1 minute read
> Limited lower body contribution during the swing is one of the main causes of casting for golfers.
> Oftentimes when the lower body does not move properly, the upper body will take over.
> Limited hip mobility, inability to separate the lower body from the upper body, and weak glutes and core are the leading contributors to poor lower body movement.
> Not only does the lower body play a role in the casting swing fault, but past wrist injuries can lead to difficulty keeping the wrist angle during the downswing.
> Wrist injuries will prevent the golfer from setting and release the golf club proper from the downswing and to impact.
> Pelvic rotations, stork turns, iso-metric abdominal strengthening exercises, glute strengthening exercises, and wrist mobility exercises are key in preventing casting and maintaining a good wrist angle during the downswing and impact.
Dr. Zach Cutler Sports Chiropractor and TPI Certified Family Golf and Learning Center @FGLCPERFORMANCE