Dog Ownership 101 - A Magazine For Dog Owners

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7 Things to


new puppy

6 T H I N G S TO R E M E M B E R A B O U T H O U S E T R A I N I N G





It is not worth getting mad at your dog if it has an accident. Your dog probably has no idea why you’re upset! Learn what works best when you are house training a dog. 7 TIPS FOR PROTECTING YOUR DOG FROM INFECTIONS


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Fleas and ticks can be a serious problem for both you and your pup. Learn several preventative measures that you can take as well as how to fix issues quickly and easily.


Are you ready to train your dog to lose the bad habits? These tips will help you teach your dog not to beg, to go lie down when it’s asked and not to pull on their leash.



Hybrid dog breeds are extremely interesting and there are many of them! Learn about hybrid breeds like the Labradoodle, the Puggle, the Maltepoo, the Schnoodle and more.


Dog grooming, without the right info, can be more difficult than it needs to be. You could also hurt your dog if you aren’t doing it right, or haven’t prepared your pet for it.


Does your dog need a bit of training? Whether you have a puppy or an older dog that needs to be trained, there are some things you should know before you begin training.

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30 2016


If you are going on a vacation and are flying to your destination, you can bring your dog. However, you need to know what you’re getting yourself into before you leave.



Dog training takes time and patience but it is truly important. Teach your dog how to use a crate, how to sit and stay and more with these helpful tips and suggestions.



If you are currently searching for the perfect dog to bring into your family, consider a sporting dog. Sporting dogs are known to be fun, energetic and loyal companions.


7 THINGS TO CONSIDER ABOUT DOG OWNERSHIP Finding the right dog for you can be energy consuming and a daunting task, but the research is necessary. You should always ask yourself if a dog would fit into your lifestyle.



If you are currently in the market for a new dog, consider a Hound. There are many different breeds of Hounds that may be just the companion you have been searching for.


YOUR 6-PART CHECKLIST FOR DOG TRAINING SUCCESS Dog training requires a great deal of time and a firm commitment if you wish for it to be successful. Learn what you need if you wish to train your dog all by yourself.



Hybrid dog breeds are extremely interesting and there are many of them! Learn about hybrid breeds like the Labradoodle, the Puggle, the Maltepoo, the Schnoodle and more.


A 10-PART TO-DO LIST FOR YOU AND YOUR NEW PUPPY If you are preparing to bring a new puppy home, there is a lot you must think about. Learn how to prepare yourself and your home for a new puppy with these helpful tips.



Dog training doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds. With the right knowledge and tips, training a dog becomes as much fun as it should be for both the owner and the canine.

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Dog Food

Industry Secrets If You’d Cry If Your Dog Died, Then You Need To See This.

• The ‘secret’ reason every dog, including yours, is now at risk of an early death! • Why continuing with your current system of care will cut your dog’s life short by up to 8.3 years. • The 3 quick & easy steps you MUST take today to prevent your dog’s early, painful death.


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Alicia Breckenridge Writer

Kelly Livingston Head of Creatives Nyvia Ross

Graphic Designer Kerwin Wepee

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Hello, and welcome to the July/August issue of Dog Ownership 101! At Authoritative Content LLC, we’ve been as busy as ever; expanding the scope of our magazines as well as enhancing the information we provide for readers such as yourself. We appreciate your continued support, and strive to repay that by always improving.

care includes efficient dog training and appropriate conduct during special circumstances (such as traveling). Our tips will teach you how to make dog training painless, and ensure success when trying to rid your pup of bad habits.

Dog Ownership 101 is here to be your guiding hand as you journey through life with a lovable dog at your side, and you can rest assured that you’ll receive I’d like to mention the news regarding the new our best effort. Alicia Breckenridge, our U.S. twenty dollar bill for those who are unaware. editor, will take you more in depth. As Harriet Tubman will be the first woman honored always, thanks for sticking with us and on paper currency since Martha Washington, see you in the next issue! replacing 7th U.S. President Andrew Jackson, a known slaveowner and persecutor of Native Regards, Americans. Tubman, being African-American, a former slave, an abolitionist and a Union spy in the midst of the Civil War, makes this a moment Kenan Ross of multicultural significance in our history.


In this issue of Dog Ownership 101, we talk CEO about some more advanced principles regarding Authoritative Content taking care of your dog. Aside from grooming and protecting him or her from infection, proper

Assistants Krystine Sitjar Warren Nietes

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For advertising concerns please contact KJ Ross at

Dog ownership 101’s magazine content cannot be copied or reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. Dog ownership 101’s editors and publishers shall not be held liable for any unsolicited materials. All prices and specifications published in this magazine are subject to change by manufacturers, agency and retailers.

Welcome to the July/ August issue of Dog Ownership 101! I can’t fully express how excited I am about the things we’ve been working on. You’ve all been very supportive of us and as we continue to broaden the reach of our magazine, we’re grateful that our readers are staying on board. In this issue, we talk about many things that pertain to doggie discipline. If you’ve read our previous issue, you learned how to begin the process of house training your dog as well as teaching him or her some nifty, but basic tricks. Of course, by this point you’ve noticed that there’s much room for improvement for your pup. But don’t worry: we have just the guides for that.

If you’re an aspiring dog owner, there are a few things you should do either prior to or immediately after adopting a puppy; Dog Ownership 101 will show you the way. As always, our tips and answers to your frequently asked questions will light the path for you to begin a wonderful and healthy relationship with your dog. Stick around with us to learn the most essential information for any dog owner, whether a beginner or veteran. Thanks for reading, and see you in the next issue! Best Regards,

Alicia Breckenridge

We also touch base on some new concepts, such ALICIA BRECKENRIDGE as the importance of letting your dog inside (as Editor opposed to keeping him outside all day!) and Dog Ownership 101 Magazine some must-do tasks for you and your new pup. D O G o w n e r s h i p 1 0 1 | J U LY / A U G U S T




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It is not worth getting mad at your dog for having an accident. Your dog probably has no idea why you’re upset! Make house training easier with these tips.


ouse training is perhaps one of the most important parts of training a dog. If your dog is not well potty trained, they may have accidents around the house quite frequently. This can be annoying and unsanitary. Many dog owners have this problem with their dogs though, so if you are going through this, just know that you are not alone. The following are some things to remember when it comes to house training a dog successfully.


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A majority of puppies have enough self control to start housetraining when they’re 7 or 8 weeks old. They still eliminate one way or the other every couple of hours, but they know their bodies better so they know when they have to go. Their instinct tells them to get away from where they spend most of their time when the urge occurs. It’s this moving away from the den impulse that lets you know it’s time for the house training basics. The puppy can learn that there are even more ways to keep clean. One of the first 2016

Does your dog need a bit of training? Whether you have a puppy or an older dog that needs to be trained, there are tips on page 18 you should know before you begin training. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

things that a dog learns from their mother is how to keep her nest clean.



Dens are as important to a dog as your home or bedroom is to you. It’s a special space for a dog to have to herself. It’s generally partially enclosed, but with at least one open side. A dog may prefer her den to be dark, but it isn’t always necessary. The most important quality for a den to have is that a dog feels safe and secure being there. Though dogs are believed to be descendants of wolf, they don’t need an enclosed place to live. But a wolf always prefers to sleep in a den for security reasons. However, we can still find the natural instinct in a dog to have a safe place to sleep. There are some people who love dogs very much. They even say that dog is a palindrome for God. They think that they can’t live without their canine companion. There is a genuine reason for their love for dogs.





Dogs keep themselves clean. Obviously, what you think is clean and what your dog thinks is clean will be two very different things. You may not like the idea of your dog having a great time in a mud puddle, but the dog probably thinks it is great. When it comes to peeing and pooping, your dog and his fellow canines draw a very fine line and that is right at their den door. A normal and healthy dog will do almost anything aside from using their den as a potty. When you are ready to try to get your dog toilet trained, you can use those instincts and reflexes to your advantage. Dogs want to keep their dens tidy, which is why you can use that to teach them to relieve themselves in proper areas. You can use crate training to reinforce those natural habits and instincts.

What should you do if your dog has an D O G o w n e r s h i p 1 0 1 | J U LY / A U G U S T



Golden Boy: How To Raise A Dog All Wrong . . . And End Up All Right - A Memoir (Sort Of) By Sandy Rideout



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accident? Maybe he has pooped in your foyer or peed on the floor in your kitchen right after you mopped it. If you think your dog is feeling guilty about what they have done, you are wrong. The odds that they even recollect this event are not good. Dogs are not going to feel bad about peeing on your bed, they just are not. They may look like they feel guilty, but they only look that way because the tone of your voice and look on your face scares them, not the fact they have just used your bed as a bush. Your dog realizes that something is really wrong just because you seem to be hollering at him and are angry. He has no idea whatsoever what the real cause of your anger is. He would have forgotten his game with your rug since a long time. What Fido knows is just that you are angry and he is afraid of you. He never is aware that he or his act spurred your temper.



Your dog doesn’t see his discretions as quite as big of a deal as you do. If the dog realizes it’s in trouble, the dog will try to become as little as possible and get out of your line of sight. When the dog reacts


this way, it isn’t because it knows what it did wrong; the dog knows you’re angry and just wants to get away from the scolding it’s about to get. If you are expecting the dog to feel bad about what they have done, you will be very disappointed when they aren’t. It never does any good to shout at your dog after he has done something wrong. This is because in his mind, there is no connection between the noises you are making now and the behavior that took place in the past. The only thing your dog will learn from this is that he should be scared of you.



The best way to get good results is to use time, a consistent attitude and patience on your part. A dog can’t remember past behavioral errors, but he can still make connections of cause and effect. In fact, most dogs are very good at linking cause and effect. If you keep this ability in mind, you can make the dog learn the correct bathroom behaviors, or almost anything else that you need to teach. Repetition is very powerful.

It may even lead to your dog learning things that you didn’t intend to teach her. She may eventually figure out how to go to her crate all by herself when she recognizes that you’re leaving the house. What helps her learn this? She sees you doing the same things every time you go outside. That repeated sequence of actions: turning off lights, grabbing your belongings, getting out your keys, closing the door, is a regularly repeated and recognizable signal of what you’re doing that even a dog can understand. You are now ready to start house training your dog. It can take a while for some dogs to get the hang of potty training. Some puppies are too young to hold it and other dogs just have a harder time catching on. Remember to be patient. Your dog really doesn’t know what the big deal is, that is probably why they are messing up the carpet in the first place! Your dog wants to please you and for you to be happy. Once your dog understands that you wish for it to wait until you take it outside to use the bathroom, you will both be much happier. Good luck!

Training the Best Dog Ever A 5-Week Program Using the Power of Positive Reinforcement Training the Best Dog Ever, originally published in hardcover as The Love That Dog Training Program, is a book based on love and kindness. It features a program of positive reinforcement and no-fail techniques that author Dawn SylviaStasiewicz used to train the White House dog, Bo Obama, and each of Senator Ted Kennedy’s dogs, among countless others. CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW ON AMAZON D O G o w n e r s h i p 1 0 1 | J U LY / A U G U S T





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Fleas and ticks can be a serious pain for both you and your dogs. Learn some preventative measures to take as well as how to fix issues that already exist.

leas and ticks are such a pain to deal with. They can cause issues for you and for your dog as well. Leptospirosis is another issue, one that affects dogs as well as their humans. By taking preventative measures you can save yourself a lot of trouble. If your dog does get ticks or fleas, deal with these issues quite easily with these tips. LEPTOSPIROSIS AFFECTS HUMANS AS WELL Humans can get leptospirosis too, and most will get it the way dogs do, from being exposed to the urine of farm or wild animals. But they can also get it from their pet dogs. Where this disease is having



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an outbreak, don’t let your pets near places like sandboxes and wading pools where children play. Fungi like mushrooms may taste great on pizza, but the rest aren’t so nice! Fungi can be found in soil the world over. There are types that live in the soil found in the Mississippi Valley, the midAtlantic states and even southern Canada, while others will flourish in soil contaminated with bird and bat droppings. Others will take residence in the dry Southwestern soil.

2 2016

INFECTIONS CAUSED BY FUNGAL ORGANISMS An active dog that spends long periods

Dog grooming, without the right info, can be more difficult than it needs to be. Get prepared on page 14 and avoid hurting your pet. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

of time outdoors and those that like to dig stand a fair chance of infection with a fungal organism that has made its home in that soil. Normally, a dog with a stronger immune system will be able to keep the disease at bay, but if your dog is combating a different infection, or has a weakened immune system, the fungi will latch onto the dog’s body and can cause some very serious problems. Parasites found on the dog wait for an opportunity to make strong hold on the animal wherever they get a chance, whether on the skin or in the intestine. Apart from this, these fungal parasites are the main reason for arthritis, pneumonia, bone infections, fever, lacking appetite and some sort of uneasiness. Having in mind that there are no vaccines for these fungal attacks, take care to see that your dog is not digging in grounds near holes already dug by burrowing animals.


PREVENTATIVE MEASURES TO AVOID PARASITIC INFECTIONS These are the places where the fungi make a strong foothold. Fortunately these days, veterinary medicine offers a number of

preventive programs that can help your dog avoid the misery of parasitic infections. Because some parasites, such as hookworms and roundworms, can be spread to humans, parasite control is critical. Fleas are a prime source of aggravation for a dog, as they cause quite a bit of itching. The more the dog scratches, the worse the itching seems to become. There are two ways in which fleas can cause itching. The first thing they do is bite the skin and suck blood. They may remain in one place or hop all over trying different spots until they are filled. And it hurts more because they frequently feed on areas of the body that have thin skin, like the base of the tail, the ears and the groin. The flea bite itself is bad, but dogs may become allergic to the flea saliva and itch everywhere, even from just the bite of one flea. HOW TO DEAL WITH FLEAS Then the dog chews on himself to try to relieve the itching, even taking out hair and drawing blood till a thick, crusty skin develops. Should your dog begin to scratch or bite himself hard, you need to look him over for


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shoulders, give him pills, thoroughly vacuum your whole residence and then use an anti-flea spray on your baseboards. You don’t have to let your dog suffer as there are lots of safe products on the market today to take care of this. Fleas like cats a lot, too, so give your feline the same kind of attention. HOW TO DEAL WITH TICKS A tick isn’t just a pest. When a tick bites your dog, not only are you going to notice skin irritation on your pet, but due to the amount of germs they carry, there is a strong possibility that both you and your dog will get sick. A tick can live on long grass or any shrub. The sticky residue on their bodies serves as an easy attachment method for the insect to attach to almost any passing animal. They then work their way down the hair to the skin and take a ravenous bite. They can suck blood for prolonged periods of time, even to the point of bursting. During spring and summer months, a dog can pass on whatever infections or organisms with infections that they have on them to others. You may live in a place where the ticks are abundantly found (most of the United States, except the south west part and Alaska).


critters. The first places to try are around your dog’s belly, his ears, and where his tail meets his body. Move the fur aside and see if you spot any brown insects that are approximately 1/8 inch in length and are flat and oval. If you surprise a flea, it can move itself inches away by jumping into the air fast, so be alert. Often, you will spot flea dirt stuck in your dog’s fur, even if you don’t spot the fleas themselves. Flea dirt is a term that refers to flea excrement. FLEA DIRT IS ACTUALLY FLEA EXCREMENT It is composed mostly of blood that has been digested and it has a black, crumbly appearance. If you want to make sure that the material you are examining is indeed flea dirt, place a drop of water on it, let it soak for up to two minutes and then smear the dirt on white paper toweling. If the smear is reddish in color, you will know that you are dealing with flea dirt. Act immediately if you find a flea or flea dirt. The only thing you can do to relieve the suffering of your dog is to eliminate the fleas from its body and from your home. This problem might mean you need to bathe your dog using an anti-flea shampoo; put such a treatment between his



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TAKE CARE WHEN REMOVING TICKS You have to keep watch on your pet for ticks daily, especially in the summertime; at least until the weather cools off. Sometimes, the ticks are found even after these seasons depending on the hotness of the climate. Be careful removing the tick if you find it. If you and your dog are fans of the outdoors, try to find a product for your dog that will keep ticks from biting into their skin. Talk to your veterinarian about what products they recommend, because there is an influx of new products coming into the market constantly. Make sure you constantly check your dog from top to bottom every time he comes in from playing outside. Ticks will commonly be found around your pet’s face, eyes and ears, but be diligent about checking everywhere. Also, check the inside of their ears as that is a common spot as well. Now you are prepared to help your dog be free from ticks and fleas. If your dog does encounter these issues, do not think of yourself as a bad dog owner. These annoying issues are very common and with the above information you can stop the little pests dead in their tracks. Best of luck! 2016

101 DOG TRICKS Step by Step Activities to Engage, Challenge, and Bond with Your Dog

International bestseller with over a half-million copies in print in 18 languages! This beautifully designed book features step-by-step instructions with easy to follow color photos of each step. Each trick is rated with a difficulty rating and prerequisites to get you started quickly. Tips and trouble-shooting boxes cover common problems, while “build-on� ideas suggest more complicated tricks which build on each new skill. CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW ON AMAZON

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Dog Grooming by Alicia Breckenridge

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Whether your dog has a longer or shorter coat, it will need to be prepared for a grooming session.

Fleas and ticks can be a serious problem for both you and your pup. See page 10 to learn several preventative measures that you can take as well as how to fix issues quickly and easily.


nce your dog is groomed, what you will mainly be doing is maintaining it. What that basically means is keeping your dog fresh and healthy. Having a dog that is clean with a well taken care of coat will save you time and energy down the line. HOW DO I PERFORM GENERAL GROOMING? The basics of proper grooming really come down to brushing and combing the coat.




Baths for dogs are really not needed as often as some people think. If the animal is really dirty or if they are going to be shown, then a bath is in order. Brushing and combing on the other hand needs to occur at least every few days. It does wonders for the dog’s skin and also keeps the hair looking well maintained. This is something you need to do yourself regularly, regardless of whether you employ a professional.

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CAN GROOMING BE PAINFUL? The ease with which you brush or comb them can vary greatly. It tends to be the dogs with long coats that mat up easily that hate to be brushed. If you wait too long to do the brushing, these sessions are much more painful for the dog than they need to be. Combing and brushing don’t have to be a painful experience.


WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE GROOMING EASIER? There are things you can keep in mind to make grooming a snap for your dog. You should start grooming your dog when she is just a puppy. It’s not unusual for dogs to like to spend time with their humans. Some dogs will never like getting brushed if you don’t begin when they’re a puppy. A dog may need to be trained or even restrained to get them groomed. Once you start grooming one way, it’s a good idea to continue with that routine. The ins and outs of the routine of dog grooming don’t matter. What matters is that you do the same thing each time which works to keep your dog calm.


HOW CAN I RELAX MY DOG? Chill out with your dog. Relaxing goes a long way to calming both dog’s and the dog owner’s fears. Your dog may often get nervous when grooming time approaches, regardless of if you use a grooming table, which is highly suggested, or are just grabbing the brush. Some great things to do that will calm your dog’s nerves include: speaking in a calming tone, giving treats, and giving a nice massage.


HOW DO I MONITOR GROOMING SESSIONS? You have to stay with your dog if she is on a grooming table. You don’t want her to get strangled by her collar or even get hurt by jumping. It’s better to groom your dog when she’s tired from exercising. She won’t be difficult then. Take your time and treat her with kindness. If she has a scary time being groomed, she won’t want to let you groom her again. Select the correct brushes and combs. With the correct items, you’ll be able to groom your animal effectively. You don’t want to accidentally pull on your dog’s coat by using a poor comb or brush.



WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF TOUCH? One of the greatest benefits of owning a dog is forming a trusting and lasting relationship. A great way to develop this is through physical contact. Just like humans, dogs appreciate a kind word and a reassuring touch, and dogs do enjoy a good massage. Stroking and petting a dog has always been a way to comfort and calm dogs. When grooming begins, it is important to begin gradually and gently, without undue pressure, and without touching sensitive areas and alarming the dog. Avoid touching your dogs feet, until they are truly relaxed, because they tend to not like their feet bothered.

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WHAT GOES INTO PREPARING FOR DOG GROOMING? You should get everything you need together before you start grooming your dog. This can make the grooming experience go a lot more quickly than if you’re not prepared. A flea comb is a necessity, especially in the spring when fleas are in abundance. All types of grooming items, including flea combs, can be found at a retail establishment that sells items to pet owners.


WHAT ARE TOOLS FOR LONGER COATS? Dogs with longer coats need particular tools like an undercoat rake or long comb because they will help get out the undercoat hairs that knotted up or matted. There are groomers who like to use a wide-toothed comb initially and change over to combs with finer teeth as they go on, which is great if the hair is really tangled. But if you’re just doing routine maintenance, you can use a regular comb followed by a slicker brush. A detangler solution along with a mat splitter or rake will help, although if the situation is bad enough you might need electric clippers. You might



also need a shedding tool when the dog is really shedding along with a slicker brush to take off the hair and stimulate the skin.


HOW DO I GO ABOUT GROOMING SHORTER COATS? A complete set of brushes is needed if you have a dog with short hair. All of these brushes will remove hair as well as do other things. For polishing, a Zoom Groom, which is also known as a short curry brush, is needed. Tangles can be done away with by using a short-toothed comb. Finally, a slicker brush will do wonders for the coat’s appearance. The grooming of your dog comes first and the bathing is second. This is the proper procedure to keep a well groomed dog. Along with being a dog owner comes the responsibility of grooming. This can either be a process that brings you and your pet closer together, or one that pushes you further apart. By following the guidelines provided here, you can make grooming a regular part of your home life with your dog, increasing not only their appearance, but also their health.

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Stop 34 of the most common dog and puppy issues.

The Online Dog Trainer The Easy Way To An Obedient Dog

Doggy Dan’s four-part series in how to train your dog or puppy out of problematic behaviors takes pet ownership and makes it simpler than many of us thought possible! When you know the best way to correct your dog’s behavior, your chances of ridding your canine friend of annoying habits while making sure your relationship with one another stays strong remains encouragingly high.

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TIPS FOR ANY OWNER by Kelly V. Livingston


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Do you own a dog that needs a great deal of training? Whether you are training a puppy or an older dog, there are things you should know before you start.

hether you are the owner of a puppy or the owner of an older dog that is not well-trained, you and your dog can both benefit from dog training. However, dog training will not work unless you are consistent and firm. The following are 8 dog training tips that can make the process easier.

the back end and say “Sit!”. The basics of training are very easy to understand; however, getting a dog to pay attention and do it happily are two very different things. There is more that an owner needs to know. There is more than just group classes that need to be taken, otherwise an owner is going to be teaching forever.

THE ART OF DOG TRAINING A person that has never owned a dog, or trained one for that matter, could easily come up with a successful plan to train the pet without any prompting. Simply hold up the front end, push down

TRAINING ISN’T A QUICK THING Training is a continual process. Teaching and practicing go on and on, in situations that can get more challenging. When you don’t want the dog to do something, you admonish or ignore


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There’s no point in getting mad at your dog if they have an accident. Learn what really works when you are house training a dog on page 6. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

it. There needs to be daily integration so that the lessons stay fresh. It’s just like you forgetting the foreign language you learned in high school if you haven’t practiced it for years. Your dog is like you in that regard.

Part of it is having the right demeanor toward your dog. Another important part of this endeavor is the reward system. Your dog needs to hear praise from you. You wouldn’t like it if you had a boss who only criticized you and never praised you.

KEEPING LESSONS FRESH Remember to keep practicing with your dog even after she learns a new word. Here are some suggestions that may be helpful. When training your dog, think about it as a team adventure as opposed to a ‘me against the dog’ type of thing. You can imagine yourself as the quarterback of the team. You make the calls and your dog is a member of the team following those plays. When you are successful, it’s an achievement for both of you. The first step is teaching your dog the lessons. This doesn’t have to be an argumentative process. While teaching your dog, treat her with kindness and she will be in kind right back at you.

PRAISING AND ADMONISHING YOUR DOG Keep in mind, praise is the most cost effective reward on the planet. It’s free, so use it freely. Praise your dog when they make an attempt to do it right and use it more when they succeed. Use it if your dog is paying attention to you, because you’ll see that is the first step in training. You don’t need to overdo it, but you need to let your dog know just how proud of them you are. Before you admonish your pet, make sure she’s understood you, and make sure the admonishment is fair. It shouldn’t be a way you get rid of your anger or any other pent up feelings in your life. Rather, this is the chance to practice good dog communication so that she knows her place in the hierarchy. Doing it well will help make the bond between your dog and you even stronger.



MAINTAINING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE You’ll need to show your dog patience and to be around her a lot. Your dog will like it if you allow her to follow you around the house. She’ll learn tricks faster if you practice them more.



CORRECTING YOUR DOG’S BEHAVIOR Corrections can come in many forms.

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There could be simply no attention, rebuke or praise at all. Be sure you are asking yourself if this is a fair response before condemning your dog’s actions. A correction is only one tool in a trainer’s kit of many. A correction isn’t about anger or revenge. By selectively using negative reinforcement and not punishing a dog for an action they didn’t know was wrong, you stand a chance of better results. Think of your job performance if your boss constantly switched the names of your tasks, or asked you to multi-task when you weren’t able. If they had different rules for places and times, it would drive you insane. Some people don’t realize they do the same thing to their pets. KEEPING COMMANDS CONSISTENT Once your dog understands a command and obeys it consistently, be sure to use that command in the same manner every time. Do not make any changes. For instance, if the command you taught your dog is “sit,” do not say “sit down” instead. Of course, when someone tells you to “sit down,” you understand that the meaning is the same as “sit,” but if you have also taught your dog the command “down” separately, you can see how your dog might feel confused and not know what you really want it to do. And if you really mean “off,” do not use the command “down.”




DON’T LEAVE ROOM FOR EXCEPTIONS There are some dogs that understand the regular rules don’t apply in certain situations. Take for example, they learn that when their owner is rushed, they aren’t really focused on their obedience. If an owner is in a rush to feed their dog, when they say “Sit” and their dog doesn’t, they will just give them the food anyway. If “Sit” isn’t always going to mean “Sit”, over time a dog will never understand that it means ‘Sit.’ Make sure your dog knows the command “Sit” in fact means ‘Sit’, no matter the time or place that you request it. Another kind of inconsistency is not thinking your dog will pay attention to your commands until you’ve repeated it numerous times. After a dog learns a command, consistently follow through and make him repeat the behavior. Make sure to give praise when he follows your lead. As you can see from the 8 tips above, consistency truly is key when it comes to training a dog. Realize that dog training is a long process. Rather than bemoaning the setbacks, notice even the small steps your dog is taking towards being fully trained. Remember that you and your dog are both learning as you go along. Be patient with your dog and your dog will be patient with you. Best of luck!

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Cat ying a r Sp No Mor e Keep Your Cat From Spraying Outside The Litter Box Ever Again! If your cat or kitten has been giving you trouble with peeing outside of his or her little box, worry no longer. You can learn the secret to correcting problematic bathroom habits and never again have to worry about discovering an accident!



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Are you ready to train your dog to lose their bad habits? Teach your dog not to beg, to go lie down when asked and not to pull on their leash starting now.


s you are training your dog, you will find more issues that need room for improvement. Perhaps your dog has developed a bad habit of begging at the table. Perhaps your dog doesn’t understand how to ‘go lie down’ when you wish it to. Maybe your dog is yanking you all over the park every time you take it for a walk. Learn how to resolve these issues through training, starting right now.


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TEACHING NEW COMMANDS REQUIRES REPETITION As you try to teach your new command, plan on repeating yourself a lot as you’re first introducing your dog to this new practice. Once you’ve gotten through your first session, you need to make sure they know to respond the first time you make the command. Give it and should nothing happen, show your dog what you want them to do by actually helping them. Keep consistent with your training. Your dog’s



Dog training takes time and patience. Teach your dog how to use a crate, sit, stay and more with the suggestions on page 34.


manners are going to be the product of your work. After that, there is only one last rule to remember and that is to never feed your dog from the table. Obviously this sounds easier than it actually is, especially when you’re living in a full house. Also, don’t forget that your dog is training you too! Each time you give her table scraps, you’re instilling that she shouldn’t stop begging. When she was a puppy it was a different story, but now that she’s older and the begging isn’t so cute, the family needs to end it. TRAINING YOUR DOG NOT TO BEG Your dog may not take you too seriously because after all, you began the whole process. She may try various tricks such as pawing you, nudging you, sitting up and whining, acting as though she is almost dying of starvation. Someone like your little daughter Sally may even respond by taking pity on her and slipping her some goodies.


But once this is repeated with longer intervals before getting fed, your dog will get trained in perseverance and learn that they can have whatever they want if they beg long enough. Try to understand it how they would see it. You’re giving them rewards for behaviors you don’t want happening. Once you stop giving rewards for poor behavior, your dog will stop his begging. It is important to not give in to the whining and wide eyed, false look of starvation. You as the owner need to remember, this behavior will eventually stop. With no reward, there will be no problems. TEACHING YOUR DOG THE ‘GO LIE DOWN’ COMMAND You’ll also save yourself a world of headache by teaching your dog to follow the command of ‘Go Lie Down.’ Those three words can make all the difference, so you can eat a pleasant, beg free meal. Any time you take your dog out for a long and leisurely walk, it


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If you are currently searching for the perfect dog to bring into your family, consider a sporting dog. Learn about these fun, energetic and loyal companions on page 38. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

will give you peace and a bit of one on one time that can be incredibly enjoyable, if your dog isn’t the type to run you down the street. Showing them how to walk with a loose leash will make dog walking seem more like a pleasure and less like a chore. The intention is to walk your dog, with them a short distance away, not tugging on the leash. These walks are vital for a dog’s health and well-being. For many, this is the only way to let loose and get some fresh air.


TEACHING YOUR DOG TO WALK WITH A LEASH WITHOUT PULLING A dog will enjoy a run through the park or the woods as much, if not more. To be rewarded, the dog needs to respond correctly when called. Make a game out of this task to get the dog to learn it. You also want to teach the dog the command to go away. This teaches the dog that although its attention is focused on something, it needs to disengage and walk away from it. This command will save a few neighborhood cats. Even for dogs 24

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that are rarely walked on leashes, this is a skill that every well-mannered dog should have. At least yearly, when you have to take your canine companion to the vet, you can feel proud of your dog if your arms aren’t being tugged in every direction. When there are new and interesting things to look at and smell in their world, dogs are compelled to check them out. But a well-trained dog that respects you will be able to resist these urges. HOW TO TEACH YOUR DOG NOT TO PULL Get a training collar, a leash and some treats to teach the dog to not pull. Put the leash on the training collar and go with your dog somewhere where it won’t be too noisy or populated. Walk in a circle, take the leash in your right hand and make a fist with it, putting your left hand under it. Use both hands to hold the leash the same way you hold a baseball bat. Keep both hands close to your belt buckle. Tell him to go and begin to walk. When you are almost at the end of the



leash, say ‘easy Buddy,’ speaking their name and turn to your right and then move in the other direction. Make sure you have a firm grip with your hands.


HOW TO PROPERLY HOLD THE LEASH Be careful; don’t pull your hands through the whole loop of the leash or tie it around your hand. If your dog moves by surprise and runs away, you may end up falling down. As your dog is running off ahead of you, loop the leash lightly around your thumb and place your hands firmly at your waist, against your belt buckle and turn around, walking in the other direction. You may have to let a loop or two slide off your thumb while she figures out what’s happening, but when she does figure it out and catches up again, praise her with a compliment and a treat. While she’s figuring it out, pretend to ignore her by not looking back at her and not responding verbally or with motion. When she does catch up again, offer another treat and more praise.

You are now ready to start training your dog. Remember to be patient, as it may take a while for your dog to get the hang of what you’re teaching and it also may take you some time to settle into your new role of dog trainer. So be patient and be consistent, and after a bit of time all of your effort will truly pay off. Best of luck training your dog!

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Hybrid dog breeds are extremely interesting and there are many of them! Learn about hybrid breeds like the Labradoodle, the Puggle, the Maltepoo and more.


ogs don’t require a lot of material possessions. A food dish, collar, leash, a decent place to sleep and maybe a chew toy, add in some love and attention and that is all a dog needs to be happy. But we tend to spend a lot more on our dogs. However, it’s no use for you to spend tons of money on your dog but never let them inside the house. The following will shed light on why dogs do not belong permanently outside.

dollar business, because people pay a lot of money for pet furniture, food, and toys, so it is almost like having a child except you don’t have to pay for a pet to go to college. Also, you can’t spoil your dog regardless of how many gifts you buy. It doesn’t matter to your dog if she has a diamond collar. Whether she eats from a crystal bowl or a metal bowl isn’t important , as long as the bowl is full of food. Also, you can’t impress her by matching her leash and color with your vehicle’s interior.


BUYING GIFTS FOR DOGS Marketing pet supplies is a multi-billion


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SELECTING ACCESSORIES Usually, the dog accessories



Dog training requires a great deal of time and a firm commitment if you wish for it to be successful. Learn what you need if you wish to train a dog on page 47. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

choose are based on your preferences. But this is alright, as long as you take care of your dog’s requirements with quality products that are useful for their size and disposition. Food and shelter are the dog’s most important needs. This is the best thing any dog could ask for, since the beginning of time when people and dogs have existed together to keep each other company and work together. Anything extra you include with those general requirements is intended to bring more pleasure to your life and keep your dog more safe. MAKE YOUR DOG PART OF YOUR HOME You have a duty to provide your dog a residence; a place for them to go that protects them from the weather and other elements of the world. This is a basic requirement -- if you allow your dog to live in your home with you, he will be a lot happier. Does it make sense to have a dog as a pet and keep it outside all the time? For protection, a dog can’t protect you from dangers in your home if it’s outside. For companionship, after working all day how much time are you going to sit outside and spend


with your dog? Some dogs handle being outside better than others, but having a dog outside all the time may still cause many problems. PROBLEMATIC OUTDOOR BEHAVIOR These dogs will bark a lot because they have nothing to do. They’ll also dig holes in the yard, chew and scratch up the siding on your home. Sometimes they become so protective that they might hurt someone. Not all outdoor dogs started out as outdoor dogs. There are a long list of reasons why people don’t want the dogs inside such as housetraining issues and behavioral issues. Many of these issues can be worked on so that a dog can return indoors.


LIMIT YOUR DOG’S OUTDOOR EXPOSURE You owe it to everyone your dog may come into contact with not to leave them outside all the time. If you must leave your dog alone outside, you need to make sure that you make up for that time alone with quality time between the two of you. Don’t think that by feeding your dog you are doing enough: that is


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amount of time in your backyard unless you live in an apartment and don’t have one. You should be sure your dog’s time outside is safe and comfortable. A good place for your dog is in a fenced yard not adjacent to the street. It’s a good idea to get a 6 foot fence so that your dog can’t jump the fence, and won’t be bothered by people and then start barking. You might want to protect your garden from your dog. One dog owner protected his courtyard from his dog by creating a U-shaped dog place around the courtyard.

plain and simple abuse and if you’re not careful, you may be turned in to the authorities. THE DANGER OF CHAINING DOGS A lot of people chain their dogs up when they don’t have a fenced yard. It’s really only acceptable to chain a dog for a short period of time and with supervision. You should never use a choke collar. You shouldn’t leave a dog tied up by himself. He could die if the weather is too hot. A chained dog often can become dangerous. Your typical dog that bites is often a dog that has been chained. Dogs have been hung while trying to jump a fence when chained. They have also gotten their chains stuck around trees while looking for water and died. If you aren’t going to let your dog in the house and your yard isn’t fenced, you don’t need a dog. But if you still insist on having a dog you should walk them regularly, get them a dog house and a kennel at the least.


KENNELS AS AN ALTERNATIVE Also, kennels are effective for stopping dogs from getting in trouble when you are away from them. A kennel run is an extended fenced in area that is accessible to dogs. Shield it from heat, cold, and breezes; supply fresh water and toys to play with; and make sure to limit your dog’s time in the kennel run. Consider a 10 ft by 6 ft area alright for several hours, but a dog should not live here all the time. You can make a kennel run on your own or purchase a kennel run. Kennel runs and kits area available on the Internet from some merchants.


Taking care of a dog includes giving it the love and companionship that it needs. If you keep your dog outside all of the time, how is it supposed to feel a part of your family, or even your home? By limiting the amount of time that your dog spends outside, you build a better relationship with them, and also lower the health risks outdoor dogs endure.


INSTALLING FENCES Your dog will most likely spend some


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If you are traveling and will be flying to your destination, you can bring your dog. However, you need to know what to expect well in advance of your trip.

Finding the right dog for you can be energy consuming and a daunting task, but the research is necessary. Get started asking yourself if a dog would fit into your life style on page 56.



f you are going to be taking a trip to a distant location, are you planning to bring your dog along? If you are not going to bring your pup with you, you will need to find some place for your dog to stay. On the other hand, you may wish to take your dog along with you. The following are some rules to help you consider whether traveling on an airplane with your dog is a good choice for you.


WHERE YOUR DOG SHOULD STAY WHILE YOU TRAVEL When you travel, if you need to spend some time hanging around a place where dogs are not allowed, the best place to keep your dog is the town’s veterinary clinic. Typically, you can put your dog in a place that offers short-term shelter and you can guarantee that your dog is in a safe environment while you are away. You may negotiate this price - a good way to start is with a half day’s boarding.

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WHAT YOU MUST CONSIDER IF YOU BRING YOUR DOG ALONG There are genuine reasons for not allowing dog owners to let loose their canine friends in a hotel. But if the dog is shut in a crate, you can take your dog with you to a hotel but you should ensure that the dog doesn’t disturb others with its barking. That is why we recommend dog owners to carry a crate when they travel to distant places with their dogs. In the United States, dogs are not allowed in buses and Amtrak unless they serve a useful purpose for physically handicapped persons. So, if you want to take your dog to distant places with you, you should travel either by car or by plane. Some countries are more pet friendly than others, even allowing dogs inside of restaurants.



AIRPLANE TRAVEL WITH DOGS Transporting dogs via airplane is usually a safe method of travel but be sure to plan ahead, follow all travel regulations and be ready to advocate on their behalf. Dogs and other animals travel on planes as either cargo or with carry-on baggage. A majority of animals travel as cargo in a pressurize compartment underneath the plane. It’s beneficial for your pet if he is traveling as your ‘luggage’ so you can inquire about him personally, even though these

traveling conditions aren’t any nicer. This is the best option for your dog to fly, because he is continuously in your care while traveling. Some airlines will not let dogs travel in the actual cabin, however. Others have limits on how many dogs are allowed to be in the cabin, so be sure to arrange these details way ahead of time. Service dogs that help handicap people are the only big dogs that can come in the cabin. NOT ALL CARRIERS ALLOW DOGS ON THEIR PLANES According to the Air Transport Association, approximately half a million dogs and cats travel in America on commercial airplanes and 99% don’t have any problems going to their destination. To guarantee your dog is in this group, speak to the airline. Some carriers - particularly the no frills businesses - won’t accept any animals. Many airline companies have strict guidelines when it comes to the availability of space in the cargo area. As the consumer, you need to make sure you have all the necessary paperwork when arriving at the airport. The health of your dog is of the utmost importance. If your dog finds the confined space difficult, then you may need to consider another company or option all together.


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BRING A CRATE FOR YOUR DOG AND ENSURE IT HAS IDENTIFICATION If your pet is traveling with you, make sure that they are put in a crate. The carrier should have enough room for your dog to be comfortable (big enough to stand and turn in). The crate should also have your phone numbers in case anything should happen to your pet during travel. Make certain that all of the bolts on the crate are tightened before your journey. Do not put your pet’s collar on him while he is inside of the crate as this could get hung on something; however, do put an ID tag on your dogs neck attached by elastic. Also before travel, you may want to have your dog tagged with a microchip.



THE BEST TIMES OF THE YEAR FOR TRAVEL WITH PETS When the weather is poor and air traffic is at its peak, refrain from shipping your pet. You should skip the busiest travel days like Christmas and pick a flight during good temperatures when the flight is on the ground, both at the departure and arrival locations. During summertime, an evening flight may be better, but the opposite is true during the winter. Most airlines will have their own temperature policies. Be sure to travel with your dog if possible. Being able to manage everything is simpler when you are traveling together. If you can, pick a direct flight but if not, then pick something that has a quick layover. Most canine deaths happen on the ground, while dogs are in their cages 32

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on the hot runway or in the cargo holds that are very hot. You don’t have layovers with direct flights and there is less time spent on the ground with quick layovers. BE SURE TO COMMUNICATE WITH AIRLINE WORKERS REGARDING YOUR DOG Keep in mind that your dog’s life depends on the attention of the airline workers. A majority of the workers are wonderful and caring; however, accidents happen. You will need to be firm with the airline personnel and guarantee that your dog is definitely going to make every connection along with you. Make sure that you discuss your dog’s travel situation with the freight personnel at each of the airports, especially if your dog will be traveling without you. Make sure that you are polite with the flight attendants, but get your point across and see that they are really reporting back to you on your dog’s status, not just trying to placate you with peanuts.


At this point, you have a basic idea of what traveling via airplane with a dog entails. If you are unsure whether or not you wish to bring your dog on an airplane, consider calling a few airlines to see what their policies are on animals. You should be able to get a good feel for the company’s reliability by interviewing them yourself. Of course, dogs can come along for car rides as well, so if the trip isn’t too far away, why not drive? You can make a road trip of it and have fun exploring the great outdoors with your dog. Happy travels! 2016


Delicious Dog Diet Dog owners nation-wide are making the switch to an all-raw diet for their dogs. If you’re worried about whether commercial dog food is really healthy for them (it isn’t), or struggling with finding a food your dog enjoys, you need these secrets to raising healthier, happier, and even SMARTER puppies.

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Dog training takes time and patience but it is important. Teach your dog to love their crate and to obey commands with these helpful tips and suggestions.


raining a dog takes time and effort, but is well worth the investment. By giving your dog a crate and teaching your dog to love their crate, you give them a space of their own where they can feel safe and in control. By teaching your dog to obey your commands and to listen to your admonishments, you can create a trusting and loving relationship that you and your dog will enjoy for years to come.


GETTING YOUR DOG TO USE ITS CRATE To command your dog into its crate, consider using the following helpful tips. 34

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Put together the crate and allow your dog to explore the crate. Equip the crate with things such as a blanket, a doggie bed, crate pad and a toy. Begin giving your dog a command, something like, “Crate,” or “Bedtime.” If you have not been successful in coaxing your dog into their crate, then use one of the commands above and place the dog in the crate. After your dog is in the crate, close the crate’s door and then reward her with praise, such as a treat or positive words, such as “good dog,” and then release the dog out of the crate. Remember that positive persuasion using treats and other measures is not a bad thing. If they aren’t the type to follow treats, 2016

put them in the crate and then offer the treat. REINFORCE THE GOOD BEHAVIOR Close the door again and praise the dog and follow it up with a treat. Let them out. It isn’t necessary for the treat to be a dog biscuit. Just something they enjoy and work for. Keep using the command and offering treats when the dog is in the crate until they do it with little help from you. Puppies that fear crates can have meals used as a way to help them over the hurdle. Place its food by the door of the crate, then more food inside of the crate and then more food


towards the back of the crate. You are trying to make the dog comfortable enough to walk into the crate on its own. When you have achieved the objective with the food, try and get the dog to go into the crate with a treat and close the door. CONTINUE TO REWARD SUCCESS Reinforce the dog positively for following the command and play this scenario over again and again, leaving the dog in the crate a little longer each time. When it is over, take the dog to its crate, feed it with its favorite food and let the dog be alone


Are you ready to train your dog to lose their bad habits? The tips on page 32 will help you teach your dog not to beg, to go lie down when it’s asked and not to pull on their leash. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

for some time. Return to the dog after a few minutes and let the dog out again. Remember to increase the period of your absence in the room every time you lock it back in its crate. If the dog behaved well in the crate, compliment it. Within a short period, the dog will learn to stay calm in the crate. As a general rule, no grown up dog must be kept locked in a crate for more than eight hours. Let being in the crate not be a torture for your dog. If you don’t let the dog out of the crate from time to time, it will never like to stay in it.

REPETITION IS THE KEY The key to teaching your dog any command is repetition. For instance, teaching your dog the command “wait,” is no different. Make sure to maintain eye contact with the dog, keep your hands in the “stop” position (palms out, facing the dog) and say the word “wait” as you walk out of a room. Walk back into the room and allow him movement, then step back out doing the same thing. Remember that repetition is key. When he does good, make sure you tell him that he’s done good. Positive praise works great. This is


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Dog training requires a great deal of time and a firm commitment if you wish for it to be successful. Learn what you need if you wish to train a dog on page 47. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

the same with his crate. You don’t want him to hate his crate. This is his area of privacy and an area of his very own. TEACH YOUR DOG TO LOVE THEIR CRATE You want him to love his crate. If the dog crosses the invisible line, prompt the dog verbally that it didn’t follow the command correctly and then repeat the command until the dog follows it the right way. When the command is done correctly, reward the dog with a treat and lots of positive reinforcement. This is one of the more important commands that your dog will learn. It most likely will prevent your dog from getting itself into dangerous situations. Show the dog where his bed is. Give the dog the command to go to bed and lay down. This will be very time consuming, but consistency will get your dog to follow the command religiously.


6 36

USE CONCISE COMMANDS YOUR DOG Watch what you’re saying

WITH when

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commanding a dog because words can be confusing. You want the dog not to get lay “Down” confused with get “Off ”. You need to teach the dog to relate the word “Off ” to physically getting off of something like the bed or a chair. You may need to lead the dog off of the furniture with a leash to get the point across, but make sure you use the word “Off ” so they will recognize the command in the future. Begin by saying “Off ” until the dog’s feet are firmly back on the floor. Then follow up with the “Sit” command and praise him for doing a good job. Remember that you also need to use the physical correction of pulling the leash downward to get the dog to sit. SHOW YOUR DOG WHAT YOU WISH IT TO DO Position your dog in a Sit-Stay position and use one hand in a fist, flat side up, to show him what you want. Use the other hand to show him his favorite treat. When he goes for the treat, gently lift his chin, closing his jaw, while saying “Don’t touch” to him. Remember not to hit him on the chin or use too much force.



Repeat the process, rewarding him when he turns away from the treat or hesitates before trying to take it from you. Most dogs will learn the command within just one or two tries. THE ‘DON’T TOUCH’ COMMAND CAN BE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT Use the “Don’t touch,” command in situations such as when your dog attempts to eat leftover food from a discarded bag of fast food. This command has many uses. Dogs tend to lead with their noses, so introducing this command will do wonders in helping your dog to avoid undesirable situations. Another use for the “Don’t touch” command is when you are walking your dog and he lifts his leg in places you do not want it to. Use the command when you notice that your dog is sniffing, because sniffing is a prelude to your dog’s leg-lifting action. This command works wonders, especially concerning food, like when you drop something like your sandwich on the floor. Using the “Don’t touch,” command ensures you will at least have an opportunity to pick up your dropped food before your dog does.


At this point you are ready to begin training your dog or to pick up where you last left off. Keep in mind that dog training takes time and that it is never really, totally complete. So continue to praise your dog’s good behavior so that the positive reinforcement shows your dog that listening to you is the right thing to do. Best of luck training your dog to be the best pup he or she can be!

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If you are currently searching for the perfect dog to bring into your family, consider a sporting dog. Sporting dogs are fun, energetic, loyal companions.


f you are looking for a fun, energetic and loyal breed of dog to bring into your family, why not consider a sporting dog? Sporting dogs such as pointers, retrievers, setters and spaniels have been bred for their energy and their ability to retrieve objects and bring them to their master. The following are some principles that will introduce you to many different breeds of sporting dogs that may be just the companion you have been seeking. WHAT ARE SPORTING DOGS? The word “sporting” in Sporting Dogs designates hunting and has little to do with soccer or baseball. Pointers, Retrievers, Setters, Spaniels - all were originally bred to be energetic, alert and fit hunting companions. Their main service was to search for game and retrieve it for their masters. They were trained to flush out small prey in bushy areas as well as to jump into freezing water to retrieve ducks. These Sporting breeds are the present day hunters of the canine kingdom, since they work closely with gun toting hunters as opposed to those with nets. We have modern conveniences and so don’t need the sporting dogs to stock the pantry anymore.


HOW TO EXERCISE A SPORTING DOG That means you’ll have to use his energy in other ways, taking the dog for long walks, playing, jogging and doing obedience classes. This breed is gentle and wants to do what you want to do, and so is good for a family as



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If you are currently searching for the perfect dog to bring into your family, consider a sporting dog. Learn about these fun, energetic and loyal companions on page 38. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

long as the exercise is provided. If you don’t have it, you are in danger of damaging your property. Sporting breeds are known for their keen instinct and mastery in water and woods. Grouped into four different types -- Setters, Pointers, Retrievers and Spaniels -- all possess their own special talents and physical traits. While Pointers, Setters and Retrievers tend to be large, Spaniels are smaller. Retrievers have short to medium length coats, while many Pointers have short hair, with some being wiry. The coat of Spaniel tends to have hair that can be curly and of medium or long length while the coat of a Setter has long hair. RETRIEVERS ENJOY RETRIEVING OBJECTS FOR YOU You can take your Sporting breed dog on a hike or hunting expedition and make sure to let them out in your fenced yard so that they can get some exercise. You can play fetch with your dog in the yard. Retrievers love to play catch and will spend hours retrieving whatever you throw, whether it’s a Frisbee or a stick. The Brittany was named in 1900 for the French province where it began and was


possibly the result of a cross between Brittany Spaniels with English Pointing Dogs. It has a good nose, which makes it a great hunter and only came to the United States in 1925 after gaining popularity in France.


THE BRITTANY IS A WONDERFUL COMPANION It’s a good companion dog too, and it is now very popular and just known as the Brittany as it is more of a Setter than a Spaniel in terms of its hunting style. The Pointer’s lineage is unclear, but is most likely to be linked to the Greyhounds, Foxhounds, Bloodhounds and a sort of setting Spaniel. It was during the mid-1600s that the Pointer was first used in England as a way to point a hare for Greyhound coursing. They later became increasingly more popular and used for hunting and showing. Pointers now are still well known for their stamina, skill and determination, but are also wonderful family pets and companions.

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Fleas and ticks can be a serious problem for both you and your pup. See page 10 to learn several preventative measures that you can take as well as how to fix issues quickly and easily. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

GERMAN SHORT-HAIRED AND WIREHAIRED POINTERS The German short-haired pointer earned a reputation as a great hunting dog because they are excellent trailers, great at retrieving and finding all different types of game. The breed, acknowledged by the AKC in 1930, are natural hunters, dependable and easily trained. The German Wire-haired Pointer’s versatility as a hunting dog can be attributed to its lineage; with traces of Griffon, German Short-hair, Poodle and Pointer. The breed tolerates weather and doesn’t mind water; therefore, they can track and retrieve any sort of game from land as well as water. German Wire-haireds are also dependable guard dogs. The AKC first recognized this breed in 1959 and it is fairly popular in the United States. In Germany however, it is a showstopper.


CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERS The history of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever starts in 1807 in Maryland when two Newfoundlands were saved from a shipwreck on the coast. As they began to



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breed with other dogs, eventually the Chessie was born. Bred for retrieving waterfowl in the water or on land, the reputation of the dog spread quickly and the AKC began to recognize the breed around 1885. The master of a Chessie needs to be a down to earth, skilled trainer. The Curly-Coated Retriever is one of the oldest in the breed and believed to have come from the English Water Spaniel, a smaller version of the Newfoundland and also a Poodle. CURLY-COATED RETRIEVERS WERE BRED FOR HUNTING They were bred to be the ideal hunter and is a favorite when it comes to its ability on and off the field. They have no equal in the water as well. The Curly-Coated makes one of the very best companions for any exercise and activity. The history of the Flat-Coated Retriever can be seen back into the 1800’s, when the dogs were best known to work hand in paw with fisherman, bringing back fish and other things from the chilly waters of Newfoundland. Crossing with the Retrievers, British Setters and Pointers concluded with



the creation of the Flat-Coated, a multitalented dog with skills of both water and bird dogs. THE FLAT-COATED AND THE GOLDEN RETRIEVER The Flat-Coated is a great competitor and family member, known for their hard work in the fields. The Golden Retriever came to existence in Scotland during the later part of the 1800s and was known to be a hunting dog. The breed is thought to have started with Lord Tweedmouth, who hoped for a Retriever who would do well on the Scottish terrain and in its weather conditions. The Golden became very popular, coming to America in the 20’s. It’s still a hunter, but it’s loved for many reasons because it is so smart and beautiful and has a great personality. Labs came from Newfoundland in the 19th century and were developed to help those fishing with their job of pulling in nets.


LABRADOR RETRIEVERS ARE POPULAR IN THE US As time passed by, the only duty the dogs were entrusted with was to retrieve


game. During the early years, black Labs were in great demand but later, chocolate colored and yellow colored Labs also grew popular. Since Labs have a very sharp intelligence, this breed is widely used to guide people who need somebody’s help to move about. They are also used in search and rescue missions. Another area where these dogs are deployed is crime detection. The Lab is very friendly with people and dog lovers like to keep it as a pet. In the US, the Lab is undoubtedly the most popular breed of dogs. Playing with your dog is one of the most fun aspects of being a dog owner. If you wish to have a dog that loves to play as much as you and your children do, a sporting dog may just be the ideal choice. If you wish to get better acquainted with the breeds mentioned above, look to see if there are any breeders in your area who specialize in sporting dogs, or check to see if any of your friends or colleagues own one. Here’s hoping you find the perfect dog for you and your family!

The Art of Raising a Puppy This new edition of THE ART OF RAISING A PUPPY features new photographs throughout, along with updated chapters on play, crating, adopting dogs from shelters and rescue organizations, raising dogs in an urban environment, and the latest developments in canine health and canine behavioral theor y. PREVIEW D O G o w n e r sCLICK h i p 1H0ERE 1 | TO JUL Y / A U GON U S AT MAZO 2 0 1N6


8 Answers To Your Questions About Hounds by Kelly V. Livingston

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If you are currently in the market for a new dog, consider a Hound. There are many different breeds of Hounds that may be just the pet you’re looking for.


s far as dog breeds go, Hound dogs have had a solid reputation for many, many years. Known for their amazing sense of smell, Hound dogs have been used as hunting companions, police dogs and rescue dogs. However, Hounds also make great pets for many pet owners. If you are in the market for a new pup, the following information will answer your questions and help you to decide whether a Hound is the best choice for you. HOW ARE DOGS’ SENSES OVERALL? Most dogs have excellent eyesight and a well-developed sense of smell. Everyone has seen a puppy happily chasing a leaf and dogs with their noses poking out of the



windows of cars. Dogs are always interested in new scents, but Hounds have an extremely well-developed sense of smell. Hunting is in the blood of most Hounds, as they are bred to spot game or pick up a scent and they have the stamina to persevere and get the job done. CAN HOUNDS BE VERY INDEPENDENT? Many people appreciate the independence that is a characteristic that most Hounds exhibit. Hounds have very strong instincts; they know their jobs and perform them happily, with focus and often without the need for commands. Owners are sometimes frustrated, though, when their Hounds ignore their commands, which they are likely to do,

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If you are currently in the market for a new dog, consider our page 42 article on Hounds. There are many different breeds of Hounds that may be just the companion you have been searching for. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

particularly if they pick up an enticing scent or see a squirrel scurrying across the yard. It is even worse when a Hound that is not restrained with a leash bounds away in pursuit of a quarry without any worries about its own safety. WHAT DO HOUNDS FIND THEIR PURPOSE IN? Of course, all Hounds find their purpose in pursuing prey but they are still a diverse group. They can be found in every shape, size, shade and kind of coat. There is, for instance, the Pharaoh Hound, whose elegant shape hearkens back to ancient days. It has the build and speed of a Greyhound, but its big, stand-up ears can find prey that is under the earth. For a more sturdy dog that can hunt near and even in chilly waters, there is the aptly named Otterhound with its big webbed feet and oily undercoat beneath a tough upper coat. The feet keep him from slipping and the coat


combination keeps him from being cold as well as from being stuck by brambles. ARE THERE MANY TYPES OF HOUND DOGS? Hounds vary widely in appearance, as well as in temperament. They all have hunting in their blood, but most love to relax and unwind at day’s end. If you are looking for a Hound that is aloof and not too demonstrative, desert Hounds, such as the Pharaoh and Saluki, are good choices. Basenjis and Dachshunds are known to be bold, confident and feisty little dogs and are sometimes compared to Terriers. Beagles are known for their friendliness, while Coonhounds have natures that are sweet and laid back. While plenty of hunters are partial to Hounds, people with an athletic bent, such as hikers and runners, can provide a Hound with many opportunities for sniffing around and chasing. Because Hounds have a strong


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Fleas and ticks can be a serious problem for both you and your pup. See page 10 to learn several preventative measures that you can take as well as how to fix issues quickly and easily. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

incentive to chase, they require restraints such as leashes and strong fencing.


WHAT ARE SOME DIFFERENT HOUNDS’ CHARACTERISTICS? Hounds, such as Foxhounds and Beagles, all make an odd sound called baying. This unique, howling sound is often featured in films during hunting scenes. If you don’t like the sound of baying, you may want to think twice before adopting this type of pet. There are two subgroups of Hounds. One group, Sighthounds or Gazehounds, consists of superior runners. These dogs are excellent hunters and can easily spy and quickly pursue prey. Sighthounds are normally aloof, quiet, serene and tend to be sleeker in appearance than Scenthounds, a breed to which they are related. The Basenji, Greyhound, Irish Wolfhound, Saluki, Whippet, Afghan, Borzoi, Ibizan, Pharaoh and Scottish Deerhound are all members of the Sighthound family. These days, Sighthounds are not often utilized for hunting; rather, they run with their 44

owners, take part in lure coursing or engage in racing.


HOW POPULAR ARE SCENTHOUNDS? Scenthounds must sniff down their prey, whether through air or with noses to the earth. They’re usually very sturdy and you’ll recognize dogs like Basset Hounds, Beagles, Bloodhounds, Dachshunds, Otterhounds, Foxhounds and the like. They are often quite friendly because they’re bred to work and play together in packs. Such Scenthounds make fine companions due to their social natures. Some people think the Afghan Hound came from Egypt, but it really came from Afghanistan. At some point in the early 20th century, the dog traveled to Great Britain. The Afghan Hound was known for being particularly quick and it hunted with the help of trained falcons. The classy appearance of the dog helped it to be a favorite in the world of dog shows. Its popularity peaked in the 1970s and has since decreased.

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WHAT ARE AMERICAN FOXHOUNDS AND BASENJIS LIKE? The American Foxhound goes back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, at which time it was bred from various French, English and Irish Hound breeds. George Washington helped with this endeavor and has been called the father of the American Foxhound. They are fast and agile, great for hunting, but aren’t that popular with those who don’t hunt. Basenjis are built more lightly and come from Central America where they helped in hunting. That’s because, while being fast and smart, they also are silent and are called the “Barkless Dog.” He or she may yodel while playing or in greeting, but that’s about it. It didn’t gain popularity in England and America till the early twentieth century.


WHAT ARE BASSETT HOUND DOGS LIKE? The Bassett Hound originated in France in an effort to produce a dog with short legs

to help trail small game and these dogs were quite popular during Napoleon’s reign. The Marquis de Lafayette presented some of these animals to President George Washington for use in hunting and in 1884, the first Bassett Hound was shown at the Westminster Kennel Club Show. These days, many people value Bassett Hounds as companions and these dogs continue to excel in tracking, hunting, field trials, obedience and conformation. As you can see, not all Hounds are alike. There is much more to a Hound than a simple hunting dog. So if you had decided against considering a Hound dog as your new pet because you are not a hunter, do not ignore these breeds based on the fact that many Hounds are used as hunting companions. Who knows, a Hound may be just the pet you have been searching for!


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Dog training requires time and commitment if you wish for it to be successful. Learn what you need in order to successfully train your dog all by yourself.


f you are faced with the prospect of training your dog, you may be daunted with the very idea of dog training. Dog training takes a while and is truly a commitment that never ends. Learn how to begin the dog training process and how to provide your dog with the best possible praise and rewards as he or she learns to be a better behaved and more well-trained pup. DOG TRAINING IS A LENGTHY COMMITMENT Dog training is a never ending process. It doesn’t have to be a drawn out and grueling task, but quite enjoyable. Dogs are truly man’s


best friend and the connection that develops through the training process with you and your dog is undeniable. You could always hire a trainer and miss out on that experience with your dog. It’s fairly cheap to do on your own. Look up lessons on the Internet or a book. Make sure you have a collar, leash and some snacks as rewards. The key is understanding what they are, the way they work and the appropriate time to utilize them. Two things are a must; first, a leather or nylon 6-foot lead that you can handle with ease. Second, a collar that fits correctly and is put on properly.

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Hybrid dog breeds are extremely interesting and there are many of them! Learn about hybrid breeds like the Labradoodle, the Puggle, the Maltepoo, the Schnoodle and more on page 26. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

HOW TO SELECT A TRAINING COLLAR For training, some trainers suggest using a slip chain collar. Other trainers would rather use a flat collar, a prong collar, or a head halter. The equipment that is ultimately chosen depends on the person, the dog and the training situation. You should begin with a head halter or a flat collar, as these are easiest on both you and the dog. Training is effective when you focus on teaching the dog rather than forcing him or her. You frequently find slip collars put improperly on dogs so that they are choked instead of corrected, since this type isn’t easy to learn to use at first. You have to hook the leash to the live ring, keeping the chain “soft” other than for the single second it takes to tighten and release so that your dog knows what was done wrong.



TEACH YOUR DOG TO MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH YOU You need to catch the dog’s attention if a lesson will be learned. A good method for this is teaching her to make eye contact with you when you ask for it. Communication with your dog is very important and using eye contact is one way. It builds your relationship with your dog and your bond. You can use


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your hand under your dog’s neck and chin to catch his or her eyes. Hold your dogs gaze for a second, always smile and give praise. It may take your dog a little time to learn this since dogs generally are respectful in avoiding eye contact. Spend time each day establishing eye contact between you and your dog, making sure you are affirming and loving. Once you and your dog bond, she will be looking to you more and more. You are her whole focus, so she is always interested in what you’re doing. Some dogs use their devotion as a means of controlling their owners.


GIVE YOUR DOG OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAISE If your dog craves attention, make her do an activity so you can praise her - an example would be a 30 minute ‘Down-Stay’ on the opposite side of the room. Consider this as tough love if you will; however, this means that your love-junkie dog won’t be poking her nose through your newspaper and you will be able to read it. When your dog hears her name she should realize it is a request for attention and not as a curse word or a command to come to you. Your doggie is your baby. Always praise her. Show her praise when she looks at you after calling her, or him of course. Do eye


impulses is really effective. First is the tone of voice. The sounds dogs use to communicate can be mimicked by humans, so drop the voice into a rumble like a growl if you’re displeased and use a sweet croon like baby talk for praise. Your petting style depends on your dog. Some dogs love petting, but other dogs don’t care. A light rub or scratch on your dog’s chest if they show too much enthusiasm, but be more aggressive for happy dogs. Don’t allow petting to be a reason for dogs to go crazy - try to pat less, but scold him - and use your mouth for praising. Dogs watch the expression on our faces and they know what is going on because they have expressions like this for communication. Dog treats work well to get dog training started. It’s the fastest way to get their attention. SMILING AT YOUR DOG IS OFTEN BETTER THAN A TREAT If you want to use a cheaper method, just try smiling at the dog. They are smart, intuitive animals and know when you’re expressing love and approval towards them. Make sure it’s the biggest smile you can put on. Treats are not always the way to a dogs heart. It’s easy for dog treats to become expected from your dog. It would be a good idea to only give your dog a treat when they have completed a task rather than a treat for each part of the task. A dog is going to get complacent with treats if it’s rewarded with them for anything they do. Your treat budget will sky rocket as well. When teaching a dog a new task, reward the dog with a treat when it completes the task. And what about your special relationship with your dog? It won’t develop if you aren’t the leader but are just a source of treats. Food can help bonding of course but you need to do more than just be a food dispenser if you want a good relationship.


contact exercises with your dog. Before she hears your voice, give her praise and she’ll learn and you won’t even have to give the command. HELP YOUR DOG LINK TRAINING EXERCISES WITH PRAISE Always end all exercises with praise and your dog will catch on. Dogs like any praise, but one that really links to your dog’s


You are now prepared to begin training your dog. Even if you have already begun the process, you can use the advice above to modify your dog training sessions and to see every day as a new opportunity to train your dog. Once your dog begins to grasp the things you are teaching him or her, you and your dog will be able to have a better relationship. Best of luck!

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Hybrid dog breeds are extremely interesting and there are many of them! Learn about hybrid breeds like the Labradoodle, the Puggle, the Maltepoo and more.


f you have always wished to have a hybrid dog, you should know that there are many different hybrid breeds for you to choose from. The following is an introduction to many different hybrid breeds. After you learn more about breeds like the Labradoodle, the Beagalier, the Maltepoo and more, you may find a breed that is just right for you. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BEAGALIER First bred in the 1990s is the Beagalier. A crossing of the Cavalier King Spaniel and a Beagle, the breeders focused on lessening the Beagle’s wandering tendencies


and scent hunting drive. The Beagalier has a great temperament and looks like both parent breeds. The crossbreed might have a positive effect on the health problems that are associated with the Cavalier, like heart conditions. The Lab influence in the Border Collie may help mellow out its urge to work and chase all the time. The Borador pairing may yield a easy to train, friendly breed with a beautiful short or medium length coat.


THE BORDER SHEPHERD AND THE CAVACHON In hopes of creating a canine performance champion, the Border Shepherd’s

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If you are preparing to bring a new puppy home, there is a lot you must think about. Learn how to prepare yourself and your home for a new puppy with the tips on page 60.


combination of Australian Shepherd and Border Collie was created. The two breeds excel at agility and are easy to train. The Border Shepherd is a dynamic, high energy dog that may be a bit unfriendly. You will need to seek out parents with fair temperaments that enjoy their human companions. The breed is known to have short-to-medium length coats that will shed. The Cavachon is a breed that comes from a cross of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and also a Bichon Frise. Bichons, much like Poodles, are incredibly high maintenance in their coats, but aren’t known to shed as much, nor produce high quantities of dander. Cavaliers are known for their small size and sweet nature, so a Cavachon may be the perfect fit for a dog lover looking for one that will not aggravate their allergies and is a good tempered, small pet. THE AMERICAN COCKAPOO VERSUS THE ENGLISH COCKAPOO The Cockapoo has been bred since the 1950’s. There are two types, one being the American Cockapoo, which is a Poodle



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crossed with the American Cocker Spaniel. Then there’s the English Cockapoo, which is the Poodle crossed with the English Cocker Spaniel. The Cockapoo may inherit the poodles low dander, low shedding coat or even the sweet disposition of the Cocker. Careful screenings and a lot of research may help identify potential health issues found in both breeds.


THE GOLDADOR HYBRID BREED The Goldador is a genetic mix of the ever beloved breeds of Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever. Both breeds are appreciated for their aptitude and demeanor. The mix of breeds has created an excellent, skilled search and rescue dog as well and drug sniffing dog. Goldadors are generally healthy dogs, very easy to train and fantastic family pets. The breed has been associated to certain eye problems and dysplasia of the hip and knee. We now have the Golden doodle mix. This is a mix of poodle and Golden Retriever traits.


THE GOLDENDOODLE AND THE LABRADOODLE In the world of hybrid dogs, the Goldendoodle is an intelligent working dog. It is a cross between the Golden Retriever and a Poodle, and its size depends on the size of Poodle in the pairing. In addition


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Step by Step Activities to Engage, Challenge, and Bond with Your Dog CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW ON AMAZON

to being a great candidate for work as a guide dog, sniffer dog or therapy dog, the Goldendoodle may inherit the low-dander, low-shedding coat of the Poodle, making it a viable option for those with allergies. The Labrador Retriever is crossed with the Poodle to make a Labradoodle; with training, it is an ideal guide dog for visually impaired people who also suffer from pet allergies. Due to recent success, the breeders have continued with multi-generational crossings of the Labradoodle. As it’s a dog with a lowshed and a low-dander coat, the Labradoodle has become quite popular, with associations trying to establish the multi-generational Labradoodle as a recognized breed. THE MALTESE SHIH TZU AND THE MALTEPOO Another cross of low-shedding and minimal dander dogs, the Maltese Shih Tzu was started in Australia around the 90’s. Known as either the Mal-Shi or Malt-Tzu after its parents, the Maltese and the Shih Tzu, this petite crossbreed is favorable for folks with allergies, especially to animal dander. With this mix, it’s also possible to bypass the breathing and eye problems that come with the flat face of the Shih Tzu. A Maltese Shih Tzu can be happy in an apartment as long as

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it gets enough exercise. A celebrity favorite is the Maltepoo (also called Maltipoo or Moodle). This mix can have a coat that doesn’t shed much and has low dander like Poodles, making it an ideal mix for those with allergies.

Poodle and the German Shepherd. Shedding in German Shepherds may be lessened by the Poodle bloodline. Both Poodles and German Shepherds respond well to dominant owners and are quite intelligent.

THE PUGGLE IS A POPULAR HYBRID This tiny pet can be a wonderful therapy dog, particularly with senior citizens. Good breeders know that there can be health problems like diseases of the eye, skin and endocrine systems. The Puggle is a rising star, being a cross between the Pug and the Beagle. The cross has created a good natured pet with the Beagle’s longer nose that eliminate some of the breathing issues that Pugs have suffered from. People in the city will like its small size but still need to give it lots of exercise and attention.

THE SHIHCHON HYBRID BREED It is believed that the mix could be a good therapy dog or working dog, perhaps on a farm. There is a risk of genetic problems, including hip dysplasia and eye disease. When you cross the Shih Tzu and the Bichon Frise, the result is the Shihchon (also called the Bi-Tzu and Zuchon). The Shihchon has few shedding problems, like the Bichon, and it also doesn’t suffer from as many problems with the brachycephalic head belonging to the Shih Tzu. This mix prefers being with humans to being alone, enjoying time on a lap or a stroll through the neighborhood, making it a great pet for retired people.



THE SCHNOODLE HYBRID BREED A Schnoodle is a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle that came about because of demand in the 80’s for Poodle mix dogs. They come in different sizes and with different temperaments. They could get a Poodle coat and intelligence but have health problems like skin or eye problems or epilepsy. There are breeders who are working multi-generationally, hoping to get the Schnoodle recognized as a breed. The Shepadoodle has been in existence for less than ten years and is a cross between the 54

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Now you know a bit more about several hybrid dog breeds. Hybrid dogs are exceedingly popular these days, as many celebrities have them and rave about them. If you cannot afford to pay a breeder exorbitant prices for a hybrid dog, consider checking your local animal shelters. Oftentimes you can find some amazing mixed breed dogs there that will love to become your beloved pet. Best of luck!


EXPLORE AMAZING PET DEALS P r o d u c t s F o r P e t L ove r s




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Not everyone is cut out to be the owner of a dog. If you’re interested in finding out how to determine if you are, read on.

o, you’re ready to run out the door and buy a puppy. You might want to slow down there, as you have over 400 types of dogs to choose from. It’s going to take a lot of work to find the dog that is perfect for you. All the energy spent by animal rescue volunteers could be spent on other pursuits if all owners and breeders of dogs took more care choosing their animals.


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WHY YOU SHOULDN’T RUSH It’s easy to handle buying some clothes that you later dislike. All you have to do is to bring it back to the store or donate it to someone else. The same can be said for ordering a magazine that you later find you dislike. It’s a whole other story when you’re talking about a dog. You really have to know what you want before you go looking at pets. It’s hard to turn away from a little animal once you’ve met them.



If you are going on a vacation and are flying to your destination, you can bring your dog. See page 30 to know what you’re getting yourself into before you leave.


UNDERSTANDING YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Pet owners need to know that they need to take care of their dogs. You need to provide their basic food, water and shelter and anything else they need. These animals may have originally been able to care for themselves but the domestication process has made them rely on humans. It’s not uncommon that dogs will find water in the toilet bowl and that they will find scraps of food on the floor here and there. Other than that though, dogs need their owners.



CONSIDER YOUR DECISION CAREFULLY It’s tough to bring a puppy back to the store. Getting rid of a dog can be rough on them. Sometimes a decision made in haste isn’t the best one. It’s best to think things through before you purchase a puppy. This is best for both owners and dogs. Here’s a list

of things to think about before you make any purchases. You should start by asking yourself if this is what you really want. After you think about it, you may decide that you’re better off with something else, like a fish. ARE YOU READY TO OWN A DOG? There are some questions to ask before getting your dog: is this a good time for me; am I emotionally ready for a dog; will I be able to commit to its care for a decade or more? How will my work schedule play into dog ownership; is this a suitable house and neighborhood? These are the type of questions you need to ask yourself. You need to think about what might happen in the future when purchasing a pet. Will you one day have kids? What about guests that come to your home? All of these people might be a possible danger to your animal. Kids can be really rough with dogs, particularly the small ones.


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THE RISK DOGS POSE TO CHILDREN Rowdy play with a dog may not injure the dog, but it could injure a child. They could be scratched or bitten. Small dogs are known to bite if they are cornered. Dogs that herd nibble at the heels of their charges. Dogs that are guardians could take their job very seriously.


COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR HOUSEHOLD You should get the family together to discuss a new pet. Often, a parent who buys a child a pet and expects the kid to take care of the dog ends up with the responsibility himself. You can’t necessarily believe your 15 year old when they say they’ll walk the puppy. You shouldn’t give a dog as a present. In fact, the whole idea of giving a pet as a present is just horrible.


FITTING YOUR DOG INTO YOUR LIFE Those who had dogs as children realize how precious such a friendship can be and they could never imagine life without a dog, even when they have a hectic schedule. They see a dog friend as on par with their human friends and family, and find the tasks associated with maintaining the relationship to be necessary ones for a happy life. But if your circumstances change, you need to choose a dog companion wisely. If you choose one who doesn’t fit well into your living arrangement or finances, then the dog will be the one who suffers.


Dogs are wonderful creatures. As such, it would be a shame to buy one and have to return it because you two weren’t the right fit for each other. You should properly evaluate your life and whether you are ready to bring a new pet into it before making a rash decision. Taking the time to think things through will be better on both you and the dog in question.


STR ATEGIC DOG TR AINING TIPS FOR A WELL-TRAINED, OBEDIENT, AND HAPPY DOG What Would It Mean To You To Have An Obedient, Well-Behaved Dog? Your canine friend deserves the best. Why not make sure you give him/her the best possible life through the incredible gift of proper training and discipline. Imagine how proud you will feel when guests arrive at your house and tell you, “I’ve never seen a dog that was so well-behaved”. C L IC K H ER E T O P R E V I E W ON AMAZO N 58

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If you are preparing to bring a new puppy home, there is a lot you must think about. Learn to prepare yourself and your home for a puppy with these tips.


ringing home a new puppy is tremendously exciting. However, you need to ensure that you have properly prepared yourself, your car and your home for your new puppy to have the best experience possible. The following to-do list will help you to create a stable and loving environment for your new puppy.


THE DAY YOU BRING YOUR PUPPY HOME IS A BIG DAY It’s a big day for each of you when the puppy comes home because he’s becoming part of your family instead of staying with his littermates, and you’re taking on the responsibility of dog rearing. So make the transition as smooth as it can be in order to ensure that this might be a foundation for a great life. Say to yourself over and over again: I won’t ever allow my puppy to do something

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Unsure of what kind of puppy is for you? Learn about hybrid breeds like the Labradoodle, the Puggle, the Maltepoo, the Schnoodle and more on page 51. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

now that I wouldn’t allow him to do when he is grown. Then, you’re prepared to parent your puppy. PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR YOUR NEW PUPPY Take paper and old cloth towels with you when you go to get your puppy because it’s likely he or she will be car sick. That won’t last forever, however. And don’t go by yourself. Be the passenger in the car if you can be, so you can embrace the new puppy or have a spouse or child hold him on their lap using a towel. Just don’t let the kids fight over the new pet. Decide before you get there so that calm is maintained, and give the others a chance later.


LAY A SOLID FOUNDATION FOR YOUR PUPPY It’s important that you lay a solid foundation for your puppy immediately when you first begin. You also need to make sure


that your children are gentle with your new pet and careful when handling it. Don’t be upset if the puppy throws up or has an accident. Just clean it up when you get back to your house. In the meantime, simply give the pup a fresh, clean towel. Once you are home, let the puppy outside. Be sure to praise it, if it relieves itself. HOW TO NAME YOUR NEW PUPPY One of the nicest parts of getting a pet is giving it a name. There are new books on dog names being published each year and many of them even focus on names from specific parts of the world, such as Ireland. Try not to give your dog a name that sounds too much like a command. For example, the name Stacy might sound too much like the command stay. It’s best to use short names that are easy to say. It’s also best to use names that aren’t traditional names for people, to avoid confusion. You can use name books or other books, movies and music to get inspiration.


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Are you ready to train your dog to lose their bad habits? The tips on page 32 will help you teach your dog not to beg, to go lie down when it’s asked and not to pull on their leash. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

TEACH YOUR PUPPY TO RESPOND TO THEIR NAME POSITIVELY Next, make sure that your puppy has a positive association with her name. Make it exciting and fun. Never use the name of the puppy as part of a reprimand. The late Job Michael Evans, a well-respected dog trainer, used to recommend singing a dog a song that featured its name. He said that you could use a commercial jingle and insert your dog’s name, rather than the name of the product in the advertisement. It might sound silly, but it’s certainly worth a try. Use your dog’s everyday name for that, which is what breeders refer to as a “call name” and is the name you give your dog for daily use. Don’t use your purebred dog’s registered name for the exercise. The American Kennel Club gives you 28 characters, including spaces, in which to name your pet.


CHOOSE A UNIQUE NAME FOR YOUR PUPPY You may choose the same name that someone else has chosen. If you do, your dog will be given the name and a number in order to make it stand out from the others. That is why most people don’t simply name their dog “Lassie” or something else simple. There have been far too many of those. Instead, it’s best to give your dog a first and middle name or make the name otherwise unique to the dog. Your puppy probably won’t miss his litter mates much, since he will have so many sounds, smells and sights to keep him busy. A puppy is so cute that it is difficult to restrain from cuddling it. Some people go on playing with the puppy for too long and forget the fact that it is very young and needs to sleep a lot.


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WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU BRING YOUR PUPPY HOME When you bring a puppy home, it may


not eat for a day or two. There is nothing to worry about; it’s because as soon as it gets used to your home and the people there, it will feel more comfortable and will eat. You have to be very careful with the way your children handle the puppy. The children can be very rough and may sometimes be cruel to the puppy. Make your children understand that puppies are very tender and they feel pain if tortured. If your children are not controlled, there are chances for both the puppy and the children to get injured. WHERE SHOULD YOUR NEW PUPPY SLEEP? Where is your new puppy going to sleep? There are advantages to allowing a dog to sleep in your bedroom. In your bedroom doesn’t mean ‘on your bed’. There should be a separate bed for the puppy or you can keep a box for it in the bedroom. When you are away from home for long periods, your puppy will be all alone in the house and it will feel neglected and lonely. Likely, night is the only time you and your puppy can be together. If you allow


Dog Training: Strategic Dog Training Tips For A Well-Trained, Obedient, and Happy Dog What Would It Mean To You To Have An Obedient, Well-Behaved Dog? CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW ON AMAZON

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the puppy to sleep in your bedroom, it will get the feeling that it is a part of your family and the ties of friendship between the puppy and you will grow stronger. DO NOT FORCE YOUR NEW PUPPY TO SLEEP OUTSIDE If you want your dog to sleep on the porch or outside, than that is what you can do. However, don’t do it the first few nights after you’ve brought your new puppy home. They need you now, and the first nights alone are rather hard on a new puppy. He no longer has his litter mates and things have changed dramatically. He will no doubt vocalize on the situation quite a bit, so be ready for it. If you’re around, he’ll fuss much less as long as he can hear and see you.


HOW TO TEACH YOUR PUPPY TO SLEEP IN A CRATE You can set the crate up next to your bed with a blanket and toy to create a home type feel. Say ‘Crate’ in a firm tone, put him inside and close the door. Then be prepared to



get started on a book, because you probably won’t be sleeping anytime soon. You’ll have to fight through the whines and cries as much as possible, but don’t punish the puppy and don’t take him out even when he keeps on with his crying. This will teach him that if he fusses, he’ll get what he wants. He’ll start to relax and probably only wake a time or two during the evening. Take him out in order for him to use the restroom and be sure to give him praise. Then put him back into the crate. It may take a day or two, but the worst of the upsetting crying will be done. Finding the right puppy is the first step. After you have done that, you can use the above information to ensure that you are ready to bring your new puppy home. Remember that the better prepared you are, the better the experience will be for you and your puppy. Be sure that you treat your dog with love and kindness so that you can create a relationship that will last a lifetime.

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Training your dog can be a hassle, but this article will teach you how to do it correct and painlessly.

here are no bad dogs, only untrained owners. When training your dog, you are the most important component. You need to be the leader; dogs are eager to please, and will follow your lead if you’re patient and have some knowledge about dog behavior and language. All you need to do is give your dog some motivation to do what you want him to do. Praise or a treat work well. Teach him that “good” behavior is rewarded, and he’ll be following your lead in no time. THE BENEFIT OF DOG TRAINING The dog is getting trained one way or another. If you’re not telling her what you want and rewarding her, she’s just going



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to do what doesn’t please you. If you’re not the leader, she will be. And that isn’t good for dogs because all the dogs who are abandoned have issues. Make a resolution to do dog training and on a continuous basis, because you have brought her into your life. Consider the rewards this will bring. Yes, your dog will have better manners, but the bond between you and your dog will become closer and more loving.


THE DANGER OF AGGRESSIVE DOGS If there has ever been a time where you are afraid of your dog or his possible actions, then you need to address this issue. There are both genetic factors and learned causes for aggression in dogs, and dogs are 2016

Dog training doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds. With the tips on page 66, training a dog can become as much fun as it should be for both you and your canine. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

born with the ability to be very aggressive. If they are raised in an environment that either promotes aggressive behavior or simply does not address it, otherwise friendly dogs can become violent.


GETTING HELP FOR AGGRESSION If you believe you may have a problem with your dog, seek immediate assistance from a professional trainer or behaviorist. You’re no more qualified to treat aggression in a dog than you are to treat cancer in a patient; both require training and substantial expertise. Your dog probably views themselves as the alpha in your pack and correcting their behavior is a challenge to their leadership and they won’t respond nicely. Even making eye contact with an animal like this can get you bitten, so consult a professional first. TRAINING NON-AGGRESSIVE DOGS You are fortunate if your dog isn’t aggressive. But there is a good possibility that your dog is still some what out of control. Maybe he gets on your nerves and


is a doggy adolescent. After thinking this was just a phase, you’ve come to the conclusion that this behavior won’t be outgrown and that it’s time for some training. You realize that you can’t avoid this fact any longer; it has to be done just like you have to take out the trash. THE IMPORTANCE OF POSITIVITY Your dog will adopt the same attitude that you have towards training, so if your attitude is bad, your dog’s will be, too. If training is a horrible routine for you, it will be so for your dog. Showing your displeasure with the training process and taking it out on your dog will make it wonder why you are mad and she will be too concerned with worry to learn. Be willing to put in the effort for your dog and expect success. Give praise for effort and success, as learning new things is usually stressful.


A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE TO TAKE Imagine your dog is a new roommate that speaks a different language and has different customs. Your dog was born an animal and you now want her to live as a


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member of your family. What you are really having her do is learn a new language and follow rules of people. That this could be accomplished at all, even if it takes a while longer than you want is a miracle. This is something to be celebrated.

MAKING IT THROUGH DOG TRAINING Dog training is a fluid task; it’s not “do this,” and your dog does whatever you say. The process of a dog becoming well behaved is one that starts on the inside and works its way out. The ability to come and fetch are only the manifestations of what is internal. Loving, caring, and friendly is what your dog is; a joyous creature to go through life with.


DEALING WITH FRUSTRATION If you have had a bad day, aren’t feeling like your normal happy self, or are slightly depressed, it is most likely not the best time to attempt to train your dog. The best option for you right now would be to use your dog as an escape from what ever is bothering you. You could watch TV and pet her, you could play fetch or just go for a walk. In the same way if you feel that you’re getting too irritated in a training session, end it but on a positive note. Have your dog do a trick you know they are good at, praise her and end the training until you are more relaxed. You won’t be so frustrated and neither will she, and you can begin again tomorrow.


Caesar’s Way

The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding & Correcting Common Dog Problems CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW ON AMAZON


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NEXT ISSUE! The September / October edition of Dog Ownership 101 Magazine will be available this summer for free! 70

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