2 minute read
Assistive Technology
Is to provide high quality, low-cost equipment, programs, products, and services that will enhance the lives of people with disabilities, hearing loss and communication challenges.
Es proveer equipos, programas,y equipos de alta calidad a bajo costo que mejorarán las vidas de las personas con discapacidades, pérdida de audición y desafios de comunicación.
“Let’s Make Hearing Loss a Conversation” “Conversemos de la Pérdida Auditiva”
Assistive Technology Unlimited is a Houston-based company established to promote effective communication with adults and children with disabilities. Many of these services are provided through the STAP (Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program). STAP is a Statefunded Program which provides telecommunications equipment to individuals who have difficulty accessing the telephone.
There are two (2) Requirements for STAP applicants/Hay SOLO DOS REQUISITOS PARA EL PROGRAMA:
1. Applicant MUST be a TEXAS resident. 2. Have a condition /disability that limits your ability to use the telephone. Example: difficulty hearing, seeing, speaking, mobility (moving), or remembering.
• Ser un residente de Texas y
• Tener una condición que limita su capacidad de usar el teléfono.
• Ejemplo: dificultad auditiva, ver, hablar, movilidad (moverse) o recordar.
Assistive Technology Unlimited
13831 Northwest Freeway, Suite 211 Houston, Texas 77040 sales@assistivetechu.com assistivetechu.com 832-940-2020
Assistive Technology Unlimited. . .Transforming Lives, one device at a time. Assistive Technology Unlimited. . .Transformando Vidas!