grin on her face. She could still feel Nathan’s lips on hers as she remembered the way he tasted. "A walk on the beach? Bitch, that doesn't sound like just a date. That sounds like a night of fucking." Laronica said, bluntly. "See, there you go again with your head in the gutter. It is possible for a man to be romantic without wanting or getting sex. Not everyone is hot and willing." Valerie said, speaking up for her cousin.


"No one said anything about being a whore, and there's nothing wrong with sex between two consenting adults." Laronica said feeling offended. She knew Valerie was right, though; she needed to stop doing all the dumb shit she was doing. She had a good man at home and always having to duck and dodge these men's women was beginning to get old. She knew she would stop one day, but today wasn't that day. ***** After Laronica and Valerie had left, Jazmin started on her on weekend cleaning, grabbing everything and putting it back in its place. She never could understand why when people came over they could never put things back where they got them from. Listening to one of her favorite old school songs, "Clean Up Woman", while she washed dishes, Jazmin couldn't help but listen to the words. Realizing that she could possibly lose Nathan before she even got him, she thought of ways to keep him interested. After dusting and vacuuming, Jazmin took a shower, lotioned her body, and threw on her favorite Broncos jersey before heading to her den to watch a movie. She was so distracted with thoughts of Nathan that she couldn't even pay attention to her all-time favorite How High. Growing tired of fighting with herself, she finally gave in and called Nathan.


CHAPTER EIGHT Laying on his chaise, Nathan decided that he wasn't going to meet up with Marcus and Jai that Saturday. He just wasn't in the mood to be bothered. Playing the chasing game with Jazmin was getting to him; he wasn't used to a woman not giving him what he wanted. He was starting to second guess himself, wondering if she was truly worth it. Hell, women were lined up around the corner, ready and willing to bend to his every need. He didn’t need to sweat a woman for shit. Jazmin was different, though. Not only was she able to give him an immediate erection just at the sight of her, but she knew what she wanted and she didn't let anything or anyone get in the way of that… not even him.

"This shit is crazy." He thought to himself, as he was still thinking of Jazmin while he had a red bone sucking the meat off his dick. He was feeling Jazmin, but baby girl was ready and willing to give him what he wanted, and she was a certified headmaster. Taking him all in, he could feel the back of her throat as he tried to fuck her brains out… literally. This girl was taking it like a pro without even choking. Feeling him about to nut, she gripped his ass pulling him in deeper, as she swallowed his kids without wasting a drop. Massaging his dick while watching her finger herself and then rubbing her clit, Nathan felt himself getting back hard. He was ready to beat her pretty, pink pussy up. Seeing that she was about to cum, he turned her around, pulled a condom over his rock-hard dick, and slid in, hitting her from the back. Giving her everything he had, making sure he got every bit of his nine-inch dick covered with her juices. He was hitting every wall, and with each thought he had of Jazmin, he went deeper and harder. Feeling his nut again, he slid out of her and turned her over saying, "Eat this dick," and she obliged happily. After beating up her tonsils again, he flipped her back over on all fours, this time being more brutal on her pussy than before. Placing his hand on the small of her back, causing her to have a deeper arch, he fucked her vigorously until she couldn’t take it anymore. Feeling his nut for the last time, he pulled out and slipped the condom off allowing her to suck down his kids as he watched in ecstasy.

Laying there drenched in sweat, he was ready for round two. He parted her legs and started to finger her as she arched her back giving him a better entrance. Stroking his dick, simultaneously, he felt his growth getting bigger. Sliding on another condom, he guided her to his dick and lowered her on top of him, he was determined to drown himself in this pussy until he stopped thinking of Jazmin. ***** Stepping out of the shower, Nathan wrapped a towel around his waist and walked to his room. Throwing on a pair of basketball shorts and a muscle shirt, he hears "High Life" by Big Ben, letting him know someone is calling. Walking towards the bed, he looked down at the caller ID and saw that Jazmin was calling him. Quickly, he answered the phone. Thankful that he had sent Jailah home hours ago, he said, "Hello." "Hey." He heard coming from the other end of the line. He felt a little guilty about the sex session he had just had, listening to the sound of her voice. “What’s going on with you?” He asked, trying to hide his excitement. "Nothing much really. Just checking on you since I haven't seen you back at the office all week." Jazmin said with concern in her voice. "Yeah, I decided to work from home for the rest of the week; it puts me in a better state of mind." He half-lied.

"Well, does this mean you're going back to being a ghost?" Jazmin said, holding her breath waiting for his response. "No, I just needed some alone time. You know you do have that advantage, being a partner and all." Nathan said with a light laugh. "I know, but I enjoy going to the office. Let's me escape my reality of how lonely I am." She gasps, realizing what she had just said. Jazmin knew she led a lonely life, but she had never admitted it out loud. "You know that all can change, right?" "What can?" She coughs, choking on his words. “The whole being lonely part. I’m willing to keep you company if you let me.” Nathan said in his serious voice. He meant it; Jailah was nice, but Jazmin was the one he wanted… the one he desired. ***** Heading to Jazmin’s house, Nathan popped in an Anthony Hamilton CD trying to set the mood. After second consideration, he took it out and popped in one of Joe's old CDs, quickly changing it to "I Wanna Know". Pulling into her driveway and turning the car off, he stepped out in his True Religion jeans with a matching brown shirt and brown Forces. Walking to her door, Nathan rang the doorbell and waited for Jazmin to respond.

“Coming,” he heard Jazmin say on the other side of the door. Straightening his shirt as if to iron out the wrinkles he got from sitting in the car on the way there, he waited for her to open the door. Jazmin opened the door with a smile on her face. Standing there in her Givenchy jeans with brown trimming, a brown and blue tank and Givenchy sandals, she was ready to go. Even being dressed down, she was still sexy, and Nathan appreciated a woman who knew how to do both. Grabbing her brown, Givenchy backpack purse, Jazmin stepped outside locking the door behind her. Nathan assisted Jazmin into the car and closed the door to his navy blue, AMG G65 Benz jeep. As she got situated in the passenger’s seat, she reached over and opened the door for him. This surprised Nathan. No female had ever opened the door for him; he was always the one being a gentleman. Just like I figured, Jazmin was different​," he thought, as he got in and buckled his seatbelt. While on the ride to their destination, Jazmin couldn’t help but notice the orange interior with white trimming and blue Broncos logos in the headrests. Making for a good conversation piece, because she loved the Broncos, too, Jazmin said, "You like the Broncos?" "Yes, I do. I was pissed when they didn't make it to the Super Bowl last year, but I feel they're gonna get it this year." He said, thinking about the $500 he lost to Marcus.

"Yeah, I know that crushed Manning's spirit. I admit, the Giants and Patriots are good, but the Broncos should've gone all the way." Jazmin said, passionately. "Bronco's have been so close so many times, but we haven't won a Super Bowl since 1998." "So, you like football?" he asked, surprised about being able to have this conversation with her. "Like? I love football!" Jazmin said, excitedly. Seeing the sparkle in her eyes, Nathan knew that she wasn’t like any woman he'd ever met. "Who's your favorite team?" "Tuh, Broncos of course!" Jazmin exclaimed showing him her personalized Denver Broncos tennis bracelet she had personalized at Zales. "A woman after my own heart." He said, laughing at her excitement. "You are a very interesting woman." "Why do you say that?" She asked a little confused. "It's just that, not many women know about sports. They usually watch it because their man watches it. Ruining the art of it by asking questions." Nathan said, pulling into the park. "I'm not most women." Jazmin said feeling offended. Sensing how tense Jazmin was getting, he said, "I wasn't trying to offend you; it was actually supposed to be a compliment. It's not everyday you meet a woman like you." "And what do you mean like me?"

"Hold on now, Rocky," he said, realizing that he keeps saying the wrong thing. "I just mean..." "I know what you mean. Guys like you always think that women are good for only having fat asses and big breasts. Not thinking anything that can't get passed the imagination of your dick." "Hold on, now. We don't think that about every woman. Some don't have fat asses and big breasts." He said, trying to lighten the conversation. Laughing at his response, Jazmin swatted Nathan on the back of the arm, and said, "Nice save." For the rest of the evening, Jazmin and Nathan sat talking on the park bench, watching the ducks. They talked for hours, but it seemed like minutes until they realized the sun had gone down, and it became dark. On their way back to Jazmin’s house, they talked some more. Neither one wanted the night to end so she invited Nathan in. Pouring them both a glass of white wine, she watched him as he scanned through her record collection. "I can't believe you still have these," he said, as he pulled out her United​ record by Marvin Gaye and put it on. Listening to "Ain't No Mountain High Enough", they jokingly sang to one another, not realizing that this song was actually their truth.


CHAPTER NINE Three Months Later Jazmin and Nathan were beginning to get close as they started spending more time together. Jazmin even started taking advantage of the work from home option so that she and Nathan wouldn't have to sneak around the office. Beginning to grow feelings for one another, Jazmin thought they should take their "friendship" to the next level. Closing her laptop, Jazmin looked over at Nathan while taking off her glasses. He looked so distinguished in his Michael Kors glasses going over the briefs in front of him. They had been working on this case for months, and they were finally getting close to their court date. They've been in crunch mode for weeks, and it was getting down to the wire. Feeling her eyes on him, Nathan asks, "What's on your mind?" "Nothing, just thinking." Jazmin said, bashfully. Â

"Thinking about what?" He asked, taking off his glasses and laying the file down. “We’ve been courting for months now, sneaking around the office, and I’ve even started working from home so that we wouldn’t have to anymore." Jazmin said afraid of this conversation. She wasn't sure if Nathan felt the same way, but they needed to have this discussion. Not wanting to wait for a response, she continued. "I just want to know where this is headed. Where are we going with this? I mean, are we exclusive, just dating, what?" "It sounds like you've really been thinking about this." Nathan said, now turning his body towards her. "Yes I have. A lot actually." "Well, if you must know, I've been thinking about it too, just not as much. I figured with the way things were going, we didn't have to question our relationship." He said, sincerely. "I only want you, and by us spending time almost every day, I never thought that you would ask where I stood on this.” Hearing him say this made Jazmin’s heart melt. " I know, but I didn't want to just assume. I like you a lot Nate, and I haven't felt this way about a guy in years. Realizing for the first time since they met that Jazmin had finally called him Nate, it put a big smile on his face. "What's wrong with you?" She asked, trying to figure out why he had this stupid grin on his face.

"You just called me Nate." "Yes, I guess I did." She said, smiling. "Well, that seals the deal for me; you are officially my woman. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, either." He said leaning in to kiss her. Jazmin’s breath got stuck in her chest as she felt the softness of his lips on hers. Tasting the sweetness of his tongue, she instantly got wet. Jazmin had been waiting to make love to Nathan for months now, and at that moment, she decided she wasn't going to wait any longer. Grabbing the back of his neck, she moved closer to him, kissing him more passionately than she had ever kissed any man before. It surprised her the way she was kissing him, but hell, it’s been years since she's felt anyone besides B.O.B between her legs. B.O.B was her "Battery Operated Boyfriend", and it was getting the job done, but ever since she met Nathan, he just wasn't scratching that itch for her anymore. Even with the double time he was putting in, it just wasn't what she was yearning for. Nathan, feeling Jazmin’s temperature rise, grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up off the couch to position her on top of him. Finally​, he thought, "I'm bout to tear this pussy up."

Nathan had been anticipating this day as well, but he was trying to be patient and wait until she was ready. He even stopped messing with Jailah’s ass about two months ago causing him to get extremely backed up. He had moments of weakness every time Jailah called or text him trying to get to his house, but he held his ground not wanting to mess up any chance he had with Jazmin. Knocking everything on the floor, they started to rip each other’s clothes off. With buttons popping everywhere, they were wasting no time trying to feel each other’s bare skin. Laying Jazmin down gently on the couch, Nathan slid a finger into her opening while sucking on one of her chocolate nipples. Greeted with moistness, he became more aroused as Jazmin arched her back. Feeling how tight she was, Nathan didn't want to waste all her goodness on his finger. Realizing she was about to cum, he pulled his finger out and dove in, sucking on her clit and doing laps around it with his tongue. He slurped up all her juices until she started shaking uncontrollably letting him know he was hitting that spot, causing her to climax. Thinking about that Trey Songz song, "Neighbors Know My Name", Nathan was determined to make her scream out his. Not wanting to stop tasting her sweetness, he continued sucking and slurping while Jazmin gripped the back of his neck pulling him in deeper. Moving her hips in a circular motion, Jazmin spread her legs wider making it easier for Nathan to finish his lunch. He was so willing to please her, and she was more than happy to allow him. Screaming his name out in passion, Jazmin squirted, letting Nathan know that he had her right where he wanted her. Lifting his head up from between her thighs, he licked his lips not wanting to waste a drop.

This has to be the prettiest pussy I've ever seen​, he thought, while looking down at the beauty beneath him. Picking her up, Jazmin wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked towards the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Positioning herself just right, she awaited his entrance. Looking down at his beautiful dick, Jazmin thought to herself, ​This man truly is gorgeous from head to toe​, she thought to herself as he slid on a condom. Positioning himself on top of her, Nathan leaned in to kiss Jazmin before entering her goodness. Holding her breath as he stuck his dick in, she could feel how big his girth was. As he slowly stroked her walls, she released her breath and began to move with his motion. Going in unison, they began to move to the rhythm of their own beat. As she opened her legs wider for Nathan to get better access, Jazmin said, "Harder, Daddy." Getting excited by her request, Nathan lifted her legs up while spreading her cheeks and going deeper. Stroking her harder, as she asked, Jazmin’s screams got louder, giving him more ammunition as if she was cheering him on. "Damn, this pussy feels so good." He whispers, while pounding her. "It can be all yours too if you keep pleasing it like this." Jazmin’s said in between breaths.

Pushing Nathan off her, she pinned him to the bed and straddled his dick with her feet flat on the bed. Rocking back and forth, she noticed his eyes rolling to the back of his head letting her know she was putting it on him. Bouncing up and down, letting his dick slide in and out, Jazmin released her orgasm covering Nathan’s stomach and thighs with her juices. Feeling that she was about to give up, Nathan gripped her waist, locking her on his dick and started thrusting vigorously releasing his own pleasure. They laid there, trying to catch their breath from the passionate lovemaking they had. Eventually, they fell asleep entwined with one another. ***** Waking up to a dark room, Jazmin reached over to touch Nathan, only to feel emptiness. Turning to the clock, she saw that it is three o'clock in the morning. Looking at those big orange numbers, she closed her eyes, still able to feel him inside of her. They had to have gone several rounds, making love for hours, but the last time took the most out of her. He knew all the right spots to hit driving her crazy. Not only was he blessed, but he knew how to please her, too. She loved a man with a big dick, but hated the ones who didn't know what to do with their gift. Standing up from the bed, Jazmin threw on her clothes and stepped out of the room. Walking towards the living room, the aroma of food tickled her nose. Coming around the corner, she saw Nathan standing in the kitchen. Moving in closer, she could hear the smooth sounds of soft jazz coming from the wall stereo. Wrapping her arms around Nathan’s waist, she leaned her head against his back.


"Good morning sleepy head." He said with his attention still on the stove. "Good morning to you, too." She said with a smile on her face, because for her, this was a great morning. "What you cooking good looking?" "Just some breakfast for my beautiful lady." Nathan said, as he lowered the temperature on the stove and turned to face her. Leaning over to kiss Jazmin, Nathan lifted her up and placed her on the counter. Wrapping her arms and legs around his body, Jazmin matched his kiss with the same amount of passion. Sliding his fingers inside of her, he pressed down on her love button, causing her juices to cascade all over him. Grinding against the thrust of his fingers, Jazmin lost herself in the pleasure as euphoria took over. Fingering her with such intensity, Nathan's dick began to get harder. He was ready to slide into her, but with no condoms nearby, he took his fingers out and dove in. Caressing his dick while he ate her pussy as if it were his last meal, he could smell the stench of burnt eggs. Feeling frustrated, he reluctantly pulled away to turn the stove off. Laughing as Nathan dumped the eggs into the trash, Jazmin asked, "Now, what are we going to eat?" "I don't know about you, but I have already started on my meal, and I have every intention of finishing it." Nathan said with lust in his eyes.


CHAPTER TEN "Thank you guys so much for your help; I really appreciate you. You really don't know how much this means to me and my girls," Mr. Crawford said, as he shook Nathan and Jazmin's hand. "Honestly, it was really all Jazmin. She did all of the hard work, so we would have to give all the praise to her," Nathan said looking over to Jazmin. “It’s really no big deal. I just wanted to make sure I did my job effectively. I hope this can give closure to you and your family, Mr. Crawford.” Jazmin said with deep sincerity. "The only true closure we could have is finding out what truly happened to my wife." Mr. Crawford said with sadness in his eyes. "I'm just glad to be home with my girls so that we can grieve in peace. I have to be strong for them, you know." Parting ways as they walked out of the courthouse, Jazmin turned to watch Mr. Crawford and his two young daughters. Leaning over, she said to Nathan, “I really feel bad for him. Not only did he lose his wife, but he doesn’t have a body to bury. He was even almost convicted of a crime he did not commit." "I know, but at least he's back at home with his family and it’s all thanks to you and your dedication." Nathan said giving her praise on her win. On the way back to the office, Nathan kept congratulating Jazmin letting her know he was very proud of her. "Do you want to stop and get some lunch?" He asked hearing his stomach growl.


"Yes, I can eat." "Good, because I'm starving." Nathan said rubbing his stomach. Placing his hand on her thigh, he continued to drive until they reached Joe's Crab Shack. Nathan parked the car and walked around to help Jazmin. Stepping out of the car, she straightened her skirt and held his hand. Walking into the restaurant, they were greeted by the hostess and escorted to a booth in the corner. Taking their seats, they looked over the menu to decide what they wanted to eat. "Are you ready to order?" They heard the waitress ask, taking their eyes from the menu. "Yes we are." Nathan said looking at Jazmin. Handing the waitress their menus after ordering their food, Nathan asked, "How does it feel being one of the most sought after and most successful lawyers?" "It feels good, but honestly, I still feel like the same me. I've learned to humble myself a long time ago, and I pride myself on being able to do so." "That's a great quality to have, but you have to admit it feels damn good to be the best at what you do." "Yes it does. Especially, when you love what you do." Jazmin said with a big smile on her face feeling proud of her accomplishments. Â


Everything was coming together for Jazmin; she had a career that she loved and was successful in, a man worth having, and she was finally happy in her personal life. Her life was truly coming full circle, and she was enjoying it. Pulling apart his crab leg, Nathan dipped the meat in the butter and popped it in his mouth. Taking a drink of his Sprite, he said, "I am so proud of you, Jazmin. You are a wonderful lawyer. Almost better than me‌ almost." He laughed. "Thank you. I really take pride in what I do and I guess that's what makes me the best. I'm just glad I'm in a position where I can help people. Some people are just in it for the check not truly caring." "I hear you on that. There are those who are about the money and then there are those who are about helping." "Exactly, and those are the people who truly make a change in the world." "Yes they are. If only everyone was as passionate about their work." Nathan said thinking about his childhood. Changing the subject, Jazmin asks, "So, how's your food?" "It's great, and the company's not bad either." Nathan responds, putting another piece of crab meat in his mouth. Swatting him on his hand, Jazmin takes a sip of her drink and places her cup back on the table. They sit there in silence eating the rest of their meal. Not ready to leave just yet, they order dessert and continue with their conversation. Â

"It is such a beautiful day." Jazmin said looking out of the window. Turning his head, Nathan said, “Yes, it is. So, what would you like to do once we leave here?" "Well, I was thinking that, since the case is finished, we could change out of these stuffy clothes and go to the park." "That sounds like a good idea. I could actually use the walk after stuffing my face with all this food and now dessert." He laughed, sticking his stomach out and rubbing his invisible gut. "Boy, hush. You know you are toned to perfection. Over there looking like a professional football player." Jazmin said, admiring his physique. "I'm not that toned, but our workouts have been getting me in shape." Nathan said with a wink. "I hear you on that one. I feel like I have dropped a few pounds myself." "I hope not in all the places I love." "Oh, baby, I could never lose that." "Good, because I wouldn't want to have to break up with you for getting too skinny." He said, half-jokingly. "I'm going to have to make that a part of our marriage clause. You can't lose your hips, thighs, or ass." “Our marriage clause?” Jazmin asked, raising her eyebrows.

Clearing his throat, Nathan asked, "Did I say marriage?" "Yes sir, you did. I guess it just slipped out, huh?" Changing the subject, Nathan asked, "So, what are your plans for this evening?" "Well," Jazmin said setting her cup down, " I was thinking about going to my mother's so I can spend some time with her and introduce her to my man." “Really?” Nathan said with a big smile on his face. He’d been waiting to meet the lovely lady who was responsible for bringing this wonderful woman into the world. "I would be honored to meet your mother." ***** On their way to Jazmin’s mother’s house, they talked as the sound of jazz soothed them. "So, are you nervous?" Jazmin asked, turning in her seat to face Nathan. "Nervous about what? If your mother is anything like you then I should have nothing to worry about. Or should I?" Nathan said, giving her a quick glance. “Well, I am her baby girl, and I have to admit, my mom can get a little crazy when it comes to her daughters. She’s like a mama bear ready to attack when it comes to Tae and I." She said, playfully.

"Now, I'm nervous." He said, playing along with her. "I don't want to start off on the wrong foot with your mother. Can you give me some pointers of what and what not to say?" "First, don't look her in the eyes." Jazmin said, laughing. "No seriously, you should be fine. I think Mom is going to love you." "I hope so; I didn't buy this wine and flowers for nothing. I need your mother to fall in love with me tonight." “Why? Are you going to ask for my hand in marriage?" Jazmin said, raising one of her eyebrows. Catching that she brought up the marriage word again, he realized he had made a big mistake during lunch. Playing it off, he said, "You never know; the night is still young." "You being funny now. Okay, I got your number." They joked with each other while riding down the freeway. Enjoying their banter so much, Nathan almost missed his exit. "Really, Jess? You were just going to let me pass it up like that?" “I wasn’t paying attention either, Nate." Jazmin said, laughing. "Seriously, though, should I be aware of anything before we get to your mother's house?" "Guess you'll just have to find out." Jazmin said, twisting her fingers in front of her mouth as if to lock it. "I'll let that be a surprise."

CHAPTER ELEVEN "Hey, Mama." Jazmin said, walking through the door of her mother’s home. "This is Nathan." Reaching his hand out to shake Evelyn's hand, he said, "Nice to meet you, Ms. Evelyn." Handing her a bouquet of white roses with a bottle of Dom Perignon, he adds, "These are for you." "Awww, thank you. You can call me Evelyn, and we do hugs in this house." Evelyn said leaning in to hug Nathan. "So this is the young man I've been hearing so much about. Child, he is handsome; you didn't do him any justice." "Mom!" Jazmin shrieked in embarrassment. "What girl? I'm just calling it how I see it, and you did him no justice." Evelyn said, unaware that her daughter was turning red.

Laughing, Nathan followed Jazmin and her mother into the living room. Jazmin looked back at him giving a vicious look causing him to stop laughing. He shrugged at her and mouthed, "What?" Nathan was finding this moment amusing, but Jazmin wasn't the least bit amused. Watching her squirm with embarrassment as her mother talked, Nathan held in his laughter not wanting to get into any more trouble. Putting her head in her hands, Jazmin said, "This is so embarrassing,” as her mother rambles on about how handsome Nathan is and how Jazmin hadn't had a man in years while she put up the flowers and wine. So that's why her pussy was so tight our first time,​ Nathan thinks to himself, getting turned on. Walking back into the living room with wine glasses and a tray of meat and cheese, Evelyn looked down at her daughter and saw how Jazmin was looking. “Why you looking so red in the face? I know I'm not embarrassing you." She said with a huge smile on her face, as she handed her a glass. "Mama, you are not right." Jazmin said, reaching for her glass.


"Girl, please, you knew that before you brought him here. I'm just so glad you finally decided to start dating again." Evelyn knew it had been a long time since Jazmin had a man and was beginning to wonder about her daughter. "A career is good and all, but now that you have made a success out of it, you need to start thinking about settling down. I want some more g-babies, hell." "You have a lovely home here, Evelyn." Nathan said, trying to lighten up the conversation. He could see how uncomfortable Jazmin was getting. "Thank you, Nathan. My daughters bought this house for me." Evelyn said with pride in her voice. Nathan looked over at Jazmin and smiled before taking a drink of his wine and popping a cheese cube in his mouth. The more he spent time with her and learned about her, the more he felt for her. He wasn’t ready to call it love, but he knew there was something there that made him know she was the one for him. "So, Nathan, what are your intentions with my daughter?" Evelyn asked, as if she were reading his thoughts. "Ma, really?! I am thirty-five years old." Jazmin said agitatedly. "What does that mean? You are still my baby girl." Evelyn said, grimly, waving her off. Rolling her eyes, she turned to Nathan and said, "So, Nathan?" Taking a sip of his wine, Nathan thought for a second before answering. "At this time, my


intentions with Jazmin are to get to know her better. Right now, I'm trying to spend every moment I get with her to learn more about her. The way she thinks, what makes her cry, what makes her laugh. Her passions and interests." "Sounds like your intentions are to stick around for a while." "Yes, ma'am they are, but not just for a while. I'm thinking something more permanent. I'm not looking for someone to just have fun with right now. I'm looking for someone to grow old with and share the ups as well as the downs.” Nathan said, looking Jazmin in her eyes. Shocked at his response, Jazmin leaned back in her seat and looked away. ​He can't be real, ​she thought to herself as she felt flutters in her stomach. ​This man is too good to be true. “I can honestly see that you are in love with my daughter, and I have to admit that I like you. You are a successful man with a good head on your shoulders, and you’re handsome, too. I just don’t want my baby getting hurt. She’s gone through too much to become the woman she is today, and I don’t want anyone taking that away from her." Evelyn said with a sour look on her face. "I understand, and if I can speak frankly, I have no intentions of hurting your daughter or taking anything away from her. I care for Jazmin, deeply. I want to brighten her life, not dim it. Jazmin is a very strong, independent woman, and I have you to thank for that. I appreciate everything about her, and I'm not willing to lose that." Nathan said with a serious look on his face. He meant everything he said, and he wasn't about to back down.

Realizing that he never denied loving her, Jazmin got lost in her thoughts. Earlier that day, he was talking about marriage, and now he was pouring his heart out to her mother. Also, noticing that he never confirmed being in love with her, she tried very hard to calm her nerves, but by this time, it was too late. She had already convinced herself of their happily ever after. While eating dinner, Jazmin couldn’t keep her eyes off Nathan, and every time she looked up, hers were met with his. Feeling all giddy inside, she focused on her plate trying to maintain her composure. She never heard the words “I love you” come out of his mouth, but she knew that there was more there than Nathan was letting her or even himself know. Driving back to Nathan’s house, Jazmin tried hard to not bring up the subject of love and marriage. She had a lot of emotions that were traveling through her, and she knew that they were going to have to have a conversation one day. She just didn't know if today would be that day. Resting his hand on her thigh, Nathan thought back to what Jazmin’s mother said, and he wondered if it could be that obvious to others that he loved her before it was even obvious to himself. He hadn't thought much about his feelings towards Jazmin, but after talking to her mother, he felt he needed to start. Squeezing her thigh, he said, “I don't know what to feel or even how I'm feeling, but I meant everything I said back there. I don't want to lose you."

Placing her hand on his, Jazmin said, “I know; I feel the same way. It’s like it’s too soon to call it love, but whenever we’re together, that’s the only thing that comes to mind. It’s hard to deny the emotions I have towards you, but I’m afraid of what could possibly come out of falling for someone so hard so soon." "I know, but baby you've got to start thinking about the possibilities and saying what if, because you never know what the outcome could be. Don't close the door on this before actually giving us a chance. I promise I won't let you down." Nathan said, sincerely. He'd never felt this way about anyone, and he didn't want to let this feeling go. Feeling like a little girl, Jazmin leaned back in her seat and reflected on what Nathan had just said. “You’re right. I’ve always been the type of person who had to be extremely calculated, even with my life. I think it's time for me to just jump off the ledge and go with the flow. Just don't drop me." "I promise I won't. I love you so I won't let you fall." Nathan said, coming to a stop light and turning to look at her. "I love you, too, baby."

CHAPTER TWELVE One Month Later Gathered around the table for Thanksgiving dinner, Jazmin smiled to herself as she watched her family and friends talk amongst themselves. Feeling a hand placed on hers, she turned to Nathan, and said, "This has been a great turn-out. Thank you for being here with me." "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." He said, as he lifted her hand and gently placed a kiss on it. Ever since their conversation on their way from her mother’s house, Jazmin and Nathan had been spending every possible moment together. They've even been talking about living together. They figured why not since most of Jazmin’s things were at his house anyway. "Awww, look at them down there, being all in love." Kadiah, one of Jazmin's sorority sisters said, as she watched the two of them. She had flown in from Washington the morning before to be with her best friend and meet the new beau in her life. She could hear the difference in Jazmin during their phone conversations, and she was excited to meet the man who brought on this change. “I know, right! I am so ecstatic for her, and she looks very happy." Shawna, another sorority sister, said.

Kadiah and Shawna both moved to Washington D.C. after college while Jazmin and Laronica came back to Texas. They talked every day and made a pact to spend at least one holiday every year together. They would travel between states for either Thanksgiving or Christmas so that they could catch up on things that were missed on the phone. This year happened to be Kadiah and Shawna’s year to travel, and what a great year it was for Jazmin to introduce them into her new found life. "Girl, it’s been so long since we've seen you this happy." Kadiah said. "This man has even got you glowing. We are so happy for you." Shawna added. "Yes we are." "Thank you guys." Jazmin said, smiling. She was glowing, but she couldn't give all the credit to her happiness with Nathan. She had a secret, and she was ready to tell all her loved ones after dinner. Once dinner was over, everyone came together in the den. Getting in position to watch the game, everyone found a comfortable spot for themselves on the black, leather sectional. Just as the last person took their seat, Jazmin walked in holding a gift box with lovely wrapping in her hands. Looking up to her, Nathan said, "Baby, what's this? Did I forget today was my birthday?" "No, honey, I just wanted to thank you for being such a wonderful man." Jazmin said, laughing while handing him the gift.

Everyone kept their eyes on Nathan anticipating what was to come out of the box. Pulling out a baby blanket with a sonogram photo on top of it, Nathan looked up to Jazmin with tears in his eyes. Everyone started awwing at them and clapping. "Are you serious, Jazmin?" He said, placing his eyes back on the black and white photo in front of him. "Yes, baby, I just found out about a week ago." "You did one hell of a job hiding this. I mean, I've been with you 24/7." "Trust me; it was not easy with all the morning sickness I've been having." "Oh, Jazmin, I'm so excited for you! It's about time. I've been waiting for this for so long." Evelyn said running up to give Jazmin a hug. "Yes, lil sis. Now mom can stop asking me for some more." Tae said, also giving her sister a hug. "Awww man, I'm gonna be an uncle." Marcus said, giving his big brother a high-five. "I'm gonna teach the little dude everything I know." "Yeah, no thanks. I don't need you turning my son into the devil." Nathan said laughing at his brother’s excitement. “I will not turn my nephew into the devil; he's gonna be a little babe magnet, taking after his favorite uncle." Marcus said appalled.

"You're his only uncle, and who said it's going to be a boy? We just might end up with a beautiful daughter." Jazmin said, playfully swatting Marcus' arm. Everyone was happy for the couple except Laronica, who rolled her eyes once she saw what was coming out of the box. She was happy for Jazmin, but Jazmin was living the life she so desperately wanted with the man she was madly in love with. After giving hugs and thanking everyone for their congratulations and best wishes, Jazmin went into the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. Closing the refrigerator door, she was startled to see Laronica standing there. She was so caught up in her own happiness that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her. "You can't be serious. I know you are not going to have a baby with a man you just met." Laronica said in hushed tones. “I didn’t just meet him, and what’s wrong with you? You were the one who pressured me into going out with him." Jazmin said confused. "Yes, date him. Not have an illegitimate child with him. What? You not grown enough to know how to use condoms?" Laronica said spewing venom. "Girl, you've had too much to drink, because you are tripping. Because I love you, I'm gonna let this slide. You are not about to ruin my mood." "Yeah, whatever." Laronica said, stomping out the kitchen.

Sitting next to Nathan, Jazmin could feel Laronica staring at her. She was giving her the look of death as if she was trying to burn a hole in Jazmin’s head. Jazmin was trying to pay her no mind, but it was kind of hard, because she was trying to figure out what was going on with her. Laronica had never acted like this before; something was definitely wrong. Jazmin knew that Laronica had just had a nasty break-up with George, so she figured that had to be the problem. "I'm gonna have to talk to her and find out what's going on." Jazmin said thinking out loud. "What you say, baby?" Nathan asked, not able to make out what Jazmin said. "Oh, nothing baby. I was just saying that I'm about to go to the kitchen and see if you wanted anything." Jazmin lied, not wanting to worry her man with Laronica’s foolishness. "Yeah, can you bring me back a beer please?" Getting up to go to the kitchen, Jazmin glanced at her friend. She was still staring at her, but this time, it looked like she was gonna cry. “I’m most definitely going to have to set aside some time to talk to her. I’ve been so wrapped up with what I have going on that I hadn’t made time for my bestie.” It was true; Jazmin hadn't seen Laronica in about a month. They talked on the phone, but their conversations were always short, because she was spending so much time with Nathan.


***** "What are your plans for today?" Jazmin asked, talking through the receiver of her phone. "I was thinking that if you didn't have any plans, we could go to the mall." "I don't know girl. I just have so much to do, but if I get any free time, I will call you." Laronica said, laying in her bed staring at the ceiling. "Okay, well just let me know." "I will, but let me call you back. I've got some business to handle." "Sure, talk to you later." "Okay, bye." Laronica said, hanging up the phone abruptly. "Who was that baby?" "Just Jazmin wanting to go to the mall. I don't understand why all of a sudden she wants to hang out; we haven't hung out in about a month." Laronica said, turning over to kiss Nathan. "Maybe she feels bad because of that. Maybe you should give her another chance. You guys have been best friends since college." Nathan said, while lifting Laronica up to sit her on his lap. "I guess you're right. I will call her back when I'm done with my morning session." She said, scooting down to give Nathan some morning head.


CHAPTER THIRTEEN "Hey baby, you miss me?" Nathan asked, walking through the door. Nathan was just coming home from his golf trip he takes every year after Thanksgiving. "I've missed you so much, Daddy!" exclaimed Jazmin, as she leaped into his arms. Rubbing her stomach, "Speaking of Daddy, how's my little man doing?" Nathan said. "She's fine." Jazmin said with a playful attitude. "I just wish the sickness would be over. How long is this supposed to last anyway?" "Well, I've read one of the books we bought, and it said the morning sickness usually lasts until the second trimester." "I don't know why they call it morning sickness. Hell, I'm sick all damn day." Jazmin said, laughing. She was half-joking, because this pregnancy made it hard for her to keep anything down. "Do you need me to run and get you anything?" "Oh, would you? I could really go for some pickles." "Gotcha." Nathan said, grabbing his keys. “Oh, and can you pick me up some cool ranch Doritos and bean dip please?" Giving her a hearty laugh, "Yes, anything for the love of my life." "Don't forget the mother of your child." Jazmin said, rubbing her stomach with a big smile on her face. "And for the mother of my child." He said, leaning over to give her a kiss.

Sitting on the couch waiting for Nathan to come back home, Jazmin picked up her phone to call Kadiah. She was about to hang up after the third ring, but then she heard Kadiah’s voice at the other end. "Hello." "Hey girl, what you doing?" Jazmin said, while flipping through the channels to find something to watch. "Nothing, sitting here watching TV." "Well, if you're not busy, I need to talk to you." "Never too busy for you; what's up?" Kadiah said sitting up. She knew something had to be wrong by the tone of her friend’s voice. "I think something is going on with Laronica; she's acting unusual." “That girl has always been unusual." Kadiah said, laughing. "No, seriously; she's acting more weird than usual." Jazmin said letting out a sigh. "Tell me what's going on, Jess." "You remember on Thanksgiving when I made my announcement?" "Yes, and everyone was so excited for you." Kadiah said, with a smile on her face just thinking of how happy and excited she was for her friend. "Well, not everyone. Shortly after giving the good news, Laronica kept staring at me like she wanted to kill me." "You know she's going through something right now. Didn't ole boy just leave her, finally?" "Yes he did, but that's not all. When I went into the kitchen, she was right behind me. She threw this big ass fit, asking me if I was seriously going to have Nathan’s baby. It was like I hurt her or something. I just don't understand, because she was the one that talked me into going out with him." Jazmin said, wiping tears from her eyes. This pregnancy was truly making her emotional.

“Do you think she’s jealous? I mean, do you think she feels like you have something she doesn't?" Kadiah said, nonchalantly. She had an idea of what could be the issue, but didn't want to put any stress on her newly pregnant friend. Kadiah never liked Laronica, because of her track record. She knew how the girl got down, but she accepted her because Jazmin was one of her best friends. "No, it can't be that," Jazmin said, not reading between the lines. "She has everything a woman could ask for and more. Compared to her, I'm chopped liver." She said, laughing. “Not everything, Jess. She doesn't have a man, and unlike you, she had to use her body and beauty to get everything she had." Kadiah said, trying to spell it out a little better. "You think she's jealous of me and Nathan's relationship?" "Or just the thought of you having Nathan and not her." Kadiah couldn't take it anymore. Her friend was very intelligent, but at the same time, naive. "Girl, no; that's definitely not it. She would never do that to me. We have been friends for almost twenty years; she would never betray me like that." "Are you sure?" "Yes, Diah, I'm sure. I know she has her ways, but she's not that trashy. She's loyal to me." "Okay, Jess, if you say so." Kadiah said, exhaling. "Just make sure you keep an eye on her. Especially now that she has no man." "Yeah, Diah. I hear you, but I'm telling you, nothing will ever happen between her and Nathan." "He is still a man, and she is still a whore. don't let love and friendship blind you. I wouldn't tell you anything wrong. I always have your best interest at heart."

"I know, and I love you for that. Now, how are Richard and the kids?" Jazmin asked, changing the subject. She did not want that foolishness on her mind. She loved Kadiah, but she also knew that she didn't like Laronica, and she never missed the chance to let anyone know. "Working my nerves as usual, but it's what I signed up for so I can't complain." "I can't wait to have this baby, Diah. I'm so excited!" Jazmin exclaimed, rubbing her belly. “I know you are, but don’t rush it, because once your bundle starts walking and talking, you're gonna wish for these times."

CHAPTER FOURTEEN "She's pregnant, Nathan! I can't believe this shit!" Laronica spat in the phone. "What? You guys don't know how to use condoms? How could you let this happen, Nate?!" Laronica was livid at hearing the news of her best friend's upcoming arrival. She wanted to be happy for Jazmin, but she just couldn't find it in herself. Jazmin was starting to live the life she always wanted for herself, and that pissed her off. “What do you want me to say, Ronnie? She is my woman?” Nathan asked rubbing his left temple. He knew it was a mistake to get involved with Laronica, but the pussy was too good. Besides, she was willing to do things that Jazmin wouldn't. "Yeah, only for some months. You act like y'all have been together for years, as if you're planning on marrying her or some shit!"

Nathan was silent; he didn't know how to tell her that the marriage idea had crossed his mind once or twice. Ever since he and Jazmin met, all he could think about was spending the rest of his life with her. “Really?” I know you are not thinking about marrying her after you've been fucking me on the regular! Hello, are you fucking there? Answer me!" Laronica was pacing back and forth on the verge of crying, but she would not let Nathan break her. "Yes, Laronica, I'm here." "Oh, now I'm Laronica. See, this bitch already got your mind fucked up." “Watch your mouth! That bitch is your best friend and the mother of my unborn child. Do you not feel any guilt about what we’ve been doing?” Nathan said, growing angry. He knew they were wrong, and he felt bad about it. "I did at first, but why should I? She doesn't deserve you or that baby." Laronica said softening her tone. She could hear the irritation in his voice. "What do you mean she doesn't deserve me? I love Jazmin, and as far as the baby is concerned, maybe it was saw fit for us to get pregnant." "Us?! So now it's you and her?! You love her?! Where was all that at when you were fucking me?" Laronica said, hurt now letting her tears fall. “Yes, us Laronica. She’s carrying my child, and maybe, one day, my last name. Damn, what do you want from me? It wasn't supposed to happen, but I'm glad that it did." Nathan said, smiling at a picture of Jazmin. "You're glad? You know what; fuck you, Nathan!" Laronica said, abruptly hanging up the phone. "He's glad, ha. Talking that us shit like he wasn't just balls deep in this pussy yesterday. I'll show him and her; she's not the only one who can get pregnant."

Grabbing her jacket and keys, Laronica walked out of her condo and headed to Nathan’s office. “He got me fucked up." She said, speeding out of the parking lot, leaving tire marks on the pavement. ***** "What is wrong with this bitch?" Nathan said standing up from his chair. "I knew fucking with her was a bad idea, but this confirms it. That woman is certifiably crazy." Knock, knock. "Yes, come in." Nathan said, sitting back down. "Hey baby, is everything okay? You look a little stressed." Jazmin asked walking in. “Yeah, everything is fine. Just going over this next case.” He said, looking up at her. Just seeing her beautiful face made all Nathan’s frustrations fade. Nathan stood to meet Jazmin halfway. Gently placing a kiss on her lips, he wondered what was wrong with him. Securing his hand on the small of her back, he assisted her into the plush chair in front of his cherry wood desk. "I was looking over it, too. It is a doozy." "Yes, it is, but nothing we can't handle. So, what's up? Is everything okay? Is there something wrong with the baby?" Nathan asked concerned. "No. I was just missing you and thought you would like to go out for lunch." Jazmin said, smiling while rubbing her belly. "Ah, it's feeding time, huh?" He said, laughing. "Yes, it is, and I'm starving." She said joining in. "Well, let me grab my jacket and keys and we can go. What do you have in mind?" "I could really go for a nice, juicy steak." "My boy is gonna be a manly man." Nathan said, smiling. “No, our daughter is just getting ready for the luxuries in life."

"If you say so." Nathan said, escorting her out of the office to the elevator. "Should you still be wearing heels?" Nathan asked, looking down at Jazmin’s six-inch stilettos. "Yes, I'm only six weeks. Hey, Beyonce was working hers throughout her entire pregnancy and performing, so I think I will be fine." Jazmin said laughing. "Okay, if you say so. I just don't want anything happening to you or my son." "Don't worry; your daughter and I are in good hands." As the elevator doors opened, they bumped into Laronica getting off. Nathan tried to contain himself, hoping that she wouldn't be stupid enough to cause a scene. "Hey guys, where you headed to?" Laronica asked with a sinister grin on her face. "We were just going out to grab a bite. You wanna come?" Jazmin said, giving her friend a hug. “Well, actually, I was coming to see if you wanted to go out for lunch.” She said, playing it off. Laronica had no idea that Jazmin was going to be there since she’s been working from home a lot more lately. She was hoping to be able to corner Nathan and make him realize what he would be missing. Seeing Jazmin threw a wrench in her plans, causing her to think quickly. "Oh, well I guess that would be fine." Jazmin said, looking up at Nathan for confirmation. "Hmm, that's okay with me. I can just order something. Besides, I have this case I'm working on." Nathan said, clearing his throat and loosening his tie. “Are you sure? You know you’re more than welcome to join, right?” Laronica said looking at Nathan as if to dismiss Jazmin's presence.

"Yeah, I'm sure. You ladies go hang out and do some catching up. I'll see you later, babe. " Nathan said kissing Jazmin while looking at Laronica from the corner of his eye. Laronica licked her lips and blew Nathan a kiss as he was staring at her. ​Yeah, give him a nice, long kiss so you can know how my pussy taste, bitch​, she thought to herself feeling disgusted by this scene Nathan was putting on. "Okay, baby, see you later. I love you." “Love you, too, baby. Have fun and enjoy yourself." "We will." Laronica said. Rolling his eyes at her, Nathan turned and headed back to his office. "This bitch is all types of fucked up. I should've never fucked her. One moment of weakness is about to cost me a lifetime of happiness." He said, thinking back to that night at the club when he reluctantly gave in to Laronica’s temptation. "If only I could turn back time."

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Seven months later "Push, baby." Nathan said, while holding Jazmin's hand and wiping the sweat from her forehead. "Ahhh." Jazmin said, screaming in anticipation of meeting her bundle of joy. She went into labor late the previous evening, and now, twelve hours later, she was crowning. "Come on, baby; you are almost there. I can see the head, and it's full of beautiful, curly hair." He said in excitement.

"I can't push anymore; I'm tired." "Come on, Ms. Carlson; we just need one more good push from you. We have to get the baby out or else we have to perform an emergency cesarean." Dr. Franklin said. "No, I don't want that. Nathan tell him, I want this baby naturally. "I know, baby; that's why we need you to push." Nathan said, empathetically. "I'm trying, but I feel so weak." Jazmin said with a quivering voice. "One more push or the baby is going to get stressed." Dr. Franklin interrupted. “Jess, baby, you can do this. I have faith in you." Nathan said, holding her leg up to assist in the pushing. "Okay, I’ll try. Ahhh." Jazmin screamed. Lying there out of breath, Jazmin heard a loud cry informing her that her baby had successfully been born. "It's a boy!" She heard one of the nurses’ scream. "It's a boy baby. It's a boy! We have a son!" Nathan shouted in excitement with tears in his eyes. Nathan moved out of the way as one of the nurses came closer to hand Jazmin their son. “He’s so beautiful. Look, he’s the spitting image of you, Nate." "Yes, but he has your eyes." "Okay guys, we need to get him cleaned up and then you can have all the time you want with him." They heard another nurse say, breaking them from their gaze on their precious son. Nathan leaned over to kiss Jazmin on her forehead. "You did great, honey. I'm so proud of you." "No baby, we did great. Thank you." "For what?" He asked confused. “For giving me what I always thought would never happen and for being here.” She said, holding his hand while the doctor finished cleaning her up.

"Well, in that case, thank you. I promise you will never have to worry about me not being here; you're stuck." Once all the nurses and the doctor left the room, Jazmin and Nathan heard a knock at the door. Walking in first was Evelyn and then Tae followed by Marcus. "Where's my grandbaby at?" Evelyn asked, walking closer to Jazmin and giving her a hug and kiss. Evelyn had been waiting for this moment for quite some time, and she was extremely excited about the new addition to her family. For the longest time, Evelyn thought that she would never get to see this day, because her daughter had such high standards, but it seems that Jazmin made a great decision when she met Nathan. "He's over there with his daddy. Look at them; they seem so peaceful." Jazmin said, pointing to Nathan on the couch holding his son. Turning around, they saw Nathan sitting behind them cradling his son. It was a Kodak moment, the way that he was holding the baby close to his chest. "Oh, he's so precious, Jess. What's his name?" Tae said, as she approached Nathan. "Jeremiah Davon Pennington." Nathan said with pride. Handing Evelyn his son, he walked over to Jazmin and sat next to her. "Uh, Jazmin, what's this around the baby's neck?" Marcus asked, admiring his nephew. "What are you talking about, Marc?" Jazmin asked in a concerned tone looking up at Nathan. Walking towards the new parents, Marcus handed Jazmin her son. “I don’t see anything. Maybe your eyes were playing a trick on you." "Under the collar of his shirt; it looks weird. You see it?" Nervously checking under her son’s shirt, Jazmin stopped and let out a loud shriek startling the baby. Tears began to fill her eyes as she stared at her son’s neck.

"What's wrong, baby? What is it? Do we need to call the doctor?" Evelyn asked, growing worried for her grandson. Shaking her head, Jazmin could barely get her voice above a whisper. “No Mama, everything is fine.” She said pulling out the four carat, pink diamond, princess cut in a platinum setting engagement ring. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh." Tae said, walking towards her sister to get a better look at the beautiful piece of fine jewelry. Evelyn gasped as she placed her hand over her mouth while clutching her chest. This was all she ever wanted for her daughter, and from the looks of things, her daughter was being well compensated for all of her hard work and patience. “Jess,” Nathan said, reaching for her hand. “I know it hasn’t been that long, but I’ve known the moment we met that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Just in these few short months, you have given me and shown me things that no one else ever could do. I love you, baby, and I hope that you will make me the happiest man on earth by giving me your hand in marriage." "I wouldn't have it any other way." Jazmin said crying. "So, is that a yes?" Nathan asked, anxiously. "Yes. That was most definitely a yes." She said, wiping the tears from her eyes as well as the few that had fallen on their son. ***** "I can't believe this shit; he fucking proposed to her." Laronica said walking towards the elevators.


She had been standing there the whole time debating whether to go in. While staring at the loving family and happy couple, she saw Jazmin fumbling through the baby's shirt. She waited nervously to see what was going on that had everyone looking so worried. Once she saw what was going on, she decided not to go in after seeing Jazmin pull out that huge rock. They were so caught up in the moment that they hadn't realized they were being watched. "He must think this is a fucking game. He treating me like I'm some damn toy that he can play with, and then just put me back up on the shelf once he's done. He needs to be taught a lesson, and I'm gonna be the one to teach him." Laronica was so deep in thought that she never heard Tae calling behind her. "Ronnie, where you going?" Tae asked catching up to her. "I was going to get me something to drink and then head back to the room. I didn't want to interrupt anything by just busting in." She said lying. "So you saw the engagement?" "Yes, I saw it. I was standing in the window." "Girl, did you see that rock Nathan got Jess? It's so beautiful!" Tae exclaimed with excitement. She was so happy for her sister, and it showed. So much so that you would've thought she was the one getting engaged. She was so elated that she hadn't seen the disgusted look on Laronica's face. "Yes, I saw it, and that ring was gorgeous." Laronica said playing it off. Deep down, Laronica was having so many mixed emotions running through her at that moment. She was hurt; she was passed the point of being vexed, but she was also happy for her friend. Everything Jazmin ever wanted was finally coming into place for her. Laronica just wished it wasn't with Nathan. Â

Grabbing her soda from the vending machine, Laronica was working real hard to not let her agony show. "Did you want something to drink?" She asked Tae, while turning to look at her. "Yes, I guess I will grab something. All of this excitement has left my mouth dry." After Tae had got her drink, she and Laronica headed back down to the hospital room where all the commotion was going on. This was a beautiful day for the family, and they didn't hold back their elation. Laronica took in a deep breath to prepare herself for what was waiting on the other side of the door. "Look who I bumped into." Tae said, opening the door a little wider for everyone to see Laronica. "I ran into her on my way to the vending machines." “Hey everybody; how’s it going?” Laronica said waving. She was trying very hard to keep her eyes off Nathan, but the look he was giving her made her insides cringe. "Hey, Ronnie; I'm glad you made it. I was starting to worry. Here, come see your godson." Jazmin said, sitting up a little more in her bed. "Awww Jess, you know I wouldn't miss this moment for anything. Sorry I'm a little late, though. I got your call while at a photo shoot." Laronica lied. When she got the call, she was at home lying in her bed plotting a way to get Nathan to realize that they were made for each other. "He is too precious. Jess, you did a good job. He looks like Nathan had him himself, though." She said mustering up a laugh. "That's exactly what I said. Like I had no part in this." Jazmin said, joining her best friend in laughter. "Ha, ha. He has your beautiful eyes, though." Nathan said, kissing Jazmin on the forehead. He wanted Laronica to see how devoted he was to his family.

Laronica turned away so they wouldn’t see her anguish. Seeing him put his lips on her best friend was repulsive. The sight in front of her almost made her vomit in her mouth. "Are you alright, baby?" Evelyn asked, noticing the color leave Laronica’s face. "Yes, Mama, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. I came straight here after the shoot, and I've been there since ten yesterday morning." "Oh, Ronnie, go home and get some rest. We'll still be here." Jazmin said with compassion in her eyes. She knew how tedious those photo shoots could be so she didn't want to be selfish. “Okay, I’m gonna go home and get rested up. Then, I will be here as soon as I wake up and I am refreshed. Love you." Laronica said to Jazmin, but her eyes were on Nathan as if she were begging him to leave with her.

CHAPTER SIXTEEN "It feels so good to be home." Jazmin said, walking into the living area before taking a seat on the couch. She missed the comforts of her home while being in the hospital. "Yes it does." Nathan said, coming in behind her carrying the baby.

"Bring my precious baby here so I can feed him, please." "Sure. Can I watch?" "No, you're going to be too busy getting the files out so I can go over the next case." “Awww, man.” Nathan said, stomping one foot and crossing his arms. "Just a peek." "No, these are all Jeremiah's now." Jazmin said, jokingly. "Well, we're gonna have to do something about that. I don't like this arrangement." Jazmin was about to say something, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Who's that, babe?" She asked, throwing a blanket over herself. "Probably Jason. He said he was going to stop by." Nathan said, walking towards the front door. Opening the door, Nathan was met with the smiling faces of Valerie, Roland, and their children. "What's up, Nate?" Roland asked, shaking Nathan’s hand. "What's up, Ro. I see you finally got a break." Nathan said letting them in. "Hey baby, look who it is." "Hey, Jess. Where's my little cousin at?" Valerie said, stepping into the living room. "Girl, he right here eating with his greedy butt." "Well, make him stop. I wanna see him." "Fool, I am not gonna stop feeding my son just because you wanna play with him." “Please.” Valerie said poking her lips out. "You and Nathan, I swear. Here, so you can leave me alone, but don't try to give him back to me when he gets fussy." Jazmin said handing Jeremiah to her spoiled cousin. Ever since they were little, she could never tell Valerie no. "He won't; babies love me." Valerie said, reaching out, her arms acting like a child in a candy store. "I'm sure they do."

“Oh, hush. Look at him; he’s so handsome.” Valerie said, looking at her new little cousin. “Look at his precious little hands, and his precious little feet. Awww, I miss these days." "Jess, take him back before she gets any ideas." Roland said, sitting down next to Valerie. "What is that supposed to mean, Ro?" Valerie said rolling her eyes. "That means that we are out of the diaper stages, and I don't wanna go back to it, Val." Roland said with a hint of an attitude. "Not just even one more, Daddy?" "No. We are done." "What's the matter, Ro? She's just trying to give you your own basketball team." Jazmin said, laughing. "Basketball team? Naw, I'm good." "Come on, honey, just one more." Valerie said staring down at Jeremiah. "He's so precious, though. Don't you remember these days?" "Yes I do. You know what I also remember? Changing stinky diapers." Roland said, shaking as if he caught a chill just thinking about it. "You guys are crazy." Jazmin said, laughing. "Now, it's time for his nap. Babe, can you put Jeremiah in his crib, please?" Nathan walked over to Valerie and reached down for his son. "Come on, Val. Mommy says it's time for him to lay down." He said, grabbing Jeremiah. "Fine." Valerie said releasing her hold. "Girl, you a mess. You don't need no more. Look at Ro; he already tired." Jazmin said. "Thank you, Jess." Roland said, relaxing in his seat. "We already got a house full; we don't need no more additions." "So, what you guys doing over here in our neck of the woods?" Nathan asked, coming back into the living room.

“Nothing. We knew you guys we’re gonna be coming home and figured you might need some help with little man." Valerie said. "I'm sure you guys could use some extra hands while trying to get settled into your new life." "That's sweet, Val, but I think we're okay for right now.” Jazmin said getting up to go to the kitchen. "You guys want something to drink?" "Yes, a beer please." Roland said. "I'll take a water big cuz." Valerie added. Sitting in the living room, everyone was making idol talk. While laughing, joking, and having fun, they were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, again. Getting up to answer the door, Nathan looked down at his watch, and said, "That must be Jason with his always late ass. He was supposed to be here an hour ago." "What's up, bro?" Jason said, as soon as Nathan opened the door. "Nothing, in here chilling with the fam." Nathan said letting Jason in. "What took you so long, man? You stay like ten minutes away?" “Oh, yeah; I wasn’t home. I was coming from somewhere else. I’m here, though.” Jason said, shrugging his shoulders with a huge grin on his face. "Where's Jess and little man?" "Jess is right here and I just laid Jeremiah down, but we can go in there and check on him." "Hey Jess, everybody. How are you guys doing?" Jason said, stepping into the living room. "Hey Jai." Jazmin said, getting up from the couch to give him a hug. "Jai, this is my cousin Val, her husband Ro, and their children, Vincent, Jennifer, DeWayne, and little Roland." “What’s up?” Roland said, standing from his seat to shake Jason's hand. "Nice to meet you." Valerie said, standing from her seat to do the same. "Nice to meet you guys as well."

"You want a beer?" Nathan asked walking towards the kitchen. "Yes, but first, I want to see my godson. Which room is he in?" "He's in the nursery down here. Nathan will show you the way." Jazmin said. "Yeah man, come on; just don't wake up my son." Nathan said, laughing noticing his friend’s eagerness. "Awww, man, I'm not gonna do that. Not on purpose, anyway." Jason said laughing as well. "Boy, you wake my baby up, you gone be the one putting him back to sleep." Walking to the nursery, Nathan asked, "So where are you coming from, bro?" "Man, I was coming from a little shorty's house." Jason said boasting. "She was putting it down, too, wasn't trying to let a brother leave at all. I had to take two showers before coming here." “Okay, okay, spare me the details.” Nathan said, as they entered the nursery. "Here he is, King Jeremiah." "So you named him after your grandfather? That's cool." Jason said, stepping closer to the crib. "Awww, man, he's gonna be a heartbreaker. You did good man." "Yeah, I know, but I had help." Nathan said sticking his chest out and glowing with pride. "Can I pick him up?" "Sure. You are his godfather. So, tell me ‘bout this shorty; when did y'all meet?" Picking up Jeremiah, Jason said, “I bumped into her the other day at the hospital. Like literally, I bumped into her getting off the elevator. She seemed upset, so being the gentleman I am, I talked to her for a little. You know, gave her some encouraging words to cheer her up." "Don't tell me you're preying on the grieving."

"Naw, it's not like that. She said she was there visiting a friend and was just having a lot going on." "Okay, just be safe and protected. She ​was​ coming out of a hospital; never know what it is that she has going on coming out of that place." Nathan said being funny. "She good man." "Okay, well I'm happy for you. It's really been a while since you've been with anyone." "Yes it has, but that all may change man." "So, you like her?" "Yeah, she's a really cool chick. I can see myself getting close to her." "That's good man, just be careful." "I will."

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN "I don't know who he thinks he is, but two can play that game. I'm going to show him I can play it a whole lot better than he can though." Laronica said, looking over herself in the mirror. She was so hurt by Nathan proposing to Jazmin, that she rushed out of the hospital. Not paying attention to where she was going, she bumped into Jason getting off the elevator. Realizing who he was, she put her acting skills to use. Hoping that he hadn’t remembered her from the party a few months back, she smiled at him and made small talk. After a while, she realized that he truly didn't remember her. She figured that it was due to him being so drunk that night, so she used it to her advantage.


Telling him that she was there visiting a friend and pretending that she was so distraught over the situation, she easily baited him in. Even though she was in a state of shock and hurt by what she had just witnessed, she didn't want to give herself up by telling him the true reason for her pain and heartache. She captured his attention and started telling him how everything was falling apart in her life, and that she didn't know what to do anymore. She informed him that her friend was sick, and she didn't know if he was going to make it or not. Of course, him being a man, he made it all that easier for him to fall right into her trap. The whole time they were talking, she could feel his eyes roaming all over her as if he were undressing her with them. By the end of their conversation, he had her number and they agreed that he would come by her place when he was done with his hospital business. "I may not be able to have Nathan, but I will take the next best thing." She said, touching up her makeup. Ding dong. The ringing of the doorbell took her from her thoughts. Putting a wild hair in its place, Laronica grabbed her purse and walked towards her front door. Checking her watch, she said, "Right on time." Smoothing over her Givenchy, straight-legged, pin-striped jumper, she opened the door for her punctual date. Standing there in his custom made, all-black Tom Ford suit, Jason smiled from ear-to-ear at the sight of Laronica's beautiful face. "You look lovely. These are for you." He said, handing her a bouquet of white roses. "Thank you; that was so thoughtful." She said, accepting the lovely arrangement. "They are gorgeous. Let me go put these in some water, and I'll be ready. Come in and have a seat while I run to the kitchen." Â

“I hadn’t noticed before, but this is a nice little setup you got here. I like the Egyptian artifacts you have. My home boy’s fiancé has some like these.” Jason said, rubbing his hand across Laronica’s King Tut statue. "Yeah, I guess you wouldn't because we went straight to the room." Laronica said, laughing. She was trying to play off her nervousness from his comment hoping that he wouldn't think anything of the fact that she and Jazmin had identical statues. "I'm a big fan of my royal roots." Coming back into the living room, Laronica wrapped her arms around Jason’s waist and kissed the back of his neck. She wanted to take his eyes off her Egyptian pieces so that he wouldn’t think too long about the resemblance of her living room and his friend’s. ​I guess she done made herself at home now​, she thought to herself as she cringed at images of Nathan and Jazmin flashing through her mind. "You ready to go?" She asked. "Yes, but if you kiss me again we may not make it." Jason said turning to face her. "Crazy." "I can be." He said with a smile on his face. “I bet you could,” Laronica said looking up to him. “But, tonight, we are actually going on our first official date. You’ve been promising me for days that we were going to do something special. Now that we are going to go out and do something, you can’t change your mind and back out on me.” She said, sticking her lip out as if to pout. She wasn’t all that interested in Jason, but she thought that, if she could get him to take her somewhere, beside the bed, they would eventually run into Nathan, causing him to become jealous. “Your right, baby. I did promise you.” Jason said, sincerely, and then kissed her on the forehead. “So, where are we going?”

“Well, today is my best friend’s birthday, so I figured no time like the present to introduce you to my posse. He’s having his celebration at Lava Lounge niteclub.” “Oh my gosh, really? I’ve been meaning to go there and check it out.” She said, trying to contain her excitement. This was the perfect moment for her to flaunt her new beau and get under Nathan’s skin. “Yes, but I should warn you. Me and my boys can get a little out of hand when we’re all together.” “That’s okay. Will their ladies be there? I don’t want to be the only woman there with a whole bunch of macho men around me. Who would I have to talk to about my girly stuff while you guys are off doing your thing?” “Don’t worry; the women will be there so you won’t feel like an outcast.” He said, walking with her to the door. “You look great by the way.” “You said that already.” “I know, but damn, I’m going to have the finest woman there.” “You sure will.” She said, locking the door behind them. On their way to the club, Laronica tried her hardest to not show her excitement. ​This is just what I needed,​ she thought to herself. Nathan is gonna flip once he sees me on his best friend’s arm​.” Laronica fidgeted a little in her seat as she thought to herself. She was too excited to sit still. “Are you okay?” Jason asked, almost making her jump out of her skin. She was so caught up in thinking about Nathan that she forgot she was riding in the passenger’s seat of Jason's car. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.” “You sure? You look a little nervous.” Jason said, placing his hand on her thigh. “Well, I am going to meet your friends and their women, so I guess you can say I’m a little nervous.” Laronica said, placing her hand on top of his.

“Don’t be; my friends are some cool cats.” “It’s not them I’m worried about.” Laronica half-lied. She wasn’t worried about his “friends”; she was only worried about one. “Well, don’t worry about the ladies either; everyone is going to love you.” He said, reassuringly. Pulling up to the club, Laronica could see a few cars in the parking lot leading her to believe that the party had already started. She scanned through the parked vehicles looking for one, in particular, but couldn’t find what she was looking for. Feeling disappointed in not finding Nathan’s car, she stepped out and locked arms with Jason. Walking arm in arm, Jason scanned the room for his buddies. Locating them at a booth in the far corner, he headed towards them with Laronica at his side. “Hey, everybody. What’s going on?” He said, as he approached the booth. “Hey, Jai,” Marcus said, standing to give his friend a brotherly hug. “Who is this?” He asked, looking Laronica up and down. “Laronica. Laronica, this is Marcus, my best friend’s annoying little brother.” Jason said, laughing. “Annoying? Man, get out of here.” Marcus said, playfully. “Nice to meet you.” Laronica said, holding her hand out to shake Marcus’ hand. “Damn, there’s not one ugly gene in their bone is there?” She asked herself looking Marcus over. “I might have to get the brother next.” “Nice to meet you, too, lovely lady.” Marcus said locking hands with hers. “Back up youngster.” Jason said, pulling Laronica away. “This one is mine.” “Awww, man relax, the wifey is around here somewhere. I don’t need those problems; besides, I don’t get down like that.” Marcus said, raising his hands as if he were waving a white flag.

"Yeah, you don't." Jason said, as he looked up to see Cameron walking towards them. "What's up y'all?" Cameron said, as she approached the group. "Who's this, Jai?" “Hey Cam, this is Laronica. Laronica, this is Cam, Marcus' wife." Jason said, introducing the ladies after giving Cameron a hug. It was love all around… family love, and Laronica wondered if Nathan was worth losing her closest friend. She and Jazmin were like sisters, and Jazmin was always there for Laronica, even when no one else was. For a brief second, Laronica started to feel a little remorse for the way she was behaving and how she was treating her friend, until she saw Nathan walk in. "Damn." She said, under her breath as the guilt quickly faded away. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Jazmin woke up early that morning to make her fiance’ breakfast for his thirty-seventh birthday. She stopped by Jeremiah's room on her way downstairs, making sure not to wake Nathan before his time. She fed and bathed the baby before starting his lovely feast. She wanted this day to be perfect for the man who was perfect for her, so she made crepes stuffed with cream cheese and strawberries drizzled with chocolate, eggs, bacon, and hash browns. She provided him with freshly squeezed orange juice and fresh brewed steaming hot, Colombian-blended coffee to wash it down with. Making sure that everything was neatly placed on the tray, she picked up Jeremiah and headed upstairs to cater to her man. She struggled a little trying to balance the baby and the serving tray, but she managed to make it to their room without dropping or spilling anything.

Setting the tray on the bed beside Nathan, she began to sing. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear daddy, happy birthday to you." She cooed, stirring Nathan from his sleep. Nathan opened his eyes to see Jazmin and Jeremiah standing over him. As he moved around to sit up, he felt something next to him. Seeing that he was provided with breakfast in bed, he cautiously pushed himself up the rest of the way. "Good morning, baby." He said, moving the tray in front of him. "What's all of this?" "Good morning, honey," Jazmin said, leaning in to give him a kiss. "This is your breakfast. Jeremiah and I got up extra early this morning to make this, especially for you." “Oh really? Well, I hope it’s as good as it smells, because I've never seen you cook." Nathan said laughing. "That's because my man has been spoiling me with exquisite dinners." Jazmin said swatting him on his arm. Taking a bite of his food, Nathan closed his eyes as if to savor the taste. "Damn, baby, this is good; you really put your foot in this. I'm gonna have to stop taking you out to eat and make you cook more." “You can’t make me, but I would be happy to provide you with a home cooked meal every now and then.” She said rolling her neck. "Well then, can it just be my birthday every day?" He asked, after taking another bite of his crepe and drinking some orange juice. "It can be your birthday whenever, baby." Moving his empty tray to the side, Nathan reached for his son. "How's Daddy's big boy." He said, cradling Jeremiah in his arms. "Mommy got you up all extra early, doesn't she?" "Say it was for a good cause, Daddy." Jazmin said, leaving out of the room to take the tray to the kitchen.

"Yes it was, and I appreciate it. Now for some father and son time." When Jazmin came back upstairs, she saw the happy twosome playing, so instead of interrupting, she just stood in the doorway and watched proudly. ​Never in a million years did I think this would be my life​, she thought to herself. "Penny for your thoughts." Nathan said, bringing her back to reality. "Oh, I was just thinking that I must've done everything right to be favored by the gods so much to where they blessed me with you and Jeremiah." "I think it's the other way around, although I'm not sure what I've done to deserve you guys." "You don't." Jazmin said, smiling, as she walked towards the most important men in her life and joined them on the bed. For the rest of the morning, they laid in bed like a happy family all snug and tight. Neither one of them moved, not even to lay Jeremiah down when he fell asleep. Nathan held Jazmin as she held Jeremiah, and eventually, they followed suit with their son and was sound asleep. Bzzz bzzz. Nathan’s phone vibrated on the nightstand next to him; he didn't feel like answering it so he let it go to voicemail. Bzzz bzzz. "Answer it, babe; it could be important." Jazmin said with her eyes still closed. "It can't be anyone but Jai or Marcus. I'll call them back." Nathan said squeezing Jazmin. Just as he was getting back comfortable next to his woman, Jeremiah started crying. "It's time to get up now." Jazmin said, moving around to get out of the bed. “Jeremiah needs a diaper change and to be fed." "Okay, baby, I'll be here waiting for you."

"Really? It's your turn." "Awww, Mom, but it’s my birthday." Nathan said, pretending to throw a tantrum. "Look at you, already acting spoiled. Since it is your birthday, I guess I can give you the day off. You will be back on diaper duty bright and early tomorrow morning, though, sir." Laughing, Nathan said, "You said duty," in his best impersonation of an eight-year-old. “Tell Daddy bye, Jeremiah.” Jazmin said as she raised Jeremiah's hand to wave to his daddy and walked out of the room. Turning over, Nathan reached for his phone. Unlocking his mobile device, he saw that he had text messages but not from Jai or Marcus. "What does she want now?" He said out loud but low enough to where Jazmin couldn't hear him. Opening his messages, he read them to himself before deleting them. Message 1: I can't believe you're going to marry her; you are such a dog. You don't deserve her or me you lying bastard. I wonder how your precious fiance would feel about you if she found out you're cheating on her; then what you gonna do? Message 2: I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean any of that; I just really miss you. Please call me when you're alone. I need to hear your voice. I love you. "This bitch is crazy." He said, shaking his head. Just as he was about to put his phone down, he felt it vibrate in his hand. Hoping it wouldn't be Laronica again, he looked down to see that she sent him another text message.


Message 1: I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and to let you know I got you something. I hope you come by tonight so I can give you some birthday loving. My body is so hot for you, and my pussy is extremely moist. Just thinking about that big, chocolate dick has me creaming myself. I just need to feel you one last time, and I promise I won't contact you anymore. Please Daddy, I need some of your good loving tonight. Feeling his dick getting hard, he deleted the message, but not before he received the incoming picture message of Laronica’s pretty, pink pussy covered in her juices. "Give me strength." Sitting at the vanity, Jazmin had on nothing but her black, lace panties and bra. She was concentrating on putting on her makeup, making sure her face looked like it was beat by the gods. Nathan stood in the closet door admiring his soon to be wife. Even after having the baby, her body was still beautiful, and she still had a glow to her skin. Jazmin was truly flawless. "What are you staring at?" Jazmin asked, snapping him from his thoughts. "Just at the beautiful woman who stole my heart." He said with lust in his eyes. "Where she at?" She said smiling. "She's right here, and she's all mine." He said, walking up to her and wrapping his arms around her shoulders.


He knelt down to kiss her neck then had her turn around so that he was directly in front of her. Kneeling to his knees between her legs, he slowly moved her panties to the side. Greeted with her moistness, he gently slid his middle finger inside of her. Reaching behind her with his other hand, he unsnapped her bra letting it fall enough to barely uncover her beautiful, chocolate nipples. Suctioning it with his mouth, he started licking her left nipple as he fingered her pussy. "Baby, we're gonna be late." Jazmin said in between moans. "It's my birthday’ we can be a little late." Nathan said, releasing her nipple for a split second. Nathan removed his hand from Jazmin's buried treasure and lifted her up from the bench. With her arms and legs wrapped around his body, he released his dick and let it find its way to its home. Moaning at the feel of Jazmin's pussy wrapping around his dick, he started to thrust inside of her. Moving in and out, he could feel her river flowing down his thighs. Stroking her while walking to the bed, he gently laid her down and proceeded to spread her legs wider. Gripping the sheets, Jazmin tried real hard not to scream, but Nathan was stroking her pussy so good that she couldn't resist. She let a loud moan, as he started making circles in her forbidden fortress. "Shhh. You don't wanna wake the baby, do you?" Nathan said, as he dug deeper into her juicy pot of gold. "No. But. You're. Hitting. My. Spot." Jazmin struggled to say in between thrusts. "Well, we can remedy that. Turn over." Obliging to her man’s request, Jazmin quickly turned over without letting him slip out. She was so caught in the pleasure that she didn't want to lose the feel of his dick inside of her. She put her head in the pillows and arched her back as far as it could go, allowing Nathan a deeper stroke.

Placing his hand on the small of her back, Nathan squatted flat on his feet pounding her harder and deeper. Feeling her climax, as well as his, he started stroking faster releasing himself in her as she squirted all over him. Covered in sweat, they got up from the bed and headed towards their on-suite bathroom to take a shower. Just as Nathan turned on the water, the doorbell rang. They knew it couldn’t be no one but Evelyn coming to watch Jeremiah for them. Ding dong. “I’m coming, Mama.” Jazmin said, quietly, as she walked down the stairs. She was trying to make sure she didn’t wake the baby, but Evelyn was about to do that herself. “Hey, baby, you’re not dressed yet?” Jazmin’s mother said as she walked in. “No, we got a little sidetracked, but we’re about to get in the shower now.” “Sure you did. You know, if you keep this up, I’m going to have a lot of grandbabies to spoil.” Evelyn said, laughing. “Where’s my g-baby anyway?” “He’s upstairs sleep.” Jazmin said ,ignoring her mother’s first comment. “You just about woke him up, though, ringing the bell like a mad woman.” “Well, you guys were taking too long to come to the door. I’ve been standing out here for five minutes, and I even called both of your phones. Guess you guys were too busy getting “sidetracked” that you couldn’t hear any of that, though, huh?” Jazmin turned to head up the stairs not wanting her mother to see her blush. This conversation was so uncomfortable for her, and she wanted to be anywhere but standing in the living room with Evelyn at this moment. “Oh, you don’t hear me now? That’s fine; I will just go upstairs and check on my grandson.” Evelyn said following behind Jazmin.

“Mama, this is so embarrassing.” “No this isn’t, but what is, is standing outside while your daughter is getting her freak on.” “Mother!” “What child? I’m not that old. You are grown and out of my house so whatever you do with your body is no longer my concern. I’m just glad you are finally getting you some; I was starting to worry about you dear.” “Okay, Mama. I’m going to take a shower now; you know where Jeremiah is. Have fun.” Jazmin said, closing her bedroom door behind her. Nathan and Jazmin quickly got ready so that they could make it to the club, fashionably late of course. The party was in his honor, and they didn’t want to be rude. Kissing Jeremiah and Evelyn goodbye, they rushed to the door and sped to their destination. Once they got there, they saw the parking lot was full of their family and friends’ cars. “We are so late.” Jazmin said, stepping out of the car. “Yes, but we look good doing it.” Nathan said, escorting her through the doors. Scanning the room, they saw their guests on the other side of the room, but one person stuck out in particular. Nathan’s eyes landed on Laronica, and instantly, he felt sick. “How did she know we would be here, and what the fuck is she doing here?” He asked himself silently. “Are you okay?” Jazmin asked, noticing the color fade from his face. “Yes, I’m fine. Let’s get over to our party. Don’t want to keep them waiting any longer.”

CHAPTER NINETEEN Everyone was having a good time, except for Nathan, who was fuming. He was so pissed that, not only was Laronica dating his best friend, but she had the nerve to show up with him on his birthday. He knew what she was doing ,and he was determined to not give in, but sitting there watching her grind all over Jason made him heated with jealousy. Tossing the last swig of Jack and Coke down his throat, he leaned over to Jazmin. “You wanna dance, my love?” “Sure, I thought you would never ask.” Jazmin said, scooting over in the booth to get up. With Nathan holding her hand, she led him to the dance floor and started swaying her hips. Pushing her plump, firm ass up against his manhood, she started to slowly grind on him. The live music was jumping, and it had everyone on their feet. Feeling Nathan’s fingers clutching her hips, she leaned back against him, and they began to move to the beat of their own tune. Closing his eyes, Nathan got lost in the scent of Jazmin’s perfume and soon became aroused as he nuzzled his nose into her neck. “Mmmm, you smell so good.” He said barely above a whisper. “I know, my man has good taste, doesn’t he.” Jazmin said, turning around to face him. Nathan placed his forefinger under her chin and tilted her head just enough for him to kiss her. He provided her with the most passionate kiss that made her weak in her knees. He started out kissing her slow and softly, then became aggressive causing her to jump back. “Ow, babe, what did you do that for?” Jazmin said, shocked by his aggressiveness. “What are you talking about? “Baby, you bit me. Are you sure you’re okay?” Jazmin said, concerned.

“I’m fine baby. I’m sorry I bit you, guess I was just caught up in the moment.” Nathan was bothered by the fact that Laronica was there with his best friend, but he couldn’t let Jazmin know the truth. Pulling her closer to him, he started swaying with her in his arms to the slow jam that was put on by the DJ. He honestly couldn’t believe that Laronica would stoop so low. She sent him these crazy messages just hours earlier and now she was all hugged up with another dude… his best friend. Staring at her, he noticed that she had left Jason’s side and was headed to the ladies’ room. Releasing his grip on Jazmin, he leaned in to tell her that he was going to the men’s room and that he would be back in a minute. Kissing her on her forehead, he walked away heading in Laronica’s direction. “What the fuck are you doing here, Laronica?” Nathan spat, when he finally caught up to her. “I’m on a date, Nathan. Can't you tell?” She said with an attitude. “A date? You’re on a date with my best friend.” “Yeah, so?” “Are you crazy or something? What would even possess you to fool around with my friend?” “I’m not fooling around with him, Nathan. I actually do like him. He’s nice, attentive, and most importantly, single.” “He’s not even your type, Ronnie. I know you. He’s too simple and plain for you. You like excitement.” Nathan said, releasing his jealousy more than he had anticipated. “My type is single. How would you even know what I like? I’m just a piece of pussy to you, nothing more. You made that very clear.” Laronica said, noticing that her plan was working. Nathan was jealous, and seeing her with Jason made his blood boil.

“Ronnie, stop it okay. You knew the situation before anything ever happened, and as I recall, you pursued me. You’re not a piece of pussy to me; you’re just a mistake I wish I never made.” Nathan said, turning to walk away. He knew the game she was playing, and he was not about to let her get the best of him. He had a beautiful woman waiting for him on the dance floor, and he planned on taking her home that night and breaking her back in. “A mistake? The only mistake you made was choosing her over me. You’ll be sorry you ever played with me, Mr. Pennington!” Laronica screamed behind him, but he was already almost to the other side of the dance floor. The only people who could hear her were the ones standing around waiting to go into the restroom. “What are you staring at?!” Laronica snapped before storming off. “Are you okay, babe? Did something happen in the ladies’ room?” Jason asked with concern in his eyes. “No, nothing is wrong.” Laronica said, hoping he couldn’t tell that she was lying. “You sure?” “Yes, baby. I would just like something to drink. I’m gonna head over to the bar. Do you want anything?” “Naw, I’m good.” Jason said, before she walked away. Standing at the bar, Laronica felt a tap on her shoulder. Closing her eyes, she was hoping that it wasn’t Nathan coming back to fight with her; he had ruined her vibe. She thought that he would be happy to see her considering they hadn’t been together since Jazmin had the baby, and he suddenly wanted to be a devoted family man. Sipping on her drink, Laronica smiled at the fact that Nathan was so mad to the point where you could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. ​He wants me, ​she thought, as she turned around, now hoping it was him. “Hey girl.” Jazmin said, standing next to Laronica. “Hey.” Laronica said, trying to hide her disappointment. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Yeah. You know Jai is a really sweet dude. He’s different from any of the other jerks I’ve dealt with. With the exception of George, of course.” “Yeah, he is. I haven’t known him that long, but whenever he is around, he’s always just laid back and chilled.” “Of course, you haven’t. You haven’t even known Nathan that long.” Laronica thought to herself. “What was that?” Jazmin asked leaning closer to her. “I didn’t say anything.” Laronica said, wondering if she blurted out her words instead of thinking them. “Oh, okay.” “So, today’s your baby daddy’s birthday, huh?” “My fiancé, and yes.” Jazmin said, flashing Laronica her flawless engagement ring. “Oh, yeah. I forgot” Laronica said rolling her eyes. “When did you guys meet?” “The day you gave birth to your son.” Laronica said with a slight attitude. “Oh, so that’s why I haven’t seen you since. You’ve been tied up with your new beau. I understand.” “Yeah, I’m sorry about not coming by to visit after you gave birth. I’ve just been very busy juggling this new project and my new love life.” Laronica lied. She never intended on going to visit her friend or godson,; she wanted one thing and them being around made for too much work. “That’s okay; I understand.” Jazmin said, reminiscing about when she and Nathan first started dating. “I guess this means we will be seeing more of each other now. We'll have time to catch up. I really miss you, Ronnie.” “I guess so. I really miss you, too, sis.” Laronica said feeling disgusted. She hadn’t thought about her dating Nathan’s friend meant her seeing more of the happy family together. “Hey sexy lady.” Nathan said, standing behind Jazmin.

“Was I taking too long?” Jazmin asked, turning to face him. “No, I was just missing you.” Nathan lied. He saw Jazmin standing there with Laronica and was a little concerned about their conversation topic. After that text she sent him, he didn’t know what to think, but he wasn’t going to take a chance either. “Awww, look at the happy couple.” Laronica said, sarcastically. “They are a beautiful couple, aren’t they?” Jason said, standing next to her. “They are my relationship goals.” “Hey, baby.” Laronica said, giving Jason a kiss. Seeing her kiss Jason so passionately made Nathan want to vomit. Instead of him showing his disgust with the show Laronica tried to put on, he turned to face the bartender and ordered another Jack and Coke. “Man, I can’t wait until I stop breastfeeding.” Jazmin said, wanting a Jack and Coke herself. “So, old man, how you feeling?” Marcus said, joining the group. “Who you calling old? I may be older than you, but I can still kick yo ass kid.” Nathan said to his little brother. “Yea, you wish. You might break a hip or something. You know, the older you get, the more brittle your bones are.” “Meet me outside, and I’ll show you how brittle my bones are.” “I’ve heard about this. They say people get more violent as they get up in age. I think they called it being senile or something like that.” “Hey guys, are we ready to bring out the cake?” Cameron said, breaking up their banter. "Yes, I guess it is time." Jazmin said, before walking away. Nathan followed Jazmin with his eyes as she headed to the DJ booth. Trying to keep his attention on her, he could feel Laronica staring at him. Glancing at her from the corner of his eyes, he noticed that she was licking her lips and blowing kisses at him.

Damn, I would love to feel her again, ​he thought to himself. He was imagining all the things he would do to her body during their last encounter. “Hey, party people, join me in wishing our guest of honor a happy birthday.” The DJ said through the mic bringing Nathan from his thoughts of Laronica’s body. Everyone started singing happy birthday to him as Jazmin and Marcus rolled in with the cake. You could barely see them standing behind the four tier, black and gold decorated masterpiece. “You really outdone yourself, baby.” Nathan said, kissing Jazmin on the forehead. “Anything for you, baby.” She said. “Now, blow out the candles and make a wish.” “All of my wishes have already come true.” Nathan said, before closing his eyes and blowing out the candles. “Yay!!!” The crowd cheered as they started clapping. “That really is a lovely cake.” Laronica said to Nathan. “Jazmin really made this a special event for you, but I can make it better.” Nathan could feel her reaching into his pocket and then she walked away. Putting his hand into his pocket, he felt for what she put in there. Pulling out something that felt like lace, he could only assume that it was her underwear, so he headed to the men’s room. Holding her black lace panties in his hand, he lifted it up to nose to take in her scent. Hearing the creak of the opening door, he quickly placed them back in his pocket and walked in. “You like the way I smell?” Laronica said, walking in behind him and locking the door. “You wanna know how I taste, too?” Walking towards him, Laronica started to undress herself. She unbuttoned the front of her jumpsuit and seductively removed the straps from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. As she got closer to him, she reached for his dick and began to massage his manhood.

“Laronica, stop.” Nathan said removing her hand. “This isn’t right, and I don’t want to do this.” “Are you sure?” She asked, gripping his dick again. Feeling his erection, she stepped closer to him closing the gap between them. Hesitating to see if he would protest again, she leaned in and kissed the side of his neck. Realizing that he wasn’t trying to fight her anymore, she knelt down to her knees and unzipped his pants. Releasing his rock-hard penis from its imprisonment, she began to stroke it gently. Moving up and down his shaft slowly with her hand, she hungrily placed it in her mouth. She proceeded to suck the head as she stroked his penis with one hand and his balls with the other. "Mmm." Nathan said, letting a moan seep from his lips. Hearing him moan in pleasure gave Laronica the motivation she needed to continue. She removed her hand from his dick and began to take him all in, letting the tip of his dick touch the back of her throat. She grew more aroused, as she slurped and sucked on his dick, playing with the head with the tip of her tongue. She deep throated him again, but this time, she stuck her tongue out to let it touch his balls. Not able to hold it anymore, Nathan gripped the back of her head and released his nut letting his sperm shoot to the back of her throat. He began to grow weak as she kept sucking making sure not a drop was wasted. He looked down at her and saw that she was pleasuring herself as well as him, and that made him get his next erection.

Lifting her up and pinning her against the wall, he rammed his dick into her and started pounding her pussy. He was pounding her so hard that, every time he entered, she would bump her head on the wall. He didn’t care if she got a concussion, and apparently, neither did she. He held her up against the wall as he fucked her roughly and stuck his dick in her as far as he could. Feeling her tremble in ecstasy followed by her juices running down his leg, he pulled out. "Suck this dick." Nathan said in a raspy voice. Laronica did what she was told and not long after, Nathan released in her mouth again.

CHAPTER TWENTY Nine months later "Today is the happiest day of my life. I can't believe that I am about to marry a man I never thought had existed!" Jazmin exclaimed. Jazmin stood in the mirror admiring her Vera Wang, diamond-encrusted, eggshell-colored, bodice wedding gown that hugged all her curves just right. She thought about how she could drop the baby weight plus a few extra pounds, but she was about to walk down the aisle in thirty minutes. Jazmin was extremely nervous, but knowing that she was just minutes away from becoming Mrs. Pennington took some of the edge off. Jazmin was very excited about spending the rest of her life with the man she loved, adored, and admired. Nathan was everything she could hope for, and now her dreams were coming true.

"You look so beautiful, baby." Evelyn said sitting by the window. Evelyn had on her violet-colored with eggshell trimmed, knee-length dress to match her daughter and the rest of the bridal party. She was so excited for her daughter; maybe a little more excited than Jazmin was. “Yes you do. You make one hell of a bride." Chantae said, while adding the last few touches to her sister’s hair before placing the veil on her head. "Thank you guys. I just want today to be perfect. I've waited a long time for this." "Yes you have, but your patience has brought you a wonderful man and a beautiful son." Evelyn said. "I know, Mama. I'm so glad you taught me to never settle." "You got that right." Chantae said, laughing. They heard a knock at the door signaling that it was time. Lifting her dress to make sure she didn't step on it, Jazmin headed to the door. Before she could reach the doorknob, her mother stopped her. “Before we go out there, I just want to let you know that I am extremely proud of you.” Evelyn said with tears in her eyes. “Here, I want you to have these. They were my mother’s.” She handed Jazmin a diamond and pearl necklace with earrings to match along with a cobalt blue sapphire and diamond tennis bracelet. “This is something old and this is something new and blue." “Oh Mama, these are beautiful. You shouldn't have." Jazmin said, now with her eyes filled with tears. "Awww, baby, don't cry. This is your wedding day, and you're going to ruin your makeup. You don't want Nathan seeing you look like a melted clown, do you?" "Here." Chantae said, handing Jazmin a diamond, butterfly brooch. "This is something borrowed. That means I want it back."

They all started laughing before walking out of the room one after the other. Walking down the aisle to “Every Time I Close My Eyes” by Baby Face, Jazmin silently let tears fall as she approached her groom. Noticing that he had tears in his eyes as well made her heart fill with so much joy. Nathan stood there admiring his bride and was in awe at how amazing she looked coming towards him. They stood there for a few minutes gazing into each other’s eyes before the pastor began. ***** "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The pastor said as everyone started clapping and cheering. Nathan and Jazmin were finally married, and the smile on their faces showed just how happy they were to be Mr. and Mrs. Pennington. Walking into the reception hall, they could hear the DJ announcing to their two hundred and fifty guests that Mr. and Mrs. Pennington has made it in the building. They both blushed at the sound of those words. ​I could get used to this.​ Jazmin thought to herself. After everything she had gone through, she never thought that she would be in this position with a man who truly adored her. “I love the way that sounds.” Nathan said looking down at her. “Me too.” As they walked into the room, they could hear all their family and friends clapping and cheering showing their support for the happy newlyweds. With the spotlight shining down on them, they were guided to the center of the floor for them to have their first dance as husband and wife. As they stood face to face, they heard “I Swear” by All for One come on. They began to slow dance, holding each other closely, and for a moment, they felt like they were the only ones in the room. Hearing the clinking of the glasses signaling them to kiss, they leaned in giving each other a deep and long, passionate kiss.

“This is so beautiful. They did really good.” Shawna said to Kadiah and Laronica. “Yes, it is. I’m so happy for Jazmin. It’s been a long time coming.” Kadiah said in return. “Yes, it has.” “It’s alright,” Laronica said, sourly. “They could’ve had a better selection of food.” “Girl, what is wrong with you?” Kadiah said. She could sense the jealousy in Laronica ever since they made it to the church, and she was not about to let her spoil the moment. “Nothing. I’m just saying; not everyone likes chicken.” Laronica said with an attitude. It has been eating her up for weeks that Nathan was going through with this wedding and now the day had come, and he didn’t back out like he said he would. “You tripping, Ronnie,” Shawna said. She had been sensing Laronica’s stankness all day, too, and she was tired of it. “They did a damn good job on their wedding, and if you don’t like chicken, go eat a steak.” “I can’t eat that, I have a photo shoot in the morning. Hell, she’s lucky I even made it. I have to be at the site before the sun even comes up.” “Are you serious right now? Your best friend just got married, and all you can think about is the food and a photo shoot. You are really losing it right now.” Kadiah said. “Yes, Diah, the photo shoots are how I make my money, and she could have taken me into consideration when she was thinking about food options." Laronica said with an attitude. “You really need some help.” Shawna said, trying not to cause a scene.

“You know what, fuck both of you. Neither one of you like me so I don’t even know why you guys are standing next to me faking any fucking ways.” Laronica said, before storming off. “That girl better be glad I don’t want to ruin Jazmin’s big day or I would mop the floor with her conniving ass.” Kadiah said, taking a sip of her champagne to calm her nerves. “Don’t pay her no attention. Let’s just keep enjoying the moment.” Shawna said taking a sip of her champagne as well. “I can’t help it; something is wrong, and I think I know what it is.” “Diah, don’t tell me you think that girl is messing around with Nathan, do you?” “I’m not sure, but Jazmin had been telling me that Laronica was being shady towards her ever since she announced her pregnancy.” “Yeah, she told me ,too, but I just thought it was because George had finally left and she didn’t know how to cope with that.” Shawna said. “That’s what Jazmin was saying, but it’s been about a year since he left, and she is still bitter.” “Well, I hope for her and Nathan’s sake, that’s not the case.” “Me, too.”

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE “I know you are on your honeymoon, but you can still answer your phone. I don’t even know why you have it turned off; she’s not that important. You’re with her playing the perfect husband, while I’m stuck here pretending with your friend. You need to call me or, at least, text me. I miss you. Laronica sent Nathan a text message for the fiftieth time and, as usual, there was no response. Jason was cool and all, but he wasn’t Nathan. He wasn’t the person she yearned for. Getting up from the toilet seat, Laronica turned on the water and pretended to wash her hands. Jason was wanting some loving, and she was not in the mood, so she pretended like her stomach was hurting and stayed in the bathroom for thirty minutes texting Nathan. “You alright, baby?” Jason asked, as soon as she stepped back into the room. “Yeah. Something that I ate at the wedding just doesn’t agree with me.” “Probably so. Do you need me to run and go get you something?” “Yes, please. I have to wake up early for my shoot, and I can’t be up in there sick.” Laronica said, rubbing her stomach. “Okay. Just lay there, and I will go to the drug store and pick you up a few things.” “Okay. Thank you.” Jason threw on his clothes and shoes, then headed out of the door.

“I thought he would never leave.” Laronica said out loud, as she checked her phone to see if Nathan had responded. “It’s been four hours. and he still hasn’t responded. What is wrong with him?” She reached for her laptop and googled how long it took to get to Paris, France by flight. “Ten hours! You gotta be fucking kidding me!” Laronica screamed, as she slammed her laptop shut. “Why couldn’t he have taken her to Houston or something? She’s really not that fucking special.” Just as she was about to pick up her phone again and send Nathan something to think about while he was gone, it rang. Looking down at the screen, Laronica saw that it was Shawna and debated on whether she wanted to answer it. “Hello.” She answered, sounding annoyed. “Hey, girl; how are you feeling?” Shawna asked, trying to sound sincere. “Not too well. I think something I ate at the wedding made me sick.” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Did you take anything?” “Not yet, but Jason just ran to the store to get me something to settle my stomach.” “That’s good. So you and Jason are steady?” Shawna asked, trying to pry. “Yeah, I guess you can say that. We’ve been dating for a few months, and he’s a really nice dude.” Laronica said, rolling her eyes. She wasn't feeling Jason, but he was the only way that she could stay close to Nathan. "That's good. Glad to see you're getting back in the game." "I was never out. Look, it's getting late. Is there something that I can help you with?" Laronica said being short. She was not in the mood for Shawna's mess right now.

"I was just calling to check on you and make sure everything was okay with you. You don't have to be so nasty, Ronnie." Shawna said, trying not to escalate the conversation. “Well, I’m fine, and everything is good on my end. Thanks for checking on me. I’m starting to get a headache, so I’ll talk to you later." "Okay, that's fine, but one thing before you go." "Yeah, what's up?" "Are you fucking Nathan?" Click. Laronica hung up the phone abruptly. "Who the fuck does she think she is?" She asked herself. "That bitch got some nerve asking me that shit. How the fuck does she know anyways?" Laronica’s thoughts were going a thousand miles per minute, and her palms began to sweat. Now, she was feeling sick. "Where the fuck is he?" "Baby, I'm right here. What's wrong?" Jason said, making Laronica jump out of her skin. "Nothing, I'm just not feeling too good. You liked to give me a heart attack. Damn." She said, clutching her chest. "I'm sorry. I thought you heard me coming up the stairs." "No, I didn't."


"Well, again, I apologize for startling you. Here's some medication to calm your stomach." He said, walking towards her and handing her the CVS bag. "Did you just get some bad news or something?" "No. What makes you ask that?" "Well, the conversation you were having seemed to have put you in a bad place. You're in here talking to yourself and holding your phone as if you want to break it." "So now you're eavesdropping? How long have you been here anyways?" Laronica said with an attitude. "Long enough. Ronnie, are you sure you're okay?" "Yes. Now stop asking me!" "Okay. I'll be downstairs when you calm down and are ready to talk to me." Jason walked out of the room closing the door behind him. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he wasn't about to argue with Laronica and make things worse. He liked her and could see their relationship going long-term.


Sitting on the couch, Jason flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch. He had already downed two shots of Jack Daniels and was thinking of making him a third. Earlier that day, everything was perfect so he didn't understand where all this animosity was coming from. He then figured that it must be that time of the month and left it alone. "Baby, I'm sorry." Laronica said, standing in the living room entrance. "I don't know what came over me. Do you forgive me?" Laronica kept walking towards Jason until she reached him. She hesitated before sitting down on his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and then another one on his lips. Once she realized that he was not protesting her attempts to correct her wrong, she parted his lips with her tongue and then proceeded to kiss him passionately. Feeling him rise beneath her, she slowly got up from his lap and knelt between his legs. Gently removing his pulsing member from his night pants, Laronica placed it in her mouth and began to slowly suck it. Laronica devoured his dick as if it were her last meal, leaving not an inch of it to be seen. He’s not as big as Nathan, but he gets the job done,​ she thought to herself, as she began to move faster up and down his shaft. Looking down at her, Jason placed his hand on her bobbing head and wrapped her hair around it. Laronica hadn’t let him get near her sexually in weeks, and he was hoping that the wedding would put her in a good place. He loved the way her lips felt wrapped around his dick, and the slurping noises she made sent vibrations from the head of his penis to his balls.

“Mmmm, right there. Suck dick.” Jason said, as he got lost in ecstasy. Daddy dick, my ass; more like baby dick​, Laronica thought, as she started to finger herself. Jason didn’t turn her on, but sucking dick always did. She always said that, if you suck it right, you could get yours while the man got his, and that was exactly what she was aiming to do. Sliding two fingers into her pussy, she began to move in and out matching the rhythm of her head. Every so often, she would pull her fingers out and rub her clit vigorously making sure Jason wasn’t the only one who got his tonight. Jason was enjoying Laronica’s head session, but what he wanted the most was to feel her sweetness. Abruptly stopping her just as he was about to erupt in her mouth, sending his kids on a tour of her body, he stood up and bent her over the couch. Spreading her ass cheeks apart, he carefully entered her love cave and started moving in slow circles. Jason began to thrust inside of her as if he were trying to stir her insides. Moving side to side, he was determined to hit every wall he possibly could hoping to make her feel about him the way he did her. Jason was shocked by the emotions he had towards Laronica, and even though he hated to admit it, he was falling for the girl. At first, he wasn’t looking for anything serious, but seeing how happy his homeboy was with his new-found life made him want more out of life as well. The only thing that was keeping him from expressing his feelings towards Laronica was the fact that he knew she was hung up on Nathan.

“Take this dick. You like this king dick, don’t you.” He said, as he began to move faster and harder hoping that he could erase all memories of Nathan from her mind. “Yes, Daddy. Right there. Harder baby, harder.” Laronica screamed out in pleasure as she continued rubbing her clit sending her juices shooting down his legs. Jason felt the pressure building but instead of pulling out, he shot his sperm inside of her without a care. At that moment, he didn’t give a damn about Laronica’s feelings towards him or Nathan. All he cared about was making her his… by any means. Collapsing on the couch, they both laid there in silence covered in sweat. “Damn baby, you really put it down.” Laronica said not able to move. His dick wasn’t as big as she liked, but she had to admit, he sure knew how to work it, and he hit all the right spots. “Thank you, thank you. I couldn’t have done it without a companion as obliging as yourself.” Jason said with a smile on his face. He was silently giving himself props for the way he beat the pussy up. “Do you wanna go upstairs or you wanna chill down here for a while?” Jason said, turning to face her. “We can stay down here for a little bit and watch TV. I don’t think I can move right now; my legs are a little weak.” Laronica said, sitting up on the couch. “Cool, find us something good to watch. I’mma get some water. You want something?”

“Yes, can you bring me some juice, please?” “Coming right up.” As they sat there watching TV, Laronica glanced at Jason, and for a second, felt that she could make this situation work with him. ​At least I know he would only belong to me​, she thought, as she laid her head on his shoulder and fell asleep without another thought of Nathan. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Lifting Jazmin up, Nathan unlocked the door and carried her over the threshold. “Home sweet home, baby.” He said, as he gently sat her on the couch before heading back outside to get their luggage. They had just gotten in from their honeymoon, but the celebrating had never stopped. Ever since they recited their vows, they’ve been like rabbits in heat, and even though they were a little jet lag from the ten-hour flight back home, nothing had changed. By the time Nathan walked in with all the luggage, Jazmin had already stripped naked and was laying on the couch waiting for him. “You just can’t get enough, can you?” Nathan said with a big smile on his face. “I can’t get enough of you.” Jazmin said, getting up from the couch and walked towards him.

She seductively swayed her hips with each step making sure that he got a full view of her naked body. Nathan stared at her as if he were looking at a masterpiece that captured him and would not release its hold. Watching her walk with such confidence turned him on, so much so that she could see his penis sticking straight up making a teepee out of his pants. Once she got close enough to touch him, she reached out and pulled his shirt over his head. Then, without hesitation, she slipped her hands into his waistband and let his sweat pants fall to the floor. Nathan picked Jazmin up and walked back towards the couch as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. As she released her hold on him, he turned her around and bent her over. Dropping to his knees, he spread her ass cheeks to gain easy access to her love button and began to suck on it while using his tongue to apply more pressure. Moving his tongue in and out of her pussy, he used his hand to rub her clit, causing her to squirt in his mouth. Once he slopped up all her juices, he began to place gentle bites on her ass cheeks before placing his head between them. He moved his tongue around as if he were eating her pussy while fingering her. This brought Jazmin to a whole new level of pleasure, and he knew it made her go crazy. Using one hand to hold her in place, he began to tongue her ass and rub vigorously across her clit. Once he got the orgasm he wanted out of her, Nathan stood up and slipped his penis in. He began to lunge inside of her as if he hadn’t had sex in years. “Oh. My. Gosh!” Jazmin screamed, as Nathan continued to pummel her with his dick. “This what you wanted?” He asked in an authoritative voice.

“Yes, Daddy, this is exactly what I wanted.” “Whose pussy is this?” “Yours baby. It’s all yours.” “You like the way this dick feel, don’t you? You like when I beat it up, huh?” “Yes, I love it. Beat this pussy up. Let me know it’s yours.” Jazmin said with just as much authority as Nathan. Jazmin moved in rhythm with Nathan’s thrusts and threw her pussy back with just as much force that he was pounding her with. The way their bodies were smacking up against each other along with her screams, a passerby would’ve sworn that they were in there fighting instead of making passionate love to one another. Switching positions, they moved from the couch to the wall to the floor without missing a beat. Finally settling in their room, they both reached their climax and just laid there intertwined with one another. “I hope this never ends.” Jazmin said leaning up on her elbow to look at Nathan. “It won’t, baby; we're in this for life.” Nathan said, bringing her closer to him. They laid there together in complete, naked bliss and enjoyed the silence. Jazmin loved that she could enjoy his company no matter where they were or what they were doing. Nathan made her feel comfortable in her own skin, and that was one of the things she loved most about him.

He always made her feel as if she was the only person that mattered and never put anything or anyone before her, and she did the same in return. Getting lost in her thoughts, she thought of them having more children and growing old together with wonderful stories to share with their grandchildren. This thought alone brought a smile to her face. Jazmin was in heaven, and by the look on Nathan’s face, he was, too. ***** “So, are you ready to get lil man?” Nathan asked Jazmin. “Yes, we can. I do miss my baby.” “Yeah, it’s been a week since we’ve seen him. He’s probably driving your mother crazy right now.” “I doubt it. She’s probably driving him crazy. You know how overbearing she is over her grandchildren.” Jazmin said with a slight chuckle. “Yeah, your mother can be a bit extreme sometimes.” Grabbing a purple sundress from the closet, Jazmin slipped it on along with her silver Michael Kors sandals. Following suit, Nathan grabbed an all-white short set out of the closet and paired it with his gray Stan Smith, shell-toe Adidas. Driving to Jazmin’s mother’s house, they rode in silence listening to the radio. “This is my song.” Jazmin said turning up the radio as “Dive In” by Trey Songz came on.

“Oh, you want me to dive in, huh?” Nathan said, glancing at her with a smile. “I love it when you dive in.” “Don’t play with me; I will pull this car over and do some things to you.” “No baby, not now. I’m ready to see my son; we’ve been gone for too long. You can do whatever you wanna do to me tonight, though.” Jazmin said with a devilish grin. “Bet.” Nathan said, reaching over to rest his hand on her thigh. For the rest of the ride they were silent, except for the few moans Jazmin let escape her mouth as Nathan fingered her. By the time they reached her mother’s house, Jazmin had three orgasms and was drenched in her own juices. Once he was done pleasuring his woman, he pulled his fingers out of her vagina and placed them in his mouth. “Damn, you taste so good.” Nathan said, closing his eyes as if he were relishing in her taste. Hesitantly stepping out of the car, Jazmin leaned against Nathan for support making sure she didn’t fall. Her legs were weak from the pleasure she had just endured. Walking hand in hand, she tried to balance herself before walking through the door. “Mama, you here?” Jazmin asked, stepping into the entryway. “Yes, baby. We’re in here!” Evelyn shouted from the den.

Joining Evelyn and Jeremiah in the den, Nathan and Jazmin took a seat on the couch. They watched as Evelyn interacted with her grandson as her face lit up. She was a very proud grandmother, and she truly adored her grandbaby. By the four-tooth smile Jeremiah had on his face, along with him not paying any attention to his parents, they could tell that he adored his grandmother as well. They too sat in adornment of the life they’d created, and this made them proud of the journey they had just begun.

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Six Weeks Later Bent over the toilet, Laronica felt like her life was going to end. She couldn’t stop throwing up even though she hadn’t eaten anything that would make her sick. She had been at the site for her photo shoot for four hours, and it seemed like the majority of that time was spent with her puking her guts out. “Hey, Ronnie; are you okay in there?” Her wardrobe assistant asked concerned. “Yeah. I guess I ate some bad fish last night.” Laronica said, reflecting back to the sushi that she and Jason ate. “Okay, honey. Well, everyone is out here waiting on you. Do you think we might need to reschedule?” “No. They won’t reschedule; they will only find someone else to take my place.” Laronica said in between hurls.

“Okay, I’ll let them know you will be right out.” “Thank you.” Trying to pull herself together, Laronica looked at herself in the mirror to make sure she still looked okay. “I look like Boo-Boo the clown.” She said, as she tried to fix her smeared makeup. Walking out of the restroom, all eyes were on her. As soon as she stepped into the room, everyone stopped talking. She could hear a few people whispering, and that irritated her… a lot. “If you got something to say, just say it.” She said with frustration. “Now no one has anything to say, huh? Can we get back to business, please?” Laronica stepped up on the platform, but before she could even get to her marker, she vomited on the floor causing it to splatter on her legs. Feeling defeated, she went to her station to grab her things and left the building. “You have to be fucking kidding me.” She said, as she sped off. Reaching for her phone, she dialed the number to her doctor’s office hoping that he could get her in today. She and Jason had been irresponsible a few times, and she felt that it was catching up to her. If she were pregnant, she would be immediately disappointed, because it was not with the man she was in love with.

Sure, she was finally coming around to giving Jason an actual chance, but she still yearned for Nathan. Every time she saw Nathan and Jazmin together, she felt her heart drop. It was depressing to watch the man she loved with another woman, with her best friend. “That’s what it is; it’s just stress. Maybe Dr. Johnson can prescribe me something for that.” She said to herself, as she waited for an answer at the doctor’s office. “I’ve never even missed a pill so I can’t be pregnant.” She thought to herself. “Dr. Johnson’s office, this is Kimberly.” The receptionist answered the phone in her usual happy voice. “Thank goodness. Kimberly, I need to get into the doctors like yesterday. Can you guys take me as a walk-in?” “Let me see if we have any available space; one moment.” Listening to the sound of Miles Davis while being on hold, she began to calm down. Hoping that the doctor would be able to see her, she turned into the parking lot and parked her car. “Thank you for holding. We do have an available spot today at one o’clock; do you think you can make it?” The receptionist said coming back to the line. “I sure can.” Laronica said looking at the clock on her dashboard. “Okay, perfect. See you then.”

Ending the call, Laronica pulled out of the parking lot and headed across the street to 7-11. She figured that she would sip on a Sprite while she waited to settle her stomach. “Please let this be a stomach virus or something. I don’t want any children with this man.” She said, to herself as she waited to be seen by the doctor. ***** ”Jason, baby, we need to talk.” Laronica said, nervously, as soon as he walked into the living room. She had been anxious ever since she left the doctor’s office, and all she wanted to do was down his bottle of Jack Daniels to calm her nerves. “Can it wait? I’ve had a long day, and all I wanna do is just relax right now.” Jason said, sounding irritated. “Yes, it can. Do you want to talk about your day?” She said. She wasn’t sure she was ready to have this conversation with him so she was happy and welcomed the distraction. "No, I don't even wanna think about it. How was your day? How'd the shoot go?" Jason asked, pouring himself two fingers of Twenty Grand Cognac. "My day was alright. The shoot was terrible, though." "Why? What happened?" "I wasn't feeling too good, so we had to end it early." Laronica said, trying to work up the nerve to tell him she was pregnant.


"Do you think the sushi was bad?" "No. That's what I need to talk to you about." "What's going on, Ronnie?" He asked, setting his cup on the bar. "Talk to me, baby." "Well, I was feeling real sick this morning so I called my doctor and..." "And you're pregnant? I knew it!" "What you mean you knew?" Laronica said, growing angry. "You've got a little pudge, or do you want me to say that you were just putting on weight and getting chunky?" Jason said, laughing. "This is not funny, Jai. I'm not ready for children. We're not even married." "Do you want to get married?" Jason asked before he could catch himself. The question slipped right out, and he was kind of glad it did. He'd been pretending too long, and he was tired of holding back. "You mean... you want to marry me?" Laronica asked in disbelief. No one had ever come close to popping the question. Not even George, and they were together for over ten years, off and on. "Well, I mean if you'll have me." "Are you sure?" Â

"Of course I'm sure. I just need to know one thing." "What's that?" Walking towards her, Jason reached for her hands and gazed deeply into her eyes wanting to make sure he was making the right decision. "Are you done with Nathan?" Releasing her hands from his, she took a step back, and said, "What do you mean am I done? I never..." "Come on, Ronnie, don't try to play me. I'm not stupid. I know you and Nathan have been messing around ever since the party he and Jazmin threw celebrating their big win." "You knew and you still hooked up with me? That's real low, Jai." "You think that's low, but you don't think fucking your best friend’s man, now husband, is low?" Jason said giving her a stern look. "No, that's not low; that's fucked up." She said, sounding remorseful. "Yes, it is, but you still did it and continued to do it. You even fucked him the night of his birthday, but I chose to overlook that hoping that you would finally see how much you meant to me." "So you've been knowing this whole time, and you still wanna marry me?" She asked, now at a loss. "I mean, I do love you, Ronnie, but I refuse to let you hurt me. Besides, if you leave Nate alone, I will leave Sonja alone."

"Who the fuck is Sonja?!" Laronica asked, getting infuriated at the fact that he'd been cheating on her. "Don't act surprised. You don't think you were the only one able to have something on the side, did you?" Jason asked, smiling. “I guess that’s fair. If you are serious about what you are saying, then yes; I'm done with him and am willing to make this family work." Laronica walked back up to Jason and wrapped her arms around him. She tilted her head and waited for him to kiss her, which he did. For the rest of the night, they talked about their wedding and baby plans followed by a little lovemaking. It was three in the morning by the time they fell asleep in each other’s arms. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR "Ronnie, I'm so happy for you guys," Jazmin said feeding Jeremiah. "Now, Jeri can have someone around his age to play with." Laronica watched how Jazmin interacted with her son. Seeing the huge effect he had on her life, she began to feel better about the pregnancy. She started to smile as she thought of her bundle of joy’s arrival. "Yeah, that would be nice. Our children can be best friends just like their mommies."

"Girl, yes, and they can go on playdates and everything. This is gonna be fun." Jazmin said, excitedly. "That's not all of the news I have, though." "What, you have some more good news?" "Sort of." "Well, what is it? Spill the beans." "Jason asked me to marry him." Laronica said, sounding a little sad. "So, why don't you seem happy ‘bout that?" "I am, but I don't know." "Do you think he only wants to marry you because of the baby?" Jazmin said, picking Jeremiah up from his high chair. "What? You think that's the only way I can get a man to marry me? You think I'm not good enough to have a man who wants me for me? So, you the only one worthy enough of being loved?" Laronica said getting irate. "No Ronnie, I'm not saying anything like that; I'm just..." "You just what, Jess? You always think you better than somebody." "You're completely taking this out of context."

"Then, break it down to my simple ass." "What I'm saying is, you're not too excited about this whole engagement thing as if you're second guessing it. Do you have any doubts about his loyalty and intentions?" "No I don't, and I'm sorry; it's the hormones." "Trust me, been there done that." They both broke out laughing, and Jazmin handed her a Kleenex to dry her eyes. Laronica was extremely emotional, and this pregnancy was getting the best of her. She was only eight weeks pregnant, but she was feeling it full throttle. "So, do you want to marry him?" "I'm not sure, but I am positive I don't want to be a single-parent." Laronica said, wiping her eyes. "I do love him, and I'm sure I can fall in love with him one day." "Are you afraid of being alone?" “Not really; I just know the struggles. You know I watched my mother struggle when I was growing up. She had all different types of men running in and out of our lives trying to replace my dad, and I don't want that for my baby."

"I understand that, but you can't just marry him based on maybes and hopes. You also can't marry a man just because you are afraid of continuing a cycle. Just because your mom was alone doesn't mean you will be nor does it mean you will never find a man to be there for you. Jason seems to really love you, but if you're not sure about marrying him, don't lead him on." Jazmin was feeling sorry for her friend, but she didn't want her to settle just to avoid loneliness. She knew Laronica went through a lot while growing up, but she also knew that she had come a long way and worked extremely hard to escape that reality. "I know, and that is why I am going to accept his proposal but not rush the marriage. Like I said, I love him. Plus, he's a great man. I can honestly say that I do see a future with him so I'm willing to take a chance." "That's good, and no matter what, I'm extremely happy for you." "Thank you." "Look at us. Things are starting to feel normal again between us two. I've missed you, Ronnie, you know you're like a sister to me." Jazmin said with her eyes starting to fill with tears. "I've missed you, too, and I'm sorry I was being such a bitch towards you. George had left me and then when you got pregnant I felt like I was going to lose my best friend." Laronica said joining Jazmin. They embraced each other in a tight hug, one that was long overdue. At that moment, they couldn’t hold back their tears, and they began to cry like two babies who lost their favorite blanket.


"And I'm the one that's pregnant." Laronica laughed between sobs. "Well, there's something I've been wanting to tell you." "Oh my gosh, you're pregnant! That's wonderful. You and Nate wasted no time, huh?" Laronica said, finally happy for her friend. ***** "Congratulations, man; you're gonna be a dad." Nathan said, before popping a handful of peanuts in his mouth. Jason had called him earlier that day so they could hook up for some much-needed bro time. They met at their favorite bar downtown to get a few beers. Jason was trying to wait until Marcus showed up, but he was running late, and Jason was eager to give Nathan the good news. "Thanks, man. I'm nervous but excited at the same time." Jason spoke honestly about his feelings towards Laronica’s pregnancy for the first time since she told him. "Never wanted children, but seeing you with Jeri has changed my perspective. I just hope I will be a great dad." Taking a drink of his beer, Nathan sat his mug down and said, "Man, you have nothing to worry about, you're gonna be a wonderful dad. You've had a year of practice and you're great with Jeri." "Thanks man, I really needed to hear that." Jason chugged his shot of Patron then washed it down with his beer. "I got something I need to talk to you about, though." Â

"Yeah man, what's up?" Jason didn’t know how to approach this conversation, but he had to confront it and what better time than now to discuss Laronica. ​It shouldn’t be that hard​, he thought to himself. ​He has Jazmin at home. "Are you done with Ronnie?" Choking on his drink, Nathan leaned back in his seat and studied Jason for a while before responding. "What do you mean, Jai?" "Come on, man; you know what I'm talking about." Jason said leaning back in his chair. “Look man, Ronnie was a mistake, a very horrible mistake. I’m happy for you and what you’re trying to have with her, so the answer to your question is yes. I am completely, one hundred percent done with that situation. Besides, I have Jazmin, and she’s pregnant, too. I don't want to lose my family for anything or anybody." "That's what's up, because I do love Ronnie, but I'm not gonna tolerate playing second fiddle to you in her life." "You don't have to worry about that. You're like a brother to me, and I wouldn't want to jeopardize our relationship, either." "Cool, and congrats on your new baby."

Just as they were wrapping up their conversation with a brotherly hug, Marcus walked up. “Awww, look at you two being all mushy and shit. I thought that was for the ladies." Marcus said, laughing. "Shut up, fool." Nathan said, smacking Marcus in the back of his head. "You know that's assault right." Marcus said, taking a seat next to them. "Not if there's no witnesses to contest to it." Jason said. "See, you guys always gaining up on me. I'm not gonna take that too much longer." "What you gone do?" Nathan asked. "Who you gone whoop?" Jason added. They both burst out in laughter as Marcus sat there pouting like the brat that he was. He wasn’t in the mood for their double teaming today. "What's wrong with you, Marc?" Nathan asked, seriously. "Me and Cam got into a huge fight right before I left to meet up with you guys; that's why I'm late." "What you do now?" Nathan and Jason said in unison. They knew Marcus, and he had to have fucked up again.

“I honestly didn’t do anything this time. She accusing me of trying to leave to go see another bitch, and I keep telling her I'm not cheating anymore. She doesn’t believe me, and she tryna stay up my ass twenty-four seven. I can't even take a shower without being interrogated." Jason and Nathan tried not to laugh. They told Marcus repeatedly that the games he was playing were gonna catch up with him, but he wouldn't listen. "Well, are you being faithful?" Nathan asked, seriously. "Yes, bro. I haven't cheated on her in I don't know how long. Damn, women and their fucking pregnancy hormones." "What? Wait, Cam is pregnant?" Jason asked beating Nathan to the question. "Yeah, I didn't tell you?" "You didn't tell either of us." Nathan said. "My bad. We were wanting to wait, but yeah, she's three months, and the further she gets in this pregnancy, the crazier she gets." Marcus took a sip of his beer and rubbed his temples. "Yeah, it gets like that. I guess we're all in for a crazy ride." Jason said laughing. "You mean, Ronnie is pregnant?" "So is Jazmin." Nathan added.

"Damn, maybe we just need to bunk together until they have these little demons." Marcus said, laughing trying to lighten up his mood. They all sat in silence drinking their beers. None of them were ready for the rollercoaster ride they had ahead of them, but they knew that, if they had each other, they would be okay. Ordering another round of beers and some appetizers, they mellowed out while watching the game before going their separate ways to make it back home to their emotional women. "Alright, man, I'll holler at y'all later." Marcus said, getting up from the bar. "Alright, you take care." Nathan said, getting up to give his brother a hug. "You, too." "Okay, I'm about to head out of here, too. I know Jazmin is at home waiting on me." "Yeah, me too. Gotta get home to Ronnie before she goes crazy." They gave each other a handshake and walked out to their cars with the air cleared between them. As soon as Nathan got in his car, he got a text from Laronica telling him she needed to talk to him. This girl is incorrigible​. He thought, as he shook his head and pulled off.

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Laronica had been trying to get in touch with Nathan all week and was failing at every attempt. She told Jason that she was done with him, but she knew deep down inside that that was a lie. She was in love with Nathan, and even though he was married to her best friend, who was now pregnant again, she couldn’t let him go. Laying in her bed watching TV, she felt the vibration of her phone. Hoping that Nathan had finally changed his mind and decided to call her back, she anxiously reached for it. Unlocking the screen, she became disappointed at the name she saw; she swiped the decline button and continued to watch her telenovelas. Laronica was now three months pregnant, and in the effort of wanting to broaden her horizons to provide her child an advantage in life, she started watching the Spanish soap operas trying to understand the language. While trying to figure out what was going on with Esteban and Xiomara, she felt her phone vibrate again. Pausing her show, she decided to answer. “Hello.”

“Hey girl, what you doing?” Jazmin said on the other end of the line. “Nothing much, really. Just laying here watching TV.” “Well, I was calling to see if you would be interested in doing some baby shopping today. Nathan is here so he will be able to watch Jeri for me, and I really need to get out of this house and do something different.” A huge smile came across Laronica’s face at the mention of Nathan’s name. She didn’t want to go anywhere or be bothered with Jazmin, but just by the thought of being able to see Nathan, even for a moment, made her eager to get out of the house. “Sure, that’ll be fine.” Laronica said smiling. “Okay, cool. Just come whenever you’re ready.” “I will be there in about thirty minutes.” “Bet. See you when you get here.” They hung up the phone, and Laronica anxiously got in the shower. She pulled out a pair of shorts and a white cami to throw on. Taking a once over of herself in the floor-length mirror, she was content with her look. She was beginning to grow a baby bump, but the pregnancy was making her thicker than before, and she was becoming curvaceous.

Sitting down at her vanity, Laronica strapped on her white and gold Coach sandals. Feeling satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed her purse and left the house speeding to get to Nathan. Just as she pulled into the driveway, Jason showed up. She threw her head back and rolled her eyes in frustration. ​What is he doing here?​ she thought to herself stepping out of her car. She leaned against the door and waited for Jason to exit. “Hey baby, what are you doing here?” Jason asked, closing his car door. “Oh, Jess and I are going to do a little baby shopping today.” She said, trying to hide her irritation. “That’s what’s up. Hope you guys have fun.” “I’m sure we will. What are you doing here?” “Nate called me over since Jess was going to be leaving. Guess he needs help with little man.” “Well, that’s nice. You guys can get you a little bro time in while the women spend your money.” She said, laughing. Laronica was trying to do anything to calm her nerves. “I guess so. Do you have enough to do what you need to do?” Jason asked. He could sense her nervousness, but he looked over it hoping that she was true to her word. “I’m not sure. Really don’t know what all I will be getting or what I should get for that matter.”

“Well here, take my card and just get whatever you feel is necessary for our baby.” “Ooh, the Black card. Can I get me something, too?” She asked, becoming real excited about this shopping spree he was providing. “Sure, it looks like you need some appropriate clothes anyways.” Jason said, looking her up and down. He was not approving of her attire of choice for this little outing. “Are you saying that I’m fat and my clothes don’t fit, Jai?” Laronica asked almost in tears, but getting pissed at the same time. “No baby, I’m not saying that. Just thought you would want to get you something a little more comfortable to wear.” Jason said, trying to take his foot out of his mouth. Just as Laronica was about to give him a piece of her mind, Jazmin opened the door. “Saved by the bell.” Laronica said, before she brushed passed him and headed to the door. “Hey girl, you ready.” Jazmin asked as soon as Laronica entered. “Yeah, but first, can I get a drink of water?” “Sure, no problem. Let me go get it for you.” Nathan was on his way downstairs with Jeremiah to tell Jazmin bye, but he stopped in his tracks on the last step when he saw Laronica sitting at the bar. He thought about turning around, but felt that it would look too suspicious, so he walked past her and went into the living to join Jason.

“What’s up, Jai. What you been up to.” Nathan said, trying not to pay Laronica any attention. "Shit nothing. Been working, trying to prepare for my new addition." "I can understand that. We're trying to prepare, too; that's why Jess is wanting to do some shopping today." "Yeah, I feel this will be good for Laronica. She hasn't been out of the house since she started showing. I kinda feel like she's a little depressed, and I don't know what to do to help her." "Awww, man, it's just the hormones." "Are you in here calling us hormonal?" Jazmin said, as she entered the room with Laronica behind her. "Naw, baby. I would never." Nathan said, trying not to set Jazmin off. "Didn't think so. Well, we're leaving now. Do you need anything while I'm out?" "Okay, baby. I'm good; you just go out and enjoy yourself." Nathan stood up to give Jazmin a kiss before he sat down and kissed her belly. Jason followed suit and did the same to Laronica. They looked like two proud fathers the way they were doting over their pregnant women.

“We’re gonna go shopping!” Jazmin and Laronica said in unison, quoting a scene from "White Chicks", before walking out the door. "They are something else." Jason said. "Yes they are." Nathan agreed. Walking back towards the bar, they both took a seat on a stool and poured themselves something to drink. "Where's my godson?" "In the nursery sleep. We got about two hours to chill before he wakes up." "Cool." So, are you excited to be a dad?” Nathan asked, taking a sip of his drink. “Yeah, man. I mean, I never really wanted any children, but after seeing the impact that Jeri has on you, I’m kinda looking forward to it.” “Yeah, I know what you mean. Children can do that to you. Especially your own.” “Let me ask you something, though.” Jason said, turning to face Nathan. “Sure, what’s up?”

“Have you talked to her lately?” “Who? Laronica?” “Yeah man, who else?” “Naw, I haven’t. I told you I was done with her, and I meant that. I would never betray our friendship for a bitch.” “Don’t call her a bitch and okay.” “My bad man. Do you think she might be talking to someone else?” “Not really, but she’s been acting kind of strange lately and real distant.” “Awww, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there is someone else. They get like that sometimes throughout the pregnancy. Don’t sweat it, bro.” “Okay, if you say so.” “Trust me, you are going to be on a long rollercoaster ride for the next few months.” Nathan said laughing. He didn’t want to tell Jason that Laronica had been contacting him, so he decided to keep it to himself. Nathan had been true to his word, but he was also conflicted. He didn’t want to leave Laronica alone, even though it was the best decision to hold onto his family and his friendship.

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Six months later “How does it feel to be a mother?” Jazmin asked Laronica. “Never thought I would say this, but it feels great.” Laronica had just had her daughter, and she was enjoying the mommy life. Little Alyssa was bringing her and Jason so much joy. They had gotten married when she was six months pregnant and had been living the dream ever since. Now that their bundle of joy had arrived, they had been the perfect family. “Girl, that’s how I felt before I had Jeri. Now look at me. I have two children and my life couldn’t feel any more complete.”

“I’m just so happy that we are doing this together. I mean, Jai is helping, but sometimes I feel so alone in this. He’s been working a lot, and I really wish that he would take some time to be home with his family.” “I can understand that. I’m sure he’s just wanting to make sure everything is perfect and is probably going a little overboard with wanting to provide for his family.” “You’re probably right. He’s been talking about moving, and the house we have been looking at is a little on the expensive side.” “See, he’s just wanting to provide you and Lyssa with the best and just doesn’t know how to balance yet.” “Look, Alyssa and Justus look like they could be sisters.” Laronica said, changing the subject. “You’re right. They even have the same birthmark.” Jazmin said, laughing. “Let me find out we had the same baby.” Jazmin and Laronica both started laughing hysterically at the thought of their daughters looking a lot like sisters. They always said they wanted to have their children at the same time, and it honestly looked like they had the same baby. Their friendship was going back to normal with the bonding over motherhood. They had each other there for support and they couldn’t have been happier. “So, what are you ladies getting into today?” Jason asked, standing in the doorway. He had been watching them for a while, and he was glad to see Laronica settling into motherhood with ease.

"Well, we were thinking of going to Mommy and Me yoga; we could really use the workout." Laronica said pinching at the pudge she had from the baby weight. "That sounds fun, but you don’t need to lose any weight; you're perfect." "Awww, thank you honey, but you're supposed to say that; you're my husband." "You guys are so cute." Jazmin said sticking her finger in her mouth as if to gag. “Shut up!” Laronica said, playfully smacking Jazmin on the leg. ***** "How was your day baby?" Nathan asked, as Jazmin stepped in the room. "It was great actually. The Mommy and Me yoga class was truly what I needed. Very relaxing." Jazmin said, as she undressed to take a shower. "Well, that's good to hear. Glad you were able to get that relaxation. You deserve it." Jazmin walked into their on-suite and turned on the shower. She placed her hand in the water making sure it was the perfect temperature before she stepped in.

Letting the two showerheads hit her body with the right amount of pressure, she felt as though Jazmin was receiving a full body massage. As she closed her eyes and let the water cover her, she felt Nathan’s hands slide around her waist. Melting into his body, she felt his manhood rise. His dick was as hard as concrete, sticking straight up poking her in her back. Feeling him playfully rubbing his penis across her lower back, she stood up on her tippy toes and put a slight arch in her back. Noticing her invitation, Nathan guided his dick to her opening and gently maneuvered the head in and out until her pussy was loose enough for him to put it all in. Nathan loved the way that Jazmin’s walls gripped him as he went in and out of her juicy goodness. Her pussy was always tight, and he loved that feeling. No matter how many times they had sex, her vagina always felt new to him. Nathan placed his hand on the back of Jazmin’s neck while using the other to grip her thigh, holding her in place. He moved in gentle, soft circles, making sure she felt all of him. Filled with immense pleasure, Jazmin swayed to the motion of his hips while gripping his dick tighter inside of her. Nathan started to thrust harder as he felt himself about to climax, and Jazmin was right there with him. She threw her ass back with just as much force until she erupted feeling his sperm shoot inside of her. They washed off and then headed to the room after drying off. Sitting at her vanity, Jazmin began to rub moisturizer over her body as Nate went to check on the children. "Peacefully sleeping." Nathan said, as he stepped back in the room and squeezed some of her moisturizer in his hands.


"As always." Jazmin said with a smile as she stood up to let him rub the some on her back.

CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Lying in bed with Jason and Alyssa, Laronica smiled, as she silently thought to herself. "What you smiling about?" Jason asked, as he brought her out of her trance. "Just thinking how lucky I am to have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter that has brought such completeness to my life." "Well, I'm glad we can put a smile on your beautiful face."


For the longest time, Jason wondered if he would ever be good enough for Laronica, and lately, it appeared that his patience was finally paying off. He couldn't have been any happier than he was at that very moment, and by the look on Laronica's face, her heart was finally in the same place as his. "Jai, I've been thinking." Laronica said, sitting up to face him. "Yea, baby, what's up?" Jason asked, propping his head on his fist to look up at her. "I want to get back into modeling. I mean, I love being a stay-at-home wife and mother, but I want to get back to me." “So are you saying we’ve interrupted your life or something? Are we not good enough for you?” Jason asked growing furious. "I make enough to support our family, and you know you don't have to work. Besides, who's gonna keep Lyssa?" “No, I’m not saying you guys interrupted my life; I’m just saying that I don’t want to be just your wife and Alyssa’s mother. Before all of this, I had my own identity. It’s not about you guys being good enough for me, because you two are the best things to ever happen to me. This is about me having something outside of this house, outside of these walls.” Laronica said out of frustration. She was hoping he would've been more understanding and supportive since she never did much of anything since she got pregnant.


Laronica was tired of being at home, and she was growing bored with her domestic life. All she truly wanted was to get back to the Ronnie that she was before she became a wife and mother. Modeling was the only thing she had that she was extremely good at, and she wasn't ready to give it up just yet. “Okay, baby, I understand. Everyone should have something they can do separately for themselves to keep them sane." Jason said, sincerely. Even though he honestly didn't want her to go back to work, he understood that he had to let her do what made her happy. "Thank you, Jai, and I promise I won't take on too much or let it consume me." Laronica said with a huge smile on her face. Excitedly, she hopped out of bed after kissing Jason on the cheek and called her manager to see if he could book her a photo shoot. She was ready to go back to work and be under the spotlight. As promised, she informed her manager that she wanted to start out with a few small gigs so that she could still be at home with her family. She wanted so badly to get back in front of the camera, but she also needed balance. "Mommy's going back work, Lyssa. How do you feel about that?" Jason asked his smiling daughter as she wrapped her tiny hand around his index finger. Jason continued to play with Alyssa, getting caught up in her adorable innocence. He very much adored his daughter and wife and would do anything to keep a smile on their faces. ***** Â

"Straighten your neck for me. Now, give me a pout. Good. Now, place your hand on your face like this. Great!" Tammy, the photographer, was giving Laronica instructions to make her pictures look great. "You're doing great, Ronnie. Now, hold that pose for me." Laronica was at her first shoot since she found out that she was pregnant. She was feeling great being back under the lights and in front of the camera again. She got back into the flow of things with ease and was loving every minute of it. Finally, able to get back to her old routine, she felt like her old self again, even though she was missing her daughter. Note to self, hire a nanny to come to my shoots with me so I can be close to Alyssa, ​she thought to herself, as she twirled around causing her dress to spin in the air. "Okay guys, that's a wrap." Tammy said, as she took the last photo. "Thank you, Ronnie, for coming to do this, and it's great to have you back." “Anytime, Tam. You know I love working with you. You truly know how to capture one’s beauty, and besides, you know how to get my best side and make the lights work for me." Laronica said with a slight chuckle. "Hope to work with you again." "Oh, I'm sure we will, love." said Tammy, while turning to walk away.

Laronica rushed back to the dressing room to hurry and change her clothes so that she could make it home to her adorable daughter who was there with her father waiting for her to get back. She couldn’t wait to hold her daughter in her arms while telling Jason about her first day back. She was so excited about being back and couldn’t wait to share her excitement with her family. "You were great out there, Ronnie. Glad to see you still got it." Roger, her makeup artist, said to her as she entered the dressing area. "Thank you, Rog." "Girl, you got back in there without even missing a beat. I really missed your wonderful energy around here." Roger said leaning in to give Laronica a hug. "I've missed you, too, but now I'm back, and you will most definitely be seeing more of me." Laronica said over Roger’s shoulder as they hugged. “Hope so, sweetie.” Roger gave Laronica a kiss on the cheek before walking off to pack up his station. "Now, time to get out of these clothes and get home to my family." Laronica said to herself, as she stripped out of the skin-tight jeans and halter top she had on. Grabbing her clothes she came in with, she quickly got dressed and rushed to her car.

Speeding out of the parking lot, she felt like she was on cloud nine while her adrenaline pumped as she switched from lane to lane trying to make it home. While shifting gears, and swerving lanes, Laronica didn’t see that the traffic ahead of her was at a halt, and before she knew it, she was coming to a screeching halt as she tried to miss running into the back of the diesel truck in front of her. Her heart started to beat extremely fast as she was trying to avoid the awful collision awaiting her. Stepping hard on her brakes, she fishtailed out before everything around her went black.


"I'm here for my wife, Laronica McKenzie!" Jason shouted, frantically, as he spoke to the nurse at the front desk. "Hello! Where's my wife?! Laronica McKenzie!" "Please sir, you don't have to yell at me." The nurse said trying to get Jason to calm down. "Now, if you could just give me a moment to gather her information." "I'm sorry; I don't mean to yell at you, but this is my wife, and the person who called wouldn't give me any information other than she had been in an accident." Jason said trying to calm his nerves. He looked down at Alyssa making sure that the raising of his voice did not wake her. Seeing that she was still sound asleep, he waited as patiently as he could for the nurse to give him information about his wife. All types of thoughts were running through Jason’s mind, but he tried to stay positive saying a silent prayer that Ronnie was okay. When he first received the call that she had been in an accident, the worst possible scenario popped into his head, as the lady was so brief with him, but expressed the urgency of him coming as soon as possible. "Sir, Mrs. McKenzie is still in surgery, but you can wait in the ICU waiting area. If you would just go to the orange elevators and go to the fifth floor. Turn left, and there will be orange arrows leading you there." "Thank you!" Jason shouted behind him while jogging to get to his wife. As he entered the lobby, Jason pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Nathan’s number. "Jai, my boy; what's good?" Nathan asked, cheerily, in the phone.

"I-I'm up here at Baylor hos-hospital in the ICU, and I-I need you to get here as quickly as you can. Please." Jason stuttered. "What's going on? Jai, talk to me." "Ronnie's been in an accident, and it’s pretty bad, Nate." "Okay, Jai, I'm on my way. Please try to calm down. I'm sure everything will be okay." Nathan said, before hanging up the phone. Jason sat, anxiously awaiting his best friend’s arrival. Looking down at his precious daughter, all he could think about was how much she looked like her mother. Staring down at Alyssa, he silently started to cry, causing tears to run down his cheeks. His heart began to ache at the thought of losing his wife. He loved Laronica with every fiber of his being, and he wasn't ready to lose her. They still had a life ahead of them, and they had a daughter who needed her mother. He heard sounds coming from Alyssa's stroller, informing him that she was awake. He picked her up, and just as she wrapped her tiny hand around his finger, his heart began to feel warmer. and its rhythm slowed down. "It's amazing how you can make daddy's day a little better. Your innocence brings so much joy into my life, even during the most awful times. I love you so much, Lyssa."

As if she truly understood what her father was saying, Alyssa tightened her grip around his finger and flashed him the biggest, toothless smile. Wearing her “Daddy’s Girl” bib, Jason couldn’t help but smile back at her, and for a moment, he felt a sense of relief until he saw the doctor walking towards him. Laying Alyssa back down in her stroller, Jason stood up to greet the doctor. "Mr. McKenzie?" The doctor asked, while extending his hand to Jason. "Yes. How's my wife? Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay." Jason said with worry in his eyes. "Yes, Mr. McKenzie, your wife did very well during surgery, and she has been stabilized." "Thank goodness." He said expressing his relief. "Can we see her?" “Well, she’s resting now, but you can go back there.” The doctor said with a smile, feeling some of the tension fade. “She’s in room 525.” "Thank you, Doctor." Jason said, before leaning in to hug the doctor. He began to feel a little alleviated from his worries as he headed down the hall to be by Laronica’s side. He wanted to be there when she opened her eyes and made a silent promise that he wouldn't leave until she did.


His palms began to sweat as he approached her room. Gripping the handle of the stroller, he tried to prepare himself for what awaited him on the other side of the door.

CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE "Hey, honey." Jazmin said, as she cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder. She was in the middle of feeding Justus before she laid her down for her nap. Jeremiah was sitting next to them eating his lunch as well. "Hey baby, what are you doing?" Nathan asked, trying not let Jazmin hear the worry in his voice. "Oh nothing, just sitting here feeding our children before they take their nap. Are you okay?" Even though Nathan tried hard to mask his emotions, Jazmin could tell something was wrong. "Sometimes I dislike how connected we are." Nathan said, doing horrible at trying to sound happy. He honestly didn't want to worry Jazmin with what was going on until he had all the details. "Come on, Nate; you know I can always tell when something is wrong with my husband. So, tell me what's up." "Well," Nathan cleared his throat. "I didn't want to alarm you, but Jai just called me hysterically saying that Ronnie has been in an accident and is in Baylor's ICU." Â


"Oh my gosh, is it serious?!" Jazmin said almost dropping Justus. "I don't know how serious it is, but if she's in ICU, it has to be critical." Nathan said rubbing his temples. Even though he knew it was wrong, he had fallen in love with Laronica at some point during their affair, and this was truly eating him up inside. "Once I'm done feeding the children, I will be on my way. Did Jai say what room she was in?" "No. I haven't spoken to him since he called, but once I get the information, I will text it to you." "Okay baby, drive safe." "I will. I love you." "Love you, too." Once they hung up, Nathan called Jason to get some more information on Laronica. Starting the car, he called Jason and waited to hear his voice through the speakers. "Hello." Nathan could hear a bit of ease in Jason's voice, which immediately calmed his nerves. Jason didn't sound as hysterical as he did earlier so that had to mean that Laronica was okay. "Hey Jai, I was calling to check on everything and to get Ronnie's room number."



"Well, the surgery went very well, and she is now stabilized. She's on the fifth floor in room 525. She's resting right now, so I'm not sure if you want to come just yet." "Of course I'm coming. You're my best friend, and if for nothing else, I'm coming to be there for you. You're like a brother to me, man. When you hurt, I hurt, so I'm gonna be by your side no matter what." "Okay Nate, I appreciate that. You're like a brother to me, too, and I really could use all the support I can get right now." "Okay, I'm on my way. I've also called Jess so she will be on her way up there too as soon as I send her the info." "Alright. Love you, man. One." "Love you, too." They hung up the phone, and Nathan continued to switch lanes trying to get to his best friend and forbidden love. "Call Jess." He said into his Bluetooth radio. "Calling Jess." The voice sounded through the speakers. "Hey baby, you find out anything?" Jazmin asked, answering on the first ring. "Yea. Ronnie is on the fifth floor in room 525. They had to do some surgery on her, but everything went well, and she is now stable." Â


"Thank goodness. I'm glad she's okay. Did Jai tell you what happened?" "No, but we can get the rest of the details once we get there." "Okay baby, I'll meet you up there." "Okay, love you." "Love you, too." ***** Pulling into the parking lot, Nathan found a space close to the entrance so he pulled his Infiniti into the space and parked. Gaining his composure as he stepped out of the car, he walked up to the automatic doors and entered the hospital. He was greeted by a hefty, older woman sitting at the front desk. "Good afternoon, do you need some help?" She asked with a warm smile on her face. "No ma'am, I know exactly where I'm going." He said, not wanting to be bothered. "Okay sir, have a good day." "On second thought, can you tell me how to get to the fifth floor please?"



"Of course. Just go around this corner to your right and take the orange elevators up. Once you get to the fifth floor, follow the orange arrows, and they will lead you to the waiting area." "Thank you." "You're very welcome, and I hope the person you are seeing is okay." "Me, too." He said, as he headed towards the elevators. Anxiously waiting for the doors to open, he rubbed his hands down the sides of his pants trying to wipe the sweat off his palms. Ding Nathan heard the sound alerting him that he had reached his floor. He hesitantly stepped off the elevator and began to follow the arrows. As he curved around to the waiting area, he could see all the people there with grief in their eyes waiting to see their loved ones. As he continued ahead, he saw Jason, and it looked like he was coming from the break room with chips and drink in tow. "Hey, Jai!" Nathan shouted trying to get Jason's attention, but he was so stuck in his thoughts that he didn't hear him. Nathan began to speed walk trying to catch up to his friend. "Jai." He said again, now on Jason's heels. "Hey man, what's up?" Jason said with a quivering smile. "Nothing man. Glad I caught up with you." Â


"Yeah, I was just trying to get something to snack on. I haven't eaten since breakfast." He said, raising his hand to show Nathan the chips and drink. "Awww, man. Jess is on her way. Do you want me to have her stop and grab something?" "Yes, please, because this is not gonna do anything for me but piss my stomach off." Jason said able to muster up a slight chuckle. Nathan reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Pressing the speed dial for Jazmin, he asked if she could stop by Whataburger and grab him and Jason something to eat before she got there. Once confirmed that she would make the food run, he hung up the phone and entered Laronica's room.

CHAPTER THIRTY Rushing into the hospital with her children sound asleep in their stroller, Jazmin stopped by the front desk to ask for directions to ICU. Once the nurse gave her the information she needed, she darted off to head to her friends and husband. Jazmin was extremely frantic, and even though she and Laronica's friendship had been a little rocky the past two years, she still loved her and wasn't ready to lose her. Exiting the elevator, she saw Nathan sitting in one of the plush seats of the waiting area holding Alyssa. Walking up to him, she placed her hand on his shoulder. Â


"Hey, honey. Sorry it took me so long; I had to fight with your son to get him dressed." "That's okay, babe. Laronica is awake now, so I left her and Jason to be alone." Nathan said, standing up to give Jazmin a hug and kiss. "Oh, good. I'm glad she pulled through." "Me, too." "I brought you guys some double meat cheeseburgers with bacon, and I poured a little Jack in your Cokes." Jazmin said, smiling as she handed Nathan his food. "Thank you; I really need this right now." Nathan walked Jazmin down the hall so that she could see Laronica. Jazmin was extremely nervous. She didn't want to see her friend laid up in a hospital bed, but she was thankful that it hadn't been worse. As they approached Laronica's room, they heard her and Jason talking. Not wanting to disturb them, they waited by the door. "You nearly scared me to death, Ronnie." They could hear Jason say. "I know, baby, and I'm sorry. Just think how I felt when I lost control of the car. I thought I would never see you and Lyssa again." "Well, the good thing is you're okay. The doctors say that you should be back home in a few weeks, but you'll have to do some physical therapy to walk." Â

"But I just started back modeling." "I know, baby, but for now you have to take it one day at a time." "Okay." Laronica said, sounding defeated. "There's something I want to talk to you about though." "Sure babe, what's up?" "All this has got me thinking, and I feel that it's time for us to tell Nathan that Alyssa is his daughter." Jazmin and Nathan’s jaws dropped in unison, as they heard the news, and when he looked up at her, he could see the tears starting to form in Jazmin’s eyes. Before Nathan could get a word out, Jazmin was already at the elevators. Nathan ran behind her, but before he could reach Jazmin, she was already on the elevator with the doors closing on him. After pressing the elevator with much force several times, Nathan opted to take the stairs instead of waiting for it to come back up. Hoping that he could catch Jazmin, he ran full force causing sweat beads to form on his forehead. Just as he made it downstairs, he saw the tail lights of her Infiniti SUV speeding out of the parking lot. Feeling disgusted with himself, he entered the lobby once more heading to Laronica and Jason. He wanted so badly to understand what was going on, and like a man with a mission, he busted into Laronica’s room demanding an explanation. "What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Talking. About?" He said in between breaths.

"What?" Jason and Laronica asked simultaneously as they both turned to face him. They both looked confused, and neither knew what was going on. "Where's Alyssa?" Jason asked, as he stood to walk towards Nathan. "She's with my wife who just stormed out of here." "What? Why'd she leave? I want to see my baby." Laronica said, as she did the best she could to sit up. "Calm down baby. Take it easy." Jason said, as he helped Laronica sit up. "Is it true, Ronnie? Is Alyssa mine?" Laronica's eyes grew huge as she stared into Nathan’s. "Wh-who told you that?" "Oh, don't play stupid with me..." "Nate, man I think you need to calm down." Jason said, stepping in front of Nathan. "And you, you knew! Is that why you didn't want me to have any contact with her?!" Nathan spat. "No, I wanted you to stop dealing with her because she's my woman, not yours." "Yeah, your woman, but she had my daughter."


"Of which you never knew anything about and probably would've denied if she told you." As he stepped closer to Nathan, Jason grew more furious by the second. Yes, he knew Alyssa wasn't his, but he loved her as if she were his own flesh and blood. He vowed to Laronica and Alyssa the day they found out that he wasn't her biological father, that he would still love and care for her as if he were. "Guys calm down." Laronica said, as she saw the security guard heading towards them from the open glass of her room. Jason and Nathan both followed her eyes, and once they saw security heading their way, they put space between themselves. Each finding a chair, they both sat down and took in a deep breath. "When did you guys find out?" "Shortly after Alyssa was born." Jason said. "So why didn't you tell me?" Laronica dropped her head and started to twirl her thumbs before she spoke. "I did try to tell you when I first found out I was pregnant that it could be yours, but you wouldn't answer your phone." Jason looked up at her with shock and hurt in his eyes.



"Don't look at me like that, Jai. I didn't truly know how serious you wanted to be and I thought Nate should know." Laronica said taking a deep breath. "I honestly thought that, once you realized I could give you what Jess was giving you, you would come to your senses. Then, you wouldn't answer my calls so I felt defeated, and once I saw how much Jai loved me, I decided to give him a real chance. Jai was giving me everything I was looking for from you, and once I began to actually fall in love with him, I figured it was best to not say anything." "So, what made you guys get the paternity test if you felt it was this best-kept secret?" Nathan asked wanting to get a full understanding. "That was my idea." Jason said, finally speaking up. "I knew that you and Ronnie were sleeping around, and I wanted to cover myself in case she ever tried to hit me with child support. I did it out of spite, because you held a piece of Ronnie that I was trying so hard to get. I was jealous, I admit, but I fell in love with Alyssa just as easily as I fell in love with her mother, and I felt it was best not to say anything so you wouldn't try to take her from me." "What makes you think I would try to take her from you? I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Besides, I have a family of my own I'm trying to hold on to." Laronica dropped her head again. She was hurt by the words she’d just heard come out if his mouth, and at that moment, she was certain she had made the best decision for her and her daughter. All three of them sat there in silence not knowing what else to say. Nathan was thinking about everything he was getting ready to lose, and Jason was wondering if he was getting ready to lose one of the most important people in his life. Â

CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE Pulling into her mother’s driveway, Jazmin placed her car in park and leaned her head on the steering wheel. "I can't believe this shit." She said, as she tried to stop the tears from falling that started the moment the elevator doors closed. "I've been so stupid this whole time thinking that Nate was the best thing to ever happen to me. He had me so fooled. And Laronica, that conniving bitch, I should have known something was up when I found out I was pregnant." Jazmin's thoughts were going a thousand miles per minute. She was filled with so many emotions, but all she wanted to do was cry. She closed her eyes trying to calm down, squeezing her eyes shut as tightly as she could. Quickly opening her eyes due to the sounds coming from behind her, Jazmin lifted her head from the steering wheel. Turning to the backseat, she saw that Alyssa had begun to cry stirring her from her thoughts. Remembering where she was, she opened the door and stepped out. Opening the back door, she unbuckled the seatbelt from around Alyssa and pulled her out of Jeremiah’s car seat. Holding her up in front of her, she thought how stupid she was for not realizing how much she looked like Nathan. "This is some bullshit." She said, as she placed her back in the seat.

Walking towards the back of the car to pull out the stroller, she heard her mother’s voice. Jazmin looked up to see her mother walking towards her. Just seeing Evelyn’s bright, warm smile made her forget about the nightmare she was now living. "Hey baby. Why didn't you call to let me know you were on your way?" Evelyn asked as she opened the car door and grabbed Justus. Putting her arm through the handle of Justus' car seat, she used her other hand to grab Jeremiah. Just as she closed the back gate of her car, she said, "I didn't think about it, Ma. I was just driving and ended up here." Hearing the weariness in her daughter's voice, Evelyn looked up to Jazmin and asked, "What's wrong baby?" "Nothing, Mama." Without saying anything else, Evelyn walked towards her house carrying her grandchildren. After placing Alyssa in the stroller, Jazmin quietly followed suit. Once Jazmin entered the house, Evelyn closed the door behind them and placed Jeremiah on the couch and Justus' car seat on the floor. "Jess, talk." Evelyn said in her most stern, mother voice. “Fine.” Jazmin said taking in a deep breath. “Laronica was in a horrible accident today, and I guess it just has me shaken up.” Jazmin continued, half telling the truth. She wasn't ready to discuss her husband’s infidelity just yet so she chose to withhold that bit of information. "Oh my goodness, is she okay." Evelyn asked concerned.

"Yes, she's okay. She had to go through an emergency surgery, but she's fine." "Is that why you have your goddaughter with you?" "More like step daughter​, Jazmin thought to herself, as she felt the tears fall down her cheek. “Don’t cry baby,” Evelyn said, sincerely. “You said she’s gonna be okay so there’s nothing to worry about." Evelyn got up from her chair and walked around to her daughter to sit next to her on the loveseat. Placing her arm around Jazmin's shoulder, she placed a kiss on her forehead to help ease her daughter’s pain. Sinking into her mother’s embrace, Jazmin could no longer hold in her tears. Something about being in the coziness of her mother’s arms made her want to share the events of her day. Instead, she exhaled deeply and just laid there in her mother’s bosom enjoying the comfort of her touch. "Let it out, baby. It's all going to be okay." Evelyn said, as she rubbed her daughter’s back. They rocked back and forth for a few minutes before Evelyn broke the silence. "Have you ate yet, baby?" "No, ma'am." Jazmin said into her mother’s breasts. "Okay, I'm gonna warm you up some leftovers." "Okay, Mama."

Once they released each other, Evelyn stood up and headed to the kitchen. Pulling out some turkey cutlets, mashed potatoes, and corn, Evelyn turned on the stove to warm her daughter up something to eat. While waiting for her mother to bring her a plate, Jazmin changed Justus' diaper and checked Alyssa to make sure she wasn't wet. After changing Jeremiah, Jazmin laid the children down in the nursery her mother had set up. "Here you go, baby, all nice and warm for you." Evelyn said, as she walked back into the living room with a plate and a glass of sweet, iced tea. "Thank you, Mama." Jazmin said, relieving her mother of the items. "You're welcome." Jazmin ate in silence as she enjoyed the leftovers her mother had prepared for her. She always enjoyed her mother’s cooking, and for a moment, she was back to being a child. Evelyn’s cooking took her back to a happy time in her life where she had no worries and no cares in the world. Just like that all her troubles seemed to fade and she was back to her blissful fantasy. Jazmin no longer felt as though she no longer felt awful. She was back to earlier that day where her reality was full of love and joy instead of lies, deceit, and betrayal.



As the garage door opened, Nathan saw that Jazmin's car was parked in its usual spot. With a sigh of relief, he said to himself, "Hopefully, it's not too late." Stepping out of the car, he quickly walked to the door and turned the knob. As he walked into the house, he saw that it was extremely dark. Turning the light on in the kitchen to give him some guidance, he stepped into the foyer. Seeing that Jazmin nor the children were in there or the family room, he ran upstairs. Checking the master bedroom and the on suite, only to come up empty-handed, Nathan exited the room, and headed to the nursery. "Jazmin, baby, where are you." He shouted through the house hoping to get a response. He began to look in closets and under beds, trying to find his family. He was beginning to grow worried. Jazmin's car was in the garage, but she nor his children were anywhere in sight. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone. "Please baby, pick up." Nathan said, as if she could hear him. Hearing the ringing of Jazmin’s phone, he walked towards where the sound was coming from. Entering the master bedroom again, he looked down on the bed to find her phone and a note that read: Dear Nathan,


I am taking the children and going away for a while. I need to clear my mind and calm myself before I do something stupid. Alyssa is at my mother’s house and you can go pick her up whenever you are ready. I did not mention your little mishap to her, and I would appreciate it if you didn't either. I left my phone because I don't want to have any contact with you at this time, and I don't need any distractions. Also, I did not tell mother my whereabouts so please don’t bother her with questions. I will contact you once I am ready, but until then, you should take this time to also try to figure some things out for yourself as well. Before you begin to wonder, I do not know where we are going to go from here, but I do know that whatever happens, I gave you my all and I gave you my best. Sincerely, Jess "Fuck!" He screamed, as he crumpled the paper in his hand and fell to the bed. Nathan was devastated. He knew he had done wrong, and he also knew that one day his infidelity would catch up with him. At that moment, he wished that he could just go back to the beginning and start all over again. He didn't want to lose his family. He wasn’t ready to lose his family. As he sat on the bed with tears running down his face, he hoped Jazmin knew how truly sorry he was. Walking into the bathroom, Nathan turned on the faucet. Cupping his hands under the water, he splashed it on his face trying to refresh himself. Looking into the mirror, he saw a reflection that he couldn’t recognize.


"I really fucked up." He said, feeling his lowest. He was living out his scariest nightmare, and he was ready to wake up. ***** Pulling in front of Evelyn's house, Nathan placed his car in park. Checking himself to make sure he had no more traces of tears, he stepped out of the car and locked the doors. Checking himself one more time in the window, he headed up Evelyn's driveway. Before he could make it to the door, he heard her voice. "Hey Nate, how you doing, baby?" "I'm fine." Nathan said, somberly. "Are you sure? You don't sound fine." "Yes, Mama, I'm just a little tired. I had met up with Jai and Jess at the hospital." Nathan's words got caught in his throat as he said Jazmin's name. "Oh, yes. I heard about Ronnie. How is she doing?" "She's fine. Gonna have to go through some physical therapy, but she'll be okay." "That's good. I'm glad to hear that." Escorting Nathan to the nursery where Alyssa was sound asleep, Evelyn turned to him and said, "Are you sure nothing is bothering you?"


Evelyn could see in his eyes that something was truly wrong, but Nathan didn't want to say a word about it. He didn't know how to nor did he want to tell his mother-in-law that the child sleeping in the next room was his. Trying to hide the pain in his eyes, he looked down at her and said, "I'm sure. I'm just really tired." “Well, if you’re that tired, baby, just go on back home. You don’t look like you’re in any condition to look after Alyssa and she doesn’t need to be in no hospital. She's already sleeping, so just leave her be." Nathan wasn’t in the mood to be bothered, even if it was his child. He didn't have the energy to deal with Alyssa, and looking at her would just remind him of how his life had just come crumbling down. Dropping his head, he headed back towards the living room and sat on the couch. Sitting on her love seat across from him, Evelyn sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. “Something is bothering you, Nate, and you may not want to tell me what it is, but you don’t need to hold it in. Just know that, whatever it is you're going through, you will be okay." Placing his head in his hands, he began to cry. He tried so hard to keep from breaking down, but the harder he tried, the harder his emotions worked against him. As he sat there crying uncontrollably, Evelyn stood up and walked towards him. Feeling her weight sit next to him, he leaned over and embraced her comforting hug.

CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE Sitting up on the chaise in her living room, Laronica held Alyssa in her arms. Looking down at her, she became overwhelmed. She loved Alyssa with all her heart, but now that the truth had come out, she feared what was to come. Nathan now knew that Alyssa was his daughter, and even worse, Jazmin knew of their betrayal. No one had seen nor heard from her in weeks, and the guilt was starting to eat at Laronica. She never felt any remorse in the beginning, but now that she had disappeared without a peep, she was feeling it ten-fold. Stuck in her jealous and selfish ways, Laronica hurt the one person who had always been there for her and who meant so much to her. Being without Jazmin the past few weeks had her going into a depression. With everything that was going on, all she wanted to do was talk to her best friend. Laronica was lost, and at that moment, she wished she could go back in time. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Jason said, stepping into the living room. “I’m okay. Worried about Jess. Nate still hasn’t heard from her yet?" "No, he hasn't. No phone call, no letter, she's just gone. He's not taking this too well; you can see and hear it in his voice."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I wish this never would've come out, wish it could go back to being just our little secret." Laronica said dropping her head. "I know, but it had to come out sometime. I just hate that she found out the way that she did." Jason’s guilt was eating at him, too, and even though he wasn’t the one who had the affair, he felt a bit remorseful for keeping the secret. At that time, Jason too was selfish. He wanted Laronica, and he was willing to do anything to get and keep her, even if it did mean keeping her dirty little secret. "Jai," Laronica said taking her eyes off Alyssa. "We should go by and check on him, make sure he's okay." "Maybe we should, but I don't think that's a good idea right now." "Why not? Someone should be there to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." "I know. I'll go by there before I go into the office." "Okay, thank you." "No problem." Grabbing his keys off the counter, Jason entered the garage and stepped into his car. Opening the garage door, he backed out and headed to Nathan’s house. Just as he turned the corner, his phone rang. "Hello."

"Hey Jai, this is Jess; you got a minute?" "Jess! Where are you? How are you doing?" "I'm fine, but I can't tell you where I'm at. I just wanted to call and talk to you." "Sure, what's up?" "I've been thinking a lot this past couple of weeks, and I have to admit that I'm hurt by what has happened." "I know, and I'm sorry I kept that secret from you." "It's okay. I understand your loyalty is to Nate and not me, and that's totally fine. Besides, I should've known by the way Ronnie had been acting towards me until she finally fell in love with you that is. Diah even tried to warn me, but I was so stupid thinking that she would never betray me like that." "My loyalty is to you, you know that. You're my best friend’s wife, which means you're basically a sister to me. I never meant to hurt you, Jess; I hope you know that." "I know and I appreciate you saying that, but can I ask you something?" "Anything." "When do you think we should tell them you're Jeremiah's father?"

Copyright © 2016 Written by Nai Published by Written Aspirations All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in the United States of America First Printing, 2016

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