The Dangers Of Pre Sense Malfunction In Audi

Are you getting any of the following messages on your Audi dashboard???

Audi pre sense: fault. Please contact workshop
Audi pre sense: currently restricted.
See owner’s manual

Well, you guessed it right…
Said messages simply signify a PreSense problem in your Audi.
Audi Pre-Sense: What Is It & What Purpose Does It Serve?

To put simply, Audi PreSense is an important safety feature that;
Essentially works in the background to keep you safe on the road.

It makes use of different sensors to keep track of the dangers around the vehicle.
And, in the event of an imminent accident, it deploys a series of safety measures.
Closes the side windows and sunroof (if any)
Turns on hazard lights
Tightens the front seat belt
Briefly shakes the steering wheel
Braking assistance to avoid/minimize the risk of a collision